HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp# 18-A092 o s°`- 9. TOWN OF YARMOUTH ° s" 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 RECEIVED` J... a Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax(508)398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE AUG 2 2 2018 APPLICATION FOR YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts of 1973 as amended,for proposed work as described below&on plans,drawings, photographs,&other supplemental info accompanying this application. PLEASE SUBMIT 4 copies OF SPEC SHEET(S),ELEVATIONS,PHOTOS,&SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Check All Categories That Apply: • Indicate type of Building: Commercial ✓ Residential 1) Exterior Building Construction: New Building _Addition Alterations _Reroof ✓ Garage IShed _Solar Panels Other: RECEIVED 2) Exterior Painting: Siding _Shutters _Doors Trim Other: 3)Signs/Billboards: _New Sign _Change to Existing Sign SEP 1 1 2018 4)Miscellaneous Structures: Fence Wall Flagpole Pool _Other: TOVV,I CLERK Please type or print legibly: t t SOUTH YARMOUSI MA Address of proposed work:IS MAW IT. ((r��L A) Map/Lot# I/IR- S(�.S. to Owner(s): AELIHONY A#1Cl 1fri Phone#:tDZ' 7.77- ?n. All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: Year built: 1111 Email:-4611l f J. Q @'ni t . COn1 Preferred notification method: Phone Email Agent/contract.`of/r: Phone#: Mailing Address: Email: Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Proposed Work: An' S?W -0M T° GAtA&,C. -TUE E)CT1NSI,J WoW,17 .BIW 51A171146( DMN t7° 1*Y ON NuK1H -FACE. -me I'\UIT VSPIW SIflti WITMK a ides i w�M Do* W 13E D*k ON - i i .. Signed" 1(Owner or agent): , /A AL I_ Date:_241,164,2020 > Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit is required from the Building Department(Check other departments,also.) > If application Is approved,approval is subject to a 10-day appeal period required by the Act. > This certificate Is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. > All new construction will be subject to inspection by OKH.OKH-approved plans MUST be available on-site for framing&final Inspections./Approved For Committee use only: 't Approved _Approved with Modifications _____Denied Rcvd Date: ?i a—I Si Reason for Denial: AmountA90 APPROVED etKitr _ , _cvd by: LV Signed: ' a Misr„ _ • -_dr SEP I0 2018 45 Days: la-9-IQ (MAW. — YARMOUTH Date Signed: 9/40/2 We 1 APPLICATION#: /X40,4 2° o TOWN OF YARMOUTH gLavac a OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax(508)398-0836 Rece tED STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING SEP 112018 CHANGES TO AN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED PLAN SOUTHy RMOUT i, Ani; As property owner/contractor/agent for construction�tat as Anv4 c �,A Map/Lot //3;33 C/A#a 8 - A 9 ( Approval Date: 21-/6-/P" I certify that I understand the following requirements regarding any changes that may be required for this project: In accordance with paragraph 2(a) of section 1.03(General Procedures) of the OKH 972 CMR Rules and Regulations: Only minor changes may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application and a new hearing. Minor changes include alterations that can be done without a detrimental impact on the overall appearance of the project such as altering a single window or door change or a minor change of colors. All minor changes by amendment will require the local Committee's or its designee's approval. All changes to previously OKH approved plans require notification to and approval from the local OKH Committee. Change requests must be submitted to the Committee in writing on the appropriate request form, which may be obtained from the OKH office. All change approvals must be obtained before incorporating the change into the project. If the change has been implemented prior to receipt of OKH approval, a Minor Change approval or Certificate of Appropriateness application for the revised plans is still required and will result in a doubled filing fee for the appropriate category of work. Failure to comply with the above statements will result in the Building Department issuing a stop-work order or delaying Issuance of an Occupancy Permit or final inspection approval. APPROVL:D I have read and understand the above statements. SEP 10 2013 Date: 1/°72-0/8' Si , d - YARMOUTH (Ownett//C. • . sr/Agent) Y Signed: (v( 6 (Chairman, 0 d King's Highway Committee) H:1OKH COMMITTEEVIpplica.an Forms\Statement of Understanding 2015 dace Updated 12/2015 • • RECEIVED GENERAL SPECIFICATION SHEET AUG 2 2 2018 Project Address: I, OLQ KING'S HIGHWAY FOUNDATION: Material: CONI £ L Exposure(Not to exce d 1 y CHIMNEY: Material/Color: GUTTERS: Material/Color:mum-f- crrtit ROOF: Material: Cc IL Pitch(7/12 min) Height to Ridge: Color: SIDING: Material/Style: Front: C E.L Ak S4f1W t3 Sides/Rear: COLOR CHIPS Color: Front: Sides/Rear: TRIM: All windows &doors to be trimmed with: 1x 4 1x5 (Circle one.) APPROVED ' Material: Color: SEP 10 2018 DOORS: Qty: * I Material: 11V°6 b Color:'PiE : E( EEN/ YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Style/Size (if not listed/shown on elevations): STORM DOORS: Qty: Material: Color: GARAGE DOORS: Qty: 1 Mat'I: WO6 Style: st-EDt Color: PikkiS E BEEN WINDOWS: Qty/side:: Front: Left: Right: Rear: Color: RECEIVED Manufacturer/Series: Material: SEP 112018 Grilles(Required): Pattern(6/6,2/1,etc.) Grille Toe: True Divided Lite: TOWN CLCPK Snap-In: Between Glass: Permanently Applied: _Exterior _Interi&SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA STORM WINDOWS: Qty: Material: Color: SHUTTERS: Mat'I: Style:Paneled Louvered Color: SKYLIGHTS: Qty: Fixed Vented Size Color: DECK: Size: • Decking Mat'l: Color: • ' Railing Mat'l: Style: Color: WALLS/FENCES*(Max 6'height): Height: Mat'l: Style: Color. (Show running footage&location on plot plan.) 'Finished side of fence must face out from fenced in area. UTILITY METERS/HVAC UNITS: Location: Screening: LIGHTS: Qty: Style: Color: Location(s): LIGHT POSTS: Qty: Material: Color: Location(s): Additional information: 2-General l' 8 - A O p APPLICATION#: 7 { Z60V - 8L Interlock® Solid Copper Roofing Copper Roofing is without question one of the best of all premium roofing products. RECEIVE ' ® � ® ® AUG 222018 YHKIVIUU I ri OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Copper has been in use for thousands of years. It's continually changing beauty over time has long been a favorite to those lucky enough to live under a copper roof. Interlock offers Slate and Cedar Shingle in 12 oz or 16 oz,Shake or Standing Seam in 16 oz and Tile in 20 oz copper. �n+I1-f;��1p pe�� A copper roof is virtually maintenance free AP" ' ' VC SEP 10 2018 .i Can be used next to a body of salt water YARMOUTH v Has outstanding wind resistance,and earthquake resistance OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Copper has been in use for thousands of years. It's continually changing beauty over time has long been a favorite to those lucky enough to live under a copper roof. Interlock offers Slate and Cedar Shingle in 12 oz or 16 oz,Shake or Standing Seam in 16 oz and Tile in 20 oz copper. Copper roofs have existed since early civilizations. It was chosen because it enhanced the beauty of any structure.Copper exceeds all possible expectations. After the installation,copper will begin to evolve going from a bright shiny color to different stages of bronze subtle hues of green before reaching its final and very familiar variegated green color. Depending on where the roof is located,the process could take as long as 30-35 years. RECEIVED GET A FREE QUOTE SEP 112018 TOWN CLC^K SOUTH UTH, MA 18 - A092 1 ilk „goo' Jr • ..4041g ve- �F NIE R� APic � , ."7,7:',. �„ AUG 2 2 2018 SEP 10 ; 1- OLD KING'S HIGHWAY _______, YARMUUIN OLD KING'S HIGHWAY RECEIVED SEP 1 1 2018 TOWN r'_rRK. SOUTH tir,l- ,,i, MA 18 - AO9 • # ii • • R---------ECF ,� . t . .. ... . . , �'7 rt f .. ..... YNRIvIs..Jv t n ,,.. OLD KIND '` �(fGHWAY , . -` 4.7"41151, s ;..,, '' , 1 F k SEP 1 (I 2018 _ { h, tin glii 1 . YARMOUTH y - • • - j i 1 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY n` lip lkii VIP.1'r v.,.. / Le *aratwrrmans IT . 6 O J ,ffy,..yire sr I Ti— • 1............ i Ali 1 h l` i .I. lit l • ' • rf :9` .'T4 1 "IIII 111116 la .. i9• ( ' * y +►. .E '►•1l L T a 4•� taw ,a�-y]�•� l61� iia.{n1 , •i ,. , 6 i N iiii •i k N' - •� ' 5 j • `S.,.-.41',„.'- ,r rr t►. 4 17 ''�w i • •• ...•••• 1 440 N �itt { 4. , . it. I --.16 • , . '' 't '- 14 i,1, 144 ': t - .' � - i 0 a • v .�„n�A,•�. ...., .01'1,„ .‘... i ' 41 .‘4. ,4 r.• `NAV:.*' • .1.I.‘ le. 1 . -g'•• I y . qr 'moi � . R x , { , i g • aT. -4 ..... ...„, . ,.,, *. .,..,- . ,... .,..d.,„ ._ . -.._. Ila 41111F‘'14:.• ..• • /• A ' - II1 RECEIVE , , — AUG 2 2 2018 YHKIVIUU I N /�\ ' I - _ I Jr: c.7 / ,, .,4 F�, ) 1 •.: OLD KING'S HIGHWAY `c' "-'-.) re --___ __- - - - • > APPROVED i1 -__ . :.- - ; I SEP 10 2018 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY _ r 1 P • a • Rent "tt?TUJI IDZ �. aai �� ` ! SEP _[1=��i o rOwNCL 2018 �'� OTH vA er�fMOU , 1I 4; X41" y'.-`Il t. ,I , , . [1t1it , , I, f_ '! / 4 H , r� � I Il , , , , _ L, _ ____, IM1 y r,� IE nnl'44,44„ , „ , , ,, ,,,,,,,,,,, , , r.,h , , ,„, 1 . , , „, i . Tr :3 Trilj Iiirffir Erni LI + - A 0 91 222018 .nouTH71-9 G'S HIGHWAY �i APPROVED SEP 102018 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY RECEIVED SEP 112018 TOWNSOUTH AR CL UT N, MA a+ 5-4 0 0 a E LLE) Q C) In A09 1a N .I;;lili i',!,', ;!'; 11!I1i 111;1 ''HI - -- '-- ._.- -- - .E- 1 , ,"i'l;'I'j;l a i''Jl I.I'�,Ill III. 1 LIIIIIIiJ lil' Ii'IlliI1 �!I II' Ili fill 1-' 1 i tI II,i' II ,'Illi ii. 'II, "lii.I' i 1 l' i III II. 1'i1 1 1 ' 111I11 � Ili ill I illi lEll 1 Illi li 1 I I��ill I�illlll,iil'l ISI 1 Hilly 11 I Ili il, ,I:'I! I�,I ! 1111 ,I; 1 ll I ;i1 1 1 11" Iii 11 1 1 I' II 'I'I (1 (rl ii , 13 / i ': III ii1 1 Ii II'Il �' ! \' i ilii lil III !illi I (i1 Il 1 \ I i If�r7( ill I 1 I">,inr 1 N Ilii1,1111,1V1111111,!,11, I � illi I 1 1 --- -- -- _- --_ l 11I it I; _ --- - - •,1i1II� 'I 11. 1 IHi 111', I I 1,11 1 I1 H,H (�� �. ,.' !'gill lil I-_--"- - ._ __- J RECEIVED - - f o ;❑ AUG 2 2 2018 ` l l❑ ° YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY ] F APPROVED SEP 10 2018 ,2 YARMOUTH p OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 0.. .0 7 ,- RECEIVED 0 L. (,) SEP 112018 ¢ � CIDj TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 7 O In N 18 - AQ9Z • • SYSTEM PROFILE • TEST HOLE LOGS - TOP FNDN. AT EL. 4595' ' ACCESS COVER 10 waxes x'OF DN. GRADE INm ID SC AE) LISA LYONS, RS I 4 /,� ACCESS COVER (WATERTIGHT)10 ENGINEER: /X45 8'1 MINIMUM .75'OF COVER OVER PRECAS T rWTHH a'JF FIN. GRADE 2%SLOPE REOUIRED OYER ESTEM I46 0'I WITNESS: DAVID FLAHERTY 1143.8' f i RUN PIPE LEVEL 2'DOUBLE WASHED PuzTONE\ DATE: 6/25/03 �SQQ. roq FIRST i' • PERC. RATE ASSIIMFD <2 MINI NCH IN f/IAS / 77' r PROPOSCO 1500 , Ax u 9 430'/ �LONSEPTC I\4275' 42'8 CLASS I SOILS P/ TANK OM- 70 ) GAs :^.!_^.f�P',� ,_,,...all! - y/�/ Law ' 42.18' .- M O O O O 0 0 0 CI O N ,�- "-"`+ ��'++c� L 42.}5 c 41 96' AROUND 40 LPL ET ER Mu --�-v vY--_'-t'- .-i-31": II C)O C] O O CI AROUND PERIMETER + G2_74 SLOPE)S1 6'CRUSHED STONE OR MECHANICAL` I.__ I CJ Cl C7 C7 C7 OCG CI C] - OF SAS AT LIMIT Cc 2' 0000 C DC CI O 39.96' ROMOVq; TOP AT EL Q ELEV, F COMPACTION. (15221 (I)) 420.BOTTOM AT EL ' DEM OF FLOW - 4-_ LLB SLOPE) (--1.-x SLOPE) 3/4' TO I 1/2' DOUBLE WASHED STONE Oxo' SL 46.0' IEE SIZES: /A' INLET DEPTH - 10', / LS / UNSUIT. OUTLET DEPTH- 16• • S" 10YR 3/2 LOCATION MAP NTS 8 LFOUNDATION— 32' — SEPTIC TANK — 37' D' BOX 24' FACI'HTYG 106' 25' % LS / 43.9'UIT ASSESSORS MAP 112 PARCEL 33 \ OYR 5 6 • ROUTE 6A DECEIVED C, . L.44.1 3' WATER SEEP AT w�-7 39 I 12292' )Es356.20 29.3' UNSUIT. N66'O 4o-E AUG 7 2 2018 Ma :.: /4"d- YAtiiviUUIH 140" / 34.3'OLD KING'S HIGHWAY.9.aS ---- 2 5Y 64 . W 200"PROVED _ 293' 9LNLVY.R1[ f EXIST. DWELL. APPROVED NOTES: CCP ID wµi^D RN:11 n a°Er -'••' �. . .: SEP 10 q [¢v Wit ' ° 2 18 (GARBAGE D5P66ER 5 NOT ALLOWED ) 1. DATUM IS ^'" V caANLsraE I yAx SEPTIC DESIGN "''- ' Li)• - 3 L_� �'+a• r-7. �,Y,�. DESIGN FLOW: _3_ BEDROOMS (110 GPO) - 550 GPD 2. MUNICIPAL WATER IS EXISTING e s F_::'��" �'--'«+:. +.4C4-114. YARMOUTH USE A 550 GPO DESIGN FLOW 3. MINIMUM PIPE PITCH TO BE 1/8' PER FOOT. TO WI wclC I I I'i ' 9/ OLD KING$ 4. DESIGN LOADING FOR ALL PRECAST UNITS TO BE MSHO H- 10 - Lx� I �iC" hil; HIGHWAY SEPTIC TANK: 550 GPD ( 2 ) s 1100 5. PIPE JOINTS TO BE MADE WATERTIGHT. Q N NT I4)+' { le /��' / / -- USE A 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 6. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MASS. Q rPL� i (1- �'q` �' // RI��/CC gas ENVIRONMENTAL CODE TITLE V. — v' w'L � /, ". Moo+A DDEEPYSPYECMM2(47.5 4 1083) 2 (74) 172 7. THIS PLAN IS FOR PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM ONLY AND IS NOT 04CONu - SIDES: TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. HH. / // / VV W BOTTOM 475 x 1083 (74) 380 8. PIPE FOR SEPTIC SYSTEM TO SCH. 40-4" PVC. l/l/� " SEP 11-2018TOTAL: 747S.F. 552OPD 9. COMPONENTS NOT TO BE BACKFILLED OR CONCEALED WITHOUT INSPECTION BY BOARD OF HEALTH AND PERMISSION OBTAINED ^i I Li -I r USE (5) 500 GAL, LEACHING CHAMBERS N7TN 3' FROM BOARD OF HEALTH. ( "' Z o 8 ' SOUTH y 11 C^ ,I2{ STONE AT SIDES AND 25' AT ENDS 10. PUMP k REMOVE EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM tcct 1 �1 :'A.t ARM TH, A 'N'---..- mu y1% 5'REMOVAL OF UNSUITABLE jl SOLREWIREDAROUND LEGEND TITLE 5 SITE PLAN I f' "q "III PERIMETER OF LEACHING `k- FACILITY.DOM TO SUITABLE 100 0 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION a LAMER(TOE Cl-SCE OF )4 ) ....,�•. CLEAN..,�, `EEA MOLE). SEND.E GIN 25 ROUTE 6A 57j`0<1.E "L.~ f.�,+{,yM RCMOv LEO.SAND F,IGINEER IN THE TOWN OF: RE INSPECT AND CERIUM 100x0 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION ✓ __------re. PROVIDE 40 MIL LMER AROUND 100 PROPOSED CONTOUR YARMOUTH(PORT) EDGE O 1 • PELIMIT F EAS AS SHON. OF CLUMP N+IN ) AT LIMIT OF REMOVAL TOP OF MAPLE TREES 100— EXISTING CONTOUR PREPARED FOR: ROBERT AND MARY STUDLEY N, �?,4 UNER 1I R 4j 0'.BOTTOM Al s:n "030 0 30 60 90 V V I—. '- U i , ; ;goo BOARD 01 HEALTH Nln / ,� 8723 � (�i e `,j1. OVED DATE I✓HLK LiKT MA SCALE: 1' 4 30' DATE: JULY 7, 2003 O ' '+A.,, tn se WA-IAT-WI Is%O I62-94W 18 - A 0 9 1 35 00' w0:-/--10714-1"1 1F al ,• • N85.50.381W down cape engineering, inc. �,.'' N1 H 0'ARMS ,• ' CIVIL ENGINEERS 33 a u i.� Manu ) C LAND SURVEYORS w : .D '/`3 / el 03-152 . 939 main st. yar noulh, ma 02675 ��- - ''�_' ,��' 7/3__ OJAL'. '.E., P.L.S. DATE 111OUTH VA 3\11 REC WED 141 AUG 2 2018 YAKM UTH OLD KING'S IGHWAY tOUTE ROUTE35 TE 25 5 ULROAD , AVE . ' ' APPRati -ri SEP 1 7 2018 SEP 10 '9;3 SOUTH OvvN CLERK YARMU YARMOUTH, YARMOUTH MA OLD KING'S HIGHWAY OAD 10 RAILROAD AVE 14 RA IL WA[l Eat lilt IMMO C . i21 48 12113 ------ , S <.• -------- 1 ' - ..1. . I I Th-f _e-- ..,16 oh-_ I--------------- 1 I t c I tt i'' r„... ..„. i 1 t i _ i , i 121.13/- ,„„ 12t4 ; r :_i - - ..,1 1211 , ‘ ,,,- iI ' 9 _&‘ :. f-'l -. 121.90 , 121.92 // 121. 8 - y 7 120 121.1 -.i\, 7/ 121.8J • ' ,r "I f 121.94C i : • ii 121 97 t = '. - ---...-t -----._ . •--.....,:. t / I . 112.29 /, ., . . 112 27J 121.93.1 / // 121:99 ' . / . - I ' .E:;',; ' 121.96 , 112 ,4 11246 112.28 1 % ,/ / 11236 , i 1 1 • „....., z :,, 0:: _cr.,: : lc,till "712.6CI -:1-1: 12.612 , - / 4 ....- gi 1 eti i• 1 < m 1 i _< * r4:1 M t12.55 7) ) ), Its U. ; . 1 ...- 11213 ..1 112.33 V "22 C4 og a.- li.o _, fl / 1 - .,/ N\N. 11215.1 1 '----' 1 t i ..... 41 ,, 7,-,: M I if 1 1 • —,_t_r 112 22 i a° m , • = it • .,..,„ 11234 112.26 -,--1 i I -•< , i, --.-- °eh% =- ; $ ) I ,_/, .1 .112.49,, c 4--•' . 1 ,/ 112.35 I 11233 I 112 25 2 lel 11 112 41 , 0 onj CI) 25 ROUTE 6A YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 9 M PI 1 inch = 152 feet pa de asa-E WI oi g IN, n i NO Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and Informational purposes only.YARMOUTH (MA) and Vision:=itoS roc, SI° I raa Government Solutions are not responsible for any use for other purposes or misuse or misrepresentation of this i_lnformatl 1 aa virois -< Di y' YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE DATE SUBMITTED: $ �$ DATE NEEDED BY: Q" fey S' TO: Assessors Office FROM: Beth Vozella, OKH Office Administrator RE: Mailing Labels for Application No,7" 7 A0_9 2 L. Please provide 1 set and 1 hard copy of mailing labels for the Applicant and Abutters (direct and across the street) included on the attached listing. Feel free to call me at ext.1292 should you have any questions. Thank You. `• TOWN YARMOUTH RE^����ED OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITT 0.� AUG 222018 ABUTTERS' LIST YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Applicant's (Owner) Name: ktffikahlY GAkle-E•Efl Property Address/Location: ZS— 1,4A-04 ST . Application #: 1 S - A 0 9 2 Hearing Date: sed lo, znz Notices must be sent to the Applicant and abutters (including owners of land on any public or private street or way)who's property directly abuts or is across the street from the Applicant. Mailings will be sent using addresses as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Please provide the map and lot numbers only. Note: This information may be obtained at the Assessor's Office in Town Hall or on the Town of Yarmouth website:www.varmouth.ma.us(under the Assessor's Department tab). Map Number Lot Number Applicant Information: _ - atir - - - l12 33 Abutter Information: �. �.� ._��, he ti '\ 7+71 Z . Ile. 32 I12, 34- APPROVED SEP 10 2018 ti Z23 X YARMOUTH I I Z OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 2`ddJ� 11 .2, Z9 te I I Z 3 0 �` RECEIVED / SEP 112018 I / TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA Andy Machado, Director of Assessing 1/2016 3 •/ •• 112/ 22/ / / PEENING CAROLYN L Please use this signature to certify this list of properties P 0 BOX 1372 directly abutting and across the street from the parcel located at: ORLEANS,MA 02653-1372 25 Route 6A,Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Assessors Map 112, Lot 33 112/ 23/ / / ANS i"12ocJo06 BRAGINTON-SMITH DIANNA Andy Mado, Director of Assessing 5 RAILROAD AVE V YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 112/ 24/ / / ANGELLIS PHILIP M ANGELLIS CATHY Z R ECOVED 17 ROUTE 6A - YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 AUG 2 7 2018 112/ 29/ / / YAwv1UUTH GALE CHARLES E TRS GALE CAROLYN A V OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 24 MAIN ST YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675-1618 112/ 30/ / / �P �E® LARSON ALLEN R V LARSON GLORIA C 30 ROUTE 6A SEP 1 Zl7j$ YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 OLD YARMOUTH KING'S HIGHWAY 112/ 32/ / / HEAVEY JOSEPH F HEAVEY KATHLEEN B 35 ROUTE 6A YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 112/ 33/ / / RECEIVED GARREFFI ANTHONY GARREFFI YUMI VSEP 112018 25 ROUTE 6A YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 112/ 34/ / / PERRY TODD CO-TRS C/O MEROSKI MICHAEL 10 LONGMEADOW RD NORFOLK,MA 02056 112/ 35/ / / L/ TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4463 112/ 44/ / / CAHOON SYLVIA H LIFE EST C/O SYLVIA VANANTWERP 63 WILLOW STREET YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675.1741