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1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from ttetn 1? ❑Yes
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Five Fifty Nine Route 6AYPT LLC
• 2885 Sandford Ave SW#15556
Grandvillb, IMI 49418-1342
111111 111111111111111111111D1111 111111111 3 Mui Signa n,Rattled DeNery ❑R IeteredM
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2. Article Number(Transfer from service Iab$O ,•,�.;. D Ceileal on Delivery Restricted DOM g Signature CanNmaean*e
D Insured Mall Slgnaluro Conamutbn
7018 0680 0000 . 2692 A786; ❑I SMall Restricted Dentary Restricted Delivery
PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 •:0 Domestic Return Receipt
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11111 II111111 PUS
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9590 9402 4200 8121 9769 94
United States •Sender.Please print your name,address,and ZIP+4®in this bozo
Postal Service _
Attn.Brad Inkley
Building Department
1146 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
"umll �llltlnh4tthlr�ldrh�ll ll�t,thPdllPl4uu
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o ion 2885 Sandford Ave SW#15556 '
$ Grandville, MI 49418-1342
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Certified Mail service provides the following benefits:
•A receipt(this portion of the Certified Mail label). for an electronic return teceipt,see a retell
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delivery. USPSe-posMarked Certified Mail receipt to the
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signature)that Is retained by the Postal Service"Restricted delivery service,which provides
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International mail. end provides delivery to the addressee specified
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endorsement on the mal piece,you may request Certified Mall teem at a Pest Office for
the following services: pcstmaddng.If you dant need a postmark on this
-Return receipt service,which provides a record Certified Mal receipt,detach the barcoded portion
of delivery(including the recipient's signature). of doe label,afro it to the mallplece,apply
You can request a hardcopy return receipt rean appropriate postage,and depositthe mailplece. •
electronic version.For a hardcopy return receipt,
complete PS Form 3511,Oamesh°Refom
Receipt attach PS Form 3811 to your maniere; tMPORTAIM San tMs receipt for your records.
PS Form 3800,Apra 2015(Reverse)PON I6+aas.0OO- 47
u.:. `.
," • ,.
1146 Route 28;.South,;Yarmouth, MA 02664
508-398-2231ext 1261=F1 508-398-0836
--J au
Office of the'BuildingCommissioner
Five Fifty Nine Route 6A YPT LLC
2885 Sandford Ave SW#15556 August 23,2018
Grandville,MI 49418-1342
RE: 559 Route 6A—Temporary signs
Dear Five Fifty Nine Route 6A YPT LLC;
It has come to the attention of the Building Department that temporary signs have been placed on this
property without the benefit of the proper permits.This is a violation of Section 303.4.1.2 of the Town of
Yarmouth Zoning Bylaws.
Sign is being place out over the weekends(picture attached)
Allowed Temporary signs are described in section 303.4.1.2 of the bylaw;
303.4.1 Temporary Signs. Only the following types of temporary signs will be allowed:
303.4.1.2 Commercial.A business will be allowed not more than one additional temporary sign annually
for the purpose of advertising a grand opening, anniversary sale, or other special event. Signs which
exceed eighteen (18)square feet in area will not be allowed. Temporary signs may be displayed for up to
fourteen(14)consecutive days and pray apply for one renewal. The location of temporary signs must he
approved by the Building Commissioner.A permit from the Building Commissioner is required and a fee
will be charged.
Failure to comply with the provisions of the zoning bylaw may result in penalties as prescribed.
303.11.2 Fines for Permanent and Temporary Signs.Any violator of any of the provisions of this bylaw
will he given three(3) business days for correction of the defect or removal of the offending permanent
sign, and one(1)working day for correction of the defect or removal of an offending temporary sign.If
correction is not made in the allowed time, the owner will be fined fifty dollars($50)per day for the first
seven (7) days and two hundredfifty dollars($250)per day thereafter. Violations of display of signs will
be cumulative with consecutive violations accruing fines as outlined above.
You are hereby ordered to abate and or correct said violations or seek relief from the Zoning Board of
Appeals as allowed by MGL Ch 40a §7& §15.You also have the right to appeal this decision with the
Zoning Board of Appeals within 30 days of this letter.
Questions in this matter may be directed to this department.
Very Truly,
Brad Inkley
Local Inspector
Town of Yarmouth
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