HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Violation 12-07-2017 I;S,;P,osta ,Sent ce CE! TI ,IED?MAIL®'RECEIP r- 'p, gs(tcMal/On 7 t For delivery pInnformation,visiit our webabw. s at wwusps.comass OFFICIAL USE rr. D'• Postage $ Certified Fee S Postmark O Rehm Receipt Fee Here O (Endorsement Requked( Restricted Delivery Fee O (Endorsement Required) __ _— A Total Postage&Fee -- - - I N Clifford Sander S nt a 85 Fiske Mill road o x;rea rifint• Upton, MA 01568 orpo Box Na City State,ivic Certified Mail service provides the following benefits: •R Certified Mail receipt(this portion of the mailpiece;Include applicable postage to Certified Mail label), cover the return receipt service fee:and •A unique Identifier for your mailpiece. endorse the mallpiect"Retum Receipt •Electronic verification of delivery or attempted Requested."or see a retail associate for delivery. assistance.For en electronic return receipt •A record of delivery(including recipients see a retail associate for assistance.To receive a duplicate return receipt,presets - serNcea• eretained for a specified period.the Postal thls USPS'-postmarked Certified Mail - • receipt to the retail associate,who will Important Reminders: provide a duplicate return receipt for no •First--Class Certified You may purchase Mail•,First-Clss Packagece wird fee. -Restricted delivery service,which provides Service,or Priority Mail"service. delivery to the addressee specified by name, •Certified Mail service Is no:available for or to the addressee's authorized agent International mall. Include applicable postage to cover the •purchases cewit Certified Mall sis nor ervice,However, maable for ilp restricted ce'Restriccted Delfee ivery,'orse the . r or see a ' the purchase of Certified Mail service does not retail associate for assistance. change the Insurance coverage automatically •To ensure that your Certified Mall receipt Is Included with certain Priority Mag items. accepted as legal proof of mailing,It should •For an additional fee,you may request the bear a USPS postmark.If you would like a . following services: postmark on this Certified Mall receipt,please -Return receipt service,which provides you present your Certified Mail hem at a Post with a record of delivery(including the Office"for postmarking.If you don't need e recipients signature).You can request a postmark on this Certified Mail receipt detach hardcopy return receipt or an electronic Me barcoded portion of this label,affix R to the version.For a hardcopy return receipt, maliplece,apply appropriate postage,and complete��rm Form 3811 Domestic to your turn deposit the mailplece. ReceiptIMPORTCRC Save this receipt for your retards Pe Fern 3800,Juo 2014(flewee)PSN 753002-000 4047 • TOWN OT.YARMOUTII 1146 Route 28,'SOiith :Yar mouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231elt.i261 Far.508-398-0836 Office of tlte.B•ut.ilding• C- ommissioner "'" SEP 20p 2010 BUILDING pI VIOLATION NOTICE Br' ART F NT Clifford Sander 85 Fiske Mill road Upton, MA 01568 if/fr December 7, 2017 / ,/L�i RE: 3 Adrienne Drive—bathroom, kitchen Sidewall/shingling\without permit Dear Mr.Sander: It has come to our attention as the results of a complaint that you have shingled your home and started a kitchen/ bath remolding project without the benefit of a required building permits.This is a violation of Section RI05.1 of the Massachusetts State Building code. R105.1 Required.It shall be unlawf d to construct, reconstruct, alter, repair, remove or demolish a building or structure; or to change the use or occupancy of a building or structure; or to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made or the installation of which is regulated by this code without first filing a written application with the building official and obtaining the required permit. Failure to comply with the MA State Building code 780CMR is subject to fines and penalties as prescribed in MGL CH 143 section 91. Each day constitutes a new violation. You are also in violation of Section 103.1 of The Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaws. 103.1.1 Required Permits. Buildings, structures or land may not be erected, substantially altered or changed in use without certification by the Building Inspector that such action is incompliance with then applicable zoning, or without review by him regarding whether all necessary permits have been received from those governmental agencies from which approvals required by federal, state or local law. Issuance of a building permit or certificate of use and occupancy, where required under the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Building Code, may serve as such certification. Failure to comply with the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw is subject to fines and penalties as allowed per section 101.3 • 101.3 Penalties.Any person violating any of the provisions of this bylaw shall be fined not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00)for each offense. Each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. To remedy these violations make proper application for the required building permits,and receive a building permit and/or relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals for these alleged violations. You are required to respond within 7 days. Questions regarding this matter may be directed to this department Very truly Brad Inkley Local Inspector Town of Yarmouth