HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-19-1040 e ua-// sh7/f • ONE &TWO FAMILY ONLY-BUILDING PERMIT Town of Yarmouth Building Department or 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664-4492 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836n Massachusetts State Building Code,780 CMR Building Penn it Application To Construct,Repair,Renovate Or Demolish —.; a One-or Two-Family Dwelling This Section Fnr official Use only , R E C E IV,E D Building Permit Number:-XL " D -ND .DateApplied.'' " ' . CIS1 , SEP 1. .20 n 'Tri SeArs. . . „ its =a ?'IS W n m .`Building Official(Print Name) ... . S' . L+uiiuNGuhtaw ntN1" m 23 . " SECITON 1:SITE INFORMATION •• • - _ . O M -, MI m 1.1 Property Address: 1.2 Assessors Map&Parcel Numbers m C 11 Spruce Street 41 33 -ri a 2 CO 1.1a Is this an accepted street?yes_ no • Map Number Parcel Number CO 13 Zoning Information: 1.4 Property Dimensions: 1- R-25 residential 8880 80 Cl)z —4 Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Area(sq ft) Frontage(ft) r77 N 1.5 Banding Setbacks(It) —2•I m Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard O fJ Z C Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided al m 30 35.5 15 ex 28.4&8.8 20' ex 50.9 a 1.6 Water Supply:(M.G.L c.40,154) 1.7 Flood Zone Information: 1.8 Sewage Disposal System: Zone: .1 Outside Flood Zone?Public Clr Private ElCheckif yes❑X Municipal 1:1On site disposal system 1X. • SECPION 2: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP! ',t: 1":•..i..t-.:::!:: + . .17:---tF l 2.1 Owner'of Record: J 1 Bill&Kate Martino South Yarmouth,MA 2664 ' Name(Print) City.State,ZIP I I J J U la i • 11 Spruce Street 508 517 4095 No.and Street Telephone / __ 1...,,:-44Arldress i-PA - r, 106 SECTION3:.DESCRIPTION_OF PROPOSED WORK,.(Check all that apply New Construction 0 Existing Building IT Owner-Occupied CK Repaits(s) 0 Alteration(s) ❑ Addition 0 Demolition ❑ Accessory Bldg.Cl Number of Units_ Other Cl Specify: Brief Description of Proposed Word: Right rear newl4'X14"bedroom on piers(does not add BR) Left side 12'X22'Family room addition w/+/-9'X22'full foundation and C Bdco bulkhead Remodel old BR to bath/closet.Make old Family room ceiling cathedral to match addition iSECTION4iESTIMATEDCONSI$It0i'101 .Conti?; - ';;'e: ; ; .ItemEd OGpai}seO y >- (Lis) : I.Building ' $ Eb 0O C) '1:�Bmldmg PeimitFe&$5 a O-y tndieate how fecis determined: 2.Electrical $ O _tStSial:�Gityr/PowjiA ]i-aka 'ek `? c-:'Sn`q'i%% :;r-, -. ��00 CITotalProjectCost3 tem6 xmultiplier ;x '' ::i, t: ± 3.Plumbing $ S CO 0 2; other Fees.::$° .-KcW. - :: '- '-''°, 4.Mechanical (HVAC) $ '?CC 0 Lis .: `'; _ - - MechanicalS.pprssi ) (Fire $ 2.0CDO TofaIAllFeas $ . ` ` _ _ Suppression) '-`r . ." ,.: =i'.` ':�'_ :; :.`:. . 6.Total Project Cost: $ CheckNo •_Check Amotm ' `: Cash Amotwt ' 3 7GOoo aFaid hrFullt-.::,,:";IIOiitsraadingBailee Drie:.tK5 '-, . • - - ' SECTION 5:.CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 5.1 Construction Supervisor License(CSL) CS-094639 07/20/2020 License Number Expiration Date Name of CSL Holder Kevin Fair List CSL Type(see below) U No.and Street 1:313e . mon . 100 Homers Dock Road U Unrestricted(Buildings up to 35,000 cu.ft.) R Restricted l8:2 Family Dwelling City/Town,State,ZIP M Masonry Yarmouthport,MA RC Roofing Coveting WS Window and Siding SF Solid Fuel Burning Appliances 603-759-0720 kevinfair@comcast.net I Insulation Telephone Email address D Demolition 52 Registered Home Improvement Contractor(HIC) 153196 11/06/2020 Kevin Fair HIC Registration Number Expiration Date HIC Company Name or HIC Registrant Name 100 Homers Dock Road kevinfair@comcast.net Narms ou`�hport,MA 02675 603-759-0720 Email address City/Town,State,ZIP Telephone SECTION 6:WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.n.152.§25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes No p will be emailed to Building Department SECTION 7a:OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN • OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT .. I,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize Kevin Fair to act on my behalZ in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Bill Martino 08/06/2018 Print Owner's Name(Electronic Signature) Date • • SECTION 7b:OWNER'-OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION By entering my name below,I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of pelf ury that all of the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding. Kevin Fair 08/06/2018 Print Owner's or Authorized Agent's Name(Electronic Signature) Date • • . - • NOTES: 1. An Owner who obtains a building permit to do his/her own work,or an owner who hires an unregistered contractor (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will not have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under M.G.L.c. 142A.Other important information on the HIC Program can be found at www.mass.nov/oca Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www-mass.trov/dos 2. When substantial work is,,pp1 ed,provide the information below: Total floor area(sq.ft.) 111&16 (including garage,finished basement/attics,decks or porch) Gross living area(sq.ft) r e( Habitable room count ,< Number of fireplaces / Number of bedrooms 2 Number of bathrooms Number ofhalf/baths Type of heating system M-m 1j, Number of decks/porches Type of cooling system 080, ii$I Enclosed Open 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost" The Commonwealth of Massachusetts rs_-r_— . Department oflndustrialAccidents _eF1111- 5 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 $_ r_ Boston,MA 02114-2017 , www mass.gov/dia Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit:Builders/Contactors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name(Business/Organization/Individual): Kevin Fair Address: 100 Homers Dock Road City/State/Zip: Yarmouthport,MA Phone#: 603-759-0720 Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1.01 am a employer with employees(full and/or part-time).* 7. 0 New construction 2.®I em a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in 8. a Remodeling any capacity.[No workers'comp.insurance required] (gable wall @add)I am a homeowner doingall work9. ©Demolition ❑ myself[No workers'comp,insurance required.]t 4.0I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. I will 10 ®Building addition ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.9 Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. 12.[Plumbing repairs or additions 5.0 I am a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp.insurance, 13. X❑Roof repairs 6.0 We are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL o. 14.0 Other 152,§1(4),and we have no employees.(No workers'comp.insurance required.] *Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. =Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'camp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation Insurance for my employees. Below is the polity and job site information. Insurance Company Name: Main Street American Group Policy#or Self-ins.Lie.#• Fax copy will be sent to Building Department. Date: Job Site Address: 11 Spruce Street City/State/Zip: South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to 31,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. Ido hereby certify un a pains and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Signature: r . Date: 08/06/2018 Phone#: 603-759-072 Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town offrciaL City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: - 01.T441/4 TOWN OF YARMOUTH be BUILDING DEPARTMENT N 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 ec : / 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40,Section 54 and 780 CMR,Chapter 1,Section 111.5, I hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at i/ ç ,111 2J Work Address Is to be disposed of at the following location: ie v&a v u 1l" Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. Chapter 111, Section 150A. ;16 /20/8 Signature o Application Date Permit No. . OfExtet nasursee.t irf is eti . itepn inn . ` rim. IIEIMPROVEun4P oNTRAC.TDR _ • - - egyVatlon. 153196 • _ :•?yrpe: xp• ' .. .111G17Dt4 Individual • KEVINIR %ifA'J14?plC . 1( �VTt FAIR • topHOM`RSOOCRRb'-_t:; •: �.- •a� :_ YARt!bUTHPORT..MA 64675 • t'ndeneeret• fY t { • 9Massachusetts-Department of Public Safety Board of Building Regulations and Standards . i C.Imtructiun Supervisor "1f f % License:CS-094639 fEVINJFFAAIR . • 100HON ERSD- � y ' f . YARMOU HPORT s,,;sq- , S .-:� J�� I"' Expiration r WI01I?94s" I Commissionera7/C1Ad ZO �; 3 . • 01�Y-'9R TOWN OF YARMOUTH ° HEALTH DEPARTMENT o� sl. �•% PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Location: 11 c f.A c r c"T Proposed Improvement: 14x14 1� elrvo. ' e),./3 d.v.. ;0 in c r Soi'et •ttiAsc t)-,czz <c.c" too AA... Applicant: Y� e • ... \—... ;✓ Tel. No.: /,03 7s-7 minx) Address: lt,o A0 t €1s 1/4 -lc `G a Date Filed: SIN I?, tp •'Ifyou would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide _e-mail address: Owner Name: I. a-�e •4•of\'S, U �1ta.i/ 1�Kp Owner Address: 12‘..ut&e Owner Tel. No.: RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed)— Note:Floor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: AD---L- DATE: g/y/t6 PLEASE NOTE COMMEN,'{'ecL,oDITIONS: / t "Sad( _ cc , .tu-t c stItC t5�e aAa,� $u,,t,� `I-.1-t� —S'�1 lS ac(� a "• p 4 '�"� 1-44i..tt_- ONE or TWO FAMILY —BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION REGULATORY APPROVALS NOTICE Address of Proposed Work 11 Spruce Street,South YAnnouth,MA Scope of Proposed Work: 14'X14' addition,22'X12 addition w/bulkhead Date: 08/06/2018 Based on the scope of work described above,the applicant is required to obtain approval sign-offs from the following departments as checked-off below: INITIALS Health Dept. —508-398-2231 ext. 1241 J Conservation Comm.—508-398-2231 ext.1288 `nU U r iOc hcbh • Water Dept.— 99 Buck Island Rd.phone no.508-771-7921 Old Kings Hwy.Hitt Comm.—508-398-2231 ext1292 Engineering Dept.—508-398-2231 ext.1250 Fire Dept—Kevin liuck/James Armstrong,96 Old Main St SY Note: Please call Fire Department for an appointment.508-398-2212 Other Appropriate plans and/or application shall be provided to each of the departments checked-off above. Each of these regulatory authorities has their own requirements outside the jurisdiction of the Building Department. All applicable approvals shall be obtained prior to submitting a building permit application to the Building Dept. Thank you for cooperation. Receipt Acknowledgement 08/06/2018 Applicant's Signature Date Rev.Dec.2015 • • • YARMOUTH WATER DIVISION 99 BUCK ISLAND ROAD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 . PH.: 508.771.7921 FAX: 508-771-7998 r, BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION • DEPARTMENTAL SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET • Bldg. Site Location tic LACP s'd- tier#t 4 ( am= 3 13 Proposed Improvvement: I Lt ktc( `fie &oo. odd I, n`L 0- -t- 17-XZ t N JtAA t� L^ coati t�v,,t Applicant: Q �� f Addressft-(.(‘Tel. #: C -(Q 03 Z51 Date Fled: g- 114 1 2V( ? 0710 111 RESIDENTIAL AND / OR.COMMERCIAL BUILDING • Water Department: Determines Compliance of Water Availability and or Existing Location Engineering Department: Determines Compliance for Parking and Drainage Conservation Commission: Determines Compliance to Wetlands Acts; i.e. If Lot(s) Border any Type of Wetlands, Streams, Ponds, Rivers, Ocean, Bogs, Bays, Marshland, Etc . Health Department: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations, I.e., Requirements for Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities Fire Department: Determines Compliance to State and Town Requirements for Personal, Safety, Property Protection; i a Smoke Detectors S;r^4!er Sstems. Etc C. � / ` S!`ure o°c. a., ,,Cd" `/65-- / • PLEASE NOTE: COMMENTS: $E �v iori Ytv� ,aR TD ar/iy4',V �ebi1io ,�s�rc . .+ To g-c M ore_0 R EPArS r -v, m F R 6ig a- A&V'e c • Reviewed by:Water Division / �� Date • Sears, Tim From: Sears,Tim Sent: Wednesday,August 22,2018 12:09 PM To: 'KEVIN FAIR' Subject: 11 Spruce St Kevin, I have reviewed your application for 11 Spruce St,and there are some items to address; .1. The bedroom addition shows sonotubes, and the code requires continuous footings or the plan would need to N N be stamped by a design professional `•2. A 110mph checklist needs to be submitted for each addition or plans stamp by a design professional 3. Smoke detectors need to be shown on the plans Please submit these items for review Thank you Timothy Sears CBO Building Inspector Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 Ext. 1259 ma i lto:tse a rs @ya rm o uth.m a.u s • 1 Details Page 1 of 1 Licensee Details Demographic Information Full Name: KEVIN J FAIR Owner Name: License Address Information ity: YARMOUTHPORT tate: MA ipcode: 02675 ountry: United States License Information icense No: CS-094639 License Type: Construction Supervisor rofession: Building Licenses Date of Last Renewal: 7/19/2018 ssue Date: Expiration Date: 7/1/2020 icense Status: Active Today's Date: 8/21/2018 econdary License Type: oinq Business As: tatus Change Reason: License Renewal Prerequisite Information I No Prerequisite Information http://elicense.chs.state.ma.us/Verification/Details.aspx?agency_id=1&license_id=283580& 8/21/2018 Office of Consumer Affairs & Business Regulation- Mass.Gov Page 1 of 2 Mass.gov Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation (OCABR) HIC Registration Complaints Registration # 153196 Registrant KEVIN FAIR Name KEVIN FAIR Address 100 HOMERSDOCK RD City, State Zip YARMOUTHPORT, MA 02675 Expiration Date 11/05/2018 Complaints Details rNo complaints found for this registrant. j You can also view arbitration and Guaranty Fund history. Back To Search Site Policies Contact Us https://services.oca.state.ma.us/hic/Iicdetails.aspx?txtSearchLN=153196 8/21/2018 • 0 REScheck Software Version 4.6.5 ye Compliance Certificate Project Energy Code: 2015 IECC Location: South Yarmouth, Massachusetts Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: Addition Climate Zone: 5 (6137 HDD) Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 11 Spruce Street Bob&Kate Martino Phillip Birchall South Yarmouth,MA 11 Spruce Street 37 Turtle Cove Road South Yarmouth,MA East Sandwich,MA 508-888-2741 pcpdbir@comcast.net Comp lance,:Passes us ng l A tra.e-o Compliance: 2.2%Better Than Code Maximum UA: 45 Your UA: 44 .The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how dose to compliance the house Is based on code trade-oft rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Envelope Assemblies Gross Area CavIty Cont. Assembly or U-Factor UA'! Perimeter ,R-Value s R•Value Floor 1:All-Wood JoisUTruss:Over Outside Air 196 49.0 0.0 0.021 4 Wall 1:Wood Frame,16"o.c. 315 21.0 0.0 0.057 15 Window 1:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 41 0.350 14 Door 1:Glass 18 0.320 6 Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 196 49.0 0.0 0.026 5 Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here Is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in REScheck Version 4.6.5 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed In the REScheck Inspection Checklist. ,h,O;g (Arc Azo / �, ./Pi l4, (2 L%Zf 8'/3/2 95 Name-T e / Signature Date Project Notes: Addition #1 right rear Bedroom (on piers) • Project Title: - Report date: 08/03/18 Data filename:C:\Users\Owner\Documents\PCB work 2017\Kevin 144 Fisk-W Dennis\dEC 4 SET\Kevin ', Page 1stSpruce add 1 of 2.rck 1 • • gREScheck Software Version 4.6.5 . Compliance Certificate Project Energy Code: 2015 IECC Location: South Yarmouth, Massachusetts Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: Addition Climate Zone: 5 (6137 HDD) Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 11 Spruce Street Bob&Kate Martino Phillip Birchall South Yarmouth,MA 11 spruce Street 37 Turtle Cove Road South Yarmouth,MA East Sandwich,MA 508-888-2741 pcpdbir@comcast.net omp ranee,' 'asses s ng I A ra•e-o' Compliance: 0.0%Better Than Code Maximum UA: 88 Your UA: 88 The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house Is based on code tradeoff rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Envelope Assemblies Gross Area Cavity Cont. Assembly - or R-Value. R-Value U-Factor UA Perimeter Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air 198 42.0 0.0 0.024 5 Floor slab:All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air 274 24.0 0.0 0.039 11 Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16'o.c. 480 21.0 0.0 0.057 21 Window 1:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 100 0.350 35 Door 1:Glass 18 0.320 6 Ceiling 1:Cathedral Ceiling 472 49.0 0.0 0.022 10 Compliance Statement The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements In REScheck Version 4.6.5 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed In the REScheck Inspection Checklist. fits t( re, ,L/ Oec y t. —1 �y «�d /3/�-a1• ame-Ti I nature Date Project Notes: Addition #2 left addition(foundation/slab) Project Title: Report date: 08/03/18 Data filename:C:\Users\Owner\Documents\PCB work 2017\Kevin 144 Fisk-W Dennis\dEC 4 SET\Kevin Page 1 of 9 Spruce add 2 of 2.rck 0?-1.1 bl G/1Rti /,,d her- 8'/�1 • REScheck SoftwareInspection VersionChecklist 4.6.5 Energy Code: 2015 IECC Requirements: 41.0% were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the"Comments/Assumptions"column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen. For each requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented,or that an exception is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table,a reference to that table is provided. Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Pre-Inspection/Plan Review Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions Si Req.ID 103.1, Construction drawings and ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 103.2 documentation demonstrate ❑Does Not [PR1]1 energy code compliance for the ' ,.0 building envelope.Thermal ❑No[Observable envelope represented on ❑Not Applicable construction documents. 103.1, Construction drawings and ❑Compiles 103.2, documentation demonstrate ,❑Does Not 403.7energy code compliance for '❑Not Observable [PR3]1 lighting and mechanical systems. ❑ ,0 Not Applicable serving multiple dwelling units must demonstrate compliance with the IECC Commercial Provisions. ± 302.1, 'Heating and cooling equipment is Heating: Heating: DComplies 403.7 :sized per ACCA Manual S based Btu/hr Btu/hr DDoes Not [PR2]1 i on loads calculated per ACCA Cooling: Cooling: ❑Not Observable J Manual]or other methods Btu/hr Btu/hr approved by the code official. ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Ter 1) I 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) I 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 08/03/18 Data filename:C:\Users\Owner\Documents\PCB work 2017\Kevin 144 Fisk-W Dennis\dEC 4 SET\Kevin Page 2 of 9 Spruce add 2 of 2.rck Section Foundation inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 303.2.1 A protective covering is installed to ❑Complies Exception:Requirement is not applicable. [F011)2 protect exposed exterior Insulation ❑Does Not and extends a minimum of 6 in.below .AJ grade. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.9 ;Snow-and Ice-melting system controls ❑Complies (F0121' 'installed. ODoes Not J ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1'High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 08/03/18 Data filename:C:\Users\Owner\Documents\PCB work 2017\Kevin 144 Fisk-W Dennls\dEC 4 SET\Kevin Page 3 of 9 Spruce add 2 of 2.rck Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Framing/Rough-In Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 402.1.1, Glazing U-factor(area-weighted U-_ U- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.1, average). ;Climes Not table for values. 402.3.3,402.5 ❑Not Observable (FR2] ,ONot Applicable FR2 0 303.1.3 U-factors of fenestration products ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR4]' are determined In accordance ❑Does Not 9 with the NFRC test procedure or ONot Observable taken from the default table. ONot Applicable 402.4.1.1 Air barrier and thermal barrier ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR23]' installed per manufacturers ,❑Does Not 9, instructions. ONot Observable ' ONot Applicable 402.4.3 Fenestration that is not site built ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR20]' is listed and labeled as meeting ,❑Does Not 9 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/1.5.2/A440 ❑Not Observable or has infiltration rates per NFRC - 400 that do not exceed code ❑Not Applicable limits. • 402.4.5 'IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures ❑Complies Requirement will be met. (FR16]2 !sealed at housing/interior finish ❑Does Not ;and labeled to indicate s2.0 cfm '❑Not Observable leakage at 75 Pa. ONot Applicable 403.3.1 Supply and return ducts in attics ❑Complies [FR12]' Insulated>=R-8 where duct Is - ,❑Does Not 0, >=3 inches In diameter and>= ONot Observable R-6 where<3 Inches.Supply and ONot Applicable return ducts In other portions of the building insulated>=R-6 for diameter>=3 Inches and R-4.2 t for< 3 Inches in diameter. 403.3.5 Building cavities are not used as ` ❑Complies [FR15]3 ducts or plenums. ❑Does Not n '❑Not Observable ONot Applicable 403.4 HVAC piping conveying fluids R-_ R-_ ❑Complies [FR17]2 above 105 QF or chilled fluids ,❑Does Not below 55 QF are insulated to zR-Si ONot Observable 3. ,ONot Applicable 403.4.1 Protection of Insulation on HVAC ❑Complies (FR24]' piping. ❑Does Not 9 DNot Observable ONot Applicable 403.5.3 ;Hot water pipes are Insulated to R-_ R-_ ❑Complies [FR18]2 1R-3. Does Not 9 ONot Observable ONot Applicable 403.6 Automatic or gravity dampers are ❑Complies Requirement will be met. (FR19]2 Installed on all outdoor air ❑Does Not Intakes and exhausts. ONot Observable ONot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact flier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 08/03/18 Data filename: C:\Users\Owner\Documents\PCB work 2017\Kevin 144 Fisk-W Dennis\dEC 4 SE11Kevin Page 4 of 9 Spruce add 2 of 2.rck • 1 High Impact(Tier 1) I 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) I 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 08/03/18 Data filename: C:\Users\Owner\Documents\PCB work 2017\Kevin 144 Fisk-W Dennis\dEC 4 SET\Kevin Page 5 of 9 Spruce add 2 of 2.rck Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Insulation Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions &Req.ID 303.1 :All installed insulation is labeled ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [IN13]2 j or the installed R-values , ODoes Not 0 ;provided. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.1.1, Floor insulation R-value. R- R- ;❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.6 0 Wood 0 Wood ❑Does Not table for values. [INV o Steel ❑ Steel ONot Observable 0 • ,ONot Applicable 303.2, Floor insulation installed per ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 402.2.7manufacturers instructions and ❑Does Not (IN211 In substantial contact with the ❑Not Observable 0 underside of the subfloor,or floor ONot Applicable framing cavity Insulation is In contact with the top side of sheathing,or continuous insulation is installed on the underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing members. 402.1.1, Wall insulation R-value.If this is a R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope assemblies 402.2.5, mass wall with at least 1 of the 0 wood 0 Wood ❑Does Not table for values. 402.2.6 wall insulation on the wall 0 Mass ❑ Mass ONot Observable [INV exterior,the exterior insulation ❑ Steel 0 Steel ONot Applicable 0 requirement applies(FR10). 303.2 Wall insulation is installed per ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [IN411 manufacturers Instructions. ❑Does Not ❑Nat Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 1 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 08/03/18 Data filename:C:\Users\Owner\Documents\PCB work 2017\Kevin 144 Fisk-W Dennis\dEC 4 SET\Kevin Page 6 of 9 Spruce add 2 of 2.rck Section Plans Verified Field Verified . # Final Inspection Provisions Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 402.1.1, Ceiling Insulation R-value. R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.1, 0 Wood 0 Wood ODoes Not table for values. 402.2.2, ❑ Steel ❑ Steel ONot Observable 402.2.6 [FIM ONot Applicable 303.1.1.1, Ceiling insulation Installed per ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 303.2 manufacturers Instructions. I DDoes Not [F12]1 Blown insulation marked every , ONot Observable 300 ft2. ❑Not Applicable 402.2.3 ,Vented attics with air permeable I ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI2212 ;Insulation Include baffle adjacent ODoes Not to soffit and eave vents that :extends over insulation. ONot Observable I ONot Applicable 402.2.4 Attic access hatch and door R-_ R- :❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI31' insulation zR-value of the ODoes Not adjacent assembly. ,ONot Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.4.1.2 Blower door test @ 50 Pa.<=5 ACH 50= ACH 50= ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [F117]' ach In Climate Zones 1-2,and ODoes Not <=3 ach in Climate Zones 3-8. ONot Observable :❑Not Applicable 402.4.2 Wood-burning fireplaces have ❑Complies Exception:Requirement is [FI8]2 tight fitting flue dampers and ODoes Not not applicable. outdoor air for combustion. ❑Not Observable Location on plans/spec: [Not Applicable Existing 403.3.4 Duct tightness test result of<=4 dm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies [F14]' cfrn/100 ft2 across the system or ft2 ft2 ODoes Not <=3 dm/100 ft2 without air ONot Observable handler @ 25 Pa.For rough-In tests,verification may need to ONot Applicable occur during Framing Inspection. 403.3.3 Ducts are pressure tested to dm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies [F127]1 determine air leakage with ft2 ft2 ODoes Not either.Rough-in test:Total ONot Observable leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch ONot Applicable w.g.across the system including the manufacturers air handler enclosure if Installed at time of test.Postconstruction test:Total leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 Inch w.g.across the entire system including the manufacturer's air handier enclosure. 403.3.2.1 Air handler leakage designated f ❑Complies [F1241' by manufacturer at<=2%of , ODoes Not design airflow, f 'ONot Observable ONot Applicable 403.1.1 ;Programmable thermostats ❑Complies [FI9]2 'installed for control of primary ! ODoes Not heating and cooling systems and I ONot Observable !initially set by manufacturer to / code specifications. ONot Applicable F 403.1.2 Heat pump thermostat installed ❑Complies [FI101' on heat pumps. ODoes Not ONot Observable ONot Applicable 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 08/03/18 Data filename:C:\Users\Owner\Documents\PCB work 2017\Kevin 144 Fisk-W Dennis\dEC 4 SET\Kevin Page 7 of 9 Spruce add 2 of 2.rck Section # Final Inspection Provisions Value Plans Verified Field d Verified Compiles? Comments/Assumptions alue & Req.ID 403.5.1 ;Circulating service hot water ❑Complies (1111)2 :systems have automatic or ; `❑Does Not accessible manual controls. ONot Observable ONot Applicable 403.6.1 ;All mechanical ventilation system ❑Complies (FI25)2 I fans not part of tested and listed :❑Does Not HVAC equipment meet efficacy ONot Observable and air flow limits. Applicable 403.2 !Hot water boilers supplying heat I .❑Complies [F126]2 'throughone-ortwo-pipeheating ODoes Not systems have outdoor setback '❑Not Observable control to lower boiler water ❑Not Applicable temperature based on outdoor ,temperature. : 403.5.1.1 Heated water circulation systems ❑Complies (F128]2 have a circulation pump.The ,ODoes Not system return pipe is a dedicated return pipe or a cold water supply [Not Observable pipe.Gravity and thermos- ONot Applicable syphon circulation systems are ' not present.Controls for circulating hot water system pumps start the pump with signal for hot water demand within the 1 occupancy.Controls automatically turn off the pump when water is in circulation loop is at set-point temperature and no demand for hot water exists. I 403.5.1.2 :Electric heat trace systems OComplies [F12912 I comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL ODoes Not ;515.Controls automatically :Not Observable adjust the energy Input to the ONot Applicable heat tracing to maintain the desired water temperature in the f 'piping. 1 403.5.2 Water distribution systems that ; ❑Complies (113012 have recirculation pumps that j ODoes Not pump water from a heated water I ❑Not Observable supply pipe back to the heated ONot Applicable water source through a cold water supply pipe have a demand recirculation water system.Pumps have controls that manage operation of the pump and limit the temperature of the water entering the cold water piping to 10441. 403.5.4 ;Drain water heat recovery units ❑Complies [Fin? 'tested in accordance with CSA ODoes Not r B55.1.Potable water-side ONot Observable pressure loss of drain water heat ONot Applicable recovery units<3 psi for , individual units connected to one or two showers.Potable water- side pressure loss of drain water heat recovery units<2 psi for Individual units connected to three or more showers. I 404.1 75%of lamps in permanent ❑Complies 111611 fixtures or 75%of permanent ODoes Not fixtures have high efficacy lamps. ',❑Not Observable Does not apply to low-voltage ONot Applicable i lighting. 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 08/03/18 Data filename: C:\Users\Owner\Documents\PCB work 2017\Kevin 144 Fisk-W Dennis\dEC 4 SET\Kevin Page 8 of 9 Spruce add 2 of 2.rck Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Final Inspection Provisions Value Value Compiles? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 404.1.1 Fuel gas lighting systems have ❑Complies [F123]3 no continuous pilot light. ,❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 401.3 Compliance certificate posted. ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [F17]2 j ,❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑NotApplicable 303.3 Manufacturer manuals for $ ❑Complies (F118]3 mechanical and water heating ❑Does Not systems have been provided. Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) I 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 08/03/18 Data filename:C:\Users\Owner\Documents\PCB work 2017\Kevin 144 Fisk-W Dennis\dEC 4 SET\Kevin Page 9 of 9 Spruce add 2 of 2.rck 4E42015 IECC Energy Efficiency Certificate I �1,�1 i h Y�tir, yv, �1 s�, .i�Mi d}fi ,u: Above-Grade Wall 21.00 Below-Grade Wall 0.00 Floor 24.00 Ceiling/Roof 49.00 Ductwork(unconditioned spaces): G ass 6`DooK Rating. -Fa or SH Window 0.35 Door 0.32 Heating System: Cooling System: Water Heater: Name: Date: Comments Martino • 11 South Street,S Yarmouth,MA BeamChek v2018 licensed to:Phillip Birchall Reg#2101-2918 Gable girt w/overhang Date:8/07/18 Selection (3)14/4x 9-1/4 1.9E TJ Mierollam LVL Lu=0.0 Ft Lu @OH=0.0 Ft Conditions NDS 2012,Overhang Min Bearing Area R1=2.4 in2 R2=5.4 in2 (1.5)DL Defl= 0.36 in. Data Beam Span 13.0 ft Reaction 1 LL 109# Reaction 2 LL 1414# Beam Wt per ft 12.48# Reaction 1 TL 1768# Reaction 2 TL 4038# Bm Wt Included 175# Maximum V 2061 # Overhang Length 1.0 ft Max Moment 5264'# Max V(Reduced) 1866# Total Beam Length 14.0 ft TL Max Defl L/240 TL Actual Defl L/432 OH TLActual Deft L/318 LL Max Defl L/360 LL Actual Dell L/<-1000 OH LL Actual Defl L/>1000 Attributes Section(n') Shear(in2) TL Defl(in) LL Defl OH TL Defl OH LL Defl Actual 74.87 48.56 0.36 0.00 -0.08 0.01 Critical 23.45 9.82 0.65 0.43 0.10 0.07 Status OK OK OK OK OK OK Ratio 31% 20% 56% 1% 75% 9% Fb(psi) Fv(psi) E(psi x mil) Fc l (psi) Values Reference Values 2600 285 1.9 750 Adjusted Values 2694 285 1.9 750 Adjustments CF Size Factor 1.036 Cd Duration 1.00 1.00 Cr Repetitive 1.00 Ch Shear Stress N/A Cm Wet Use 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CI Stability 1.0000 Rb=0.00 Le=0.00 Ft CI Stability©OH 1.0000 Rb=0.00 Le=0.00 Ft Loads Uniform LL:30 Uniform TL: 162 =A (Uniform Ld on Backspan) Point LL Point TL Distance Par Unif LL Par Unif TL Start End 1103 F=1833 (OH) 1.0 H=120 0 13.0 30 K=42 (OH) 0 1.0 L=90 (OH) 0 1.0 I H ( L Uniform Load A I K Pt loads: El R1 = 1768 R2=4038 BACKSPAN=13 FT OH=1 FT Uniform and partial uniform loads are lbs per lineal ft. Overhanging load distances are from R2. Martino 11 Spruce Street,S Yarmouth,MA BeamChek v2016 licensed to:Philip Birchall Reg#2101-2918 Eve girt 2 span BR addition Date:8/07/18 Selection (3)2x 10 SPF South#1 Lu=0.0 Ft Conditions NDS 2012,Equal Multi-Span Min Bearing Area R1=5.5 in2R2=18.2 in2 (1.5)DL Deli= 0.03 in Data 2 Spans,each at 7.0 ft Reaction 1 LL 1103# Reaction 2 LL 3675# Beam Wt per ft 10.11 # Reaction 1 TL 1833# Reaction 2 TL 6109# Bm Wt Included 142# Maximum V 3054# Max Moment 4276'# Max V(Reduced) 2516# Total Beam Length 14.0 ft TL Max Defl L/240 TL Actual Defl L/>1000 LL Max Defl L/360 LL Actual Dell L/>1000 Attributes Section(in') Shear(in') TL Defl(in) LL Defl Actual 64.17 41.63 0.05 0.03 Critical 53.31 27.96 0.35 0.23 Status OK OK OK OK Ratio 83% 67% 15% 11% Fb(psi) Fit(psi) E(psi x mil) Fcl(psi) Values Reference Values 875 135 1.2 335 Adjusted Values 963 135 1.2 335 Adiustments CF Size Factor 1.100 Cd Duration 1.00 1.00 Cr Repetitive 1.00 Ch Shear Stress N/A Cm Wet Use 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CI Stability 1.0000 Rb=0.00 Le=0.00 Ft Loads Uniform LL 420 Uniform TL: 688 =A Uniform Load A R1 =1833 R2=6109 R3 NOTE:R1=R3 EACH SPAN=7FT Uniform load is lbs per lineal ft. j Yarmouth, MA Notes: Assessors Map 41 Parcel 33 LOCUS 1lrilow t. Deed Bk 25856 Page 58 g �Q` PI. Bk. 152 Pg. 43 el' moo° This parcel is not located in a Wellhead Protection Zone II I °oma eF/ Flood Zone: Zone X Mop 25001C0569 .9 Dote: 07/16/2014 • 0 c. Map 22 S Parcel 313 o Q \T:P° In I • 0 1 o -1:- os • td S0.13: 10E \ 6 L, m 111.0 tJ1 1 • m �"� l •° voter tjne 1 LOCUS MAP . a u: . _ a 1 ` l L 0 14.0' • — \\ Lot 8 8 ch at N.T.S. �` 11 8,86O1 Sq. Ft. ` • Zone: R-25 Existing Septic shown 136'1 _ Proposed \ ;. a c 25,000 Sq. Ft. • per Septic As-Built‘,..--- Additio House #11 1. t Th 1 150' Frontage -ti OLA One Story \\ 1 a ° -a C. 31.51 st e \, Wood Frame ,..t, --k 1 . 1 ; �L 1 6 0 Setbacks 1 ,^' Front 30' � `` 1 `, ,� \ �1 �`J lshoweFo \, 1 11 , n (� Side 15' SAS 1 ST �1 \\ 1 .1 35.5 o � -IL Rear 20' 1 �q ' 1 0 1 Max Building Coverage: 25% 1 1 Gp5 un„ - - A— z it \ — 'l = — 1 1 — — — Existing Building Coverage: 14% 1 \ �" 1 t� — — — 1 Proposed Building Coverage: 17% sit ap 1Patio - Slab-,• — a O — 1 I \ - 1Deck1 24.0' \ 0 J` \ o 1 1 1 ° l j of Or`ve44° 1 \ Sh=d1 11 1 N Gran — • f 1 ° Propose 350' — — — �, PLOT PLAN 1 1 l , — 6.3 Addition — — -- — for ParMacel 313 . --22.0'— ' ' \ager 11 PROPOSED ADDITION to'-- -1 ` =i : hepa kres i Prepared For 1 Shed \ i PHILLIP BIRCHALL located at 1. 11 Spruce Street • 111.0 South Yarmouth, MA 5 soy3'10" W AUG 14 2018 Date: August 6, 2018 • Scale: 1" = 10' HEALTH DEPT. Prepared by. Mop 22 0,0F/ All Cape Septic and Survey Parcel 313F31 618 Route 28 , STE1PHEN�s�ti • g, • West Yarmouth, MA 02673 J0ORE (508) 771-4200 u .3ti398 co allcapesepticOgmail.com NOTE: -LOCATION OF UTILITIES IS APPROXIMATE AND ALL -nosumir GRAPHIC SCALE mincoronllnm AAIn mit-Dunn IITII ITICC 111ICT DC / ,n•