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App# 18-A088
0 r° Y"°+c TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECEIVE® F . i 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508)398-0836 AUG - 8 2018 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE YAKMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended,for proposed work as described below&on plans,drawings,photographs,&other supplemental i9fo accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S),ELEVATIONS,PHOTOS,&SUPPLEM AL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apply: Indicate type of uilding: Commercialt/ Residential Exterior Building Construction: _New Building Addition _Alterations Reroof (/Garage _Shed _Solar Panels _Other: 2)Exterior Painting: Siding _Shutters _Doors _Trim Other: 3)Signs/Billboards: _New Sign _Change to Existing Sign 4)Miscellaneous Structures: _Fence _Wali _Flagpole _Pool _Other: Please type or print legibly: /� r Address ofpro•_ .-dwork: V%' ' 7 = CA Map/Lot# AS figo�7 Owner(s): �/ W -P q 's��` _ ,,.I e Phone#:-76-1- 7.S( 737 All a•rications must be a ed`by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittalof p application. Mailing address: 1 (cat. C.V."."\� Ly, W�� AAA %0ISo k Year built: / 1 _ t tw Email: Ps Tete P�-A-reJG•Cora\ Preferred notification method: Phone Cmail Agent/contractorcc�enti a(:)as'y-,nbo Alt f9� 7/c Mailing Address: 69,21 ffMMet!e. IV 1 A,1 Alt f•L a...16 71 Email: Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Proposed Work:,, ....A ,tea h y o( 1 .9—ai t�A-'✓ 1 Z CA-C-- C t W U. RECEIVED � AUG 2 8 2018 gg// Signed(Owner or agent:Y Y1.�7...� Dated S11 55 Tv..:. Ct . ;.I: > Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is required from thtaliTrt trEpd'r$iiati he ther departments,also.) > If application is approved,approval Is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. > This certificate Is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. > All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH.OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing&final inspections. For Committee use only: _Approved _Approved with_Modifications _Denied Rcvd Date: 8' F( 8 Reason for Denial: Amount n APPROVED— Cas 0 : /.1776 Rcvd by: .�V Signed: a 6es _l,-- -.: .�A AUG r97 nig 45 Days: ?..0771-4%/ •I / !iof YARMOUTH / OLD KING'S HIGHWAY _ ' Date Signed: 2/27/ZD/Y V ' & ' 03/2018 1 APPLICATION#i 8 _ A 0 8 3 • ° o TOWN OF YARMOUTH 2: `< 4" OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE •- 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664 4Q�IPPROVE® Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax(508)398-0836 �j STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING AUG 2 7 2018 CHANGES TO AN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED P_AN YARMOUTH ,r / ' OLD KING'S HIGHWAY As property owner/contractor/agent for construction at 30 /-teed-ile/ Lu Map/Lot //s79—) C/A# 1 8 - A 0 8 8 Approval Date: E' en— /8 I certify that I understand the following requirements regarding any changes that may be required for this project: In accordance with paragraph 2(a) of section 1.03(General Procedures) of the OKH 972 CMR Rules and Regulations: Only minor changes may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application and a new hearing. Minor changes include alterations that can be done without a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the project such as altering a single window or door change or a minor change of colors. All minor changes by amendment will require the local Committee's or its designee's approval. All changes to previously OKH approved plans require notification to and approval from the local OKH Committee. Change requests must be submitted to the Committee in writing on the appropriate request form, which may be obtained from the OKH office. All change approvals must be obtained before incorporating the change into the project. If the change has been implemented prior to receipt of OKH approval, a Minor Change approval or Certificate of Appropriateness application for the revised plans is still required and will result in a doubled filing fee for the appropriate category of work. Failure to comply with the above statements will result in the Building Department issuing a stop-work order or delaying issuance of an Occupancy Permit or final inspection approval. RFCEIt,FC I have read and understand the above statements. AUG 2 S 2018 1 TOWN CLERK Date: �'/Z7/RO�� Signed: 6 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA (Owner/Contractor/Agent) Signed: mea _ (Chairm , Old ding's Highway Committee) H:OKH COMMITTEEWpplicatlon FoimslStatement of Understanding 2015 dots Updated 12/2015 Vozella; Beth From: Vozella, Beth Sent Wednesday,August 8,2018 1:40 PM To: 'PSawyer@fiainc.com' Subject: FW:30 Heather Lane Hi Paul- Just want to let you know that I got your voicemail and Rosa forwarded me your email authorizing Bob Snow as your agent regarding proposed work at 30 Heather Lane ....Thank you. -Beth APPROVED Beth Vozella AUG Office Administrator 2 7 2018 Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission YARMOUTH Town of Yarmouth OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451 Tel: 508-398-2231 X 1292 From: Fallon, Rosa Sent:Wednesday,August 8, 2018 1:30 PM To:Vozella, Beth<BVozella@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: FW:30 Heather Lane From: Paul Sawyer Imailto:PSawver@fiainc.com] Sent:Wednesday,August 8, 2018 1:00 PM To: Fallon, Rosa<rfallon@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject:30 Heather Lane Rosa Joe McClusky had requested I send this statement below regarding my property at 30 Heather Lane. Please let me know if this is satisfactory and if there are any questions or concerns. I authorize Bob Snow as my contractor /representative for any and all permits and inquiries at my home at 30 heather Lane Yarmouth Port Ma. RECEIVED Thank you AUG 2 9 2018 Paul TOWN CLERK Paul Sawyer—Operations Manager SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA Fluid Industrial Associates,Inc. 7 Sixth Road Wobum,MA 01801 1 Office: 781.938.8900 x 2416 " 8 - A 8 8 Fax: 781.933.3965 0 E-Mail: psawyer@fiainc.com Web: www.fiainc.com 1 I RECEIVE® • GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEE— AUG - S 2018 Project Address: z ,�// �,�'' �tcYNt muuiH FOUNDATION: Material:%ti/ta ZOn/G�: .( ExposurE of€go-e AY �� CHIMNEY: Material/Color: (ti!"-1//' GUTTERS: Material/Color:AatH) AASH (A4/ to is it ROOF: Material:4�i0/ Pitch (7/12 min) TAX- Height to Ridge: ��� "+�' Color://�ld�'�` SIDING: Material/Style: Front:/c24i474f/7 Lt bcl'Sides/Rear,O/1A-SAJA/14 COLOR CHIPS ' Color: Front:AMid/ l i4I5-,-/A1 Sides/Rear://ljTt-//G/l L1 TRIM: All windows &doors to be trimmed with: lx 4 x5 (Circle one.) Jai/CMaterial:n 7�=A'' Color. f9 ,.. DOORS: Qty: '3 Material: /4,-/Y1-1r' Color:a/gar— Style/Size(if not listed/shown on elevations):io9.e �,+ t STORM DOORS: Qty..e.2 Material/ �l✓{�.�.�L(V/ Color: U411< n C �,� Q JCC GARAGE DOORS: Qty: s2.- Matt .s1.t-r.g / Style: Color tt f ee WINDOWS: Qty/side::Front: / Left li! Right: 7 Rear. ��� Color. tic/l�e Manufacturer/Series: ����(rt`'f Material: 11/11,i YL Grilles(Required): Pattern(6/6,2/1,etc.) 64 . Grille Type:True Divided Lite: Snap-In: Between Glass: jt/Permanently Applied: _Exterior _Interior STORM WINDOWS: Qty /?S Material: Color: APPROVED Y / APPROVED SHUTTERS: Mat'I: 1/ \Style: Paneled Louvered Color: �, I AUG 2 7 2018 SKYLIGHTS: Qty: vt�./ Fixed Vented Siz- Color: YARMOUTH DECK: Size: Decking Matt N\ Color OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Railing Matt %I__ Style: ‘".. Color: ��./ WALLS/FENCES'(Max 6'1 lght): Height: -1,/ Matt Style: iCoTon' (Show running footage& location on plot plan.) *Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. . i . UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS: Location: ',C., Screening: a REECTIthil LIGHTS: Qty. 6 Style: ZCrne-H Color: WL p AUG 2 8 2018 Location(s): Kel-eNI 9 2/4A ,-z - TOWN CL rn< LIGHT POSTS: Qty / Material: Color: SOUTH YARIACiu Id, MA Location(s): ./ Additional information: l J 2-General 18 - A 0 8 8 APPLICATION#: 016 . ... :.- • I -..„'`.4.- •--. ,._•-...•tkitylre-3.-:,-34ei— .; ,P,..1 ---------:—.-'•.. .-'---.0."1",:..,..,,,..?rsq' .. , . - ,f, • _ • l .. , I. ... ,. • ... o, -- ..... .. ; •:-.-... • • A. , .i ...4. -- . . . 1 Fr—T-------_ ;•-:: , 4 1 . 1 :,v,, ,. ,J. .. ' .. ‘ ' .1 -.,1: ..;C''' :ikb. / 1 _ .1 ., •44,.... . 4, r- .4s f .4. . .1 .,',.it• ..,... tt. .../0,-.T„„,...t 11. ..- .,.... .-.,2 ! .-- -,..._.- --.. • ,.. ...... ..d. 1 . . -.: ,7e.-4, - - • v. --_,-- - -- IA ...•..,/-- - •-`,,-i* - — . .-.1:+..• , .p..._" . .4 -:. , r ... :,...... ... ::: - ,..,. ..r:._. - .._-..---' -':•:,. „.... _. . ..„. . .. , . . . :.• •„. , • .2;........ .. . • . ,....4• • . • .- - S7.7,....7.. .., ...• .i.•-• ...- - - I . • . ...-..... . :. . - -.. . -•-., , , ----,--,---- --7.1.27-..,.:.„4,444 --, ..- ... - • _ • ,,, . • .., „---- - •0„-- ...,_. .c,4 --- . . . . r . .t: .......... _........-, A :-.— " — ' -.: . • ' • I. • GYARN U APPROVE i OLD KA UG N — 82618HUITHHwAy RECFIVED AUG 27 2 018 J YARMOUTH • AUG 2 8 71118 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY T 'AI ' r' --.< 1 8 — A,, 0 8 8 sou-1. i , .,,i,....„.,1 i-I, MA 29 'I/ — I I i ! I i _____ I li I___L Ferry release finger latches allow for Panorama* Crossbuck Classic Lexington quick seasonal chars of screens and glass panels I — 1. i pig , iLII.I Illit ii.jiH,,,..r. i i 41 11100 lali Li 'N__ Victorian One-Lite Full-Lite Duo-Provin9l Se Storing iiil Choose the timeless beauty of beveled Lifetime Storm Doors available in white vinyl or bronze aluint Ei tE® glass for cm upscale look *Panorama style available in 32" x 80" and 36" x 80" style y. -8 2018 RECEIVED I APPROVED I 1`ARMOUTH 014 1.,... HIGHWAY Guardian Storm Doors AUG ?8 2018 AUG 2 7 2018 Pftillig TOW?! r_,+ t t YARMOUTH sow i �'� OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Unlike ordinary storm doors, the Guardian is designed to keep '; ,; out intruders. Security begins with a Lifetime Storm Door. Added Sash can ,,, be glazed with • security is built in where storm doors are most vulnerable: the screen. . optional unbreakable Lexan in place of tempered glass Stainless steel wire mesh is double crimped and cannot be cut, Deluxe pushed or pulled out of place like ordinary screens. The screen's hardware with deadbolt edges lock it firmly into the door frame, and glass inserts may and heavy_ be added or removed while the screen always remains fixed. duty knob set it are optional The Guardian Door is offered in Crossbuck, Classic, Lexington, Victorian, Duo-Provincial and One-Lite styles. 18 - A 0 8 8 _ ___ 0 . ...., OivE®r c _., r : ... ?o �J 4UG - 82018 .. -t -. z7 t. .. } 1 . SCJ v :7 OL11 YAa(1!1UUTH • � A. - _ - r C \\ ��', , .. slit.„ „I__ r ._____. ,. /I , ,..-4 Ns_. g 1 II ,, - • MalIMMM • imi Olgoitte. i .. , iNipars - •. ' a j tI ._ r ..G \ "Y, _ � Q 1 8 = A 0 8 8 ••• • •'5.- ''.•1..,11' .,-,.. V . . 5,. ... .._______A. ',, , , ,,., •, ...,* ,,,o. . 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DIN c, .:.,•••• _... .- • i 9nv . .... , q 9oto . , ..... - — ,,.. ... 1., %.\- •Ik. .. - . . .- c . . z ,:c. ..,„ i .,........„ _..k..._ , - . - 4 g D 1 1 v / • i aa'Aoei , ., , ..... . • .` 8'-0" 7 Y- X 7.-0" X X 12'_6" .— / e ---- - i :t82089' VOU H 1'-0 ), o Wqy 1 ) © NEW GARAGE N NEW ENTRY- • 102 ; 0 °o 101 2 2T-0"� N 110 7 I N\ / 1 N\ - - - / � RUIsd NG fN / s�_0"� /\ I I I \/\/ I / N I I / N i/ \\}'/ KX ( 6 ) XIX 0 J k f 4,_0,. 3,_0" 3,_0., EXISTING CHIMNEY / 28 - f C— APPROVED Window Schedule Type Mark Manufacturer Model Type Comments AUG 2 7 2018 1 30"x 46" YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Door Schedule Mark Manufacturer Type Model Height Width Comments 1 36"x80' 6'•8" 3'-0" 2 36"x80" 6'-8' 3'-0" 3 36"x80' 6'-8" 3'-0" 4 36"x80" 6'-8" 3'-0" 5 36"x 80' 6'-8" 31-0" 6ByType 7'-0" 9'-0" 7 ByType 7'_0" 9'-0" !r) 1.113 2 3 2018 TOWN CLERK SOUTH YPR,"^' 'T1d,MA Garage Addition FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1 8 — A 0 8 8 Project number RMS01 Date 8/7/2018 A-1 30 Heather Lane Yarmouthport, MA Drawn by Author Checked by Checker Scale 1/8"= 1,-0" TOP OF ROOF(EXIST) �� / 19'-7"+1-(VERIFY) Ceilie.r r/ r I I TOP OF ROOF:181-6"+/-(VERIFY) AUG -8 2018 Iij/ ASPHALTRO(pSHINGLESOF OSH�GNwAY ALIGN WITH TRANSOM EXISTING TRIM LIGHTS M ``�— CORNER BOARD M. , _ 7 _ / 2 , r�� 7 '— c — \--, I I — SHINGLES 1// I • 1 West Elevation APPROVED 1/8" = 1.-0" AUG 2 7 2018 YARMOUTH EXISTING CHIMNEY A� 19'-7 1/4" OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 18'-6" EXISTING ROOF /44, MATCH NIJ�7 I. :I [U ld SLOPES EE INIII IN 1 TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA O OSouth Elevation 1/8" = 1'-0" 18 - A08 I? Garage Addition WEST & SOUTH ELEVATIONS Project number RMS01 Date 8/7/2018 A-2 30 Heather Lane Yarmouthport, MA Drawn by Author Checked by Checker Scale 1/8" = 1'-0" I/REAUG -8 20/8 OPG -'yWAY EXISTING h CHIMNEY 19'-7 1/4" 1/4 18'-6"S- \41/414'-0"t NEW GARAGE NEW ENTRY EXISTING HOUSE ro iii ,, 101 I APPROVED East Elevation 0 1/8" = 1-o" AUG 2 7 2018 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 4 AULi '( ,i it id icy A! , cL, s SOUTH.1142‘;'%:1”.„.0{H. MA Garage Addition EAST ELEVATION 1 8 - A 0 8 8 Project number RMS01 Date 8/7/2018 A-3 30 Heather Lane Yarmouthport, MA Drawn by RCN Checked by RMS Scale 1/8"= 1'-0" AUG _ e® 8 20/8 O(pkNGsN IGH-AY Inf' n,yi." 'raw 14 f 01 1e9t M4af. k .y e N�' M'' Esi,n -, Wxf;+w ,q�'uy' �f daF r y .0 i'1, il'h 7.utn {may Lipt 4Aelok, 1 J ' f M4* ^wYh^R min"' •xi« it 3.mr"a 4i:M1 dd, wflk + .ap ' f na^i !" mAf ft'gve144*.' Nt . � W"naV+vNS""wrxM r itt as-M Yqi v4„;;411#+M.1+41474� nFn4M f*rift " ryy4tt �JCf .r.f � i I; fn' ao +r Gy • 1 ; f,N{ IPI f f�F4 ? uF a r400:0 ta, � 3,Cio'! fsr nw,f r NM � .,..: ,.. Ln w r o 4»M.—.+.� �A�- 'a � rtan unrYutLAK.•.Y s x r v f r t � tx..Fmrtyrt a.,+w \�snlar ,.m R fMWiNFf ia^fh i4.jc frt rt 'a1 +,m.tiv. r.4 a„akr( In 41 f a {E +aFI1A • ip -�' Vef 1f flip • . �h APPROVED 1 Ml i yy; If AUG 2 7 2018 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY RECEIVED AUG 2 0 2018 TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 18 - A088 Garage Addition NORTH EAST ISOMETRIC Project number RMS01 Date 8/7/2018 ISO-1 30 Heather Lane Yarmouthport, MA Drawn by RCN Checked by RMS Scale ED • AUS EC_ 8 20!!18 OLD K�N�MOUTH S HIGHWAY r .F.v, » .wiyaanW .n 1 W, '� nY. .t' M4 r .nw ."..' .11 Y{F .-4,,,c-v:;14,',..,::4, k M' r YI ';',-1,-..t... .t I 1 _ '' ac-v:; I lh 4 r IMS.I} 1?•aa ,. xIl r 4nyh kiM 1t e stia--2s 4 14 . Id „ •m r r < ;F uur TT n lmm- ”4„....., "N.'s.rce p J w nl 14•�pp1t n +�:kM'14 r , t •i 442,;i4,446,..,: 4-t. m,&1 4t Stip -i. lH 1;..1}6k' { ..•,h, yy,.EtlN9"7°�4w M e +xq ninx�ner)r a .M' � .,,b+.4'. • H{IHBnH-I} n Iw + to a t, '. .a a-reF,Qmsv w rn�ila. aMr "4A+ a 1.»�n,,...,*"k"•'.�q'{tin i �u al 1F " n Nµ� n + •"''''c{ o>�b ar xx 01. I r :< qq� �oi a ''''":74-74 hx*M p_.. f . 9 1 - rypW�M w4 'tHM01v1 f vS!ice* m.-n r. •„ li i _n• ' .a'•; A �' i ill, •„ i .Fra n t r+• N u y t s . 3 ++x+n4 . *r 1 w w.,dr•+n wyfl yvn �, u d4 11 x 1 1 .;$ HAlr*? n " i r i r71:1,'''". 4r ay.iyra u 1 µ +0;;;1: �'�{c} • � FRTa �II• M`[ 4^ I S MWa�i{M°��'jaL✓gj i''4-...i. i�,l , :'''',1.111...r1; y:ii, f u 5t , 7 FI n {, .{ •.,.y,rq';„v:Fi,¢ n 4 � r l ,4,4"'. cwr ; hy. r:H. + .P1' 147AF-1I.irS11,r..�t k.fi u1.,y ,�1 v HF J R C A Crun�P.'I�+Pu , gyp 4 t 1M, � F�Iq al � a � (M1N_~� M +'i i4k4w.MnIMnN �'Ny FF' -•. l. M"S ML R':M'FbM H•N 1 R t u „,;1,:44,;!„,,,,-13'1. 1°'Hti.4 41 1-yyi�j 0 alp, d Iii ShW74504 Mlm ra a,',�. la Iq r x w rxim hkW if *6MNu+h '` � .z.„.47 1� - �p- S eY� "i+in ,, "0 4y r - x ue 'w¢wwy.'��� s•n,� 4,...;...4'..: a I 1 A • 'il ' Wu { fi# ',M�l tii�^ + r �W x ,}nlq P4rtl 'LI ,' Y +�X:� '4..4 j - p{5 (JHf•%M�y� i n 1 r2 :ni 4Joi' r . ).. & t. 47n4M.Nnt ▪.,L I +Hr.,. .eV x"'` navihm% '4.11.* r,y q"�a{4m[- Y ' t i -rr PIM P 4. � 100t.�y sWw r i • nm, x w tom+h� ub hh, tr +r -t xly,� . �*.` Q pYlr 54ary. ,r�,..Fy q r n t o n H a P+ M.�- 4. I** . u, t,• . • I�IH aR ttUs t'il'l x 3''F r0 xw- '�1 ,i mlMn IN MMp i' R'bx'. v I -.`14gi ” - T ,-,11-,.t ��a ��• y tx1a0.1144 .. „, n qb ww p u H,�1":4 x;r A APPROV• E® AUG 2 7 2018 RECEIVED YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY AUG 2 8 2018 TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA Garage Addition H-WEST ISOMETfI�_ A U 8 8 Project number RMS01 ��ff DateSOUT8/7/2018 ISO-2 30 Heather Lane Yarmouthport, MA Drawn by Author Checked by Checker Scale 1/8"=1'-0" /RSCe'Ve AUG -8 2018 o=DKINGSyGN w41, 14.114110. u � "rp Sr, ,.13 - y bt M t I o-'' ';rXt ,,TYa ,vrf'" ,�>>u hr„ry!d 4 d* 'r- �x .-+µ..u��a i _ F"r ix J f rNpu � •n r" a1%J qt.', 4 rMt�* 4.yLAPPROVED ,d !u! N pn-A ' PY4: ,.,._,. 1 � ilons thi. AUG 2 7 2018 ,uA A l.eY ,n1 x,.1" YARMOUTH A _ ..p„ OLD KING'S HIGHWAY _.„h=. RECEIVED AUG 2 8 2018 TOWN CLERK YARMOUTH, SOUTH MA Garage Addition SOUTH-EAST ISOMETRIC 18 - A088 Project number RMS01 Date 8/7/2018 ISO-3 30 Heather Lane Yarmouthport, MA Drawn by Author Checked by Checker Scale . . . . , . • • , Irlr—riulo'rrirrrrPlInIt'nrrlirrInYtT7Frr"Thrrirrrnrifirrs-re 7.;. . , , , , , • . - .. . I DATUM IS &va -4•11itNOTESINIIIIIIIrr . - . • • • ' . . . • , 2.ThiS P1)11 IS FOR PROPOSED ViORK &Y MID NOT 10 • . • , APPROVED Vila BE RESPOIISSLE poll CALUN LOCATTol OF ML UNDERGROUND 3c QZRNCAD UTP.JTIES PURPOSE , - AU& 27 2018 - HuicitgiwAY DLO KING'S .--:- C/ e•kal t Mr- •/ WDITOtt • YARMOUTH ) z ii 41/4 , , • • OLD KING'S HIGHWAY • 7 4 , - .... ECEIV Eli I . , • - • 1/4te.> _ . , - • . i ' 'YARma . RECEIVED SCALE 1"•.2000'± • . • ASSESSORS MAP 315PARCEL 27 . , . • 3 AUG 28 2018 . . , • . . . 15 36 , 60/ , . 3, 0 go) TOWN CLERK 10 0 - d SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA - , •,3" Is - ZONING SUMMARY - - H- - -- •-•- - -- - - ,r araa .) 0, . . ZONING DICT. S.TR . R-40 DISTRICT . , . MIN. LOT SIZE 40000 &F • I •t4:41 . MIN. LOT FRONTAGE • 1513' MIN. FRONT SETBACK 301 ' , . • . . , • . , . , . i. I' HOLLY , MIN. SIOE SETBACK SO' . . r4* VI -,-; MIN. REAR4 SETBACK 20* • ptifIS .G a . 1, 0 .. : - ' • TOF '40.3 fl. . vl. SITE IS LOCATED*THU THE AQUIFER ' " : .• ..1: . • .. -59 • C ' , - • ' • • ' %to, , PROTECTION OVEILAY ISTRICY(ZONE H) ‘' • •••1, -, ' . Sel. .......-", ,. - • ' al. ' , . . -----. • 1 -..--- I . . I cs \ - • ' ,, ' - 1 lite •••••• opOSED A .. . % . . V, PRDFOON iltA b..' 14 , ve i • 'RIVE • oth, 1 , , , . S , ., I ,.._., , . p, .. , . -0---- elF1-$I1 1 37-,„, g., 5. • i -sok , .. - dii .-- er' :. I i —1 • • 1 ...--a1100'"-. I.--- • ....flown . . 46- - • • "110.\r..,1,„% ..1:36,1 aga, _,,,,....07 • ' . 'a iTE PLAN * . .. • . • . . • . , • • OF . , •. '-'4.• • s • . . #30. RATHER, LANE, •- . - • YARNIOJTHPORT MA . - - JOIN MASOTTA ' DATE NOV. 7, 2016., ' . off 5DU-36245,I DMEL ' • • . . -, . • , ...__ ' fainVidi fd""sou:::::47.11988arrs: .. • , • . ige ft, 1I• I• w.ITIcAsso " . i wing togleedagfic. . • • . pi- '...4.1:40 Scala:1.0.W IVI-lb , DJ1 Mm Street (Res sA) . ' • • . DCE #16-320 0 IQ 20 30 50 rat DATE D IEL A. OJALA. P.C., P.LS. raITHPORT MA • 02675 1/41 8 - It 8 8 8 40 I320• • • . . . - 1212.1 C. - - ? a ,4 " ' i 131 139 - - " ' 'I 124271 123114 I i I 121107 1 123 91 124/3 \* j - , - _ 124131 • - - 123.1;3 ! F1 1 t.i 12421 124 EAS 123 SQ It 1,_. 121112 123.106 I ��. 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"_ 't (-` 71124 �\\ 111325 ; . \ • 111.71 l 115.39 - \ .i 11465In 11120 '` -; -- , - 115.51 ?• ' 1 -- l t, 1 - 11130 - - O \ , O 111]S :-, ,, ,-: 117.31 1 731 I . s. - 0 °'O r i r - i 11468 11477 5i r1'14 118 111.19 111.40 _ 0 5'` \ a'' li ��a 0 z , C.\ u ZD - 114 49 .�9 111.48 i 11467 11176 - H' ! 113497r =0 M <nC \•'• - �� --- .. -• 71571' 111 44 ' ' {c - a 11 31 7.1 \ -a - ,=C -� , — - 11•/.4} ? ; i • a' 115 43 o �3. 4- p� C .�_ •,...i. C= o i i - a� 71!12 .', G 1+1 OD C= Oo - 11444' ,� 11/¢1 ' ' ; 117.90 p r i �• ;0 ' �. q .193 , s y�y� aI a` it{.73 w 'R ' ,- •,a € • •—{ < 11].57 ' 11717 i, l.: " '- .,. °n _ \\ • a ......1 1cc 30 HEATHER LN YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 1 inch = 182 feet vrt4 a ar1: 0 s CO Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and Informational purposes only. YARMOUTH (MA) and Vision Government Solutions are not responsible for any use for other purposes or misuse or misrepresentation of this information. 8/8/2018 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE DATE SUBMITTED: 8/P/s- • DATE NEEDED BY: 09/49 TO: Assessors Office FROM: Beth Vozella, OKH Office Administrator RE: Mailing Labels for Application No3 8 ' A083 Please provide 1 set and 1 hard copy of mailing labels for the Applicant and Abutters (direct and across the street) included on the attached listing. Feel free to call me at ext.1292 should you have any questions. Thank You. TOWN OF YARMOUTH iECEIM G® OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTE AUG - 8 2018 ABUTTERS' LIST YARMOUTH /� OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Applicant's (Owner) Name: Paul J zt/ Si( fifProperty Address/Location: .Jo - r LE,Q LA Application #: 18 -A088 Hearing Date: %' 2-) -I 8' Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way)who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Mailings will be sent using addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Please provide the map and lot numbers only. Note: This information may be obtained at the Assessor's Office in Town Hall or on the Town of Yarmouth website:www.varmouth.ma.us(under the Assessor's Department tab). Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: .427 • Abutter Information: _ 115- .254 vie l pFr A 45"eq I© APPROVE® AUG 27 2013 RECEIVED YARMOUTH OLD KINn'G HIGH_ Wim_ P.Uf 2820 .8 TO\N"J CLE^.!; SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA Andy Machado, Director of Assessing 112016 3 115/ 26/ / / LACEY CHRISTOPHER J LACEY ELAINE C ✓ Please use this signature to certify this list of properties 19 FRANKLIN HUNT ROAD directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: ROCKLAND,MA 02370 30 Heather Ln., Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 115/ 27/ / �YlAssessors� Map 115,-� , Lot 27 / MASOTTA JOHN D wo /5l,i i.oa4 C/O SAWYER PAUL AND MARIE V Andy Machap, Director of Assessing 4 CARL FORESTER LN WOBURN,MA 01801 Ce 8-- 115/ 28/ / / OSBOX 35 TUCCIA JOHN(LIFE EST) AUG 1 0 2018 YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 OLD "'NO'S I NG S ti 115/ 33/ / / DERY RUSSELL P 23 HEATHER LN YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675.1909 115/ 34/ / / P M^ SNOW ROBERT MIR V APPROVED 29 HEATHER LN YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 AUG 2 7 2018 115/ 35/ / / YARMOUTH STANTON GEORGE OLD KING'S HIGHWAY STANTON BETTY ANN 400 MAIN STREET SOUTH DENNIS,MA 02660 115/ 59/ / / RECEIVED MACARTHUR LAIN MICHAEL MACARTHUR CHRISTINE 69 UNION ST AUG 2 8 2018 YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 TOWN CLERK 115/ 60/ / / SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA ELLICOTT DON GOULD ELLICOTT BEATRICE G J 65 UNION ST YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 Bob Snow 29 Heather Lane Yarmouth Port,MA 02675 Karig