HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-90-621 $ 1,4e\ v f°11110 �$�� �,r L, [ TOWN O YARMOUTH 0 ..r_'_w H' •Iii MATTAC11C 5 J tt.° "In'•*'60' Application for a Permit to Build No. to 2. I UPON FINAL APPROVAL 9�c`° MAP I i8 LOT x,21 FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION. • DATE / 19 90 The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build J`�/I�� according to the following specifications PA6/9d 1. Name of property owner "girb#-rrg-D 7LAIyr Tel 6"W 87-5g Address /97Z- gY.E Raini Ave- yrEorp'ysvl es, Igz 2.Name ofArchitect(ifany) Tel. 3. Name of builder '4 . .0,11I a,. at,. ir_ ' . .dress kyle/SS Agamic mio 13wg.mrc:14153Z 4. License No. O'p 1.59 Tel. 83$ laza 5. Name of Mason 41—"-- Address 6. License No. r' — Tel. 7. Construction address V6- Calmar Rd•yPr•Fz lood District 8. Date of subdivision Approval O$ ? plain zone Zone ' 9. Private dwelling i Estimated Cost DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Type of room No. 10. Multi family ❑. 9,6-86D . 11. Commercial 0 Kitchen 12. Other 0 Dining Rm. 13. No. of stories Living Rm. � fa -711.)30 S O Bed Rm. 14. Foundation — Full 0 Half 0 Crawl 0 Slab 0 Bath . 15. Materials� — Wood ��ement 0 Other 0 Psi"'' v DeckoVorG a -16 Type of heat- Oil 0 Gas 0 Electric 0 Other 0 Closed porch — 1 0 2 ❑ Family Rm. ; arage Sun room Swimming pool - Size Garage forage shed — Size Shed ?0e — Wood 0 Coal ❑ Alterations 21. Size of lot: No. of feet front !25 if No. of feet rear /Z-Cit- No.of feet deep LO -f 22. Size of building: No.of feet front No. of feet side No. of feet rear 23. Distance from nearest building: Front 1:3Ft. Le 0108 'Ft. side $a I- Rear - -7 Cil- 24. 24. Distance back from line or street 9— From rear lot line 7-61-- Side line Ifo y- r,LOT RELEASED BY Signature It2 PLANNING BOARD Address B0 k{uurrzie._ ?3nmL ref,. -ae-'e-eVs OZo—37 Date BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF APPLICANT: 14(X 72/44g7/7 BUILDING PERMIT 4/: ADDRESS: (74n/0&074—R1), TELE. NO. : �O7' n8z� DATE FILED: /164971 BLDG. SITE LOCATION: YRK�OIb'f�$.756 ` dPGv Peck- MAPA: 1(8 LOTIF: 4CZQ / THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION OUTLINES THE PROCEDURAL STEPS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO BUILD, ALTER, OR ADD TO A STRUCTURE WITHIN THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL DETER- MINE COMPLIANCE TO THE FOLLOWING (A) ZONING REQUIREMENTS (B) HISTORICAL DISTRICTS (C) FLOOD PLAINS ZONING. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING THE APPLICANT THOUGH THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING WATER DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE OF WATER AVAILABILITY. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE FOR PARKING AND DRAINAGE. CONSERVATION COMMISSION: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO WETLANDS ACTS, I.E.: IF LOT(S) BORDER ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS, STREAMS, PONDS, RIVERS, OCEANS, BOGS, BAYS, MARSH LAND, ETC. HEALTH DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO STATE AND TOWN REGULATIONS, I.E. : REQUIRE- MENTS FOR SEPTAGE DISPOSAL AND OTHER PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITIES. FIRE DEPARTMENT: DETERMINES COMPLIANCE TO STATE AND TOWN REQUIREMENTS FOR PERSONAL SAFETY, PROPERTY PROTECTION, I.E., SMOKE DETECTORS, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ETC. THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS MUST SIGN OFF, IN THE RESPECTIVE ORDER, PRIOR TO BUILDING INSPECTOR ISSUING THE REQUIRED BUILDING PERMIT: REVIEWED BY: 1. WATER DEPARTMENT f`; DATE: /, -/Y-;77, N/A: 2. ENGINEERING DEP:. K4 : / DATE: N/A: 3. CONSERVATION: DATE: N/A: 4. HEALTH DEPARTMENT �I L / DATE: /O//) JC7U N/A: ' IND/STK AND/OR COMMERCIAL PERMITS 5. WIRING INSPECTOR: DATE: N/A: 6. PLUMBING INSPECTOR: DATE: N/A: 7. FIRE DEPARTMENT: DATE: N/A: PLEASE NOTE ALL STUMPS AND/OR BRUSH MUST BE DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED SITE. A SIGNED RECEIPT FROM THE DISPOSAL SITE MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT. v COMMENTS: hogre/� -D�L �ie-J)a!�L- o, / 84e AL OP /147/S (WAX. AX. i•iO'',�.. c. —'_•fes ��Tl�- , BLM/89 /6//i/'o Owl TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR FORM PLEASE PRINT: l 111 Gt RD., VP. Pr" NUMBER JOB LOCATION: STREET ILLAGE � �� OWNER OF PROPERTY: c.v � y8445 J AP . l oma i NAME CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR:S %' LICENSE NO. PRON.-NO. Q N ADDRESS: o -Hci trE2S -155-15>ok c-P. 1CLI1LIE LICENSED DESIGNEE: LICENSE NO. (IF OTHER THAN SUPERVISOR) NAME 2.15 RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH LICENSE HOLDER: 2.15.1 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL BE FULLY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK FOR WHICH HE IS BUILDING CODEAND GETHE DRAWINGSAS SHALL BESNAPPROVEDFOR BYSEEING BUILDI GALL OFFICIAL DONE PURSUANT TO THE STATE 2.15.2 THE LICENSE HOLDER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION INVOLVING THE STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF BUILDING AND SRUCTURESDE COMMONWEALTH, EVVENYTHOUGH THE STATE HOLDER,GISONOT THE PERMITALL ER HOLDERIBUTLONLYLE WTHE PURSUANT A SUB- CONTRACTOR OR CONTRACTOR TO THE PERMIT HOLDER. G DISCOVERY2.15.3 EOFIANY VIOLATIONS WHICH AREIATELY COVEREDOBYFY THE THE BUILDINGNPERMITCI � IN WRITING OF THE 2.15.4 ANY LICENSEE WHO SHALL WILLFULLY VIOLATE SUBSECTIONS 2.15.1, 2.15.2 OR 2.15.3 OR ANY OTHER SECTION OF THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS AND ANY PROCEDURES, AS AMENDED, SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSE BY THE BOARD. 2.16. ALL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS SHALL CONTAIN THE NAME, SIGNATURE AND LICENSE NUMBER OF THE CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR WHO IS TO SUPERVISE THOSE PERSONS ENGAGED IN CONSTRUCTION, RECON- STRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR, REMOVAL OF DEMOLITION AS REGULATED BY SECTION 109.1.1 OF THE CODE AND THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS. IN THE EVENT THAT SUCH LICENSEE IS NO LONGER SUPERVISING SAID PERSONS, THE WORK SHALL IMMEDIATELY CEASE UNTIL A SUCCESSOR LICENSE HOLDER IS SUBSTITUTED ON THE RECORDS OF THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND MY RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR LICENSING CON. STRUCTION SUPERVISORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 109.1.1 OF THE STATE BUILDING CODE. I UNDERSTAN THE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROCEDURES AND THE SPECIFIC INSPECTION AS CALLED FOR BY THE BUILDING • OFFICIAL. ila _ SIGNATURE: w'aae, BUILDING OFFICIAL APPROVAL: • K i-p ( PLOT PLAN I� O IPP le FOR LOT # K � � G 11 �� p�Caiittir; ��e-stru_. Indicate location of garage or accessory building EKEV' a Additions with dashed lines Sewerage disposal (cesspool) ® /2528 Alt/ (lot ft. rear) I _ _ cc- - - - Abut Name is I y�"1 Abuttor's Name Lot # PI Name � Lot #z) REAR YA; ' If this is a corner lot, .. iii-J9 �T f corner .lo write in name T� of street. If write in r name of LGSr�II-Iar�" ' 4 — L. w other cartclsr •6 t: fts _;pinv street. , Sno N flCenMel.r 02407s- SIDE i407rSIDE YARD •.IDE YARD • HOUSE 0 FT. 0 0—f - - LT t) , • SET BACK •I 0 (lot.. ./ZAGI it ft. frontage) \ / C2AcAr lUl- \ i \ / (NAME OF STREET) / \ Information n 1 l-. . J_ / \ Supplied by t� �Q MARK NORTH POINT 02-55 Z. - - - ��� Application to �--► `• • '• W . :"...:4:::".". '* 4I Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Committee a 35, 77 ,�� ' ithe Tf Y n e own of for a • i CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made intriplicate.for the issuance of a Certificate ofAppropriatenunder Section 6 of Chapter 470; Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts.1973,for proposed work as described below and .Jans,dtiawings or photographs accompanying this application for. c-/;:i.Zc-/;:i. X55 �" m CHECK CATEGORIES THAT APPLY: .11r1 R ) • 1. Exterior Building Construction: O New Building 0 Addition 0 Alteration "'I'S • A mi; Indicate type of builditig:0 House I7 Garage O Commercial 0 Other 0.4,2 1 2. Exterior Painting: 0 * D ~Ti • 3. Signs or Billboards:!f New sign ❑Existing sign 0 Repainting existing Sign --c:11-, rr5 4.Structure: 0 Fence 0 Wall 0 Flagpole 0 Other y (Please read other side for explanation:and requirements). . • TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY • DATES ` S / �� ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK ASSESSORS f MAPINO. OWNER 45 CAMELOTASSESSORS LOT fkd:H HOME AD rt.DRUAESS PT) PLASTER • TEL. NO. ;:20 1472 GREAT PLAIN AVE NEEDHAM 02192 617-444 R73a FULL NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ABUTTING OWNERS. Include name of adjacent property ownersacross any public street or way. (Attach additional sheet if necessary). f21 ) e'. ,L ., , . . u, ,. 2" M. _.1 L r' _ (..1 _ . r rle:. r 2 57 (x10) Richard Kenyon 72 Center st. 02.67.5 ±6R) Barbara Merrill rt)9i1 Fort rdryar,' •'.V. 12. 2 1 1,111"t1 ) ^•1r 1,-i1'.rr-t .,.,,to .57• '"' "r•.'' ^ "-,- •r{. ..1.1. 36EN}tbRre0NnTRACTO tH TEL.NQ:,, .t)te ,•a'_.. (P_,. fi,tU ir;Sr, . ,<Li)NSs •_i..h_, ADDRESS Ut) L uilec'i t. ..:•UU:, XL. . eur:lL r:d• UA '24:U).:. • DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK:Give all particulars of work to be done(see No.8,other side),including materials to be used, if specifications do not accompany plans. In the case of signs,give locations of existing signs and proposed locations of new signs. (Attacn additional sheet, if necessary). f Cenrtritct pressure.. treate clack (Annrr',. Srtrt se ft. ) to the rear off sliding r;ia^.G door an ler plan. replace aluminum slider w/nndersen Signed frer.chtzocd 3 'stat. unit each side .Owner.Contractor-Agent Space below line for Committee use. / ' Received by H.D.C. AS AMENDED: French door with side panels to be grilled. -'Date c4, b° The Certificate is n 4P J,9 ,i-V /): 1• \M:, Nt_3 Date r 01 ? u 3 fir Time /i3 t (Li_ / I t. f/I Ji . / _ • By CP \ . \ ...CCC �_ ` 1 Approved ,e.` db'a IMPORTANT: If Certificate is approved, approval is subject to the 10 rariod provided in the Act. - YR•'i%^b COMMITTEE Disapproved 0 .Please return to: •' Yarmouth Historic District Committee 4KpjRD Town Hall, 1146 Rt. 28, South Yarmouth, Mass. 02664 "�S79064 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR MAKING AND FILING AN APPLICATION • FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS The tour categories for which a Certificate of Appropriateness is required are: (application for demolition or removal Is a separate form). - • 1. EXTERIOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION (new or existing buildings): An application is required for any exterior of a building to be erected or altered including windows,doors,siding,roof,light etc.,that will be visible from any public street, way or public place.The following scale drawings are required in duplicate with application:two plot plans(if addition-show existing buildings in outline),four sets of elevations.Also required are snap shots of existing buildings,where additions or alterations are to be made.No plot plan is required for addition or alteration which does not touch the ground. 2.EXTERIOR PAINTING:An application is required for any portion of a building,structure or sign to be painted that is visible from a public street,way or public place.Color samples must be attached to these applications.An application is not required when repainting existing colors, changing to white, or using colors approved by the Town Historic District Committee. 3.SIGNS OR BILLBOARDS:An application is required for any sign or billboard to be erected within the District,with the following exceptions: - a. Existing signs or billboards on November 27, 1974 shall have until November 27, 1977 to secure an approved Certificate of Appropriateness. b. Temporary signs for use in connection with any official celebration or parade or any charitable drive as long as they are removed within three days of the event.Certain temporary signs that the Committee feels does not detract from the Act may be allowed with the prior permission of the Committee. c. Real Estate signs of not more than 3 square feet in area advertising the sale or rental of the premises on which they are erected or displayed. d. A single sign of not more than 1 square foot in area showing the name,occupation or address of the occupant of the premises on which they are erected or displayed in a residential zone. 4.STRUCTURE:An application is required to build or alter any structure within the District which is defined by the Act as a combination of materials other than a building,sign or billboard,but including stone walls,flagpoles,hedges,gates,fences, etc. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5.Work on projects requiring approval shall not be started until the Certificate of Appropriateness has been filed with the Town Clerk by the Committee.Approval is subject to the 10 day appeal period provided in the Act. 6.No changes shall be made from the original approved specifications without advance approval of the Commission on an amended application filed with the Committee. 7.A separate application must be filed with each project requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness. 8. Under heading of "Detailed Description of Proposed Work" give detailed data on such architectural features as: foundation,chimney,siding,roofing,roof pitch,sash and doors,window and doorframes,trim,gutters-leaders,roofing and paint color. • 9.Unless application is complete and legible and all material required is supplied,application will not be accepted or acted upon. Copies of the Act establishing the Regional Historic District may be obtained at the Town Hall. ';37 •,1, .* Tiii'`l)..;J ttitJs:fAAAT C3.�.rJ • . • PLOT PLAN ��L 3S-72g ' FOR LOT # X to rr Indicate location of garage or accessory buildin g, Additions with dashed lines R E C '!V ED Sewerage disposal (cesspool) 69 Well 03 ) OCT'-4 P4:07 L• I . TOWN Of YARMOU H (lot ft. rear) tiOMNCLERK Y TREAUitur Abuttor's + Abuttor's Name I Name Lot # I Lot # REAR YARD If this is a • If this is corner lot, it corner lo write in name write in of street. c / _ name of . I a. other 'o 8 street. . ro SIDE YARD 'IDE YARD HOUSE • • • 4 • • I I SET BACK ft I I I 0 (lot ft. frontage) \ / CTcAArL E \ / \ / (NAME OF STREET) APPROVED • • • YARMOUTH COMMITTEE • / Information 0 HRD//��,�//QQ�� / \ \ Supplied by ia/iow^i� MARK NORTH POINT TOWN OF YARMOUTH 3s 7 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY REGIONAL HHISTORIC D_STRICT COMMITTEE SPECIFICATION SHEET APPLICANT'S NAME P1aat:r FOR: n�cn Pnn1 Inn el irtnr nrir7 etntinn7«J `.l^nnlc to right pre" 1 -rt FOUNDATION: sono tube COLOR r gra;, SIDING: na COLOR: 4 CHIMNEY: na COLOR: ROOF MATERIAL: na PITCH: :-BOLO elzE rn WINDOWS: SIZE: im N � m •t �ve G TADS COLOR: Whiteae . 0 ' r o,. DOORS: andersen french wood hinged w/stat. 3 'side lite,- COLOR: white Sdu1LLRS: COLOR: na GuistRS: na COLOR: DECK: 20x16 9x18 SIZE: COLOR: 4-500 soft . natural GARAGE DOORS:. na SIZE: COLOR: STORM WINDOWS & DOORS: na COLOR: SKYLIGHTS (FLAT ONLY) na SIZE: COLOR: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: • APPROVED OKHRD .•re,),(:,t?"1 4 ld.i.1•:411 Tr .....t1 '16CPAOt "41;;•isbcg-• • ,,g;.,, s04742.i.iiti1,11, t ‘k,,c:,-.14-1-\''insa,t/Y''..).°' FUTURE DESIGN BUILDERS DATE . ..c. r”.., -,„ ii 1444R0,411111;11,W4S4ggs 80 Hunters Brook Road Bourne,Ma 02532 :'.ii;'.":'• C';',c.i'; ' ' ' 's!,-,,-,..-..ie'r,'.- '-u....s..,t."44,,P,..24-:' ••IV} .4,tettor :gip+.t 508-833-1.465 CLIENT , ...,.5 t ..,,.„•2,,,‘/. , .,.. • .,v :4,041,,:.z.t* ''';,''' tt 1 r."','-',..1,,v • •P'•:Zilt" P1410+51t: t • _r_ .1 -riistv$i;:ti,oil../...,:lili.;..-... 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