HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 4760 Jt -YAst . .,.,..y TOWN OF YARMOUTH iit• 4 G BOARD OF APPEALS 1 (,t= ; DECISION 0; 1:... .�;,.',- • Bk 31591 Pa7O50589 10-12-2018 A 11 : 34a FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: August 29,2018 PETITION NO: 4760 HEARING DATE: August 23,2018 PETITIONER: Gervanlo DeOliveira PROPERTY: 896 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA Map&Lot#:0041.19; Zoning District: B-2 Book/Page: 30876/336 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Chairman Steven DeYoung,Sean Igoe,Dick Martin, Thomas Nickinello,Tom Baron and Susan Brita. Notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner and all those owners of property as required by law, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and publishing in The Register,the hearing opened and held on the date stated above. The Petitioner seeks a modification of an existing Variance Petition No. 1675 and subsequent modification to Petition Nos. 3035 and 4245 to allow rental of front home as single-family without owner-occupation. The property is located in the B-2 Zoning District and contains approximately 20,000 square feet of area. The property is currently improved with two buildings thereon, a front building is a one and one-half-story single family dwelling with 2 bedrooms. The rear building is a one-story two- family dwelling with 3 bedrooms. The procedural history of this property reflects the grant of an easement by Petition No. 1675 on June 26, 1980 to allow the conversion of the use of the front building on the lot from a retail use to a residential use,thereby allowing both buildings on the lot to be residential. On October 28, 1993,Petition No. 3035 sought a modification and clarification of language within the text of No. 1675 allowing the 2 buildings on the property to be used for"family and personal use". The Board found that the 2 buildings may both be residential, the front house shall be non- rental owner-occupied,and the rear house may be a rental property. On April 9, 2009, Petition No. 4245 requested modification of Petition No. 1675 as previously modified by decision in Petition No. 3035 to delete the "non-rental" restriction set forth in the Variance relating to the owner-occupied front building/residence.The relief requested was granted by this Board allowing that the front building/residence be rented, conditioned that it remains owner-occupied and only up to two(2) of its bedrooms be rented. The present Petition requests modification of Petition No. 4245 to allow for the front building/residence to be a non-owner-occupied single-family rental property. The Board found that,the requested relief should be granted as: 1) The change of use would not be substantially more detrimental to the town or neighborhood; 2) There exists a special circumstance relating to the current use of the property, and the specific site and structures thereon; 3) The requested use will not be substantially more detrimental to the public good;and, 4) The proposed change will not substantially derogate from the intent and purpose of the bylaw or of the Variance granted in Petition No.4245. Accordingly, a Motion was made by Mr. Nickinello, seconded by Mr. Martin, to grant the modification of the Variance, as requested, with the conditions that: a) there be a review of the status of the rental property in one year; and, b) all rentals shall be for a minimum term of thirty (30) days, c) All Board of Health review and approvals be satisfied. The members voted unanimously in favor of the Motion. No permit shall issue until 20 days from the filing of this decision with the Town Clerk. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein,a Variance shall lapse if the rights authorized herein are not excised within 12 months.(See MGL c40A§10) aSteven eYoung,Cha an ,, 7). THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal#4760 Date: September 19,2018 Certificate of Granting of Variance (General Laws Chapter 40A, Section 11) The Board of Appeals of the Town of Yarmouth Massachusetts hereby certifies that a Variance has been granted to: Gervanio DeOliveira Post Office Box 671 West Yarmouth,MA 02673 Affecting the rights of the owner with respect to land or buildings at 896 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA; Zoning District: B-2; Map & Lot#: 0041.19; Book/Page: 30876/336 and the said Board of Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and correct copy of its decision granting said Special Permit and Variance, and that copies of said decision, and of all plans referred to in the decision, have been filed. The Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 (last paragraph) provides that no Variance, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the Town Clerk that twenty days (20) have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk and no appeal has been filed or that, if such appeal has been filed,that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. fir.,SieS Steven DeYoung Etiairman s , -- _ _ TOWN OF YARMOUTH Town itrs '' " k' MASSACHUSETTS 02664 4451 Clerk i = 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH, Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1285,Fax(508)398-0836 1 CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK I, Philip B. Gaudet, III, Town Clerk, Town of Yarmouth, do hereby certify that 20 days have elapsed since the filing with me of the above Board of Appeals Decision #4760 that no notice of appeal of said decision has been filed with me, or, if such appeal has been filed it has been dismissed or denied. All appeals have been exhausted. ,� tiyT r / t .- I D (q I t1gid : . •- fc 4 BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS John F. Meade, Register TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS HEARING NOTES Petition#17oo Petitioners'Vfifl/V32Q£9/UP/r4Hearing Date: 19.45-1( REQUEST: SPECIAL PERMIT: § VARIANCE: § Overturn B.I. Memberslof the Board present and voting. Mar V) .-r� 0e/Yo t +N,o6 U (� �- ViA4ro, i It appearinglthat doticelof said he rin ikas been given by sbnding notice there to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be ffected thereby and that public notice of such hearing having been given by publication in the Register the hearing was opened and held on the date first above written. IN FAVOR ,{, Reason for the Decision: Motion by:NO4-4)0 kriati Seconded by: M 4t-4\ ti Vote: LLtt OADJA tui Members voting in favor: Opposed: Therefore,the SPECIAL PERMIT VARIANCE APPEAL is GRANTED DENIED WITHDRAWN CONTINUED TO: CONDITIONS: EXHIBITS RECEIVED AT HEARING: Air CLERK: # Date: g \ l 1.8 CLERK-CHAIRMAN HEARING Is fiti• I'_R-?e, TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECEDED o - BOARD OF APPEALS e MATn •f ---:�, TA,...�,•�gra, JUL 1 g 2018 :;; . APPLICATION FOR HEARING TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA Appeal#: rn7 Hearing Date: S/9// V Fee$ Q2d� a O Owner-Applicant: C�EA✓R/f/D pe 014 I aektA- (Full Names-including d/b/a) o BOA' o w. ya en'z,� Mit 5-of- 25% - 5'6'5 (Address) // (Telephone Number) (Email Address) and is the (check one) (YOwner 0 Tenant 0 Prospective Buyer 0 Other Interested Party Property: This application relates to the property located at: $9G ,&q€z cv,,, KA/1/<a/T/f MA' and shown on the Assessor's Map#: eq as Parcel ____/ Zoning District:32_ If property is on an un-constructed(paper)street name of nearest cross street,or other identifying location: Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following construction/use/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10'by 15'deck to the front of our house" or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant seeks the following relief from the Board of Aweals: Pen riotJGil. SEEKS jam /CA pod OF 4kisreMI Vi.4.Jczr167.3r A5 /%on.Ficc gf/ t9eJR35_defi-JD #' CL SK'. MGDnFe.*Tep! ar- G.-tin S7'LS ' 5CE/cs f¢/loe ah✓c1 or/curia/ Or- Fila,✓? /loac As si..rgrE 2Z cter 11/net 0 7 D7,-)S. Cera/Pe Ti 1) REVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). State the reason for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. • 2) SPECIAL PERMIT under § of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 .(use space below if needed) 3)/VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from / which relief is requested,and, as to each section, specify the relief sought: /�,o J)(r-(eA-re sA Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: ` ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional information which you feel should be included in your application: . x FACT SHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed (if other than applicant): Name &Address .Bic Title deed reference: Book& Page# 3°8'7 334, or Certificate# Land Court Lot# Plan# (provide copy of recent deed) Use Classification: Existing: 82- §202.5 # Proposed: e 2 §202.5 # Is the property vacant: Yes If so,how long?: o ficW-7 n' `�/ AO. -/[E7 BOa�S Lot Information Size/Area: . 7� 'Milan Book and Page / Lot# Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes No Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review(if needed)? Yes_No Other Department(s) Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which are/ have/or will review this project, and indicate the status of their review process: Repetitive Petition: Is this a re-application: If yes, do you have Planning Board Approval? Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator, indicate the date and Appeal number(s) and other available information. Include a copy of the decision(s)wi h this application: - / ATip pen t....' "EJ443 4` cr. " edioo Building Commissioner Comments: Applicant's Attorney/Agent Signature Owner's ignature Address: 909 , 4%r/s 7 fr✓60 E [— (it /H./h a 26 a /411FPhone ,�d 8� ^.3 98• �f�:E-Mail: G .O�' '2t5 ,4, e57 Building Co •i-r Signature sate '9f Bk 30876 Ps336 056559 11-03-2017 a 02 : 150 MASSACHUSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS • Date: 11-03-2017 2 02:15oa Property Address: Ctl:: 863 Doct: 56559 896 Route 28,South Yarmouth,Massachusetts 02664 Fees 31,197.00 Cons: $350,000.00 QUITCLAIM DEED 1,Ken Gabriel,an unmarried individual,of P.O.Box 321,West Yarmouth,Massachusetts 02673, For consideration paid in the amount of Three Hundred Fifty Thousand($350,000.00)Dollars exact, Grant to Gervanio DeOliveira,of P.O.Box 671,West Yarmouth,Massachusetts 02673, With Quitclaim Covenants, A certain parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon,located in Yarmouth (South Yarmouth),Barnstable County,Commonwealth of Massachusetts,bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of the premises in range of the State Highway and land now or formerly of Alfred S.Kelley; Thence running by land of said Kelley North 7° West,two hundred(200)feet to land now or • formerly of Althea D.Matthews; Thence by land of said Matthews North 71°45' East,one hundred(100)feet to land now or formerly of Mary A.C.Phillips; Thence by land now or formerly of said Phillips South 7°East,two hundred(200)feet to said State Highway; • Thence by said State Highway South 71°45' West,one hundred(100)feet to land now or formerly of said Kelley and the point of beginning. BARNSTABLE COUNTY EXCISE TAX BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS Date: 11-03-2017 8 02:15om Containing 20,000 square feet of land. Ctlt: 863 Doc' 56559 Fee: $1,071.00 Cons: $350,000.00 The above property is conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all matters of record insofar as the sante are in effect and applicable. For Grantor's title see deed recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 21261,Page 247. The Grantor hereby releases all rights of homestead in the above property and further certifies under the pains and penalties of perjury that no former spouse,partner or former partner in a civil union can claim the benefit of a homestead by statute,court order,declaration,or otherwise in said property. Bk 30876 Pg337 #56559 Witness myhand and seal this r� day of November 2017. 3 .72c2j. KEN GABRIEL Commonwealth of Massachusetts County of¶arnstable On this 3 day of November 2017,before me,the undersigned notary public,personally appea K A I proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification,which was ,proved to me to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or atta hed document as his free act and deed in my presence,and who swore and, affirmed to me that the contents of the document are truthful and accurate to the best of his knowledge and belief,and acknowledged to me that he signed it voluntarily for its stated purpose. ottimairtuo ire 't,, �i r$''3 Nota {(T'T' 'r ► ` b�? U:l &Public, , ,� a ` My commission expires: ,1,45totr,(.0 3\ ki '�irtrrnnga o- • BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS' John F. Meade, Register te YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS ABU1-1'bRS LIST Petition# IVO Name at.V. rr o ,► _, 1 Filing Date: 7./9-79 Hearing Date: <-52- c-/e5 �J // Property Location: / � , azif cg,„ �� 5/ -J//// Notices must be sent to the petitioner(applicant),abuttersand owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way,and abutters to the abutters(only within 300 feet of the property line)of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the abutters map and lot number . Postage charges for all applications will be determined by multiplying the number of abutters (and the parcel (s)in question) times .560,which is the current cost for the two required mailings. Add that to the application fee and include your check with the application. Map Lot Number Map Lot Number Number Number Applicant # 4L/ /9 Abutters #'s -51/ /Se 9/ / /- / /T fi -'- . 2 Labels-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado,Director of Assessing te 41/ 17/ / / 41/ 21.1/ / / DIGIOVANNI GERARD J BASS RIVER REALTY LLC DIGIOVANNI JOSEPH 113 PLEASANT ST 67 BAKER ST SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 BELMONT,MA 02178-4024 41/ 18/ / / 41/ 28.1/ / / STANLEY ROBERT D LONE TREE LLC STANLEY DEBORAH 1 169 MAIN ST 890 ROUTE 28 YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-5242 41/ 19/ / / 41/ 28.2/ / / DEOLIVEIRA GERVANIO EGLI HERBERT H TRS PO BOX 671 EGLI JANICE A TRS WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 47 SAWMILL LN GREENWICH,CT 06830 41/ 20/ / / 41/ 28.3/ / / GERARDI DIEGO A SCALES RICHARD M TRS GERARDI SASHA A SCALES RICHARD L TRS 17 BRIDLE PATH 240 RALPH TALBOT ST BREWSTER MA 02631 SOUTH WEYMOUTH,MA 02190 41/. 27/ / / SOUSA LORRAINE A TRS TOOMEY LISAMTRS Please use this signature to certify this list of properties 143 TOPSFIELD RD abutting within 300' of the parcel located at: WENHAM,MA 01984-1239 896 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 41/ 36/ / / Assessors Map 41, Lot 19 PCHRISTINE A 14 14 PINE GROVE RD �C�U/CQ/•t.B SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 Andy Ivrichado, Director of Assessing 41/ 43/ / / MOORE CLIVE A THORPE MOORE MARETA 19 PINE GROVE RD SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 41/ 46/ / / • THE LAUNDRY CENTER OF CAPE COD INC TR 897 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 41/ 47/ / / SWAMINARAYAN LLC MAHENDRA R BHATT 891 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 41/ 48/ / / DPI LLC 1264 MAIN ST WALTHAM,MA 02451 Property Location: 896 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:41119/I/ Bldg Name: State Use:1090 Vision ID:4432Account#4432 Bldg ii: 2 of 2 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 2 of 2 Print Date:07/19/2018 13:28 . CONSTRUCTION DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL'(CONTINUED) Element Cd. Ch. Description Element Cd. Ch. Description Style 01 Ranch Model 01 Residential 8 Grade 02 Below Average Stories I - 1 Story 2 12 Occupancy MIXED USE Exterior Wall 1 14 Wood Shingle Code Description Percentage Exterior Wall 2 25 Vinyl Siding 1090 MULTI IISES AIDL-01 100 4 26 Roof Structure 03 Gable/flip Roof Cover 113 Asph/F Gls/Cmp . Interior Wali I 05 Drywall/Sheet Interior Wall 2 COST/MARKET VALUATION= r 0 Interior Fir I 14 Carpet Adj.Base Rate: 98.92 Interior Fir2 11 Ceram Clay Til IS 1,940 BAS Heat Fuel 03 Gas Net Other Adj.. - 0.00 Heat Type 04 Forced Air-Due Replace Cost 151,940 4 AYB 1940 40 AC Type 01 None Total Bedrooms 03 3 Bedrooms Dep Code F Total Bth ms 1 Remodel Rating Total Half Baths 0 Year Remodeled Total Xtra Fiat's Dep% 38 r 0 Total Rooms - Functional Obslnc D Bath Style 02 Average External Obsinc 10 Kitchen Style 02 Modern Cost Trend Factor 34 • Condition %Complete Overall%Cond 52 APpmis Val 79,000 1t r ty„�' G , t c �`-I,-M Dep%Ovr D uY .7- 7 _ " Dep Ovr Comment r t YIi Misc Ira Ovr D r s� 1 sit jt yj",1 -,22.4.2?-..,12-<,...;1 Misc Imp Ovr Comment ' ` ► . - �# 1.i. z Ifr.et 4Y� Cost to Cum Ovr D �.-( r q,4 r 1 X "i' s .'+ger Cost to Cure Ovr Comment a f r(y' � -.\-a XF .4 .AF< , � v3kip. OB OUTBUILDING& YARD ITEMS(L)/XF BUILDING EXTRA FEATURES(B) fl , 'r . � e srs s, *' `� Code Description iso I Sub Descript L/BI Units Unit Price Yr Gde,Dp Rt Cnd %Cnd Apr Value 4 r.r t;�p� at-.� 4F' � ' / �, ,4 F_.. •; f,.re.- ; SIIDI $HEDFRA11ME L 6 8.00 1995 0 50 400 :w v a = • s d '' 1"�*' { %''i �y.,.^x1t} �j; �° j�I y. ." nr .:_ ---«.+'^u4^µ 4,4 .4 "` .. eiii 1. - '� :„ '%= t 4 „d ' ' & **11 BUILDING SUB-4REA'SK/MMABYSECT/ON " - "`, t , � tt -3 3 �_ Code Description Living Area Gross Area E/i Area Unit Cost Undeprec Value rt,s S j� ' .,_,_ n Y j . BAS First Floor 1,536 1,536 1,536 98.92 151 940 " ' '�, ... ;:. .�= y,,...,<...,+ r e ..,, :-, a a d'-- '$ w..., 1 -,y - $. i S ,ifs'.«. :. t "TMt a. 4 car; iii ,�F 41 : .R._ M n h t b • V { $1 TM Gross Lir/Lease Area: 1,536 1,5361 1,536 151,740R,< Mst .wwr, w...n x r r,.c r:.`"_:; Property Location:896 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:41/19/// Bldg Name: State Use:1090 Vision ID:4432 Account#4432 Bldg#: 2 of 2 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 2 of 2 Print Date:07/19/2018 13:28 CURRENT OWNER TOFU UTILITIES STRT✓ROAD LOCATION CURRENT SSE.SSMENT DEOLIVEIRA GERVANIO 1 Level 2 Public Water 1 Paved 4 Bus.District Description Code Appraised Value Assessed Value PO BOX 671 — 4 Gas 11ESIDNTL 1090 161,100 161,100 815 6 Septic - RES LAND 1090 152,100 152,100 YARMOUTH,MA RESIDNTL 1090 400 400 REST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 - SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Additional Owners: Other ID: 28/K001/// VOTE MISC 190 VOTE DATE CHANGES PRIVATE R( BETTERMENT ♦`, ISION PLAN NUMBEI ZIP CODE 2664 GIS ID: M_307371_823475 ASSOC PID" Total 313,600 313,600 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP -:_ BK-VO//PAGE SALE DATE q/u v/i SALE PRICE KC :'; PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS(BATOR DEOLIVEIRA GERVANIO 30876/336 11/03/2017 Q I 350,000 Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code _Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value GABRIEL KEN 21261/247 08/10/2006 Q 1 400,000 2018 1090 158,7002017 1090 159,1002016 1090 159,100 GOLLIFF ROBERT 9234/ 5 06/13/1994 I 2018 1090 152,1002017 1090 152,100 2016 1090 152,100 LORRAINJ LOUIS 06/13/1994 U 1 72,500 IA 2018 1090 400 Total: 311,200 Total: 311,200 Total: 311,200 EXEMPTIONS - OTHER ASSESSMENTS _ This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int - =APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Total. Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 79,000 •- ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD - - Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 0 NBND/SUB NBIID Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 400 K/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 0 NOTES -' "- .SpeciallandValue 0 GREY OF E/F Total Appraised Parcel Value 313,600 2ND SIIDI/NV(SIZE) Valuation Method: C Adjustment: 0 Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 313,600 BUILDING PERMIT RECORD -_ z VISITI CHANGE HISTORY Permit ID_ Issue Date _ Type Description Amount Insp.Date %Comp. Date Comp._ Comments Date Type IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result _ 02/22/2018 02 BH SV Sales Verification 01/23/2017 02 KL CL Cyclical 07/26/2015 RF 54 Field Review 02/27/2014 AC 01 Measur+IVisit 02/27/2014 AC 04 MeasurNae/Boarded up LAND LINE VALUATIONSECTION - B Use Use Unit L Acre C ST. Special Pricing S Adj it Code Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price Factor SA. Disc Factor Ids Adj. Notes-Adj Spec Use Spec Calc Fact Adj.Unit Price Land Value 2 1090 MULTI HSES MDL-01 C 0 SF 4.21 1.0000 0 1.0000 1.00 K 1.00 .00 4.21 0 Total Card Land Units: 0.00[ACI Parcel Total Land Area0.46 AC ITotal Land Value: 0 Property Location: 896 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:41/19/// Bldg Name: State Use:1090 Vision ID:4432 __Account#4432 Bldg#: 1 of 2 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 2 Print Date:07/19/2018 13:28 - - CONSTRUCTION DETAIL - -`CONSTRUCTION DETAIL(CONTINUED) Element Cd. Ch. Description Element Cd. Ch. Description Style 06 Conventional Model DI Residential 14 • Grade 03 Average Stories 1.5 l 1/2 Stories - WDK Occupancy 1 MIXED USE - 14 Exterior Wall l 14 Wood Shingle - Code Description Percentage •� Exterior Wall2 1090 MULTI HSES MDL-01 100 Roof Structure 03 Gable/Hip ••• Roof Cover 03 Asph/F GIs/Cmp r; Interior Wall 1 03 Plastered fr Interior Wall 2 COST/MARKET VALUATION:i FHS Interior Fir 1 14 Carpet Adj.Base Rate: 113.65 BAS • Interior Fir 2 II Ceram Clay Til 136,833 UBM - 2' Heat Fuel 03 Gas Net Other Adj: 4,750.00 Heat Type 05 Ilot Water Replace Cost 141,583 AYB 1920 AC Type 01 None Total Bedrooms 02 2 Bedrooms Dep Code A Total Bths 2 Remodel Rating 28 mi Total Half Baths 0 Year Remodeled 28 Total Xtra Fixtrs Dep% 32 Total Rooms Functional Obslnc II FOP Bath Style 02 Average - External Obslnc 10 28 • Kitchen Style 02 Modern Cost Trend Factor Condition %Complete Overall%Cond 58 Apprais Val B2,100 Dep%Ovr D ' Dep Ovr Comment Misc Imp Ovr D %.r s a Mise Imp Ovr Comment 1s.{ rs t - Cost to Cure Ovr 0 ,x'` r - - Cost to Cure Ovr Comment An c'r Maw tt [_ "� OB OUTBUILDING& YARD ITEMS(L}/XF BU/LDINC EXT/tA FLATURES(B) "'fit Code Descri lion Sub Sub Descri it LIR Units Unit Price®Gde D. Rt Cnd %Cnd A.r Value '' "' gGy. y. f w "' i 5+i;r. y'G.�'r ,f1' e' '. Y.r. 11s = - - BUILDING SUBAREASUMWARYSECTION < - 1- '"�- Code Descri.tion Livin_ Area Gross Area El.Area Unit Cost Unde.rec. Value BAS First Floor 682 682 682 113.65 77,508 �g '*- ;,..4-4:41C, `5"' FHS Half Story,Finished 336 672 336 56.82 FOP Porch,Open,Finished 0 224 45 22.83 , - _ - UBM Basement,Unfinished 0 672 134 22.66 15,229 WDK Deck,Wood 0 70 7 11.36 796 ,,,'- — _ ,ynaC - s ,,.�, '..."-'44°C7.. A,. r ,i tick Ttl Gross Liv/Lease Area: 1,018 2,320 1,204 141,583 tw;L..:....`: 1.� .u.„„. "... a ,..R � °�.,".�... . . ". *' Property Location:896 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:41/19/// Bldg Name: State Use:1090 Vision ID:4432Account#4432 Bldg#: 1 of 2 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 2 Print Date:07/19/2018 13:28 " CURRENT OWNER "= .r - .TOPO. `UTIIITIES, STRT✓ROAD `LOCATION. " CURRENT AS.SE.SS.MENT DEOLIVEIRA GERVANIO I Level 2 Public Water- 1 Paved 4 Bus.District Description Code Appraised Value Assessed Value 4 Gas RESIDNTL 1090 161,100 161,100 815 PO BOX 671 RES LAND 1090 152,100 152,100 YARMOUTH,MA 6 Septic RESIDNTL 1090 400 400 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 - `-SUPPLEMENTAL DATA _ Additional Owners: Other ID: 28/K001/// VOTE MISC 190 VOTE DATE CHANGES PRIVATE R( BETTERMENT N VISIO PLAN NUMBEI VISION ZIP CODE 2664 GIS ID: M_307371_823475 ASSOC P/D# Total 313,600 313,600 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP BK-VO//PAGE SALE DATE q/u v/i SALE PRICE KG PREVIOUSASSESSMENTS(HIS FOR DEOLIVEIRA GERVANIO 30876/336 11/03/2017 Q I 350,000 Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value GABRIEL KEN 21261/247 08/10/2006 Q I 400,000 2018 1090 - 158,7002017 1090 ' 159,1002016 1090 159,100 GOLLIFF ROBERTA 9234/ 5 06/13/1994 I 2018 1090 152,1002017 1090 152,100 2016 1090 152,100 LORRAINJ LOUIS 06/13/1994 U 1 72,500 IA 2018 1090 400 Total: 311,200 Total: 311,200 Total: 311,200 EXEMPTIONS ' 'OTHER ASSESSMENTS Tbis signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Total. Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 82,100 ASSESSING NEICl/BORHOOD - - Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 0 NBHD/SUB NBHD Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 0 K/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 152,100 _ , NOTES . Special Land Value 0 GREY UA E/A REAR DORMER Total Appraised Parcel Value 313,600 Valuation Method: C Adjustment 0 Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 313,600 _. _... _ ->BUILDING PERMIT RECORD ' VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY PermitIDLL Issue Date Type Description Amount Insp.Date %Comp. Date Comp. Comments Date Type IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result 18-003568 01/22/2018 AL Alterations 1,500 0 Alterations per approver 02/22/2018 02 BH SV Sales Verification 16-005261 03/25/2016 RF Re-Roof 500 0 Roofing:4 squares 01/23/2017 02 KL CL Cyclical 13-485 10/02/2012 RF Re-Roof 600 0 STRIP AND REROOF, 07/26/2015 RF 54 Field Review 10-095 07/20/2009 RF Re-Roof 300 0 STRIP&REROOF 2.5:02/27/2014 AC 01 Measur+lVisit 02/27/2014 AC 04 Measur/Vac/Boarded up LAND LINE VALUATION SECTION - - _ B Use Use Unit I. Acre C ST. Special Pricing S Adj # Code Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price Factor S.A. Disc Factor Ids Adj, Notes-Adj Spec Use Spec Calc Fact Adj. Unit Price Land Value 1 1090 MULTI IISES MDL-0I C 20,038 SF 7.59 1.0000 K 1.0000 1.00 K L00 1.00 7.59 152,100 Total Card Land Units:( 0.461 AC Parcel Total Land Area:0.46 AC. I Total Land Value: 152,100 -/ \ 50.2 50.2 R. tii Svsa n Pond s 50.1 A 42.36 ►uil Isllnd ^; - : ass Ri' 41.24.1 , roW rts oi1a �' 41.23 42.32.1 42.42 200.1 . , 41.22 � ji 42.46 :L�. q � „ . del IP r �` ___I ,.,- --. .-;:ictfr,s- Iver--_,* iiiii• • - — es , 4_1 :4,s.it • , " Cc-4U? 4 . f ` 0.83: 41.14C '� gas a 4, 1 , - s _so 1 �O•l 10 , pi •� : irr 41.49 > ' € } c� sett triiiiitiv��� y S # Y iile ��!or\ 33.70 41A` *� _ nisillit � . ,d 1,33.94 * �� >� ����o n mail 0001 RIM Watt� ' , , 00,..,ileO��®� �►���s��*� 11111 33.39iiill:tsill41011111111.1.� ��a 11-���� �/a ® ip����� M����33. `®,�1� �' �� ®��®® ` ���* ro �����n ill an Mint ® �a �® � �t11111! 896 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 " 1 inch = 592 feet "' ?E T Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and Informational purposes only.yARMOlon (MA) and Vision Government Solutions are not responsible for any use for other purposes or misuse or misrepresentation of this information. 7/13/2018 NEW ENGLAND LAND SURVEY MCIRTGIAgg iN5 ' oN *A$ Professional Land Surveyors NAME GERVANIO DE OLIVEIRA 95 95 710 MAIN STREET N.Oxford, MA 01537 LOCATION 896 ROUTE 28 ----- cn0 PHONE: (508) 987-0025 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 4 FAX: (508) 234-7723 RECIOTRY BARNSTABLE SCALE 1 -50 DATE BASED UPON DOCUMENTATION PROVIDED. REQUIRED MEASUREMENTS WERE CERTFY TO:FRANKLIN AMERICAN MORTGAGE COMPANY MADE OF THE FRONTAGE AND BUILDING(S) SHOWN ON THIS MORTGAGE \VA OF 0441/4 INSPECTION PLAN. W OUR JUDGEMENT ALL VISIBLE EASEMENTS ARE DEED REFERENCE: 21261/247 SHOWN AND THERE ARE NO VIOLATIONS OF ZONING REQUIREMENTS GEORGE REGARDING DWEWNG STRUCTURES TO PROPERTY LINE OFFSETS (UNLESS EDWARD PLAN REFERENCE: ---- OTHERWISE NOTED FI DRAWING BELOW). NOTE: NOT DEFINED ARE ABOVE -� GROUND POOLS. DRIVEWAYS, OR SHEDS WITH NO FOUNDATIONS. ETC. SMITH III v, THIS IS A MORTGAGE INSPECTION PUN, NOT AN INSTRUMENT SURVEY. NO. 38 18 WE CERTIFY THAT THE BULDAIG(S)ARE NOT ems THE SPECIAL DO NOT USE TO ERECT FENCES. OTHER BOUNDARY STRUCTURES. OR TO '• FLOOD HAZARD AREA. SEE FIRM PLANT SHRUBS. LOCATION OF THE STRUCTURE(S) SHOWN HEREON IS OTHER IN COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL ZONING FOR PROPERTY UNE OFFSET A\ A. 4 - 25001C0589J DTR 7/16/14 REQUIREMENTS, OR IS EXEMPT FROM VIOLATION ENFORCEMENT ACTION - a < 4/11:,: UNDER MASS. 0.1.. TIRE VII. CHAP. 40A. SEC. 7. LIMISS OTHERWISE FLOOD HAZARD ZONE HAS BEEN DETERMINED BY SCALE AND 5 NOTED. THIS CERTIFICATION 5 NON-TRANSFERABLE. THE ABOVE NOT NECESSARILY ACCURATE. UNTIL DEFRIINE PUNS ARE ISSUED CERTIFICATIONS ARE MADE WITH THE PROVISION THAT THE INFORMATION BY HUD AND/OR A VERTICAL CONTROL SURVEY 6 PERFORMED, PROVIDED IS ACCURATE AND THAT THE MEASUREMENTS USED ARE PRECISE ELEVATIONS CANNOT BE DETERMINED. ACCURATELY LOCATED IN RELATION TO THE PROPERTY LINES. \W fS :::1::\)' a JICA :)1 20,000 SFt S. #896 0 lel-% REQUESTED BY: STETKS SPERCO LAW OFFICE 0' 25' 50' 75' 100' ISO' PC limmme DRAWN BY: CBC CHECKED en GES SCALE: f•50' FILE: 17MIP10054 � N �, aE � � � n � 7 o_��9u �a�do ao � CO y C � C N LO � •C q 0 01 j � « � N ���� CO �°� � � O � m � a+ a • Y M1 � Ill N H t � C O � Q dai•a°i� d t7 C 'C � C C � y t p'� q W x 5 E � u = C:a•-E �0 Y p O �T$�EQ w� � O � N n T M O u� [.� R r {L� W � Y�1 w � � "'7 � n vv a Q O 3 w � '� Q � � M U � � V w O W s N 'V N Nj O � �b�A � & V In0 R d ��°' �`c um �� a�g��°� 0� d C � y . � R.0 m— c -. p� L 1� C R S. tV w j o �'r � �� c'^o� �OO�H�(7 N� €'ie� 3Q �U' c> m°E a'W � m$��'Ef a � O O � � � pc�y�� vt� . y » �2 LL � �!Ep O �- QC' Od O � N111 �= E� A= �O Yav _�' �E� � d c W K �� E 0 `w � G 0 L � C .G v ? _ ' T R' V; V N m � N � C NI � � � R 3 N d >�°y ��c"�o� C � x � 3 Q o� d� a.. 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