HomeMy WebLinkAboutGas Heater Installation 09-21-2018 s:_ C'�m�wya aeaao/ucae& yaR H
If-a 03.61. lam, 1025, Matz Oanci, Mow- MA 01775 '
City or Town: Yarmouth
Date: 09/21/2018
Start Date:
Permit Number(if applicable) 102323
In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 148, as provided in Section 10 A this permit is granted
to: Calhoun
For permission to: Unvented Gas Heater Installation 527CMR
Restrictions: Strict and complete compliance with all federal,state and local laws, rules, regulations and codes.
Notify YFD before and after work is complete.
At: 486 Route 6A IYarmouthPort, MA 02675
Fee Paid $ $50.00
This permit w'l expire on '7/)/ 11
Signature of Official Granting Permit u���i� Title //if /A S72.+.-171..
This permit must be conspicuously posted upon the premises
Monessen, a brand of Hearth & Home Technologies
7571 215th Street West, Lakeville, MN 50044
Massachusetts Residents Only — Please read and follow these special requirements -
NOTE REGARDING VENTED PRODUCTS 2. Approved Carbon Monoxide Detectors. Each carbon
This product must be installed by a licensed plumber or gas fitter monoxide detector as required in accordance with the above
when installed within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. provisions shall comply with NFPA 720 and be ANSI/UL 2034
Any residence with a direct vent product must have a CO listed and IAS certified.
detector installed in the residence. 3. Signage. A metal or plastic identification plate shall be
Installation of the fireplace or vented gas log in the State permanently mounted to the exterior of the building at a
of Massachusetts requires the damper to be permanently minimum height of eight(8) feet above grade directly in line
removed or welded in the fully open position. with the exhaust vent terminal for the horizontally vented
gas fueled heating appliance or equipment. The sign shall
In addition,a naturally vented gas log may not be installed In a read, In print size no less than one-half (1/2) inch in size,
bedroom or bathroom in the State of Massachusetts. "GAS VENT DIRECTLY BELOW. KEEP CLEAR OF ALL
Flex line installation must not exceed 36 inches and must OBSTRUCTIONS.'
have a T shutoff valve. 4. Inspection. The state or local gas inspector of the side
NOTE REGARDING VENT FREE PRODUCTS wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment shall not
This product must be installed by a licensed plumber or gas fitter approve the installation unless,upon inspection,the inspector
when installed within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. observes carbon monoxide detectors and signage installed
In addition, vent free products may not be installed in a in accordance with the provisions of 248 CMR 5.08(2)(a)1
bedroom or bathroom regardless of size or type in the State through 4.
of Massachusetts. (b)Exemptions:The following equipment is exempt from 248
Flex line installation must not exceed 36 inches and must CMR 5.08(2)(a)1 through 4:
have a T shutoff valve. 1.The equipment listed In Chapter 10 entitled"Equipment Not
CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS Required To Be Vented" in the most current edition of NFPA
54 as adopted by the Board; and
(2)Revise 10.8.3 by adding the following additional
2. Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled
requirements: equipment installed in a room or structure separate from the
(a) For all side wall horizontally vented gas fueled dwelling, building or structure used in whole or In part for
equipment installed in every dwelling, building or structure residential purposes.
used in whole or in part for residential purposes, including
those owned or operated by the Commonwealth and where the (c) Manufacturer requirements—Gas Equipment Venting
side wall exhaust vent termination is less than seven(7) feet System Provided. When the manufacturer of Product
above finished grade in the area of the venting, including but Approved side wall horizontallyventedgas equipment provides
not limited to decks and porches, the following requirements a venting system design or venting system components with'
shall be satisfied: the equipment,the instructions provided by the manufacturer
for installation of the equipment and the venting system shall
1. Installation of carbon monoxide detectors. At the time include:
of installation of the side wall horizontal vented gas fueled 1. Detailed instructions for the installation of the venting
equipment, the installing plumber or gas fitter shall observe
that a hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an alarm and system design or the venting system components; and
battery back-up is installed on the floor level where the gas 2. A complete parts list for the venting system design or
equipment is to be installed. In addition,the installing plumber venting system.
or gas fitter shall observe that a battery operated or hard wired (d)Manufacturer requirements—Gas Equipment Venting
carbon monoxide detector with an alarm is installed on each System Not Provided. When the manufacturer of a Product
additional level of the dwelling, building or structure served Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment
by the side wall horizontal vented gas fueled equipment. It does not provide the parts for venting the flue gases, but
shall be the responsibility of the property owner to secure the identifies°special venting systems,"the following requirements
services of qualified licensed professionals for the installation shall be satisfied by the manufacturer:
of hard wired carbon monoxide detectors 1. The referenced "special venting system" instructions shall
a. In the event that the side wall horizontally vented gas be included with the appliance or equipment installation
fueled equipment Is installed in a crawl space or an attic,the instructions; and
hard wired carbon monoxide detector with alarm and battery
2. The 'special venting systems' shall be Product Approved
back-up may be installed on the next adjacent floor level. by the Board,and the instructions for that system shall include
b. In the event that the requirements of this subdivision a parts list and detailed installation instructions.
can not be met at the time of completion of installation, the
owner shall have a period of thirty(30) days to comply with (e) A copy of all installation instructions for all Product
the above requirements; provided, however, that during said Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment,
thirty(30) day period, a battery operated carbon monoxide all venting instructions, all parts lists for venting instructions,
detector with an alarm shall be installed. and/or all venting design
28 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual•20308677 • Rev B • 01/17
REPLACEMENT PARTS "MOJO"Series Unvented Gas Log Sets •
,.% I 3
1.001111 %
O/�``r` 3 .4 f �,,:1144\1/4 4 5
Abe . dam_ `
,Ayft4. Ai
. ``�Q 7a
2 1 7b
\ / i
Ct r
BURNER ASSEMBLY . 1114 r <>>1
Item Description Qty. Natural Gas Propane Gas
1. Burner 1 86D0017 86D0018
2. Control Valve 1 20H2081K 20H2082K
3. ODS Pilot Assembly 1 14D0473 14D0477
4. Piezo Igniter 1 14D0503 14D0503
5. Piezo Wire 1 00K0632 00K0632
6. Pilot Regulator 1 14D0469 —
7a. SIT ProFlame Receiver 1 20308624 20308624
7b. SIT ProFlame Remote 1 20308625 20308625
*7c. SIT Wire hamess 1 20308626 20308626
8. Injector 1 70D0064 20H2084
'Item not shown
Failure to position the parts in accordance with
these diagrams or failure to use only parts
specifically approved with this appliance may
result in property damage or personal injury.
26 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual•20308677• Rev B •01/17
TROUBLESHOOTING "MOJO"Series Unvented Gas Log Sets
AWARNING! NOTE:All troubleshooting items are listed in order of •
Turn off appliance and allow to cool before
Only a qualified service person should service
and repair the heater.
Problem Possible Cause Solution
When ignitor button is 1. Ignitor electrode positioned wrong. 1. Replace ignitor.
pressed, there is not spark 2. Ignitor electrode is broken. 2. Replace ignitor.
at ODS/pilot. 3. Ignitor electrode not connected to 3. Reconnect ignitor cable.
ignitor cable.
4. Ignitor cable pinched or wet. Keep 4. Free ignitor cable if pinched by any met-
ignitor cable dry. al or tubing.
5. Broken ignitor cable. 5. Replace ignitor cable.
6. Bad piezo ignitor. 6. Replace piezo ignitor.
Appliance produces un- 1. Appliance burning vapors from 1. Ventilate room. Stop using odor causing
wanted odors. paint, hair spray, glues, etc. products while heater is running.
2. Gas leak. 2. Locate and correct leaks.
3. Initial bum off. 3. Ventilate room and turn unit on high until
• odor is gone. Odor should be gone after
6 hours of continuous use.
Appliance shuts off during 1. Not enough fresh air is available for 1. Open window and/or door for ventilation.
use. ODS/pilot to operate.
2. Low line pressure. 2. Contact local gas company.
3. ODS/pilot is partially clogged. 3. Clean ODS/pilot.
4. Defective thermopile. 4. Check wire connections. Check output
should be 500 mV across TH/TP and TP
terminals with ON/OFF switches off.
5. Restrictions in incoming air flow. 5. Check for bottom riser on glass door,
sunken fireplace, excessive lava rock/
cinders densely packed against grate.
Gas odor even when 1. Gas leak. 1. Locate and correct all leaks.
control knob is in OFF 2. Control valve defective. 2. Replace control valve.
When ignitor button is 1. Gas supply turned off or manual 1. Turn on gas supply or open manual
pressed, there is spark at shutoff valve closed. shutoff valve.
ODS/pilot, but no Ignition. 2. Control knob not in PILOT position. 2. Turn control knob to PILOT position.
3. Control knob not pressed in while in 3. Press in control knob while in PILOT
PILOT position. position.
4. Air in gas lines when installed. 4. Continue holding down control knob.
Repeat igniting operation until air is
5. ODS/pilot is clogged. 5. Replace ODS/pilot assembly or get it
6. Gas regulator setting is not correct. 6. Check incoming pressure. Replace gas
24 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B • 01/17
1. STOP! Read the safety information label.
2. Make sure the manual shutoff valve is fully open.
3. This gas log set is equipped with an ignition device(piezo)which automatically lights the pilot. If piezo
ignitor does not light the pilot, refer to instructions for Match Lighting Instructions, Page 23.
4. Turn gas control knob clockwise rk to the OFF position and turn ON/OFF switch to OFF position.
5. Wait (5) minutes to clear out any gas. Then smell for gas, including near the floor. If you smell gas,
STOP! Follow the instructions under What To Do If You Smell Gas, Page 21.
6. From OFF position,turn the gas control knob counterclockwise CN to IGN position. Push in control
knob for 5 seconds. NOTE:If you are running the heater for the first time,it maybe necessary to
press in the control knob for 30 seconds or longer to allow air to bleed out of the gas piping.
7. With the control knob pushed in, push in and release the piezo ignitor button to light the pilot.
8. Continue pushing the control knob in for a further 60 seconds to prevent the flame detector from
shutting off the gas while the probe is warming up. Release the control knob.
9. Turn gas control knob counterclockwise.em to the ON position.
10.After the pilot has been lit for one minute, the burner can be turned on.
a. Slide the 3 position button on the remote receiver to the ON position and the main gas flame should
ignite in the Max. Height Setting.
b. Slide the button to OFF and the main gas flame should extinguish, but the pilot light will remain on.
c. Slide the button to REMOTE (the center position), press the C) button on the handheld transmitter
to turn the system ON. The main gas flame should ignite in the Max Height Setting.
d. Verify that the remote transmitter is set with the Thermostat to OFF. Press the THERMOSTAT button
until the remote display reads OFF beside the Thermostat Icon.
e. Press the Down Arrow button to up to five (5)times to decrease the flame height. Pressing the Down
Arrow six (6)times or pressing the C) button will turn off the burner. .
f. If flame height is in Max Setting, press the C) button to extinguish the burner flame.
g. For further instructions regarding the operation of the remote control system, see instructions included
with the "PROFLAME" remote transmitter.
11. If the gas logs will not operate, follow the instructions To Turn Off Gas To Heater below and call your
service technician or gas supplier.
r 't •lNrik
1. Turn control knob clockwise r .to OFF position to completely shut off the heater.
2. If applicable: Turn ON/OFF switch to OFF position and/or set thermostat(if present) to lowest setting.
3. If applicable: Turn off all electric power to the heater.
22 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677• Rev B •01/17
Avoid any drafts that alter burner flame patterns. Do
not allow fans to blow directly into the fireplace. Do not The initial break-in operation should last four hours with the
place a blower inside the burn area of the firebox. Ceiling burner at the highest setting. Provide maximum ventilation
fans may create drafts that alter flame patterns. Sooting by opening windows or doors to allow odors to dissipate.
and improper burning will result Any odors remaining after this initial break-in will be slight
During manufacturing, fabricating and shipping, various and will disappear with continued use.
components of this appliance are treated with certain oils, This appliance must not be used with glass doors in the
films or bonding agents.These chemicals are not harmful, closed position.This can lead to pilot outages and severe
but may produce annoying smoke and smells as they are sooting outside the fireplace. Refer to Page 6, Figure 2.
burned off during the initial operation of the appliance,
possibly causing headaches or eye or lung irritation. This
is a normal and temporary occurrence.
20 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual•20308677 • Rev B •01/17
LOG PLACEMENT "MOJO"Series Un vented Gas Log Sets
4 y ', tanrif �y 8. Place log#7 between the second and
s third right tong on the grate as shown
r 74 : in Figure 26.
. ..ry 'r-•. �'
LG549 - -
Figure 25. CAUTION!
DO NOT sprinkle volcanic rock on the logs,
around the pilot, or on or near burners. This
may cause sooting. Place volcanic rock only
on the floor of the fireplace.
During initial operation of the new heater, new
burning logs and/or rock wool will give off a
paper burning smell and orange flames will be
present. Simply open the windows for a few
hours to vent the odor.
18 Monessen •MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677• Rev B • 01/17
LOG PLACEMENT "MOJO"Series Un vented Gas Log Sets
1. Place log #8 on right bracket next to
---^ valve by sliding grooves on sides of
- log into cutout on brackets. Figure 19
Figure 18.
2. Place log#1 by setting the log over ,i . ,w, • F.4 • . s
the rear bracket over the two pins. ,� ' '"
Figure 20 w,.:' —
\ 4,..‘,.: -;
Figure 19. t
.-. . ... ,. w.« LG554
.rw"j"'T.:":77; `,7- h Log#2 i
g''' w
• e - ._...
- �` ':` ..' • `' 3. Place log#2 at an angle across the
avb,.,- burner by setting the log over the
• - � – ;--,�' ; .�
two pins located on top of the burner.
-,a4-.11tritiry +'"'la.',a v. „- "" ",,;- " Figure 21
r r
Figure 20.
4. Place log #3 at an angle over log #2
toward the back by matching the rectan- ! '''"y .,10
gular notch on the bottom of this log with '„r4'�-- 4 F-4-
the rectangular protrusion on log#2. Set
the notch located on the bottom of this log -.4.4...4 �u� f `
toward the back over the metal bracket ` %
located to the right side of the burner. ,"' ' , ,,r, • ._ � ' '�,
Figure 22 p'` y
Figure 21. •j ,' c +'" ad'St a-i' ta"�f^0j y' `•�e `.1'' y q -•; r.� w
--" - LG545
16 Monessen• MJ27NR-S/MJ2 ••- •wners r anua • I I:• • -ev : •
1. Set remote receiver. Refer to instructions included in white
receiver kit. �-
2. Connect the l4-pinconnector tothe back ofthe receiver. 111 .61%. 0
3. Connect the two(2)1/4"female connectors to the valve. Remote Wire
The white wire connects to the TP TH terminal and the .:. Connectors
green wire connects to the TH terminal on the valve. .. Zi
See Figure 16. ' Motor
4. Connect the four-pin connector from the valve motor to / r.
_�_ Wires
the four-pin connector of the wire harness. !�/ �,
5. After the batteries have been installed in the remote � r
and receiver, move the three position slider switch to
the"Remote" position. Figure 15. Installing Remote
6. Use the end of a paper clip, or other similar object, to Receiver
push in the hole marked "PRG" on the receiver front Valve lfr
(you should hear three beeps for confirmation.) '
7. On the remote, push the ON button (you will hear four Remote Receiver
beeps to confirm the synchronization of your device.)
8. For further instruction refer to instruction sheet included
with the SIT Proflame Remote.
NOTE: Heat reduces battery life. You can protect the
receiver and extend battery life by mounting receiver in •
wall or other location outside the fireplace.
Do not allow wires to touch grate or burner.
The millivolt system and individual components may be
checked with a Millivolt meter having a 0-1000 mV range.
Conduct each check shown in chart below by connection
meter test leads to terminals as indicated.
A. Complete Millivolt System Check B. Thermopile Output Reading Check
("A"Reading-Thermostat contacts CLOSED—Con- ("B" Reading -Thermostat contacts OPEN-Main
trol Knob"ON"-Main burner should turn ON) burner OFF)
1. If the reading is more than 175 Millivolts and the 1. Check gas pressure to the unit. If gas pressure is
automatic valve still does not come on, replace the within minimum and maximum on data plate, then
• control. check pilot voltage, 500 Millivolts minimum. If the
2. If the closed circuit reading("A°reading)is less than minimum Millivolt reading is not obtainable, replace
175 Millivolts,determine cause for low reading,pro- pilot
ceed to Section B.
Connect Switch or Meter
Check Meter Leads Thermostat Reading
Test To Test To Terminals Contacts Should Be
A Complete 2& 3 Closed Minimum 175
B Thermopile 1 &2 Open Minimum 500
14 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B•01/17
GAS LINE INSTALLATION "MOJO"Series Un vented Gas Log Sets •
The heater gas inlet connection is a 3/8"NPT at the valve. Test Port"our
On all control type units,the inlet connection is on the right
side of unit. To connect from the opposite side, route the
pipe around the back portion of the unit. �►
When tightening up the joint to the valve, hold the valve '111'2
securely to prevent movement. n#
Test all gas joints from the gas meter to the heater valve for —/
leaks using a gas analyzer or soap and water solution after ' ��,,o�
completing connection. DO NOT USE AN OPEN FLAME. 0
Check the gas pressure with the appliance burning and �O
the control set to HIGH. f I I 0
I FP2008
Figure 14
Figure 13. Pressure Test Point Location
The valve regulator controls the burner pressure which Millivolt Control
should be checked at the pressure test point.
Turn captured screw counter clockwise two or three turns
and then place tubing to pressure gauge over test point
(Use test point`OUT"closest to control knob).After taking
pressure reading, be sure and turn captured screw clock-
wise firmly to re-seal. Do not over torque. Check for gas
12 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual•20308677 • Rev B •01/17
INSTALLATION "MOJO"Series Unvented Gas Log Sets
• Turn OFF the gas supply to the fireplace or firebox.
• Seal any fresh air vents and/or ash clean-out doors Assembly Procedure:
located on the floor or wall of the fireplace. If left un- 1. Center the gas log unit on the fireplace or firebox.Make
sealed,drafting may cause pilot outage or sooting.Use certain the front of the burner sits inside the front edge
a heat resistant sealant.Do not seal the chimney flue of the fireplace or firebox.
damper. 2. Anchor holes are located on the right and left sides of
the unit.After centering the burner correctly, mark the
A WARNING! hole positions on the fireplace/firebox floor.Drill two(2)
Before installing in a solid fuel burning fireplace, 5/32"diameter holes approximately 11/2"deep.
The chimney flue and firebox must be cleaned 3. Anchor the burner to the fireplace/firebox floor using
of soot, creosote, ashes and loose paint by a the screws provided. Figure 12
qualified chimney cleaner. Proper Installation of the heater is essential to prevent
any movement of the gas logs and controls during
You must secure the gas log heater to the
fireplace floor. If not, the entire unit may move
when you adjust the controls. Movement of Screw
unit may cause shifting of the gas logs which
leads to sooting and improper burning. Grate
movement could cause a gas leak. - [Screw
Special care is required if you are installing
the unit into a sunken fireplace.You must raise --
the fireplace floor to allow access to gas log % 0
controls.This will insure adequate air flow and
guard against sooting.Raise the fireplace floor 8
using noncombustible materials, as described : ' -, ��•\`
in Placement in a Fireplace with Restrictive ���
Barrier on Page 6. / �y
Anchor Hole FP2008
Figure 11. Secure Heater to Floor of Fireplace/Fire-
10 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B •01/17
Heat resistant material (minimum requirements)with 12
wooden mantel or other combustible projection: _
To install the heater with a wooden mantel, shelf or other 6=8"
combustible projection above, first measure the heat Heat 21
resistant material shown in Figure 5,then refer to Table B. Resistant
8" 141H"185re" 221,"26"
• 8"or More of
Hood Heat Resistant
Materials Hood
Heater in Example: A mantel may
Fireplace or project from the wall a max-
Firebox imum of 2W at a minimum
This appliance is for installation only in a solid-fuel burning masonry or UL127 factory-built fireplace,
vent free appliance, or in unvented firebox enclosures listed below. It has been design certified for
these installations.
Exception:DO NOT install this appliance in a factory-built fireplace that includes instructions stating
it has not been tested or should not be used with unvented gas logs.
Use manufacturer's installation and clearance require- The following are guidelines for placing a gas log set in a
ments as defined in their manual. fireplace that has a restrictive barrier along the bottom front
The MJ Series unvented room heater is approved for opening of the fireplace. Some examples of barriers are
installation into the following unvented fireplaces: glass/screen doorframes and sunken/recessed fireplaces.
GCUF Series Fireboxes Magnum36/42, Lo-Rider36 or Height of Minimum Depth of
BUF Restriction (x) Fireplace/Firebox
No Restriction 14"
The MJ Series unvented room heater may also be installed 0"to 1W 17"
into an unvented firebox enclosure for gas fired decorative Greater than 11/2"to 3" 17"
type unvented room heaters per IAS Requirement No.2-97 Greater than 3"
ANSI 221.91-2001 (typically referred to as a "Universal *Any barrier greater than 3" placed in front of the gas log
Firebox"), as long as firebox hearth dimensions meet the set is not recommended by the manufacturer.
minimum hearth dimensions shown below.
27 Noncombustible material such as refractory brick may be
used to line the floor of the fireplace in order to raise the
height of the gas log set in relation to a restrictive barrier.
If the unit is raised, the minimum height dimension listed
19" in the homeowner's manual must not be exceeded.
NOTE: If the log set is equipped with a remote receiver, a
restrictive barrier may reduce the battery life by increasing
the ambient temperature inside the fireplace. Placement
of the receiver outside of the fireplace will extend the
30" battery life.
�` The log set
should be placed
14" against or as
near as possible
Glass door frame to the rear wall
Figure 1. Minimum Hearth Dimen- with adjustable of the fireplace/
sion louvers should •
have the louvers
fully open while ,
the unit Is in I -
operation. . '1� •
T 4
AWARNINGI Height of restrictive
Barriers such as the bottom of a glass door barrier caused byglass
frame placed in front of a gas log set can change door frames, recessed Alfireplaces,etc.from the
the air flow characteristics of the fireplace base or bottom surface If Depth of fireplace/firebox.
which in turn can cause the unit to overheat of the unit. (Refer to (Refer to Table).
and malfunction. Table). \\!
Figure 2. Reference Drawing of the MJ27 Log Set In an Enclosure
6 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual•20308677 • Rev B• 01/17
The initial break-in operation should last four hours to
properly cure logs and rock wool, with the burner at
the highest setting. Provide maximum ventilation by A WARNING!
opening windows or doors to allow odors to dissipate. Never connect unit to private (non-utility)
Any odors remaining after this initial break-in period gas wells. This gas is commonly known as
will be slight and will disappear with continued use, wellhead gas.
21. Input ratings are shown in BTU per hour and are for
elevations up to 2,000 feet For elevations above 2,000
feet,input ratings should be reduced 4 percent for each
1,000 feet above sea level. Refer to the National Fuel NATIONAL We recommend that our gas
Gas Code. INSTITUTE' hearth products be installed
22. The appliance and its appliance main gas valve must NFI and serviced by profes-
be disconnected from the gas supply piping system
during any pressure testing of that system at test sionals who are certified in
pressures in excess of 1/2 psig (3.5 kPa). k the U.S. by the National
23. The appliance must be isolated from the gas supply Fireplace Institute° (NFI) as
piping system by closing its equipment shutoff valve CERTIFIED NFI Gas Specialists.
during any pressure testing of the gas supply piping wwwnfic°rt °a.°rg
system at test pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psig
(3.5 kPa).
24. Do not use this room heater if any part has been under MASSACHUSETTS RESIDENTS ONLY:
water. Immediately call a qualified service technician Please refer to Page 30 for
to inspect the room heater and to replace any part additional information.
of the control system and any gas control which has
been under water.
25. This appliance must not be used with glass doors in CODES
the closed position.This can lead to pilot outages and
severe sooting outside the fireplace. Adhere to all local codes or, in their absence, the latest
26. Never burn solid fuels in a fireplace where a unvented edition of THE NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE ANSI Z223.1
room heater is installed. or NFPA54 which can be obtained from...
27. Always have a fireplace screen in place when the
appliance is in operation and, unless other provisions American National Standards Institute, Inc.
for combustion air are provided,the screen must have 1430 Broadway
an opening(s)for induction of combustion air. New York, NY 10018
National Fire Protection Association, Inc.
Batterymarch Park
Quincy, MA 02269
4 Monessen• MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B •01/17
CONTENTS "MOJO"Series (invented Gas Log Sets •
Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of an Monessen Log Set.
IMPORTANT: Read all instructions and warnings carefully before starting installation.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in a possible fire hazard and will void the warranty.
Important Safety Information 3 Electrical Wiring—Millivolt 13
Codes 4 Connect Remote Receiver 14
Product Features &Specifications 5 Check System Operation 14
Gas Pressures 5 Log Placement 15
Gas Specifications 5 Place Rock Wool 15
Ignition Controls 5 Flame Appearance 19
Pilot\ODS 5 Check Pilot Flame 19
Thermal Generator 5 Bumer Flame 19
Adequate combustion and ventilation air 5 Operating Instructions 20
Make Sure you have received all parts 5 For your safety read before Lighting 21
What you will need for installation 5 Millivolt Control Lighting Instructions 22'
Fireplace and Hearth Dimensions 6 To turn off gas to heater 22
Important information for the Match Lighting Instructions 23
installation of this gas log set 6 Cleaning and Servicing 23
Adequate combustion and ventilation air 6 Troubleshooting 24
Clearances and Height Requirements 7 Replacement Parts 26
Floor clearances - 9 Bumer Assembly 26
Installation 10 Logs 27
Before installing the unit 10 Massachusetts Residents Only 28
Place and Secure appliance 10 Limited Lifetime Warranty 29
Gas Line Installation 11
Connect the Gas 11
Check Gas Pressure 12
Millivolt Valve Control 12
2 Monessen• MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B• 01/17
Monessen, a brand of Hearth & Home Technologies
7571 215th Street West, Lakeville, MN 50044
Massachusetts Residents Only — Please read and follow these special requirements •
NOTE REGARDING VENTED PRODUCTS 2. Approved Carbon Monoxide Detectors. Each carbon
This product must be installed by a licensed plumberorgasfitter monoxide detector as required in accordance with the above
when installed within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. provisions shall comply with NFPA 720 and be ANSI/UL 2034
Any residence with a direct vent product must have a CO listed and IAS certified.
detector installed in the residence. 3. Signage. A metal or plastic identification plate shall be
Installation of the fiteplace or vented gas log in the State permanently mounted to the exterior of the building at a
of Massachusetts requires the damper to be permanently minimum height of eight(8) feet above grade directly in line
removed or welded in the fully open position. with the exhaust vent terminal for the horizontally vented
In addition,a naturally vented gas log may not be installed in a gas fueled heating appliance or equipment. The sign shall
bedroom or bathroom in the State of Massachusetts. read, in print less than one-half (1/2) inch in size,
Flex line installation must not exceed 36 inches and must OBSTRUCTIONS.•
have a T shutoff valve. 4. Inspection. The state or local gas inspector of the side
NOTE REGARDING VENT FREE PRODUCTS wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment shall not
This product must be installed by a licensed plumber or gas fitter approve the installation unless,upon inspection,the inspector
when installed within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. observes carbon monoxide detectors and signage installed
In addition, vent free products may not be installed in a in accordance with the provisions of 248 CMR 5.08(2)(a)1
bedroom or bathroom regardless of size or type in the State through 4.
of Massachusetts. (b)Exemptions:The following equipment is exempt from 248
Flex line installation must not exceed 36 inches and must CMR 5.08(2)(a)1 through 4:
have a T shutoff valve. 1.The equipment listed in Chapter 10 entitled"Equipment Not
CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS Required To Be Vented" in the most current edition of NFPA
54 as adopted by the Board;and
(2)Revise 10.8.3 by adding the following additional
2. Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled
requirements: equipment installed in a room or structure separate from the
(a) For all side wall horizontally vented gas fueled dwelling, building or structure used in whole or in part for
equipment installed in every dwelling, building or structure residential purposes.
used in whole or in part for residential purposes, including
those owned or operated by the Commonwealth and where the (c) Manufacturer requirements—Gas Equipment Venting
side wall exhaust vent termination is less than seven(7) feet System Provided. When the manufacturer of Product
above finished grade in the area of the venting, including but Approved side wall horizontally vented gas equipment provides
not limited to decks and porches, the following requirements a venting system design or venting system components with
shall be satisfied: the equipment, the instructions provided by the manufacturer
for installation of the equipment and the venting system shall
1. Installation of carbon monoxide detectors. At the time include:
of installation of the side wall horizontal vented gas fueled
1. Detailed instructions for the installation of the venting
equipment, the installing plumber or gas fitter shall observe system design or the venting system components; and
that a hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an alarm and
battery back-up is installed on the floor level where the gas 2. A complete parts list for the venting system design or
equipment is to be installed. In addition,the installing plumber venting system.
or gas fitter shall observe that a battery operated or hard wired (d)Manufacturer requirements—Gas Equipment Venting
carbon monoxide detector with an alarm is installed on each System Not Provided.When the manufacturer of a Product
additional level of the dwelling, building or structure served Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment
by the side wall horizontal vented gas fueled equipment. It does not provide the parts for venting the flue gases, but
shall be the responsibility of the property owner to secure the identifies'special venting systems,'the following requirements
services of qualified licensed professionals for the installation shall be satisfied by the manufacturer:
of hard wired carbon monoxide detectors 1. The referenced "special venting system" instructions shall
a. In the event that the side wall horizontally vented gas be included with the appliance or equipment installation
fueled equipment is installed in a crawl space or an attic,the instructions;and
hard wired carbon monoxide detector with alarm and battery
2. The °special venting systems° shall be Product Approved
back-up may be Installed on the next adjacent floor level. by the Board,and the instructions for that system shall include
b. In the event that the requirements of this subdivision a parts list and detailed installation instructions.
can not be met at the time of completion of installation, the
owner shall have a period of thirty(30) days to comply with (e) A copy of all installation instructions for all Product
the above requirements; provided, however, that during said Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment,
thirty(30) day period, a battery operated carbon monoxide all venting instructions, all parts lists for venting instructions,
detector with an alarm shall be installed. and/or all venting design
28 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B •01/17
REPLACEMENT PARTS "MOJO"Series Un vented Gas Log Sets -
�� 3
fey a
04,316. A
;�Q 7a
2 I 7b
8Niihk • '��
Item Description Qty. Natural Gas Propane Gas
1. Burner 1 86D0017 86D0018
2. Control Valve 1 20H2081 K 20H2082K
3. ODS Pilot Assembly 1 14D0473 14D0477
4. Piezo Igniter 1 14D0503 14D0503
5. Piezo Wire 1 00K0632 00K0632
6. Pilot Regulator 1 14D0469 —
7a. SIT ProFlame Receiver 1 20308624 20308624
7b. SIT ProFlame Remote 1 20308625 20308625
*7c. SIT Wire harness 1 20308626 20308626
8. Injector 1 - 70D0064 20H2084
*Item not shown
Failure to position the parts in accordance with .
these diagrams or failure to use only parts
specifically approved with this appliance may
result in property damage or personal injury.
26 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PRS Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B • 01/17
TROUBLESHOOTING "MOJO"Series Unvented Gas Log Sets •
NOTE:All troubleshooting items are listed in order of •
Turn off appliance and allow to cool before
Only a qualified service person should service
and repair the heater.
Problem Possible Cause Solution
When ignitor button is 1. Ignitor electrode positioned wrong. 1. Replace ignitor.
pressed, there is not spark 2. Ignitor electrode is broken. 2. Replace ignitor.
at ODS/pilot. 3. Ignitor electrode not connected to 3. Reconnect ignitor cable.
ignitor cable.
4. Ignitor cable pinched or wet. Keep 4. Free ignitor cable if pinched by any met-
ignitor cable dry. al or tubing.
5. Broken ignitor cable. 5. Replace ignitor cable.
6. Bad piezo ignitor. 6. Replace piezo ignitor.
Appliance produces un- 1. Appliance burning vapors from 1. Ventilate room. Stop using odor causing
wanted odors. paint, hair spray, glues, etc. products while heater is running.
2. Gas leak. 2. Locate and correct leaks.
3. Initial burn off. 3. Ventilate room and turn unit on high until
odor is gone. Odor should be gone after
6 hours of continuous use.
Appliance shuts off during 1. Not enough fresh air is available for 1. Open window and/or door for ventilation.
use. . ODS/pilot to operate.
2. Low line pressure. 2. Contact local gas company.
3. ODS/pilot is partially clogged. 3. Clean ODS/pilot.
4. Defective thermopile. 4. Check wire connections. Check output,
should be 500 mV across TH/TP and TP
terminals with ON/OFF switches off.
5. Restrictions in incoming air flow. 5. Check for bottom riser on glass door,
sunken fireplace, excessive lava rock/
cinders densely packed against grate.
Gas odor even when 1. Gas leak. 1. Locate and correct all leaks.
control knob is in OFF 2. Control valve defective. 2. Replace control valve.
When ignitor button is 1. Gas supply turned off or manual 1. Turn on gas supply or open manual
pressed, there is spark at shutoff valve closed. shutoff valve.
ODS/pilot, but no ignition. 2. Control knob not in PILOT position. 2. Turn control knob to PILOT position.
3. Control knob not pressed in while in 3. Press in control knob while in PILOT
PILOT position. position.
• 4. Air in gas lines when installed. 4. Continue holding down control knob.
Repeat igniting operation until air is
5. ODS/pilot is clogged. 5. Replace ODS/pilot assembly or get it
6. Gas regulator setting is not correct. 6. Check incoming pressure. Replace gas
24 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677• Rev B• 01/17
1. STOP! Read the safety information label.
2. Make sure the manual shutoff valve is fully open.
3. This gas log set is equipped with an ignition device(piezo)which automatically lights the pilot. If piezo
ignitor does not light the pilot, refer to instructions for Match Lighting Instructions, Page 23.
4. Turn gas control knob clockwise t--Th.to the OFF position and turn ON/OFF switch to OFF position.
5. Wait (5) minutes to clear out any gas. Then smell for gas, including near the floor. If you smell gas,
STOP! Follow the instructions under What To Do/f You Smell Gas, Page 21.
6. From OFF position, turn the gas control knob counterclockwise to IGN position. Push in control
knob for 5 seconds. NOTE:If you are running the heater for the first time,it maybe necessary to
press in the control knob for 30 seconds or longer to allow air to bleed out of the gas piping.
7. With the control knob pushed in, push in and release the piezo ignitor button to light the pilot.
B. Continue pushing the control knob in for a further 60 seconds to prevent the flame detector from
shutting off the gas while the probe is warming up. Release the control knob.
9. Turn gas control knob counterclockwise.rm to the ON position.
10.After the pilot has been lit for one minute, the burner can be turned on.
a. Slide the 3 position button on the remote receiver to the ON position and the main gas flame should
ignite in the Max. Height Setting.
b. Slide the button to OFF and the main gas flame should extinguish, but the pilot light will remain on.
c. Slide the button to REMOTE (the center position), press the U button on the handheld transmitter
to turn the system ON. The main gas flame should ignite in the Max Height Setting.
d. Verify that the remote transmitter is set with the Thermostat to OFF. Press the THERMOSTAT button
until the remote display reads OFF beside the Thermostat Icon.
e. Press the Down Arrow button to up to five (5)times to decrease the flame height. Pressing the Down
Arrow six (6) times or pressing the 0 button will turn off the burner. .
f. If flame height is in Max Setting, press the C) button to extinguish the burner flame.
g. For further instructions regarding the operation of the remote control system,see instructions included
with the "PROFLAME" remote transmitter.
- 11. If the gas logs will not operate, follow the instructions To Turn Off Gas To Heater below and call your
service technician or gas supplier.
d� \��f
el it
1. Turn control knob clockwise�.to OFF position to completely shut off the heater.
•2. If applicable:Turn ON/OFF switch to OFF position and/or set thermostat(if present)to lowest setting.
3. If applicable: Turn off all electric power to the heater.
22 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual•20308677 • Rev B • 01/17
Avoid any drafts that alter burner flame patterns. Do
not allow fans to blow directly into the fireplace. Do not The initial break-in operation should last four hours with the
place a blower inside the bum area of the firebox. Ceiling burner at the highest setting. Provide maximum ventilation
fans may create drafts that alter flame patterns. Sooting by opening windows or doors to allow odors to dissipate.
and improper burning will result. Any odors remaining after this initial break-in will be slight
During manufacturing, fabricating and shipping, various and will disappear with continued use.
components of this appliance are treated with certain oils, This appliance must not be used with glass doors in the
films or bonding agents.These chemicals are not harmful, closed position.This can lead to pilot outages and severe
but may produce annoying smoke and smells as they are sooting outside the fireplace. Refer to Page 6, Figure 2.
burned off during the initial operation of the appliance,
possibly causing headaches or eye or lung irritation. This
is a normal and temporary occurrence.
20 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual•20308677 • Rev B •01/17
LOG PLACEMENT "MOJO"Series Un vented Gas Log Sets
g A
ra. 8. Place log#7 between the second and
'14, ,,'- t < nom''..
v ��r,. *' third right tong on the grate as shown
Zr:'4; in Figure 26.
.f.�..i y Y^ 'hh' ln� p K
,vat: nt,pry, M N: t
lv" f •• .
LG549 - .. ✓.�
Figure 25. CAUTION!
DO NOT sprinkle volcanic rock on the logs,
around the pilot, or on or near burners. This
may cause sooting. Place volcanic rock only
on the floor of the fireplace.
During initial operation of the new heater, new
burning logs and/or rock wool will give off a
paper burning smell and orange flames will be
present. Simply open the windows for a few
hours to vent the odor.
18 Monessen •MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B•01/17
LOG PLACEMENT "MOJO"Series Unvented Gas Log Sets
1. Place log #8 on right bracket next to
-.A • valve by sliding grooves on sides of
log into cutout on brackets.Figure 19
Figure 18.
2. Place log#1 by setting the logtelfterr t ; x t., .A a -
the rear bracket over the two pins.
Figure g w- — -
. -;
-.• ):::\,
Figure 19. r -
_ .. - . _... ' _ . LG554 . s
h. �° 4.:,..,: ,t 4': 3. Place log#2 at an angle across the
A=r; .N burner by setting the log over the
-- '= , 4 two pins located on top of the burner.
<S'e1'+eA iel:ft.z' . `.., Figure 21
,r�. . . . .. Figure 20.
LG555 - .
4. Place log #3 at an angle over log #2 .-
toward the back by matching the rectan- r" s ,
gular notch on the bottom of this log with t j4 . — 7 r, •-. %--.,
the rectangular protrusion on log#2. Set ' • • :$ ;j"trtri " ..:- r '
the notch located on the bottom of this log a v � ' yi w
toward the back over the metal bracket
_••- sic • r� '., • «:-. :
located to the right side of the burner.
Figure 22a � ��. .ate t 4
" -. - �! -.
Figure 21. ; • - 4�r.M• ac:`e--ca y. 1.e.
.._. .......L.. .. . LG545
16 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ2 •' •wners 7 anua • I I:. • -ev : • I
1. Set remote receiver. Refer to instructions included in � white
receiver kit. i
2. Connect the 14-pin connector to the back of the receiver. Green
3. Connect the two(2)11/4"female connectors to the valve. \ Remote Wire
The white wire connects to the TR TH terminal and the "� )„.. connectors
green wire connects to the TH terminal on the valve.
See Figure 16. ® 1 , .�� Motor
4. Connect the four-pin connector from the valve motor to //'tttiw1 Wires
the four-pin connector of the wire harness. .... ("1,
5. After the batteries have been installed in the remote 441
and receiver, move the three position slider switch to
the"Remote" position. Figure 15. Installing Remote 1�
6. Use the end of a paper clip, or other similar object, to Receiver
push in the hole marked "PRG" on the receiver front Valve411)
(you should hear three beeps for confirmation.)
7. On the remote, push the ON button (you will hear four �' °
beeps to confirm the synchronization of your device.) Remote Receiver
8. For further instruction refer to instruction sheet included
with the SIT Proflame Remote.
NOTE: Heat reduces battery life. You can protect the
receiver and extend battery life by mounting receiver in
wall or other location outside the fireplace. •
Do not allow wires to touch grate or burner.
The millivolt system and individual components may be
checked with a Millivolt meter having a 0-1000 mV range.
Conduct each check shown in chart below by connection
meter test leads to terminals as indicated.
A. Complete Millivolt System Check B. Thermopile Output Reading Check
("A"Reading-Thermostat contacts CLOSED—Con- ("B" Reading -Thermostat contacts OPEN -Main
trol Knob"ON" -Main burner should turn ON) burner OFF)
1. If the reading is more than 175 Millivolts and the 1. Check gas pressure to the unit. If gas pressure is
automatic valve still does not come on, replace the within minimum and maximum on data plate, then
control. check pilot voltage, 500 Millivolts minimum. If the
2. If the closed circuit reading("A"reading)is less than minimum Millivolt reading is not obtainable, replace
175 Millivolts,determine cause for low reading,pro- pilot.
ceed to Section B.
Connect Switch or Meter
Check Meter Leads Thermostat Reading
Test To Test To Terminals Contacts Should Be
A Complete 2 &3 Closed Minimum 175
B Thermopile 1 &2 Open Minimum 500
14 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B • 01/17
GAS LINE INSTALLATION "MOJO"Series Unvented Gas Log Sets
The heater gas inlet connection is a 3/8"NPT at the valve. Test Port"our
On all control type units,the inlet connection is on the right
side of unit. To connect from the opposite side, route the
pipe around the back portion of the unit.
When tightening up the joint to the valve, hold the valve �a,����
securely to prevent movement. � r%*
Test all gas joints from the gas meter to the heater valve for ; •
leaks using a gas analyzer or soap and water solution after � ,.oti
completing connection. DO NOT USE AN OPEN FLAME. 0��
Check the gas pressure with the appliance buming and ,the control set to HIGH. f 0
( 111 FP200a
Figure 14
Figure 13. Pressure Test Point Location
The valve regulator controls the burner pressure which Millivolt Control
should be checked at the pressure test point.
Turn captured screw counter clockwise two or three turns
and then place tubing to pressure gauge over test point
(Use test point"OUT'closest to control knob).After taking
pressure reading, be sure and turn captured screw clock-
wise firmly to re-seal. Do not over torque. Check for gas
12 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual•20308677 • Rev B•01/17
INSTALLATION "MOJO"Series Unvented Gas Log Sets
• Turn OFF the gas supply to the fireplace or firebox.
• Seal any fresh air vents and/or ash clean-out doors Assembly Procedure:
located on the floor or wall of the fireplace. If left un- 1. Center the gas log unit on the fireplace or firebox.Make
sealed,drafting may cause pilot outage or sooting. Use certain the front of the burner sits inside the front edge
a heat resistant sealant Do not seal the chimney flue of the fireplace or firebox.
damper. 2. Anchor holes are located on the right and left sides of
the unit.After centering the burner correctly, mark the
AWARNINGI hole positions on the fireplace/firebox floor. Drill two(2)
Before installing in a solid fuel burning fireplace, 5/32"diameter holes approximately 11I2"deep.
The chimney flue and firebox must be cleaned 3. Anchor the burner to the fireplace/firebox floor using
of soot, creosote, ashes and loose paint by a the screws provided. Figure 12
qualified chimney cleaner. Proper installation of the heater is essential to prevent
any movement of the gas logs and controls during
You must secure the gas log heater to the
fireplace floor. If not, the entire unit may move
when you adjust the controls. Movement of screw
unit may cause shifting of the gas logs which
leads to sooting and improper burning. Grate
movement could cause a gas leak. [Screw
Special care is required if you are installing = r
the unit into a sunken fireplace.You must raise
the fireplace floor to allow access to gas log
controls.This will insure adequate air flow and .. '
guard against sooting. Raise the fireplace floor 8
using noncombustible materials, as described `t► \�•\`
in Placement in a Fireplace with Restrictive r ® ��
Barrier on Page 6. t
Anchor Hole FP2008
Figure 11. Secure Heater to Floor of Fireplace/Fire-
10. Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B •01/17
CLEARANCES and HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS "MOJO"Series (invented Gas Log Sets •
Heat resistant material (minimum requirements)with 12"
wooden mantel or other combustible projection: 10
To install the heater with a wooden mantel, shelf or other 6"
combustible projection above, first measure the heat Heat
resistant material shown in Figure 5,then refer to Table B. Resistant 2'2--" II--
MaterialII t
8" 141/2"185/8" 221a"26"
• 8"
Hood Heator More Resistaofnt
Materials Hood
Heater in Example: A mantel may
Fireplace or project from the wail a max-
Firebox imumof2wataminlmum
1•=� of 8" above the opening,
and a maximum of 6" at a
Heater in minimum of 14W above
Fireplace or the opening.
e .„/ Figure 6. Minimum Mantel Clearance with Hood.
• Ill10"or Less
Figure 5. Measuring Heat Resistant Material for Mantel
TABLE B— eat Resistant
Heat Material
Resistant Material Heights and Mantel Location Material
Heat Resistant Requirements for Safe Installation
Material w/Wood Mantel Shelf or other 12"min. 28"
Measurement Combustible Projection
12"or more Hood not required.Observe profile
(side elevations)shown in Figure 7.
. 8"or less than 12" Install hood and observe profiles in
Figure 6;OR extend heat resistant mate-
rial to at least 12"and observe profiles in
Figure 8.
Less than 8" Extend heat resistant material to at Heater in Fireplace
least 8", install hood and observe pro- or Firebox
files in Figure 6;OR extend heat resin Example: The bottom of
tant material to at least 12"and observe
profiles in Figure 7. ■_/ the mantel may project
from the wall a maximum
of 10"at a minimum of 28"
above the opening.
Figure 7. Minimum Mantel Clearance with No Hood.
8 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual • 20308677• Rev B • 01/17
This appliance is for installation only in a solid-fuel burning masonry or UL127 factory-built fireplace,
vent free appliance, or in unvented firebox enclosures listed below. It has been design certified for
these installations.
Exception:DO NOT install this appliance in a factory-built fireplace that includes instructions stating
it has not been tested or should not be used with unvented gas logs.
Use manufacturer's installation and clearance require- The following are guidelines for placing a gas log set in a
ments as defined in their manual. fireplace that has a restrictive barrier along the bottom front
The MJ Series unvented room heater is approved for opening of the fireplace. Some examples of barriers are
installation into the following unvented fireplaces: glass/screen door frames and sunken/recessed fireplaces.
GCUF Series Fireboxes Magnum36/42, Lo-Rider36 or Height of Minimum Depth of
BUF Restriction (x) Fireplace/Firebox
No Restriction 14"
The MJ Series unvented room heater may also be installed 0"to 1W 17"
into an unvented firebox enclosure for gas fired decorative Greater than 1W to 3" 17"
type unvented room heaters per IAS Requirement No.2-97 Greater than 3"
ANSI 221.91-2001 (typically referred to as a "Universal 'Any barrier greater than 3" placed in front of the gas log
Firebox"), as long as firebox hearth dimensions meet the set is not recommended by the manufacturer.
minimum hearth dimensions shown below.
./e" 27zr Noncombustible material such as refractory brick may be
used to line the floor of the fireplace in order to raise the
height of the gas log set in relation to a restrictive barrier.
If the unit is raised, the minimum height dimension listed
19" in the homeowner's manual must not be exceeded.
NOTE: If the log set is equipped with a remote receiver, a
restrictive barrier may reduce the battery life by increasing
the ambient temperature inside the fireplace. Placement
of the receiver outside of the fireplace will extend the
battery life.
The log set
30" battery
be placed
14" against or as
near as possible
\� - • to the rear wall
Glass door frame
Figure 1. Minimum Hearth Dimen- with adjustable of the fireplace!
sion louvers should •
have the louvers
fully open while
the unitisin -�
operation. x ��
�V: ,
AWARNING! barrier
of caused
Barriers such as the bottom of a glass door barrier caused by glass \
frame placed in front of a gas log set can change fid
replaceseto.fromthe /I
the air flow characteristics of the fireplace base or bottom surface .. •epth of fireplace!
which in turn can cause the unit to overheat of the unit. (Refer to firebox.
and malfunction.
Table). (Refer to Table).
Figure 2. Reference Drawing of the MJ27 Log Set in an Enclosure
6 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual•20308677• Rev B •01/17
The initial break-in operation should last four hours to
properly cure logs and rock wool, with the burner at
the highest setting. Provide maximum ventilation by A WARNING!
opening windows or doors to allow odors to dissipate. Never connect unit to private (non-utility)
Any odors remaining after this initial break-in period gas wells. This gas is commonly known as
will be slight and will disappear with continued use. wellhead gas.
21. Input ratings are shown in BTU per hour and are for
elevations up to 2,000 feet For elevations above 2,000
feet,input ratings should be reduced 4 percent for each
1,000 feet above sea level. Refer to the National Fuel NATIONAL We recommend that our gas
Gas Code. FirisTrruTE hearth products be installed
22. The appliance and its appliance main gas valve must NF' and serviced by profes-
be disconnected from the gas supply piping system
during any pressure testing of that system at test sionals who are certified in
pressures in excess of 1/2 psig (3.5 kPa). 410the U.S. by the National
23. The appliance must be isolated from the gas supply Fireplace Institute•(NFI) as
piping system by closing its equipment shutoff valve CERTIFIED NFI Gas Specialists.
during any pressure testing of the gas supply piping """"f10ertif'°dor9
system at test pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psig
(3.5 kPa).
24. Do not use this room heater if any part has been under MASSACHUSETTS RESIDENTS ONLY'
water. Immediately call a qualified service technician Please refer to Page 30 for
to inspect the room heater and to replace any part additional information.
of the control system and any gas control which has
been under water.
25. This appliance must not be used with glass doors in CODES
the closed position.This can lead to pilot outages and
severe sooting outside the fireplace. Adhere to all local codes or, in their absence, the latest
26. Never burn solid fuels in a fireplace where a unvented edition of THE NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE ANSI Z223.1
room heater is installed. or NFPA54 which can be obtained from...
27. Always have a fireplace screen in place when the
appliance is in operation and, unless other provisions American National Standards Institute, Inc.
for combustion air are provided,the screen must have 1430 Broadway
an opening(s)for induction of combustion air. New York, NY 10018
National Fire Protection Association, Inc.
Batterymarch Park
Quincy, MA 02269
4 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B •01/17
CONTENTS "MOJO"Series Un vented Gas Log Sets •
Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of an Monesseri Log Set.
IMPORTANT: Read all instructions and warnings carefully before starting installation.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in a possible fire hazard and will void the warranty.
Important Safety Information 3 Electrical Wiring—Millivolt 13
Codes 4 Connect Remote Receiver 14
Product Features&Specifications 5 Check System Operation 14
Gas Pressures 5 Log Placement 15
Gas Specifications 5 Place Rock Wool 15
Ignition Controls 5 Flame Appearance 19
Pilot\ODS 5 Check Pilot Flame 19
Thermal Generator 5 Burner Flame 19
Adequate combustion and ventilation air 5 Operating Instructions 20
Make Sure you have received all parts 5 For your safety read before Lighting 21
What you will need for installation 5 Millivolt Control Lighting Instructions 22'
Fireplace and Hearth Dimensions 6 To turn off gas to heater 22
Important information for the Match Lighting Instructions 23
installation of this gas log set 6 Cleaning and Servicing 23
Adequate combustion and ventilation air 6 Troubleshooting 24
Clearances and Height Requirements 7 Replacement Parts 26
Floor clearances 9 Burner Assembly 26
Installation 10 Logs 27
Before installing the unit 10 Massachusetts Residents Only 28
Place and Secure appliance 10 Limited Lifetime Warranty 29
Gas Line Installation 11
Connect the Gas 11
Check Gas Pressure 12
Millivolt Valve Control 12
2 Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B • 01/17
4f 6 mi3,iu
Unvented Gas Log Heater
Installation and Operating Instructions
Models: MJ27NR-S, MJ27PR-S
A WARNING! Jfr4siletr
If the information in this manual is not ��
followed exactly, a fire or explosionIr.—Or/1k� �:�•�
may result causing property damage, —
personal injury or loss of life. e��' :► ��� `�'�t•��
— Do not store or use gasoline or other ��►�
flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity w'r 4
of this or any other appliance. ��` �```.
�%0 ,d
• Do not try to light any appliance. ���
• Do not touch any electrical switch; do not \`�Q
use any phone in your building.
Leave the building immediately.
• Immediately call your gas supplier from
a neighbor's phone. Follow the gasoEsicN
supplier's instructions.
• If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call
the fire department.
— Installation and service must be performed F'fl F' ®
by a qualified installer,service agency or the
This is an unvented gas-fired heater. It uses
This appliance may be installed in an air (oxygen) from the room in which it is
aftermarket, permanently located, installed.Provisions for adequate combustion
manufactured (mobile) home, where not and ventilation air must be provided.
prohibited by local codes. Refer to Page 5.
This appliance is only for use with the type
of gas indicated on the rating plate. This
appliance is not convertible for use with INSTALLER: Leave this manual with the appliance.
other gases. CONSUMER: Retain this manual for future reference.
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual•20308677 • Rev B• 01/17
Please leave these instructions with the appliance. Please retain these instructions for future reference.
• Any change to this heater or its controls can be dangerous.
• Improper installation or use of the heater can cause serious injury or death from fire, burns,
explosion or carbon monoxide poisoning.
• Do not allow fans to blow directly into the fireplace. Avoid any drafts that alter burner flame
• Do not use a blower insert, heat exchanger insert or other accessory, not approved for use with
this heater where applicable.
1. Due to high temperatures,the appliance should be 13. Avoid any drafts that alter bumerflame patterns.Do not
located out of traffic and away from furniture and allow fans to blow directly into fireplace. Do not place
draperies. a blower inside burn area of firebox. Ceiling fans may
2. Children and adults should be alerted to the hazard create drafts that alter burner flame patterns. Sooting
of high surface temperature and should stay away and improper burning will occur.
to avoid burns or clothing ignition. 14. CAUTION:Candles, incense, oil lamps, etc. produce
3. Young children should be carefully supervised when combustion byproducts including soot. Vent-free
they are in the same room with the appliance. appliances will not filter or clean soot produced by
4. Do not place clothing or other flammable material these types of products. In addition, the smoke and/
on or near the appliance. or aromatics(scents)may be re-burnt in the vent-free
5. Any safety screen or guard removed for servicing tappliance which can produce odors.It is recommended
an appliance, must be replaced prior to operating v minimize a appthliance
use isof in candles, incense,etc.while the
the heater. vent-free appliance is in operation.
6. Installation and repair should be done by a qualified 15. This is an unvented gas-fired heater. It uses air
(oxygen) from the room in which it is installed. Provi-
service person. sions for adequate combustion and ventilation air must
7. To prevent malfunction and/or sooting,an unvented be provided. Page 5
gas heater should be cleaned before use and at 16. This heater shall not be installed in a room or space
least annually by a professional service person. unless the required volume of indoor combustion air is
More frequent cleaning may be required due to provided by the method described in the National Fuel
excessive lint from carpeting,bedding material,etc. Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, the International
It is imperative that control compartments, burners Fuel Gas Code or applicable local codes.
and circulating air passageways be kept clean.
17. Keep room area clear and free from combustible mate-
8. CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING: Early signs of rials,gasoline and other flammable vapors and liquids.
carbon monoxide poisoning are similar to the flu with 18. Unvented gas heaters are a supplemental zone heater.
headaches,dizziness and/or nausea.If you have these They are not intended to be the primary heating appli-
signs, obtain fresh air immediately. Have the heater ance.
serviced as it may not be operating properly. 19. Unvented gas heaters emit moisture into the living
9. The installation must conform with local codes or, in area. In most homes of average construction; this
the absence of local codes, with the National Fuel does not pose a problem. In houses of extremely
Gas Code,ANSI Z223.I/NFPA54. tight construction,additional mechanical ventilation is
10. This unit complies with the latest revision of ANSI recommended.
221.11.2 Unvented Heaters, latest edition. 20. During manufacturing,fabricating and shipping,various
11. Do not install the heaters in a bathroom or bedroom. components of this appliance are treated with certain
oils,films or bonding agents.These chemicals are not
12. Correct installation of the ceramic fiber logs, proper harmful but may produce annoying smoke and smells
location of the heater,and annual cleaning are neces- as they are burned off during the initial operation of the
sary to avoid potential problems with sooting.Sooting, appliance;possibly causing headaches or eye or lung
resulting from improper installation or operation, can irritation.This is a normal and temporary occurrence.
settle on surfaces outside the fireplace.See log place-
ment instructions for proper installation.
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual•20308677 • Rev B •01/17 3
GAS PRESSURES directly with the space in which the appliances are installed,
*Natural **Propane (LP) through openings not furnished with doors,are considered
Inlet Minimum 5.0"w.c. 11.0"w.c. a part of a confined space.
Inlet Maximum 10.5"w.c. 13.0"w.c. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE RECEIVED ALL
Pilot Regulator 3.5"w.c. n/a PARTS
Regulator Pressure 4.0"w.c. 10.0"w.c. Verify that all listed parts have been received.You should
*NOTE:An external regulator is required to reduce supply have the following:
pressure to a maximum of 101/"W.C. on natural gas sys- • (invented gas log burner assembly
tems operating at higher pressure. • Two(2)plastic bags containing crushed volcanic rock
**NOTE:An external regulator is required to reduce sup- • Installation/operating instructions
ply pressure to a maximum of 13" W.C. on propane gas • Two(2)anchoring screws
systems operating at higher pressure. • Ceramic fiber logs
Min. Input ax.Inpul • SIT proflame hand held remote with receiver
Model Fuel Control BTU/h BTU/h , Carefully inspect the contents for shipping damage. If any
MJ27NR-S Nat. Millivolt 25,500 38,000 parts are missing or damaged, immediately inform the
MJ27PR-S LP Millivolt 29,500 37,000 dealer from whom you purchased the appliance. Do not
attempt to Install any part of the appliance unless you
IGNITION CONTROLS have all parts in good condition.
Piezo ignitor allows ignition of the pilot without the use of WHAT YOU WILL NEED FOR INSTALLATION
matches or batteries. You should have the following items available before
Millivolt control with pilot has three(3) positions: proceeding with installation:
OFF—All gas to the gas logs is shut off at the valve. • External regulator(for propane/LPG and 1/2 lb.
IGN —Valve position to light/maintain a standing pilot. natural gas systems only)
ON —Valve position to light/maintain the gas burner. • Piping which complies with local codes
PILOT/ODS • Sediment trap(recommended)
• Screwdriver
The gas log heater is fitted with a specially designed safety • Tee joint.
pilot(ODS assembly)which senses the amount of oxygen • Pipe sealant approved for use with propane/LPG
available in the room and shuts the gas log heater off if the (Resistant to sulfur compounds)
oxygen level begins to drop below a satisfactory level.The • Drill with 5/32 masonry bit
pilot can only be re-lit when adequate fresh air is available. • Pipe wrench or appropriate size crescent
THERMAL GENERATOR • Manual shutoff valve
• Wrench set
The millivolt gas log pilot is fitted with a Millivolt(thermopile)
generator to provide power for remote activation.
VENTILATION AIR Gloves are recommended when handling
This heater shall not be installed in a confined space or ceramic fiber logs to prevent skin irritation from
unusually tight construction unless provisions are provided loose fibers.Logs are fragile—handle with care.
for adequate combustion and ventilation air.
The National Fuel Gas Code, (ANSI Z223.1/NFPA54), A WARNING!
defines a confined space as a space whose volume is less If the area in which the heater may be operated
than 50 cubic feet per 1,000 BTU per hour(4.8m3 per kw) does not meet the required volume for indoor
of the aggregate input rating of all appliances installed in combustion air, combustion and ventilation
that space, and an unconfined space as a space whose air shall be provided by one of the methods
volume is not less than 50 cubic feet per 1,000 BTU per described in the National Fuel Gas Code,ANSI
hour (4.8 m3 per kw) of the aggregate input rating of all
Z223.1/NFPA 54, the International Fuel Gas
appliances installed in that space. Rooms communicating
Code or applicable local codes.
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677• Rev B •01/17 5
Heat resistant material (minimum requirements)with
no wooden mantel or other combustible projection:
The dimensions shown in Figures 3 through
11 and defined in the fireplace manufacturer's To install the gas logs into a fireplace with no wooden
instructions are minimum clearances to mantel, shelf or other combustible projection above the
firepmaintain when installing this heater. Left and height
a cording to measuree 4, the heat resistantABE A. material
height according Figure 4, then see TABLE A.
right clearances are determined when facing Heat resistant materials such as slate and marble must be
the front of the heater. at least 112"thick.Sheet metal should not be installed
When heater is installed into an unvented onto combustible material.
firebox, minimum clearances, as specified by
the unvented firebox manufacturer,must be met
Follow these instructions carefully to ensure Heat Resistant
safe installation. Failure to follow instructions •Material
exactly can create a fire hazard. Measure
Sidewall and ceiling clearances: The sides of the fire-
place opening must be at least 16"from any combustible
wall.The ceiling must be at least 42"from the top of the
fireplace opening.
Heater in Fireplace or
i - Firebox
42. r ■ ■ /
- 16" nH
- Figure 4. Measuring Heat Resistant Material
FP199a Heat Resistant Material Requirements with no Mantel
or Combustible Projection
Figure 3. Sidewall and Ceiling Clearances Heat Resistant Requirements for Safe Installation
Material Measurement MJ27
12"or more Hood not required
Between 8"and12" Extend heat resistant material to 12"
OR Install hood.*Figure 5•
Extend heat resistant material to at
Less than 8" least 8"AND install hood.*Figure 5*
OR,extend heat resistant material to
a height of at least 12"
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677• Rev B• 01/17 7
6"--.1 I Figure 81s an example of an unsafe mantel installation.
This mantel projects 4"at 8"above the opening,exceeding
1 , the maximum acceptable distance of 21/2"The mantel also
Mantel r'—;; projects 7" at 141/2" above the opening, exceeding the
1 . maximum acceptable distance of 6".
1 .
Minimum of 8" Ifyour mantelprofile is unsafe, you mayeither.
Heat Resistant 14/"
Material 2y2' • Raise the mantel to an acceptable height
8" OR
• Remove the mantel
Figure 8. Minimum Mantel Clearance with Hood-MJ27
(Example of Unsafe Installation)
The gas log heater must be installed at least 13/s" above The gas log heater may be installed nearer to the floor if a
any combustible flooring material, such as carpeting or minimum of 14"of noncombustible material such as slate
tile, which is closer than 14"to the base of the fireplace. or marble is installed between the base of the fireplace and
The minimum distance must be maintained from the top the combustible flooring. Figure 10
surface of carpeting,tile, etc. Figure 9
Heater In
Fireplace or
Heater in Firebox
Fireplace or
■ • ■ _ Ma
n n FI /J • Combustible
Material MI 14"Minimum
L 1
FP2004 This Distance May Now be Less
T13/8" Minimum Than 1e^
FP2003 Figure 10. Minimum Clearance above Combustible Flooring with
Noncombustible Material Installed at Base of Fireplace
Figure 9. Minimum Clearance above Combustible Flooring
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677• Rev B •01/17 9
"MOJO"Series Un vented Gas Log Sets GAS LINE INSTALLATION
NOTICE:A qualified gas appliance installer must connect IMPORTANT: Hold heater valve firmly with a wrench to
the heater to the gas supply. Consult all local codes. prevent movement when connecting to inlet pipe.
Use new black iron or steel pipe. Internally CHECK GAS TYPE: The gas supply must be
tinned copper or copper tubing can be used the same as stated on the heater's rating plate.
per National Fuel Code,section 2.6.3,providing If the gas supply is different, DO NOT INSTALL
gas meets hydrogen sulfide limits, and where THE HEATER. Contact your dealer for the cor-
permitted by local codes. Gas piping system rect model.
must be sized to provide minimum inlet
pressure(Listed on Data Plate)at the maximum AwARNINGI
flow rate (BTU/Hr). Undue pressure loss will
occur if the pipe is too small. Connecting directly to an unregulated pro-
A manual shutoff valve must be installed
pane/LPG tank can cause an explosion.
upstream of the appliance. Union tee and
plugged 1/8"NPT pressure tapping point should Always use an external regulator for all propane/LPG
be installed upstream of the appliance. Figure heaters and high pressure one to two-pound systems
13 only,to reduce the supply tank pressure to a maximum of
13"w.c. This is in addition to the internal regulator in the
heater valve.
To Heater
Valve Th-I` � Pipe Coupling
,/?hill !.� Pipe
f ,
Flexible Tube \ �
(.// Locations that the Pressure Tapping Point
comer May Be Installed
Figure 12. Gas Connec-
tion s
Gas Supply Inlet
Manual Shutoff
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B •01/17 11
The millivolt valve is a self-powered combination gas con-
Label all wires prior to disconnection when
servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause
improper and dangerous operation. Verify
proper operation after servicing.
ODS Pilot
•.bi 40 •1I�*kat
' -I‘--?
S --- d Millivolt
,11�Pir , so� Valve
',are 4 fl
N,�e .•
TH=3 ►=♦a
TP=1 n'j
11 p
,‘ 't) ,,,4 0
Figure 14. Wring Diagram
Monessen• MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual•20308677 • Rev B • 01/17 13
• "MOJO"Series Unvented Gas Log Sets LOG PLACEMENT
NOTE—This unit is supplied with seven(7)ceramic fiber
logs. Do not handle these logs with your bare hands. AWARNING!
Always wear gloves to prevent skin irritation from The positioning of the logs is critical to the safe
ceramic fibers.After handling the logs,wash your hands and clean operation of this heater.Sooting and
gently with soap and water to remove any traces of fibers. other problems may result if the logs are not
properly and firmly positioned in the appliance.
Never add additional logs or embellishments
PLACE ROCK WOOL such as pine cones, vermiculite or rock wool
Before installing logs, place rockol in dime size to the heater. Only use the logs and 2G-RW
pieces evenly over small burner ports starting in rock wool.
front of the rear deflector shield towards the front. Failure to position the parts in accordance with
Avoid placing rock wool over the slots on rear and diagrams below or to use only parts specifically
right side of burner and on large yellow flame ports approved for this heater may result in property
on front of burner. damage or personal injury.
Wash hands after placing rock wool. Itching may
kit* Pieces of Rock
Vr--, Wool
• Use only rock wool provided with log set. A
• Do not add additional rock wool. • •42,
woo, 16. Place Rock ` ley
FP •
• S•
iXa . % 11 ` lltLt. 4} . 4 .S
Figure 17. Correct Rock Wool Placement LG552
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B • 01/17 15
• MOJO"Series Un vented Gas Log Sets LOG PLACEMENT
5. Place Log#4 by matching the rectangu-
lar protrusion on the bottom of this log - -
over the rectangular notch on log #3. -,, -
Swing the log slightly to the front and "7""'"- "` ;zo—r-., '-
set the log over the notch located on the ^"" ✓
upper surface of log#3. Figure 23 . .--- '---ki ,y,t ae
S4� yrs - ,i(S Y•^b�.f .N�'
�' , te+ la
A s�_
Figure22. A % or '."101/1"15?-At-44;"*-* r •i`
6. Place log #5 by matching the rectangular
-,,>_,------7 notch on the bottom of the log with the rect-
Log#5 ..... angular protrusion on log #2. Set the notch
s4 on the bottom of this log over the very far left
V-6' tz tong on the grate.Figure 24
. .,- w
'-:-.:, -;„..;;#0.,, ,,L..„--,e— - • i ' 34. may__.
" } - Figure 23.
7. Place log #6 at an angle over log
#5 toward the back by matching the Log#6
rectangular notch on the bottom of .......,-4 ,
this log with the rectangular protru- - -
sion on log#5.Set the notch located , " `t- `�• ''•
on the bottom of this log toward the 1 `.k t ,i'r� - z
backoverthe metalbracketlocated 4 ` ; " "
n ';e r23
25 a left side of the burner.Figure gp{ y.,at k"';,-a.
x 4
y ...�ef�r, ... - • ."yrs.
4 .R-ca.„--..L`l'4yefiA" �..fi j, J by eh K :
F i 3 .„ V . M 4,
Figure 24. .P44. : " 4Srtr-1_: 44 II;:a:--"�' ` „'at- ..,
;. . , -. .. -
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677•Rev B •01/17 17
"MOJO"Series Unvented Gas Log Sets FLAME APPEARANCE
Flames from the pilot and burner should be visually
checked as soon as the heater is Installed. In addition, Thermocouple
periodically check the flames visually during operation. for Natural til
The pilot flame must always be present when the heater 4 Irteis In operation. It should just touch the top of the they- �mocouple tip for natural. Figure 28 for correct pilot flame. yII� '` q
If the it t`
pot flame does not touch the thermocouple, then I'
the main burner cannot function reliably. Refer to Figure Thermocouple
29 for incorrect shape of pilot flame. for LP
Figure 27. Incorrect Appearance of Pilot
Thermocouple Flame
for Natural
�— In normal operation at full rate after 15 minutes, the
I All
(�( rc following flame appearances should be observed:
Burner will have a random pattern of yellow flames as
Thermocouple shown in Figure 30. There should be glowing embers on
for LP the front burner.Note:The front flames and embers will be
an opaque orange color during the bum off time.
Figure 26. Correct Appearance of Pilot Flame
•mos y. 'ur �^ `: �•�`^M%
; . $a:tu>bb<:
Figure 28. Correct Burner FlameAppearance
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B•01/17 19
If you do not follow these instruction exactly, a
fire or explosion may result causing property
damage, personal injury or loss of life.
A. This appliance is equipped with a piezo ignition device which lights the pilot. If piezo is not working
properly see Match Lighting Instructions, Page 23.
B. BEFORE OPERATING smell all around the appliance area for gas. Be sure to smell next to the floor
because some gas is heavier than air and will settle on the floor.
• Do not attempt to light any appliance.
• Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any phone in your building.
• Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.
• If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department.
C. Use only your hand to push in, or turn the gas control knob. Never use tools. If the knob will not push
in or tum by hand, don't try to repair it. Call a qualified service technician. Force or attempted repair
may result in a fire or explosion.
D. Do not use this appliance if any part of it has been under water. Immediately call a qualified service
technician to inspect the appliance and to replace any part of the control system and any gas control
that has been under water.
%. -%-",,%,. .---NNOn/Off/Pilot Knob
' ..... ArreiC I44
1% .
Location of Piezo Ignitor, Control Knobs and Switch
1�1 P2018
Remote Receiver
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B • 01/17 21
"MOJO"Series Unvented Gas Log Sets CLEANING and SERVICING
1. Remove any items necessary for easy access to the pilot (for example: logs, screens, etc.).
2. Follow appropriate lighting instructions found previously. Instead of pushing and releasing the piezo
button, light a match and hold the flame to the end of the pilot and ignite the pilot.
3. After control knob has been released and pilot stays lit, reinstall any items that were removed for pilot
4. Call a qualified service technician for repair or replacement of the piezo ignitor.
Turn off heater and allow to cool before
cleaning. Disconnect electrical power before
cleaning or servicing.
Annual Inspection and cleaning by your dealer or qual- diagram for location of items discussed below.
ified service technician is recommended to prevent • Inspect and clean burner air intake holes. Remove
malfunction and/or sooting. lint or particles with vacuum,brush or pipe cleaners.
Remove logs, handling carefully by holding gently at each Failure to keep air intake holes clean will result
end. Gloves are recommended to prevent skin irritation in sooting and poor combustion
from ceramic fibers. If skin becomes irritated,wash gently • Inspect and clean all bumer ports.
with soap and water. Refer to manual for correct log • Inspect ODS pilot for operation and accumulation of
placement. lint at air intake holes.
PERIODIC CLEANING—Refer to parts diagram for loca- • Verify flame pattern and log placement for proper
tion of items discussed below. operation.
• Do not use cleaning fluid to clean logs or any part of • Verify smooth and responsive ignition of main bumer
heater. and rear burner.
• Brush logs with soft bristle brush or vacuum with • Replace battery in remote control device.
brush attachment.
• Vacuum loose particles and dust from the front and
rear burner, control and piezo covers and grate
• Inspect and clean burner air intake holes. Remove
lint or particles with vacuum,brush,or pipe cleaners.
Failure to keep air Intake holes clean will result
in sooting and poor combustion.
• External case should be dusted and wiped with a
wet soapy cloth.
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PRS Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B • 01/17 23
"MOJO"Series Un vented Gas Log Sets TROUBLESHOOTING
if the gas quality is bad, your pilot may not
stay lit, the burners may produce soot and the
heater may backfire when lit If the gas quality or
pressure is low,contact your local gas supplier
Problem Possible Cause Solution
ODS/pilot lights, but flame 1. Control knob not fully pressed in. 1. Press in control knob fully.
goes out when control 2. Control knob not pressed in long 2. After ODS/pilot lights, keep control knob
knob is released. enough. pressed in for 30 seconds.
3. Manual shutoff valve not fully open. 3. Fully open manual shutoff valve.
4. Thermocouple connection loose at 4. Hand tighten thermocouple connection
control valve. until snug, then tighten 1/4 turn more.
5. Pilot flame not touching thermocou- 5. Contact local gas company.
ple, which allows thermocouple to
cool, causing pilot flame to go out.
This problem could be caused by
either low gas pressure, or a dirty or
partially clogged ODS/pilot.
6. Thermocouple damaged. 6. Replace thermocouple.
7. Control valve damaged. 7. Replace control valve.
Burner does not light after 1. Burner orifice is clogged. 1. Clean burner or replace burner orifice.
ODS/pilot is lit. 2. Burner orifice diameter is too small. 2. Replace burner orifice.
3. Inlet gas pressure is too low. 3. Contact qualified service person.
Burner backfires during 1. Manifold Pressure is too low. 1. Contact local gas company.
combustion. 2. Burner orifice is clogged. 2. Clean burner or replace burner orifice.
1. Burner orifice is clogged or dam- 1. Clean burner or replace burner orifice.
Slight smoke or odor aged.
during initial operation. 2. Burner is damaged. 2. Replace burner.
3. Gas regulator is defective. 3. Replace gas regulator.
Logs appear to smoke 1. Vapors from paint or curing process 1. Problem will stop after a few hours
after initial operation. of logs. of operation. Run the heater with the
damper open if you have one, or open a
window for the first few hours. •
• 2. Log heater is intended to be smokeless.
Turn OFF heater and call qualified ser-
vice person.
Heater produces a whis- 1. Turning control knob to HIGH posi- 1. Turn control knob to LOW position and
tling noise when burner is tion when burner is cold. let warm up for a minute.
lit. 2. Air in gas line. 2. Operate burner until air is removed from
line. Have gas line checked by local gas
• 3. Dirty or partially clogged burner 3. Clean burner or replace burner orifice.
No gas to pilot. 1. LP regulator shut down due to inlet 1. Verify LP tank regulator is installed and
pressure too high. set at 11"to 13"w.c.
2. Replace regulator on heater.
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B • 01/17 25
• "MOJO"Series Unvented Gas Log Sets REPLACEMENT PARTS
Item Description Qty. MJ27
Log Set 1 MJ27-F
1. Log#1 1 75D0536K
2. Log#2 1 75D0537K
3. Log#3 1 75D0538K
4. Log#4 1 75D0539K
5. Log #5 1 75D0540K
6. Log#6 1 75D0541K
7. Log#7 1 75D0542K
8. Log#8 1 86D0019K
Failure to position the parts in accordance with
these diagrams or failure to use only parts
specifically approved with this appliance may
result in property damage or personal injury.
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677• Rev B •01/17 27
The following components are warranted for life to the original owner,subject of proof of purchase: Firebox,Combustion
Chamber, Heat Exchanger, Grate, and Stainless Steel Burners.
The following components are warranted for 5 years to the original owner,subject of proof of purchase:Vent Free Ceramic
Fiber Logs and Aluminized Burners.
Monessen warrants the components and materials in your gas appliance to be free from manufacturing and material
defects for a period of two years from date of installation.After installation, if any of the components manufactured by
Monessen in the appliance are found to be defective in materials or workmanship, Monessen will, at its option, replace
or repair the defective components at no charge to the original owner. Monessen will also pay for reasonable labor costs
incurred in replacing or repairing such components for a period of two years from the date of installation.Any products
presented for warranty repair must be accompanied by a dated proof of purchase.
This Limited Lifetime Warranty will be void if the appliance is not installed by a qualified installer in accordance with the
installation instructions. The Limited Lifetime Warranty will also be void if the appliance is not operated and maintained
according to the operating instructions supplied with the appliance, and does not extend to(1)firebox/bumer assembly
damage by accident, neglect, misuse, abuse, alteration, negligence of others, including the installation thereof by
unqualified installers, (2) the costs of removal, re-installation or transportation of defective parts on the appliance, or
(3) incidental or consequential damage.All service work must be performed by an authorized service representative.
This warranty is expressly in lieu of other warranties, express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability of
fitness for purpose and of all other obligations or liabilities. Monessen does not assume for it any other obligations or
liability in connection with the sale or use of the appliance. In states that do not allow limitations on how long an implied
warranty lasts, or do not allow exclusion of indirect damage, those limitations of exclusions may not apply to you. You
may also have additional rights not covered in this Limited Lifetime Warranty.
Monessen reserves the right to investigate any and all claims against the Limited Lifetime Warranty and decide upon
method of settlement.
1. Contact your supplier. Make sure you have your warranty, your sales receipt and the model/serial number of your
Monessen product.
Monessen • MJ27NR-S/MJ27PR-S Owner's Manual •20308677 • Rev B •01/17 29