HomeMy WebLinkAboutMayflower DMR 9-18 Enclosed is the Discharge Monitoring Report for Permit # Month/Year for The following reports are included in submittal: For questions on this report please contact: Name At: Phone Email I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system design to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information. The information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature Print Name Date CC: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Permit Number: 305-3 Bureau of Resource Protection - Groundwater Discharge Permit Program Facility: Mayflower Place Groundwater Permit Sampling Date:9-2018 Daily Readings/Analysis Information Date Effluent Reuse Irrigation Turbidity Influent Effluent Chlorine UV Flow Flow Flow pH pH Residual Intensity GPD GPD GPD (mg/l)(%) 1 12330 2 12330 3 12330 4 14482 7.2 5 12525 7.4 6 14525 7.3 7 10527 7.1 8 10528 9 10527 10 12982 7.2 11 13490 7.1 12 10675 7.3 13 12075 7.3 14 11971 7.2 15 11972 16 11971 17 11232 7 18 11058 7.1 19 12767 7.1 20 11454 7.1 21 12637 7.2 22 12637 23 12637 24 12014 7 25 12643 7.2 26 21114 7.3 27 10585 7.2 28 16510 7.1 29 16510 30 16510 31 Groundwater Permit - Discharge Monitoring Report Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Permit Number: 305-3 Bureau of Resource Protection - Groundwater Discharge Permit Program Facility: Mayflower Place Frequency: Monthly Groundwater Permit Sampling Date: 9/12/2018 MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT Contaminant Analysis Information For "0" below detection limit, or not detected, enter "ND" TNTC = too numerous to count. NS = Not Sampled DRY = Not Enough water in well to sample Parameter / Contaminant Units MW-1 MW-2 MW-3d MW-3m MW-3s MW-4d pH SU 5.8 5.8 5.9 6.2 6.3 6.2 Static Level Feet 7.21 10.39 8.98 9.02 8.99 10.11 Specific Conductance umhos/c 264 143 295 308 155 113 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Permit Number: 305-4 Bureau of Resource Protection - Groundwater Discharge Permit Program Facility: Mayflower Place Frequency: Monthly Groundwater Permit 9/12/2018 MONITORING WELL DATA REPORT Contaminant Analysis Information For "0" below detection limit, or not detected, enter "ND" TNTC = too numerous to count. NS = Not Sampled DRY = Not Enough water in well to sample Parameter / Contaminant Units MW-4m MW-4s MW-5 MW-6 MW-8d MW-8s pH SU 5.7 5.8 6.1 5.9 6.3 6.3 Static Level Feet 9.69 10.38 9.71 7.42 11.24 9.26 Specific Conductance umhos/c 277 264 186 165 244 288 Monitoring Well Data for Groundwater Permit Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Permit Number: 305-4 Bureau of Resource Protection - Groundwater Discharge Permit Program Facility: Mayflower Place Frequency: Monthly Groundwater Permit Sampling Date: 9/28/18 DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT Contaminant Analysis Information For "0" below detection limit, or not detected, enter "ND"TNTC = too numerous to count.NS = Not Sampled Effluent Method Parameter / Contaminant Units Influent Effluent Detection Limit BOD mg/l 5 ND 3 TSS mg/l 15 8.7 2 Total Solids mg/l 420 Ammonia-N mg/l ND Nitrate-N mg/l 5.7 0.25 Total Nitrogen(NO3+NO2+TKN)mg/l 6.9 0.25 Oil & Grease mg/l 0.6 0.5 Groundwater Permit - Discharge Monitoring Report Date Received: Date Reported: P.O. Number Work Order #: Project Name: Enclosed are the analytical results and Chain of Custody for your project referenced above. The sample(s) were analyzed by our Warwick, RI laboratory unless noted otherwise. When applicable, indication of sample analysis at our Hudson, MA laboratory and/or subcontracted results are noted and subcontracted reports are enclosed in their entirety. All samples were analyzed within the established guidelines of US EPA approved methods with all requirements met, unless otherwise noted at the end of a given sample's analytical results or in a case narrative. The Detection Limit is defined as the lowest level that can be reliably achieved during routine laboratory conditions. These results only pertain to the samples submitted for this Work Order # and this report shall not be reproduced except in its entirety. We certify that the following results are true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact our Customer Service Department. Approved by: Whitewater, Inc.John ApreaWastewater Division253B Worcester Rd., Bldg 2Charlton, MA 01507 9/28/2018 10/9/2018 1809-20970 PROJECT #70022851 MAYFLOWER PLACE - WWTP - MONTHLY Attn: Laboratory Certification Numbers (as applicable to sample's origin state): Warwick RI * RI LAI00033, MA M-RI015, CT PH-0508, ME RI00015, NH 2070, NY 11726 Hudson MA * M-MA1117, RI LAO00319 LABORATORY REPORT Dawne E. Smart Data Reporting Manager Page 1 of 3 R.I. Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Report Work Order #: Whitewater, Inc. 1809-20970 PROJECT #70022851 MAYFLOWER PLACE - WWTP - MONTHLYProject Name: PARAMETER RESULTS SAMPLE LIMIT DET. UNITS METHOD ANALYZED DATE/TIME ANALYST Sample Type : 9/27/2018 - 9/28/2018 @08:30 COMPOSITE INFLUENT - COMPOSITE 001 Sample Date / Time : Sample Description: Sample Number: BOD 5 NQD9/28/2018SM5210B 21edmg/l3.05.1 21:37 Total Suspended Solids BR10/3/2018SM2540D 18-21edmg/l2.015 17:09 Total Solids BR10/1/2018SM2540B 18-21edmg/l10420 17:28 Ammonia (as N)KLE10/1/2018EPA 350.1mg/l0.20<0.20 13:56 PARAMETER RESULTS SAMPLE LIMIT DET. UNITS METHOD ANALYZED DATE/TIME ANALYST Sample Type : 9/27/2018 - 9/28/2018 @08:40 COMPOSITE EFFLUENT - COMPOSITE 002 Sample Date / Time : Sample Description: Sample Number: BOD 5 NQD9/28/2018SM5210B 21edmg/l3.0<3.0 21:37 Total Suspended Solids BR10/3/2018SM2540D 18-21edmg/l2.08.7 17:09 Total Solids BR10/1/2018SM2540B 18-21edmg/l10250 17:28 Nitrite (as N)HHC9/28/2018EPA 300.0mg/l0.25<0.25 22:19 Nitrate (as N)HHC9/28/2018EPA 300.0mg/l0.255.7 22:19 TKN (as N)APD10/2/2018SM4500NOrg-D 18-21edmg/l0.501.2 9:00 Total Nitrogen (as N)APD10/2/2018CALCULATIONmg/l0.256.90 9:00 PARAMETER RESULTS SAMPLE LIMIT DET. UNITS METHOD ANALYZED DATE/TIME ANALYST Sample Type : 9/28/2018 @ 08:50 GRAB EFFLUENT - GRAB 003 Sample Date / Time : Sample Description: Sample Number: Oil & Grease Gravimetric LAA10/2/2018EPA 1664Amg/l0.50.6 17:00 Page 2 of 3 Page 3 of 3