HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-90-651 'tit it *c s o, TO ' .4 F YARMOUTH • MATT M �; V,t«Pa.in°41 0- io Appii� t� n fora Permit to Build No. (0 5 1 UPON FINAL APPROVAL `�l-90 . . .MAP LOT FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION. DATE //// 19 go The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build // 7//f/ pc according to the following specifications N. Name of property owner -Ro$L/{T C 3 OY{CK ET Tela 3 fe Z-g/Yr Address .3 '1 &T&s sAJ LAND ri4. YAn o un/PoRT 1 M4 0 2-62 7 .5- 2.Name of Architect(if any) - Tel. V3. Name of builder Address 4. License No. Tel. 5. Name of Mason Address 6. License No. Tel. Construction address 3f GR.BENLAND 61+2. Y-4tti av1//Pater, ici4 o 24-75- Flood -67sFlood . District 8. Date of subdivision Approval plain zone Zone 9. Private dwelling ❑ Estimated Cost , DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Type of room No. 10. Multi family 0 ` %3-00 -,, , / 11. Commercial ❑. / " -) Kitchen 12. Other ❑ _, Dining Rm. Living Rm. 13. No. of stories gi .09 Bed Rm. 14. Foundation — Full 0 Half 0 Crawl 0 Slab 0 a Bath 15. Materials — Wood ❑ Cement ❑ Other 0 Deck 16.Type of heat — Oil 0 Gas 0 Electric 0 Other 0 Closed porch 17. Garage - 1 0 2 Family Rm.Sun room 18. Swimming pool Size Garage 19. Storage shed — Size Shed 20. Stove — Wood 0 Coal Er4z.r,J Alterations 21. Size of lot: No. of feet front No. of feet rear No. of feet deep 22. Size of building: No.of feet front No.of feet side No. of feet rear 23. Distance from nearest building: Front Ft. side Ft. side Rear 24. Distance back from line or street From rear lot line Side line LOT RELEASED BY Signature */ed -rte ,treA<f " PLANNING BOARD Address 511 GREOw)'owo eraCCGE Date Wyk evr//Pa-4T A44 atG 7S WOOD STOVE INSTALLATION CHECKLIST —S .- C./. L ''" • Permit A building• permit is required for the installation of any solid fuel burning appliance. The building permit and installation inspection are limited to the stove installation and not to the stove construction. Stove / Used A. New B. Type/radiant vr Circulating C. Manufacturer t Mr/ Lkz'u 5 e :Na Lab.No. . Name/Model No. N am/Cacti,' tk I Collar size C. " Dimensions/Height 23' Length 1-0(/t( t Width LS`/a-" • Chimney t/ A. New Existing B. Size(flue area) C. Other appliances attached to flue(Number and flue size) 0 D. Prefab(Manufacturer—name and type) E. Masonry/Lined ✓ Flue liner c-tHY Unlined (type 8 manufacturer) F. Height(refertodiagrams) cap . a I cvc_� lo' I I- OVER t0 I Sr I l2° MIA. —1— t I qr 3' vtiN Io, IG' " 3 MIN, --* I - l� MIN. / ^ 1 �. 18" CFUE/A.4i 0 HEARTH ei /70 �,CHIMNEY HEIGHT 6 % 1t' 0 Hearth(non-comoustible7tic/e Wl5Gv� '/ fr erlyie�ia A. Materials . B. Sup-floor construction Fie ere yid 1,4,-6-,0 vac 9t Jj(775,Y.s/a^' C. Minimum dimensions(reser to ciacraml Clearances and Wall Protection Isee stove installation clearances cnart) . A. Type of wall protection provided S. Clearances(refer to diagrams) • ►t to kiv _,...,...„,..... , .e, ,..__ I • __)+,,,,,,r____• I FIREPLACE CORNER WALL/CENTER 13