HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-93-776 sewn-de-4T 3-Toto , de•YA . DfG °/3f93 - $c Tr t, 8 55 TOWN OF YARMOUTH ca w /` (93 CIAMATTALML Application for a Permit to Build No. 7 7h 101 WO PARCEL #W-1 & X-2 UPON FINAL APPROVAL Re) MAP -ii*. I Z Z LOT liber_ 83 - FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION. DATESept. 21 10 93 The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build /6//,{/93 according to the following specifications OR ,z9.4"/(71524 7/ /VS 1. Name of property owner Bay State Contracting Company, Inc. Tel•(617) 826-6334 Address 38 Washinton St. .N. Pembroke. MA 02358 2.Name ofArchitect(ifany) Brown & Lindquist Inc. , Architects Tel.(508) 362-2727 itS Washington Street 3. Name of builder Bay State Contracting Co. ,Inc. Address N. Pembroke, MA 02358 4. License No. #010157 Tel. (617) 826-6334 5. Name of Mason N/A Address 6. License No. N/A Tel. �� 7. Construction address Cot #3) Plymouth Road Yarmouth, MA (#19) 't MOD k 2- 6/17/92 plainzone C District R-40 8. Date of subdivision Approval p 9. Private dwelling ® Estimated Cost DO NOT WR ' IN THIS SPACE 10. Multi family 0 N/A ° �0 ��r /1 1 ,/F Type of room No. i2 , 11. Commercial 0 N/A 73, 114/0,- . . -1,77,0.-0 Kitchen / 12. Other 0 N/A Nide , Dining Rm. 1 1 13. No. of stories , ., Living Rm. /' • Bed Rm. 3 14. Foundation — Full IC Half 0 Crawl 0 Slab 0 pP ,� �`� re Bath /%y 15. Materials — Wood ® Cement 0 Other ® 3 6 Deck 16x,(Z I 16. Type of heat — Oil 0 Gas ►. Electric 0 Other 0 Closed porch 17. Garage — 1 ❑ 2 ❑ N/A NI Family Rm.Sun room 18. Swimming pool - Size N/A Garage 19. Storage shed — Size N/A Shed 20. Stove — Wood 0 Coal 0 N/A Alterations 21. Size of lot: No:of feet front ; , No. of feet rear No. of feet deep 22. Size of building. No. of feet front No. of feet side No. of feet rear 23. Distance from nearest building: Front Ft. side Ft. side Rear 24. Distance back from line or street From rear lot line Side line 25. H.I.C.R. No., N/A. . . ..-, r, , - ' , - LOT RELEASED BY Signature -tote/41_ 7 PLANNING BOARD+27958 Address gay Stato Contra�tia0 Company. Inc. Date N.A. — 14o C0404;1431" 38 Washington Street /_, ` P.O. Col C15 PREet"" 1'�aa 4 1296�'Rfco t, 91( 92 Nonh Pembroke. "A 02358 v 9 91 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN .OFF ' . APPLICANT: Bay State Contracting Co. BUILDING PERMIT H: ADDRESS: ' P.O.Box 345, North Pembroke, Ma. TELE. NO. : DATE FILED: • 02358 .:'BLDG. SITE LOCATION: 19 Plymouth Rd. MAPA: I2 Z LOTH: •s $3 • -. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION OUTLINES THE PROCEDURAL STEPS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO BUILD, -'. ALTER, OR ADD TO A STRUCTURE WITHIN THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL DETER- '' •MINE COMPLIANCE TO THE FOLLOWING (A) ZONING REQUIREMENTS (B) HISTORICAL DISTRICTS (C) FLOOD ,PLAINS ZONING. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING THE APPLICANT THOUGH I- , THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: . RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING • • : ;WATER DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE OF WATER AVAILABILITY. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE FOR PARKING AND DRAINAGE. . .... CONSERVATION COMMISSION: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE'TO WETLANDS ACTS, I.E. : IF LOT(S) BORDER ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS, STREAMS, PONDS, RIVERS, OCEANS, BOGS, BAYS, MARSH . LAND, ETC. HEALTH DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO STATE AND TOWN REGULATIONS, I.E.: REQUIRE- i ME•NTS FOR SEPTAGE DISPOSAL AND OTHER PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITIES. • FIRE DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO STATE AND TOWN REQUIREMENTS FOR PERSONAL ! SAFETY, PROPERTY PROTECTION, I.E., SMOKE DETECTORS, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, ETC. THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS MUST SIGN OFF, IN THE RESPECTIVE ORDER, PRIOR TO BUILDING INSPECTOR ' .. 'ISSUING THE REQUIRED BUILDING PERMIT: \ REVIEWED. BY: 1. WATER DEPARTMENT � III DATE: 1L'� 'V3 N/A: A r 2. ENGINEERING DEPAR NT: [Arr.,i�j�; * DATE: lo(l - ' 3. CONSERVATION: I.. DATE: N/A:f 4. HEALTH DEPARTMEN' !A Za. .� DATE: , ma N/A: INDUS 'IAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL PERMITS ' 'I 5. WIRING INSPECTOR: DATE: N/A: 6. PLUMBING INSPECTOR: DATE: N/A: • . 7. FIRE DEPARTMENT: DATE: N/A: • PLEASE NOTE • ALL STUMPS AND/OR BRUSH MUST BE DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED SITE. A SIGNED RECEIPT FROM THE DISPOSAL SITE MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING I . PERMIT. - COMMENTS: • Water: ITh . . . • . . . - io • of the R" water main by rha rnntrartnr Thr rnntrantnr chall make arragcmcnta for the inspection of the Main inatallatinn by the t,Tatnr Dept- Tho eontractor shall submit to the water de. , - - • . . • . • • Lab showing 0 Coliform. '- -- ' 4- SrtR" PtftM%.. Mntr HAVF P. L.S. STAMP • ' ", FOR twv.ct cit.on 1i1—c>tivly Must {'-ecor17 A-E.e3' Arcm YQ7erts iv-to-lo ilu, [rho �lrtMt':tse�� ' ra o"w.s o h n) r t vic /0/4 rr4c Ai c r /-LUPI 6,4y S11-7Z • . . . • BLM/89 1,•1 -• i, - . BAY STATE ,�U IN Co coNTlu�cT G CO., INC. General Contractors • September 22 , 1993 Town of Yarmouth Office of the Building Inspector 1146 Route 28 S . Yarmouth , MA 02664 Attn: Jack Rhynd Re: Setucket Pines Subj: Plan Revisions/Design Review Confirmation Dear Mr . Rhynd , Pursuant to our telephone conversation of this day , Bay State Contracting Company , Inc . agrees to revise the plans for the above referenced project as follows: 1 .0 A , E & B units add two ( 2 ) additional basement window units . 2 .0 C & D units add one ( 1 ) additional basement window unit. 3 .0 Stamped engineering ( Massachusetts ) data will be provided for all WF 10X15 support beams that exceed 14 l .f . span . 4 .0 Zip strip control joint will be provided in all cellar floors ( at corner jogs ) so that no area exceeds 30 'X30 ' ( without a control joint ) . 5 .0 011 snap ties will be removed on inside and outside of foundation and snap tie holes will be plugged with mortar . 6 .0 Louver size at gable ends to be increased to 2-0 X 2-6 based on "net free area requirements" . 7 .0 A structural engineer 's stamp ( Massachusetts ) will be provided for roof trusses . Stamp will be provided by selected truss manufacturer . 33 Washington Street/P.O. 'Box 345/No. Pembroke, MA 02358/Tel.:(617) 826.6334/FAX:(617) 826-6101 • 8 .0 All exterior ( 2X6 ) shoes to have two ( 2 ) continuous beads of caulking applied to the underside of the shoe prior to erection of the exterior wall . 9 .0 Copy of heat loss calculations and sizing requirement for furnace ( or boiler ) including method of venting to be provided for Building Department review . If you have any further questions or if you require any further information , please contact me directly at ( 617 ) 826-6334 . Very truly yours , at4S127-4141:471aalt) R . Russell Geldmacher President • RRG/bv Set#2 CC: Peter Brown - Brown & Lindquist George Wilson - Bay State Contracting Co . , Inc . LV„p 1/4/1 Ltuulvu l., • BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR FORM • • PLEASE PRINT: • • JOB LOCATION: Lot #3 19Plymouth Road ' Yarmouth_. MA NUMBER -- - STREET VILLAGE . OWNER OF PROPERTY: ' Bay State Contracting Company Ind, CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: R. Russell Geldmacher ' #010157 • • (617) 826-6334 NAME LICENSE NO. PHONE NO. • ADDRESS:' 38 Washington Street, No. Pembroke„ 'MA 02155 LICENSED DESIGNEE: ' : (IF OTHER.THAN SUPERVISOR) NAME • LICENSE NO. 2.15 RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH LICENSE HOLDER: • 2.15.1 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL BE FULLY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK FOR WHICH HE IS SUPERVISING. HE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT ALL WORK IS•DONE PURSUANT TO THE STAT BUILDING CODE AND THE DRAWINGS AS APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL 2.15. 2 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION INVOLVING THE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF BUILDING AND STRUCTURES ONLY PURSUANT TO THE STATE BUILDING CODE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS OF THE CO?E1ONWEALTH, EVEN THOUGH HE, THE LICENSE• HOLDER, IS NOT THE PERMIT HOLDER BUT ONLY A SUB- CONTRACTOR OR CONTRACTOR TO THE PERMIT HOLDER. 2.15.3 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL 14EDIATELY NOTIFY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL IN WRITING OF THE DISCOVERY OF ANY VIOLATIONS WHICH ARE COVERED BY THE BUILDING PERMIT. 2. 15.4 ANY LICENSEE WHO SHALL WILLFULLY VIOLATE• SUBSECTIONS 2.15.1, 2.15.2 OR 2.15.3 OR ANY OTHER SECTION OF THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS AND ANY PROCEDURES, AS AMENDED, SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSE BY THE BOARD. 2. 16. ALL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS SHALL CONTAIN THE NAME, SIGNATURE AND LICENSE NUMBER Oi THE CONSTRUCTIONi SUPERVISOR WHO IS TO SUPERVISE THOSE PERSONS ENGAGED IN CONSTRUCTION, RECON- STRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, REMOVAL OF DE`;OLITION AS REGULATED BY SECTION 109. 1.. OF THE CODE AND THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH LICENSEE IS NO LONGER SUPERVISE SAID PERSONS, THE WORK SHALL I:__^t?DIATELY CEASE UNTIL A SUCCESSOR LICENSE HOLDER IS UBSTITUTEI ON THE RECORDS OF THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND MY RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE RULES AND REGULATIONS ,FOR LICENSING STRUCTION SUPERVISORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 109.1.1 OF THE STATE BUILDING CODE. I UNDERSI IHR CONSTRUCTION I:;SPECTION PROCEDURES AND' THE SPECIFIC INSPECTION AS CALLED FOR BY THE BUILD: OFFICIAL. • • INSURANCE COVERAGE: • I have a current liability insurance pclicy cr its substantial equivalent which meet: the requirements cf MGL'th.152 Yes 3 No ❑ Il ycu have checked_ please irciczte the type c:verge by checx:ng the _-c.cc:late box. A Facility insurance pc:icy N] Cher type ct :idernn:ty Ecnd 7❑ C HER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the rc_nsee d ^ e__ ct h_. the insurer.:_ cover---e ree:aee hapter 152 of e Maar. Genera:: L-ws: arc ,Sat ,,y signature cn tn: perm:: cation waives . r,,,, " eY ren: .. _ _ Check cce: c. C.vnerC Alert S:gra:ua cr C*ner Cr O..ner s Agent COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS • DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS 600 WASHINGTON STREET JamesCal-noel: BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02111 • WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT . J, R. Russell Geldmacher, President of Bay State Contracting Company, Inc. (l Igen sec/permi rate[) • with a principal place ofbusiness/ic timmar. • 38 Washington Street, North.Pembroke, MA 02358 (Ciry/Sure/Zip) do hereby certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury. that: • [3 1 am an employer providing the following workers' compensation coverage for my employees working on this job. Aetna 006C22971531 Insurance Company Policy Number ( ) 1 am a sole proprietor and have no one working for me. ) I am a sole proprietor, general conr.mczor or homeowner (circle one) and have hired the cert:a_crs listed below who have the following workers' compensation insunnc politic: Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Polies Number • Name of Contrac:or Insurance Company/Policy Number • Name of Contractor Insurance Company/Policy Numb:: 0 I am a homeowner performing all the work myself. NOM.P;cue be aware that while homeowner who erpioy persons to do maintenance,c:cstruction or re=air work 00 2 dweiiin; of not more than three units in wh1C the homeowner also resides or on the grounds appurtenant thereto at not centrally considered to be employers under the Worker' Compensation Act(CLC. 152.sect. 1(5)).application by a homeowner for a license or permit may evidence the kcal suras clan emnioyer under the Workers' Compensation Act. 1 uncle:::and that : copy of this statement will he fo raw. . o the Den rtme:t of industrial Accden s' O:L.ee of:ns ur-S for coverage veniic::on and :ha: failure :o se:::re cove:aze as recuitsc_nee: Sec^nn 25.i'oi MGL 152 c-.iead to :.._ in-pos:dea c:p- a) penalties ccnsu zing of: rine of u: to 51500.00 apc'o:ir..: o:-::.: due to one yea: and d.ii nen:lcs in the f-.^ of a 7-e:k Ord:: and a fin: of5100.00 a day azar:: me. SiCa:c ... 21st day of September t n 93 • / ISSUE DATE(MM/DD/YY) 4 Ac1Oi,na CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. - 9/10/93 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE Carlin Insurance DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 233 W Central Street Nat icky MA 01760 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A 508-655-0522 . LETTER Aetna COMPANY B ' LETTER INSURED _ #Bay State Contracting Co. Inc COMPANY 38 Washington Street LETTER C P. O. Box 345 COMPANY No. Pembroke LETTER D Attn : George Wilson COMPANY MA 02358 LETTER COVERAGES . .. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED,NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN.THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE(MM/OD/YY) DATE(MM/DD/VV) . GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE 5 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGO. S CLAIMS MADE OCCUR. PERSONAL&ADV.INJURY S OWNER'S&CONTRACTOR'S PROT. EACH OCCURRENCE 5 FIRE DAMAGE(Any one lire) S MED.EXPENSE(My one person) 5 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE ANY AUTO LIMIT $ ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY S SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per parson) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) S GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE S EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE S UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE S OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKER'S COMPENSATION STATUTORY LIMITS A 006C22971531CAA 12/01/92. 12/01/93 EACH ACCIDENT S 500000 AND DISEASE—POLICY LIMIT . S 500000 EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY ' DISEASE—EACH EMPLOYEE S 500000 OTHER ' DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS Re: Setucket Pines Affordable Houstng Deve/lipm,ent. CERTIFICATE HOLDER _ _ _ SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE' ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO Town of Yarmouth MAIL '31/ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE Yar^mouthy Ma. LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY,ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. . AUTHORI][�REPRESENTATIVE_ / .} , , Q11 En3QIQa�O (/vJ\I/,uww.a...y,`ld7• Tom^-^-u,_ ACORD 25 5 (7190) ! 1 CACORD CORPORATION1990 OF'Y9R� TOWN OF YARMOUTH WATER ® IEtP'M " TMIENT ,": „'�x 102 UNION STREET YARMOUTH PORT,MASS.02875 (508)3824974 Date of Issue : Aug 6, 1993 Letter of Water Availability 1. Single Family Dwelling X 2. Duplex Family Dwelling 3. Condominium Dwelling 4. Commercial / Industrial 5. Other (Specify) Reference; Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40, Section 54 To : Town of Yarmouth Building Inspector Please be advised that the Town of Yarmouth Public water supply is available to service lot/parcel(s) 3 Street 19 PLYMOUTH RD as shown on Assessors sheet/map # 129 Issuance of this Letter of Availability is subject to the following provisions/restrictions. (1) The property owner agrees to comply with all Federal, State, and Local Laws, Rules and Regulations as they pertain to the use of the Public water Supply. (2) The Yarmouth Water Department shall have exclusive rights as to the size, number, type and location of all water service lines, fire service lines or appurtenant items connected to the water distribution system. (3) The Yarmouth Water Department reserves the right to require, at the property owners expense, the installation of water mains and appurtenant items to meet water demand requisites within any structure relevant to this Letter of Availability. (4) This Letter of Availability will expire 180 days from the date of issue. I have read and understand the provisions/restrictions of this Lett-r of Water Availability. 1. if Owner Sign R. Russell Geldmacher, President Reference : BAY STATE CONTRACTING CO. : 38 WASHINGTON ST : P.O.BOX 345 : NORTH PEMBROKE, MA. 02358 ‘fr1/4-‘ Yarmouth Water partment NOTE: The water availability is contingent upon installation and acceptance of the 8” water main by the Yarmouth Water Dept. TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF HEALTH ADVISORY LETTER /125-A TO: COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS DISPOSAL WORKS INSTALLERS FROM: BRUCE MURPHY, HEALTH AGENT FORREST E. WHITE, BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE: MARCH 5, 1987 REF: DISPOSAL OF STUMPS & BRUSH FROM BUILDING SITES NOTE: THIS ADVISORY LETTER SUPERSEDES ADVISORY LETTER #25, DATED AUGUST 23, 1935 ON NOVEMBER 18, 1986 THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN VOTED TO PROHIBIT ALL STUMPS AND BRUSHES LOADED BY MACHINE FROM BEING PUT INTO THE LANDFILL, EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1957 PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT, AS OF THIS DATE, WHEN APPLYING FOR A BUILDING PERMIT THE APPLICANT MUST PRESENT AN AUTHORIZED STUMP/BRUSH DISPOSAL RECEI?T INDICATING WHEN ALL STUMPS AND BRUSH, CLEARED FROM THE LOT(S) , HAVE BEEN DISPOSED OF, AS IT IS NOT REQUIRED THAT ALL SUCH MATERIALS MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE TO REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ENGINEERING (DEQE) , UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS: CHAPTER 111 - SECTION 150A. • WITH REGARD TO DISPOSAL SITES, ALL SIGNED DISPOSAL RECEIPTS WILL BE FORWAR2E TO THE HEALTH AGZNTS OF EACH RESPECTIVE TOWN, AFTER THE ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT. AFTZR ISSU;NC2 OF A FOUNDATION PERMIT, AND PRIOR TO OBTAINING A BUILDING PEF_:T_:, THE SIGNED STUMP/BRUSH DISPOSAL RECEIPT, WHICH INDICATES THE SITE OF DISPOSAL, MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. IF THE APPLICANT DOES NOT HAVE A SIGNED RECEIPT INDICATING LOCATION OF DISPOSAL, NO BUILDING PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED. ANY QUESTIONS, RELATIVE TO THE AFOREMENTIONED, MAY BE DIRECTED TO EITHER THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE HEALTH AGENT. MAP: 129 PARCEL: W-1 & X-2 LOADS: 1 DISPOSAL DATE(S) : 8/30/93 CONSTRUCTION SITE: Plymouth Road, Yarmouth. MA PRIVATE DWELLING : X MULTI-FAMILY: COMMERCIAL: OTHER: • OWNER OF PROPERTY: Bay State Contracting Company Tnr TELE: (617) 826-6114 NAME OF CONTRACTOR Bay State Contracting Cnmpany, Tnr CLEARING SITE: #8 Plymouth Rnarl TELE: DISPOSALSITE FOR SIUMPS/BRUSH: S & J Exco, 200 Great Western Rd, So Dennis . MA SIGNATr OF GATE ATTE. DANT ;TIISPOSAL SITE DATE: Or RESIDESi SAL BUILDINGS E.ERGY INFORMATION i . (LOW RISE) r. BUILDL"1G LOCATION SETUCKET PINES AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNIT TYPE?D D REVERSED i jPjJt! _;_ s , LOTS 3; 5, 9 $ 12 IL... I!_ _ u_ . #47:Trtc Gyrc.LI U. yc.t4.7.5 10-tar-1 1I M Gar�t-.lr'_S LrnSCA rU4L• • Gt4v� IIA0,, 1,184'SF II LI c....1 .5E4 F-atow r04 W112rtc.; 't."A•l0 C,'_ s (1k1•s.�kb)I I A4 146.25 SF II LIG I .50 ( s�� I sr Loo . (DJo dts 1-.1:3 I I t7 II A, I 20 SF II Uo 1 .071 ( 1 o cam, Imp � I I py 17.8 SF I I .50 ( 20 x n `1 o ( 17.8 8 ) .27 4�yS Atz,„M a II L.t)sx I -r 1 --. HA op I 37.8 SF F 110 I .21I 37.8 0 R: Iris L1- IIA., 1999.95 SF II U1..1 I .047 Pre,.nr,,:: or k1 :Js :aoccs = ( :.a A„) r-,o w 146.25 1{( 37.8) x 100 =. 15.55/b 1,184 L WINDOW AND DOOR ARRA EXCEED FIFTEEN (15) PERCENT OF THE GROSS WALL AREA THE OVERALL WALL Uo VALUE MAY NOT EXCEED ED 0.167 (Uo = 0.105 FOR ELEC IC RES1SiANCE HEAT) r!r ROOF/CE%LNG;FLOOR OR FOUNDATION U•VALL'c•\1E-REQUI.REMEN T S OFTAB'E 2.009.1 • i' FWD Uow FOR WALLS , WALL Limy = (Aw Uw1 a- (A: Uo) : (Apo Lion) Aow �Ion! 2.95. 047) -.016.25 X .5 1 a 37.q_. .. _27__1 _ .11 1,184 • a 0- I C.-•;-c- X - o S= \ .....4....‘ . f�_ .. G l e .a. o I R=0/%ut.is Ikea, 11,204 SF II 1200.7 ea ( .032 Act. I4KY1„4 -5 II.A J IN/A II LI c:.: I N/A / Y )_ (.. ._ W IKiII,n-v. 11,204 SF II tiR I .032 i%tcV^5 iK II Aar 11,204 SF II do I .045 Pais* :7-N On IN/A 1 dfr I N/A _ . ^1? I1,44or I N/A II U„ N/A IIA IN/A II �Jrw� I N/A i �wc:t.,.l cr.�..�^K, 1 vtvr t9 ALTERNATE COMPLIANCE SECTION 20093 • THIS STATED Uo (or U) VALUES OF ANY ONE ASSEMBLY, SUCH AS ROOF/CEILING, WALL, OR FLOOR, MAY BE INCREASED AND TIIE Uo (or U) VALUE FOR OTHER COMPONENTS DECREASED, PROVIDED THAT TIIE OVERALL HEAT GAIN OR LOSS FOR THE ENTIRE BUILDING ENVELOPE IDOES NOT EXCEED TIIE TOTAL RESULTING FROM CONFORMANCE TO TIIE STATED Uo (or U) VALUES. ENVELOPE ALLOWABLE Uo (PER TABLE 2009.1) (Aw '0.031 i (Ac '0.651 + (Mo 040) + (AOR 0.0331 + (AoF 0.0'x'— (Mw, 0.081 = Aiiow..a:e (999.95 4x03)4(146.2570.4.5)+(22.fl0.40)+(1204 ,r O. a.( 1204 x O,o$)r; N/A -40.05) _ 290.0 290.08 Au.owAs;z PEA Tula 2009.1 'ELECTRIC RESISTANCE HEAT U-VALUE WALLS = 0.05, U-VALUE WINDOWS = 0 40 ENVELOPE ACTUAL Uo (USLNG ACT JAL VALUES OF DESIGN OF ENVELOPE) (Aw Uw1 (Ac Ucl i (Aoo Uoo) i (Aoa Uoal + (Ao• UoF) .i (Aowi Uow,1 (99.95%',4-(146.2.5 .5tJ37.8 x .27) 204 K (1204Y (JILL / /+� r( �932)tkx�1LA� _ 223.05 223.05 ACTUAL COMPAR= VALUES "T"- -12-:= .. VALUES FOR ENVELOPE AC-LW MUST BE LESS THAN OR !QUAL TO VALUE OF ENVELOPE ALLOWABLE TO PASS. n • XXX PASS IFAIL % n^ CL•11.1NU ASSL•MnLY {; 256 SF NOM SI-Itticeilingregains PCILYL TOTAL R= 31.67 YUDN I ;d, 4 Jame ad ridge a' OP SURFACE U. .032 5LAN WINDOWS: wri =0.61 REGU REO aomL R= 30.0 C../U) 4 @ ,11.25 = 45 SF ' FIBERGSS I 0.033 R=30INSULATION cynn11 /iliklinnAnn nnl \=SHEETROCR DOORS : R= 0.45 1 @..,20.0 = 20 SF • ; \-BOTTOM SURFACE R= 0.61 /2"PLYWOOD• i,/--INSIDE SURFACE WALL ASSEMBLY REAR ELEVATION R= •0.62 R= 0.68 PCITSL TOTAL R= 21417 ��- U G.W.A. 256 SF WOOD /_}" SHEETROCK = SHINGLES !J R= 0.45 RECLIEEEDIOML F^ 12.5 R= 0.87 "Lt-/ Li= 0.08 WINDOWS: - OUTSIDE I/s3}" FIBERGLASSRECUIREDZBIAL R* 20.0 33.75 SF • SURFACE I '� INSULATION SURFACE TION EL MC I AT L` 0.05 R= 0.17 = • . =SURFACE RESISTANCE ' ,/ C± \ o.61 FLOOR ASS=`ABLY FINISH FLOOR FCTCAL TOTAL R= 22.06 DOORS: 0.91 U= .045 None WO BEADS ? IIR= 113:LIREDIIIIM 20.0 HULKING c , li \ i" PLYWOOD 4'71 U= 0.05 - LEFT, SIDE ELEVA1 NDER PLATE / SUBFLOOR I \ R= 0.62 336 SF UTSIDE C.W.A. URFACE A I V L ./L ; 'L; ' /v�/'V"./V OC1 = 0.17 I / . WINDOWS: ' • 1 / -6}" FIBERGLASS 3 @ 11.25 = ,ae � • INSULATION FOUNDATION 33.75 SF ONCRETE I / (may be used instead DOORS: • R= 19 WALL ASSDCLY OUNDATION "N t ALL SURFACE RESISTANCE I ` IR= 0.61 of floor insulation) 1 @ 17.8 = 17 8 SF 1.32 = 8" PCILPIL TOTAL R= 1.4.8 = Vr. U RIGHT: SIDE ELEVATI i- 1 F ^7r, i = 2.5 G.W.A. 336 SF 'YSIDE SURFACE Lk ?.08 • I /'---I= 0.68 • '/8" Stamm( WINDOWS: I eri= 0.32 3 @ 11.25 = 33.7.5 SF . ' t•� /L- STYROFOAM , I 7.1 DOORS: None TES: FEY. L:rn'i IN:TA:.nn STCZX WI:7.3w. TO (;S'. r;;..:3 WALL AREA= 1,184 SF W:=1W AREA= 146.25 SF :.(:'.;. AnC.-.= 37.8 SF „7.:;:.,” . Ifi\ • :,� Old King's Highway Regional Historic District committee • I ;� • 1� in the Town of Yarmouth fora 3(J • ? �""vy �j CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS.._ Application is hereby made In triplicate,for the Issuance of a Certificate of Appropriatenpsrvndec$prttn 6 01 Chapter470, Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts. 1913.for proposed work as described below and on otitis", r °vnnj?or photographs accompanying this application for: Q) CHECK CATEGORIES THAT APPLY: 93 NE -2 P2.07 1. Exterior Building Construction: aNew Building O Addition O Alteration TOWN OF Y.RH�llTH Indicate type of building:a House O Garage O Commercial O Other IOWN rlCfi( d )fitA,Uf.1 I, 2. Exterior Painting: a 3.Signs or Billboards:0 New sign O Existing sign O Repainting existing sign a. Structure: CO Fence 0 Wall O Flagpole O Other (Please read other side for explanation and requirements). TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY DATE July 21, 1993 ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK Plymouth Road, Yarmouth, MA ASSESSORS MAP NO. OWNER Bay State Contracting Company, Inc. ASSESSORS LOT N0. 3.5,9,12 HOME ADDRESS 38 Washington Street, N. Pembroke, MA 02358 TEL.NO.(617) 826-6334 ' FULL NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ABUTTING OWNERS. Include name of adjacent property owners across any public street or way. (Attach additional sheet tl necessary). Abutting land owned by the Town of Yarmouth A/1�,nnohVF11 OQn— -�" ARMOUTH COMMITTEE wuon AGENT OR CONTRACTOR Bay State Contracting Company, INc. TEL NO. (617) 826-6334 ADDRESS 38 Washington Street, North Pembroke, MA 02358 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK:Give all particulars of work to be done(see No.8.other side)•including materials to be used.if specifications do not accompany plans. In the case of signs, give locations of existing signs and proposed locations of new signs. (Attach additional sheet• if necessary). Construction of new affordable homes — see attached s ec. sheet & plan ' ' Signed Owner•Contractor-Agent SGce Oetow IMO for Committee use. R. Russell Geldmapher, President • Received by H.D.C. Date he �'� /'� /�� 7• fh3' The Certific�a(e is hereby r.� 'f"�+° '1' w'�dif Date '�> Time � r'ry-/7/✓_.. / / Ey _Cr- I' -7r it / // ',PORTANT: If Cer:dicate is approved, approval is subject to the 10 day appeal per::: t • prcaceo in the Ac:. . '2 ssztfeved ., Florio retern I.:: Yar cath His:.nc Cis:nc: Comr•• 2<` • ?t:.r.Hall, 11=c H:. 26.SCu:1 Yar,-cu:h•Mass.0266-4 3loo• 0 ABUTTERS TO SETUCKET PINES, MAP' 129, LOT X2 • • Map 121 B11 ; J7 Paul Tucker, 99 Setucket Rd. , YP K19 Nicholas Pappas, 113 Sullivan Rd. , WY M1 Michael Campbell, 107 Setucket Rd. , YP M2 George Collins, 17 Northwood Dr. , Walpole, MA 02081 115 Setucket Rd. , YP M3 William Fenton, 121 Setucket Rd. , YP Map 129 W1 Town of Yarmouth cc: Planning Dept. Bay State Contracting Co. Town Administrator 1\ APPROVED YARMOUTH COMMITTEE OKHRD lend Uf OLD KING'S EIGr AY REGIONAL- HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 3 60 • SPECIFICATION SHEET APPLICANT'S NAME Bay State Contracting Co. FOR a taetuckpt Pines E5'tates 38 Washington Street, No. Pembroke, MA 02358Plymouth Rd. , Yarmouth, MA 93 roc -z P2:o� FOUNDATION: Concrete )OWHCL+'OF YAPN`JUTfCOLOR Light grey LHK n iREA`U{F f r: SIDING: clapboard front, painted COLOR: see attached shingles on three sides natural CED EY: none - DNA COLOR: DNA ROOF MATERIAL: Asphalt shingles PITCH: 9/12 COLOR: see attached WLNDOWS: Double hung SIZE:various TRL`1 COLOR: white DOORS: 1 front entry COLOR: see attached 1 glass sliding - rear or side tRtA0Ulli \�Y1APPROVEDSHL rERS: an front only COMMITTEE OKHRD COLOR: see attached =TEAS: aluminum COLOR: white DECK: wooden SiZE: 10'X10' COLOR: natural approx. GARAGE DOORS:. none DNA ' SIZE: DNA COLOR: DNA STORM WINDOWS 6 DOORS: no storm windows COLOR: DNA Aluminum screen door white SKYLIGHTS (FLAT ONLY) None - DNA SIZE: DNA COLOR: DNA ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Fence - 3' high X 6' long situated along walkway or driveway - see plan - natural color • 9/88:c1 SETUCKET PINES AFFORDABLE HOUSING Setucket Road 6 Plymouth Road, Yarmouth Port D UNITS Gutters/ Lot /1 Roof House Front Trim Door Shutters Storms Color Style Color Color Color Color Color Garage Deck 3 Weathered Cape Oriel White Black Black White None Natural Wood Gray 5 Black Cape Cottage White Newport Wedgewood White None Natural Cream Blue Blue 9 Weathered Cape Gazebo White Newport Wedgewood White None Natural Wood White Blue Blue 12 Weathered Cape Cottage White White Musket White None Natural Wood Cream Brown • • Other information: Identify "Unit" house style t. Fencing? Roof color--same color for each house? All windows double hung with grilles? 3100 .t, y M 1 ° 'RA �'� K +�„re✓' S•✓ J iyr� r J • • Re: Setuclo t Pines Affordable Housing Yarmouth, Massachusetts Ms. Lobody: I am writing to confirm information given at the hearing last night regarding the subject project. Following are the window and door sizes for each house type: UNIT TYPE "A": (Drawing A-1): —All Windows: 2'-3-518" x 4'-5" —Front Door. 3'-0" x 6'-S' (shown on front elevation) —Rear Door. 2'-8" x 6'-8- (shown on right-side elevation) UNIT TYPE "B": (Drawing A-2): --All Windows: 2'-3-518" x 4'-5" —Front Door: 3'-0" x 6'4" (shown on front elevation) —Rear Door: 2'-8" x 6'-8- (shown on right-side elevation) UNIT TYPE 'C": (Drawing A-3): —All Windows: 2'4-518" x 4'-5" —Front Door: 3'-0" x 6'-8" (shown on front elevation) —Rear Door: 2'-8" x 6'-8" (shown on rear elevation) UNIT TYPE "D": (Drawing A-4): —All Windows: 2'-3-5/8" x 4'-5" —Front Door: 3'-0" x 6'41" (shown on front elevation) —Rear Door. T-8' x 6'•8" (shown on right-side elevation) 31 o • —All windows except gable end windows on second floor- 2'-3-5/8" x 4'-5" —Gable end windows on second floor: 2'-3-518" x 3'-5° (shown on left-side elevation and right-side elevation) —Front Door. 3'-0" x 6'-8" (shown on front elevation) --Rear Door, 2'-8" x 6'-8° (shown on left-side elevation) Connie, as a matter of information, we are also including some general characteris- tics with selected windows. The window size given is the sash dimension, the frame and casing is in addition to the given size. The selected windows adequately satisfy the egress requirements of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Building Code. Please convey our thanks to the Committee for their attention and courtesy at last night's meeting. We greatly appreciate their timely decision on this project which has such a sensitive schedule. if you have any other questions or require additional information, please call us. Yours truly, BROWN & LINDQUIST, INC. Peter G. Brown President PGB:phs cc: R. Geldmacher, BSC P. Lindquist, B&L. - i . • I - I I .I • • �� • -- �- \ — — -- _ _- / yo ,c; �. '16 `` tO =_ La 95,43 _ ID ` \/ ,'� ` O -1•r- — - 1 ' __ ] d 0. 1 .1 I .:2 i N 4 . m ; • o '"} 82x4 !: I I- • o i t O I `\ \ 0 k m • c •�Lcv. -- - I o �\ i I Y . F \ N m 1 N L -no. F'ciJ. \ Pec 1 I a ;; Be'er - • i •p. 11 1 \ __ j1i v \ • \ . erzx4\ vis Lor 2 (--- L..c7r 4 • • . /00.00' \ o 'n .t; eaa•os xs rN -x00.00 1 • • ITE fl-TANNI eR .-= 1-or -s�o A1T: e•r 3 FL,,6,tou-rt-1 I ,„._"2 en >i 4N '"Y r er-cce rocz: seTu4lcaY 'PI1�►e4 i cc .z I P 3 ease : 1 •in2fl Q4TE: 7 , 14/ '13 r REFJE" I4L..oa N : •SL .DtVIsIoPJ! For -roWof srAgt,t01-141-1 i DA-rFP: I • el •12- i -0ETUCKET P•NES GIzees NL-t PLAN! i 120"0121› .; 4, 21,-11- 1 -1I ROVED Da- .— 'SITE PS 211 L' II BRowNst.t IJNDQ✓IST •13 • YARMOUTH COMMITTEE . SHoFS' OKHRO o�'` JAHES °yN - 76 A-3 i ✓ • /'�J Od . 1 BOWMAN '� R4T'E --IAMES .!4. IN1 ,;'''o '' •417; 1042 - 17 ; I i 3 ?Oo - D 1 . � I . - #1-----s-,-,%_________ _ _ �_` — ` � - •— -- . 77x5 - - . — N. '- --? -» c 5.43 • co 1 '.....„ -e u..-___,-0 a ....4.; i V ,. 07 O Q u4 0 82x4 E. a u " o el ‘' oY NT.0. F1,0 ecI m ,a ta 1 -- -p . ,,, _ , „ _ „ _ . , __ _ 1 N - 82x.}.\ sivij Lort . I� 4Ii \C: • . 3-I _ — I 100..0' \ , 836•OS 21 N °200.00 • • • • S ITS FLAIA w LOGATEp AT: LOT' 3 ft-64.01....t-rt-1 'g i N T Op 7_:' F 0 „di G eU =„z Y,. K MOLJT-I-E • 'h-44.5S u1 a � / N Y`r PREPARBP Fo¢: s'E.TtJGILt=T 'PSN';=�j cqJ ��� AFF�FzD1sF�L +}o1�SINGz v GLi ZJ u1 zc.) o_z S-at : I �0setc DATE: '7 , /G) •93 a` REF• : •SUP}Divl4ioN PI.D4 FoRTOJ dF 1 I' ly� 747w ; .4 22µES eitztaDtNG7 PL. .N1 II; 414 APPROVED �-- q2 YARMOUTH41411-APPROVED .6 rt.1i '1L- 11 Bizot.�tptAi uidDQ l4T CKHRD 'I3 . / tNOFM�s //cJ ,. e JAMES '�s ?//S /13 ✓• a BOWMAN ti4-I • _1AMEe 44. Uowr-i 1 a telt 10,47 - t , " p i//31/4 L SS.lc,. LoT 3is w N Io,Zcos 'i s.w. 1+ • • n 32..03' a — e--i'+ ` C Pc5�ie =t, 01 N to GCcNscccTF co ✓ • t O F-e-.0 w.nwT I Cfwl D 0• U). T.ow.tr.R3.O1 O. :1 A•1'± r^ - tD LP z.0.' 6. 01 ' a A D 0 0 Iv N zz.oa' The TN' eV- TilE r fnrk,U 15 4.9i The i-11414 c2 iu-r N ILl 11-1e_ s�-r. If 1I 1 ,— 't /00.0.0' --•1 -- O PEt4 SPACE = FOUNDATION LOCATION PLAN = FOR THE PURPOSE OF A BUILDING PERMIT • LOCATION: 1--al- 3 -PLYRCOT\A �o&o PREPARED FOR: VAK .ou-vvk , MA. SCALE IN= Z0' DATE /O/z-1/93 ScTUO ET -PINES REFERENCE Ar-roc.tDA»L.0 1-IIN-ISINIG 44 ne I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOUNDATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS LOCATED ON THE GROUND AS SHOWN HEREON. e,t\10r�4{1 nrOnty i/ .14 East Cape Engineering 171 j H�� t CIVIL ENGINEERS ` ssN LAND SURVEYORS '1 S �‘;. j •___/ __ . • k_Z 1113 Route 28, Orleans, Mass. 93_10-5..3 G/SS'EAE, LAND SURVEY()• DATE • • "\'Se.w.w.n.1"•`.+a"11"..4L ....wwwy,/ill••y._..sn1 , t In'%roe vv.-e .nn, 4 r�� ,r,1rr.r..•.�•1.�w�e•,1��.�w�. ._A.�r�..:Ir.,... 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'R7 1: Kf�Ai.140.477F.7774e -_' - - '--'- - a-_ 8 1 ( ;,f 'r:�`T t tR 6 N,l r • 7 �t .`.�'. 1 •'! `;'i7M�' Ip Watt OF�.".14.J \'�� 'RJIL�t ' 11 • {.y r ' M v4.t•1"„w.,,a`,r I4 'r}{,1�' WASHED STONE S • .r.._. 8t y`.�•.� ,f, �.�t9i�•�jt1°r1 +i ♦ COGS Fuer E� ceeD 2'1 'o SQaPf. �O j . s� • 6'' • . .• ''r-./ F I'll• >•I 'r,:'A f i , •••. ,,--- • i..}3/4 ..... , 4.4--)4 t c-,,,r- + • ".• : 1.1041 ;a 1' ry244 , R.5. r,. {CR-1'4-i' 1/.0. 4.1 O •. :• , , . , „ h\ et resTy. , / ihNe4 r• . M Stx4'>I • 144 t 7 .15 WITNESS U • \' , I' • t ' _ rt f f 4rrtat ♦r. " ' _� �� DESIGN BEDROOM HOUSE C . �� `\ ,e o - 'w • 1 e 11F1 �, r.H. • 1 eft r T.H. r 2 I�f 2 °o ��: {. .m 1 t• 1h.: .'S . `\ ti t .Y ELEV. a . ,. 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"►'M' 4, NOTE: THIS arra PLAN / .( • M I '• �''� SAI/ Pf��• INSTRUMENT SUIIIft•'v atil l',4::,,l11/4.........44\‘,3.1t� � `t'Wy~,; , :,F :.ry••h•` _ h.t ryy ',c _ .•: .d •,7 1 IiPG\ �r��`�Q,Ap� W•, ..... i '`+.roc . r...,. .t••- F :1:.'� ., . ,I t ' n-.1 9 11 1 / a 1• 'r, y ;• ARE DISTANCE • .t`t'''V ., �• {'it"•51.'tf� 1:4S.:1:1:.".:41../..:1514V r, '1 i I;�yT. • i' if �.,. ; .rr c • 1-, ,y,• '. .•' vv w . 1 . a s7.$., , r - '1 7 � '• / i TO BE USED TOCP•:.�. 4F; ♦ � ..r.... , .,, , -�,V,'1 - $'t/�/ :i ', .tts � r. , .t t.r _4r re., 1 , • �I ++ J.l f : 1".i' - 1. '') , f, xr,- ,,rr, :Fi,,,_ y 7 ya 4 4.,' •. N� ,��il • � ► ` ,; . 1 . ' ,. .4 t' • ,i;, ii r� y» -••N 1 'r : • 1 t'i' r d /P t .'I• 1., ..,. , ., , r'1 # j J l �S' cb <:. J ( 5` t � .F. :4!: r t i • 1 > `�7 y et=n kw11�1AF1s, 1 I 9i. , r i. .�.,I#. T= Voir . 1 ♦ . ..' , %b. ''. ! f':l.b t..,, it 1;i:.. . ; : r:r^�' .- .r_ �•- :n• 1 r .r ,ivs► �r� . . '^..�'-• . r • ' : 1c .Iv , h '\kr. • • / �' t . Ra ✓-�., East Cape Engt ,,; .�. -, t t • • .44 ..`.a ... .`� I- r / o CIVIL ENGINEERS �p�f. - _- • A, .,• •` �U �3/!�. LAND SURVEYORS `, iaa1 • -- - SOAROOF HEALTH , ,i 'Y". '• P `1 1'_.,-1_ :tea..\ QMroe�lss- '' r.1 , r` f 1 ►A4 Routs 2e,Orleans.Maas. . . - •"•, 1...f. .-'....•.d�hsa'' ;.l'1�♦E, MA i ,•," ,! 'i: . 1/4 ...............a;:.,.......,•:,-,:-,-.....-,. . . �.....,_a"7 ma°. .:. .._,......_ rr. irw.......,:..M..w.• 'F...... '- Aa . -, „ . . d .. ... :111:1... `y.t.- r'.1.y.',,. ...1T - !, ..ay.. .._«