HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 4757 C• Bk 31511 Fs41 43783 • 09-05-2013 A 03 : 570 :e .c 54"0 TOWN OF YARMOUTH S ,� /max C BOARD OF APPEALS - ?°Z. DECISION . •'M coo"' FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: August 3,2018 PETITION NO: #4757 HEARING DATE: July 26,2018 PETITIONER: New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC("AT&T") do Centerline Communications PROPERTY: Existing Utility Pole#21,as shown on Exhibit A-1,located in the public right of way adjacent to 6 Wendward Way,Yarmouth (address is reference only) in the B-2 Zoning District and the HMOD1 Overlay District MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Steven DeYoung,Chairman,Sean Igoe,Dick Martin, Thomas Nickinello,and Tom Baron. Notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner and all those owners of property as required by law, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and publishing in The Register,the hearing opened and held on the date stated above. The Petition was presented by Michael R. Dolan,Esq.of Brown Rudnick, LLP,on behalf of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC("AT&T')concerning AT&T's Petition to install,operate and maintain Small Cell and Cloud Radio Access Network("CRAN")wireless communication antennas and supporting equipment to be mounted to an existing utility pole(#21), which is located in the public right of way adjacent to Wendward Way(as shown on Exhibit A-I submitted with the Petition and incorporated herein by reference)within the B-2 Zoning District and the 1-IMODI Overlay District. The proposed installation will consist of one(1) cylindrical antenna on top of the existing wooden utility pole at a total height of 37' above ground level,together with related wiring,fiber, conduit, meter, and other associated antenna equipment, with additional supporting equipment to be located in a cabinet all mounted on the utility pole. The Board unanimously concurred that the Petition meets the criteria under §408 of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw(the"Bylaw")for the granting of a Special Permit. Mr. Martin made a Motion to approve the Petition with conditions, seconded by Mr.Nickinello. On this Motion,the Board voted unanimously in favor. I Subject to the following conditions: 1. No additional lighting will be added to the pole by the Petitioner. 2. Petitioner will provide"As Built"plans, submitted within one(1)year of construction to the Board of Appeals. 3. The facility must meet any and all FAA or other government requirements as may be applicable. 4. Site Plan waiver granted. No permit shall issue until 20 days from the filing of this decision with the Town Clerk. This decision must be recorded at the Registry of Deeds and a copy forwarded to the Board of Appeals. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein,the Special Permit shall lapse if a substantial use thereof has not begun within 24 months.(See bylaw,MGL c40A §9) Steven DeYoung,Chairman 2 . - oF'YAR COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ZF.;;{' * 114•0 TOWN OF YARMOUTH o .; ° y BOARD OF APPEALS ,y N 'e.4cot. Appeal#4757 Date: August 24,2018 Certificate of Granting of a Special Permit (General Laws Chapter 40A,section 11) The Board of Appeals of the Town of Yarmouth Massachusetts hereby certifies that a Special Permit has been granted to: PETITIONER: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T') do Centerline Communications,95 Ryan Dr. Suite#1,Raynham, MA 02767 OWNER: Eversource Energy,One NSTAR Way,NWBED 180,Westwood, MA 02090 PROPERTY: Existing Utility Pole#21,as shown on Exhibit A-1, located in the public right of way adjacent to 6 Wendward Way, Yarmouth(address is reference only) in the 13-2 Zoning District and the HMOD 1 Overlay District Affecting the rights of the owner with respect to land or buildings at: Existing Utility Pole#21 as shown on Exhibit A-1, located in the public right of way adjacent to 6 Wendward Way, Yarmouth (address is reference only) in the B-2 Zoning District and the HMOD1 Overlay District and the said Board of Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and correct copy of its decision granting said Special Permit, and copies of said decision, and of all plans referred to in the decision,have been filed. The Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 (last paragraph) and Section 13, provides that no Special Permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the Town Clerk that twenty(20)days have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk and no appeal has been filed or that, if such appeal has been filed,that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. Steven DeYoung, airman • of `tivirt% TOWN OF YARMOUTH L.. ` Town r"u 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Clerk Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1285,Fax(508)398-0836 :: CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK I, Philip B. Gaudet, III, Town Clerk, Town of Yarmouth, do hereby certify that 20 days have elapsed since the filing with me of the above Board of Appeals Decision #4757 that no notice of appeal of said decision has been filed with me, or, if such appeal has been filed it has been dismissed or denied. All appeals have been exhausted. t 1'411. ` e�o � :1fr-141. •1, 1II \STS. IirKgsi BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS John F. Meade, Register TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS //// HEARING NOTES / Petition#I'757 Petitioner -Q % ' I dryn. /J Hearing Date: /`036`/b REQUEST: SPECIAL PERMIT: § VARIANCE: § Overturn B.I. Members of the Board present and voting./ It appearing that notice cf •.id hearing has been given sdig notice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the :card to be affected thereby an at public notice of such hearing having been given by publication in the Register the hearing was opened and held on the date first above written. IN FAVOR OPPOSED Reason for the Decision: Motion by: 1.\cU Seconded by:�1 cS c IM/ote: (t`cS (an; ^^-6-U-A Members voting in favor: Opposed: Therefore,the SPECIAL PERMIT VARIANCE APPEAL is GRANTED DENIED WITHDRAWN CONTINUED TO: CONDITIONS: • EXHIBITS RECEIVED AT HEARING: CLERK: Date: CLERK-CHAIRMAN HEARING NOTES CRAN_CP 10 P20A / OXY •T •t}. ;--.,11+( 't(S;;t:v - Se, , TOWN OF YARMOUTH a aft vt C BOARD OF APPEALS �,.,• y - 4', c„ ..x,15R a APPLICATION FOR HEARING Appeal#: 1'7,7 Hearing Date: ' c:g4,i Feea Owner-Applicant: Centerline Communications agent for New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC('AT&T') (Full Names-including d/b/a) 95 Ryan Drive Suite#1,Raynham MA 02767 774261-0043 jiacoviello@clinellc.com (Address) (Telephone Number) (Email Address) and is the (check one) C Owner Pc Tenant U Prospective Buyer . Other Interested Party Property: This application relates to the property located at: 6 Wendward Way and shown on the Assessor's Map#: N/A as Parcel#: Public Right of Way Zoning District: B-2 HMODI If property is on an un-constructed(paper)street name of nearest cross street,or other identifying location: Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following construction/use/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10'by 15'deck to the front of our house'or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant seeks the following relief from the Board of Appeals: Installation of a small cell antenna on a pre-existing Eversource utility pole in the public right of way. 1) REVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). State the reason for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. 2)X SPECIAL PERMIT under§ 408 and 103.2 of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the"Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 F.7 .(use space below if needed) 3)VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from • which relief is requested, and, as to each section,specify the relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional information which you feel should be included in your application: • FACT SHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed(if other than applicant): N/A Public Right of Way Name&Address Title deed reference: Book &Page# N/A or Certificate# N/A Land Court Lot# N/A Plan# N/A jprovide copy of recent deed) Use Classification: Existing: §202.5 # Proposed: §202.5# Is the property vacant: N/A If so,how long?: Lot Information Size/Area: N/A Plan Book and Page / Lott/ Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District?Yes X No Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review(if needed)? Yes_No Waived Other Department(s)Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which are/ have/or will review this project, and indicate the status of their review process: Mark Grylls,Building Commissioner,stated that a site plan review is not required. Repetitive Petition: Is this a re-application: No If yes,do you have Planning Board Approval? Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator,indicate the date and Appeal number(s)and other available information. Include a copy of the decision(s)with this application: none Building Commissioner Comments: Applicant's/Attomey/Agent Signature Owne Signature-3d+ T.ao.t 4 Crcab ter hi' t" Address: Phone E-Mail: a 7-0./07 Building a �stonerSignature Date EVERSeURCE February 16,2018 Re: Initial Authorization for New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC to Attach to NSTAR poles Site Addresses: • S.Shore Drive at Wilfin Rd,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 • 6 Wendward Way,West Yarmouth,MA 02673 To Whom It May Concern: Eversource Energy("NSTAR") is aware that New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC(AT&T).is in the process of permitting for the installation of necessary telecommunications equipment and corresponding aerial fiber optic cable in various locations on NSTAR-owned poles in various municipalities within our service territory.As part of the process,we understand that there is a requirement for NSTAR to review these locations and provide the municipalities with confirmation of its approval in advance of New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC. Accordingly,NSTAR hereby submits its initial authorization for New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC(AT&T)and any of their agents to install its equipment and corresponding aerial fiber routes to NSTAR poles in the geographic locations as depicted on the plans submitted by New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC and on file with the municipalities.The installations on NSTAR poles will be subject to the underlying terms and conditions of agreements by and between NSTAR and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LW,as the same may be in effect from time to time. If there is anything further that I can provide you with for your analysis,please do not hesitate to contact me at 508-441-5881. Sincerely, Steven/v1.Owens Eversource Energy d/b/a NSTAR Electric Supervisor—Rights,Permits&Public Works 247 Station Dr,NWBED Westwood,MA 02090 Ph: (508)441-5881 YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS ABU TIERS LIST Petition# 1775i Name • _e2 Filing Date: CD •0�7• /8 Hearing Date: '7- p3('p- Property Location: aglatz /Wa io,I' 779Cr,e, y � Notices must be sent to the petitioner(applicant), abutters,and owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters(only within 300 feet of the property line)of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the abutters map and lot number . Postage charges for all applications will be determined by multiplying the number of abutters (and the parcel (s)in question) times .56¢,which is the current cost for the two required mailings. Add that to the application fee and include your check with the application. Map Lot Number Map Lot Number Number Number Applicant# Abutters #'sem- 7454 / 2 Labels-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado,Director of Assessing 477 36! 22/ / / 36/ 70/ / I 36/ 112/ / / MINGACE HERBERT S TR - TOWN OF YARMOUTH FED HOTEL PROPERTIES LLC 661 SE CRESCENT AVE MUNICIPAL 940 FALL RIVER AVE PORT ST LUCIE,FL 34984 1146 ROUTE 29 SEEKONK,MA 02771 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4463 36/ 23/ I / 36/ 71/ / / 36/ 114/ / I ELIA RICHARD W KELLEHER ROSEANN BOURGEOIS RONALD 409 ADAMS ST 21 CLEVELAND WAY 2 LYNXHOLM COURT 2ND FLOOR QUINCY,MA 02169 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 HYANNIS,MA 02601 36/ 24/ / / 36/ 72/ / / 36/ 116/ / / DEWEY JACOB T SULKOSKI STEPHEN DOW PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 614 SULKOSKI SUSAN 1105 FALL RIVER AVE HYANNISPORT,MA 02647 15 CLEVELAND WAY SEEKONK,MA 02771 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 36/ 25/ / / 36/ 73/ / / 36/ 117/ / / MACDONALD LINDA M KBS REALTY TRUST ANDERSON PAUL N 12 SHORT WAY 50 GREAT WESTERN RD 34 WENDWARD WAY WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 HARWICH,MA 02645 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 36/ 38/ / / 36/ 74/ / / 36/ 118/ / / OCONNELL COLIN D THE VILLAGE CENTER GROUP PREVTE MARCIA C 10 WEIR ROAD 19 HIGHLAND ST PRE TI FABIO M AUBURNDALE,MA 02466 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 38 WEND WARD WAY WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 36/ 39/ / / 36/ 75/ / / 36/ 113 1/ / / STORY EVERETT M MESHWA CORPORATION DOW PROPERTIES LLC 10 CLEVELAND WAY 69 ROUTE 28 1105 FALL RIVER AVE WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 SEEKONK,MA 02772 36/ 40/ / / 36/ 76/ / / 44/ I/ / / SANTOS PAULO D DIPTI LW SCHOLL DANIEL 1 TRS 22 CLEVELAND WAY 59 ROUTE 28 11 CAMP STREET REALTY TRUST WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 35 LIMERICK WAY EASTHAM,MA 02642 36/ 41/ / / 36/ 771 I l 44/ 4/ 1 1 MILLIGAN JAMES M SR TR TERPOS HARRY C TR TOWN OF YARMOUTH C/O BURKE VICTORIA B H REALTY TRUST 1146 ROUTE 28 30 CLEVELAND WAY PO BOX 741 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 ROWLEY,MA 01969 36/ 69/ CU / 36/ 107/ / / PUTNAM BEVERLY 1 80 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH LLC 27 CLEVELAND WAY 44 ATLANTIC AVE WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 SWAMPSCOTT,MA 01907 Please use this signature to certify this list of 36/ 69/ C2/ / 36/ 108/ / / properties MCCLELLAN KATHLEEN TR JNI HOLDINGS LLC abutting within 300' of 6 Wendward Way and using FI ZPATRICKFAMILYRLTYTRUST 20 TOWER TERR for location reference thearcel located at: 610 THOUSAND OAKS DR WAREHAM,MA 02571 p BREWSTER,MA 02631 77 Route 28, West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Assessors Map 36, Lot 74 4nc4 7/iac%zt4 Andy Machado, Director of Assessing DONALD L. HAEs, JR., PH.D., CHP Radiation Safety Specialist Registered Health Physics Services Provider in NH and MA PO Box 198,Hampstead,NH 03841 603-303-9959 Email:donald_haes_chp@comcast.net January 17,2018 I have reviewed the information pertinent to the hypothetical installation of an AT&T Personal Wireless Services (PWS) omni-directional panel antenna installation on a utility pole. I have analyzed the scenario where there would be one antenna mounted with a centerline height of 30'above ground level (AGL). This analysis considers the contributions of the AT&T PWS transmitters operating at the following supplied parameters: PWS Frequency Transmit Power Antenna Manufacturer/ Antenna Service (MHz) (ERP: Watts) Model Number Gain(dBd) PCS LTE 1930-1950 40 7.33 SG: 5150-5250 EXTENT P6480i U-NH-1 (See Appendix A) SG: 1 7.53 11-N11-3 5725-5850 The calculated values of RF fields are presented as a percent of current Maximum Permissible Exposures(%MPE)as adopted by the Federal Communications Commission(FCC). Theoretical RF field calculations for the near proximity of RF source terms(in this case the AT&T transmit antennas),however, are not straight forward. For these theoretical calculations,a cylindrical model was used,where"spatially averaged plane-wave equivalent power densities parallel to the antenna may be estimated by dividing the net antenna input power by the surface area of an imaginary cylinder surrounding the length of the radiating antenna". Calculations using"far-field" formula would considerably overestimate the resultant power densities. The calculations performed for this analysis still accurately represent the "worst case" and assume 100%usage of all the antennas. The power density estimates can be calculated by using the formula: S= P net Where: Pnet = Net power to antenna(watts) 2 . fl •It•h R =Distance(range) from antenna h =aperture height of the antenna The results of the RF field calculations for a single antenna are depicted in Figure 1 showing a side view representation demonstrating the directionality of the RF energy propagating from the antenna. Note:The analyses,conclusions and professional opinions are based upon the precise parameters and conditions of this typical AT&T"small cell"installation on a utility pole with a mounting centerline height of 30'AGL.Utilization of these analyses,conclusions and professional opinions for any personal wireless services installation,existing or proposed,other than the aforementioned has not been sanctioned by the author,and therefore should not be accepted as evidence of regulatory compliance. 10x.iw 5l0 4 .t ry _ P:4 4 r 1 • Y < ' } <O.5% (' I ' ' >25' (i 05-10PEI,� - - %M 1 :� , , al 10-5 Ms j , SO-20%MPEP+u i 'tt} ktit ``.. >10%MPEw, ] t Figure 1: Results of RF field calculations for a typical AT&T antenna installation on a utility pole at 30' (AGL) showing profile view CONCLUSION Theoretical RF field calculations data indicate the summation of the AT&T RF contributions on a typical utility pole would be well within the established RF exposure guidelines; see Figure 1. Although the calculations assume a typically low mounting height of 30' AGL, some applications may require the antenna to be mounted higher. In these circumstances,the increased separation between the ground and antenna would result in an even lower general public exposure levels. These results indicate there could be more similar installations at these locations, and still be within Federal and State guidelines for RF exposure. This report provides written proof that the proposed facilities would comply with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. These small cell antenna installations proposed by AT&T would not produce significant changes to the ambient RF environment. Page I2 DONALD L. HAES, JR., PH.D., CHP Radiation Safety Specialist Registered Health Physics Services Provider in NH and MA PO Box 198,Hampstead,NH 03841 603-303-9959 Email:donald_haes_chp@comcast.net STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION 1. I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief,the statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. 2. The reported analyses,opinions,and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are personal,unbiased professional analyses, opinions and conclusions. 3. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. 4. My compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined energy level or direction in energy level that favors the cause of the client, the amount of energy level estimate, the attainment of a stipulated result,or the occurrence of a subsequent event. 5. This assignment was not based on a requested minimum environmental energy level or specific power density. 6. My compensation is not contingent on an action or event resulting from the analyses, opinions,or conclusions in, or the use of,this report. 7. The consultant has accepted this assessment assignment having the knowledge and experience necessary to complete the assignment competently. 8. My analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the American Board of Health Physics (ABHP) statements of standards of professional responsibility for Certified Health Physicists. Date: January 17, 2018 _-l- Donald L. Haes,Jr., ' .D Certified Health Physicist • Page I 3 APPENDIX A OALTRONICS •* %.*MItoiler taart EXTENTT"' P64801 Description: • • Pseudo Omni Canister intens for Outdoor DAS and Small Cells. `,._ , • 4x ports forAWSJPCSIWCS Band 1695-2400 MHz • 4x ports for CBRS Band 3550-3700 MHz • . • 2x ports for 5GHz Band 5150-5950 MHz 1695-2400,3550-3700 and 5150595O MHz Pseudo Orrin Canner Manna kklac-neat sheaf c t • -'-. . ' Frequency Band DAHz) 16953160 1 2130-2600 3550-3700 5150.5950 Input Connector Type 6x43-10 DINM 3x63-10 DIN(F) 2x63.10Mt* Isolation(typ.) -201:113 -25 d6 -25 d6 inter-band Isolation -30 d3 Bye) -30 dB Nye) -30 dB(typ) VSWR/Return loss 15:1(Typ.11.7:1(Max)/140 dBRyp)11.608(Max) Impedance 500 Polarization Dualslant 65•@15'1 Horizontal Beamwidth Omni(3601 Yerticalteamwidth 15• 12• 15• 19• Mac Gain 9dBi 9.503 BS dEl 6 dBi(Maz.) Aq.Galn 75081 BdB' 6461 3d8i Downtitt 0• MaaPower/Port 150 Wats 100 Wase 10 Watt PIM 112,43dBm .-15308 NM NA 7 ".Ont $ Operating Temper/tentJO•to 156•F(JO•to.70a•CI _ Antenna Weight 19 Iris 0 SS) 'A Antenna Diameter - 10'QSS mm) Amens Height 24 7'1626 mm) Radom*Malarial ASA Si RONS Compliant5 Radome Color Gray.Brown.girt Conceal Alm.Custom Colors Potdbl Ie Inmost Protection Outdoor(MSS) Daj Wind Survival Rating 150 mpn all tmfn) Shipping Dlmenaiona•t a W a 0I 30-x19'09'r762aS3A63 mm) Shipping Weight(Gross Weight) 26 Its(12 til Copyrgm t 2017-Citroen;Corporation ltd. Propr+sry Informanen P11 rpm rayrved0.Galtronics reserves d+e right to modify or¢amend any antenna or apecllbtwn wrthhout prior notice. . ici' .Ma' st• „a 4yMR::,Id&' 'cd T 1n K.tV r .. „ Page I 4 RF Report Proposed Yarmouth CRAN Facilities (Sites: CRAN_CP_11_P20A, S Shore Dr AT Wilfin Rd, South Yarmouth MA CRAN_CP_10_P20A, 6 Wendward Way, West Yarmouth MA) b at&t May 4, 2018 00x11961.1) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Overview3 2.AT&T's Proposed Facilities.. .3 3.Capacity Objectives 4 4.Sites Search and Selection Process/Candidate Evaluations4 5.Alternative Sites Analysis. 5 6.Coverage Plots. 5 7.Summary.............................................................: 6 8.Statement of Certification6 ATTACHMENTS Exhibit 1: Current AT&T coverage in southern portion of Yarmouth Exhibit 2: Proposed AT&T coverage in southern portion of Yarmouth {A02119612f 1. Overview New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") is providing the following information in support of its application to the Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) to construct and operate two (2) small cell utility pole installations ("Facilities") in Yarmouth for its Personal Communication Services. The proposed Facilities are to be located on top of pre-existing Eversource utility poles within the public right of way (the "Sites"). The Facilities are needed to provide coverage for significant capacity. This report addresses AT&T's need for the proposed Facilities at the Sites and confirms that there are no superior existing structures, buildings or towers in this part of Yarmouth that would meet AT&T's coverage objectives for this area. Included in this package are a brief summary of the proposed Facilities' objectives, an analysis of alternate Site candidates considered, and radio frequency ("RF") coverage plots showing the predicted propagation of the proposed Facilities based on the antenna mounting height necessary to achieve AT&T's goals. 2. AT&T's Proposed Facilities As shown on the zoning drawing plans submitted with the zoning application, AT&T proposes to construct, operate and maintain a small cell personal wireless service Facilities consisting principally of the following elements: • Two (2) Small Cell utility pole attachments to be mounted on top of a pre- existing utility pole. 3. Coverage and Capacity Objectives AT&T provides digital cellular communications service using UMTS (also referred as 3G) technology in the 850 MHz and 1900 MHz frequency bands, as well as high speed data services commonly referred to as "long term evolution" ("LTE") operating in the 700, 850, 1900, and 2300 MHz frequencies, all as allocated by the Federal Communications Commission, ("FCC"). AT&T is experiencing a significant capacity issue in its network in this area and is attempting to bolster its capacity to provide all services covered under license from the FCC. AT&T has determined that significant capacity demands on the network exist in Yarmouth south of Chauncy Street, west of North Main Street, north of Thomas Street and east of the railroad tracks bounding Area 1 (Targeted Coverage Area). . Wireless communication services are no longer limited to providing mobility for (A0211961 21 voice services. They have evolved to offer a wider range of advanced services to include wide-area voice, data, Internet, video, and broadband wireless data, among others, all in a mobile environment. In order to offer these competitive services to local residents and businesses and commuters traveling in and through the Targeted Coverage Area, especially inside buildings, AT&T needs to improve the quality of its coverage by filling in as many of the existing gaps with adequate capacity and signal strengths conducive to in-building and in- vehicle usage, and to provide the same bandwidth requirements in order to meet the increasing demand on the network. 4. Sites Search and Selection Process/Candidate Evaluation To find a Sites location that provides acceptable service and fills the gaps in coverage and capacity, computer modeling is used to define a search ring. The search ring is designed such that a Sites located within the ring would have a high probability of completing coverage in the Targeted Coverage Area (assuming that sufficient height is used). Once the search ring is determined, AT&T's real estate consultants search within the defined area for existing buildings or tower structures of sufficient height that would fill coverage gaps and capacity deficiencies within the network. As more fully explained below, AT&T does not have an existing wireless facilities that is capable of providing the required services to the Targeted Coverage Area. From both radio frequency coverage capacity and zoning perspectives, the proposed Sites is found to be best of all alternative Sites possibilities. 5. Alternative Sites Analysis AT&T has been unable to identify any existing or approved wireless facilities or other suitable existing or approved building or tower in the specified search area of Yarmouth from which to address the significant coverage gaps in the Targeted Coverage Area, besides the building located at 214 Rumford Avenue. While neighboring buildings bounded by Old Colony Road and Thomas and North Main Streets were initially considered, further RF analysis determined that they would not adequately fill the gaps identified hereby. The Sites would provide the coverage that AT&T's Radio Frequency experts are looking to achieve. Other buildings did not meet height objectives. Likewise, other locations in the areas permitted under the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw did not meet the coverage objectives. Without a wireless facilities at the Sites, AT&T would be effectively prohibited from providing adequate coverage. 6. Coverage Plots To demonstrate why the proposed Facilities is necessary, I have developed the following radio frequency coverage maps: (40211961.2 • Exhibit 1, entitled "Current AT&T coverage in southern portion of Yarmouth", shows AT&T's existing wireless coverage in and around the Targeted Coverage Area without the Facilities. • Exhibit 2, entitled "Proposed AT&T coverage in southern portion of Yarmouth", shows AT&T's proposed coverage in and around the Targeted Coverage Area with the Facilities installed at the Sites. These coverage maps were generated using Forsk Atoll, an RF Propagation computer modeling program. The software takes into account the geographical features of an area, antenna models, antenna heights and RF transmitting power. The green circle depict existing wireless facilities Sites locations. The map showing coverage without the proposed Facilities indicates that AT&T cannot achieve its coverage objective with currently existing Sites. Accordingly, the proposed Facilities at the Sites is necessary to fill coverage gaps, address capacity issues and upgrade AT&T's wireless service in and around the Targeted Coverage Area. 7. Summary No other existing structures are better suited than the subject Sites to provide the coverage and capacity requirements needed for this area of Yarmouth, Massachusetts. The location and the Facilities configuration were chosen to achieve an optimal balance between meeting coverage objectives and minimizing the aesthetic impact to the community while fully complying with the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw. The Facilities will comply with all applicable FCC regulations regarding RF emissions and other matters. The proposed Facilities Sites is feasible and appropriate, and will improve wireless service along Memorial Drive and the surrounding vicinity. 8. Statement of Certification I certify to the best of my knowledge that the statements in this report are true and accurate. ^ May 5, 2018 Kevin Breuer, RF Engineer Date AT&T Mobility 62946219 v2 • (A0211961.21 * ..-70203, r ,-70 P•A -702507 -70 2583 -70 2500 . . .-702417, r .-703333 .70 2200 _701101 -703083 -m{0C@ .]4 1917, r .-10 1833 -701755 - -70 OM7 - -701583 -70 0'110 -70 1.11, , .tt ,rir, .A, t r r r.d... .. `rte 5 - ngt i:;. AT&T locations (green dots) and proposed locations (blue dots) in and around \ lit Yarmouth "y grLL' - Of 7J7J♦i 'fy aWA w. 5'y t - ctr • y • { ;.. a� -c Hyl,::r ( -- »'"'" yam a �A v p .1 YaI100 01"yM3m. teal DerN0 • imi c 41t if-.rY•.. .w..m[. /tr./e j `t µse . , . ,y,y° _ n „r''`te ".� - S ? YV' 6 . t ee if It s • --e-"ant"' ,A� - _ _ - .Aad A-& �^ °e =a - e / - o iii '•%,,, .i.' t F_tl _ ..ate. - / - .. la.v Cs'f to --- v .+ 3 Ie. tlR _ - rtlpnnu -] _ tl - ,.I. Y, 'at. - .. f aye i S nP i 0 7. •a3 if Cwt.,-•awt o t. uel.'"4 Wad toMont R Y:.m«m.ry V"n ^ a - 3 -„,..rr• t Q 9. /.t .,M Y- -1.•=,...‘,....„._0.0'.” • E fA/ i ! v. �. CA , ,i' - \ �: .tir1 . a' i n , ... t..0 nn ,0 GAM ( - i •.... «"......"`w.:"`L�t•.� - 5 !'• i - '_ - r ' 0 02 01 06M t J/{ • • ' -702833- -702750 -702007 -702583 -702500 .70207 -702333 -702250 -70]107 -702083 - -702000 801917 -701033 -701750 .. .701007 - - -701003 -70.1000 401407 ' I . . . . . . . . r , . I . . . . I . I , r . , „ I . I r , , , r . , , „ I , , , . . . , , . , „ . . :r_ °�r-A Current AT&T coverage in southern portion of Yarmouth : X 4 ,• 1`^. i dy a^I➢1sA- re 1 , 44. 090. V.7..,4 v: . ,„' .a4 w� - 1-. ♦. - }555 P_ , -. . • J, • re .5. k v1vt,r % 1 • • ( • "/ s -. f , 9 s - Yamwura + . f1.v , + _ a' - J _}I nfint, y4'.. P 5114:::i**ff - 03*a' _ Ft ` r 1v '4° _r =s •/ y - '�r r�f^.l t d r7{. -, i,' ..+z'.e v 0, t, i..... . "1 r yll •t.s y1i ai J 3 :;(, x» t.}• a • 4422 in bro. t 4E4 • 9 ya N i'. "'w'—o • 4y 3t. S 0 s ,,..1 y U.r‘ 0 .:ii e?' 42 S .'- -^ ' ▪ . ' L e 3 _ i - % Cl High connectivity,high dau rates(-92tlem) f` :✓ e ©High connectivity,moderate data rates(-984:113m) , _ ._y High connectivity,moderate to low data rates(-105dBm) '• a az o i obaa ', Marginal connectivity,low data rates(-113d8m) i '. + ! 4j Poor connectivity,low data rates(-116dBm) -703a33 - -7O21 - -702007 -70783 -70 2t00 -702417 - -703333 -70229 -702101 -7 fin -701000 .70 1917 -71433 -701700 •-701607 -70)g3 -70 1500 -701417 -•a�""`�t .o .-i.,,....,.. .1. .. . a -....1; .. '.....cyi'_' - • a. .:.',-,.' -1..1 f..f:fir.. .. ..5'. •, ,..t . ..I,. '.M .xFv. ' Y se' Y1'4,41 _I' 0 ' s Proposed AT&T coverage in southern portion of Yarmouth t ' i { 1# t }t Milk '1• 'w: . .e.;4:ii0 'yr ..g .y. " :Jr •" . .e .• i'"1 3 a"S +1 ...- 7"i' .r-.,, • ..at 5 f' $ ,. rvtN d•w'.a a ®.,r i'r'«' fa", - !;1• `•t,"1.._: Soul, 'x,1.1 .• .f.F\v6 ... : 1 a i i e T TaniauNy /x. .sr-u.eai:u'v a. + , - uR. f _ 1' '11 , 40 ' tri ^I3. , ;1 a1 g ,'� r°'f:t `' ."Ir•"".,, .,e +r.i , -4" ., l.d_ 1, .. fir . &-...uf..v_.�-«ir i / 1 - _ ( .4;1ti f _ ...^ a �✓.' a •1£ ' it �•t^ 'ir? •9 • -,Is', rp �e . i ' - .wi.JY`, n r' ?''t fda��32 F, ' .{ • ars T �i y,,81:..y/�,_ c j • rr r ;.1- A t_.. •'• .=,..µ.- I- `s`1 e/ 1' .� t...�ij ` _."�a , i+' ,�;K`‘•V -i .r" 'Irnnin� ' _ '''vo.' •v 3 } / ct p .i Bw ...e§° 1�, ' a. West YarmntlM4 „' i �•'"'... . w" Jug f f, , ,'-. .3 t a'e.., ,..- ,.. ,. 1' �. • } r Xa , .. 4r�1 s n 3 r - R Y , f....a a_ 1 •:ui+u.n.cad • - r • ?/' � rf 1c •• f! e c". a_ f -• --_ % - t ® connectivity,cmectivity,high data rates(-92dBm) ' ®High connectivity,moderate data rates(•98dBm) 2 High connectivity,moderate to low data rates(•106dBm) '_ - ]Marginal connectivity,low data rates(-113dBm) - o 0 ®mil 7*, 1 „.„../ - LiPow connectivity.low data rates ' MPROMATE EAT •1 6572S8'x 1y}o COORPNAIESc 10M.: m2a5255•.' a �\�.-`�l1y} `Fr*ii , ; 1 l �5 r`x\ -Z• '�T Omtr< ) 1p w wom, 4: BE pP mCtED t0 A SOURS 1 gr,1 t b 4 MOUNT BI . ! `-2 f_ ( , trn't4 .^.-� �,m OF PnO145i0 1M,fN1. plEll! 0 ♦ y.'t t. - f1EV.-SYd4 A!LL ` IM6tl MIIFMN ® �1 pROpOSED :4',1-..-,:11 t .; • " 1l.` t' �„ - 4 ara PX605FD N71MN ` ' gIdO4D 6LLtR01LS POLE ,!• CENTERLINE /tb i, _ y4i} n_pec:nu � } 7To 2 S j �E%51MU R111WEY WIRE I - MI R-20-A F1EV.-15-0-4 PC" K mMl DRAT i.n :irr ti } ` 3w 4. isu;. �eP ica Or rXisOxO ParMttNWA w x2767 "' E fiperl »TRF1fV.-M-0SAGLy t iC�'j� J�EX57xG^*S. �i ii. • t •jj ; C a,�••-i' Y _JS-2-4 Axl PEED Cl)DF.{MAIaD ��FjY�'�h� 67fa �9 f. }• e6w`( •1 •{. 4._ !• y �. ' t ;1: \.� HYDEON non KP�_h + y,;..J - 3 h f Dasipn Group LLC it". i T� �. SY} •x 1 . N,k. J"1"16COMMwRE/cWwRE `t4, i / M `� Y ]J'-O'4AGLit7` i• ` 'EA'$ a `. r °• +t�Y4 -. .v ', s ) J n tr ' � 24.4±•.wwar N6Y _ 5r t + _ o1P+ ,3' ! :,d n'/ / q Ah a • tt PROPOSED rent EQ X § • _ rent FROM KEY PLAN ® �i _ .r § OVOIR� PROPOSED TM)RI 32.34 SCALE. 1•_m' ^�0'a7 ' Ar D-ww tl.t1 SCALE t•-w' Pnaro�(1)l2 IYN CHECKED 8Y: Ar PROPOSED CO/MC BOX x 11113131 PRO..WfEtt CORE11 GROUND WIRE rwPRowo IT ox: 10 reER JevE BY an ] SUBNITfALSPRI ' 11 I VRarogn CS) iisihr VARIES ws ea masa INSIDE w_---- _ (lj w SPED t.i/4•r I 4E M M M1aS! PROPOSED PEER JUMPERS SECONDARY WIRE (iPa11wIK t mammy , I f%ISIMC COMP WIRE ® pp4D 2pWJlf U'aEr I _ pp NMPOSED(I)60 NP 2-POLE oretAxtT PATCH FUSED NO(J) ' EXISTING an PRE so MP 2�DEE aRcu6n r cwv¢ 6 ,�'m..@..� 'E \\\ PREPARED(1)NETER Mei 1/11111'MASS SHALL ro0 c IYRxIfD w 112-6?*(M NOT CRAN_CP_10320A WU -- Cosmic D1.nY ROLE EXISTING loon POLEr-0. a w - - - \ I PoIE/21 Rom/2t ) PROPOSED(,)a PRO COPPER cRAN_CP_10�2a .,..r - P _ I wu0 ab:BODE 1/2'w Nam 6 WFJIOaJ MY 1 r,m PVCWEST twwrH,w x1671 tiff ,'hi ewHsr muton ..- YfIEV._0'-OS ACL )I •' 14 E�_�� -' OCT m[ 7 ..,.. PROnxEn Da E]O6tN0�I KEY PLAN AND ' ''A, s/e wD•c6PPm u•D a ELEVATION • aero 500.MIr. no era ELEVATION ® �WAIF PHOTO DETAIL ® 22+H sru<'1/6•-t'-0' f�7�x�0 Ami SCALE xis Mil SCALE:S/t3/111.412-0.EXISTING CONU - . . • . i e at&t ,l/ I /s\ MYNIIW IPIFY.ET SWWOM we.Yow ca0110 : I`�>PROPOSED �rGL S NPROPOSED ONU21 NA MENS10151 NF� "v CENTERLN EI, rOW:IS tj 1aL T Rr 95 MN glf.E SURFACE W4 w 02767MEWL MOM \ ��'l y__ MINIM MEN / A PIEPEOIRfY.FIt FD MODEL 013/ L w 0 MT. i /CBCpYSI M4 10HEM NOM, I PE2203 3 e.0• RC 4.0. 11 LB _ • N4A 0/5.ab1A• tt w NwTNDf M ERSS 2215 1 MI !D• 4011 is - MOM 5.5 l6 HUDSON GroupLLC - TiL,.... DIPLE%ER DETAIL '"......• "`F^_._. RRH(2203/2205)DETAIL ® (AS REQUIRED) SCALE WA SCALE.$1.5 9 ____.actOPINPONED 100 �. ANIFAN ANTEHwaKWTI IMMET N01Ko-1e 1•ro•NOME DEM --• I(Il{'xYY0f1Fx CALEB PLACE ELME NOTICE 51MNEA5 EQUALLY SPICED MOWN THE ROMA OF NIIFNNA RAMIE i 4 POWER EINES ANTENNA DETAIL ® IAS zwwlEn S ARO O ■ WEATHER HEAD aurE SCALE NTS /` Y fERG&E9AMMB IC COMNINu MR Eli /1•t _ ..7 CABLE F� NammTEEa) *PG(ED ein M PROPOSED 'FE•.s-C +Q``',„. —\�'Y1 Plwsv W@w N4R0.4D eI: bC • ® y II '�A ONPOOE°w"W 1 I. la w TN•`TnPI°C SUBMITTALS • Ill PROPOSED q •II .�- I 5$ � __�1 WREtlIPEO) ANTENNA ;Y � Lt'M� Il � _u . (”; P nAVII ma • cOMMIMPI .44; Eli bk 14.. CRAN_CP_10_P20A NNAGOOPPER cum Re op Nam . r.1 lir. MORONIC!POLE TOP MOUNTING %V imPROPOSED I PROPOSED ▪ROLIB:!PMI/ - PROPOSED CREASY ,SHROUD lit gm 5 CPAN_CP_10�20A MOHR5 (I SWIM) YECNf:6 L!i U9NET FICPL▪ flwir AFFACE IMM0)662NEo5CpKCf MIIlO1 1 NFNDMIAD w3/ W Y411 70 13/ 1215' aAYFVSFDMONrn rowan!,w o2ala WDUIf:x016 aW SFPPT:CA,.aS0 FOBREAIEL W . WVISLa COOMY ORANOCOPPR Re'la NO BATTERY BACKUP OR MAMMY OUTLETS T106'R0 i gNREOUT Mum Am W FOR MOO ACM ME WC PROADm HIO_flAII° w"A�� EQUIPMENT DETAILS D OSING 11n11Y x 11K DEMI 01]EAYDMILIM 50 A Nv NPPER W£51#X lnF NOM _ aMfMovo Roo MUM PER HNONICT.W S WORMING. HEHeHwxwlmewA88 ANTENNA MOUNT DETAIL EQUIPMENT CABINET DETAIL 0 GENERAL WIRING DIAGRAM.DUAL RRH. 0 SCLIG NTS — SGVE N.T.5 SCALEA-2 NM LOCUS MAP TAKEN FROM GOOGLE.COM ON 02-12-18 —sr!" r•� r a - - y�p¢� � fes.{+ • .1. r x, r F 'e Sy .y 1 • +Y j.# Y±-�:P�)4#4P 4 rte.1' Pf• �. •' r• ', dy: ,�j: TYiA' ,,,44,!-, . ��.L -i � ��`4"'1 4,- 114-111.,434e. *11�_+ .� '�} I l., }+�i i•Ii 7'� i ',1r i ,x w ar y ,0 . 4, . c. % ,....44thl ,_., .. ,,1 1-, wM.a1 4 k n �� 'K.�N} ;�, � 4 ,�,"'°%' -e ^,� �i. . 2$ +w'1: W t' s 'S,7 ,�' s , r=2 :7 "4ip ,� - E .ate • :. .., k , s _ {t t • aVL ) . p Y % s- 44 4, T!: �Y . � ']k i ! aIFV x , I ryyY t j _ .p 1 4 15 • k r * ., - ��l j ~� 4 - _ W { a it: ,� _ i$ ./ F A' r1F , . ,;;',i. -x x L { i• j .. ` 4rrdYs'i':.. .. ni%se k ,t #5A 2� 'The; Th ar .l '+- * l � aat . ';. alla (( it pg _ ',s,, "r','3;'� y i., I L." i f OD, y .. i 1 x• SITE 'y ,'—At— s#:' i�l'c71 :P +�AS �7 , .-.,0 A e ! � •re—.7• 1 P ,�'1 r:I .4�4 E ' tc +4 `5 ". Y��5 i� a'g �, ay � t "d 1'�n .egp‘ t F j.'1 y. '� { s ZWI �P. t i ° A it ,19.a' - 11$r ; ". ii qt�r ^�,r' ""r`F,f � A4 ^� r� °it ,�' iv —11. ie iN�t q'... Ar t" 3 P i�M S if ri # yid. Bn !ft- ,. } ; k .fl "'944 "' I 4/4 1 x - ‘1'. t U .l;` Y,g1A•'F „ --k..44, ..,... , . $ w 6. �. �g �eA• YStA t ro k• di. �•�"�, ly ►i a '- 4a SN ._..., '` t, '• r d 11A 1*,14,u7r. .r°,3::t. 4 • , 1 Ili J.oh :E awes.- ar '.n rC,�i�:`;:�Y. 4 ® PHOTO LOCATION SITE NO: „E„Im R THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN MY WAY CRAN_CP_10_P20A SITE TYPE:UTILITY POLE TO SHOW THE ONLY AREAS of W9 BBm. `� a /rye E RIS MFANTTO SHOW ABROAD SITE IJAME.CRAN_CP_1O_P2OA At�t rsi®� DATE:02/12/2018 REV:O REPRESE RA OHOFAREASWHERETE - PROPOSED I THE BATgN OR BE VISIBLE �✓j CENTERLINE HUDSON BASED UPON THE REST INFORMATION FOR ADDRESS %J. Design GroupLLC DRAvvN BY:KB TOPOGRAPHY AND VEGETATION 11 WENDWARD WAY 9 LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE. WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 550Ai.NOHMA IAA0 ROAD *RYAN DRIVE aR®Nomn.e mAg� RAYNHAM.IAA IIPTBT Awoht .01.0 w. Wale SCALE:N.T.S. PAGE zoF4 • . . ` PROPOSED CONDITIONS LOCATION # 1 DATE OF PHOTO: 06/20/2017 a I T I PROPOSED ANTENNA t \ ;PROPOSED POLE TOP PROPOS-ED- 6i I MOUNTING BRACKET WEATHERHEAD1 it L , . I\ (BEYOND) EXISTING UTILITY I \ \ - ,•, POLE #21 II ��;BOXPBYEFIBERMARC r. \PROVIDER, CONNECTED \ TO FIBER ABOVE BY , - -: �' FIBER PROVIDER DETAIL OF ("' PROPOSED EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT i �' .h -'`{1 -` CABINET WIMP a-51 Ii• PROPOSED (1) 60 mM,,,.— -ri i AMP 2—POLE _---n ,- t �a DISCONNECT SWITCH • _ FUSED AND (3) 20 4=z 0 AMPAKERS 2—POLE CIRCUIT y PROPOSED (1) METER MAIN WITH BYPASS (METER SHALL NOT BE MOUNTED ON STREET SIDE) VIEW SOUTHEAST FROM PARKING LOT • UTE NO: PROW=FOR THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY CRAN_CP_10_P20A SITE TYPE:UTILITY POLE TO SHOW TT ONLYARE R AD sIB LITY. ayo+ ICG RIS MEANT TO SHOW A BROAD tid I`OCI` DATE:02/12/2018 REV:Q REPRESENTATION OF AREAS WHERE THE ITE NAME cRAN_cP_1o_P20A /� I PROPOSED INSTALLATION ONLIAAREASOYBEOSIBLE • CENTERLINE HUDSON BASED UPON THE BEST INFORMATION FOR DDRESS v ` " ' " DRAWN BY:KB TOPOGRAPHYANovEGErATION 11 WENDWARD WAY. Design Group L.LC LOCATIONSAVAILABLETO GTE WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 °Fa50AL. AAw 95RYANDRNE eA� omorw ���� RAYNNW,,M oxRT xxawa MA 01.4$ ulml»sw SCALE:N.T.S. PAGE 4OF4 EXISTING CONDITIONS LOCATION # 1 DATE OF PHOTO: 06/20/2017 \ \ FFF„„f t.; ; 1\ a'' I \ t \ ` DETAIL OF ! 1 t, ; i , _. EQUIPMENT I,. I. ■ AF • \ VIEW SOUTHEAST FROM PARKING LOT SITE NO: CRAN_CP_10_P20A 1 O m^! THIS OWTHElIJDY OES NLY AREAIYINANYWAY SITE TYPE:UTILITY POLE TO SHOW THE ONLY CLOD IN AN WAY ttil at&tICG RIS MEANT TO SHOW A BROAD SITE NAME:CRAN_C P_10_P20A _/ ` DATE:02/12/2018 REV:0 REPPESENTATON OF AREAS WHERE THE PROPOSED INSTALLATION MAY BE VISIBLE "Y,,,,/ O CENTERLINE HUDSON BASED UPON THE BEST INFORMATION FOR ADDRESS v— .. .. Design GroupLLC DRAWN BY:KB TOPOGRAPHY AND VEGETATION 11 WENDWARD WAY 9 LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 FRM NO*T1O*WAAMA ROAD W RYAN DRIVE ENNNM TClA u mN a«s RAYNHMI.wOZlBT x.s�.e,w,ei. mal assn SCALE:N.T.S. PAGE 3OFA • • • •- — • MTlOgW1E LAS \1.657158 N �� rdJ Q ORMIAIES WG 70265254' at&` t t p a aCOa111UaR Morn " :! • • A • 3 MIMEO EE RELmwATED to A 10 rRrnwtww6v�mmt 7.7.,,L.,..,...,,,_;,,..,t } h _ I1:,. '[� i{.�s......7t MIME lm Dnw) PROPOSED eh [t i• [ .4`4,..;,-.1.1 d..;,`M T 4-. _ kite OF .AOOSFO NBEMM WENT r e: a \ (i an-at-n at ` M160 MGERNA W /` =R•` E 'P ',Jr L $J�t[ar.r�ro�.L+Dn6a ` "• CENTERLINE \i NB r Mr 3E�Y A4L PROPOSED 20-011 S POLE 'Th.mak �, M�y, ,, r.Y, J.rxrcnxc PRIMARY PRE� t rm/ax m-aaRrM¢r t,/------ t‘'4 ..._...-- } '°" '•• I L IO± M•S '27",P,1 S'l YELEV.:15'-0'2 AGl ` OS MMI ERNE a Y . yw2 ,. _ { L'3:'} �jr rc rxrsnxc Par _ wmD•A w Dem a 4 • • f ' 'E it>O'tt•E/`'{ T EIEV.-.M'-'S AGI i j. y� ( i 2 -Sr. ell; EZA- G 'MRF PROPOSED(1) PD l 4n A ' O 1, T ELEV.-33'-2-*AGl i •�it �� p , HUDSON .`� .1 z }P T . ; '1 ' Design Group LLC }J Y . 1 ... „�; {{ >�'i 1 yf 2 [ G� K�`f')'� •. $ExsnI cow PRE/A.0 cwwwE ..,.o.-..o.. mamma. �.V. `{[,'� R,n C 752: YF11V. -z]'-DY AGl ,� gr ff }' { 7. {r \ F MG YrWOwr'YORE hc. .• q ': • • at&t r�� • ASOSM1R MOW IAAANGHANMNelnl �� 1�- O R PKE F ''411".019 ' 1•t I �. L. ROOM le IHS . CENTERUNE I I e1 \\�$\\�/l//I yI ae RYAN DRIVE ANTENNA F M. rillliy= w95 Y.w oVE Rxa-mE MEM ` PROPOSED OR£TII H.TL10'.1.72 9i CCYwCCPE 31 0 ■ V r YODEL DIY l • 0 M41. b /COYIf115x1S NOTE MOUNT PER 2203 3 /10' OW ac nu �_ _ . maw as HUDSON muralSPECIFICATIONS. 2206 1 110' e8• •11' 11 u —wino-�F DeHlpn Group LLC .--.ir.N........ . w•wwwwww• N Nese DIPIECER DETAIL . - ""m's-"'" ...fliesRRH(2203/2205)DETAIL ® (AE REQUIRED) SCALE PITS SLUD NTS RIPROPOSEfl WinmlPxY .InETYM N11-CDNOTIMIla A/1B 1.4•bTICE CECIL enRFiCPBOH PLACE NOTICE STICKERS EOLNLLY SPACED AROUNDDTYE BOTTOM OF WEN PMt&E / SECONDARY RIS $ POSERANTENNA DETAIL ® IAS /x SCALEALT /( j"UV MleNC AKMS I�f IC OW EM 11 FR E _ y FEAR CAPESva NW ^II I�� GIBE UII.-,,.p CHECKED BI: AT illi PROPOSED a o) W IX N .WPRO.fD OP 040 ® CAROM •����11\�,y� m.NEROEwRG r LN MTlnwe SUBMITTALS ig I1j I`R: / OWPJ MIII { i IIi1.a WIEDOE®I ��NIIEIYM �L '�illi mxIfYgIPY.WF] i-_-__Il itilik I�I.�"\ PYn--. sawan=mains CRAN_CP_IO_P20A PROPOSED © PBOPO$D \'v �/ 4DI1'" OYnrPBB ® NF ACROPER \ RANOtOFB .• I TOP MENTIPC O"gIY11vP! ill 62-FFPORI M CRULCP_I O.p2OR •DOD:B LBS. GBNET TYMIL EIA ISS' ISS_xDE Itx emM oBCaNECIFwrtOI - II WENEINARO WAY BARINTAILE 0YeT] w]AE SP Ol w PE01CI xlEePBV®ISNPE F1EDitU'MWIFN O RAVM ttx1BI r Rm mR NO FMTIERI'elCxu OP.WXIIIMY O CO MFATNER PROOF StlYRE D aT DROFR IN^mEx• IDR RMCNO'POMW ME BENG PlroMom Ia msam EOUIPMEM DETAILS eFmulRreu T RRnPH1oR ole EDSIMO XTL m TNs 051CM OI RE a CNOR BMRR 6MOIPIn RW PDIE sINC1YlE NNE: IEIBIwNMO1 WAPMW MOUNT PER YMNFMIUMAT SPECIFICATIONS. EQUIPMENT CABINET DETAIL ® GENERAL WIRING DIAGRAM-DUAL RRHH a Em-2 ANTENNA MOUNT DETAIL ® SLVE'NTS SCALE NT; - YNE MT.S A-2 • Prepared For CENTERLINE-AT&T i r' .,, Site Number:CRAN_CP_10_P20A N Site Name:CRAN_CP_10_P20A 11 WENDWARD WAY a WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 ti: jk ` ' N f::-E fif \ 1 H ,; i 'A \ t vi, 4 t`(f. k \ \ y `' SITE NO. CRAN_CP_10_P20A � TOS OW DOESTHENYOTQMOINANYWAY nay.)1010 �� SITE TYPE:UTILITY POLE ToSHOWON TCLSM IN ANY •�� } / �T'q EA RIB MEANT TOSHOW ABROAD SITE NAME CRAN_CP_10_P20A a�&` "O� CENTERLINE ����� DATE:02/12/2018 I REV:0 REPRESENTATION OFAREASMAY WHERE THE PROPOSED O INBTALIATION MAYBE VISIBLE `�_ _,,,,,,,,,,, HUDSON BASED UPON THE BEST INFORMATION FOR ADDRESS 11 WENDWARD WAY Design Group LLC DRAWN BY:KB TOPOGRAPHY AND VEGETATION WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 :wMI �+u I.L�NBro° BS RYAN , ,� LOGTgNBAVAIAB ETO MPA PAmNAM.MA onBT 01,,, ,,.1„8,,,0„ SCALE:N.T.S. PAGE 1 OF4 i e1 • r. Prepared For: ti' CENTERLINE-AT&T t Site Number:CRANCP10P20A N Site Name:CRAN_CP_10_P20A 1, s 11 WENDWARD WAY WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 IAS, 4i 4; '. ‘\ ht.i j [14** ' hi \ µ I .fit SITE NO: CRAN_CP_10_P20A ll��� THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY ``—v)' o SITE TYPE:UTILITY POLE TO SHOW THE ONLY AREAS OF VISIBWTY. at&t - RIS MEANT TO SHOW A BROAD ///I` DATE 02/12/2018 REV:0 REPRESErri NOFAREAS WHEI e: SITE NAMECRAN_CP_10_P20A •i ` I RZED UPOINTHELLATpNIMVBEON FOE 4..,/ � CENTERLINE HUDSON BASED UPON THE BEST INFORMATION FOR ADDRESS 11 WENDWARD WAY ‘4,41 Design Group LLC DRAWN BY:KB TOPOGRAPHY AND VEGETATION TE. WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 FRRAMNGI50 wt MA 01TE 701 95 RYAN DRIVE ea an aooeT MPRm� LOCATIONS AVAILABLETO DAA RAVNHAM.MA 01>BT A.iowa MAmew FAX mn>xss. SCALE:N.T.S. PAGE 1 OFA A `-'• LOCUS MAP TAKEN FROMy GOOGLE.COM ON 02-12-18 f •q '4- »� -*'{ 7$, A, _ ,y � i.,-)r t5`e yy♦y:�:Z• ,tom "- '• r/4";;,"„'"--at :y 4 �i . ; t C 1 47, i',". A Ta J.--- L v- : ''; -", '"„, . sem- ! � 'i F v . # f a. AF 4-4,40 1YAs „s_ --:',„,..1.,p r ,�• a4 r.`-+ _ 5 +� Y_ ft S R - �.+v. 14 ..,, ,.. ..i,,,,,,,:.• i^. O „may "F li :""t410103/4 "" i 'ivarl�1f28 '\ s, • "a t. t., X4�f�•° 13,_ 'a .i ., t ,:1, .e JaN� ^ �y: g A A iv, ' . . X m.R� Yfii,r..n�-yY -r lFt 't• A { Ra? , •,43. j Y �, : P i )*% b ^ A A ° A , _ L� . S. t " + + f • {{.i i. ` y, -44 S,� rs +' , �. v. Fxy A3 ' `t\ S "f .'F1 �', 11SITE A ! r- F f. , „ T 1 - al tas :, .•"4--'0,-.• P r . . tom'”' t is' ; 71e !' , :�'. tic T No W, 1 5 ' a t t- a Y - ` a M„ t ,T.ci a r t -_e -a +• .s - I '— : # i n Z 8y.,a+. Y f � '�.'� +' l. t _ � \ j AMY' + "Gc, s pe . ear 'kt,'.. +*tle- - .�iI,7"'. �yr r'=nil �Li ^ ...--i.,:,�` ?1.. r �..- ;Ie. . :' q_r p14/.......,' rte• ' � , L �:� . , =.R ,.. _ . t '�� , tet. ,• r iY �.i - r 't�+ Rss.---4,-- i—s 4.— s 'r E R 4 1-44-4 `, r �' MI vP :' r .' moi"1 . .l ;' a w, iiJ4. ,�, 'f: „ )J I. .; 'AI) __....�,� v ":;a:, _• d1:. to-sP. � Wets' ,�:.K14` Y tar SITEa ® PHOTO LOCATION NO: B®"'° "° THIS STUDY DOES NOT CWM IN ANY WAY CRAN_CP_10_P20A -•-� ■�■w�\����_� SITE TYPE:UTILITY POLE To srwwTHE ONIYAREAs oFVISIeBrrY. `'� ■ CG -, IT IS MEANT TO SHOW A BROAD SITE NAME CRAN_CP_1 O_P2OA U at&t • ��� DATE 02/1212018 I REV:o REFRESENrnnoN oFAREAs WHERE THE •1 CENTERLINE PROVOSEDINSTNIATONMAY SENSIBLE �w� HUDSON BASED UroN THE BEST INFORNATION FOR ADDRESS Design GroupLLC DRAWN BY:KB TOPODRAP YANU VEGETA ON 11 WENDWARD WAY 9 LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 FRA INGHAY WG IIS RYAN A027 dl° Inm� RAYNwa.MA 02767 ,,, �,,,W4In SCALE N.T.S. PAGE 2 OF 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS LOCATION # 1 DATE OF PHOTO: 06/20/2017 .-I- - -f- - = ____ ____ = - - NI ' • A I F 1 � 1 \ . \\ , • ``' t v t „ \�` DETAIL OF \ \ . EOUIPMENT y VIEW SOUTHEAST FROM PARKING LOT SITE NO' gPryBB ryeTHIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAM IN ANY WAY CRAN_CP_10_P20A `•�"� SITE TYPE:UTIUTY POLE TO SHOW THE ONLY AREAS OF WSIBBITY. SITE NAME 8t&tIT IS MEANT TO SHOW A BROAD CRAN_CP_10_P20A DATE:021722078 REV:O REPRESENTATION OF AREAS WHERE THE X01 CENTERLINEICS BASED ED INSTALLATI N MAIBLE _ HUDSON BASED UPON THE BEST INFORMATION FOR ADDRESS' V DesignGroup DRAWN BY:KB TOPOGRAPHY AND VEGETATION 11 WENDWARD WAY g LLC LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE. WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 FPTINOWAK w Al 95 RYAN DRIVE RAYMIAM,wona'F N SPA o+fl �N.:ma 1.1.40,818IM!PATS, SCALE:N.T.S. PAGE 3DFA ,. PROPOSED CONDITIONS TLOCATION # 1 DATE OF PHOTO: 06/20/2017 t ...... . ._ . ....N _ PROPOSED _ANTENNA_ � \, --- r r ' .PROPOSED POLE TOP' PROPOSED (1) `MOUNTING BRACKET 3 ,' WEATHERHEAD I + ` - __ \`_ (BEYOND) t• i F.• ! \ STING UTTY 21ILI I , PROPOSED DEMARC `i l `, BOX BY FIBER I \ .=„,„ f ',r \ PROVIDER, CONNECTED I I < < '. TO FIBER ABOVE BY A. i tr \, ,FIBER PROVIDER DETAIL OF I FA, I ��y PROPOSED EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT • CABINET ring I 1‘ PROPOSED (1) 60 �., ,t i AMP 2—POLE 1. 1+ DISCONNECT SWITCH { FUSED AND (3) 20 isisszaffi ,i„ � - a} BREAKERS 2—POLE CIRCUIT ar, - . Vii- PROPOSED (1) METER MAIN WITH BYPASS (METER SHALL NOT BE MOUNTED ON STREET SIDE) VIEW SOUTHEAST FROM PARKING LOT SITE NO: PREMED RR THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAW IN ANY WAY CfZAN_CP_10_P20A r SITE TYPE UTILITY POLE TO SHOW THE ONLY AREAS OF VISIBILITY. �� } } ' RISMEANTTOSHO OF AREAS �) al8[l DATE:02/122018 REV.0 REPRESENTA DON ABROAD ERE THE SITE NAME.CRAN_CP_10_P20A �/ Fee ■I \ BASED ED INSTALLATION MAY BE VISIBLE �,/ • CENTERLINE HUDSON BASED UPON THE BEST INFORMATION FOR ADDRESS550 Design GroupLLC DRAWN BY:KB TOPOGRAPHY AND VEGETATION 11 WENDWARD WAY 9 WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 FRM NGrW&IM 1B AD1 9S RYAN DRIVE «�<«w000�Y umn:w� LOCATIONS AVASABue TO DATE. RArxH�w,MA 0276/ ,.....a...en. A,N,,,�, SCALE:N.T.S. PAGE 4OF4