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Version#73.5 PIL Project/Job# 0263956 11 RE: Post Installation Letter R E C E 1 I F C Project: Ouimet Residence fi C 9 15 Wien Rd. CFC 17 2018 Yarmouth MA 02664 Date of Review 12/5/2018 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Permit# BLD-19-001768 ny, Date of Install 12/32018 AHJ Yarmouth Testa Office South Shore To Whom It May Concern, On the above referenced project,the structure has been reviewed for additional loading due to the installation of the solar PV addition to the roof.The structural review,Including the plans and calculations only apply to the section of roof that is directly supporting the solar PV system and its supporting elements. The demand loading on the structure directly supporting the additional gravity loading due to the solar panel supports and modules had been reviewed post Installation and determined to be in accordance with the requirements of the MA Res.Code,9th Edition/IEBC,ASCE 7-10, and 2015 NDS. The work has been completed in accordance of the provisions of the approved permits of the applicable code. Should you have any further questions or requirements pertaining to this project,please do not hesitate to contact me. Paul Zacher,P.E. Professional Engineer tH OFMgs T:916.961.3960 x101 S9 email: paul@pzse.com ;j PAUL K. ' ( ZACHERm STRUCTURAL 0 y O Rio • Tesla Inc. T 5 L•1 R 9. 55CIezre502 ^ .y anAn 8,1502 p850c a 1028 f(1505,88102 ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY- BUILDING PERMIT Town of Yarmouth Building Department 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth,MA 02664-4492 _ `` '� 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 ' ...,`i'E� Massachusetts7State Building Code,780 CMR Building Permit Application To Construct, Repair,Renovate Or Demolish a One-or Two-Family Dwelling This Section For Official Use Only . . • Building Permit Number:,`•71!)�'/9-'DO/776tDate Applied: ' Building Official(Print Name) _ . Si ._ . . _. . Date: . SECTION 1:SITE INFORMATION • . 1.1 Property Address: 1.2 Assessors Map&Parcel Nuntbtrf 15 Wilfin Rd 34,1 1.1a Is this an accepted street?yes_ no Map Number Parcel Number 1.3 Zoning Information: ', * 1.4 Property Dimensions: . Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Area(sq ft) Frontage(ft) 1.5 Building Setbacks(ft) Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided na na na 1.6 Water Supply:(M.G.L c.40,454) 1.7 Flood Zone Information: 1.8 Sewage Disposal System: Public CI Private❑ Zone: — Outside Flood Zone? Municipal 0 On site disposal system ❑ ' Check if yes❑ , SECTION 2:-PROPERTY OWNERSHIN 2. Owner'of�ttf,orrd� James &Gail ()linnet Granby MA 01033 Name(Print) City,State,ZIP 28 South St 413-575-8229 No.and Street Telephone Email Address SECTION 3:.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOS1II WORK;(check a ; ll'that apply) ' ''';. `,.• ... . New Construction 0 Existing Building❑ Owner-Occupied 0 Repairs(s) 0 Alteration(s) 0 Addition 0 Demolition ❑ Accessory Bldg.❑ Number of Units_ Other4 s.- ' . SOL' : ' ' • - BriefDescription of Proposed Wore Install solar electric panels on roof s f Rini 6 ,. .Y v h li n upgrades, when applicable, specified by design; to be interconn: t;-• •• - e ecfi c. .. panels .� 1 kW �, ' I11� R. •':M1s t.SECTION:4IESTIMATEDCONsitiCTIONCO', • .4 .! . :Lil - Estimated Costs: ,;, .,,:i ; :l T `obi " '' Item (Labor and Materials) t',.....-'t �' .St;l,.i`a;%��'`c���.'"'..ear'„ ; , gyp;.'.)r•..a... ;, 1.Building $ 3,000 1s Building pecmitFee:•$ ifrfif,4dieltie how fee is determined: 2.Electrical $ 6,000 -❑Standard;Cityftowp Application Pee=^, •r'-s ;;. ?._; 1:3 TotalYroject Cot?,(Item76 x multiplier x 3.Plumbing $ 2 Other`Fees S,f:'+J"t' ' 4.Mechanical (HVAC) $ 5.Mechanical (Fire . $ Suppression) Total'All Fee's':$.t;--,:;7.,... r: .-`.. _ 6.Total Project Cost: $ 9,000 'Cheek Nb-i,:: . Cheek'Amoudt:' " '` Cash Amount:' []Paid tini : ❑citaisiiadaig Balance Dai.:O'er: - - SECTION 5:.CONSTRUCTION SERVICES . . 5.1 Construction Supervisor License(CSL) 111662 2/19/2017 Daniel Rubin License Number Expiration Date Name of CSL Holder 132 Central St List CSL Type(see below) U No.and Street :. n'Pe . Description Norwell Ma 02061 U Unrestricted(Buildings up to 35,000 cu.ft) R Restricted 1&2 Family Dwelling Ciwtfown,State,ZIP M Masonry • RC Roofing Covering WS Window and Siding 404-771 2116 SF Solid Fuel Burning Appliances I Insulation Telephone Email address D Demolition 5.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor(BIC) 1685723/7/2019 • Tesla Energy/ Nathan Tissot HIC CompanyName or RIC Registrant Name HIC Registration Number Expiration Date 412R ashington Sty ntissot@tesla.com Np igleaet1Aa 02061 508-640-5389 Email address • City/Town,State,ZIP Telephone SECTION 6:WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L,c.152.4 25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes O No 0 • . . SECTION 7a:OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize Tesla Energy to act on my behalf;in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. see attached 9/20/2018 Print Owner's Name(Electronic Signature) Date • s . •ECTION 7b:OWNER'OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION By entering r8 ,.u a below,I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that all of the information con 4I .,y.lication is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding. ' 1 Nathan Tissot 9/20/2018 Print er's uthorized Agents Name(Electronic Signature) Date • .. . NOTES: 1. An Owner who obtains a building permit to do his/her own work,or an owner who hires an unregistered contractor (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will not have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under M.G.L.c. 142A.Other important information on the MC Program can be found at www.mass.2ov/oc4Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www.mass,eov/dos 2. When substantial work is planned,provide the information below: Total floor area(sq.ft.) (including garage,finished basement/attics,decks or porch) Gross living area(sq.ft.) Habitable room count Number of fireplaces Number of bedrooms Number of bathrooms Number of half/baths Type of heating system Number of decks/porches Type of cooling system Enclosed Open 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost • The Commonwealth of Massachusetts t =—•— I Department oflndustrialAccidents E•, I. t f=rt 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 _ I_!=rS Boston,MA 02114-2017 .47 www.mass.gov/dia Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit:Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (Business/Organization/Individual):Tesla Energy Address:3055 Clearview Way City/State/Zip:San Mateo CA 94402 Phone#:888-765-2489 Are you an employer?Cheek the appropriate box: Type of project(required): 1 14 I am a employer with 12,000 employees(full and/or part-time).• 7. ❑New construction 201 am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in 8. ❑Remodeling any capacity.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 3❑1 am a homeowner doing all work myself.[No workers'comp.insurance required]t 9. Demolition 10 ❑Building addition 4❑I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. I will ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.❑Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. 12.❑Plumbing repairs or additions 5 tam a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet. 13.I Roof repairs These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp.insurance.: 6 InWe are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. 14.EOther Solar Panels 152,*1(4),and we have no employees.[No workers'comp insurance required] *Any applicant that checks box qI must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. • t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. :Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name:American Zurich Insurance Company Policy#or Self-ins.Lic.#:WC0182015-01 Expiration Date:10/31/2018 Job Site Address:15 Wilfin Rd City/State/Zip;Yarmouth MA 02664 Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonmen well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator.A p of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verificatio . I do hereby ert el t p • s and penalties of perjury that the information provided/rbov is true and correct Signature: Date: f/r7/Ma- phone#:508-640-5389 Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): L Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: • • AC latannosRd CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DAa,7m, ) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES • BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: It the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION 1S WAIVED,subject to the tams and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require en endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). NRCOUCER CONTACT MARSH RISK&INSURANCE SERVICES PMAMtt.a<—. _.._._......-_. _.. ._.._.__....._..._... FAAXR ...----.__...._. 345 CALIFORNIA STREET,SUITE 1300 (fA .. ... ...... ..._..--. ... .._.._=fWTnN9S'._......_...-..... .. .. CAUFORMA LICENSE NO.6437153 TRAIL �. • •.• - SAN FRANCISCO.CA 94104 .AOOPL;@>ti...,,.... .........,..._............. .......,.. ._... .. ...,.. ..._. .. ____._— NSURERISI AFFORDING COVERAGE _._ _ RAKE _. 990301-STNDGAWUC-17.18 INSURER A t Zurich MiNban Insurance la 1655 WaigggSelataly Coolant= NSUREI p:AmerIcaneich 11&Irent!(ARI_pS111' ._... .. 48112 DBA Tests Energy ,muss C_WA........... -.... .. ...... ....--... .... NA .., .. .._. ..... 3055 Clerniew Way INSURER D:)UA . ..... ........_.. WA San Mateo,CA 81402 IN20315/1.6; —.-.—._—..._..................-._.._.._._.....-_-_... INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: SEA-003515923a1 REVISION NUMBER: 2 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN.THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAIDCLAIMS. iN9R•._.-.._.....-..___—_—__ ___POLICY EFPOLICY_%_ LERrvPeaFNauRAneE wA sOa� roLLCYIN1/NMR trawcorrrm WmDITTrIlI LMR' A X !COMaERC*ALGENERALNANUTY i (1010745118.00 10/312017 101318018 EACH OCCURRENCE I . . ...l.S.... ......_ 2,50008 [X ' anidw Hod Liquor Lapay -DTGTENTFD__ ._-4 ..f aaMsuaDE I ,�OccuR r 2,500,000, X ISIR 5750i ?,000 104EDE7IP Y'•9'0^!.P.°f•°9.. 's, . ........ . 51600 %FTeICNnracl. ..NDTCWrd 1 • PFASOINALa Abu WuaY s [WI WIT APPLIES PER I (iENERALAGGREGILTE S. ,_... .......,600,000 01 POLICE L..1 JECT LOC I at,.90tCr_§:catAP/Off AGG S 5✓ m i X I ming:SBM her Fmk:GADc ADe • $ aanY A 'Aeronauts Lawn • BAP 107458000 �IWSIQOI7 '103,2018 t COMBINED SINGLE MAC $ 5,000,000 )IERAriNr01L l X ANY AUTO I I BODILY INJURY(Po,. penal) 5... .. .......... . ..... .. BODILY INJURY(Pr aWdmq7 r OWNED ;BCHEDra en p._._ AUTOS ONLY .y AU 0.3..04 I t......_ - _....-.—..._..... .. AUTOS AUTO ORLY r :PROPERTYO......8 I i eo I... AVROS ONLY _,�AUIOSOKY I i.IPIEWEICflM1......._._...�.. ............._.._._. . ( �a DII/RDLLA LIAa oGCAW I !EACH OCCURRENCE EXCF-es LAB CORMS-MADE (N,+,G,REWTE, . .. _ .-.... .f.... .. .. . ....... DEP I 1RETENTIONS i S B 1WORXERS COMPENSATION WC 107458300(AOS} 10012017 10012018 : XPER i GTI. 6 ANDDMROYERBDAMITY YfN WG1074.>8400(MA,WI) 00312017 warn tt ._1.AlPrig�li6__---_.._._f011,000 ANYEROPRIETOWPARTNENEXECUMe EL EACH ACCIDENT as.._..__..._._.. A igr.CERMEMBEREXCLUDEDT NM IEWS 1074585-06(CA) X101312017 10312018 (EL DISEASE EMPLOYEE S_„-....__ 1,000,000 IIAayena.LerYte RNI ;E __.. ._._.- lDESCRIPTIONOFOPERATIONSheiow �Lllnin apply excess o1515OKSIRCA I ISL DISEASE-POLICY OAST $ 1,000,00(1 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONSI VEHICLES(ACORD III,Additional Remains Schaal.,nay be ruched if mon space Y Third) Evidenced Insurance . CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Sparely Ceeporation DEATeda Energy SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 0055 CNeMeeWay THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN San Mateo,C1 94402 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE of Marsh Walt&!neuronal Unica* Stephanie Gualuml .n: gstassaa.• 151988,2016 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation One Ashburton Place-Suite 1301 Boston,Massachusetts 02108 Home Improvement Contractor Registration Tbpt Carporauon TESLA ENERGY OPERATIONS,INC. Regktt87p0 O3,C7/2tcla DR.'A TESLA ENERGY Eapea7oR OYG7f 24 ST MARTIN STREET 91.0 2UNT 11 MARLBOROUGH,MA 01762 update Atlas sad Return Card ems scc'sAeor a Sri—ewOUifl NOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR ReglaSlcn wad foelnavIaot los any TYPE COPOaaan Sin as teN►atkn dela If land Rein is Rra inelau hals000 Orb d Consumer and tubas Rogobbn 16T R 0Zp19 Orson,MA 2n�1 TF.fl.AEMERIEWRG.RAT1IXJe,INC.NBoston,MA Oft nd3:A'E9IA ENERGY DANIEL RUOIN 9055 CLEARVEMWAY SAN MATEO,CA WA= lAVrwcreta Not valid without slgnatun Construction Supervisor Commonwealth of Massachusetts Unrestricted-Buildings of any use group which contain ICI Division of Professional Licensors less than 35,000 cubic feet(991 cubic meters)of enclosed Board of Building Regulations and Standards slime. Construction Supervisor CS-111662 - - Expires:02119!202 DANIEL J RUBIN 132 CENTRA SL STREET NORWELL MA 02061 Failure to possess a current edition of the Massachusetts ^ State Budding Code Is cause for revocation of Ns license V"" Fat information about this license Call(517)7273200 or visit www.mass.govtdpl Commissioner Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation One Ashburton Place-Suite 1301 Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Home Improvement Contractor Registration • Type: Supplement Card TESLA ENERGY OPERATIONS,INC. Registration: 066572 DIB/A TESLA ENERGY Expiration: 03/07/2019 24 ST MARTIN STREET BLD 2UNIT 11 MARLBOROUGH,MA 01752 update Address and Return Card. Oaks of Consumer Affairs a Business Reputation HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR Registration valid for Individual use only TYPE:Supplement Card before the expiration date. if found return to: Registration Fxniratio0 Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 168572 031072019 One Ashburton Place Ito 1301 TESLA ENERGY OPERATIONS,INC. Boston,MA108 D/BIA TESLA ENERGY \\_)NATHAN TISSOT3055 CLEARVIEW WAY SAN MATEO,CA 94402 Undersecretary Not alid without signature • - oF'1°'�R,� TOWN OF YARMOUTH * BUILDING DEPARTMENT F wi `- 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 54 and 780 CMR, Chapter 1, Section 111.5, I hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at 15 Wilfin Rd Work Address Is to be disposed of at the following location: 412R Washington St Norwell MA 02061 Said disposal 'te shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. Chapter 111 -ction 150A. A 9/20/2018 Signature Application Date Permit No. • DocuSign Envelope ID:169989E4-9981-4FAC-8761-906A393AA448 �� T EEL n DtD Customer Information - Salesperson Installation Location Installer License James Oulmet Adolfo Salazar 15 Wilfin Road Tesla Energy Operations,Inc. Yarmouth, MA 02664 MA HIC 168572/EL- 15 Wilfin Road RegistrationlLicense Number. 1136MR Yarmouth, MA 02664 412R Washington Street 4135758229 • Norwell, MA 02061 Here are the terms of your Solar Home Improvement Agreement' • 7 . 245kwDc 20yr • System Size System Warranty The Tesla Promise •We provide a money-back energy performance guarantee. •We warrant all of our roofing work. os •We warrant and repair the System. Initial here �N •We fix or pay for any damage we may cause to your property. •We provide 24/7 web-enabled monitoring at no additional cost. •The pricing in this Agreement is valid for 30 days after 9/18/2018. Your Tesla Purchase Agreement Details Contract Price $30,791.25 • REC Value (Estimate) -$0.00 • „Rebate Value(Estimate) -$0.00 • Amount Due $30,791.25 • .. . . . Est.first year production 7,624 kWh • • 6800 Dumbarton Circle, Fremont, CA 94555 1888.765.2489 I tesla.com • 3415780 Solar Home Improvement Agreement(SolarLoan),version 5.3.0,September 5,2018 Tesla,Inc. Document generated on 9/18/2018 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:169989E4-9981-4FAC-8761.906A393AA448 1.0 El By signing below, I agree that Tesla can contact me for telemarketing and informational purposes via call or text using automated technology and/or pre-recorded messages using the phone number(s)I provided that are listed on the first page of this contract. I understand that consent Is not a condition of purchase. You may opt-out of this authorization at any time by calling us at:888-765-2489 or sending us written notice and mailing it to:Tesla,Attention: Phone Authorization Opt-Out,6800 Dumbarton Circle,Fremont,CA 94555. I have read this Agreement(INCLUDING THE AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE)and the Exhibits in their entirety and I acknowledge that I have received a complete copy of this Agreement. • Customer's Name:James Ouimet Solar Home Improvement Agreement Dom:Signed by: Signature: EAF3F3341 W34E7... Tesla Approved Date: 9/18/2018 Customer's Name: Sanjay Shah Signature: SVP, Energy Operations Date: Date: 9/18/2018 • Solar Home Improvement Agreement(SolarLoan),version 5.3.0,September 5,2018 3415780 10 ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES VA AMPERE 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—IN1ERTIED WA A ML—LUSTED AC ALTERNATING CURRENT POWER—CWDITIWING INVERTER BLDG BUILDING 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. CONC CONCRETE I A NATIONALLY—RECOGNIZED TESRNG LABORATORY DC DIRECT CURRENT SHALL LIST ALL EQUIPMENT N COMPLIANCE WIN EGC EWIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR ART. 110.3. (E) EXISTING 4. %WIERE AU.TERMINALS Cf THE DISCONNECTING EMT ELECTRICAL METAWC TUBING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, FSB FIRE SET—BACK A SIGN CULL BE PROVIDED WARNING CF THE CALV GALVANIZED HAZARDS PER ART.690.17. GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR 5. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR Cf THE OND GROUND MULTIWRE BRANCH CIRCUIT CULL BE UENIFlED BY HOG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. I CURRENT 6.CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL CQAPLY Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER WTH ART.250.97, 250.92(8). Iso SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 7.DC CONDUCTORS OTHER DO NOT ENTER BUILDING kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR kW KILOWATT ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC LBW LOAD BEARING WALL DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART.690.31(E). MN MINIMUM 8. AU.WRES SHALL BE PROVIDED NTH SWAIN (N) NEW RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REWIRED BY NEUT NEUTRAL UL USING. NTS NOT TO SCALE 9.MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE CC ON CENTER UL—LISTED LOCATOR PROVIDED BY THE PL PROPERTY UNE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING PQ PANT CF INTERCONNECTION HARDWARE. PV PHOTOVOLTAIC 10.MODULE FRAMES, RAIL AND POSTS SHALL BE 501 SCHEDULE BONDED WTH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. S STAINLESS STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TIP TYPICAL UPS UNINT IRUPEBLE POWER SUPPLY V VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER VICINITY MAP INDEX Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT W WATTr 'ft 3R NEMA 3R,RAINIGHT ♦ I, �..� ..4.: -a a t 1 r rY1";:,-.....♦ tV Sheet 1 COVER SHEET + J ,f u ♦,F • Sheet 2 STE PLAN T d w i•-•;34 r fill e' m +1,,;,, ��4y. Sheet 3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS � .y + 2,Ytr / -• irk Sheet 4 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS LICENSE GENERAL NOTES .> ' Mt sheet 5 THREE LANE DIAGRAM L^ , Sheet 6 ELECTRICAL CALCULATORS GEN 68572 1. ALL WORT( TO BE DONE TO THE 9TH EDITION Y 1 . -moi t II t ` +•, f .;•-4.7. � ., Cataheeta Attached ELEC 1136 MR Cf THE MA STATE BUILDING CODE T,,; n j k 2. . ALL ElECTMCAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WIN t. (.• 1 a TIHE 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE NCLUDING I MASSACHUSETTS AMENDMENTS. • AE r.. Y I • a9l '�+. •`�i(s• .CTT ; . 1 t., MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR AHJ Yarmouth 1.• E r• \ /♦"( • �. REV BY DATE COMMENTS UTILITY:Demarco Energy—South Shore , . . ` Parkers•Neck ' `-: 4,. �a- mi FW x .U ‘12.--,.._:.----4* , ! • I.. �fl (NSTAR—Camman.eath Oectdc) monwealth of Massachusetts EDEA, USDA Farm Service Agency Malmo gnat-.En.MM"MIWM° are JB-0263956 00 �TlemSHALLSL PT LE USED FOR tE JAMES OUIMET 5.985 KW PV ARRAY Efe CelkhIek aatnTT NOME ECM ESABC.aM MUSINGT = 5 L n T6 • w•• ZS Can. v4.FIaahF.—Inset 15 WLFIN RD .Mn m onto aurae tETYARMOUTH, MA 02664 M (FCMIZAIWI,MK M mttcnm Mm amara OE MU Maas:a NE MREanr 19)SC Std SC31582 1F9/.COMER ETMIIIT aE MITTM MOM MZ MIL 94M WY ML 'w"9p1 M W9.A BICSQAREDGE SE5000H—USOODSNC2 COVER SHEET 1 8/29/2018 PITCH:25 ARRAY PITCH:25 MP1 AZIMUTH:139 ARRAY AZIMUTH:139 ® © AC M6 O MATERIAL'Camp Shingle STORY:2 State9A PITCH:15 ARRAY PITCH:15 MP3 AZIMUTH:229 ARRAY AZIMUTH:229 MATERIAL:Cane Shingle STORY:2 Stories LEGEND Q (E)UTILITY METER&WARNING LABEL MO I I §WARNING NI G LABE�IS�ATED DC DISCO �1 II I' DC DISCONNECT&WARNING LABELS m Front Of House n AC DISCONNECT&WARNING LABELS _ Q Dc JUNC110N/CWBINER BOX&LABELS Q DISTRIBUTION PANEL&LABELS ' L OO LOAD CENTER&WARNING LABELS O DEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER MI a RAPDSHUl00NNO STAND PPLocanaesNCWDUIT RUN ON EXTERIORCONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR(E)DRIVEWAY 0 HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED _ MI ar•- WTFRIIXt EQUIPMENT Is GASHED d0.yt"csMs� L:•J1 PAULK R Ni eSTRUCTURAL m �.•. SITE PLAN 01' 8' 16' • e C"."1"W-11"Eea"AT911eH" a"Mit J8-0263956 00 0K10AQ WSW IDE COOL 0"TA"Es wu MOT S WED 1U MJAMES OUIMET 5.985 KW PV ARRAY EM Cameoak WON 6 ONE COPT 03A e10.NAKA,C MaT E. 5 L n 9*L I "ID.""II"1" 2S Comp V4•noshing-Insert I 15 WIFIN RD PSI 100905 011LE 0e WOWS T MEN.�T TN T, "01 "nus ' YARMOUTH, MA 0 664 0E SAL NO USE a a Ie4S0.E (19)SC Std SC31582 I EMINENT. ONE EWT."min?IT DC Many " Na NO 1p0INS0N v®A"c s(AAREDGE !SE5000H-USOOOSVC2 - SITE PLAN 2 8/29/2018 " w S • (N) PV MODULE 1111Piri (E) MOUNTING PLANE (MP) TYPICAL PV SIDE VIEW SV NTS PV MODULE 5/16'x1.5' BOLT WN 5/16'FLAT WASHER INSTALLATION ORDER ZEP LEVELING FOOT HOLE ZEP ARRAY SKIRT 0) LOCATE RAFTER, MARK HOLE silt- �. i . -_ ZEP MOUNTING BLOCK —��iW - ATTACH FLASHING INSERT TO ZEP FLASHING INSERT 'rIr f (2) MOUNTING BLOCK AND ATTACH No, ._ fp f1♦ TO RAPIER USING LAG SCREW. (E)COMP. SHINGLE TIP.—.. _...—.— /n SET SPORT, INTO FLSPRSHING EADS (E)ROOF DECKING INSERT NT EV WHICH ERREAES (3) SEALANT EVENLY OVER THE 5/16*DIA STAINLESS -...,.. ROOF PENETRATION. 1/44 STEEL LAG SCREW LOWEST MOOULE SUBSEQUENT MODULEScTT114 OF s$ (2-I/2'EMBED, MIN) INSTALL LEVELING FOOT ON TOP i PAUL K (4) OF MOUNTING BLOCK 3 ` ZACHER SECURELY FASTEN WITH BOLT. (E)RAF7ER STANDOFF Scale:• 11/2'o V P I6TRUCTURAL co S 1 � -.•IF•••aw1. ill JB-0263956 00 taT.wm 9ws for r USD FOR K JAMES OUIMET 5.985 KW PV ARRAY Efe Celiibia OMIT a MOM CREPT zv MC..Nu .e. Met T = 5 L n ask ase b5°®•"°x p1• ZS Comp V4 a Flashing-Insect 15 WILFlN RD MM w OROSOU/SIX 14 ia4NTS uuOa rM ea ('9��5td SC715B2 YARMOUTH, MA 02664 rf9A qr we L CF 1w 1E IVIMvm€ (199FR NQ ISE eQC RV WE 4p0�°'ecE"'"` 50UREDGE/SE5o00H-USOOOSNC2 STRUCTURAL VIEWS 3 _6/29/2016 I P'OFER i K PAUL ZACHER OFR• .)aye n 411212011 - varWlnu DESIGN SUMMARY kb/0000Ms Joint's Specific Design Catena Deese Code AS(£1-10 . Ulna W1N 5Yd YU - _- - 1110 nps Fig I6OAA V .a.-WE Cnegei ._...__ _ - _ .__ C ___.<.c"_.:' SenmffiT G,vtiv 9L0W A.. ._. pg % _y.., O0 ,-.te _ Asa Rise/4 MP Specific Design Mamelon y 11P Mae NP1 lin Reding Cap Camp Rod 2 SYMeII CaWlbaSw Cae Yss9N . I Pln`A M' 1C W PV Its ph ttlpd ae1.Mae4Y In pa 21E60 • Standoff Specify'end Layout MP1r MN Lie • /-Sp5L,e Sr Sr I AC.WMwc x Zr - IYdpNe H' 4r Y-Catlnc IW IM i-fpaii 4TII' Iry 1P Y-S _ ELT Er - a YfirsW 1a Ia laps Steered 4segned .{an V are TWee/5e0es toots Stan a the Evert Ansi e0 apronsOw w XS acmes MHs SOY 0 MOM rates I CUrmlpL-lE ift"a WREN ae1®L 0263956 100 Q5ESc °C DOE MEE COMM SHALL au9 9L M1 rues JB- 9JAMES OUIMET 5.985 KW PV ARRAY Efe Cdkbiek BOUT CE WOE 9®I LGA 111C.1111 KWIC T 5 L n SEE n a®O9W a ZS p aluE 6 ZS Comp V4 w Flashing—Insert I 15 W(FIN RD PEAT 10 OROS allaS 111E lu eIR Wawa sou oven 'u nel1E°w`�" (9)SC Std sc31582 I YARMOUTH, MA 02664 W9A EOUPEXE..1101111E MFR wouPOW 61L SEEL a'L wL 1°"9°'o-E9d YC saAREOCE fSE50ooH-usooSSSC2 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS 4 8/29/2018 GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NO INVERIER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE BIRO N)/9 CEC TO TWO(N GRCIND .• - • • NaLmel W I. r I/mm.1n... )Iry 1-(1)SGLAREOCE SESOOOH 2 A ry9)SC Std SC31502 M 200S AT PANEL Mos TH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Meter Rter.2621,}51 5 inverter, 0W.240V/2063,99 96.X119 Wave r/Unihd Disco old 2B.RG AM PV Modulr 315W.294.4 PTC,MIY,Bit Bodaned if BT Interconnects,MC4,60OLEQ2136 YR le Undergone Se**Enhance 11w2 Voc 70.2 Von= 5B4 INV 3 It AND Imp ARE SHOW4 N 140 DC STRINGS MOWER E 200A MAN SEANCE PAREL CO 200A Dbhbutbn Pond E 200A/2P MAIN=UT BREAKER Inverter 1 (E)WRAC A I(E)LOADS CURER-HAMMER COWER )I t3:°c.“. ____/p�M1 Orxaned Meter SoAd © SOl-USOOD IynTp/ MP 1:lzl0 MISESOOW-USOOOS)IC2 1 �1'----'I���----����---/////Y ////-----��������� 30A/2P T T_a { I ' 4c. DEC I■ a 1 w I L. _____ ___ _ _ __ __________ __._ i 0 N 1 ____ Pm may-} __—_ r_ _- P 1 r a •_ ". P1+MP3:1> 0 o e l3SJ Grg. '-_. -2y L - //--"-_.- • L14L _ - csT_4 M120/21p9 WU WASE u1uTr SINCE I II 11 PNOTU VOLTAIC SYSTEW(CAPPED MVH RAPE SHNOOM1 Vac*- MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP DOI—(2S Wee7 w. A —(I) osmrt ry swoop NEMER AC PV(-6BwAexErce .m DC Y^ QJ' Po•.le. In.r.a O,PP B —(IlanMarrm(ocmwa C2D (0AIGA suee..tmw ponaC a x40/14 WHaYA Mw T — —(I tusuismsiERAOGArloinis Put,too ((N)ARRAYG2O )PER 690.47(0).N01E PER E(CFPPCI NO.2.AOCIf IAV C I-017Z 254.4-Is II Ip 1 TIM EIECIRWE MAY NOT BE MOPED DEPENDIC ON LOUMIN W(E)ELECTRODE -(I)Am CP U-tn weer Taal ..Ma ry [�(I)Aip4Mw-3, NAMMP4Mw-24f (2)4.%P4 WMA•NN,Bab WC•Soo VOC IxCC•15 A ® (I IAIB#4.INM-2.Ned (1)MG j(I)AC PO 11,1-2 PS Oft(1)AC A TY w.C. WC xT -%0 VXC 111 tea ApC (IIOC PaMwd.Mb MT •210 VC n1P-N/A AY (I)A1C MB1Iw-2.Mw MUPKVmV .240 VIC mp•2I MC (I)C SAttt 31(011 -(I)AC P4 Mwi Ya.NC .-(1)L.,AM A;Ya'm -(I)AC A MINA 0ai .FC/V£C-(I ionieR 2/C on (2)AC P4 IN eon.Ooa VaC.500 VoCIec.15AM ..KM A TY I..Caw INC Cop -350 VDC lap•7.99 AOC ... _(I)ta.e AR 3/em "^W-IEHpMAM'MFf1 °mom JB-0263956 00 01TMRD%VINT OEWMD ean lE JAMES OUIMET 5.985 KW PV ARRAY Efe Cd1;bfSc Mwl1 CV WOW EXCEPT TM INC.NY Minn Sm 5Ln wu"aEgnaC&D""CAa" ZS Comp V4 r Flashing-Insert 15 WILFlN RD "rENDS CPCAI DOA nPAW ID OTOSary coreci 11014 -alka - YARMOUTH, MA 02664 IM ANE Mw use M IM MwtCmE (19)SC SW 5031582 NSA ED/PST,VW FE NTIP � NR MM Sin M2 YIE 1°"016 F9d or. SOLAREDGE I SE5000H-USODOSNC2 THREE LINE DIAGRAM 5 8/29/2018 • ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS String and 2Combined Strings Module Type: Module Count lean a(Amps): Solaraty Standard 5015132 19 15 / Brands amok Individual MPPT 1 stings par Brands A serge per Brands 10 modules per series thing modules per series stung String Brandi Brandi A Branch B Conductor. Conductor. Conductor Ira*'125•(Amps) 15 18 25 30 deo Cempaaly• 40 40 PVWre Sae AWG010 AWG*10 Icor•(Amps) _ 15 15 Stam empathy 10 10 Temperature drate(%F) 0.82 0.82 Conduit Si Berate(FARM 1 0 8 • Derated empathy 32 8 26 24 '" tonna•125•(Mnps) 15 1825 Arnim/7 40 40 Inverter Outtalk Inverter Type: hwererr Count: ToW SdsrEdge Techndegles:5600011415 RCM leant•(Amps): 21 kora•125•(Amps) 26.25 OCP Size• 30 Conductor 3: AWG a10 TMWM.2 kart•125•(Amps) 26.25 00 degC ampadye 40 Ieon-Wraps) 21 8554 amply 40 Temperature deists(%•P) 0.91 Conduit MI dente N4() 1 Dented ampiety 36.1 Icra•125•yelps) 2625 Ampady 35 nW-1l5aBM":"l1€n aeaa JB-0263956 00 W,raep PWl aper RE On FO •e JAMES OUIMET 5985t ODA KW PV ARRAY - Efe CeI9e3ec TESLF-1 Beed r MIOE dad MRA M[,eat IPA1C5155k sof m E 06005E0 r ME M r ZS Camp V4•Flashing I Insert 15 WiLFlN RD nano maa 01)05 COME 1[Iecdf5 mwrfaa.emir a mmctam NM oasts: YARMOUTH, MA 02664 W SALE SIC us r ME WSEtME (19)SC SW SC31582 I mat ye Ms: an rawiM.MOOT If Nardi mer ma we maraca r""ALC saAREocE if 5E500081—U5000s+C2 ELECTRICAL CALCULAMONS 6 8/29/2018 CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: -Address: 15 Wilfin Rd AC DISCONNECT ` Li IWO UTILITY a INVERTER AND SERVICE DC DISCONNECT SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY(S)I PHOTOVOLTAIC BACC—FED CIRCUIT BREAKER IN MAN ELECTRICAL PANEL IS AN A/C DISCONNECT PER NEC 690.17 OPERATING VOLTAGE=240V - JB-0263956-00 aaFFUIIUL-FE EOYne°IEIEII "eR JB-0263956 00 adlw9 9WL WOE UM FON E[ JAMES OU MET 01:508110t 985 KW PV ARRAY Efe tdk6iek WIT C AVOW OCEPT h9I K.10 WI/1W SSFP T E 5 L n %WAY E°S°040"mai O1I ZS Camp V4 w Flashing-Insert 15 WILF1N RD MI 1:11491•°11495 Iql. iEaa°EIE�I�9M YARMOUTH, MA 02664 If SNE NO a9 r FE rESTE°Iww (19)SC SW SC31582 1f£1[o(EMT.NWT IIE ORM Tut MQ YIF SFR: E! 191L °p"ma1649'"` SaAREDGE/SE50001-US000SNC2 SITE PLAN PLACARD 7 8/29/2018 Label Location: Label Location: Label Location: NN7lfK'PK010W11g0P0ABtS0Uta (C)(CBXJB) DARNING_. (AOXPOI) WARNING (DC)(INV) r Per Code: +-:. .a. . _ Per Code: •.-1 Per Code: - NEC 690.31.G3 -••NOT,g0UGltERLn NEC690.17.E "OCa ite NEC 690.35(F) Label Location: •• NALSON 60114LINE • ' •TOVOLTMC SYSTEMNRF_ - TO BE USED WHEN • OTO OLTAIC:bC- (DC)(INV) .l SOES MAYBEDE•a • •a•ANU ' _ INVERTER IS DISCONNECT .. Per Code' Nx1 ueYeE : UNGROUNDED NEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: Label Location: h.•-•"'"7r. (INV) "."..MIMPONER -_.- (DC)(INV) '4&- - V!.., Per Code. '.•MA%IMIM' PaWRENO(bre) Per Code: ir. , ' CEC 690 56(C) l4• :yOLTAce&MA)_ . NEC 690.53 _ tea_'. IR Isc)II- ` _ Label Location: WAR ING (POP em9TraR••--1`• Per Code: RECTIO. - NEC 690.64.8.7 Label Location: ••NOYRELOCATE WARNING CDC)nNV) ;G !NOCK iOZ%3l0 -. Per Code: " . "A1NORMA FAULT GROUND • NEC 890 5(0) NORMALLY MAY- ,,.NG11aalOEO(410E •. • Label location: CA 1014 (D)(P01) „.. :4».,. irysitia . Per Code: - NEC 690.64 BA - s.N•....•,CEO " Label Location: AR ING (DC)(CB) ECTRIeALSlOC1({yRZMD Per Code: BONOT TOUCHTERMINM.S NEC 690.17(4) Label Location: SIDES MAY BON E ENERGIZE"ENEERRGIZES - - CAUTION- (P01) • t., OPEN POSRIGI - POWER SOURCE Per Code: • •TAGElS - • • •'SOURCE IS NEC690.64.BA WAYS PRESENT at •YOVO4Ta1C STEM OOIILES ARE 1. Label Location: I' •TGVOIINC PMN ''-` (P01) Label Location: _ Per Code: P. OTOVOLTAI A - (AC)(POI) ° Am11N•CE p.f- NEC 690.17.4;NEC 690.54 (AC):AC DisconnectaISCONNECT - Per Code: -MURALS.TERMINALS ON (CB Conduit - NEC 690.14.02 :.•1NTHE I LOAD • (CB):Combiner Box ;,, yeE ENERGIZED IN THE OP (D):Distribution Panel 90Tn! E• (DC):DC Disconnect MNN BREAKE' - (IC):Interior Run Conduit Label Location: ISMER SOURCE (INV):Inverter With Integrated DC Disconnect - Per Code: -- "e'_ (LC):Load Center Per Code: -' .' `CWRflR: (LC): Meter •«.ry. - NEC 690.54 -5_' •Vat (POI):Point of Interconnection 1Label Set %SAY I Zip Solar Next-Level PV Mounting Technology tSdaraty I ZZipSolar Next-Level PV Moonily Technology ill ZS Comp Components fg for commotion dingle rook ^ f --- :- - - �fi ..„4:ii,.. :: Mounting Block Array NInterlock �t ` ::. :� pet 14.1150.1033 A .. 5060113 b UL le 7Mn+' �':op,41111r ' INS.] xl03 Lsbd1An3 LbdbUL2l03; ''• : : ' NA", .40.41110,- Nee 7tetr ...,,...071 e���. .4�e Flashing leen Grip Ground Zap V2 're/Ole� ♦ % .���. PM*.050.1621 Pallet150.1506Afaxl PRIN.C61511 de, tad bUaxl7QJlxel laMb LL x10] Wed b LLM]M ILxM el"r4C Description I fill VIP . W abutiqZapeniw » uem Ong.rods2�W • Woks with M Zp Carpeted.Mode. • .it bonding ULdisiedharde a antes*eemd and electrical band • 2$On has•1.111.1703 Class W Fla Rating when installed using modeles from any manufacturer certified as Type l'a',ger Captured Washer Lag End Cap DC Wire Clip 4Luns. PM*,160.1631.001 Wee. Pelle.'soden Specifications 1641131001 3455.15MfE0.1150 WWI to LL1560 Designed lir patina mole 1160.1431-0345Y1M115MaM0.NM MOWS n ponied.e swamp)armime 2$Coes.cpab nodi wild wilt and Snow ba Pauses m 50 pet per 1112103 NMN has coped to ASCE 7.05 end 7-10 standards 2$Cary gouWpdeo products UL 2703 and UL 467 ,.yw Er Conydb pglaceeeLbWmoUL2703 27 c1]/p EnpYwea epos p N it r d15 sw5wmx- Zpsea nppneaPoDmYW b 0.1565 b wee positioning devises �� e� Leveling Foot Pre Plc•150-1387 apdsmn Epdar mm WS b U1/03 W.Svseae sa.ea.ee01•ssa bba sYVM.bwe.0 scent Zs,ew'f pa..n.41lamrwl it MwbweYCaveib Mobs.b wl we eeee�see a 20 tenn.Ymen s eat In fei_—eap SAS.F.Swan enm—saebr each roast lie e..uecesrmeemee 2s Sidreeds _e s r M+ae nine w w w rses..wrli•es wn Imola' W wefiW•wee semen Mimed SIN Lydda fer+srss rwe+s Man AS e•S..sem meats S nn waanueY.aMSthe aseM aaaaw+eaehw b Walt;mic r.w e4fwaaw.SA mina W.s al Nn apace. spite n.5µ51 .5a1SmMaa•merewrsna.eaeigaaa Some alaPean.n4e hwu 101 Ass puss.ob10401 be m pe sSp1S Ma aid 11 IINl Man"W10MI Mm OM ISM.mb¢PO 2%2010 1122 Y. I ./ solar- • • a w Solar- • • 6 SolarEdgePowerOptimizer-ZepCompatiblend N Module Add-On For North America P100-ZEP SolarEdge Power Optimizer- _ - - - 2 _ P3WEEP( r€ IPV modules)I PP36ZEP)Rrf&95anx 1duky NPUT 2ep CompatibleTM' Module Add-On ems.*mmmwnlnpRWI.P Nater knee 301 N 400 O We I temperate) For North America P300-ZEP1 P400-ZEP M^]Operatig e- - O R_ LO Mk Magnum0CI Cermetn atCemrrem Mc)) ... _. . .. 5°0 .... 10 Ade manuremanureDClrp.R ......._..._...._...._...-.. s ............_31.w Da... Mmnwn .... s x Ef ary % ..- ' W OUTPUT DURING OPERATION[TOWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING INVERTER( I eMaximuMaximumm Pn[.........._... ... . . .. ... 35 . .. . . ... ... . Ade Current Maximum Output Voltage Voltage . ..W .. .... - - OUTPUT DURING STANDBY(POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM INVERTER OR INVERTER OFEI Wk -O Salm output wimp per Power WMeAr I I I vac STANDARD COMPLIANCE - Bey EMC ....... ....FCC PMIS Om B.IEC61003-2,IEC61030.63 - - Safety IEC631061(class llrMely1.11LL741 M NN n IN j % -\ - Manualnand dN Systr Yo SPECIFICATIONS 1Oro — 1 _ . Dwnmma Including mounting bWr MAO. 1La196 z]s/S•]]la lA 125;1%a%/Sal]lx137 mm/M ori .: t - wmmdme adder mwMM bvY.M1LW 1282.1524273/s S9ielp 3`59]�il•n/ 7.7/.1". - - Weight 1NtlWN atlea and mounting babel) 720/19 840/19 LS/x.- i - *put 4.-___-... ......__. .._ ...............MCed.MC4Me ...._..- O uWutGmcV Double Insulated, Compatible . . - - .Output 5T epm.sLeer ...... ........._.... D%/30..._..... I. .... 1.2/39 m/R OYmld{➢mTnun Range .A 5 - , _ ProtectionEating _. . ... .............IPM/NFMRN . ... .. ._ ... - Reil.MumICM ..0]1p0 .....__._....N F .-- I TV SYSTEM DESIGN USING A SOLAREDGE INVFRTERN �-_SINGLEM6WAPMASSINGLE PRASE F THREE PHASE THREE PHASE%w 880V CompatibleII Length_ MmmunString Loth[Power OWmlmnlMaxiMaximum smlN ............ 5 ]D... . . ...... 13 ... .. with ZepGroove framed modules MLengthPm lh orDphmlarU S 703 G 25 :. ZS so F MaMlu Power per Sake I 5]50 WD 1l]50 W -CemfiNZeo Contpae%4e hoorlet -Mmyta all types of mods mWnaW loss.;from m] 'M.. ._......... ..___................_..........._. -AlGahmm�ddukhN amenlllMauewa-rebxn mymof manufactutolerancegtoleranceparr e to ylW Slnl • Semis of Dein.. Yes labor and mounting costs -Fledble system deign for manmum space utilization ........_.................._.. . . .. . .... .. _... ... ....... .. . .. -Power optimizer equipment grounded through the bracket -Ned generation Maintenance with module-level monotonry Orienta�����- -�-- _ _ aw.r, .. .. —. .. -_ .._._ - -_.�.c. .-.._ ... -Up to 25%more energy -ModukMelvoltage Shutdown for installer and firefighter r -supalueflNoaYl935%) safety fre - . ] _ . .. - ` Mc-urmr-Narn-NAT Rada-wu pac-wmruu-M NulunMm-u-tSma-rvnr.uirow Maim xxwu-Rxnuu mwn solamfge ul . +..«- . m - l • • ____ _- • _ t. Single Phase Inverters for North America solar - 9 9 : . solar/2=i - 5E300011-U5/SE3800H-US/SE5000H-US/SE6000H-US/SE7600H-US SolarEdge Single Phase Inverters . . I SEX0014.1.15 523403H-US I 56500244-115 51606041U5 I 51760011-111 I for North America I. .......p.meout:Fpotweosputo„tput 3000 3000 ; 17 5 MR MOO ! 16 I MOO li 6000 WOO l ES I 7600 7603 32 VA VA VacVat He A SE3000H-US/SE3800H-US/SE5000H-US/SE6000H-US/ • . - I.:Acio.Hm°Am.....comiva,„„*"*.mitout.44..,4.a4A-marn.,:12111.;24.4016429i SE7600H-US 593.9;60.5. .. . . . . OCR - GEDIreshold 1 . Th USA Monitoring.!Wren'Wutaceon. .. , . *1C0190ry Contkurable Ihrestwek . . . ..... INPUT sso.... ., . . .... ... 1.2aAmum oc Power 4650 • /As ' -25 ';'. _ ' 2 - ,Tansforrner-Iea Ungrounded Maximum Input Wham 490 We 2 flotc..1• :). . - . Nominal°CAW WRY* . ... . MO .... .- Vdc . , Mamma"Input Curtest 30119 - - - ----I" • 66 1_MINI ' :le . ' Miami=Input Gwent 2400 16 5.. 20 '• - , . . Max.Input Shoe°Hue Current . . 45 . ! 2 • - RaveswPolawity Protalion WI 7 . Ground-Mutt Isolation Detection Maw Sensitivity • ( 166•...! , . Waxman!Tater EIPOenCy 99 . 99 2 /6 CEC Weighted Eflervincy 93 16 .1. . Wehttem WwwEsPwW9o. 4 2 5 W • _„•••AA..,..,.r._7._______._• . . .SELF-SUSTAINING POWER OUTLET(OPTION . Nominal OtiOut Volute 120 • .Mammy,Output APACE 15000 .• • Memel Outlet with GAN hi .. 4 P—., ADDITIONM FEATURES. - . .5Upportad Commumcation Interfaces P54.25,Ethane,2,9B..lOolsonalL CHlular(optional). ' 9 - Newel ROM nipped 9661c12.20 401105 compliant • . Amid Shutdorm-NEC 2014690 12 Automatic Rapid Shutdown ' STANDARD COMPLIANCE - - - Safety U11741.UL1699S,OA C2.2;carotin Ave marthne Writ 61-07 WO Cowie:bon Standards 9E21547,Rule 21,Rule14 CHO ' EmasSiOnt FCC Part IS Clasa B - INSTALLAP ON SPEOFICATIONS AC Output Conduit Sim/AWD Ramp oys-r Conduit/PA Awe " -• "' "' DC Input&endue See/•of Stnnp/AWG Armee a Sr Conduit/1-3Stnn•/14-6 AWG Carnemaonswth 54190 Switch(11•WD) 1771 146a 60/4501370<174 In/mm . . Wesht with Safety WW1 21 3/11 5 +lb/kg . No... <25 LAM Owing Natwal COneettion . Operating Temperature Ramp -13006140/.25 to 400 1-407/.40t 024699 'F/t Peotec Oasis' NO.4630 his-tens aid,Safety SaindQOptimized Installation with HD-Wave technology •my..ea...yeye awy wyne wale.wry.. - Record-breaking efficiency . a cw.a.nenewom. ....,..yrne-yyrac - Integrated arcfault protection for NEC 2011 690.11 and integrated rapid shutdown for NEC 2014 690.12 6- - Extremely smal fk eIjin - HghrlabiltywithoutaryelectroMiccapseltors UMMI1L- Built-In noduleleyel monitoring vvave , a Outdoor and Indoor installation . a Optional:Revenue grade data,ANSI C12.20 Class 0.5(0.5%accuracy) - i a Optional:Self-Sustaining Power-produce up to 1 SkW directly from PV during grid failure enLnrF Ro Fl S - _ InwcAnADA ma mANYWALY-FRANCE-MPANCHINAAUST RALIPAT96 NANERLANDS-Weis AM Lwww resoLrei Ai MCWBUtGARP WWW solaredge us ' ...,-,..-R-w...-_-,..........,-.....--1.--a.--.Y-- - . • • • 1 SC-B2 SERIES MODULE MODULE SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TEMPERATURE CORRECTION SC.TISB]AND SC310132 BLACK MODULE Model eC»em eaiob HOLT IG w Ei CarrM.mbebim9r1 w WSW 4n Pc.nw M) M5 3I0 P....WO.—_ 425 FORMnreasser.wmleasw n.lwM. 1 i Max P...'tlw YAM m4 Ml vs(1&r _—_ .025 - MORE POWER PER MODULE WPower 0e16.(.W 640 SM 40Mq nm Ii • Dv rMv meas ester ls%nwpan 6r.O.MCYm W •Lir ppll Wept vm M RE MI BYw lwbr•s..sw 441011.On Mead...sal, MP:hi elm Dloio.wnlaW —__ - dp _.___ 6111 1i ww...rm.r.ro.r...a 68ansaNnws.w M.erw.W e.Pr __ __ __ _—. – ___ .6.646 MORE ENERGY EVERY YEAR ganWaage M 5m m %a.roily eran 82.4 02•1••.4 1066,666 a M VImn Nu S.n1 Na IMV W 1s Is bEs nM lea Solo WAWA Efficiency(90 lee 145 MORE LAYERS.MORE POWER Post Tata DB .61.0 461-0 Maesr.algPSanMlot s.erOpFMra1Alm AT NOCT(NORMAL OPERATINGCONDITIONS) AT LOW IRRADIANCE 00%) N.MeMaNn ws 201631,20.wHch adds NW a tin em 155n CM 24 a NO 0665 4/11.6*.KM MSS Bm158e 5C31002 06845 6C21502 110110112 M®Paws 024 Bxe 220 Max Power MI ser IBS A OUTSTANDING DURABILITY 'a ' 668.Powvalwv.M—_— ne eeR Mn FOs.2664.v.(I M' Wei mon 'a .WB4w a M6erwnl.O Wynn]ASVASV..Onlyaly .asst lea modal=Itanal eYr/5s5a4 Mn Pain Omit(.W 427 435 MaPan O.w4LW tm 1m MORE POWER.FEWER MODULES LEADING WARRANTY Open Owl Ws.pt V.NI �!.__ _ ebt qr OmnVaerl.,vmM MtEB Cant 0os 0460.HI 4m 425 Wort Opus Cat l.W ..0 1.1e WW•sinkrIto WwIWAty conrwiAn.OcWty CM MIAOW O/oI i.*.nns M 01 W 6.n.nM wave.with .made sae erm4sMllanaanew WAsy.)IW minas Mr1a68 11 YWle Thyme& esela en 64155 wall wavy Ian the 5n.WM nr.B Por MECHANICAL DATA ..a. m._ pone. �.a..wP..� a• 10- I S I CEI SL._. I Cif Weir. 14691am6R _I e� I -rr Piwera14a04B0 M ImI IMPS Oita OW..w1 n 1m1 ':r.:: Man Waaba 1M mon M 1617 e' a t' 10S1mmM1.Pll I 1{1`{ 1 I __ _ ._ __ __ 40mm RIDi LIMITED WARRANTY Pow Os7M .O Mss POW AAP.) Coruna - --- ---- 1.104 26yron%aP_ Frain COW 9e1 I 1 wed erq Bow Load MOO WOO B6W1 - 1 MATERIALS ___ bRsOM SM analu6a5 I A L O- O OlanWWls AR ar..nwal Pr Rail. �LLy1MT*�.Sin Fro M.nW B.aere.�O YW.en y 1 1 1 , _ CAUTION Manl{.1 M..an5m.. 1M5y Daae ming M amn 1 C y A� s m.nnx.6l by.w.n.e I.Mm Pow amn.Ca.aww a.a.w.n.wa.by P.sv.4w.mn.nadSn.e it ers • - 1� r-. — Etc f Modules "gym swan p�Tat. and Te.umn.n..i.nn nl.rmm.m6ew..nM1en en mid an 6a.Kiv vow N.ea.m ve.nrm r . 1 .ry es... 5..w a..0 coupon vwnaw 1 Bouncm 11.6037a0-5 1 • ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES A AMPERE I. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID-INIERIIED VIA A UL-USTED AC ALTERNATING CURRENT POWER-COIDITICNING INVERTER BLDG BUILDING 2.THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES,NO UPS. CONC CONCRETE 3.A NATIONALLY-RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY DC DIRECT CURRENT SHALL UST ALL EQUIPMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR ART. 110.3. (E) EXISTING 4.WHERE AU.TERMINALS CF THE DISCONNECTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, F58 FIRE SET-BACK A 51CN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE GALV GALVANIZED HAZARDS PER MT.690.17. GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR 5.EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE GINO GROUND MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE ICENIFTED BY ICC HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED PHASE AND SYSTEM PER MT. 210.5. I CURRENT 6.CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND STALL COMPLY Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER WITH ART.250.97, 250.92(B). lac SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 7.DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER BURDPIG kVA IOLOV0.T AMPERE OR ME RUN IN METAWC RACEWAYS OR kW KILOWATT ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC LBW LOAD BEARING WALL DISCONNECTING MEANS PER MT.690.31(E). MIN MINIMUM 8.ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN (N) NEW REIJEF AT AU.ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY NEUT NEUTRAL UL USTING. , NTS NOT TO SCALE 9.MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE OC ON CENTER UL-LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE PL PROPERTY UNE MANUFACTURER USING UL USTED GROUNDING PQ POINT O'INTERCONNECTION HARDWARE PV PHOTOVOLTAIC 10.MODULE FRAMES,RAIL• AND POSTS SHALL 8E SCH SCHEDULE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS - S STAIMESS STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TYP TYPICAL UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER VICINITY MAP INDEX Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT 3R NEMA JR, RAINTICHT ; +�- r i f'{ I 4 1 '?•� Sleet 1 COVERTSHEET 1 Sheet 2 E PUN try: re 07,L.1.; • ::-fis, 111 t t' J.- Sheet3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS ! f. .� I . 04 1.. to .. tate Sheet UPLIFTCALOUUnONs Sleet 5 THREE UNE DIAGRAM LICENSE - GENERAL NOTES 1} T k_ ....- Aa ., �e A` ` - Soret 6 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS f Cutan«ta Attached GEN /168572 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE STH EDITION i-"� '"+Tt f H�. ..�, j H. " ELEC 1136 MR OF THE MA STATE BUILDING COUE c. i • • 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITHC _ •✓ f 1 THE 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE INCLUDING t ¢ 1 . ;1 r MASSACHUSGII,AMENDMENTS. 1• r e 1 .v 1 as Ct 1}----k1^ e :...-:4;,;‘,....;‘,.e. MODULE GROUNDING MEDICO: ZEP SOAR ! n.. '.a _N Jj ° w t 1``r.-f.4r4 T .+ X +, M1 Yarmouth 1 .. _�•� r:. a e• • • t t r. REV BY DATE COMMENTS 1. .r. ' , b /ParkersNeck,. ` ni UMW::Evreource Energy- Scuth Shore Alt :bs. • F aiiiIRME (NSTM-Crnmonwedth Oectric) monwealth of Massachusetts EOEA, USDA Farm Service Agency:2g Waenit-.aa.C.Mt,M•MN amt JB-0263956 00 PISCR,IIM 11.10s mrc•ta MM.NOISE a�RA x JAMES OUIMET 5 985 KW PV ARRAY Efe CMkblek WIIT EEW flIO.L•c NO, MAIM 2T = 5 L n 941/41 MTM E Y5 an M16F U" is Comp V4•Flashin.-Insert 15 WLF1N RD MT a IK.COMM MIS x txxtrs OIE SAL fO UMOf IMtMPMFM MIT YARMOUTH, MA 02664 t<sat.vu u.trma tou:•c 19 SC Std SC31582 ev MOMENT.'mar to MarneMaNa IRE eat Kt Mt °°°'m°'r"'""` SOLAREDGE 5E500011-USDD0SNC2 COVER SHEET 1 8/29/2018 • PITCH:25 ARRAY PITCH:25 MP1 ADYUTH:139 ARRAY AZIMUTH:139 ® 0 � MB O MATERIAL'Comp Shingle STONY:2 Storks • PITCH:15 ARRAY PITCH.15 MP3 AZMUTH:229 ARRAY AZIMUTH:229 MATERIAL Comp Shingle STORY:2 Stades t11111.1.11.11111 LEGEND 1��E- i QN (E)UT1TY METER&WARNING LABEL� Allh _ &INVERTER A N NG LABELS INTEGRATED DC DISCO E� DC DISCONNECT&WARNING LABELS © Front(]f House n AC DISCONNECT&WARNING LABELS _ Q OC JUNCTION/COMBINER BOX&LABELS I I DISTRIBUTOR PANEL&LABELS L 111 LOAD CENTER &WARNING LABELS O OEDICAIm PV SYSTEM YE1ER E RAPID SHULDOWN "' 0 STANDOFF LOCATIONS U CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR © * CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR ON (E)DRIVEWAY — GATE/FENCE 0 HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED a �t•0Fw�6 ��_� INTERIOR EOUIPMFNTRDASHm1 PAULK gLICHER i::i ` 4.1STAUr2PRAL, Y,-. SITE PLAN A * • A ``\ ..-9a1..4-til Scale:I/8' 1' ` ' IO:' S' Ifi' 4. f [wv -N Nm9e T a U nE'PP J8-0263956 00 COMAS) °`��` °"" RME1 900.N1r 14F'CCP 1 FOR EE JAMES OUIMET 5.985 KW PV ARRAY Efe Celkblek ' ' = 5 L A (MK R MOPE CCEPT IERA NC.101 WSW SISSA • L n E oEaap nal W N ZS Carp Vs w Flasking—Insert 15 WILFIN RD ";„e10 znok MFRS ;e ' 0011 W„ YARMOUTH, MA 02664 1E Sod MO VSE a INE RESRc1W (19) SC Std 5C31592 I SKS. R'! MK RRA EMINENT NW IC PM E!W waw! PAM wart "°'®°'W ESA WC SOLAREOGE f SE5000N-1.1S000SNC2 SITE PLAN 2 8129/2ot8 N w dam. (N) PV MODULE i (E) MOUNTING PLANE (MP) 0 m TYPICAL PV SIDE VIEW NTS PV MODULE 5/16"x1.5 BOLT Wi1H 5/16"MT WASHER INSTALLATION ORDER DTP Iflfl1NG FOOT ZEP ARRAY SHIRT g LOCATE RAFTER, HOL LOCATION, AND DRLLKPILOT HOLE sCiviaiii a: ZEP MOUNTING BLOCK "mak& L " ATTACH FLASHING INSERT TO ZEP FLASHING INSERT 'r4 --- (2) MOUNTING BLOCK AND ATTACH ��i SAN TO RAFTER USNG LAG SCREW. (E)COMP.SHINGLE �� NDECT SEALANT INTO FLASHING (E) ROOF DECKING (D) INSERTLANTORT�NLLII OVERRTTHES 5/16"DIA STAINLESS \ ROOF PENETRATION. TMacM��� STEEL LAG SCREW LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULES INSTALL LEVELING FOOT ON TOP FJ� �k (2-1/2"EMBED,MIN) OF MOUNTING BLOCK & CLus III SECURELY FASTEN WITH BOLT.(E)RAFTERSTANDOFF S1 Sole:11/2"�1' tee^^-lc«ad^^•• xe'WM JB-0263956 00 Ca,TMan vWI NOT F WAD Na 1e JAMES OUIMET 5.985 KW PV ARRAY Efe Celkblek 10ent W wowEY6PT EU INC. g NOR MSIS1IC T 5 L n laa n c asaasta.Ma[a w ZS Cane V4 w noshing-Insert 15 WLFIN RD NWT W OTOS WPIC 1[wears 1e OXWILOCK (WEPT II M KCT1Kaa (j SC SW sC31se2 YARMOUTH, MA 02664 _ xv m.flT R.11111011 It Wino yin • N^¢ave SPEW r[ OWE 1p0'm°'W"'"SIC SELAREDGE I SE5000H-US000SNC2 STRUCTURAL VIEWS 3 8/29/2018 4 • oy1H grata._Q� PAUL K`"t in ZACHER U STRUCTURAL 41 ly F88TONAI x3I]O1a VM an eat DESIGN SUMMARY MO MEMO JobsSe Speopk Design Criteria D.Mm Code __ _ ASCE]-to ' _.. IarOM Wird SpeeOWM 140 Mph Pata09A CwY SnowLoad Pg ]OOptl ASCE Tata I-1 MP'Marne D°H7n information MP Nes MPI MPF • Res C.. ! Roe Cap R. soma F Can.S.SRV Ca.Son S.n I rte Sr tr -aMmu PV IS x. - Dap mw gap gap Standoff Spacing and Wont MPH... MM MPF , ( M-IV'I.11 sr sr C Yta.ww IC 1 VdpMMM -. Y-Ca.etsai ,M ,M 11095Ml .r ar Sfe.Maver Pr P Y-Fpe3. _ et BT Y{MWw W 1M VF. eWCMM Samoa X al V are m....ra ee m saps mauve Mme cloture nanny the aero..m.PV Xe across rens sn VS Sono ram °Meng' pa'WM JB-026.3956 00 wED e119441.110IM USD FaxJAMES OUIMET 5.985 KW PV ARRAY Efe Cel biek ®Eno Cr SAM MEP!taw al.I aXEC psuT 5 L In .yd n E pAlDSD MIME a M 2S Comp V4 M Loaning-Insert 15 WILFIN RD °a"",en COOS TI CK DWI 41comrn`aainn loanam YARMOUTH, MA 02664 me SE[eo t&OF SE ESECME (19)SC Std SC31592 I Ina FMM.feT awn x loraM4 Mie am: CP a2 1°0Fm016 ES'`ML SOLAREDCE I SE5000N-ISOOOSRC2 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS 4 8/29/2018 n GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES INVER(ER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE BOND(N)/8 GEC TO TWO(N)GROUND POM amber.Relabel - Me 1 DC Ungrounded pry 1-(1)SQMGE 4&3000H 2 A 09)SC SW SC315132 ENll 0168572 RODS AT PANS-WM IRRE 031E CRIMP Neter Nlmhc 2624151 Forte;5000142407/2097.993/98 33.110 Moe M/UnI(ed DMce end 2B,RGM,AM PV Maduk 315M.294.4 PIC,4091,BM Bockfinet if Bk Interconnects.MC4 60RS20136 YR Underground SeMce Entrance INV 2 Roc 70.2 Wm 584 1W 3 Sc MID Imp ARE SINN N 11E DC STRINGS CORER E 203A MAN SRMCE PANEL (E)200A D'etrbulian Panel E)203A/2P MAN CIRCUIT BREMER Inverter 1 (E)WING •I()LOWS CUMER-111411101 COOPER rm.: pgA/2Prt_f7A Dxamect Mets Socet 0 ee SCLAEDCEI II SE50004-I5p0091C2 MP 1:1310 PB !at ® r j °-`�{ A�� 4- I a.CEO 1 • 1:-----:: 'Ix1 © 1M A, _ __ i uc 1. -',7 1 W J E P1+MP3: i Pl-•_. _ V IL _i yJ `(I)Ca,Y At 3/C DN --- 1 A J tl Si� -" ._GE, . 10120/2101' 9 CLE PHASE anon 9AMct I II 11 RIOTO VOLTAIC SYSTEM(CUPPED MM RAPID 41UlDONN Voce m MAX VOC AT MIN 1EUP I)O1—(2) :V.gyp- A —1117 0/xaiMAO�V/MDV®M VO AC PV —Pelro..fio cK.°1.-.... P DC YY� B —11)40.ct/CUM -NWIOMA - Gnd (DAFawit McWq C r(11mwW 1 e-u.Meb saw a1 Groaml/Muird IOC ILIA.Omni Ouly OM (N)ARRAY GROUND FEB 690.4700).NO1E PER EDOTSON NO.2.WWIIONAL cM Itt Ixv.+1a5Ia4 Tp ELECTRODE MAY NOT BE REWIRED DEPENDING ON LOCA1104 CE(E)ELECTRODE -(1)AM GM,siM 1W meet mason T(1)AF P4 MMI.2.Fa �}'!DANT Pa ie-t get •Soo t4l -Cl)AF P4 IMM-LAS I3I Cl)AF Pa enemy Is (l)AF P4.FFwe a VOC -35o NDC Yc.15 WC tta-Cl Inc 4 Merv.am Mmp3 k3OI II)AFaR WC IF 1'^V - VRC M9'aB! NJ[ P .240 vIG Fp-N/A NL (TURF Pa IMCI-i ea. IEVaA-Cl -xa VAC Imp. MC (1 Ac F RN 1/f NII .."41 VAG Ps NeFL 4w. roc ..7.0 VASA Me WC Mrt -MARa MF-L aew._WC/IIC-(1)CMit/at VC EMT, (IAF P4 W Fe Mo'mi."•'V°W.SN.•KK M De C ,. 0Ell)A R DiVC a Pow x4C Mm -350 MDC ORA 7.9/ ADC CRSA Ca"E""A7-'ani"al 1.318' a'�' JB-0263956 00 aTTARD DRAW 9 usm la K JAMES OUIMET 5.985 KW PV ARRAY omoa 01501110t �CMkbieM HERM Of.CURE flGPT RDA IC NM Ala M31M 919-1-1""6":18)M 11"14 w e ZS Carp V4 W Flashing-Insert 15 W IFIN RD PART TO°0�Pe'o` wCOGVIZiA„ocomm. IMES YARMOUTH, MA 02664 RE SALE MO USE D TIE 0.9EClM (19)SC Std SC31582 1(99 E0WI0I1,SHOUT BE WIDEN MME WE Mt 0.v: ODE NIYa MMA MA Na VOTED a REDGE f SE5000R-US000SNC2 THREE LINE DIAGRAM 5 8/29/2018 • ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS `tine and 2 Combined Strings �w� Module Type: Module Count kern•)Amps): SollOty Standard 5C31582 19 15 Branch Circuit Individual MPPT 1 stmge per BrnchA stmgn per Branch El 10 modules per series string modules per sense string Sting Branch A Branch B Conductor. _Conductor. Conductor. tort•1.5•(Amps) 15 18.75 so deg Cernp.ay• 40 40 PVWrs Size AWG 410 AWG#10 kora•(Amps) 15 15 Start•mp•cly 40 40 Temperature Berate C%=F) 0.82 0.82 Conduit Cl derail(%a0 1 0.8 Oersted emp•ay 32.8 2624 kora•1 25•(Amps) 15 18.75 Ampeay 40 40 Inverter Output !merest'Type: Invader Count: Total SalerBdge Techndogks:560004U5 AGM kont•(Amps): 21 Icor(•125•(Amps) 26.25 OCP Size• 30 Conductor 3: AWG 410 TMWN-2 kora•1.25•(imps) 26.25 30 deg C impact/• 40 'cora•(Amps) 21 Start ampacly 40 Temperature dente(%=F) 0.91 CoaduBM deme(%>j _ Dented ampecey 36.4 kern•125•(Amps) 26.25 Ampaoy 35 awTA Ea>w1 O, p FOR1.9.Ie' a W� JB-0263956 00 JAMES OU MET 985 KW PV ARRAY OOT Efe Cdkbiek BEAT U MIME aaPT IBIS AC.MA eeBMS sm0t ' 15 W LFIN RD TESLA STALL k'AGLOW)IN re x gl ri) By ZS Carp V4 B Fleshing—Insert PMT m OaEH3 awl if REWINDS TIE ay GOWNS an. (Tsc Std sc31sB2 I YARMOUTH, MA 02664 1MA MAXIM WHOA aC!AnnLlty ra¢ e SEEL m w¢ 1p � ''a " gi er F9 ` SOL AREDGE SE5000H-&15000SNC2 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS 6 8/29/2018 CAUTION • POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: -Address:15 Wilfin Rd AC DISCONNECT ppr UTILITY o INVERTER AND SERVICE DC DISCONNECT • rL SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY(S) PHOTOVOLTAIC BAOC-FED CIRCUIT BREAKER IN MAN ELECTRICAL PANEL IS AN A/C DISCONNECT PER NEC 690.17 OPERATING VOLTAGE=240V JB-0263956-00 cmuwnu-7E.a.u:"pp au®E JB-0263956 00 n. CUM Eax.Ma swu PC OE WO FOR x JAMES OUIMET 5985 KW PV ARRAY Era Cd&baek T EES L5 PET OF MOM Durr TEST.EE:xA Ka<Ma 15 WILFN RD Kelln a OUW40 w wnE a x ZS Camp V4 w Flashing-Insert PMT N 01147E MIME IE 06015 WO IK SOLE cLIEF elcorcccm w (19) SC SW 5031582 YARMOUTH, MA 02664 SSA E0JN,EMT,w1WT 114E nTrtx xkan wa IOW OEn. [Y. MY ""'S93. 'OF`3"` SOIAREOGE /SE5000IhUSOOOSNC2 SITE PLAN PLACARD 7 8/29/2018 C F'uUla1CQNQIOVOLTNCPONF1tsonLabel Location: Label Location: Label Location: (C)(CBXJB) AR I G (AC)(POI) ARNING (DC)(INV) Per Code: .ty--.air Per Code -tri&KAAAZAN. Per Code: NEC690.31.G.3 .•NOEtOLCHTERMl NEC 690 17.E , E DCf%ADUCTCASOFVHS NEC 690-35(P) Label Location: - SSOH OTH uti •TOaaciV TE ARE TO BE USED WHEN P OTOVO TAICDC (DC)(INV)• SIDES ' _ INVERTER IS DISCONNECT Per Code: REENER r' , UNGROUNDED NEC 690.14 C.2 Label Location: Label Location: .i.:.L�1�;,�,--,+t (INV) • PONER. (DC)(INV) I�-i.I K ; Per Code: IL? CURRENT&NV_4 Per Code: ',..012.744.7- CEC690.56(C) . MAXIMUM,VOLTAGE • (Vaal NEC 690.53 MAXIMUM S SYSTEM. .• ' )_A _ Label Location: WARNING (PCI) K_^-�...,•_ - Per code: NEC 690.64.B.7 Label Location: - '•:NOT RELOCATE WARNING (DC)(INV) -;•-' -.-_ �.... Per Code: - - AGROUND FAULT SINOICATEDNEC 690.5(C) YGROINDG• WYSE • 'AND= f Label Location: CAITIO (D)(P01) .Touo t tsvir A. Per Code: E MGIGEp.- NEC 690.64 8.4 - . Label Location: - '--.. ARNING (DC)(CB) CTRICAtitEtaPer Code: ..NovTOUCN RIANALs NEC 690.17(4) Label Location: •$IDES ON e o& uo - CAUTION- - (POI) ROTHTH Ene MEAN). :• POWER SOLACE Per Code: - . VOLTAGE• ' SOURCE A NEC 690.64.8.4 '11' YR PRESENT W'EN -44 OYLYT At..V' SOLAR MOGAAESARE - ' Label Location: Label Location: • •RCONNECU(W _ (POI) -HOTOVOLTAICA (AC)(P00 NQnECTRIU •.s Pa ode: HAtARD,Do NOTTouCN - NEC 690.17.;NEC 690.54 (AC):AC Disconnect 1ISCONNECT Per Code: .-. NAI:S.TEfa1AALstsr- (C):Conduit NEC 690.14 C2 -••.7N TfELAEANOUOAOSEE (CB):Combiner Box " YEE ENERGIZED A THE OPEN , (0):Distribution Panel POW RH:FOR SERVICE (DC)"DC Disconnect (IC):Interior Run Conduit Label Location: : PONHis[AACE _ (INV):Inverter With Integrated DC Disconnect 'rrT, i r (AC)(P01) - C MIN.1 (LC):Load Center "" Per Lode: 'L. ,- • cCUMt - - (M):Utility Meter .g.T . • NEC 690.54 ,. y . (POI):Pont of Interconnectionwayel+ - A ` NT Label Set t • tSOW19ty I ®pSotar Next-Level PV Mounting Technology ''tSdarOty I ZepSOlar Next-Level PV Mounting Technology Components 111ZS Comp kr tmposi0m tingle roofs f N ���. 1agi 4 Air -. `:--:- Mounting BlockArray Skirt Interlock -- --- Rn Ph.SWIM M1nb.'ANG a5Wen1 h1 No 1150.tMe b 8361113 - .. -------- UAW blt2703 LMbLLIIUI IW01t2733 41fr•tli. 4 414‘003. 41.414.41;41." .4.1... 7134aretir e r ,„, ... .„ ....... _„ .0... ........„.. .... .......... . -s::` ie' Flailing Inuit Grip Ground UP V2 -:�-t PatWROtm Pot Na 661606.640.1125 Rnlb iWr511 CI -r Lutes b Ll 2703 LWb LL2703 1SY1 b a 467 M42703 anal Y Description ���jjj • FV mooning tlWonfor ommYlt shingle 1pd. 4Z/3' • W tt bM 1. SI Zep C rp. Modulo' • auto bong(Laid MM'.e onto.tins'/.d wna5 bona • ZS Cory hos•(L1M Class'A'F..Rene uteri baled using natio from any manufacturer tanned nTspe r a'Type z Captured Washer Leg End Cap DC Win Clip OUSTED Pal No itOIN1401 Pal No. PM Na 150-1300 Speclfcation. 150.103t402 a B'A.e5t8c60-1NJ tad Is UL1665 150-1501[0] Og 150-1515 a150-1M Designed for pitches roa 130-1431404 Ingalls In pa0ee on YMeup ortWlor. SS Comp supports modulo wind uplift aN snow bd moue.Is 50 M pita 2203 Wind brit neon tO/SCE 7-05 t0 7-10 OnevM 25 CtswoundwoundingW.0L Noted pho .. NotedN U.0 to U.2203 467 - ,{�y is cow banana mega=an IL Notesb u 2703 �' Ery�.d der Omni ups t 22.M nNt bev.rt 2C a Zap an managsment Poa L lad to(L1505 b ate roaming device. Leveling Feet MIW E0AM1 Medtmn sepdstm IW b it 2/03 no avow dens sem imarney eaossnates lonolittis eat~At Oa wages ra ..po.•••2.0 ._minis.Y•waive M...M1MY veto.Ti.en•.�.Yfr awup Salleerielemi•••••*MOS..ii•iladlimrpodua wimp Is �e11.8.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n waw.0 Y gYr 05—II en putt.ar.g.n..w.1.•w.~ . I o.new.a arz.te••..s nams somas...•.4...t.6••i.FS..itis'—M.nes seas*•••••••••..••1.55006 ..•ta.S..a.Ps+e.we nee Yew mita..Y ww.Y•Ta•pur N r..m.iOnl i 0 ••••••••.0.1 0.120.20,6"210•• punt.•.1100lO01 Roe CI M111•0.09C•Yt 0012/.2)111 nffl cc solar.. . . Z U—I solar- . a z SolarEdge Power Optimizer-Zep Compatiblen" rsj Modulo Add-On For Nonh Amenca P400-ZEP • SolarEdge Power Optimizer- 2 INPUT 0 60-cell PV 0400-EEP 72•96.cell P300-ZE (lor modulm)I Nor modub)I Zep CompatibleTM' rtilodule Add-On Re 1,— Rated input DC powaN Absolute Maximum Input Voltam.(Von/lowest 300 a 00 w Valc temperabn0 For North America P300-ZEP,P400-ZEP . CL. MPPT OperaMN Range Maximum Snon Occult currem OW •-40 RAO vac I - CIla 101 Me Maahnurn CC Input Cunt 12-5 1263 Mr 1 _ Maximum EM0330/ 99 5 CC WeeteciEnoanf 189 IA ‘ CAwyNNV OdM0N 111 OUTPUT DURING OPERATION(POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING INVERTER) - -I maximum Outprt Went 15 Mc 'Annum Output Vokar ED Vdc OUTPUT DURING STANDBY(POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM INVERTER OR INVERTER OPPI I , Co SiStv g•i.t Pew.OPtra. I I ... STANDARD COMPLIANCE 0— RMC KC Palln Oast IL ITC6113034.2.1ECEIC0343 SENN IEC62109-1(dal II wINN,1.5.1741 w4.1".‘ CD P&G INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS SM. Mannum AllawdSysten.VoINM 1030 VW .. . • . ' ., , ' Owensindwins meurthi!nae AWL31.0 12113 196 3 215/537 713.106 1263 196 3 35/5•7 713 137 nwn/In • 4 ; I US•152335/ - 120 i .../ emnsIons awkidieN=unit.NSW Lilt3(Wi 1523273/51597 toex mm nn a ; D ., 535973137 - — Westd(rcludgis ables sr idniou Wm brmiN) M MOO 9 I MPIA 03004cwr 720/1 6 PAC4COMP•fibill . Output Connecta Double Insulated MCA CcWNW „ , OutpLaWn length . 095/10 I 12/39 m/tt . Operating Ternpracurt MINN - Protealcm Rams IP68/NEMA 6P . - Relative IlumMtv " _ r 30.3.0133....des.........A0,30.......30.3.•• - PV SYSTEM DESIGN USING A SINGLE PHASE SINGLE PHASE THREE PHASE THREE PHASE o. SOLAREDGE INVERTER.. HwAve EOSV ISOV II Minimum Semi unch Tow OpernINNI 4 10 19 Mailman Stnng Loneth(Pamir Opremhan) Compatible with Zep Groove framed modules 25 is so I .Manwn Nmw,pw DAN 5700 NOCO with I i SET6C0314.13) I 5150 6002 12750 W Certified Zep Compatibles bncket I -mantes all types of moduk mismatch lasses,Nom I manufaclunng tolerance 10 part.!part.!Wilding Pante.Sans at Oen*tntinn,a Attaches to marlin frame rathout wean,reduces onroof Ym Labor and mounting costs I a Flexible system design for mann.ware Wn in . Onentsmrts i ..Poser oplinzer&moment Wounded through the bracket a Next genera..maintenance with module-level rronWNIMI ./.....m....,,,... ..w...Anthem,........... ...ww4....1 ! Up to 25%more nem —Moduleievel mange shutdown for installer and firefighter ,, . - . . Supenor effioency 03 5%) 1 strew ela 1 _ , . , . . _ . i i .s......._..............,......,............................. ....whir edge vs r,•• ' J 4,I,. . '4.." . f - , , S • solar ' - Single Phase Inverters for North America solar 31300014-US/SE3800H-US/SE5000H.US I 5E600011-U5/SE1600H-US SolarEdge Single Phase Inverters - . - SEOOOOW I , SE31006F 5 EE3GGG„„5 SEGOWIfOS St"OOwuS r OUTPUT for North America _RaR6M:P,av OUWIe ...3WJ 3C0. 5000.... W ... Mn RCPaer0NWL ... 3WJ 3RW 9000 6[W .... .....Rip ...VA SE3000H-US -US/SE5000H-US/SE6000H-US/ - _60uryw VNuae MM.NRN#IN 1183.0000-]391. ........0....... + .._ .. SE7600H-US aoowecy(No Mn.+mmata lnl-180-x41 + .......... + + +.... .+ 'Ecce... M Frtyuertr(Nomintll 593 EO WS°' A _ MWmmCaMlmuu OUW Curare%M .. L .16 - 24.....• .23 I 33 A _ Mmn Threshold wu50uMRCurtMlWS' 1]5 - GEN ThrtsRGl6 1 A ... Tea •MOWMwionw Wand.,Pr W ea3mA Colrain'fmRNrade si, ___ . .--. _-_..- - .. INPUT ' - • -. - -1..t - - - Maxims.DC Power 4650 I 5900 7750 I 9300 I 11W ...W 3• we .v. - Twebmn3en.UR'IrwMt< ......._. ._.. IW R 1� .• Maximum Nominal OC Inpartput Stnla .. .460 ......., ... VW < Maximum Input nn* 9I NO WL I - Mmmun RWt Curren 1WV y Maximum InputCurrent .• _.SS .....105 ... 13.5 .........165 30 ML 9g Max_MnLvtO2vRCurrent ....... ... .•• 45 •. ••./dr•••. . • 1 J.:;" GreJndaLdI. M. - - - 6rovrgfnN lactation Onectin Y.... MLT ...' r _ MWmim MnbORu^LT 07 ...._....._.......... 997 CEC NkynN6 DMurry`• _ -MSMtme Pwerfgnaumpnon c25 .w?�_ - SELF-SUSTAINING POWER OUTLET(OPTION41 — Nan.w Output WAN. 110 .. M _ Matlmum OinW<bwr SSC6^ WFMnelONAL 70th GFDI YN ' ! ADDITIONAL FEATURESweWneefcmmumatIon 4NrNLes RH85.EtIernl.522NIWnuulir Fart 9Pe^nall mI«iulRw arpp>t RNN L32me®osmo...Raptl 9wmoenM NEC 1018690/3 luminal Rape Shutdown STANDARD COMPIANCE GIldC Uu7u UL169346R C11x end=.E MCI 114) to II I.MO7 flyCmrwe0an 5bNMs WEE CCPadI47. Cl.,,B 1......._......... ... .... E FCC Part I5 Clan - INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS FC Output Candid Sit/AWG Rwge - 075-r CpWt/14-6AWG . - IC lrut Cadet 5In/lot tWrys/AWG Range 0751'Conduit(1-3m0i.a/18d AWG .. . .. DRwam1058180/ne6m1058180/ W 9M (MVAD) .. 177•146x68 Yr /.50.370a174 _ 5mm N -- Weight NSafelyIS15 Switch ... 3/1 _ _NoteNe e.25 dNA dBA I Natural Ca 1bn NEIMIR . ..... _ Lk Opea%Terpnm , NR.ye -nm.lroi-Ssm.6wl+os/+o-cdgwnl ?('� / Optimized installation with HD-Wave technology PFt6m 4Rano (ImelIwmm HlN75rMehl L a Record-breaking efficiency ovasNMM.r..N ease..Narr.sa S a Integrated arc fault protection for NEC 2011 690.11 and integrated rapid shutdown for NEC 2010 690 12 - +n 2 a Extremely sinal 3 a Nigh rellsbilitywkhout any electrolytic capacitors 111 m inn ov'. - - - - - •-- . ... .. ,.- __ . _ vi' Built-in module-level monitoring wave -- - -Outdoor and Indoor Installation a Optonal:Revenue grade data.ANSI C12.20 Class 05(0.5%accuracy) - - - Optional:Self-Sustaining Power-produce up to 1.5kW directly from PV during grid failure 0, snsncc RO H S - ULGNAD.GFRMANY-ITALFrR*Ncu-MP*N4.IW-1Y5TRM*-TNF NETNERLAND5Ue458AELTURREYSOUTH ANOCAWAGAMA WWW SOIL redge.US _ __ - f"-...- - - - • I • • SC—B2 SERIES MODULE MODULE SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TEMPERATURE CORRECTION SC315132 AND SC11OB2 BLACK MODULE Mood 5C216422 603063 'OCTIL] .6 l-' 214 C.r6.m.eecM M.morba.w Moax 31 29 rvrwum.m.e Oay. Pv. a.bn Ma Paw6M -- -- P..06":3 __ _____ ._ _ . (E(M -_______ __—.__ _ - ____ __ __ _ __ k:.j. MU Po..%Pp.v.M m. m1 �'a DML 425 'II MORE POWER PER MODULE .aa Poor Gunflint IwW 540 no L.PMG nm OW n 6w n.l.x gamma leg w.pair xa.aaMa z»w , I GP.u.p*Pm vaM taz my aaodwa.sad oda _____-- ___ ___- __. 18 av aa.wa rewr.aw wea...a aannaw wa0.___ em n» 1aw..n.waa...aM.a.aoa..nrw. v - -a Whew 00 r.e.e.6 e. MORE ENERGY EVERY YEAR . em 660 I Mow warty.apy law 0.P.6 to aawdda a w./Mar" Ma Swim Fu..Pap A 16 1e t.w Mm°b Solar 6 MMacy(1 Ile 13.6 MORE LAYERS.MORE POWER Pow.Wm MI 461.0 05/.0 e..Yulad b/Pmb b OdaOh 6.lY us __ _ - �. --- .___._ __ 1MwoYcllm00 tenrnMv6.10m.m..liar de.nIF.SoonAT NOCT(NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS) AT LOW IRRADIANCE(2O%)__ YIYV WS MM.YPHI•09..6Oa Mood 6C31602 0=082 bbl 84:31ee2 K21002 MUPwa OUTSTANDING DURABILITY N6/ 234 e mot au Paw MO °" ma 4:'? Max Pon wlly..v.24 ms ma 902 .Ma.e..0.91 66 ma vwna.eam.eod.a w.wp.e..w Owveawx..ary .aMgedita mower®6 Manrwn. Ma Pon ant V.04 °n 4.0e Max ran On°n21..64) 1.07 1St MORE POWER.FEWER MODULES LEADING WARRANTY C•"OI^a Vd1'°^vmM - 662 - 05 OPmOaa Ydev.V‘ me - m0 Mv1Oma Oat 101) a» .M Nm Oas Omac1.I53 1.17 115 Willi.a.YJYbdMMb anankn SiIIItY of we Ina 1M w lY wok am.6.tel M many cwa4..IF 1008814 wood sage 01.611734.6 t a..POMP lMe Mao w .axww.POa ands%isww MECHANICAL DATA mMlam laaaa.wimpy bow 6.an Midi Taw Pala //LE�� �Ip..�1} __ %.a a wwdea x H.wvw Pam Pw.bM gems*nim. .7:1 � 0-. I ICE 1 .--,11.._. I L..I! `Vain 1aMNW Mmy I e �•• I -t Urn.11,1 pow oleM dry 6.PPM Ona of Y.6M.°al �a `, a - . _ a j4 mwaen 1503 min 02 ml/ 6 1 t 10mmmM1 MI/ C{{ 43 A.0al . UNITED WARRANTY Po.a Ome 10 an6oxdPJ Nan Edo Bwa YbMaa'Ip 15 Y.. 1 I MATERIALS _ --- OaMmuela bam x. MMm Yhgv.oea Wv° Lad 2Meow) I 1 O6 Gan�.le..aw Mm..Ra.t Isri.Av. IA IAD ANA MASA. Pa nodal Sunburn n••1 rmO61 CAUTION � UTION aCaneYYanw.w aa�hta..odlNb.oaly. e • 1 .. . ...nwe.....wwn.,......wIPwee.a eelwr ewu....w.nat.by Paw...If w.aea...nada w..v ° - ac c - 1 .....i• .ma.w—ma u >sasrTeTeaks.su..iew Thais �...w.w maw a Wawa ww...laa .wa r °. rocka .vmr. .Is* wry.ann./ ms an lama a any ruchaw 204IXTn MGM-00A I s0WGn tMLUnAMA 8 I' Version#74.1 -1 PIL NAS August 29,2018 RE: CERTIFICATION LETTER Project/Job#0263956 Project Address: Ouimet Residence • 15 Wilfin Rd Yarmouth,MA 02664 AHJ Yarmouth SC Office South Shore Design Criteria: -Applicable Codes=MA Res.Code,9th Edition/IEBC,ASCE 7-10,and 2015 NDS -Risk Category=II • -Wind Speed=140 mph,Exposure Category C,Partialy/Fuly Enclosed Method -Ground Snow Load=30 psf -MP1:Roof DL=10.5 psf,Roof LLJSL=21 psf(Non-PV),Roof LUSL=15.81 psf(PV) -MP3:Roof DL=10.5 psf,Roof LUSL=21 psf(Non-PV),Roof LUSL=19.29 psf(PV) Note: Per IBC 1613.1; Seismic check is not required because Ss=0.18263<0.4g and Seismic Design Category(SDC)=B<D To Whom It May Concern, A structural evaluation of loading was conducted for the above address based on the design criteria listed above. Based on this evaluation,I certify that the alteration to the existing structure by installation of the PV system meets the requirements of the applicable existing building provisions adopted/referenced above. Additionally,I certify that the PV module assembly including all standoffs supporting it have been reviewed to be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and to meet and/or exceed all requirements set forth by the referenced codes for loading. The PV assembly hardware specifications are contained in the plans/docs submitted for approval. The home was not entered,and the attic structure was not reviewed. Therefore,installer shal verify existing roof framing to be in suitable condition and does not exhibit any signs of structural damage which may diminish the capacity of its members or connections prior to commencement of PV installation. (2-1 PAUL K. '.Paul Zacher,P.E, ZACHERProfessional Engineer STRUCTURAL T:916.961.3960 x101 No.30190 email: paul@pzse.com � ;� 06730/240,2- SS/ONALt=d • Test$Inc. T = S L P9 LA irvie Way Fart Mt-0 CA 944(n p r1()r,", I^2., fc±r),,5a 1F7 • Version#74.1-1 PIL NAS HARDWARE DESIGN AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS RESULTS SUMMARY TABLES Landscape Hardware-Landscape Modules'Standoff Specifications - -- Hardware X-X Spacing X-X Cantilever Y-Y Spacing Y-Y Cantilever Configuration Uplift DCR MPI 64" - 24" 41" NA Staggered 65.0% MP3 64" 24" 41" NA Staggered 64 6% Portrait Hardware-Portrait Modules'Standoff Specifications Hardware X-X Spacing X-X Cantilever Y-Y Spacing Y-Y Cantilever Configuration Uplift DCR MPI 48" 21" 62" NA _ Staggered 73.7% MP3 48" _ 19" _ 62" NA Staggered 73.3% Mounting Plane Roof Pitch Qualification Results (Degrees) Member Evaluation Results MP1 25° Member Impact Check OK MP3 15° Member Impact Check OK • Tesla,Inc. T = E L n 1141,0