HomeMy WebLinkAboutS-19-1392 }`rte C` TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING D H:PARTl 4ENT r\ =k 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA. 02.664 S0S-39S-2% ^ - e/ E - .-9 . • • SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION • SEP 0 5 2018 y !?tre T �j May v Date / f Application Accepted Permit o. • ADDlirant Inztractions 1) Applicant shall complete both sides of application. 2) One application fom is required for each sign. Each sign will be assigned its own permit comber. 3) Applicant shall attach separate 8 3"x 11" sheet including the following diagrams: A) Design, diTnrnsions and colors of theproposed sign B) Preestandmg Signs:provide certified plan by a piufessional land surveyor that describes how the proposed sin meet the zoning regtremnts included in ZoniT,g Bylaw 3033.6 or 3033.42 (as applicable). A st�TTrped and sealed"as built" will be required before the permit will be issued. . C) Attached Si gns: show l e.gth of portion of b'mldin g frontage that is occupied by applicant D) T6mpussy Signs: show location for sign 4) Sign permit are$40.00 e rh,payable at the time of applicatom Address of proposed :- S 4 AJ,�e ,,,�G,(A • 61/, • _ Estado Distct Name of Brritessfor proposed sign 7;fr-o�/061 �/ S//7O//�t (- 4_1:2/1) Name of Br ciness owner �� / c•//pL'c"r 1r Ma>7ingAdriressofBus;nessowner Vo? S44NI9z/'l a oQQO 6Oa- hCGen9l `/ 27 3 Home � / — 0o�s�.3 c R Br nPss Own= Business dV ! Y/ Name of Mtn din Q Owner 77/11/ .25v.�Lc , /y~ / t. %eye Phone 2 6 at Y c/ Sign Builder SignMaiedals Sign Builder Address ' Phone Singly OccnpiedBuild ag Business Center lnteinalLiOit EXtemalLiI Freestanclin a Sian Size: Attached Sian Size: f TemporarvSim Size:(/�0ND 0/-26/1/2'y S�aN Zeit 3 W/J/ L- Dates: y,e - 2=2/4 Please complete other side of Sin.Permit Application All Permits are subject to the approval of the Sim Inspector . I hereby agree to confoml to the provisions of Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Sec&on 303 governing sign cons i.c onandinsalatian. Ifirther asreetht this sip will not be al -ed,added to a dinged in anyway unless a new permit has been issued Sip Permits are not valid.mmtil the BmdrlihQ Cornmiccioner issues Use ¢red . Occupmzcy Permits (where applicable). Freestanding sib pez are not valid nnil the "as-built" from a professional land stveyor has been received 71 Siat re of Applicant zn "/ Date • Property Owner zAhoriza ion: I hereby ar bonze the applicant to act on my behalf in ail maTrs related to this �s plication (Si��at�') - / ��ti�ty� t c•Dam //d 3rPrQPedby:r`7/1'/f�, /�� Date With the follow conditions: • I have read and-understood the conditions of this Sign Pew listed above: eift.71 OF O RNte 6 South YOU'E .,BURL ING D11'02664 ?ARTM NT rEIVED • SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION • SEP 05 2018 EMI Date / ✓ f Application Accepted Pmmit o._ AAPlirtant Insfruccons 1) Applicant shall complete both sides of application. 2) One application form is required for each sign. Each si;n will be assiped it own permit number. 3) Applicant shall a it-la separate 8 lex 11" sheet including the following diarams: A) Design, dimensions and colors of the proposed sign B) Freestanding Sips:provide certified plan by aprofessional land surveyor that describes how theproposed sign meet the zoning requirements inclnrierl in Zoning Bylaw 3035.6 or 3035.42 (as applicable). A stamped and sealed"as built"will be required before the permit will be issued. C) Att rhed Sips: show length of portion of building f onta ge that is occupied by applicant D) Tempora-] Sips: show location for sip • 4) Sim permits are$40.00 each,payable at the tale of applzrat,on. Address of proposed si-. S � A • 4' 1 • _ Th.sttoric District Nave of Business for proposed dm 7/5W11,0‘414% 511170 61 e,(1 J" NrneofBncinessower /J1 ! • /A7/2 1A7/2Z-CF-1--4 /� y� Mailing Address of Business ownn r Pc)? e t /Si,9/r/Y1)I`/N'/ ? Ld 6Ot&he0'i1 — Gf 3 )Home 0, 532 BBrie-lesscBrie-lesssr- a 7 PSS Own=Phone:Business 3r-OF Name of MtnriOwner 77/e/ n ?c . /1/o/n4� ���/a Phone � ing7 2C z t Y y Si • gn Builder Sig .Matezials Sion Builder Address ' Phone Singly Occupied Building Business Center lntemalLiO2t ExternalLieot Freestanrihna Siat Size: • Attached Simi Size: /i , Temporary Sim Size:/? oND O/-9C A/2 SCaN b LOA 3 tV/,�L Dates: / 9 2(--/ Please complete other side of Sign Permit Application • • All Permits are subject to the approval of the Sian inspector I hereby agree to coat= to the provisions of Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Section 303 governing sip construction and installatoa I trtherag eethatthissipwillnotbealteyed,AMFAtoorchangednanywaytnless a new permit has been issued. Sip Permits are not valid until the Balding Commissioner issues Use and Occupancy Pernzirs (where applicable). Freestanding sim pelts are not valid unta the "as-built" from a professional land sulveyor has been received. Sio-natnre of Applicant ti / Date Property Owner n orizaiion__: IIh/hereby anthoaze the applicant to act on my behalf in a l as s related to this L/sip. application_ (Sipainre) c.Date ///r L �/o /� Approved by/Afte/ /' � !/j / Date. With the foliow.11 t6 conditions: • I have read and understood the COthaions of this Sign Permit listed above: