HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter dated 08-29-2018 - Easements and Buildability RECEIVED
The Law Office of I SEP 04 2018
540 Main Street, Suite 8 BUILDING DEPARTMENT
Hyannis, MA 02601 6y.
Telephone: (508) 778-0303
Facsimile: (508) 778-4600
962 Main Street
Email Address: Osterville,MA 02655
david@dlawlerlaw.com Tel:(508)428- 0542
August 29,2018
Mark Grylls, CBO
Yarmouth Building Commissioner
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
Re: 278 South Sea Avenue, West Yarmouth
Owner: Barnett Bornstein/Deborn Enterprises Inc.
Dear Commissioner Grylls:
This letter is in follow-up of our meeting,which took place this morning,August
As discussed, Mr. Bornstein intends to provide Great Island Ocean Club
Homeowners Assoc. Inc. with two easements, one crossing the corner for vehicular
traffic on Radio Lane. The other is for an easement to maintain the portion of the shed
shown on the plan entitled "Plan of Land to Accompany a Notice of Intent 282 South
Sea Avenue in West Yarmouth Massachusetts(Barnstable County) Site Plan November
7, 2017 prepared for Barney Bornstein, 752 Foundry Street,Easton, MA 02375 (508)
509-2755 BSC Group, 349 Route 28, Unit D, W. Yarmouth,Massachusetts 02673".
I believe you were in agreement with me that any such easements would have no
effect on the buildability of the lot. Should you disagree with my position as set forth in
this letter,please contact me at the above address.
Thank you for your courtesies in this regard.
-ry truly yours
Davide ! ler
cc: Barnett Bornstein