HomeMy WebLinkAboutS-19-1685 t° a € \ TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDLNG DEPARTMENT ,��,r,; _ 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA. 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 • SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION • Date q // 'l"g Application Accepted Permit No.B LDS 19 ObI(oES Applicant Instructions 1) Applicant shall complete both sides of application. 2) One application fon is required for each sign. Each sip will be assigned it own pe .lit number. 3) Applicant shall mach separate 8 1/2"x 11" sheets including the following diagrams: A) Design, d;mFnions and colors of the proposed sip B) Freestanding Signs:provide certified plan by aprofessionalland surveyor that describes how the proposed n meet the zoning requirementc included in Zoning Bylaw 3035.6 or 3033.42 (as applicable). A st n-rped and sealed"as-built" will be required before the perms will be issued. • C) Attached Signs: show length of pordon of building fronts ge that is occupied by applicant D) Tempore Sins: show location for sign • 4) Sian permit are$40.00 Park,payable at the time of appir ;ion. 4 Address of y�uposed sig O/ 7 e fi is w 6' EPistoric Distinct Name of Bn ciness for proposed sim r h ac Aiall Sf a. NamP of Browner L) nQ -e-41-1'.0 Mailing Address ofBnsiaess owner /,.2 c 4-i 6 /1 °nit" tfrrin • Dale Business Cramer Phone:Business 5-0 9/I-V73^9..?<l Home Name ofBuilding Owner)6-1(7.Pn l341sl ,r7'C (LA/ten nut, L,LL 55 Phone 2-S S' S/ Sign Builder s ' . / - (-1'i n SipNlat mals Sign Builder Address ' Phone Singly OccupiedBuilding ✓ Business Center 1ntemalLia ExtemalLiS FreestanritneSin Size: tt' S ' U IS pr.eeacAsh'ny a(reita(y Aftached.Sian Size: 0 w. Oh r I j) , Temporary Sian Size: Dates: Please complete other side of Sipa Permit Application i • All Permits are subject to the approval of the Sian Tr;cpector I hereby uee to conform to the provisions of Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Section 303 governing sip consu uction and installation. I father artcethat this sip will not be alied,added to o:rbangedin auy wayualess a new permit has been issued. Sip. Permits are not valid-anti the Building Commiesioner issues Use a A . Occupamcy Pennitr (where applicable). Freestanding sib permits are not valid mttl the "as-buil" from a. professional land surveyor has been received. Sipatoi e of Applicant: JI I4 W l VAN// Geis Date 'frig-- !9 PropertpOwner fthorization. Ihereby authcrnze the applicant to act ou my behalf in all mlittns related to this sip application. (Sips=e) Date Approved by 4 Date / With the follow;i 1 a conditions: I have read and understood the conditions of this Sian Permit listed above: B0;Lt:ny • °`"� TOWN OF YARMOUTH: EIVE® e '`;:z 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451P 19 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508) 398-0836 2018 tr RMOUTH 'Ot IkIN 'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMIG'SHIGHWAY SEP 182018 APPLICATION FOR TOWN CLERK CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION SOUTH YARMOUT Application is hereby made for th9 issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 92 3 el- 62/1- (/ /U it C Map/Lot# /ilii //// —�) C/ art/4 T S -2 Owne s : 1 �� � C Phone#: D 8'yZ � 4 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: /3 f!ic O 6 Year built: Email: I 6' A 6 P/ /GC air' Preferred notification method: 1../Phone(-- Email / Anent/Contractor. di . `/ ((.4-- Ph. e#: 2 -1/�3 // Mailing Address: / 'r , Email: Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Proposed Work(AdditionalQpages may be attached ifneces/ U./s�a y): f / v(J 6) afrpaud 4- ipi /t ken d S /(/ Cio a /' //l hirn u,, iF bD y'D twit I A J�/��(I^ 7 yn Signed(Owner or agent): /�Utrl'" l iMI'{W{�4 d Date: 9� �4-7 > Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) > This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: , Date: 5-1 9-/t =Approved _Approved with changes _Denied Amount tlra < Reason for denial: APPROVED IRS S8- , SEP 19 2018 Rcvd by LSet YARMOUTH I OLD KINr'S HIC�WAY Date Signed: i 11 91�P� Signed: / ifr APPLICATION#: 18d- E103 V5.2017 1''-- =:WEDAPPROVED RECEIVED SE.P 19 2911 SEP 19 2018 SEP 19 2018 TURIN C YARMOUTH YAKNIUU f H SOW H YAR. ,IH, MA OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 1 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Existing Location Lina's Nail Spa Unit DD .N..In..a..r..Ar r ..gin d _ ea 1g uri I i • ;3:1-; k R I. �Li � § "e. UNR 00 +y tl1 x1/49 V KNE Ton NAIL SPA 4PS �v2fi a la r= c ��mnel ika t t d r., . I.1 E S` 1 P j 'n s , r , SI_a'.,4tri 4,1 S1u¢ M �5,t,>, , r +Y x y4°'W,r'_ ,,&°a , > ;,,, n.i•,srr wa rq 7 -: ,,,,,x,\--,;-'0,\.'17e' 1 rax :' ," e 1 •: ,x Oft „$ '. wiyA,F*, 1M° ,, .9'qY +, y rK vj?&..:a '. fir,. .F%y'rx1 ,' 1 ., ' • : . .- el ,r. ,x ��.,. c `,v ,.. .d.. 18 — E103 Site Plan ROUTE 6A SUNFLOWER MARKET PLACE r 923 RT.6AI YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 unrcW �� / BuildinUg t00D egft 5820 n4k Map 143 z2BogR nnR / 2nd Floor +ee;gn p Lot 111 wR� 1300,,,,f•r I eBo^q unR2 wrcr 2nd Floor unrcu unrcv a I ' 940on U90pft 850egR flQ'JegR unrcA �\ ..� f./) 23 noo.yn O m ,„ nrcnn s �ziogrt D* -0 n /'/ , 2950 9 , K—�-[^-n �� ;U Z _a • �y- o m ' -_ wso�R l 1000 sift (2.1:7n, ry w C f °^' '� fisting Lima's Nail Spa I = m rn /` 1 970.,rc v K 5950 sift Sunflower Market Place iuoltD «n 32,286 square feet voo / 6zRR f O o�rt 0 17 New Lima's Nail Spa m ., �, unite Z A v V' 1 r 769 wh mitt 5 �.Ti I H i �Orceg0Rt500 tQRU .J a. _= NO '9p� 2nd Flour D Co m , Dulling _ J un I4o. rt unitN 500e%ft I I ill l 550 el 20e%ft KF o I 'y�I I210R.grt I \ t 450 unit' 200.9e / \ / 1 I ' 'n-'Z �_ unit[ \(� 2 BuAdi a �4rt WIC) �'^rcH2 IWC CD 5068.gR 55/0m.R' a0 unit° 600 611.ft unit" J I2C �J 1 ! 28002ndI r \ 1500.34 It _= NO �, CO I D co ml • J I I I Scala l"=5G CAI drawn MO 8/27/92 revised 3/21/16 P 197Pi'4 RECEIVE®t ,7,��,�r \K SEP 19 2018 SOU i n }',ah„PvUTH, MA YARMOUTH SEP 19 2018 OLDKING'SHIGHWAY YAKMUUIH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY New Location Lina's Nail Spa Unit R .... - a +7. �, ♦M� „,A.O'SS-C� S _ = iyamy .:4;;;L:,,,.",,44' " K� •_ iii nri :d:3s ' 4 ,, , tram m 'QQ _ erre® in __ 1111111 r nrill; %\ ii ' "„„t — e.' ""t $0r ry �”a }-.. � y.w .' � �ti' �L ) `" : tCwy, Y - ' yT, �k,.4r�R . .`,1.a.4. ,i„ i4;%F'Yh�r(«G'{4`'g" • 4 ,.,, 1,„4„..„-:, g, ` •,,,,,„„ .46,1 + { . . 1;; .APal . R !Olt'5•,, Yn, „ •.". ti,, :. • �. .w .:.w... et4 . ay ,,,-, .t .. q,.iY fw ,,,, " M1rk a t-.�." .-:'1.1.-::'. •; l:£ '.` v ' J .`2s .r" s}i'jE.i;vt' \ .mo 'ia .S '1 "':':„r1, :pM. 4:Au''r' . y ,. _}, "'v"� g# ".pc-' , r „‘t ,.•r, ,,.X:Yn1 :>.t:. :• i , -4.-4..nsi -s.,<4 .o t�^ kv � iL.9";lt71.� .0N4 ' c3X , q. 1' ,aR:,• s _. ftit N:i x ”' .�, .� ' S�:. wi.ti_�r*:ya'Khyr8 .)gy:? . � &< Sy;i,"_ i"_+- hd . . ,,,,.,,,:t.:;,, ^ . ,.a.t.>>r.yr& : . : "� )isAA1. ii:' "'l^. .� '>.....se;x.._: u.:c ial 18 - E103 °t vfrc e- TOWN OF YARATOTTT'H BUILDING D>�ARThIENT ° a ,t 1146 Route 2S, South Yarmouth,NIA 02664 50S-39S-231 ext. 1261 • • SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION • // 1 g Application Accepted PeLiluit No.B LDS-19-toga ADDlirwnt InstructonS 1) Applicant shall complete both sides of application. 2) One application fon is regodred for each sign. Each sign will be assigned its own pmmit nnmher. 3) Applicant shell attarh separate 8 1/2"x 11" sheets inclnding the following diag rams: A) Design, dimensions and colors of the proposed sign B) Freestanding Siys:provide certified plan by a professional land surveyor that describes how the go-posed cign meet the zoning regeirem nts included in Zoning Bylaw 3033.6 or 3033.42 (as applicable). A stamped and sealed"as built"will be required before the permit will be issued. C) Attached Si cm c: show length of pardon of building frontage rh ar is occapiedby applicant D) Temporary Signs: show location for sign • 4) Sim permits are$40.00 p r h,payable at theire of a_pplration. Adaress of proposed sip l Z �j C-t (s /� }�' Historic Distct Name ofBnci-,esstor p„°pos/ed sin .L1Kcc Wa-i'! Sp Nam, of Business owner Lena L-trui'0 Address ofBnsmess owner 9,2 g N On/1- ni . Pace- BnrnPss Ownm•Phone:Business 5o -- v,3^QS I/ Home • Name ofBpi'riintOwner)6-tra /31tS(,I.r7/ C (M eter( y.vv &LL Phone 5-61-V2-719.9 Sip Builder M _ ' a i _ - (1 i n Sip.Materials SipBuilder Address ' Phone Singly OccupiedBnlading Br iness Center IntemalLight Extemalbight Freestanriin6 Sin Size: liii 5 ' h /3 prP e c;c1i n y a(reAc[ Attached Sim Size: 0 it Uhl/ 7J D - Temporary Sim Size: RECEIVED • Dates: 1/0/0 "0 i, SEP 37 2018 l- ' Please complete other side of Siva Permit Application BUILDING f'XRTMENT By __ li All.Permits are subject to the approval of the Sin. Inspector I he eby agree to conform to the provisions of Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Section 303 governing sip consrnacon and installation. Iffiera._,reethaithis sip will not bealtered,artrlNltoorchan;edinany way unless a new permit has been issued. Sip Permit are not valid until the Emiding Commissioner issues Else and . Occrcpwzcy Permit. (whre applicable). Freestanding siga pau its are not valid until the "as bti]i" from a professional land sat veyor has been received- • n Sianat�r-e of Applicant: itik k vit ttyl/4 Gest Date tTl4, /9 Property O weer A-rh orizaiion_ I hereby amhorize the applicant to act on my behalf n alimaiie<s related to this gn siapplication. (Sig at„-e) Darn Approved by: �/J Dain / /�% With the folio wing conditions: • I have read and tnderstood the corgi.ions of this Sian Pamir listed above: 1 . L7Ji L,��fl° TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECEIVE® _ 4 1 e� _, , s 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 SEP 19 2018 Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292—Fax(508) 398-0836 YARMOUTH kSt �Cff(�'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMI ING'SHIGHWAY SEP 102019 APPLICATION FOR TOWN CLERK CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION SOUTH yARMOUTH Application is hereby made fdt M8 issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: 92 3 /71 O 1/- 0 lid d f l' Map/Lot# i Vg ///t Owner(s): /1YO4f4 Tuft &Id Phone#: 5r0 ie.—W "9/4 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: 6 nc .20 6Year built:/ Email: ihair/42 OeCO-777&73 f, _Preferred notficationmethod: I/ Phone Email Agent/Contractor: �/, �7,/0 Za.4i64.4.. Ph e#:�3 x/23 -9/I I Mailing Address: li r 36 6 Email: � Preferred notification method: Phone Email Description of Proposed Work(Additional pages may be attached If necessary): / niette, p/tajetA31) 4frplelal( /or /-zo-7r, u iaJ- b 0 alit le- ti /�/��(IA , �] • QXn Signed(Owner or agent): ,/�V�'14 iM I`wp�t�(� - Date: / /4—7 > Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department(Check other departments,also.) > Thls certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. For Committee use on iv: Date: 9/9-i8 /pproved _____Approved with changes _Denied Amount tge,a,< Reason for denial: APPROVED Cash/CK#: INS SEP 19 2018 Rcvd by: Com/ YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Ir /7 Date Signed: 9/l 9 pore Signed: 06. e. 1APPLICATION#: 8 - £ 1 0 3 V5.2017 .s �'-_ -JVED APPROVED :RECEIVE® • ` •'' 19 20" SEP 19 2018 SEP 19 2018 i G1':N f YARMOUTH SO i?r;VAR 'IA,MA OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 1 YARMOUTH • OLD KINGS HIGHWAY Existing Location Lina's Nail Spa Unit DD T, ALL- . ea aF -..' 1 Eis yp 111111 +'4 111111 t ' �0 . k 1�+f D unn Di, , • d v, ' ;� , Zs NAIL SPA I • Vii. :-.''''':c.- - :...;.--.:' ,•., i ' H:._' _ , -.. ; Nisi • ��•4 f `FR FI 3FYS� y.•2 1� l xl� a r r khS $t r4•,' t' 1 h m. y ..-' s x `R ( .. , .. IF . .y r • ...to!,c� : • 18 - El 03 • • Site Plan ROUTE 6A r SUNFLOWER MARKET PLACE • \ 923 RT.6A I 1J • YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 I U 1 i Minable unit!/ PM,72,7 5b20u"Ngft � Map 143 , B adny (A Lot 111 0.0 unrc00 1'u00gft ^^�09h $ i 980 at unrcZ unItY 2J Floor unku unkV l 644)09 ft 540 lift I 850gft 1900gft 1000 ^ft \ =Q N /N n4 unit AA =sit �� ...._—<* m^ 2m Floor •/ I °"ft f71 , .CO mm_ li // I01111/1315 TA�ft \ I.. i�e'lh �m C q r ' m / 970egh \--Existing Lina's Nail Spa _ m r 59h0'g h I 7208 R D ! q 1 I f Sunflower Market Place mitt. 32,256 square feet 1000qft >1 imlt r 1 620gft� ' New Lina's Nail Spa { m mo r 4y .. ^ nnftE Z D un 5 _E 760Igft 0 MI i 450gft (n 1-1. =C CD n¢0 ',rata c , wog 500gft �" _I 0 2m Floor X42 D �len� `J unKunit P N • mft \I, ♦ 146Oeg q a Fbft -‹ b FO 1 550 2or ''66YYII a nu F 600 gIc , r ' OA * itst to rn l- &ldbg5 { m ,}� unRl \, mai 7200egh ZD -D } +, I _ 1200gft \ / 450gh z In BUYAYy4 650 elft unrcJ Zv } 50666.1 ft 6508 ft. rc0 600g1t until l=c CD •••.4 millIN --rT_-1 _ / w2nd010or \ 15oogR roam : � 0 <. CD • \ Hees =Z o0 I I ID ill rn \l C, Scale:1"=50' c U drawn byinb 8/27/92 revised 3/21/16 I , ... _ APPROVED RECEIVED-) sEp 1 9 2018 YARMOUTH SEP 1 9 2 018 MA SOili h Ma Lai4 ---, OLD KING'S HIGHWAY J YARIVIUL1 I H OLD KING'S HIGHWAY New Location Lina's Nail Spa Unit R _ _-_,--___--______-_-:„...1c,.„-„,-,-„F„-„_,,_„,....,,,, „:.. .... •til Is- •,•, 4. ' % „.. _ ...z...._ , _,. ...f."•::,-- --,- . •- 4. : 1 .TC,-::,. ..4.---1._.‘rItt, ,:c .4,--.- ---___ ____7-......... ..--------7.--. --44_,-.:=-,42-s--4-----4=las.,=--•--.a..F4X2-4-r-at•Ura ..1e4... . '._v ..'.0.14:' ,.-, ..SLe r, 47t.,-,....,„4„._-:-.._,_,....,---,,,,,_4•,-..,-.±.-_,„ --_,.._.- ..,-- tz_-----,— -zr-a-- ,..-F . ,i •••,‘,- ";Cli - -:---7--trCee;441 -4rt"'"-- ---t" . .,------CL- --- t::::r7r-' ' ,. ' \ ‘.C‘ai-r". t-' .."7-3---F7-", ..tj. , ..---Ni;J,:r..1'-aucitts..- 41,P..r“-e:-..n.. 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