HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-90-562 o'Yqk, # �e�° 1 irLS cAO- tz a 9/c hb '�= t r o O r WN OF YARMOUTH ov.Fa) 91LIa ° it,. :, —y` l9p • M)TTACM[[5 �• e,,* ,-,ot, Application for a Permit to Build No. S6 a. UPON FINAL APPROVAL q'I� �O MAP kr LOT N 23 FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION. DATE -t 2$Z_ 19 fit The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build ell/1 according to the following specifications jc/ 1. Name of property owner .+s 6—&a, --&-C-, Tel. s5Y-62-20 Address Z- 4-4'J7-c Act., SD.- 2nwvrA - $4.2 2.Name ofArchitect(ifany) 7-21ptia /a P7auc4 Tel. 3. Name of builderW..,_,0 ./2, / Address Z- r' (MA-dc A..c• 4. License No. � Tel. 75'1 -6 2,Le. 5. Name of Mason Address 6. License No. Tel. 7.Construction address (2c7" 23)4130A// nvY.r Div `4 rnaprl'T 5/4.81 plain zone C District R-4o a Date of subdivision Approval p 9. Private dwelling IEV Estimated Cost DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE / 6, n q SF Type of room No. 10. Multi family 0 3 11. Commercial ❑ 101691k, — to s f Kitchen / 12. Other 0 `r 5r Dining Rm. J 13. No. of stories Z . i,5- Living Rm. k 14. Foundation — Full C Half 0 Crawl 0 Slab 0 s 0 Bed Rm. �s.o� Bath E] 15. Materials — Wood 'Cement 0 Other 0 co- �5� Deck 1�/s 12 J 16.Type of heat — Oil ar Gas 0 Electric 0 Other ❑ Dicey 3 f p se Closed porch Family R . 17. Garage - 112 ❑ / S�° `� Sun romm 18. Swimming pool - Size 6P 3 p D 'v� Garage / 19. Storage shed— Size Shed • 20. Stove — Wood 0 Coal 0 Alterations 21. Size of lot: No. of feet front No.of feet rear No.of feet deep 22. Size of building: No. of feet front No. of feet side No. of feet rear 23. Distance from nearest building: Front Ft.side Ft. side Rear 24. Distance back from line or street From rear lot line Side line LOT RELEASED BY Signature C9:7"---Call" PLANNING BOARD#24.87E1 Address Z, 4vc A•4.- , Date 1/4184 Sour. )c'cip+ v , /14/ RECoDED PLRN*77281 RECoCDED 6/481 • . BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF APPLICANT: '0hS .JAC, BUILDING PERMIT #: . ADDRESS: Z Alis.A.T+G A .0 5.7:444 TELE. NO. : :7S Y -6 LZp DATE FILED: e^ ZF_ Sb # Q BLDG.`SITE LOCATION: o /4q /<VPS MAPII: las— LOTII:N93 THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION OUTLINES THE PROCEDURAL STEPS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO BUILD, . ALTER, OR ADD TO A STRUCTURE WITHIN THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL DETER- MINE COMPLIANCE TO THE FOLLOWING (A) ZONING REQUIREMENTS (B) HISTORICAL DISTRICTS (C) FLOOD PLAINS ZONING. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING THE APPLICANT THOUGH THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING WATER DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE OF WATER AVAILABILITY. • ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE FOR PARKING AND DRAINAGE. /-CONSERVATION COMMISSION: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO WETLANDS ACTS, I.E. : IF LOT(S) BORDER ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS, STREAMS, PONDS, RIVERS, OCEANS, BOGS, BAYS, MARSH LAND, ETC. HEALTH DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO STATE AND TOWN REGULATIONS, I.E.: REQUIRE- MENTS FOR SEPTAGE DISPOSAL AND OTHER PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITIES. FIRE DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO STATE AND TOWN REQUIREMENTS FOR PERSONAL SAFETY, PROPERTY PROTECTION, I.E., SMOKE DETECTORS, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, ETC. THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS MUST SIGN OFF, IN THE RESPECTIVE ORDER, PRIOR TO BUILDING INSPECTOR ISSUING THE REQUIRED BUILDING PERMIT: REVIEWED BY: J 1. WATER DEPARTMENT 4.0 /1 DATE: 4-„Z 9p N/A: 2. ENGINEERING DEP NT• ( j Q3 ,n:. DATE: 7((0go : 3. CONSERVATION: yy `j _ ,,, DATE: 7/to/ o N/A: V 4. HEALTH DEPARTMENT DATE: a 6 �ei N/A: INDUSTRIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL PERkITS 5. WIRING INSPECTOR: DATE: N/A: 6. PLUMBING INSPECTOR: DATE: N/A: 7. FIRE DEPARTMENT: DATE: N/A: • PLEASE NOTE ALL STUMPS AND/OR BRUSH MUST BE DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED SITE. A SIGNED RECEIPT FROM THE DISPOSAL SITE MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT. COMMENTS: 114 : tau teo B19_OJ ow /WAD V4 BLM/89 • Revised 1/89 TOWN OF YARMOUTH o c WATER I® IEIPARTMIENT 102 UNION STREET YARMOUTH PORT,MASS.02875 (508)382.4974 Date of Issue June 28, 1990 Letter of Water Availability TYPE 1. Single Family Dwelling X . 2. Duplex Family Dwelling 3. Condominium Dwelling 4. Commercial/Industrial 5. Other (Specify) Reference: Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40, Section 54 TO: Town of Yarmouth Building Inspector Please be advised that the Town of Yarmouth Public water supply is available to service lot/parcel(s) 23 street 30.Tall Pines Dr. as shown on Assessors sheet/map 23 Issuance of this Letter of Availability is subject to the following provisions/restrictions: (1) The property owner agrees to comply with all Federal, State and Local Laws, Rules and Regulations as they pertain to the use of the Public water supply. (2) The Town of Yarmouth Water Department shall have exclusive rights as to the size, number, type and location of all water service lines, fire service lines or appurtenant items connected to the water distributon system. (3) The Yarmouth Water Department reserves the right to require, at the property owners expense, the installation of water mains and appurtenant items to meet water demand requisites within any structure relevent to this Letter of Water Availability. (4) This Letter of Water Availability will expire 180 days from date of issue. I have read and understand the provisions/restrictions of this Letter of Water Availability. �� Owner Reference: Thomas Grew Inc. 2 Atlantic Ave. S. Yarmouth, MA 02664 .6:A21.../1-44-5r)YARMOUTH WATER DEP I'MENT TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR FORM PLEASE PRINT: Q /� - JOB LOCATION: 167 'Z 3 hill / ,.sees -p2'' 7— ro rtt' NUMBE STREET VILLAGE OWNER OF PROPERTY: jilin.44.1 �Rn C. CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: I, Cr- .. 7X. 4o S#V3so .35Y vt.0 NAME LICENSE NO. PHONE NO. ADDRESS: 2 a --v c - LICENSED DESIGNEE: (IF OTHER THAN SUPERVISOR) NAME LICENSE NO. 2.15 RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH LICENSE HOLDER: 2.15.1 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL BE FULLY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK FOR WHICH HE IS SUPERVISING. HE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING THAT ALL WORK IS DONE PURSUANT TO THE STATE BUILDING CODE AND THE DRAWINGS AS APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL 2.15.2 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION INVOLVING THE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF BUILDING AND STRUCTURES ONLY PURSUANT TO THE STATE BUILDING CODE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS OF THE COMMONWEALTH, EVEN THOUGH HE, THE LICENSE HOLDER, IS NOT THE PERMIT HOLDER BUT ONLY A SUB- CONTRACTOR OR CONTRACTOR TO THE PERMIT HOLDER. 2.15.3 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL IN WRITING OF THE DISCOVERY OF ANY VIOLATIONS WHICH ARE COVERED BY THE BUILDING PERMIT. 2.15.4 ANY LICENSEE WHO SHALL WILLFULLY VIOLATE SUBSECTIONS 2.15.1, 2.15.2 OR 2.15.3 OR ANY OTHER SECTION OF THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS AND ANY PROCEDURES, AS AMENDED, SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSE BY THE BOARD. 2.16. ALL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS SHALL CONTAIN THE NAME, SIGNATURE AND LICENSE NUMBER OF THE CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR WHO IS TO SUPERVISE THOSE PERSONS ENGAGED IN CONSTRUCTION, RECON- STRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, REMOVAL OF DEMOLITION AS REGULATED BY SECTION 109.1.1 OF THE CODE AND THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH LICENSEE IS NO LONGER SUPERVISING SAID PERSONS, THE WORK SHALL IMMEDIATELY CEASE UNTIL A SUCCESSOR LICENSE HOLDER IS SUBSTITUTED ON THE RECORDS OF THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND MY RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR LICENSING CON- STRUCTION SUPERVISORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 109.1.1 OF THE STATE BUILDING CODE. I UNDERSTAND THE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROCEDURES AND THE SPECIFIC INSPECTION AS CALLED FOR BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. SIGNATURE: ' BUILDING OFFICIAL APPROVAL: • ".--y 1 • Application to a • • ? '' �4,.:• ` Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Committee u di in the Town of Yarmouth for a• � 3s26 • �� � CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS • Application is hereby made in triplicate.for the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriarfness under Section 8 of Chapter 470, Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts.1973,for proposed work as described below acid on plans,drawings or photographs accompanying this application for. r- cam. `z ? CHECK CATEGORIES THAT APPLY: 7. 'i . • • 1.Exterior Building Construction: C Neyytt Building ❑Addition ❑Alteration tee i. •1a Indicate type of building:RI-louse t'Garage ❑Commercial 0 Other ''- 'C Q 2.Exterior Painting: C y 1 n • 3.Signs or Billboards:❑New sign C Existing sign 0 Repainting existing sign l.W CI -1,t/� 4.Structure: 0 Fence 0 Wall ❑Flagpole 0 Other - V (Please read other side for explanation-and requirements), 67-14_ p0 TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY / —Ail I O DATE ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK LOT 23 • /'mss -DAiA" „ A.` ASSESSORS MAP NO: r OWNER 'Of^Aa Gitea-..• zr—kaG• . v ASSESSORSLOTNO. ti—z3 HOME ADDRESS Z ' AT1�A7ic �'e A . Sotxla /AIfMfl r1TEL NO. 37, -6Z2'O • FULL NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ABUTTING OWNERS.Include name of adjacent property owners across any public street or way.(Attach additional sheet if necessary). CRic, AITLe 34 "All P Z,c.s 'It. 1/44.41,lotnw IpoLT Aqq T k..r PR Iva-0. 2.3 I A II 1)ieve, Tit, /P 2,havrl to tern JAN • AGENT OR CONTRACTOR 7: Gnaw 7R-• TEL NO. 35 Y —c2-2.c. ' ADDRESS Z. An-m.rrt.c A w, So-,A Rte. I ae- DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK:Give all particulars of work to be done(see No.8.other side),including materials to be used. if specifications co not accompany plans. In the case of signs,give locations of existing signs and proposed locations of new signs. (Attacn additional sheet.if necessary). - Signed Owner-Contractor-A nt Stec*below line lot Committee use. Received by M.D.C. ' • Date tO. The Ce •ate is hereby 4/9, ? I m Date c/4_5) -.: ";••5 l ::e i�dsr.: l//�J 171l ` 1 h. ' � Aooroved \❑/ IMPORTAN, . If Certificate is approvea. approval is subject to the 10 day appeal period /!X\ th provided in e Act. C saoprovea ❑ .Please return to: Yarmouth rttstoric Distnct Committee 6/03170 % ' Town Hall. 1146 RI.28. South Yarmoutn. Mass.02664 APPROVED YARMOUTH COMMITTEE OKHRD • TOWN OF YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY REGIONAL HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE 352. 8 SPECIFICATION SHEET APPLICANT'S NAPE 1nprvtA s nap a, ..L&-c . FOR: Lor 23 na Pi"Jcs tD&. FOUNDATION: 7}otiaeel C.o?,+c-2ti'FC COLOR C`t -++�-T Fdto (Pea. CedAt aof40Aads) }(AkWcif+par C SIDLYG• COLOR: •RAcx.. t. 12i es wJ.rsa CedAt (Skiii5k9 CHL1EY: setc:cCOLOR: ROOF MATERIAL: ogzS4A 14 PITCH: Z/J2 COLOR: jan7 'n`c WLNDOWS: 2.9 x 2'1 (Aboot SIZE: zYx zy Hc, 12/12.- 1 t t. s Se- TRIM rTRIM COLOR: DOORS: ST-�•c. COLOR: wa.%, Sdusn.ttS: tit I ( COLOR: .3tALK • GMERS: nnits COLOR: 1,—)1%, r-t, DEC;: c, SIZE: �ct Z! COLOR: ,/v,aTVRAL rf ess .nt . TR.t4T GARAGE DOORS:. Guau cA SIZE: lex 7 / COLOR: STORM WINDOWS & DOORS: plu COLOR: 01.1*ic iflllflSV39i '9 l+H 13 POO t iIIfOk !v). _ , d^ . . SKYLIGHTS (FLAT ONLY) SIZE: COLOR: (Cid tit NM 36 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: to[131sa ,e-P l.,M,..J'.iD YARMOUTH COMMITTEE C."11^9 . : 9/88:c1 0'tY416 `° TOWN OF YARMOUTH lo N SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664 lu M ATTA C CES E•�' G """ BOARD OF HEALTH Thomas Grew, Inc. Variance from Provisions of Title 5: 2 Atlantic Avenue Regulation: South Yarmouth, MA Town Amendments: Section: 3.7 Re: Lot N23 Date: August 28, 1990 Tall Pines Drive As Shown On Engineered Plans By: Down Cape Engineering Dated: August 27, 1990 Dear Mr. Grew • The Yarmouth Board of Health has received your application for a Variance from the provisions of Regulation '-'- of Title 5 of the State Environmental Code and/or Section 3.7 of the Town of Yarmouth Amendments for Subsurface Disposal of Sewage. Having determined that strict enforcement of the above Regulations in this instance would do manifest injustice, and further, that your requested variance does not conflict with the spirit of the State Environmental Code or the Regulations of the Town of Yarmouth Amendments, the variance is hereby granted on this date August 28, 1990 , as follows: To allow the top of foundation to be 2.22 feet below the high point of the fronting road. This is a total variance of 4.22 feet from the required 2'feet above the high point of the fronting road. High point of fronting road at elevation 46.22. Top of foundation at elevation 44.0. You must provide a 3/4 inch negative grade for fifteen feet surrounding the foundation. You are hereby advised that the variance granted herein will expire in 90 days from date of issue unless all work authorized by said variance has been completed prior to the date of expiration. In granting this variance the Town of Yarmouth will not be responsible for any water damage to the foundation, septic system or adjoining lots. I have read and fully understand the conditions of the above variance and Bruce Murphy, M.P . accept them as written. Health Offic r Town of Yarmouth Date: ?/ —7‘,7 cc: Building Department file - « - • Ncsre : TPP OF Vtcn- ATICN IS SECTION - SEWAGE - ADDI"f oNAL. ,•BM r KICK poINT Z.2 rpt l . CHMARK- _ 'N ROAD M .... 1.-CNJ Qc- _RsO_J�•FaS . 7o %Sex �( / EL.=9G•2L NV AVAW.IAnIcC cFLI.2 FEET TO YAR . • AI :/i \ GVL ATIU (/ .44 ..7 . / I0 -SEPTIC TANK- Si -"D"BOX - • I(I -LEACH 1"Ir CONSTPL�TioN`, l♦;'! / . /1,// n $ ,. LO-r Z'-I TOP OF FON = '�')/"LO •_J \ \ �/ 1 1 / v �O i • "2.OF'1TO N" df l`- ` \ / I V \ / - - .. WASHED STONE { , p • p, ` � \ 1\ \ I. eil ‘I° I / . / i ye V O" \ • NJ. \ l 1 /• / • / k... / \ \. IN• OUT• \ • / .1 / /� '`: \ \ \ \ IN._ci DVT. IN. \ \ 35.0/ 39-.40 SEPTIC \3465ANK _. / 31.33 ' / (./�/ So / / / 1 - � ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. / ;\ ELEV. ,•'. ' / . // // G\ \ \\ \ K100 GAL,• 31:60 34.43\ 30.83 ll wire: • r . • ELEV. ELEV. 01 hi\ 1./� • / / n• (PZ J.� \ A us.s C.�£�-S T'o WIT1�:la OFM^•IN" N R Pill \ -11 OP ORAti✓ WASHED STONE / 34�/ I �ta34' , ra•d 1 . - • ' ��)( TEE 514th q 2 / �' • 1 INLETI I& (6" UP, log -IN) I c� TEST HOLE LOG arn-Ev 754 CO (A', re'DCA 314) • Ao- T rO _ �a�)\ t; 1 I •TEST BY A t O•)ALA. 'DAVE' N\AYoN 3S-- WITNESS f12OP�'K 1 TEST DATE 5/28/9•p BEDROOM HOUSE ' �� .__. _ _ I '•Ir, \. 1 • 1 DESIGN _ T.H. r 1 39.0/ T.H. 2 3751 ,' . = �,\ \ ' oME LFALH PIT tea[ • r ELEV. ELEV. - - _ 6 T,`S n PERC RATE "4 a " MIN/IN. DISPOSER DISPOSER I \�\ �` 11 ' 1 I 12' 3,5'DEEP 30 36.5 35.O' FLOW RATE 330 (GAL./DAY) 330 STI _ _ SEPTICTANK 330 (I•.- I PIMP 49SRE0'DSEPTICTANKSIZE (000 �� '(� L SI \ � T �� ' SM,D (�►- IWU coat.. �0 N - -'`\�\\ t-k\,9111\ ?\`+o \ ' .�. ) 12-32 ,F+50= 30' • LEACH FACILITY _ \\ SIDE WALL IZn3.5• 1325P (2.S) - 330 Gro. •-_LbT-22 r - �� \ \ \ \ rra" 29.o BOTTOM _ 1. = 113 5F ( 1.0I - I r3 - GID. Z>3�-` \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / �p • TOTAL . 4193 6/b 3p- \ \ \ \ \ •. )44 25.5/ I \ \ \ \ \ . USE: ONE Ca/t14 X'4 LEACHING SIT , . I 1 I 1 NO WATER ENCOUNTERED `SIT*+ 3 ' STONE ALL, (iFiOVF IZ' EF . 11 \ I I I t btAMtcZA o< .51 Zji= • I 1 . __ _ NOTES: (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) • i \` 2� ,4 I / I 1 I 1 ,I 1.DATUM(MSL)STA KEN FROM VS6S DATUM.. ' 1' • I �� i / 2.MUNICIPAL WATER_- IS AVAILABLE '/ tiyfl / / / / J N 3.PIPE PITCH: DI PER FOOT -IQ -44 0,0 Of ',co, �) N4J,�\ A, / / / / /1 4.DESIGN LOADING FOR ALL PRECAST UNITS:AASHO- V� VItp 1L lq- S.MIN.GROUND COVER OVER ALL SEWAGE FACILITIES:(1)FT.' .1ei ARNE H. b �� ARNE ny. ti 1-41.1. 40 �•- refill/14_le ,qg Q I 6.PI PE JOINTS SHALLBE MADE WATER TIGHT * tj,•� N BUILDING- >rP P 7.CONSTRUCTION DETAILS TO BE ACCORDANCE WITH COMM.OF MASS. s OJALA OJALA h SErE3RC-+< LINE , STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE TITLES CIVIL 2f1318 a O I t PLAN 3.11-15 RM Ft7RPRORo 2 I.10RK °I.iLY P�`JJL�.Dp No. 10792 / �; Locus: LoT Z3 kti- M USF, FOR PROPERTI'r LILTS Cs1AVII,IL� �g °r ,,t` ,c< ?.7': , s - tSITY °4"' T�aLL F '!4ES tvE 1. wo CYA2B/�GE. opi-maz ALLowEb 'cm sirs. fsslo. -• t, ..PROFE �•`..L •',NE R ' \�L°I I/ A engineeringREF: '35'3 'Pv 'c.y 'S1 J 1. 4OWcape nPREPARED FOR: 17:: I �{ .4. • CIVIL ENGINEERS nor sfd{ SaEV 113.01 / GI5/co To oOFtni .9� w� LAND SURVEYORS REG.LAND SURVEYOR 1 CONTOURS (EXISTING) NI 14,, �Wn�' f\ SCALE I "�O B-2110 3 APPROVED DATE MA Wrlt�llti,l/li , (PROPOSED) . • RF+ lsep 1-5-90 DATE 'Pj-/ I, .x ..4 0 TOWN OF YARMOUTH " 7c%r1V�,�, � SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664 MATTACMCES[ 44• ‘111coo"""`* �,,• BOARD OF HEALTH Mr. Thomas Grew, Inc. Variance from Provisions of Title 5: 2 Atlantic Avenue Regulation: South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Town Amendments: Section: 3.7 Re: Lot N 23 Date: October 22, 1990 Tall Pines Drive As Shown On Engineered Plans By: Down Cape Engineering Dated: 8/27/90 Dear Mr. Grew • . The Yarmouth Board of Health has received your application for a Variance from the provisions of Regulation of Title 5 of the State Environmental Code and/or Section 3.7 of the Town of Yarmouth Amendments for Subsurface Disposal of Sewage. Having determined that strict enforcement of the above Regulations in this instance would do manifest injustice, and further, that your requested variance does not conflict with the spirit of the State Environmental Code or the Regulations of the Town of Yarmouth Amendments, the variance is hereby granted on this date October 22, 1990 , as follows: To allow the top of foundation to be 3.8 feet below the high point of the fronting road. This is a total variance of 5.8 feet from the required 2 feet above the high point of the fronting road. High point of fronting road is elevation 49.0 (Incorrectly labeled as 46.22 on variance dated 8/28/90) top of foundation at elevation 45.2. You must provide a 3/4 inch negative grade for fifteen feet surrounding the foundation. You are hereby advised that the variance granted herein will expire in 90 days from date of issue unless all work authorized by said variance has been completed prior to the date of expiration. In granting this variance the Town of Yarmouth will not be responsible for any water damage to the foundation, septic system or adjoining lots. I have read and fully understand the conditions of the above variance and Bruce Murph , M�°.H. accept t s written. Health Officer ' Town of Yarmouth Date: t(:) 2r/ �Q cc: Building Department file C,, ,s - I ?/ ' / Lot -2-4 1 _ i 4.511s, l 97.0' V 4a/ opo %` - 1 roto. 49.o ." 1+ uw ° 6J •Op ` ."-� aVya I/ e'L.g •Z' m n . 3= cn `T Lot _ ^ 2.2 •/ Ni Lc-r-23 2.4,OSS±sF 0 0 . N — J I 127.00 I if LoT 21 11 � I1-°T to I -nor' or POUF4CAc 'lOb-4 US 3.S� FT. "e"Et-0 ./ nte- lilCaH rolaT TP.'.. PtNsas 'Dgly> JOB # 76-134-23 CERTIFIED PLOT PLAN PREPARED FOR: LocATION: TALL PINES DR YAR . SCALE: 1 "=40 ' DATE: 10/15/90 REFERENCE: L-23 PB 353 PG 45 TOM GREW I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE STRUCTURE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS LOCATED ON THE GROUND AS SHOWN HEREON. � tNUIM.I.140 ion JOHN yGs down cape engineering, inc . 's McELWEE 3 3 CIVIL ENGINEERS �L •�� 1 LAND SURVEYORS h\; �y:i i , ,G�r. is, /990 �� ,.ii., +. ROUTE 6A YARMOUTH MA DATE / REG. . RVEYOR