HomeMy WebLinkAboutFB-06-523 oF" f• TOWN OF YARMOUTH Building Department BUILDING (508)398-2231 ext.261 PERMIT NO FB-06-523 PERMIT : ISSUE DATE -10/13/2005- ; PROPOSED USE ; -- ''' APPLICANT 'ChadesPaltsios JOB WEATHER CARD PERMIT TO ; Addition AT(LOCATION) 00018RACHEL RD ZONING DISTRICTIR-25 I Bldg.Type: Residential SUBDIVISION MAP LOT BLOCK 020.3 BUILDING IS TO BE: CONST TYPE 5-A USE GROUP R-4 LOT SIZE CONTRACTOR construct additions for mudroom,bedroom,covered porch and to expand existing livingroom, LICENSE 006653 REMARKS remove existing bedroom,Interior renovations,replacement windows&doors,reroof as per plans dated 10/13/05. Paitsios,Charles 183 Longview Drive AREA(SQ FT) EST COST($ $238,000.00 PERMIT FEE($) $225.00 Centerville MA 02632 OWNER Jere&Pamela Mitchell BUILDING DEPT BY 5087711410 ADDRESS 00018 RACHEL RD West Yarmouth MA 02673 PHONE DEPT FILE COPY