HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-E090 d TOWN OF YARMOUTH a 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Re Telephone(508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax(508)398-0836 RECEIVED AUG 20 OI_D KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMI EEAUG 2 7 2013 TORN ?018 APPLICATION FOR YAIG' H IG SOUrH VARA, is MA CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: �+ n l Address of proposed work: (95 C Im(Yal WQL, Map/Lot# 130 - Iac9 Owners : John klaso#a Phone#: Ul'� -30(.9. 0-y'I0 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address:1() ,(. ,r t Peasant C4.,V obll(r1,m4 Year built: Email:\ IYY)&S jr .-�I,�M�-(net Preferred notification method: Phone� / Email Agent/Contractor: 'Pe ]iibw �0nddoC� Phone#: cSOB 130'oQS co Mailing Address: G59 Queen K}nne ad. ='rzrUi(h,W7il 02-01-1I Email:v`rm 9 phtharbor•eo_c& Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Proposed Work(Additional pages may be attached if necessary): T cons-trot+ a_ sir 12' Shed placed on solid ('oncuth. bioc.KS . /ma ` f 'pc+ h . Consish o f R t�5 'bead board &ouble dais, C 1) air f 381'3 inq k lwn y Vt ; �yd?� wirdoJp' 1 ranf-wet.11 3id(nq -1-0 be ?VC Cfipbcxvd ,)4r *opt lb 141 r v f� r rico " % • i Avtu Lea V104, fl bxtrd r batkn fel it n 3 taab Jha-}Pmw €( oo ini ' h VL . W/1I irittd • cZ Signed(Owner or agent): Date: eft-1 C is > Owner/contractor/agent i ; - - that a petii+rr5y be required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) ➢ This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: Date: g"--(77--/- /Approved _Approved with changes Denied Amount a Reason for denial: A IS a T Cas CK#: oZ 4•5-7 Rcvd by. 61/ 2 2018 OLD YARMOUTH • Date Signed: 7/7/2°(a' Signed: 67- 6c. a- 1 8 _ E 0 9 0 V APPLICATION#: V52017 • _ . ,! 7.,� [ • ' • f .- 22.93 • • N , ------ - 'REC E IVE AUG 2 7 2018 IYARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY In • w b Ft`^ . a --LO• TS S-• SA Z` 5r. I 6 is- ... 31, S2 9 SFt ���/� A - - LOTS ' 4 CA APpR®vg® • 1' AUG 2 7 2018 ' YARMOUT OLD KIruQ'g HIGHWAY - / vat —p¢PW . f Is S>8 / V. ' o i ...e. ---\ �^ 1 1 q C•V�c I . / ^� , 1 \ soo R 0<F�o18 l 1 ���Ty ni.68 R� / ._ . t Q. o° LOTS 4 A 4A ' 'perart.c2OFT way •- - 4o' Pg NATE' 18 - E090 NOTES HIGH Pr. w RD. ,acv . 122.1 (sirr DA,rvn) [THIS PLAN IS VALID ONLY IF IT IS STAMPED AND "--RAD c'.E('-.--91:$ Cs ITEDATvri' SIGNED IN RED. THIS OFFICE ASSUMES NO FAD, IS -.11.: ABOVE 1-no-. Pr IN 20,40 RESPONSIBILITY FOR INFORMATION CONTAINED ON - - COPIES WHICH DONOT.JIAVE ORIGINAL STAMPS ------- - - . - AND SIGNATURES IN RED "AS- BUILT" PLOT PLAN 2.STPLAN WAS NOT PREPARED TO THE. VA2MOUTi-1 MASS' STANDARDS SET FORTH IN 250 CMR SECTION 6.04 THEREFORE THIS PLAN IS NOT TO BE USED FOR - • - • .,, :AA, ,. , ..,-,,:.'f;01',':',",,,,` . ..:P ' pi., . 1,.."141442 t 4.- ,. ., • : „ r.s. ;L ..\.‘.!,,; • .: okzt ;400'ii .,:.; . . .,• ' : ?,- 2cf., r-t-•--. ir:' -1 ,A- :` -. .-`,,',./ git,... ......:-..... '4,`Yelit•-••-•-_,' ,••••}"-- t • .: : • •,,,.... • ., ..11$4A r:. .,..c -, • ggl.,-;its% ',. 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'9�•-. •'•'fir ,�' • 3 .J —� '��G PINE HARBOR Front Elevation Left Elevation � G�. q WOOD PRODUCTS J SCALE: I/4' = 1''0' ALJ SCALE: 1/4' = AUG 21 La�� PINEHARBOR.COM 1-800-368-SHED YARMOUTH Y 259 Queen Anne Road , , , , r J , , ' , ' , ' , ' , 10/12 Pitch OLD KING'S HIGHWA Harwich, MA 02645 p:(508)430-2800 5 ' I r I , I , ' , I it barnsmpBneharbor) som 3-tabShingles , ' „ , ' ,Black Pepper r~� ENGINEER'S STAMP ■■■ OPVC Trim■■■- FE e Everlast Composite Siding•Miscy Taupe 11Board and Bacten _ • 1- PROJECT: - 12.0 8'-0” 8' x 12' Quivett Cape CLIENT: John Masotta ADDRESS: 25 Elmcroft Way © Rear Elevation Right Elevation __-- 25YaElmcroft MA 02675 SCALE: I/4' = 1'-0" © SCALE: 1/4' = 1'-0" �������® PHONE: AUG 2 7 2018 617-306-8740 , , , , , , , , 111111111111 YARMOUTH E-MAIL: r S HIGHWAY 3-tab Shingles ' , ' , ' , I i I , I , I , I , , , , ' I OLD KING' Black Pepper ' , ' , ' , ' , ' , ' , ' , ' , ' , ' , ' , ' 1..t jmasottai@comcast net , , , l , , , 'IIIIIIIIIIII l ' l ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ` ' ' , ' , ' , ' ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK: i 25 Elmcroft Way RECEIVED Yarmoutport, MA 02675 #Uc2 0 2018REVISION DATE: TOW Board and Batten . SOUTH Y N CLERK 8/16/18 Board Ind Batten ARMOUTy, DRAWN BY: GB Scale: 1/4' = I'-0" I Unless otherwise noted 78 - E090 Page Al