HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 4764 Bk 31574 Ps300 • . 049166 . 10-04-2018 a 08 :23a F t4 " R4 TOWN'OF YARMOUTH �, a al BOARD OF APPE4ILS 0 .. ` _ ..- y DECISION • FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: August 30,2018 PETITION NO: #4764 HEARING DATE: August 23,2018 PETITIONER: Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless PROPERTY: South Yarmouth United Methodist Church 318 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth,MA Map &lot#: 0061.22.1; Zoning District: RS-40 and 13-2. Book& Page: 53/506; 117/15; 509/376; 876/361; and 1349/89. MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Steven DeYoung,Chairman,Sean Igoe,Dick Martin, Thomas Nickinello,Susan Brits and Tom Baron(nonvoting)Alternate. ' Notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner and all those owners of property as required by law; and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and publishing in The Register,the hearing opened and held on the date stated above. I.PROCEDURAL HISTORY On July 24, 2018 Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Petitioner" or "Applicant") filed application with the Town of Yarmouth Town Clerk and Zoning Board of Appeals ("Board") to obtain a Special Permit in accordance with the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaws("Bylaws")and Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A and the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 U.S.C. 332(c)(7)(B) to install wireless communications equipment, including antennas and radio equipment, inside the South Yarmouth Methodist Church and install a stand-by power generator on-grade behind the Church building located at 318 Old Main Street,Assessor's Map 61, Lot 22.1 ("Subject Property") The following material was submitted with the Petitioner's application and was considered by the Board in its deliberations and was made part of the record hereof and is incorporated herein by reference: 1 1) Application for a Board of Appeals Public Hearing Accepted by the Town Clerk on July 24,2018. 2) Statement in Support of Application for a Special Permit Dated July 20,2018. 3) Authorization from the property owner,Applicant's Landlord,to file the Application. 4) Field Card,Tax Map and Deed of Subject Property. 5) Copies of Applicant's FCC Licenses. 6) RF Report and RF Coverage Plots prepared by C2 Systems dated April 12,2018. 7) RF Emissions Compliance Report prepared by Donald L. Haes, Jr., Ph. D, CHP, dated May31,2018. 8) Narrative Titled:Alternate Site Analysis—The Search Area Process. 9) Environmental Sound Assessment prepared by Modeling Specialties, dated June 12, 2018. 10) Copies of the Applicant's Site Plan Review Approval and Design Review Approval and prior zoning permits. 11) Photos of Subject Property 12) Site Plans and Elevation Drawings prepared by Hudson Design Group, with last revision date of 7-18-18,consisting of Sheets T-1, C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4,A-1,A-2. A duly advertised and noticed public hearing on the application was opened in the Yarmouth Town Hall on August.23, 2018 when testimony began and the proceedings were concluded ("Hearing"). A quorum of the Board was present consisting of Chairman DeYoung, and Mr. Igoe, Mr. Nickinello, Mr. Martin, Ms. Mita, and Mr. Baron. The Petitioner was represented by Carl Gehring,of Gehring&Associates,LLC, as Agent for the Applicant,and joined by Sean Mahoney (Verizon Wireless's Real Estate Department),Dr. Donald Haes(Certified Health Physicist),Doug Sheadel (Acoustical Expert), and Dan Brown(Radio Frequency"RF"Engineer). Mr. Gehring introduced the experts present and walked the Board through the contents of the submitted Application materials. The RF Plots were displayed and certain significant coverage gaps and network capacity issues were explained which justified the need for the new site. RF emissions compliance with federal law was demonstrated and compliance with all applicable noise regulations was demonstrated,with the minor exception at the lot line immediately adjacent to the proposed generator. A waiver for this minor exceedance was respectfully requested. Photos were displayed which demonstrated how the proposed installation would be entirely stealth, interior and hidden, with the exception of the generator proposed in the rear behind the Church. The Applicant also pointed out that a last-minute plan change requested by the Church would move the generator from where it was shown on the plans to a location more toward the rear of the site, next to the existing outbuilding off Mill Street. Mr. Gehring explained that the generator would still be surrounded with a fence and shrubs as mandated by the Design Review Committee 2 and as shown on the plans,but would simply be slid further aft approximately forty feet to sit next to the so-called Thrift Shop building"on site: In addition to the aforementioned materials submitted with the Application, an additional Exhibit was submitted during the proceedings consisting of an updated Acoustical Report which demonstrated the proposed generator's on-going compliance with noise guidelines in its proposed new location with the same exception being the lot line immediately adjacent and next to the Library parking lot.The Applicant respectfully requested a waiver for this minor deviation. The Board reviewed the submitted materials and had certain questions relative to the Applicant's. lease term,whether the stand-by generator might run afoul of building/fire codes being so close to the Thrift Shop, and whether Design Review and Site Plan Review conditions relative to the generator will still be honored in its new location.The Applicant stated that they intend to honor the Design Review and Site Plan Review conditions and that any building/fire code issues with the new generator location will be worked out among the Applicant's construction experts, the Building Commissioner and Church officials. No parties spoke in opposition to,orin support of,the Petition. After.the close of the Hearing the Board deliberated and discussed conditions of approval. At the conclusion of those deliberations,the Board moved, seconded and voted unanimously to grant the Special Permit and requested Waivers pursuant to this written Decision. II.FINDINGS a.)General Findings: The Subject Property is located in the RS-40 and B2 zoning districts where Wireless Communications Facilities are allowed by Special Permit. The proposed installation will consist of antennas hidden inside the existing Church steeple and radio equipment hidden inside the Church basement. A natural-gas fueled stand-by power generator on-grade will be placed in the rear of the site, on the Library side of the existing Thrift Shop building surrounded by an 8-foot tall solid fence and shrubs as required by the Design Review Committee. No water or sewer services are needed for this unmanned, unoccupied installation. The Applicant is an FCC Licensed Personal Wireless Service Provider and as such is afforded certain protections under federal law pursuant to the Telecommunications Act of 1996. b.)Wireless Criteria&Findings Section 408 of the Bylaw enumerates various criteria for the application and siting of a Wireless Conununication Facilities. It was noted that the Board has the authority under Section 408.4.1 of the Bylaw to alter or waive Bylaw requirements if doing so will not derogate from the intent of the Bylaw. 3 The Applicant requested waivers from certain provisions it deemed inapplicable to the'subject Petition and the Board concurred under its aforementioned authority. The Applicant also specifically requested an acoustical Waiver for the generator's sound along the Library parking lot side lot line immediately adjacent to proposed generator. The Board granted such waiver. It was found that the Applicant has certain significant gabs in its wireless coverage in the vicinity of the Facility as demonstrated by the submitted RF Plots and that said gaps could be alleviated by installing antennas as shown of the submitted plans. It was found that the proposed unmanned, unoccupied installation will have no environmental impacts or impact on traffic, safety, or neighborhood character. The Board concurred that hiding the antennas inside the steeple and hiding the radio equipment inside the Church building would be visually unobtrusive to the neighborhood. Therefore,upon review of the Applicant's written application and supporting material, combined with testimony, clarifications and explanations given at the Hearing(s), it was considered and determined that the Applicant met all of the requiredcriteria of the Bylaw relative to both its application submittals as well as the specific siting criteria and design standards enumerated in the Bylaw that pertain to its proposed installation. c.)Special Permit Criteria&Findings In addition to the specific Wireless Communication Facilities criteria the Board also considered the general Special Permit criteria of Section 103 of the Bylaw which include the consideration of the following: "Special permits shall not be granted unless the applicant demonstrates that no undue nuisance, • hazard or congestion will be created and that there will be no substantial harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood or town.In addition, individual sections of the Zoning Bylaw contain supplemental special permit criteria for specific uses and types of development." The Board considered these criteria and determined the proposed installation will create no nuisance, hazard, congestion, or harm to the surrounding neighborhood since the majority of the installation will be hidden inside the Church. Therefore, upon review and consideration of the Applicant's submitted material and testimony offered at the Hearing the Board unanimously determined that the proposal meets the specific special permit criteria and submittal requirements as enumerated in the Bylaw. III,Decision and Conditions Based on the above Findings the Board moved, seconded and voted unanimously to grant the Applicant's Special Permit subject to the following conditions: 1.) The Applicant shall be allowed to move the generator further to the rear, adjacent to the Thrift Shop,but must comply with the conditions specified in the Applicant's Site Plan Review Approval and Design Review Approval relative to fencing and shrubbery. 4 • 2.) The Applicant must comply with all Health Department regulations pertaining to the proposed generator. 3.) The Applicant must comply with all Building and Fire Code regulations applying to the proposed generator. 4.)The Applicant shall be responsible for obtaining all its other necessary and required permits including a Building Permit. 5.)The Applicant shall file a revised set of Plans showing the new generator location with the Board of Appeals. Motion to Approve with the aforementioned Conditions was made my Mr. Igoe, seconded by Mr. Martin. Motion carried unanimously. No permit shall issue until 20 days from the filing of this decision with the Town Clerk This decision must be recorded at the Registry of Deeds and a copy forwarded to the Board of Appeals. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filling of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein,the Special Permit shall lapse if a substantial use thereof has not begun within 24 months.(See bylaw,MGL c40A §9) Steven DeYoung,Ch t1 nan 5 • of•vqR COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS k•i ._'7 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 3� ' BOARD OF APPEALS O . , Appeal#4764 Date: September 20,2018 Certificate of Granting of a Special Permit (General Laws Chapter 40A,section 11) The Board of Appeals of the Town of Yarmouth Massachusetts hereby certifies that a Special Permit has been granted to: PETITIONER: Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless do Gehring&Associates,LLC P.O. Box 98, West Mystic,CT 06388 OWNER: South Yarmouth United Methodist Church 318 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth,MA Affecting the rights of the owner with respect to land or buildings at: 318 Old Main Street, (Methodist Church)South Yarmouth. Map & lot#0061.22.1; Zoning District: RS-40 and B-2; Book&Page: 53/506; 117/15; 509/376; 876/361; and 1349/89 and the said Board of. Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and correct copy of its decision granting said Special Permit,and copies of said decision,and of all plans referred to in the decision,have been filed. The Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 (last paragraph)and Section 13,provides that no Special Permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy.of the decision bearing the certification of the Town Clerk that twenty(20)days have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk and no appeal has been filed or that, if such appeal has been filed,that it has been dismissed or denied,is recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. teS ven DeYouhairman • Of r TOWN OF YARMOUTH Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1285,Fax(508)398-0836 Pito k Town " 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Clerk CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK I, Philip B. Gaudet, III, Town Clerk, Town of Yarmouth, do hereby certify that 20 days have elapsed since the filing with me of the above Board of Appeals Decision#4764 that no notice of appeal of said decision has been filed with me, or, if such appeal has been filed ithas been dismissed or denied. All appeals have been exhausted. �1' 4 / / j °r. Cao b 1 k . .� alf4 ,- rf B4RNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS John F. Meade, Register TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS HEARING NOTES Petition#��1 Petitioner: I • w1 ! II Hearing Date: f431( /( REQUEST: SPECIAL PERMIT: § VARIANCE: § Overturn B.I. Members of the Board present and voting. t c ANA (c ne, \. c\6 0-o t& you �,N ktl i %kt-o,J It appearing that noti*of baid hearing has been'given by sen ' totice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby and that public notice of such hearing having been given by publication in the Register the hearing was opened and held on the date first above written. I FAVOR OPPOSED C rGQn s Se,�--L'L � \ Ou 1f-04 5 Tito Reason for the Decision: Motion by: SiP_ Seconded by: Ce{�+..) Vote: Members voting in favorrr � :: Opposed: Therefore,the SPECIAL PERMIT VARIANCE APPEAL is GRANTED DENIED WITHDRAWN CONTINUED TO: D' ' — CONDITIONS: to ANN up • !NC sem, cc-Limit)t- ii et art EXHIBITS RECEIVED AT HEARING: t CLERK: (......c\ZDate: P Ii-.m ( 1 s CLERK-CHAIRMAN HEARING I ' S Hearing Attendees Applicant: Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Subject Parcel: 318 Old Main St.,Assessor's Map 61, Lot 22.1 Proposed: Install antennas in steeple,radio equipment in basement and stand- by power generator out back, surrounded by fence and shrubs. Date: August 23, 2018 The following are the Hearing Attendees and Expert Witnesses on behalf of the above- captioned applicant: ✓ Carl Gehring—Gehring&Associates, LLC, Agent for Applicant ✓ Sean Mahoney—Verizon Wireless Real Estate Department ✓ Dr. Don Haes—Certified Health Physicist (RF Emissions) ✓ Doug Sheadel—Acoustical Expert ✓ Daniel Brown, standing in for Keith Vellante—Radio Frequency (RF) Engineer e Old ooa� odeling, Specialties fathom,I ingsnee avott •,Irtr-mar 0ouR ended,CCM 30 Maple Road Westford,MA O1O0eii. M P !_ l WM)O44.091O Phi• :dane0Jelent1dspeC.cam July 22,2018 Sean Mahoney Project Manager SAI Communications, LLC RE: Environmental Sound Question—Verizon Wireless Yarmouth 6 Modeling Specialties was requested to analyze the projected sound from the proposed facility at the South Yarmouth United Methodist Church under a configuration that is being considered. The current plan is for the generator to be about 6 feet from the property line to the southwest of the current rear porch of the church. The new consideration is to move the generator to the northwest at the end of the auxiliary building. The currently planned plantings would be moved with the generator to provide a visual buffer at adjacent land uses. The current plan was analyzed in detail with regard to environmental sound, documented in the Sound Assessment dated June 12, 2018. All details of the generator are the same except the location. To simplify the analysis of this minor variation, the previous layout plan was updated with the requested information. The updated layout configuration is shown in Figure 1. The sound model was updated with the new generator location. The only receptor location that was changed is the nearby property line receiver representing the South Yarmouth Public Library rear parking lot. In this way, the graphical modeling results can be compared directly to the previous location. The revised modeling results graphic is shown in Figure 2A. For easy comparison,the earlier modeling results graphic is also provided here in Figure 2B Conclusions: - The generator move keeps it approximately the same 6 feet from the property line. However, the sound is slightly less(-1 dB)at the Library parking lot because there is less reflection of sound from the shed than from the large church building. As a result of reflection and a greater distance, the sound is also lower at the Library building(-4 dB)and also at the Bed& Breakfast beyond(-1 dB). This is offset by the sound being higher at the Mill Street property line(+3 dB). It is also increased(+1 dB)at the rear of the restaurant beyond Mill Street. Modest sound levels are expected at other modeled receptors,some of which are expected to be numerically changed because of the move being considered. Respectfully, Modeling Specialties Dlittfris1 eShea RECEIVEDddi AT HEARING Douglas L. Sheadel,CCM �j Principal /I sig `.,l t is (� I Idr 9 Generat _... 4Mr VIIIui I 9G - I t 0 c , 1I j Egaiprrent Odom 1 \ r __, t it i Existing �-- i L___J Church Building \ \ \ s . Existing Paved t V _ Parking Lot South Yarmouth Public Library N m £ i ° I Antennas et a t r N. I .— Graphic Scale In FEET I , In L__..,__.�. i . p Figure 1: Facility Layout with the Generator Moved 35 feet toward Mill Street £ SY � t .`8K 5- p ?, > r ,4,-.., J.,{P i .. ..� * .rq ;a. "-- Z -- SA •"";...‘,.."--T.1;1.1/ .,,k: r r ', "i qty . "+f+i.& wt.".-i%. .. ''_� 'E ,�.;,C� yw;` nw�.,. x`^P.+. xa' , ,, x* 4„, ._ 4, 1t,ss�"'�,,-.. t £t f 'm,` s - fir .. . 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SCALE iN EGET Y .: • s A d z �} 4 , 01 11t, 0 75 1517 ms=z. .�a 3l;,, :'' .� d1 ©� t S:; 1 _ s`r. esti Figure 2B: Graphical Summary of the Sound Modeling with the Current Generator Location(from the June 12,2018 Report) APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT SUBMITTED TO: TOWN OF YARMOUTH ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Applicant: Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Subject Parcel: 318 Old Main Street,Assessor's Map 61, Lot 22.1 South Yarmouth United Methodist Church Zoning District: RS-40 and B2 Proposed Use: Install wireless communications antennas inside the Church Steeple and place accessory radio equipment inside a room in the Church basement and install a stand-by power generator, on-grade behind the Church building. Relief Requested: Special Permit pursuant to Sections 408 and 103 and other applicable sections of the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw and M.G.L. Chapter 40A, and the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 U.S.C. 322(c)(7)(B), all rights reserved. Date: July 20, 2018 On behalf of Verizon Wireless by: Gehring&Associates, LLC P. O. Box 98 West Mystic, CT 06388 860-536-0675 wirelessQehringzone.com venwt wireless • GEHRING & ASSOCIATES, LLC Wireless Planning& Zoning Post Office Box 98 860-536-0675 West Mystic, CT 06388 wireless@geltringzone.com July 20, 2018 Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 Yarmouth,MA 02664 RE: Board of Appeals Application of Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless for the Installation of a Personal Wireless Service Facility at 318 Old Main • Street,Assessor's Map 61, Lot 22.1, in the RS-40 & B2 Zoning District. Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals: Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless("Applicant") is pleased to submit the attached application for zoning relief to install a proposed Personal Wireless Service Facility at 318 Old Main Street, Assessor's Map 61, Lot 22.1 ("Subject Property"). The Subject Property is located in the RS-40 and B2 zoning districts. Verizon Wireless has identified certain significant gaps in its wireless coverage in the area that can be alleviated by creating a new cell site in this section of Town. A search for existing towers did not reveal any such structures nearby.Next, tall buildings or other suitable mounting structures were sought and the subject Church was discovered to be a suitable structure to host an antenna installation. Verizon Wireless proposes to install antennas hidden inside the steeple of the subject Church and place the radio cabinets needed to broadcast from the antennas in an interior room in the basement of the Church building. The result will be a totally stealth and completely hidden wireless installation. The only exterior feature of the proposed installation will be that of a stand-by power generator which is proposed to be placed on- grade to the rear of the Church building, surrounded by a solid fence and shrubs. ce The submitted plans have incorporated changes requested and required during the Design Review process and subsequently approved at Site Plan Review. • Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Yarmouth July 20,2018 Page 2 of 2 Enclosed for your review and consideration are the following which are incorporated into and made part of this Application: Tab 1 -Board of Appeals Application Form Tab 2 - Statement in Support of Application Tab 3 -Landowner Authorization • Tab 4 - Assessor's Field Card, Tax Map and Deeds Tab 5 -Applicant's FCC Licenses Tab 6- Radio Frequency ("RF") Engineer's Report and Coverage Plots Tab 7- RF Emissions Compliance Report Tab 8 -Alternate Site Analysis Tab 9 - Environmental Sound Assessment Tab 10 -Design Review& Site Plan Review and Prior ZBA Approvals Tab 11 - Site Photos • Tab 12 - Site Plans& Elevation Drawings The Applicant looks forward to its Public Hearing where the enclosed may be presented for your consideration and approval. Sincerely, Gehring&Associates, LLC By Carl SbbCellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Enclosures cc: Sean Mahoney—Verizon Wireless Real Estate Department South Yarmouth United Methodist Church - Landlord • og"4R. VPR)/RUTH TOWN CLERK "Po TOWN OF YARMOUTH • A. y BOARD OF APPEALS ? ., ,, APPLICATION FOR HEARING 1Bj 2 w1:20 REC Appeal#: 7'710 4- Hearing Date: eiza "/e Fee$r7W. Sd Owner-Applicant: Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless c/o Gehring&Associates,LLC (Full Names-including d/b/a) P. O.Box 98,West Mystic,CT 06388 860-536-0675 wireless@gehringzone.com (Address) (Telephone Number) (Email Address) and is the (check one) t) Owner X Tenant it Prospective Buyer 11 Other Interested Party Property: This application relates to the property located at: 318 Old Main Street(Church) and shown on the Assessor's Map if: 61 as Parcel#: 22.1 Zoning District:RS-40, 132 If property is on an un-constructed(paper)street name of nearest cross street,or other identifying location: Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following construction/use/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10'by 15'deck to the front of our house"or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant seeks the following relief from the Board of Appeals: Install a stealth wireless communications facility hidden entirely inside the Church's steeple with accessory radio equipment inside a room in the Church basement.A stand-by power generator is proposed at the rear surrounded by a fence as shown on the submitted Plans. 1) REVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). State the reason for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. 2) X SPECIAL PERMIT under§ 408 and 103 of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 F7 .(use space below if needed)and pursuant to other applicable sections of the Zoning By-law and M.G.L.c.40A and 47 U.S.C.332(c)(7)(B),all rights reserved. 3) VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from which relief is requested,and,as to each section,specify the relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional all information which you feel should be included in your application: See attached and enclosed Statement,Plans and supporting materials which are incorporated into and made part of this application. • FACT SHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed(if other than applicant): South Yarmouth United Methodist Church Name&Address Book 53,Page 506; Book 117, Page 15; Book 509,Page 376; Book 876,Page 361; and Title deed reference: Book&Page# Book 1349,Page 89 or Certificate# Land Court Lot# Plan# fprovide copy of recent deed) Use Classification:Existing: Church §202.5 # Proposed: Wireless Communications §202.5 # F 7 Is the property vacant: No If so,how long?: Lot Information Size/Area: .70 Ac. Plan Book and Page / Lot# Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes No X Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review(if needed)? Yes X No Other Department(s) Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which arc/ have/or will review this project,and indicate the status of their review process: • Design Review and Site Plan Review complete. Both Decisions are attached/included herein. Repetitive Petition; Is this a re-application: No If yes,do you have Planning Board Approval? Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator, indicate the date and Appeal number(s)and other available information. Include a copy of the decision(s)with this application: Petition 1779 dd 9-24-81 for a Special Permit to create an addition to an existing non-conforming structure; and Petition 4310 dd 8-26-10 for a Special Permit to create a food pantry Building Commissioner Comments: Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless By Its Agent See Enclosed Letter of Authorization App!ican ' Attome gent Signature Owner's Signature do Gehring&Associates,LLC Address: P. O.Box 98,West Mystic,CT 06388 Phone 860-536-0675 E-Mail: wireless@gehringzone.com z„„„or , f Building . m .sioner Signature Date i YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS ABUTTERS LIST Cs uc° O TN ThP 'DIVA Petition# '� ! ( — Name VER ZoQ CL11/LElESJ Filing Date: /• 451�1 Hearing Date: 2_x3. 1 2 Property Location: 318 OLD crAW 37/ P 61 , LOT 2.21 Notices must be sent to the petitioner(applicant), abutters,and owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way,and abutters to the abutters(only within 300 feet of the property line)of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the abutters map and lot number . Postage charges for all applications will be determined by multiplying the number of abutters (and the parcel (s)in question) times .560, which is the current cost for the two required mailings. Add that to the application fee and include your check with the application. Map Lot Number Map Lot Number Number -- � Number — Applicant# s. Abutters#'s 2 Labels-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado, Director of Assessing .- 60/ 161/ / / 61/ 30/ / / 61/ 82/ / / PATEL MOHANVHAI TRS ALLENSON MANAGEMENT CO LLC HESS RETAIL STORES LLC JALARAM VANI REALTY TRUST PO BOX 533 C/O PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMENT 1314 ROUTE 28 FORESTDALE,MA 02644 539 SOUTH MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 FINDLAY,OH 45840 60/ 163/ / / 61/ 31/ / / 61/ 83/ / / SURPRENANT WILLIAM I TR BANKBOSTON CLARKE SUSAN R BISQUE BOY RLTY TRUST C/O BANK OF AMERICA ATM.CORP RE ASSES 321 OLD MAIN ST 1329 ROUTE 28 101 N TRYON ST NC 1-001-03.81 S YARMOUTH,MA 02664 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 CHARLOTTE,NC 28255 60/ 164/ / / 61/ 61/ / / 61/ 84/ / / CHRJ KINNIE TR PHILBIN-CROCKETT MAUREEN TOWN OF YARMOUTH WATERWHEEL REALTY TRUST 17 BELLEVUE AVE 1146 ROUTE 28 1323 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-3101 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4453 60/ 165/ / / 61/ 70/ / / 61/ 85/ / / LOW FOO CHON IRS DAVENPORT DEWITT TR HOUSTON MARY LEIGH TR CHIU KINNIE IRS DAVENPORT REALTY TRUST MARY LEIGH HOUSTON LIVING TRUST 1323 ROUTE 28 20 NORTH MAIN ST 15 PRINCE ST SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4453 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 PLYMOUTH,MA 02360 60/ 187/ / / 61/ 71/ / / 61/ 86/ / / TOWN OF YARMOUTH MITROKOSTAS NAFSIKA ETR MCMANUS J DREW 1146 ROUTE 28 GNS REALTY TRUST 9 PLEASANT ST SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 PO BOX 260 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4538 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 61/ 21/ / / 61/ 72/ / / 61/ 16.1/ / / TOWN OF YARMOUTH ASSAD SHAY D CULTURAL CENTER OF CAPE COD INC 1146 ROUTE 28 P O BOX 493 307 OLD MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4530 WEST DENNIS,MA 02670 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 61/ 24/ / / 61/ 73/ / / 61/ 22.1/ / / PANAGIOTU MATTHEW W TR WOLFE STEPHEN E'FR SO YARMOUTH METHODIST CHURCH ZOITSA PANAGIOTOU TRUST C/O CADWELL FRANK L 324 OLD MAIN ST 25 TERRACE DR 71 DEPOT RD SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 WORCESTER,MA 01609-1415 HOLLIS,NH 03049 61/ 25/ / / 61/ 74/ / / 61/ 27.1/ / / TOWN OF YARMOUTH WOLFE STEPHEN E TR JCW ENTERPRISES INC 1146 ROUTE 28 C/O CADWELL FRANK L 308 OLD MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4530 71 DEPOT RD SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 HOLLIS,NH 03049 61/ 28/ / / 61/ 75/ / / 61/ 32.1/ / / • YARMOUTH RIVERWAY LLC KINGSBURY MANAGEMENT LTD PARTNERSH YARMOUTH RIVERWAY LLC C/0 JASON SISCOE 20 NORTH MAIN ST C/O JASON SISCOE 1338 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-3150 1338 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 61/ 29/ / / 61/ 79/ / / , TOWN OF YARMOUTH SULLIVAN DANIEL Please use this signature to certify this list of properties 1146 ROUTE28 SULLIVAN ANN abutting within 300'of the parcel located at: SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4463 174 SOUTH ST 318 Old Main St., South Yarmouth, MA 02664 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 Assessors Maafp�,61, Lot 22.1 / Andy Ma ado, Director of Assessing • STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL PERMIT Applicant: Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Subject Parcel: 318 Old Main Street, Assessor's Map 61, Lot 22.1 Zoning District: RS-40 and B2 Proposed Use: Install wireless communications antennas inside the Church Steeple and place accessory radio equipment inside a room in the Church basement and install a stand-by power generator,on-grade behind the Church building. Relief Requested: Special Permit pursuant to Sections 408 and 103 and other applicable sections of the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw("Bylaw") and M.G.L. Chapter 40A, and the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 U.S.C. 332(c)(7)(B),all rights reserved. Date: July 20,2018 • A. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION Verizon Wireless has identified certain coverage gaps and capacity issues in the vicinity of the Subject Property that could be alleviated by creating a new wireless installation in the area. The Applicant seeks approval of a Special Permit to construct a Wireless Communications Facility on-site to satisfy its coverage objectives in this section of the Town of Yarmouth. The Applicant searched the area for existing cell towers but found none in proximity to where coverage improvements are needed.Next,tall buildings and other such suitable structures were sought and the subject Church was discovered to be a viable candidate to accept the installation of a new wireless facility. The antenna portion of the Applicant's installation will be hidden inside the Church's steeple. The radio equipment needed to service the antennas will be placed inside in a room in the Church's basement. A natural gas stand-by power generator that will enable the site to remain"on air"should a blackout or power failure occur in the neighborhood is proposed to be placed outside,to the rear of the Church, surrounded by a fence and • shrubs. The end result will be a stealth and unobtrusive wireless installation. 1 • The entire installation will be serviced by existing power and telephone lines that currently service the site. The facility will be unmanned and unoccupied,requiring only infrequent(approximately once per month) maintenance visits. Ingress and egress to service the installation will utilize existing access points into the site. The installation will produce no odor, dust, light or nuisance of any kind. The proposed use is really more of a"non-use" in the conventional sense in that, once constructed, nothing will occur on site. The only noticeable effect of the proposed installation will be the beneficial impact of enhanced and improved wireless communications in the area. B. WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES SPECIAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Section 408 of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw enumerates the various criteria governing the siting of wireless communications facilities. In order to demonstrate the Applicant's compliance with the terms of the Bylaw, the wireless provisions are outlined below(in italics)with the Applicant's responses to (in plain text) as follows: 408.2 Goals. The goals of this Bylaw are to: 1. To comply with all existing state and federal law and to facilitate the availability of wireless service to the residents of Yarmouth while minimizing adverse visual and environmental effects and impact of communication antennas, • communication buildings, and communication towers on the vistas of the community through careful design, siting, and vegetative screening; The Applicant's proposal supports this goal in that a stealth and unobtrusive installation is proposed. The use of an existing structure with interior-mounted antennas is the least visually intrusive form of wireless installation in existence.The proposed radio equipment will be sited inside out of view as well. 2. manage the placement of all communication antennas, communication buildings, and communication towers so as to minimize the total number throughout the community, and:: The Applicant proposes to utilize an existing structure thereby serving to help minimize the number of such facilities in Town. 3. avoid potential damage to adjacent properties from the failure of communication antennas and communication towers by careful engineering and siting. The Applicant proposes to hide its antennas and radio equipment inside an existing structure which will not,and could not,result in any damage to adjacent properties. • 2 • 408.3 Non-Applicability. This section is not intended to be applicable to equipment accessory and incidental to residential and other business uses, such as satellite dishes under two feet in diameter for television reception, television antennas, or antennas under 75 feet in height used by federally licensed amateur radio operators. Understood. - 408.4 Special Permit. No communication antennas, communication buildings, or communications towers shall be erected, constructed, installed, without first obtaining a Special Permit from the Board or Appeals. The Board of Appeals may retain a technical expert in the field of RF engineering to review an application. The cost for such a technical expert will be at the expense of the applicant. Guyed towers, lattice towers, utility towers and monopoles in existence at the time of adoption of this Bylaw may be reconstructed, altered, extended or replaced on the same site by Special Permit, as outlined in Bylaw section 104.3.2. In making such a determination, the Board of Appeals shall also consider whether the proposed reconstruction, alteration, extension or replacement will promote the intentions, goals, and purpose of this bylaw and will create public benefits such as opportunities for co-location, improvements in public safety, and/or reduction in visual and environmental impacts. • A Special Permit is specifically being sought. The Applicant suggests that its Application is very uncomplicated and non-technical and that no outside consultant or expert should need to be needed to assist the Board in its analysis. For the foregoing reasons a Waiver from retaining such an outside consultant is respectfully requested.No tower is proposed. The Applicant is proposing a stealth and unobtrusive installation to reduce visual impacts. 408.4.1 The Board ofAppeals may alter or waive one or more of the requirements of section 408 if it finds that the alteration or waiver of the requirement(s) will not derogate from the intent of the bylaw. (emphasis added). The Applicant respectfully requests that the Board waive those requirements where the Applicant's response in this Statement is either"Not Applicable"or a Waiver is requested because the specific Bylaw provision does not apply to what the Applicant is proposing. 408.5 Application Procedures. 408.5.1 Application to the Board of Appeals for a Special Permit shall be as outlined in section 103 of this Bylaw. The Applicant's responses to the Section 103 criteria are outlined in Section C of this Statement. • 3 408.5.2 Site Plan Review,per section 103 of this Bylaw, shall be required prior to • application to the Board of Appeals. Site Plan Review Approval has already been obtained. A copy is included with the submitted application materials. 408.6 Application Filing Requirements. The following shall be submitted to Site Plan Review and included with an application to the Board ofAppeals for all Communications Facilities: 408.6.1 General Filing Requirements. Plans, Per section 103.3.4, are required. 408.6.2 Location Filing Requirements. 1. Tax map and parcel number of subject property 2. Zoning district designated on for the subject parcel. 3. Proposed location of any antenna, mount, tower, mount, or equipment shelter. 4. Proposed security barrier, indicating type and extent as well as point of controlled entry. 5. If the application is for a Personal Wireless Service Facility a town-wide map showing other existing Personal Wireless Service Facility in the Town and outside the Town within one mile of its corporate limits. 6. If the application is for a Personal Wireless Service Facility, a plan showing the proposed locations of all existing and future Personal Wireless Service Facilities in the Town on a Town-wide map for this carrier. • See attached and enclosed Plans and RF maps. 408.6.3 Siting Filing Requirements 1. A one inch equals 40 feet (1'1=40) Vicinity Plan showing the following: A. Property lines for the subject property. B. Property lines of all properties adjacent to the subject property within 300 feet. See enclosed Plans. C. Tree cover on the subject property and adjacent properties within 300 feet, by dominant species and average height, as measured by or available from a verifiable source. Waiver Requested. Other than the generator on-grade,the bulk of the installation will occur inside an existing building. D. Outline of all existing buildings and accessory structures, including purpose (e.g. residential buildings, garages, accessory structures, etc.) on subject property and all adjacent properties within 300 feet E. Proposed location of antenna, mount and equipment shelter(s). F. Proposed security barrier, indicating type and extent as well as point of controlled entry. • 4 G. Location of all roads,public and private, on the subject property and on all • adjacent properties within 300 feet including driveways proposed to serve the Communications Facility. See enclosed Plans. H Distances, at grade,from the proposed Communications Facility to each building on the vicinity plan. Distances are not specifically called out,but the Plans are to scale so any specific distance in question can be readily measured using an Engineer's Scale. I. Contours at each two feet above mean sea level for the subject property and adjacent properties within 300 feet. Waiver Requested as site is level and no topographical changes are proposed. J. All proposed changes to the existing property, including grading, vegetation removal and temporary or permanent roads and driveways. K. Representations, dimensioned and to scale, of the proposed mount, antennas, equipment shelters, cable runs,parking areas and any other construction or development attendant to the Communications Facility. ell See enclosed Plans. L. Lines representing the sight line showing viewpoint(point from which view is taken) and visible point (point being viewed)from "Sight Lines"sub-section below. Waiver Requested.No portion of the wireless installation will be visible from outside the Church building. 2. Sight lines and photographs as described below: A. Sight line representation. A sight line representation shall be drawn from any public road within 300 feet and the closest facade of each residential building (viewpoint) within 300 feet to the highest point(visible point) of the Communications Facility. Each sight line shall be depicted in profile, drawn at one inch equals 40 feet. The profiles shall show all intervening trees and buildings. In the event there is only one (or more) residential building within 300 feet there shall be at least two sight lines from the closest habitable structures or public roads, if any. B. Existing(before condition)photographs. Each sight line shall be illustrated by one four-inch by six-inch color photograph of what can currently be seen from any public road within 300 feet. • 5 • C. Proposed(after condition). Each of the existing condition photographs shall have the proposed Communications Facility superimposed on it to show what will be seen from public roads if the proposed Communications Facility is built. D. Visual Impact. Photographic simulations from a distance of one hundred, one thousand, and five thousand feet and from four different locations of approximately ninety degrees apart of the proposed Communication Facility. Waiver Requested. See enclosed photos. 3. Siting elevations, or views at-grade from the north, south, east and west for a 50 foot radius around the proposed Communications Facility plus from all existing public and private roads that serve the subject property. Elevations shall be at either one-quarter inch equals one foot or one-eighth inch equals one foot scale and show the following: A. Antennas, mounts and equipment shelter(s), with total elevation dimensions and AGL of the highest point. B. Security barrier. If the security barrier will block views of the personal wireless service facility, the barrier drawing shall be cut away to show the view behind the barrier. C. Any and all structures on the subject property. D. Existing trees and shrubs at current height and proposed trees and shrubs at proposed height at time of installation, with approximate elevations dimensioned. • E. Grade changes, or cuts and fills, to be shown as original grade and new grade line, with two foot contours above mean sea level. See enclosed Plans. 408.6.4 Design Filing Requirements 1. Equipment brochures for the proposed Communications Facility such as manufacturer's specifications or trade journal reprints shall be provided for the antennas, mounts, equipment shelters, cables as well as cable runs, and security barrier, if any. Waiver Requested. All of the Applicant's antennas and transmission equipment will be hidden inside completely hidden from view. The Applicant's stand-by generator will be hidden behind a solid fence. Because the proposed installation is stealth and no equipment will be visible to the public,the exact specifications are not relevant because they will not be seen. 2. Materials of the proposed Communications Facility specified by generic type and specific treatment(e.g., anodized aluminum, stained wood,painted fiberglass, etc.). These shall be provided for the antenna, mounts, equipment shelters, cables as well as cable runs, and security barrier, if any. 6 • Waiver Requested. The installation will be inside an existing structure hidden from view. The only relevant change in material type will be to replace the existing metal louvres on the steeple with fiberglass or composite replicas to allow the antennas to broadcast through unobstructed. The proposed generator will be surrounded by a solid fence as requested at Design Review. 3. Colors of the proposed Communications Facility represented by a color board showing actual colors proposed. Colors shall be provided for the antennas, mounts, equipment shelters, cables as well as cable runs, and security barrier, if any. The antennas and radio equipment will be inside the Church building hidden from view. The replicas of the steeple louvres will be painted white as they are now. The solid fence surrounding the generator will be painted white. 4. Dimensions of the Communications Facility specified for all three directions: height, width and breadth. These shall be provided for the antennas, mounts, equipment shelters, and security barrier, if any. See enclosed Plans. • S. Appearance shown by at least two photographic superimpositions of the Communications Facility within the subject property. The photographic superimpositions shall be provided for the antennas, mounts, equipment shelters, cables as well as cable runs, and security barrier, if any,for the total height, width and breadth. Waiver Requested. The antennas and radio equipment will be hidden inside. 6. Landscape plan including existing trees and shrubs and those proposed to be added, identified by size of specimen at installation and species. See enclosed Plans.The only landscape elements proposed are shrubs to be placed around the outside of the new fenced enclosure for the on-grade generator. 7. Within 30 days of the pre-application conference, or within 21 days of filing an application for a Special Permit, the applicant shall arrange for a balloon or crane test at the proposed site to illustrate the height of the proposed facility. The date, time and location of such test shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town at least 14 days, but not more than 21 days prior to the test. Not Applicable. A new tower is not being proposed. • 7 • 8. If lighting of the site is proposed, the applicant shall submit a manufacturer's computer-generated point-to-point printout, indicating the horizontal footcandle • levels at grade, within the property to be developed and twenty-five (25)feet beyond the property lines. The printout shall indicate the locations and types of luminaries proposed. Not Applicable.No"lighting of the site"is proposed. 408.6.5 Noise Filing Requirements The applicant shall provide a statement listing the existing and maximum future projected measurements of noise from the proposed personal wireless service facilities, measured in decibels Ldn (logarithmic scale, accounting for greater sensitivity at night),for the following: 1. Existing, or ambient: the measurements of existing noise. 2. Existing plus proposed Communications Facilities: maximum estimate of noise from the proposed facility plus the existing noise environment. Such statement shall be certified and signed by an acoustical engineer, stating that noise measurements are accurate and meet the Noise Standards of this Bylaw. See enclosed Environmental Noise Assessment. 408.7 Design. • • 408.7.1 General. All Communications Facilities shall be designed and sited so as to have the least adverse visual effect on the environment. Only self-supporting monopole type towers are permissible. Lattice towers, or the use of ground anchors and/or guy wires, are prohibited All towers and antennas must meet or exceed current standards and regulations of the FAA, the FCC, and any other agency of the federal, state, and county government with the authority to regulate towers and antennas. If such standards and regulations are changed, then the owners of the towers and/or antennas governed by this ordinance shall bring such towers and/or antennas into compliance with such revised standard and • regulations within six(6) months of the effective date of such standards and regulations unless a more stringent compliance schedule is mandated by the controlling federal agency. Failure to bring towers and/or antennas into compliance with such revised standards and regulations shall constitute grounds for the removal of the tower or antenna at the owner's expense. The proposed wireless installation will be inside,hidden from view. The Applicant can certify that its installation will be compliant with all applicable regulations concerning RF emissions. 408.7.2 Location. No Communications Facility, antenna, or tower may be located in the Town of Yarmouth except as noted in this bylaw. 408.7.2.1 Allowed Areas. 1. The siting of Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall be allowed in any • zoning district, but is especially encouraged on existing structures, where 8 • appropriate, and on sites shown on a map entitled "Town of Yarmouth Inventory of Existing Antenna Sites and Possible Antenna Sites,"as currently amended. This map may be amended by Town Meeting action. No existing tower structures are situated anywhere nearby therefore an installation inside an existing structure is proposed. 2. Communication antennas, buildings, or towers other than those for Personal Wireless Service Facilities (i.e., those not defined in the Telecommunications Act of 1996) shall be allowed, by Special Permit, only on sites shown on a map entitled"Town of Yarmouth Inventory of Existing Antenna Sites and Possible • Antenna Sites,"as currently amended. Not Applicable. 408.7.3 Co-location. Iffeasible and appropriate, Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall be located on existing structures, including but not limited to buildings, water towers, existing Communications Facilities, utility poles and towers, and related facilities,provided that such installation preserves the character and integrity of those structures. In particular, applicants are urged to consider use of existing telephone and electric utility structures as sites for one or more Personal Wireless Service Facilities. The applicant shall have the burden of proving that there are no existing structures upon which it is feasible to locate. The Applicant is proposing to make use of an existing tall structure in support of this provision of the Bylaw. 408.7.3.1 Licensed carriers shall share Personal Wireless Service Facilities and sites where feasible and appropriate, thereby reducing the number of Personal Wireless Service Facilities that are stand-alone facilities. All applicants shall demonstrate a reasonable good faith effort to co-locate with other carriers. Such reasonable good faith effort includes: 1. A survey of all existing structures that may be feasible sites for co-locating Personal Wireless Service facilities; 2. Contact with all the other licensed carriers for commercial mobile radio services operating in the County, and; 3. Sharing information necessary to determine if co-location is feasible under the design configuration most accommodating to co-location. The Applicant is proposing an installation inside an existing building owned by a third party and therefore has no control over future co-location. 408.7.3.2 In the event that co-location is found to be not feasible, a written statement of the reasons for the infeasibility shall be submitted to the Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals may retain a technical expert in the field of RF • engineering to verify if co-location at the site is not feasible or is feasible given 9 • the design configuration most accommodating to co-location. The cost for such a technical expert will be at the expense of the applicant. The Board of Appeals may deny a Special Permit to an applicant that has not demonstrated a reasonable good faith effort to provide for co-location. The Board is again respectfully asked to take judicial notice that there are no existing towers anywhere nearby, therefore this tall structure (church steeple)was chosen. An outside consultant is not required to verify what is commonly known among anyone familiar with that area of the Town of Yarmouth. 408.7.3.3 If the applicant does intend to co-locate or to permit co-location, the Board of Appeals shall request drawings and studies, at the applicant's expense, which show the ultimate appearance and operation of the Personal Wireless Service Facility at full build-out. Not Applicable. The Applicant is proposing an installation inside a structure owned by a third party. 408.7.4 Historic Buildings and Districts 1. Any Personal Wireless Service Facilities located on or within an historic structure shall not alter the character-defining features, distinctive construction methods, or original historic materials of the building. • Understood. The Applicant is not proposing to make any changes to the Church's facade other than a like-for-like replacement of the steeple louvres with ones made of RF suitable material, for example fiberglass or PVC instead of metal,then painted to match. 2. Any alteration made to an historic structure to accommodate a Communications facility shall be fully reversible. Not Applicable. 3. Personal Wireless Service Facilities within the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District shall be concealed within or behind existing architectural features, or shall be located so that they are not discernible from public roads and viewing areas within the district. Not Applicable. 4. The siting of Communications Facilities which are located in the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District require the additional approval of the appropriate authority. Not Applicable. . 408.7.5 Scenic Landscapes and Vistas 10 • I. Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not be located within open areas that are discernible from public roads, recreational areas, or residential development. The Applicant is proposing a stealth installation inside an existing building. 2. Any Communications Facility that is located within 300 feet of a scenic road, as designated by the town, shall not exceed the height of vegetation at the proposed location. If the facility is located farther than 300 feet from the scenic road, the height regulations described in 4087.6.1 shall apply. Not Applicable. 3. Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not be located within the Viewshed as designated and located in the VCOD. Not Applicable. 408.7.6 Dimensional Requirements. All Communications Facilities shall comply with the dimensional and setback requirements of Bylaw section 203 (Intensity of Use Regulations). Understood. Proposed installation complies. • 408.7.6.1 Height, General. Regardless of the type of mount, Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall be no higher than ten feet above the average height of buildings within 300 feet of the proposed facility Personal Wireless Service Facilities may locate on a building that is legally non-conforming with respect to height,provided that the facilities do not project above the existing building height. 408.7.6.2 Height, Ground-Mounted Facilities. Ground-mounted Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not project higher than ten feet above the average building height or, if there are no buildings within 300 feet, these facilities shall not project higher than ten feet above the average tree canopy height, measured from ground level (AGL). In no case may height exceed 200 feet above ground levet. 408.7.63 Height, Side-and Roof-Mounted Facilities. Side-and roof-mounted Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not project more than ten feet(102 above the height of an existing building nor project more than ten feet above the height limit of the zoning district within which the facility is located. Personal Wireless Service Facilities may locate on a building that is legally non- conforming with respect to height,provided that the facilities do not project 4111 above the existing building height. 11 • 408.7.6.4 Height, Existing Structures. New antennas located on any of the following structures existing on the effective date of this bylaw shall be exempt from the height restrictions of this bylaw provided that there is no increase in height of the existing structure as a result of the installation of a Communications Facility:guyed towers, lattice towers, and monopoles. The antennas and radio equipment are proposed to be mounted inside an existing structure without increasing that structure's height. 408.7.6.5 Height, Existing Structures, (Utility). New antennas located on any of the following existing structures shall be exempt from the height restrictions of this bylaw provided that there is no more than a twenty foot(20') increase in the height of the existing structure as a result of the installation of a Communications Facility: electric transmission and distribution towers, water towers, telephone poles and similar existing utility structures. This exemption shall not apply in the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District, within 300 feet of the right-of- way of any scenic roadway. Not Applicable. 408.7.6.6 Microwave antennas exceeding 12 inches in diameter on a roof or • building-mounted facility shall not exceed the height of the structure to which they are attached, unless fully enclosed Not Applicable. 408.7.7 Parking Requirements. All Communications Facilities must meet the parking and buffer requirements of Bylaw section 301 (Parking and Loading Requirements). The proposed unmanned, unoccupied, remotely monitored wireless telephone utility installation will host no full-time employees, customers or guests. Occasionally,perhaps once per month, a service technician will visit the site in a conventional passenger vehicle which can be parked anywhere on site in one of the currently available parking spaces on the Subject Property. It is not necessary to create any special or additional spaces for this passive use. Pursuant to Section 301.5 of the Bylaw,the parking requirements for uses not otherwise specified are determined"by the Building Inspector on advice of the Site Plan Review Team." Site Plan Approval, in conjunction with the Building Inspector's office, was obtained without any specific comment or proposed changes to parking as shown on the enclosed Plans. • 12 • 408.7.8 Fall Zones. Communications towers, whether free-standing or part of another structure or building, must be set back from all property lines by at least the total height of the tower structure and its appurtenances. Not Applicable. 408.7.9 Aesthetics. 408.7.9.1 Landscaping. Existing mature tree growth and natural land forms on sites shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible. Screening for sites buffers and parking lots must meet the criteria outlined in section 301 Parking and Loading. In addition, the base of communication towers shall be screened from view by a minimum four(4)foot wide planting strip maintained with densely planted shrubs not less than six(6)feet in height. Shrubs shall be at least seventy- five percent (75%) evergreens. Fences or walls may be a part of such screening where deemed necessary, as approved by the Site Plan Review Team. In locations where the visual impact of communications towers would not be an issue, these requirements may be reduced or waived by the Building Inspector upon unanimous vote by the Site Plan Review Team. Not Applicable. The proposed development will occur inside an existing building. Existing on-site vegetation is proposed to be preserved to the greatest extent possible. In addition,as part of Design Review and Site Plan Review Approval,the Applicant has • agreed to add some additional shrubs around the fence that will enclose its on-grade generator behind the Church. 408.7.10 Color and Camouflage 408.7.10.1 Color. Communications towers and antennas shall maintain a light gray or light blue finish, unless otherwise required by the Board ofAppeals. Communication towers and/or antennas installed on an existing building or structure shall be camouflaged to match the building or structure to which they are attached or the background against which they are most commonly seen. The replaced steeple louvres will be painted white as they are now 408.7.10.2 Camouflage by Existing Buildings or Structures: 1. When a Communications Facility extends above the roof height of a building on which it is mounted, a reasonable good faith effort shall be made to conceal the facility within or behind existing architectural features to limit its visibility from public ways. Facilities mounted on a roof shall be stepped back from the front facade in order to limit their impact on the building's silhouette. . Not Applicable. 13 • 2. Communications Facilities which are side mounted shall blend with the existing building's architecture and shall be painted or shielded with material which is consistent with the design features and materials of the building. Not Applicable. 408.7.10.3 Camouflage by Vegetation: If Communications Facilities are not camouflaged from public viewing areas by existing buildings or structures, they shall be surrounded by buffers of dense tree growth and understory vegetation in all directions to create an effective year- round visual buffer. Ground-mounted Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall provide a vegetated buffer of sufficient height and depth to effectively screen the facility. Trees and vegetation may be existing on the subject property or installed as part of the proposed facility or a combination of both. The Board of Appeals shall determine the types of trees and plant materials and depth of the needed buffer based on site conditions. Not Applicable. 408.7.11 Lighting and Signage 1. Communications Facilities shall be lighted only if required by the Federal • Aviation Administration (FAA). Lighting of equipment structures and any other facilities on site shall be shielded from abutting properties. There shall be total cutoff of all light at the property lines of the parcel to be developed, and footcandle measurements at the property line shall be 0.0 initial foot candles when measured at grade. Not Applicable. The site or"facility"will not be lighted. 2. Signs shall meet the design and display criteria of Bylaw section 303. No signage, other than small FCC mandated placards inside the building are proposed. 3. All ground mounted Communications Facilities shall be surrounded by a security barrier, where appropriate and necessary. An 8-foot tall solid fence is proposed to surround the Applicant's stand-by power generator at the rear of the Church building. 408.7.12 Equipment Shelters Equipment shelters for Communications Facilities shall be designed consistent with one of the following design standards: • 1. Equipment shelters shall be located in underground vaults; or 14 • 2. Equipment shelters shall be designed consistent with traditional Cape Cod architectural styles and materials, with a roof pitch of at least 10/12 and wood clapboard or shingle siding; or 3. Equipment shelters shall be camouflaged behind an effective year-round landscape buffer, equal to the height of the proposed shelter, and/or a fence. The Board of Appeals (and/or the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Committee) shall determine the style of any fencing and landscape buffer that is compatible with the neighborhood. Not Applicable.No shelter is proposed. 408.7.13 Environmental Standards. 408.7.13.1 The location of any Communications Facility in or near wetlands is subject to the Wetlands Protection Regulations of the Yarmouth Conservation Commission. 408.7.13.2 The handling, storage, or disposal of hazardous materials is subject to Yarmouth Board of Health regulations and, when applicable, section 406 of this Bylaw. Not Applicable.No wetlands are near the Applicant's proposed development.No hazardous materials,other than conventional batteries, are proposed. The Applicant will coordinate use of said batteries with the Heath Department as required. . 408.7.13.3 Ground-mounted equipment for Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not, during normal operation, generate noise in excess of 50 db (non- continuous) at the property line. 408.7.13.4 Roof-mounted or side-mounted equipment for Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not, during normal operation, generate noise in excess of 50 db (non-continuous) at ground level at the base of the building closest to the antenna. See enclosed Environmental Noise Assessment which confirms the proposed facility will be compliant. 908.7.14 Safety Standards. 408.7.14.1 Radio-frequency Radiation (RFR) Standards. All equipment proposed for a Communications Facility shall be authorized per the FCC Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radio-frequency Radiation (FCC Guidelines). See enclosed RF emissions compliance report which demonstrates the proposed facility's compliance with all applicable RF regulations. • 15 • 408.8 Accessory Equipment Storage. Mobile or immobile equipment not used in direct support of a Communications Facility shall not be parked on site unless repairs are being made to said facility Not Applicable.No such parking of equipment is proposed. 408.9 Leases. No Special Permit granted under this section shall be effective for town-owned property used for the construction of a Communication Facility until a lease setting forth the particular terms, conditions, and provisions have been executed by the applicant and the Town of Yarmouth. Not Applicable. 408.10 As-Built Plans. Within 60 days of completion of the initial construction and/or any additional construction or reconstruction, the owner or franchisee of any Communications Facility shall furnish 2 complete sets of plans, drawn to scale and stamped by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor, depicting the location of all towers and appurtenant facilities. Understood and Agreed. 408.11 Inspection. At least every 24 months, all communication towers shall be inspected by an expert who is regularly involved in the maintenance, inspection, • and/or erection of communication towers. At a minimum, this inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the tower inspection check list provided in the Electronics Industries Association (EIA) Standard 222, "Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Support Structures"and the State Building Code. A copy of each such inspection record shall be provided to the Building Inspector. The town may retain a technical expert in the field of RF engineering, at the expense of the carrier, to verify the inspection report. If upon inspection, the communication tower fails to comply with such codes and standards, and constitutes a danger to persons or property, then upon notice being provided to the owner of the communication tower, the owner shall have thirty(30) days to bring such tower into compliance with such standards. Failure to comply may result in an order to remove such tower at the owner's expense. The Applicant respectfully requests a Waiver from this provision. 408.12 Abandonment or Discontinuation of Use. 408.12.1 At such time that a carrier plans to abandon or discontinue operation of a Communications Facility, such carrier will notify the Building Inspector by certified U.S. mail of the proposed date of abandonment or discontinuation of operations. Such notice shall be given no less than 30 days prior to abandonment or discontinuation of operations. In the event that a licensed carrier fails to give • 16 • such notice, the Communications Facility shall be considered abandoned upon such discontinuation of operations. 408.12.2 Upon abandonment or discontinuation of use, the carrier shall physically remove the Communications Facility within 90 days from the date of abandonment or discontinuation of use.'Physically remove"shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Removal of antennas, mount, equipment shelters and security barriers from the subject property; 2. Proper disposal of the waste materials from the site in accordance with local and state solid waste disposal regulations, and; 3. Restoring the location of the Communications Facility to its natural condition, except that any landscaping and grading shall remain in the after-condition. 408.12.3 If a carrier fails to remove a Communications Facility in accordance with this section of this Bylaw, the Town shall have the authority to enter the subject property and physically remove the facility. The Board ofAppeals may require the applicant to post a bond at the time of construction to cover costs for the removal of the Communications Facility in the event the Town must remove the facility. Understood. However,because installation is on private property the Applicant respectfully requests that no bond be required. • C. GENERAL SPECIAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Section 103 of the Bylaw governs the grant of Special Permits. Specifically, Section 103.2.2 provides as follows: "Special permits shall not be granted unless the applicant demonstrates that no undue nuisance, hazard or congestion will be created and that there will be no substantial harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood or town. In addition, individual sections of the Zoning Bylaw contain supplemental special permit criteria for specific uses and types of development " In the present instance,the Applicant is proposing an unmanned, unoccupied,remotely monitored wireless telephone utility installation that will create no traffic or congestion. Furthermore,this unmanned facility will create no nuisance or hazard whatsoever. There will be no impact to the neighborhood at all,except for the beneficial impact of providing enhanced wireless connectivity to the area. The specific special permit criteria pertaining to wireless installations have already been addressed above. 17 D. CONCLUSION 411/ Verizon Wireless's proposal, to install a new stealth, interior-mounted wireless facility, conforms in all respects to the requirements set forth in Sections 408 and 103 and other applicable sections of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw. Furthermore,the Applicant has met the general standards of approval as set forth in Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws. In addition to state and local law,certain provisions of federal law are also applicable to the Applicant's proposal in that Verizon Wireless is a federally licensed communications provider. Pursuant to the Telecommunications Act of 1996 ("TCA"),Verizon Wireless is afforded certain protections in the analysis of local land use issues which, in effect, act as a federal overlay on a local board's zoning review process. Among other provisions,the TCA provides specifically in 47 U.S.C. Section 332(c)(7)(B)(i)that the action of local governments may not prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting wireless services in their communities. This provision is relevant because Verizon Wireless has a very specific coverage and capacity issue resulting in significant gaps in reliable network coverage in the vicinity of the Subject Property that will continue to exist should this site not be approved. For all the foregoing reasons,the Board can, in clear conscience, approve the requested Special Permit knowing that the submitted Petition complies in all respects with the requirements of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw,the purpose and intent of the 4111 specific wireless communications regulations enumerated therein,and state and federal law governing the petition at hand. Accordingly,the Applicant respectfully requests approval of the requested relief pursuant to the submitted Application and Plans. • 18 111 SOUTH YARMOUTH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Reverend Ernest R. Belisle, Pastor LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION April 9,2018 Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Re: Authorization to Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless To Whom It May Concern: The undersigned,as owner of the premises in the Town of Yarmouth Massachusetts, located at 318 Old Main Street,identified as Map 61, Lot 22.1(the"Property"), hereby authorizes Cellco Partnership d/b/a/Verizon Wireless and its employees, agents, and • consultants to seek approval from the Town of Yarmouth,including but not limited to any application to the Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals,the Yarmouth Planning Board,the Building Department,and the Community and Economic Development Department, in connection with the construction and installation of a wireless. telecommunications facility on the Property,including providing authorization for relevant town boards to enter the property,with prior notice to me,for a "site visit." I further authorize Cellco Partnership to use this letter in lieu of my signature on any such application. Sincerely, SOUTH YARMOUTH UNITEDU� METHODIST CHURCHichca �J flavey Printed Name: Richard Snelley Title:Chairperson,SYUMC Trustees cc Melton]Barka,David Dora Ogee Fila 17418284-vI • Richard Snelley,Trustee • Nancy Drew,Secretary • Howard Heaton,Finance Chairperson 324 Old Main Street,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 • Telephone:508.398.9482• Fax:508.398.2972 www.syumc.org • Email:s.yarmouthumc@verizon.net Property Loc 318&324 OLD MAIN ST• MAP ID:61/22.1/// Bldg Name State Use:996 Vision ID: Account#8872 Bldg of 2 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 2 Print Date: 017 00:50 _-- = CURT OWNER- =j TOPO:;?1 UTILITIES' TRIVROAD- L IONr - :€€CURRENT4ESSdMENT .,--r.-;- - . SO YARMOUTH METHODIST CHUR(1 Level 2 Public Water 1 raved 4 Bus.District Description Code Appraised Value' Assessed Value 324 OLD MAIN ST 4 Gas EXEMPT 9600 1,308,000 1,308,000 815 6 Septie EXM LAND 9600 147,700 147,700 YARMOUTH,MA SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 - . =s. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA EXEMPT 9600 8,700 8,700 Additional Owners: Other ID: 53/0004/// VOTE MISC 180 VOTE DATE CHANGES PRIVATE R( BETTERMENT VISION PLAN NUMBE1784,784B;BK646 PG 89 ZIP CODE 2664 CIS ID: M_309430 824860 ASSOC P/D# Total] 1,464,400 - 1,464,4001 '•-'RECORD OF OWNERSHIP='-` ro-BR-VOIJPAGE SALE DATE Os WI SALE PRICE VC . , ?, ,. -PREVIOUSASSESSMENTS(HISTOR ,f. --•-•-•r r 50 YARMOUTH METHODIST CHURCH 876/361 06/04/1954 1 Yr. -CodeAssessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value S YARMOUTH METHODIST CHURCH I 0 2018 9600 1,308,0002017 9600 1,258,8002016 9600 1,258,800 2018 9600 147,7002017 9600 147,7002016 9600 147,700 2018 9600 8,7002017 9600 8,7002016 9600 8,700 Total: 1,464.400 Total: 1,415,200 Total: 1,415.200 ' ''r ",%iEXEMPTIONS-r- - +rix*'':`- M1 -1:.--,----'''''':;;e '=`" -5 - .P This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year .. Tlpe Description Amount Code Description Number Amount Q Comm.Int -1-.5"9-"-r-a ,-..,.7,-^-APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY .- Torch Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 1,015,800 `^Y, .-z:ASSESSINGNEIGHBORHOOD _ ..�tA .-••7-v.-rt.': = Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 58,000 NBHD/SUB NBHD Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 500 F/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 147,700 ---. "NOTES- ,“:..3,..,‘ _ --<<a,r- :...-;1-9 c-,.-3., r ,cH.:Special Land Value 0 SOUTH YARMOUTH METHODIST CHURCH FY14 SUBDIV#19 WHITE I/G VA BOA 2010#4310 Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,464,400 40X41 CATH CLNG;SQUR'D BSMNT Valuation Method: C FUNC-SO 2017 PERMIT:STEEPLE RENO PHASE @ 50% ALSO OWNS 87.177 AS PARSONAGE Adjustment: 0 LEFT BAY WINDOW SQ'D OFF Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,464,400 -t '•s& -"If EUILDINCPERMIT RECORD' - i -' a ,--> ',r -4t '•.VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY, _ Permit ID Issue Date Type Description Amount Insp.Date %Comp. Date Comp. Comments Date Type IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result 17-000475 07/28/2016 MS Mise 500 01/18/2017 0 remove 3 fire sprinkler 601/182017 02 KL BP Building Permit 14-945 01/13/2014 AD Addition 719,000 04/012015 50 INSTALL FOUNDATIO04/012015 GM 00 Measur+Listed 396 06/10/1998 RF Roof 10,000 100 06/10/1998 02/182014 DK 00 Measur+Listed 134 03/06/1998 RF Roof 3,000 100 03/06/1998 01/012014 01 I BH CY CYCLICAL 2014 022 01/12/1998 RE Remodel 2,500 100 01/12/1998 OUTSIDE BULKHEAD 06/28/2004 GM 00 MeasurfListed 99842 01/18/1989 5,000 100 ALTERATIO 996668 10/11/1988 700 100 TEMP TENT B Use Use Unit Acre ST. SAdj if Code Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price I.Factor S.A. Disc C.Factor Idr Adj. Notes-Adj Special Pricing Fact Adj.Unit Price Land Value 1 9600 CHURCH,TEMPLE M' E 30,492 SE 6.21 1.0000 F 1.0000 1.00 F 0.78 COMBINED 61.22.2,1 1.00 4.84 147,700 Total Card Land Units: 0.70 ACI Parcel Total Land Area: .7 AC I Total Land Value: 147,700 Pro ertr Loc n:318&324 OLD MAIN ST' MAP ID:61/22.1/// BldgName: State Use:96 Vision ID: _Account#8872 C Bldg I of 2 Sec U: 1 of I Card i of 2 Print Date: 017 00:50 TRUCT/ONDETAILCONSTRUCTION DETAIL-(CONTINUE -- - lilenram CdChDesc Description Element Cd. Ch. Description tale "I1 :hurches -1P 18 Model 96 nd/Comm 18 Grade 32 elms As 54 s Norms 2 Fkcuu pwt 0 ,Sf!XED USE 'C PUS steno,Wall l 25 'in)I Siting Code /eur7>tion Percentage BAS 'slcrinr Wall 2 I 9600 CIILRCI1,TEMPLE M9 100 6 FBM 3: oof Structure 03 Gabldilip oof Coser 03 \spNF Cls/Cmp ntenor Wall I IS nlcrior Wall 2 J3 )nnalUSheei FA' Plastered -. -'COST/MARKET PALLIATION 3 metier flour I 09 melSott\Ynod AJ). Base Ratc; 66.40 - nterior Floor 2 IJ �'arpei ,354,338 F ff\eI Otho Adj: .00 eating Fuel /3 .as Replatt Cost .354.338 rearing l')N l4 orced Air-Bur IAY13 IJ 852 UBM 5r \C T)pc DI Pone )ep Code ti Iy'31dg Use )061 CIIt.RC11 ETC\196 'Remodel Rating floral Rooms Year Remodeled foul l3cdnns 10 fkp 85 5 foul Baths J 'unctional Obslnc ['eternal Obshx BAS 1 Cost Trend Factor °" kaVA(' 10 NONEConJilion I 1 WDK %Complete 715 1-402. 'ramc.1.‘pi: 02 `1009 FRA3IE Os erull%Gond 1 baths lumping 12 \YF.RA(E Apprais Val a.015,800 j;�vc ra}<a* •i a:"A'a - .-•. ; . CedingWall 16 k:Ell.,&WALLS flop%Orr 0 tGa,` \ oV Rooms! ons 12 \YF:R.\6E Dep Oar Comment . tiN7-,-.;,:t.'1,',..-,e..4414:.'TaYy - ''^ Wall kiln IJ \liselmp Osr 0 wf ;. • "• , o, Mise imp Os r Comment 3wf¢Trr S 3h" ir . j: 't` Como Wall 0 + t ,,may, + t`, I" Cost to Cure Os 0 . «c,, L+i r a4t 4 CR Orf Commnt • r' OB OI:1111.•II DI\4&YARD I F\t1(I)/ s toC II DI\C EaTRA'FFa\1'ISRES(B) "`(^d: .W y' - c ')•q ��"a'F"a+•• r s ° Cede Descry mon Soh G Desert it IT t nuts ..)/ !ore Yr GAG D r HI Cu! %nCnri :I rr I aloe .3 X 4,,c,'.5, `ly)l' k` _-; .,,,, .-.:,-, ,....::‘,.•.: yVC N6N2 Mt%IR COLE MID 1. 29 NDI 13 7,016°S tp0 1980 1990 I 100 50 '00 O r' 4.:.... � a < f s" y2�`StA tp y 4.� k a w r \ NPR2 r1F 1/(.OSCF:r 0 6,608;1.10 1990 1 100 500 . pY' "° .'i y 'a,` 1.LE\ ELLA:\TOlt B 3 20,000.00 1990 1 100 0,000 "y'y,.xis V ifq,;:.7 ' dy�< $} t,; a , - rt. ' ,-� w"s\ J � - I t. a >a � a Kria ,fir ° ' s .• ..'ra , :+ , , BUILDIN'GSUB-.4REASUAIAL4RYS!CTION ' + r �� ,.e. . e c y,.J�T�'} `-' " "j' 1 Code Description tiring (iron Area I: Area Unit Cost erde trrr 1'a$re r « f -. 3 sy ", I)``-. r HAS First Flaor 4,304 4.304 4,304 166.40 716,190 r 4* ,,,P,,,,.„„,--r, rose 1 sss r ''72 + �$ FRM Basement Finished Oi 1.944 972 83.20 161,742 x y yXr e u '`.t 3t : a ....r+<^g .. i Ft:P Porch,Enclosed,Finished U 144 72 83,20 11,981 t axe> t \ 'f7 ,sa. f #4 - ,n ;FOP Porch,Open Finished 0) 18 5 46.22 8324 , ° '"< S' Il:S 1 pper Ston Finished i 2,3041 2,304 2,304 166.40 383,388 ,e vl 1•a 3..t- „1, Pik 'r+atci c '1' IBM Basement,Unfinished . 0' 2,360 472 33.28 7841 x +`•k ' ' i s ( IN\'I)K Berk,1\ond U 96 IU 17.33 ax e Ttl. Gras Lia✓I.eae Area: 6.60Si 11,170 8.139 I 1,354,338 r^ -,anR9F.�. -. Property Loc n:318&324 OLD MAIN ST MAP ID:61/22.1/// Bldg Name State Use:996 Vision ID: Account k8872 Bldg of 2 Sec/I: 1 of 1 Card 2 of 2 Print Date: 017 00:50 CU TOWNER . . -Fe el ;Public atterL Code gSSESSMENT, .e„ x SO YARMOUTH METHODIST CHUR11 Level 2 Water I 4 Bus.District Description Code Appraised Value Assessed Value 4 Gas EXEMPT 9600 1,308,000 1,308,000 815 324 OLD MAIN ST EXM LAND 9600 147,700 147,700 YARMOUTH,MA 6 Septic EXEMPT 9600 8.700 8.700 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 :r . ." r '.,,SUPPLEMENTAL DATA ? - "».z • Additional Owners: Other ID: 53/U004/1/ VOTE MISC 180 VOTE DATE CHANGES PRIVATE R( BETTERMENT ♦�T ISION PLAN NUMBE1784,784B:BK646 PG 89 ZIP CODE 2664 GIS ID: M 309430 824860 ASSOC PIM Total 1,464,4001 1,464.400 •i` ,RECORD OF OWNERSHIP/"`?' r`s BK-VOL/PAGS'SALE DATE q/u *R SALE PRICE KC . «+ ,re-- ...7,,-..---PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS(HISTOR ` SO YARMOUTH METHODIST CHURCH 876/361 06/04/1954 1 Yr. Code Assessed-Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code AssessedValue S YARMOUTH METHODIST CHURCH I 0 2018 9600 1,308,0002017 9600 1,258,800 2016 9600 1,258,800 2018 9600 147,7002017 9600 147,7002016 9600 147,700 2018 9600 8,7002017 9600 8,7002016 9600 8,700 Total: 1,464,400 Total: 1,415,200 Total: 1.415,200 't,4''°^EXEMPTIONS'_ f - `/' $- ;` "Z-'OTHERASSESSMENTS,-‘7",-;•••0--'..4,-1,• .,;. This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description Amount Code Description Number AmounComm.Int. .sy s -h;i APPRAISED-VALUE SUMMARY s:sr Total- Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 229.800 -;-ASSESSINGNEIGHBORHOOD+.' , -a'.. ,•4:7-4,----:4•-•••.;i•_.3.•:•---:. ,. lt: Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 4A00 NBHD/SUB NBHD Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 8,200 F/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 0 _ `:NOTES- -:<, , tet : Special Land Value 0 METHODIST CHURCH OFFICE TQS=LOW CLNG HT FUS - Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,464,400 THRIFT STORE IN REAR Valuation Method: C FUNC=50 Adjustment: 0 Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,464,400 r = 'BUILDING PERMIT RECORD . - ,r:i ...'s= _ : VJSIT/CHANGE HISTORY Permit ID Issue Date Type Description Amount Insp.Date _ %Comp. Date Comp. Comments Date Type IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result 01/18/2017 02 KL BP Building Permit 04/01/2015 CM 00 Measur+Listed 02/18/2014 DK 00 Measur+Listed • 01/01/2014 01 1 BH CY CYCLICAL 2014 06/28/2004 CM 00 Measur+Lisled LAND LINE VALUATIONSECTION B Use Use - Unit Acre ST. SAdj # Code Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price L Factor S.A. Disc C.Factor ldx Adj. Notes-Adi Special Pricing Fact Ad/.Unit Price Land Value 2 9600 CHURCH,TEMPLE M, E 0 SF 0.00 1.0000 1.0000 1.00 0.00 .00 0.00 0 Total Card Land Units:1 0.00 ACI Parcel Total Land Area: .7 AC I Total Land Value: 0 Property hoe :318 S.324 OLD MAIN ST MAP 11):61/22.2/// Bldg Name: State Use:9�'-'--'-" Vision ID: Account 1/8372 Bldg 2 of 2 Sec#: I of 1 Card 2 of 2 Print Datc:1 017 00:50 C�TRUCTION DETAIL - 'CONSTRUCTION DETAIL(CONTINUED - '' Element Cd. Ch Description Element Cd. Cl,. Description tityle IA Office Bldg BAS lS tlodel 94 ContnVlnd I 12 AS 12 K rade 13 \verage I 20 'torics 2 Occupancy 0 " 'attflhED.USE 16 jictcrior Wall I IJ Mood Shingle Code Description I Perrenla'e 9stenor wan 2 I 9600 CIttiecO,TEMPLE 319I I00 I y on1Structurc 13 �C amdnip to twiCover 03 \sph/F CIs/Cmp I 5 5 ntcnor Wall I JS )nwall/Sheet Interior Wall 2 03 . 1C lastered COST/MARKET VALUATION 2 nFlo or r 1 12 1 Ila Nuood \d).Rase Rate: 71.84 ntcrtor Floor 2 14 I Carpet 82,979 5 BAS Net Other Adj. 0.00 26 Icuting Fuel 03 �.as pT enlace Cost 382,979 16 32 !eatinglyre 05plot Water \pB 9900 I TOS (\C TN Ut None ! 2 6 2 BAS 22 I •pCodc \ Bldg the )600 I 'III Rut,'TE\IPLE\t94 emodel Rating I 6 32 'car Remodeled I'uml Rooms 'ear P 32 'Total llcdnns 10 'P 5 I TOS Total Baths 0 ! unconnal Obslnc S `t BAS I :.sternal Obshs 119 2 UBM 22 'est Trend Factor I 10 32 ondn,on 11eatiAC 10 I NONE. ,i.Complete - 5-65 ramc'fRN 12 I WOOD FRAME )vcrall%Cond 60�3athstPlumbmg 02 i\VER\GE \pprais Val 229.800 • .'eiling.WWall I6 CEI(,&WALLS )cp%Ovr P - )c Osr Cotnnscnt Womsa'nns U2 1\\'E;RAGE: p disc hop ON U 71 all I Icight 8 I I ;b Comm Wall J \list Imp Osr Comment j i Cost to Cure()yr i ort to Cure(hr Comment i_— I R13-OUTI3LILDINGat YARD ITE\IS(L)/NFI3LIWING EXTRA FEATURES(B) t ,. ('ode I Dcsrrrprn rr Sub I Sub Descrrpt I.B(nits It nil l rtre )r (lie I 1 ip RI ("id %Cod .4pr I ohne p ri ,, .. .�. VAVI i \\1\G-ASI'} L 5.400 II.35 1982 0 50 3,600 ` tt_�*7 w\' - r r SIIBt FIE 1)FRAME 576 8.00 2001 U 100 4.600 .t '"� i1,et c '� ^, 3:P1.3 STORY CID: 1 I ':,800.00 1980 1 100 1.700 F:: 1�-:,ij ) . ,a {{{ .,a FC \IRCONDIT6 - 11 1,8002.50 1980 1 100 ^.700 .,.qi1n� x.n St „ 1—'I I I 1 I�r' i na-syr I BU%LD1.'.'GSUR-.4REASU t1A19R1'SF.CTIOh` l ` !.I �-` " a ""' # I Code Descn»inn [tiring. I Cross Area Ell Area brit Coat 1,ndeprcc Value '" e d !!!f �'' c 1 (Lon{ E ` r4.• 5 .'. BAS First Floor 3,790 3780 3,780 71.84 271 558 c:. 3 S FOP Porch,Open,Finished 0 114 29 18.28 2,083 sr t I � " —e— "'i, . -+ -- TEL'S s : }CS Upper Ston Finished i 252, 2S2 252 7184 18.104 �+S .- ,,,,:.07,-4 PTO Patio I UI 156 23 111.59 1 652 d:e s `C r 1 Sir ,5r 1 TQS Three Quarter Story I 1.056i 1,408 1.056 53.88 75.863 ser ';'. ''..,....;;;;' :tF:yd •:'.,418- a #' l3\I Basement,l nfrmshed I DI 956 191 II 3i1 137211 ,z F` 1s3 at + r s4 a 's( Y I i r .v 1; 55 C :.4.t.,,•:' r _ F ra may. I I £ 5 rh Y✓i 3'",F ' ` ' s) •...a• µ r•n* a..1.1•4-7•';01-••-‘•••1 ::•,.•••Y`:!••••••'.••••;he , sr 11s li���a• � a . T1/.Grncc Lev/tease Area: 5.0881 6.666 5,331. I 382.9793•„''�.'.'( < ,::.-.c .,`§ -- `. i ^^ t- t'k -...- `�Lr.Y'' k"„,. • ' .'� ,� __i.FG E'°•1'L CS-4 lip abt- " I/V im if taIPP-„,:: 4/Ør$ , �, o1r � ..„,,,, • ...., „ .. eIQss/,.t.: , *ii'M ' 7 s, mi.. , ;7. . .), 4 .o �� TOWN OF DENNIS co altt, °I ,°- a , 0 IV Z DATE OF LATEST MW REVISION'. SOWS TAX MAP 69: 0 /1 NFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS FCR ASSESSING 1W Eo o loo 200 + TOWN OF YARMOUTHP -Vgp -- SHEET RNPOSE1,7”NO utgri FCR€7,7116 �FaR ASSUMED BY Tiff TOWN OF YARNOt1TH BARNSTABLE COUNTY,MASSACHUSETTS 61 51 : 52: _F ryy.e `V` �. uxir .. .& ` J•~� - - =bT a(e.o..o [mY J oft li 5 ' I. °. gcK 1'0, ' � Q: r ,'1� �� � .2.... im" 14 `^V_ 4. .. m "1% O �.Fey'"' q V 9 - - , ar. Ric ‘` .'' ee 9 4' ,, Olasiet %:•'-44 IQ ‘).ra 4 "me •‘;') Ci2 I ( ).., .-- iiNe& 51.-- • • — ii%‘ (3"0 * . ti t. t' 0:::::‘ aiL0' '. -, 08 - - -.: .... a/ .x..3 JAMES g ,,,.� I° ® 0, cs o `u,. ae 6 POND Q, �~' QQ - " ��c � " o N O ' gg�'45:3 .CS O- �' "a o -111 `. <0 .c3t- .1. 0 lit -e, e ‘tSe4 v., 6. S : \iii \\ . ,..t. Al? +ibLaci , ,e, Zr--.0 ..e"- el' • *4 ' ' )' q \#(4.13 • c . -. ..., <is • i• COL t ..,e ;1‘te ?\ c:Pes. tC)'4% 44 " : " .K .= -•__ E-�-} - -- -,ems -- -,P_ i _ ,n. .al&. ` -- : - gab < WTE OFlATEST MM 1VEN5pn V1W5 TAX MAP ' 68169:70 SHEET IiFCRM..TICN 51gYM XEIiEON I6 i0R 1155E55NG ,,, m , ,� xao TOWN OF YARMOUTH NFiOSE5 4Y NO IVdIUTY FO ERRC IS "rut AESOMEGBV TMETONNCFYMMOUT L BARNSTABLE COUNTY,MASSACHUSETTS 59'Wil--'61 60 50.51 ,52. • • 1 O 1 > 1(.. Y4.4 C \ 1 e. C oo C - O Al °i V j i3 ° r ° o o . 1,1 o u °p c . a -Y. I =1 i ) 9 I n =�'+ 4 K wU C t i+ O yy • �. ° .t sw� Y 2 • �ppm m I2�y1.N .1 • in n • • O C . . . C Cel yry�� t�� • 8 4 le );1n jt fl!1J1: 6 aO RpI y c 1 III! ° C .0 E NKpp�.{�Y . S 09 WO .Yi Ii g F m t O 4 r- .t > •'• K MM .J q C M t! . S •F F e >... t. a Z N �. �'i tg V •ADO t 1.; Jr i1I S m U 4 ii Y M ° m C 4 M .1 `O a •_ 0 0 O" 7 C m O O,u . B 4 8 .2 .._ pEO oe 00 CJ Oeti..t t N •Nw YE > MMw w xC YtA.�•t4. Ypp ii p • „ O O W „ D O O o f G u m A• i 1>. Ti I •h>. >� O .i Y .i 4f,i NI +/ ... 1 S'a [ppy� y 8' CJ O44 M OY O M N M C • G0 0..4• ° M 8 O i �. V E�% • y~ y oY mo 00 o 0, rri A .D0 •WO • 40 ; ••V oc.13w ; ��Sj- ti S 1t ` e� 414: - . QQ It �e1tp1 A,. a s oYW OE4 44 0 114 • O w w Y n.• i • o iCw °• • si ' ^S i'�y7gCp ° U: M SO GA SOOOO ORI mOS . . -.4.1 2 _�'frr4%�C4, O y. p(• • ypN • 3 . )D C • m t Y.i . ggBggBg . • V h � M O G�� O C F G h.Ci O Y N A p Cp.°iC Y U g 1 4F O., p .F.tlt� bgtm OVE CC b . .°iOYMUY40.°i 'g :t'` •• • mw >.. m CC 40u CCgPdC O'S O4YF.r 14 IC .i > ix /. 1 - 0 . O . .7 Q.. O .. ti.°1W 0 • 4-1 NN 0.°f ypA M... U . OYO i j �'t e . mye S N 3o >. >, >. >,>, t, '0 Q'O A!V YY.a.S.Di S• •mg _ :i�,',� C O;.a� Y KV � o AA AA RAA A o0i =F iO �oo..Ci y .! ..7'M: r • y. _.t`....: .r-,..2. : S S K try a Y C 14 o O °•4.0410 .0 1 �. 'b �/ o'. cµ:� Ooiei O O •.i t7 S w 000 Q • i .ice S • Mai • °� S.>iUY >r V° °4> 1 '' ,t'_, OI pyIDA uI!sm .I ..1 >. >. fl N •i fulfil 'oK � ° YV i .�.t -,. ■DOtD yp 1: ca I2 IDS d Z YS `::�a i '1•� A � � , s i12e.tNt e • tin • • r Qtommautaedt4 a!M semi nits • cl ;876 Barnetable .aa. June 1934 : Then pe:mnaly appeared the above-nareed ta.... T,..r vi ,__ 3 6:1 :'•- • • . and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be--his--f)act7eeel beim .,, t+'•. ••Iq ce®Ivb aphis. ._. y�Z� •; .'. • . Barnstable, ss., Received June 4, 1954, and is recorded. . • • • THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH, a municipal corporation, located in the • County of Barnstable, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, also known as the • INHABITANTS of the TOWN OF YARMOUTH, acting by, through and under • its duly elected and qualified Board of Selectmen, Howard B. Monroe, William • P. Frost and Henry R. Darling, by virtue of the power vested in them, by • vote of the Inhabitants of said Town of Yarmouth, at ayiuly called and legally ' • held Town Meeting, held on February 9th, 1954, while acting under Article ~ • 45 of said Town Warrant, wherein said Selectmen were authorized to deliver a deed, and every other power thereunto enabling, do herebya.�'`• grant unto the i SOUTH YARMOUTH METHODIST CHURCH, the following piece of land, '� •' situated in Yarmouth (South); Barnstable County, Massachusetts', bounded . and described as follows: • NORTHERLY by other land of the Town of Yarmouth, Eighteen (18) feet, more or less; EASTERLY by land of said Grantee, Fifty-Seven (57) feet, Six (6) inches, more or less; •• I: SOUTHERLY by other land of the Town of Yarmouth, Eighteen • • (18) feet; and • i_. WESTERLY by other land of the Town of Yarmouth, Fifty • - Seven(57) feet, Six (6) inches. NOMINALCONSIDERATION• Di WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Town of Yarmouth this3 C-'day of• , 2ms.ls 1954, has caused its,corporate seal to be hereto affixed and thee, • presents to be signed, sealed, acknowledged anddelivered in its>hire and behalf by Howard.B. Monroe,..William FP. Front and Henry lt. lit.'fag, its• • Selectmen, duly authorized by tote of the Inhabitants of the Towa, while 'act4sg under Artidsel.9i Tawnt:WeirrtsttYos the Li dtlyte"ailed, 1)^,<. wit ry➢:. 1954— :__.—�_�_._... ._. _... . '876 1•, ` c . . T. • YARM• TH • it]tkAIO+ By c..__. �G •� 7...1,om—`'c'y�1 0%�T BySelectgC n of he• A .0 .r.;'i ' Town o Yarmouth ; . • • • 4, • COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE ss. 'June''3 1954 • Then personally appeared the above named Howard B. Monroe, William P. Frost and Henry R. Darling, Selectmen as aforesaid, and acknowledged • the foregoing instrument to be the free act and deedA.,,LteK—G•3c4k--1-247,,i) of the Town of Yarmouth, • Before me, No t1/4 u,, ailt 1 JC) My commission expires: Q• 1 / 7--,_. 191iy° ;rr A. f-li%i H Zt"t4 iia iry !. • e —LS,r; • ,y • Ain C . • Jyxyu�,r../,•,ice • d H -'Y:r'M . • Barnstable, es., Received June 4, 1954, and is recorded. • We, L. ROBERT MacIVOR and A. HAROLD CASTONGUAY, both of '^ Yarmouth (West), Barnstable County, Massachusetts, TRUSTEES of the Colonial ' , Acres Trust, under Declaration of Trust dated June 30, 1938, duly recorded in mf Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 541 Page 1, Esoomictdanabosettx 3htitestoda*for 000siderstion paid, grant to OSCAR W. DOANE, JR. and VICTORIA.H. DOANE, husband and wife, as tenants by the entirety, both of said Yarmouth(West); with qabliaba rmattinits • the land in said Yarmouth (West), bounded and described as follows: • (De tipuo•and eo,m6ynq if awl NORTHEASTERLY.by Lot 196, as shown on plan hereinafter mentioned, One Hundred (100) feet . . SOUTHEASTERLY by Mayflower Road, as shown on said plan, One Hundred Fifty(150) feet;, ' t SOUTHWESTERLY by Lots 171 and 172; as shown on said plan, One Hundred • i•.� (100) feat;and and a portion of Lot 175, •NORTHWESTERLY by Lots 174, 207, 208 and a part of Lot 209,/on said plan, :.. - f• • >; One Hundred 1Rfty(150)feet: .. 0 • 376 . i' Know all men by these presents, that We, Charles R. Bassett, Edward T. Chase and Fred M. Angus, Selectmen of the town of Yarmouth, by authority of a vote of said • town under Article twenty-five of a Warrant for the Annual town meeting held at • the Town Auditorium on February 13th 1934 of Yarmouth Barnstable County, Mass- 411 achusetts, for consideration paid, grant to Wilfred W. Fuller and others, Trustees for and of the South Yarmouth Methodist Church and their successors as Trustees for the said South Yarmouth Methodist Church of South Yarmouth with quitclaim covenants the land in South Yarmouth in the town of Yarmouth bounded and described as follows Beginning at the North West corner of the land of the Grantee the South Yarmouth Methodist Church and extending Northerly ten feet to other land of the Grantors the town of Yarmouth, thence running Westerly by the land of the said town of Yarmouth in a line parallel with the said Church property fifty-seven feet and six inches more or less to a corner, said corner in line with the land of the said Church southerly bounds, thence running Easterly ten feet to the land of the said Church, thence running Northerly by the land of the said Church fifty seven feet and six inches more or less to the first mentioned point. This deed is given subject to the following conditions as prescribed by the said vote of the _ town of Yarmouth, viz: That in the event of the burning or otherwise destroying of the Church that the land herein conveyed shall revert to the town of Yarmouth Witness our hands and seals this nineteenth day of July 1934 Witness Barbara A. Sherman Charles R. Bassett (LS IIIEdward T. Chase (LS LS Fred M. Angus (LS) • Selectmen of the town of Yarmouth Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable as. Yarmouth July 19th 1934 Then personally appeared the above named Edward T. Chase and Fred M. Angus and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their free act and deed, before me Charles R. Bassett Justice of the Peace • My Commission expires February 13th 1936. Barnstable,ss., Received February 4, 1935, and it recorded. I, ISAAC A.BEARSE, of Chatham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, for consideration paid, grant to L. WILBER ELDRIDGE of Chatham, Massachusetts with quitclaim covenants the land in Chatham, Massachusetts (South Chatham) Bounded and described as follows: On the North by land of George H. Nickerson and Isaac A. Bearse; on the East by an old road leading to So. Chatham; on the South by the road leading from Harwich to Chatham; and on the West by an old proprietors road, being the same premises des- cribed in deed from Elisha R. Hoarse to Alice Sisson recorded in Barnstable Registry of deeds, Book 384, Page 401, I being sole heir of said Alice Sisson. I, Rose F. Hearse wife of said grantor release to said grantee all rights of dower and home- stead and other interests therein. Witness our hands and seals this fourteenth day • 40 of September 1934 • Elizabeth W. Eldridge Isaac A. Bearse to both Rose F. Hearse Commonwealth of Massachusetts r'''''/A,-.7----72-7-0t."6-2."7-77- rf .u7. 7r,Ls.`""l. - p fl 9n r4-" r"-2r-.�,fx • ;) -^-�- � �j -a.r.7-r—r v- -A-27-. . r.r.-,r yr,..rr w,.. •..i:rr, 0 r� 9N..loa'rayed Vie vra r.tP � X m n••+vrp..ia /�/,f �. rNM �y /-->J. r �(/al rrCrito-t'K..Ci' n227:, r�ro"Jr`.ay r .Y" '' ^ 2-it..•p1 `.0 nr.-- "c—vey r e-My ��y-7,9-9a. /,--~y nri- •mss �Y - 7Urraw.r� '7,.,j.✓Y. wrr?art? 7 ;.r . -'K�<-&-r,.n--..,;ya) _ -' rp - rn ,ry�i- ® r I V >.J-st W, 2 P .r,.. ?. ' >.:9,y/ 2' p -".•Th_."a.t/'['° fluor T err+2wva...ern r>r y..-is-,a/ - it Kl e+y"np`y2'L'�"."/�S/r it:ap 44W y r'r r a.,rr.....�"9--r r--" 9.».v a ,.[.reZlr. ...'.-:97 ;17- �p_gp!w��r-bvey.a..n e14717 r:r.t.s.r yyc, 2aaory i. ws ''-n Inn' • r - • - r-rr .✓Y vy'" en - of m.,r a g. ifi . ' c• II 2 �=em .re_ rvil. ►wc, 0_,ertz r' � 7r nonai - p h — •—j yn-W7-cP-ir :efc7-2 _- . . !ret � - t ° -'--r`- '• 1 r/ntn77 ✓ 7 rt7.-4 - 'a .cvaC. � ".> •..;7}0 . 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REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCcellinse. ..*`.""`� ", Federal Communications Commission $ ,y Wireless Telecommunications Bureau `0"^torn = RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: sir LF3 "TNERSHIP reg 1.4)%7A,,, '' Call Sign File Number ATTN: REGULATO4i, .&' KNLH269 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP M,, Radio Service 1120 SANCTUARY PKWi50 Of. A5REG CW-PCS Broadband ALPHARETTA,GA 3000 ;_63G "' 1/47,13 FCC Re istration Number FRN : 00Q 073 50 Grant Date Effective ate ,. Expiration Date Print Date 07-23-2007 12-1620It �")'': 06-27-2017 it Market Number ` `n rel Block Sub-Market Designator BTA364 1J' i'4uw�t 0 Maflfame Providenc a4iucketrRj-New B • � 1 1st Build-out Date2nd Build-out Date I, 3rtl;Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date 06-27-2002 y'' ii « a V Waivers/Conditions: pit/ VA This authorization is subject to the condition that,in the event that systefilwittg' a same frequencies as granted herein are authorized in an adjacent foreign territory(Canada/United States),future`coerdination of any base station transmitters within 72 km(45 miles)of the United States/Canada border shall be required to eliminate any harmft4 pterference to operations in the adjacent foreign territory and to ensure continuance of equal access to the frequenciesbf loth,bntries. irOt This authorization is subject to the condition that the remaining balance of the winning bid amount ill be paid in accordance with Part 1 of the Commission's rules,47 C.F.R.Part 1. 'Silk l c r dk ,: Conditions: ,40 Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),tlu3'1re8'nst s subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station itdi anyi[gh m the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authord4 hereitteither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violatio St'h ora 'ations Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of useor rred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. er ,i. fat. n;r This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified the'barded ersion. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum arldjt,." el'Afea information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS • homepage at http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?job=home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 1 April 2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used • in place of an official,F�CQ case. �oraa„. a '$. .� � Federal Communications Commission Wireless Telecommunications Bureau ,`°y*re RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION «yy, LICENSEE: L1T TNERSHIP ` .ti Call Sign File Number ATTN:REGULATOR, }/ WQJQ689 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP -- 1120 SANCTUARY PKW t O A5REG B Radio Service W U-700 MHz Upper Band(Block C) ALPHARETTA,GA 3000', 63 t f dreen FCC Registration Number(FRN): 00049071 Icot fi- Grant Date Effective" t,�, Expiration Date Print Date 11-26-2008 05-200t4 y, 06-13-2019 Market Number +w;al)► I r bel Block Sub-Market Designator REA001 0 Marke&'$me (ortheast y • 1st Build-out Date ‘, 2nd Build-out Date TM y 3i1 Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date 06-13-2013 06-13-2019 ; *J e464"--141 Waivers/Conditions: ki- yq If the facilities authorized herein are used to provide broadcast operatiw �t exclusively or in combination with other services,the licensee must seek renewal of the license either within eigh`fyeirs from the commencement of the broadcast service or within the term of the license had the broadcast service not been provided,whichever�' period is shorter in length. See 47 CFR§27.13(b). .04' n w . This authorization is conditioned upon compliance with section 27.16 of the Commtsston s rules/nth k '1,t` •ate nert /t4+'``" Min Conditions: nl Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),ittt irSns s subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor auy'tlghin the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authordtd 1 ereitt,itleither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violatiop*''( ILommulitCations Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C. 310(d). This license is in terms to the right of us t$r c § subjectg �� dttiruL,cSirred by §706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. 4'44hN=-0" This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified dq the hard*npy,Yersion. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum an$gArkit Area information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm7job=home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 1 April 2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FC se. y`a"""`% , Federal Communications Commission m,', v Wireless Telecommunications Bureau cQns • RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION -�v{ LICENSEE: LGn' TNERSHIP v w= Call Sign File Number ATTN:REGULATO• , WQEM959 CELLCO PARTNER P 444.. Radio Service 1120 SANCTUARY PKW r,it'4p 0'; A5REG CW- PCS Broadband = ALPHARETTA,GA 3000 ' 636 ,,'' FCC Registration Number(FRN): 00043 9(1673 if Grant Date Effects sa Expiration Date Print Date 03-08-2006 12-1A-?Ric,, , 03-08-2016 Market Number ' �S" el Block Sub-Market Designator BTA364 r;# " 5 Ma,fk'et]Vame Providenc4v ucke4Rl--New B • 1st Build out Date2nd Build-out Date P:' 3fi Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date- 03-08-2011 r'.' F, Me Waivers/Conditions: ',N'. Grant of the request to update licensee name is conditioned on it not retmj3 signment or transfer of control(see Rule • 1.948);if an assignment or transfer occurred without proper notification-60aapproval,the grant is void and the station is licensed under the prior name. y 41 key r•i` Conditions: �+ Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C. §309(h),th' Btha `t nse is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station slot""any'fi"tit in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authors d itereitt t either the 4-4 license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violatiow4ttigCommiinations Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of us$tir canal rpl nferred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. e1i=``'" �`4`: This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified thebatdetp version. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum aUtillAzic Area information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm7ob=home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page I of 1 April 2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used aoin place of an official FCnse. °0 "4w+,, .C- 4k 4 4s� d Federal Communications Commission Wireless Telecommunications Bureau • •o`t a .741 r •`0w+VW° RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION �K ..� C . LICENSEE: �1Li TNERSHIP NIA, S`��4 Ada VI Call Sign File Number ATTN:REGULATO Y w WQGB292 0006166710 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP yew Radio Service 1120 SANCTUARY PKW YslspG ASREG - .. - AW-AWS, 1710-1755/2110-2155 MHz ALPHARETTA,GA 30009=?1630 : bands Villa 'H • FCC Registration Number(FRN): 0003/ 673 1 Grant Date Effecti pie%, Expiration Date Print Date 11-29-2006 01-Qt•Slit ' 11-29-2021 02-22-2014 Market Number *.45N''*-C.Itel Block Sub-Market Designator CMA076 0 MarlOt Slime New Beitzif Pa( R vct,MA • 1st Buildout Date 2nd Build-out Date t, . 3iBuild-out Date 4th Build-out Date Waivers/Conditions: x�*g' , This authorization is conditioned upon the licensee,prior to initiating 4t b!(rgfr m any base or fixed station,making reasonable efforts to coordinate frequency usage with known co-channel niiadjacent channel incumbent federal users operating in the 1710-1755 MHz band whose facilities could be affected by the proposed operations.See,e.g.,FCC and NTIA Coordination Procedures in the 1710-1755 MHz Band,Public Notice,FCC 06-50,wptheelte o.02-353,rel,April 20, 2006. + -'`" 1.i.; rt ,tats Conditions: yd ^t Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U,S.C. §309(h),t lttepse"4ts subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the stationtaawilikli:f in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authgta£e4heren '1either the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation4 thekcommtintcations Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 USC §310(d), This license is subject in terms to the right of usiior con'4ylc6 ferrel by§706 of w the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. , ;;;. i,,,4 4 a«:=t This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identifiedlletbaiipppyyersion. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum ariatiftArea information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?job=home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 2 April 2009 Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP ill Call Sign: WQGB292, ,, File Number: 0006166710 Print Date: 02-22-2014 ➢"94, The license' 00bfec co ce with the provisions of the January 12,2001 Agreement between Deutsche Telekom AG, VoiceStream Wirelels cog bion,VoiceStream Wireless Holding Corporation and the Department of Justice(DOJ)and the Federal Bureau of """ilitit)on(FBI),which addresses national security,law enforcement,and public safety issues of the FBI and the DOJ regar41nn the authority granted by this license.Nothing in the Agreement is intended to limit any obligation imposed by Federat jawot rregu lon including,but not limited to,47 U.S.C.Section 222(a)and(c)(1)and the FCC's implementing regulatickf The eement is published at VoiceStream-DT Order,IB Docket No.00-187,FCC 01-142, 16 FCC Rcd 9779,9853( 001 : $6,-& gal, r,jnIA, � ""1/103 i its ''� .Auk Ti^k} soceo- tiliclwri 2 uip 'Li a litz effrKas Baa iia 4 rw ti 'Jock . Pr •• FCC 601-MB Page 2 of 2 April 2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.Itis a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases here FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in .place of an official"Oa toaa' to ��, ',r ,;tai a, Federal Communications Commission 1 ,ih Wireless Telecommunications Bureau `°""re"" V. , ;;li�� It' RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION '1 v, LICENSEE: CE FA Kitsyp Call Sign KNKA25I File Number ,,$"' � ATTN:REGULATORY p ;t K , Radio Service CELLCO PARTNERSHIP `� , CL-Cellular 1120 SANCTUARY PKW alli,iS U.-ii ASREG ALPHARETTA,GA 30009-763(I4 Market Numer Channel Block .,=,- CMA076 B Sub-Market Designator te,aFCC Registration Number(FRN): 0003290673tl ' 0 Market Name V1 Li New Bedford-Fall River,MA ', m Grant Date Effective Date Aar'Date Five Yr Build-Out Date Print Date 03-22-2006 03-18-2014 'V' 02-05421)16 it • Site Information: 5 t "' f-?t Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elev>rti n Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meted) V (meters) Registration No. 1 41-39-10.0 N 071-04-19.0 W 25.9 . trx. .9 1005286 Address:817 STATE RD .44 y a City:WESTPARK - County:BRISTOL State:MA Constru On (tie: ,, ',‘ Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 13S 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 24.500 46.500 53.700 57.700 00; ""43,;600 38.900 45.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 72.440 89.130 19.950 0.600 0200 0.200 0.230 10.230 Antenna:4 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90135 '180 14 270 315 ,04 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 24.500 46.500 53.700 57.700 ?d%70Qt 43.600 38.900 45.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.200 0.850 23.440 93.330 66070' 0J 0.200 0.200 .4441--* Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 * 225 *f 270 315 14 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 24.500 46.500 53.700 57.700 63.70 xy 43 60 p 38.900 45.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2.570 0.200 0.200 0.200 3.310 ''t 45740° A00.000 40.740 „fie, ,�,r, t.a a.N Y Conditions: n( Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),this license is subjeCtto the„ , following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor art right 6t t ti se of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authonzedfiamti N ither the license not the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of • 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. FCC 601-C Page 1 of 4 August 2007 Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP . Call Sign:KNKA2,54. . :; File Number: Print Date: :tom Location t$ithd, 1. Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 3 41-55,,�4 L1# 071.18-43.2 W 79.3 55.5 Address:O'Donne. Dnv City:ATTLEBO rodnn ,;;BRISTOL State:MA Construction Deadline: Antenna:4 Azimuth(fEoM j rtb) c4,A 45 90 135 ISO 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meterrss) ±'66'200 94.400 104.600 95.000 107.800 109.800 66.300 59.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) `14.190 7.130 1.910 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.670 6.810 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true no 0-, 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) � 00 94.400 104.600 95.000 107.800 109.800 66.300 59200 TransmittingERP watts (watts) 11M 9.850 14360 11.710 16.470 1.390 0.200 0.200 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north) 0 , 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Hei ht AAT meters03 '�" g ( ) !$62004.400 104.600 95.000 107.800 109.800 66.300 59.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.140 ,per f 0.100 0.520 7.460 11.160 11.560 4.510 fi C i0 (� Location Latitude Longitude " round Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure nit rs) (meters) Registration No. 6 41-42-46.0 N 071-07-36.0 W (101. 83.7 1004502 Address: 1658 PRESIDENT AVE REAR " '� a' City:FALL RIVER County:BRISTOL State: MA d1Loosfruction Deadline: 0 Antenna:4 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45N,9 f 35 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 114.700 81.100 80.400 6 .000 82.700 92.800 117.800 102.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 87.100 97.950 3$ 7545 0.200 0.200 3.590 25.530 2q ih5i Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135-" 180 225 270 315 N. loo Antenna Height AAT(meters) 114.700 81.100 80.400 11 92 0OO 82.700 92.800 117.800 102.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.840 5.790 46.770 '\ 9!9986 83.950 18.030 2.960 0.200 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from tare north) 0 45 90 135 180 rtzkX225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 114.700 81.100 80.400 92.000 8 '` 800 117.800 102.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 9.530 0.770 0.290 1.330 p 1.270 '41520 95.720 65310 r..: n nor ` `t 5p* fu '4 IACP 4,4.Or tgs. 54y. , 1k74 et,r1 Ay eµ.1 (44-;1‘0::' • FCC 601-C Page 2 of 4 August 2007 Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP 0 Call Sign:KNKA25I % - File Number: Print Date: Location Qiatitnde _: Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure t+"' of (meters) (meters) Registration No. 7 41-39- ,. N'-''A 070-56-07.8 W 36.2 49.7 1020722 Address:PENN N S City:New Bedfoi ou ty: B�RISTOL State:MA Construction Deadline: Antenna:4 Azimuth�m Quc,orth) kO 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT ,-*.t.,1-1..47s i o0 65.700 74.500 80.800 75.500 56.300 48.900 38.100 Transmitting ERP(watts) /N0.790 85.110 21.880 2.400 0.200 0.200 2.000 14.130 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north ` 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 1= O0 65.700 74.500 80.800 75.500 56.300 48.900 38.100 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0 3.890 28.180 91.200 60.260 10.960 0.870 0.200 '14Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north j 0 6d 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 4!700 l .700 74.500 80.800 75.500 56.300 48.900 38.100 Transmitting ERP(watts) 5.010 0.200 0.740 6.610 46.770 100.000 37.150 Location Latitude Longitude x& yCround Elevation Structure HgttoTip Antenna Structure (meths) (meters) Registration No. 8 41-46-34.3 N 070-55-51.7 W :453 71.9 1009579 Address: 182 MIDDLEBORO ROADc: Ap ):"" City: EAST FREETOWN County:BRISTOL State: )'. Construction Deadline: >V tl t Antenna:4 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 ¢ 5 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 55.900 55.100 '9 00 5 .200 50.200 36.800 45.700 48.100 Transmitting ERP(watts) 74.130 89.130 22•91 1.290 0.200 0.200 0.650 13.180 k'h �kn Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 "135 w o 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 55.900 55.100 59.800 bittr di 50.200 36.800 45.700 48.100 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.200 1.820 28.180 °=`9T330` 67.610 10.230 0.400 0.200 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 55.900 55.100 59.800 57.200 ,56.206.800 45.700 48.100 Transmitting ERP(watts) 3.890 0.200 0.200 0.230 sg4 "130 50,120 100.000 42.660 eSS 0u, a 41j' it4 'g tip ts- , ?. h4' ..0 .- ,i-, e ui 1i x-1 M kt Ake yY • FCC 601-C Page 3 of August 2007 Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP • Call Sign:KNKA2511: n, File Number: Print Date: e Location 4L7iltfttideek Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure 'a�" ', (meters) (meters) Registration No. 9 41-57-5, . 071-11-36.2 W 33.8 64.3 1278702 Address:63 W 'REET City:NORTON Codry 73)ISTOL State:MA Construction Deadline: Antenna:4 Azimuth((from`trd`e` oril)) 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT fritters) �+ ',-320 56.000 64.700 73.800 44.900 49.000 39.000 28.400 Transmitting ERP(watts) t. 'd23.670 239.670 60.200 7.240 0.680 0.680 5.370 50.070 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from e n p,V.: 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) y ' 32,N.. 0 56.000 64.700 73.800 44.900 49.000 39.000 28.400 TransmittingERP watts '"' (watts) 12.290 89.050 268.910 169.670 33.850 3.390 0.680 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north) 0 t" -4 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 4,z,$o0000 64.700 73.800 44.900 49.000 39.000 28.400 Transmitting ERP(watts) 13.170 Feu 0.680 3.460 33.850 173.620 268.910 87.020 Control Points: 1 4' `,¢. Control Pt.No. I 4f Address:500 W Dove Rd dr tot City:Southlake County: TARRANT State:Tr Telephone Number:(800)264-6620 Sis- Waivers/Conditions: ^ "u _d NONE s �U 'u mgt. t t eA *aas. cI '1 �5�0.� � '�Y"? ( (�1 Aa etY 1p y art ef°^ty 4 of ri " • FCC 601-C Page 4 of 4 August 2007 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FC rt se. Q.v`0" ; �` ,, Federal Communications Commission 3- Wireless Telecommunications Bureau 40++034 d7XRADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: CL`C 'TNERSHIP a "` Call Sign File Number ATTN:REGULATORY:4r WQGA900 0006150134 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP t x Radio Service 1120 SANCTUARY PKW 0 tA5REG AW-AWS, 1710-1755/2110.2155 MHz ALPHARETTA,GA 30004 5. O bands 6 FCC Registration Number(FRN): 00g29pf73 .+A Grant Date Effecti tt 3., Expiration Date Print Date 11-29-200612-21"O tt 11-29-2021 02-14-2014 Market Number L ha`�el Block Sub-Market Designator BEA003 1 Marktit?4me Boston-Wor td'r Lawrence-Lowe a 1st Build out Date 2nd Build-out Date t% ' 3> Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date Waivers/Conditions: a .i; Fik This authorization is conditioned upon the licensee,prior to initiating operatic om any base or fixed station,making reasonable efforts to coordinate frequency usage with known co-channel'a adjacent channel incumbent federal users operating in the 1710-1755 MHz band whose facilities could be affected by the proposed operations.See,e.g.,FCC and NTIA Coordination Procedures in the 1710-1755 MHz Band,Public Notice,FCC 06-50,WJBtnckttlo.02-353,rel.April 20, 2006. ,r, ,i^' Yt AWS operations must not cause harmful interference across the Canadian or Mew Y`' order. authority dank 1�t` ry granted herein is subject to future international agreements with Canada or Mexico,as applicable. aNYS �% iii~ 6/ Conditions: ' , Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C. §309(h), he 4e is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station'tt6r aqy ffg6 in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authoriikd harem , either the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violatioi? tth�mm ations Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use-or I t`erred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. ,44thse r$'r'x�' p. itAW This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identifiedtffl the'hardc0)f version. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum antl. srket Area information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS • homepage at http://wireless.fcc.gov/ulsfindex.htm?job=home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 1 April 2009 C Squared Systems,LLC 65 Dartmouth Drive Sys NH 03032 • Phone: (60(G03) 644 2800 rAltems aupaorr&'rsqueredsysrems.conl RF Report Proposed Wireless Facility 318 Old Main Street Yarmouth, MA 02664 • verizon1 April 12, 2018 • Verizon Wireless Yarmouth 6 MA • TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Overview 1 2. Introduction 3. The Proposed Facility 3 4.Coverage and Capacity Objectives 4 5. Site Search and Selection Process 5 6. Pertinent Site Data 6 7. Coverage Analysis and Propagation Plots 7 8. Certification of Non-Interference 9 9. Summary 9 10. Statement of Certification 9 11.Attachments 10 • LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Verizon Wireless Site Information Used in Coverage Analysis 6 Table 2: Capacity Offload Summary 8 ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Yarmouth 6—Existing 700 MHz&2100 MHz LTE Coverage(Macro-Sites) Attachment B: Yarmouth 6—Existing/Approved 700 MHz& 2100 MHz LTE Coverage (Macro-Sites) Attachment C: Yarmouth 6-700 MHz&2100 MHz LTE Coverage with Proposed Site(Macro-Sites) Attachment D: Yarmouth 6—Existing 700 MHz LTE Sector Footprints(Macro-Sites) Attachment E: Yarmouth 6—Existing/Approved 700 MHz LTE Sector Footprints (Macro-Sites) Attachment F: Yarmouth 6—700 MHz LTE Sector Footprints with Proposed Site(Macro-Sites) Attachment G: Yarmouth 6—Area Terrain Map • C Squared Systems,LLC i April 12,2018 Verizon Wireless Yarmouth 6 MA • 1. Overview This RF Report has been prepared on behalf of Verizon Wireless in support of its application to the Town of Yarmouth for the installation and operation of a wireless facility located at 318 Old Main Street. The proposed facility consists of antennas and associated equipment concealed within the existing church steeple, and an equipment room located in the basement level of the church. This report concludes that the proposed site will fill in coverage gaps and provide additional capacity to southern Yarmouth in order to improve deficient service areas along Route 28 (Main Street), Old Main Street, North Main Street, and the surrounding roads, neighborhoods, and business/retail/community areas in the proximity of the proposed site. Included in this report is: a brief summary of the site's objectives,maps showing Verizon Wireless'current network plan, and predicted Radio Frequency coverage of the subject site and the surrounding sites in Verizon Wireless' network. 2. Introduction Verizon Wireless provides digital voice and data communications services using 3rd Generation (3G) CDMA/EVDO technology in the Cellular (800 MHz) and PCS (1900 MHz) frequency bands, and is in the midst of deploying advanced 4th Generation (4G) voice and data services over LTE technology in the 700 MHz, PCS, and AWS (2100 MHz) frequency bands as allocated by the FCC. These networks are used by mobile devices for fast web browsing, media streaming, and other applications that require broadband connections. The mobile devices that benefit from these advanced networks are not limited to basic handheld phones, but also include devices such as smartphones,PDA's, tablets,and laptop air-cards. With the evolving rollout of 4G LTE services and devices, Verizon Wireless customers will have even faster connections to people, information, and entertainment As explained within this report,Verizon Wireless has identified the need to add a new facility to its existing network of sites in the Yarmouth area to improve coverage and capacity to a significant gap in service that now exists in southern Yarmouth,in order to support reliable communications and meet the growing demand in the area. To maintain a reliable and robust communications system for the individuals,businesses,public safety workers and others who use its network,Verizon Wireless deploys a network of cell sites (also called wireless communications facilities) throughout the areas in which it is licensed to provide service. These cell sites consist of antennas mounted on structures,such as buildings and towers,supported by radio and power equipment. The receivers and transmitters at each of these sites process signals within a limited geographic area known as a"cell." Mobile subscriber handsets and wireless devices operate by transmitting and receiving low power radio frequency ' signals to and from these cell sites. Handset signals that reach the cell site are transferred through land lines (or other means of backhaul transport) and routed to their destinations by sophisticated electronic equipment. For Verizon Wireless' network to function effectively, there must be adequate overlapping coverage between the "serving cell"and adjoining cells. This not only allows a user to access the network initially,but also allows for the 410 transfer or "hand-off' of calls and data transmissions from one cell to another, and prevents unintended disconnections or"dropped calls." C Squared Systems,LLC 1 April 12,2018 Verizon Wireless Yarmouth 6 MA Verizon Wireless' antennas also must be located high enough above ground level to allow transmission (a.k.a. • propagation) of the radio frequency signals above trees, buildings, and other natural or man-made structures that may obstruct or diminish the signals. Areas without adequate radio frequency coverage have substandard service, characterized by dropped and blocked calls, slow data connections, or no wireless service at all,and are commonly referred to as coverage gaps. The size of the area potentially served by each cell site depends on several factors including the number of antennas used,the height at which the antennas are deployed,the topography of the surrounding land,vegetative cover,and natural or man-made obstructions in the area. The actual service area at any given time also depends on the number of customers who are on the network in range of that cell site. As customers move throughout the service area,the transmission from the phone or other device is automatically transferred to the Verizon Wireless facility with the best reception,without interruption in service,provided that there is overlapping coverage between the cells. Each cell site must be primarily designed to strike a balance between the overall geographic coverage area it will serve,and the site's capacity to support the usage within the coverage footprint. in rural areas,cell sites are generally designed to have broader coverage footprints because the potential traffic is sparser and distributed over a larger area. In more densely populated suburban and urban environments, the capacity to handle calls and data transmissions is of increasing concern,and cell sites must limit their coverage footprint to an area where the offered network traffic can be supported by the radio equipment and resources. Due to the aggressive historical and . projected growth of mobile usage,particularly for mobile data(42%in 2016-2017,35%CAGR 2016-2021 in North America)',instances arise where the usage demand can no longer be supported by the site(s) serving an area, and . new facilities must be integrated to provide capacity relief to the overloaded sites. • We have concluded that by developing the proposed wireless communication facility at 318 Old Main Street with an antenna centerline height of 45'AGL(above ground level),Verizon Wireless will be able to provide substantially improved coverage and additional capacity to residents,businesses,and traffic corridors within southern Yarmouth that are currently located within gaps in service of Verizon Wireless'network. • '"Cisco Visual Networking Index:Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update,2016-2021",February 7,2017,Cisco Systems,Inc. h,tn://www.cisco.wm/c/en/us/solulionskollateml/service-provider/visual-networking-index-vni/mobile-white-saner-c I 1-520862.html C Squared Systems,LLC 2 April 12,2018 1 Verizon Wireless Yarmouth 6 MA • 3. The Proposed Facility Verizon Wireless'proposal consists principally of the following elements: 1) A 12'-9" x 16'-2" telecommunication equipment room with telco/power/fiber connections, located in the basement level of the existing church building; 2) Four(4) panel antennas (one per sector) mounted within the existing church steeple behind fiberglass louvers (to replace the existing louvers),at centerline elevations of 45'AGL; 3) Remote Radio Heads (RRH)with accessory junction boxes,diplexers,and surge suppressors mounted within the existing steeple; 4) Power and fiber cables routed from the equipment room on the basement level of the building to the proposed RRI-1s within the steeple; 5) A back-up power generator on a 4'-0" x 8'-0" concrete pad, located at grade outside the western corner of the church building. • _. • C Squared Systems,LLC 3 April 12,2018 Verizon\ Viceless Yarmouth 6 MA ` 4. Coverage and Capacity Objectives As mentioned above,Verizon Wireless is in the process of tolling out its 4G LTE high-speed wireless broadband system in the 700 MHz,PCS,and AWS frequency bands,in accordance with its licenses from the FCC. In order to expand and enhance their wireless services throughout New England, Verizon Wireless must fill in existing coverage gaps and address capacity,interference,and high-speed broadband issues. As part of this effort,Verizon Wireless has determined that insufficient network capacity and significant gaps in service exist in and around sections of Yarmouth,MA,as described further below. Verizon Wireless currently operates wireless facilities similar to the proposed facility within Yarmouth and the surrounding cities/towns. Due in large part to the distances between the surrounding sites, the intervening topography,and volume of user traffic in the area, these facilities do not provide sufficient capacity to portions of Yarmouth. Specifically,Vernon Wireless determined that much of southern Yarmouth is without reliable service in the following areas and town roads',including but not limited to: • Route 28 (Main Street); o Serves-- 13,750 vehicles per day,as measured east of North Main Street(2017); • Old Main Street; o Serves — 5,200 vehicles per day,as measured south of Route 28 (2006); • North Main Street; • • The surrounding roads,neighborhoods,and business/retail/community areas in the proximity of the proposed site and the above-mentioned roads. The proposed site located at 318 Old Main Street("Yarmouth 6") is needed to fill in these targeted gaps in service, in order to improve network quality and reliability for Verizon Wireless subscribers traveling along these roads, as well as to the numerous residents,businesses,and visitors in this area. • 2 Traffic counts are sourced from the Massachusetts D.O.T.,Transportation Data Management System. C Squared Systems,LLC 4 April 12,2018 Verizon Wireless Yarmouth 6 NLS • 5. Site Search and Selection Process To find a site that provides acceptable service,adequate capacity,and fills the gaps in coverage,computer modeling software is used to define a search area. The search ring identifies the area within which a site could be located (assuming sufficient height is considered) that would have a high probability of addressing the significant coverage gap and/or meeting the capacity objectives established by the Verizon Wireless RF(Radio Frequency)engineers. Once a search ring is determined,Verizon Wireless'real estate specialists search within the proximity of the defined area for existing buildings,towers,and other structures of sufficient height that would meet the defined objectives. If none are found, then the focus shifts to"raw land" sites. A suitable site must satisfy the technical requirements identified by the RF engineers,must be available for lease,and must have access to a road and be otherwise suitable for constructing a cell site of the required size and height. Every effort is made to use existing structures before pursuing a"raw land"build to minimize the number of new towers throughout the towns being served. After the search of the area had been completed, Verizon Wireless determined that collocating a wireless communications facility within the church steeple at 318 Old Main Street would be the most appropriate solution to address its targeted coverage and capacity objectives. • • C Squared Systems,LLC 5 April 12,2018 Verizon Wireless Yarmouth 6 MA • 6. Pertinent Site Data Table I below details the site-specific information for the on-air,approved,and proposed Verizon Wireless macro- sites used to perform the coverage analysis and generate the coverage plots provided herein. .Location Arlen Site Name Address, ' ' CuyiState - Structure Height Status • • i 1 , . . Latitude Longitude T9Pe (ftAGL) Barnstable 3 3261 Main Street Barnstable 41.6991 -70.3031 Lattice 130 On-Air Dennis Rcpt 105 Hokum Rock Road Dennis 41.7327 -70.1775 Water Tank 115 On-Air Dennis South 57 Theophilus Smith Road Dennis 41.6918 -70.1466 Lattice 140 On-Air Dennisport 20 Candlcwood Lane Dennis 41.6681 -70.1315 Stealth Pole 87.5 On-Air Barnstable 2 52 Communications Way I Tyannis 41.6659 -70.2863 Power Pole 94 On-Air Tyannis 2 1364 Phinney's Lane I Tyannis 41.6788 -70.3111 Power Pole 77 On-Air Hyannis 49 Ocean Street Ilyannis 41.6518 _ -70.2821 Lattice 102 On-Air South Yarmouth 1045 Route 28 Yarmouth 41.6594 -70.2017 Stealth Pole 65 Approved West Dennis 875 Tower Main Street West Dennis 41.6670 -70.1508 Water Tank 130 On-Air West Yarmouth 480 Buck Island Road Yarmouth 41.6626 -70.2477 Water Tank 111.5 On-Air Yarmouth Rept 327 Whites Path Yarmouth 41.6906 -70.1886 Lattice 158 On-Air West Yarmouth 2 17 Sea Gull Road Yarmouth 41.6355 -70.2347 Guyed 130 On-Air Yarmouth 2 Prances-I Men Road Yarmouth 41.7037 -70.2176 Power Pole 62.2 Approved Yarmouth 4 329 Main Street Yarmouth Port 41.7062 -70.2389 Steeple 64 On-Air Yarmouth 6 318 Old Main Street Yarmouth 41.6663 -70.1858 Steeple 45 Proposed Table L•Verizon Wireless Site Information Used in Coverage Analysis3 • • • a Some sites listed in this table arc outside the attached plot views but are included for completeness of information. C Squared Systems,LLC 6 April 12,2018 Verizon Wireless Yarmouth 6 MA • 7. Coverage Analysis and Propagation Plots The signal propagation plots provided in this report were produced using deciBel PlannerTM, a Windows- based RF propagation computer modeling program and network planning tool. The software considers the topographical features of an area, land cover, antenna models, antenna heights, RE transmitting power and receiver thresholds to predict coverage and other related RF parameters used in site design and network expansion. The coverage plots included as attachments show coverage based on RSRP signal strengths of-95 dBm and above. All other areas (depicted in white) fall within coverage areas characterized by poor service quality,low data throughput,and the substantial likelihood of unreliable service. Attachments A - G are discussed below: Attachment A titled "Yarmouth 6 — Existing 700 MHz & 2100 MHz LTE Coverage (Macro-Sites)" shows the coverage provided to areas of Yarmouth from the existing "On-Air" macro-sites listed in Table 1. The . green and yellow areas represent the minimum desired level of coverage for most of this area for the 700 Mhlz and 2100 MHz network layers, respectively. Because of the superior propagation characteristics of 700 MHz relative to 2100 MHz, the 2100 MHz coverage areas (yellow) are generally contained within the 700 MHz coverage areas (green). As such, the deficient areas of 700 MHz coverage are defined by the unshaded or "white" areas,whereas the deficient areas of 2100 MHz coverage consist of both the green and white areas. As shown in this plot and described in the Coverage and Capacity Objectives section of this • report, much of southern Yarmouth is in an area of deficient coverage. These coverage gaps include, but are not limited to, Route 28 (Main Street), Old Main Street, North Main Street, and the surrounding roads, neighborhoods,and business/retail/cottununity areas in the proximity of the proposed site. Attachment B tided "Yarmouth 6 — Existing/Approved 700 MHz & 2100 MHz I,TE Coverage (Macro- Sites)" shows the coverage depicted in Attachment A,along with coverage provided by the recently approved "South Yarmouth" site. "Approved" sites,as listed in Table 1, are defined as those that are in the final stages of permitting or construction and are expected to be turned on-air soon. As shown in this plot, the surrounding network, inclusive of the "South Yarmouth" site, is still unable to provide reliable service to portions of South Yarmouth,particularly at the 2100 MHz frequency. In order to fill out the area around the intersection of Route 28/Old Main Street/North Main Street,the proposed"Yarmouth 6" facility is needed. Attachment C tided "Yarmouth 6 — 700 MHz & 2100 MI-Iz LTE Coverage with Proposed Site (Macro- Sites)" shows the composite coverage with the proposed "Yarmouth 6" facility. As shown by the additional areas of 2100 MHz coverage,the proposed facility will provide coverage to: • ^' 0.7 mi along Route 28; • ^- 0.3 mi along Old Main Street and North Main Street; • -- 600 new residents;within the surrounding arca; • The surrounding roads, neighborhoods, and business/retail/community areas in the proximity of the proposed site and the above-mentioned roads. id Population counts reference here and elsewhere in this report are based upon 2010 U.S.Census residential data. Please note that this does not include any visitor or vehicle counts in the area. . C Squared Systems,LLC 7 April 12,2018 Verizon Wireless Yarmouth 6:1L1 Attachment D titled "Yarmouth 6 — Existing 700 MHz LTE Sector Footprints (Macro-Sites)" depicts the . areas primarily served by the sectors (a.k.a. signal "footprints") of the existing "On-Air" Verizon Wireless macro-sites in the area,which are shown by the unique color for each particular sector of interest. For clarity, all other sectors of less interest with respect to the proposed site are shown in grey. As demand for wireless voice and data services continues to grow, Verizon Wireless manages the footprint of each sector so that it can support the demand within the area it is primarily serving. In addition to improving coverage to the area, the proposed site will also serve existing and anticipated demand in the vicinity and thereby offload some of the burden experienced by the surrounding sites. In that way, those sites will be able to more adequately serve the demand for service in the areas nearer to those surrounding sites. Please note that the outer parts of each sector footprint may include areas that presently have signal strength below the targeted value required for reliable service to Verizon Wireless' customers. The fact that low-level signal may reach these areas does not mean that these areas experience adequate coverage. These unreliable areas of low signal level can impose a significant capacity burden on the sites primarily serving the area. Attachment E titled "Yarmouth 6 — Existing/Approved 700 MHz LTE Sector Footprints (Macro-Sites)" depicts the areas primarily served by the sectors shown in Attachment D, along with the recently approved "South Yarmouth" site. Attachment F tided "Yarmouth 6 — 700 MHz LTE Sector Footprints with Proposed Site (Macro-Sites)" shows the composite coverage with the overall footprint of the proposed facility in dark blue. As shown in this map, the proposed "Yarmouth 6" facility is an effective solution to provide capacity relief to the area, particularly to the "Yarmouth Repl" beta (red) sector,while lessening the anticipated demand on the "South . Yarmouth" alpha sector. The proposed facility is centrally located in the area of deficient coverage making it particularly suited to distribute the traffic load across multiple sectors, and provide a dominant server to this gap in service. Table 2 below details the capacity relief based on the sector footprints shown in Attachments D and E. a i t • ' `' Current �� ' With Offload Summary . ounn , , • Sector i Tom Area Of loaded Restdental Pops Area(mi5 , 5 Residents!Pops Area(m. .Residential ` Yolsaffl Ooaded '! <in 1/o).,'; South Yarmouth Alpha 1020 0.74 471 0.34 549(55.8%). 04(50%o) Yarmouth Repl Beta 2708 2.118 2414 1.81 294(la )' 0.27(13% I Table 2:Capacity Offload Summary Attachment G tided "Yarmouth 6 — Area Terrain Map" details the topographical features around the proposed "Yarmouth 6" site. These terrain features play a key role in dictating both the unique coverage areas served from a given location, and the coverage gaps within the network. This map is included to provide a visual representation of the terrain variations that must be considered when determining the appropriate location and design of a proposed wireless facility. The blue and green shades correspond to lower elevations,whereas the orange,red,and grey shades indicate higher elevations. i C Squared Systems,LLC 8 Apn112,2018 Verizon Wireless Yarmouth 6 MA 8. Certification of Non-Interference Verizon Wireless certifies that the proposed facility will not cause interference to any lawfully operating emergency communication system, television, telephone or radio, in the surrounding area. The FCC has licensed Verizon Wireless to transmit and receive in the Upper C-Block of the 700 MHz band,B Block of the Cellular (850 MHz) band, the C3,C4,E,and F Blocks of the PCS (1900 MHz) band, and the A and B Blocks of the AWS (2100 MHz) band of the RF spectrum. As a condition of the FCC licenses,Verizon Wireless is prohibited from interfering with other licensed devices that are being operated in a lawful manner. Furthermore, no emergency communication system, television, telephone, or radio is licensed to operate on these frequencies,and therefore interference is highly unlikely. 9. Summary In undertaking its build-out of 4G Lit service in Barnstable County, Verizon Wireless has identified a need to install an additional facility to provide reliable service and additional capacity throughout areas of southern Yarmouth,MA. Verizon Wireless determined that installing the proposed wireless communications facility at 318 Old Main Street in Yarmouth at an antenna centerline height of 45' (AGL) will provide additional coverage and capacity needed in the targeted coverage areas including key roadways such as Route 28 (blain Street), Old Main Street, North Main Street, and the surrounding roads, neighborhoods, and business/retail/community areas in the proximity of the proposed site. Without the installation of the 40 , proposed site, Verizon Wireless will be unable to improve and expand their existing 4G LTE wireless communication services in this area of Yarmouth; therefore, Verizon Wireless respectfully requests that the Town of Yarmouth act favorably upon the proposed facility. • 10. Statement of Certification I certify to the best of my knowledge that the statements in this report are true and accurate. Kan UWAttf, Keith Vellante April 12.2018 RF Engineer Date C Squared Systems,LLC • C Squared Systems,LLC 9 April 12,2018 Verizon Wireless Yarmouth 6 MA II11.Attachments • C Squared Systems,LLC 10 April 12,2018 Attachment A• Yarmouth 6 ting 700 MHz &2100 MHz LTE Coverage(Macro-Sites) • III ,'` 'jail T , _ f1 1 Dennis South — , ti Yarmouth-Rept— -- _ :,1` 1 ... 1�( -�� ' •I �� US Hwy 6� - _ - _ y s1 ►` .. s-�� �N,1� -�/ w . ' � k - �'�� x•.140 ft ,, r� '1 ,--" 158 ft �� Graf \ �. Nlestern_ Rd _ - lip l . svesfe, 1 0! . great • ..='i,A..� Old Town House Rd .1 Ii. . .�' Se� N1.1144,47. 11 *. li{ ' ��� S ,15+ 9�Qtra � I i a Rd• �A• r . i1. erf r pp r � 1 � t II Ik' 41 41.7:1 .. , iimiimmia Last, i toso° th gioo ?3,411 • d). 14;17- xii4 411 cP Pr 1i/ i '< s V.e.644 y.,,,, A • - . :•.:. -4 A _r- Ra 1 qa 1 a i1114 Ai,a,.,,,o,..„:, HI Yarmo th•6 MA vo�o • West • `en11 yfs %le ,. � • 4111 W=ormouoitobo At th WA "_r Rd ` � •,g,.. -4 1 a ta<e 1 45 ":". — Y 13%ft � y . Buck/s/a � � '+� ` rit F. Dennie Site Data 1 �` South acmouth e r ,♦, 1'11054 , ,E�_ /HT1 • I 0 1 �a. Site:Yarmouth 6 MA r _ Ya/mou'th 4Atop - . f �N Lat:41-34-58.82 N IF / *A" r `�� �;I Lon:70-11-08.80 W - 't '` t ! a r I ,65/5511, ` `�,� CL:45' Il/ 411111\7 "Ilk - Plot Information 4 , . �, r J�62 lb 0 ft _ 700 MHz LT F, aj 4 r Ro �L ■ . �� E RSRP C`n7 Se�02 '• t'. * '�� y ` FCC License:WQJQ689 ►'��� SC05 iiir �� _we/ = hihouse Rd Symbol Kev rt ., 4.5 Q'* _ _�, a I Existing Site i -.�ypwits. 4tr Seo6 -.-}--� - IF Approved Site 4. , ` frpp , Proposed Site �`� ♦ 4` i �' I i'' Approved Small Cell k / i • Planned Small Cell pAtt A - �Q , � � � �� 35.5fti,=-�� • New./ . 1 1111 �: s, Coverage Key • (t r 12100 MHz Coverage ' e,t Yarmout a 00 0.75 1 .5: Wes ■ 700 MHz Coverage _ Less than-95 dBm `_r verizon1 Attachment 111 • Yarmouth 6 sting/Approved 700 MHz&2100 MHz LTE Coverage(Mac tes) vi ii, qr\N kflaz — - \A- 1 - ' *�� f l Den_Ais South •I — T. .yUS Hwy 6 Yarmouth Reply � ' 11 11 h _. �.� , 'G +kr- t • ' ��' _ 140 ft . I p 158 fto] L �afl'Y \��• eat Western - --__- d. — IA IA — .--(- fir esfa� --1` �� 46.10: .. _' -- Old Town House Rd t ir T� F'r S�,arp`/," 011 1- ii .ki.r ONO* - Sj_51110 a: Ill 11 Pr z , ,rge S a ��, iiii,� 4'2°' ` Mall. .. �a / • t la y ,12�a 7f F , il. Li C e cP i vi ,� 4 T... wirAint II. Crap• illiirgorw111111111, I., - , „615Nritv A 0100110-4 . -2.S. CA ill. 73 r I m *� . ' �i NI mist add ç4westDenni • • . , *4 �d`looaf` armot6MA ,..i. W'est Yarmouth '.„, . Bucks/ `40 ' 1,.. -,- �1 r u 41 'i I 130,ft endRa%vI - tete •.� `► 4 3 ft a _ �.r .11 I 1111 /'irrwir a' t ♦ `♦ 'po �(�.. ��j, m', .+.: �I! 4 Site Data . ft, � ,`` South Ya mouth ,r QF 1 i Dennis ; 1'11 5 ft {'�'�,, � 0 rk Site:Yarmouth 6 MA r AI .� - Yarmou li - 4A �/�' • '0 1 4 ♦ t1 f,., • rI • 4 Lat:41 39 58.82 N ♦ . ! .m .r.� l- `� : :: i • ,_._ % 41 or• ire ♦ SC05`♦• fMI 1 Lighth0u$e Ra Symbol Key 3 .5 3 — « • O A -r i Existing Site illill I` , ' 4 31ft J. �-, . , SC06)1 T Az:::: Fr , y ` t. 0 • i JP am �., m i • Approved Small Cell • m 4.. �!� 35./ �� D ,f i .... Planned Small Cell A - 'i S g . — Coverage Key n` / 11.401 i� 2100 MHz Coverage West ;:ouch .- 0.75rj im 700 MHz Coverage I r� j� Less than-95 dBm '. ' % 1 mei lC verizon Attachment 411 Yarmouth 6 1 MHz& 2100 MHz LTE Coverage with Proposed Site(Macs es) wft�� SPP`� _ . I Dennis South . 1 •I � '., • — 7111 ►.in Hwy 6 --Yarmouth Repl -f -111 , ---40 ' 1 • , :.....r* .... .4011 i, \ .- •t 'rr ! 140 ft °`. 1' 158 ft oa / Gleet;moo___.- \-�^ Great 4N=stern Rd 4:----.......„................. :-. iti.... . . 1 I . . .,,,, ,,,. _ Old Town House Rd T h seams - �• �, 11 � _ � N Vii/e � ld' i i.- P. 1 i in .. ' 'Tilt. .0110\ta I° co .... r. _ 1' id L.,- ‘ \*4- 1 iiiii ,.., \;.„_ ,.......„ 1, I. .8iti 4_ le -IL lj°11 itets.„ tit*,_.„ , . ./.. ii -- : .... 0 C- 1.1 1♦, r, m �� ` RC / 1:1-- . -Cao 1074,+ ,si ii- jf 411 illtilre\rwilaTrtewo-- . :...k•TiW.0 ?....., lir. . ' .-.rov)01: Clef CP INM 46. Ali ii-I.ovet f ki �:d f� _4- „lee West Den is. 40,11 . . �,� Yarmouth MA . - r .6 ' West Yarmouth k/stana,Rd‘1� l��• rl tateN 45.ft a Main St 1�O,ft aiiivriii ( � ' '� 1 o.- �1 Y ou , er ` .'-411Denni `IR Site Data 111.5 ft �w .— •4r . , 'South _4'41,* ' n�'` ., Site:Yarmouth 6 MA - Yininout (A /�' t . f _ i _ Lat:41-39-58.82 N 4 / , •• ! - ' ' i1 Low 70-11-0880W — ailA CL:45'te 41' Plot Information; ;45 ) � .a � _ 700 MHz LTE 1tSRP . 7 1 .� ,• ,�. r _:OW' 0 • FCC License:WQJQ689 �. . i ' .SC05 0. ; l i9hthouse Rd / Symbol Kev La ir 3 y Wit O`' _ �,_ .1 le ♦ Existing Site 1A4?"1. •.1' lii —r IP- Approved Site "'J 31ft SC06 �. �` • m , , ♦ Proposed Site N, --. ,�m 111 o. m I '� • �i • Approved Small Cell Tr k 35-5ft�� • Planned Small Cell it m Coverage Key IIPi ` I 1 • - I 2100 MHz Coverage /e, 0 0.7 5 1 .5 ® 700 MHz Coverage West Yarmouth,S 0 1 ik•jam, Less than-95 dBm No . [1610 ,i verizoni Attachment D Yarmouth 6-sing 700 MHz LTE Sector Footprints (Macro-Sites) 0 Site Data gm& --/ /\< Ail_\ ' ,., ... 7-) Yarmouth \ Site:Yarmouth 6 MA \---1 v\_'. ........, -..,,. ._..H, -.'"-`-- li 1 us Hwy_q ______----- _____---7-: • . , • • \ 11-- el, Dennis South , Lat:41-39-58.82 N t 140ft Lon: 70-11-08.80 W ' :: // tern Rd 1_ 412). Gretwes Existing Site jr Approved Site 11' Proposed Site I , s._ .,_____ ___ ,, Old Town I-louse Rd \/--- ,. ...._ i Ii_____ ' i _ givir '-‘V-- 1 ‘.< 1 1 1 SC15 -51, 1 ".'•5• 'CV , \s d ITS I \ - lt,, ( co i 1111 46„ [ 4 Approved Small Cell 0, ' -4, 03 I ,----- F1' 4./*;+- , ,..) L I / Planned Small Cell \ 1 ,...is---- Art 25-5ft \ 6-' . a 1 b / ,-- - ; / --, '''' '•• f "'% ' c)04 • 1°) ' -I \ 1----r A.-- I i ?oe? F co \Nc.)(1710 lilt 1 it . . i / 1 ...q. -, . / i - --I __..../ 460 --2-1 .. a-\.- , `y: d sm o6C = i 4 --I 1H- • ,.. . West Dennis , N.° Yarmou.th a MA/ CP ,....;- i //4-• - ljw ' , c., d 140Air itoft-z- i '1/ VD ' _ suck 1 - V7.. -18 - • .,.Y• ,0 01 4 / Crt2a) West Yarmouth - < - - ` -/s/a/ -c\. - 16,11.1 _ . . ste,- 45ftab 6,51_Y"5a-o§_prmft',o:uN"i6i#1,.t,/•v • (7,.5_ D. enn.0ii s l 4 Yaiwoh h _ . fr V--N`< f5/1ttailfic•l.I_if'fti i 4 /2 /.....f k ) i I Min .2, . -rma'aur ei 1FI: 7 ''' , • ' , 74-- Ilt f vloote fr 41111 pig • 400 `„ / , •, - , 1idt__— ,.) ' Plot Information ri _=___Ogati- II . / oierlf_ Rd,„:_:-.-,\_ - - r - --- A._ 1 v , SC05, • hthouse _ Lig - —/ 700MHz LTE RSRP I 7...? ; _ IR:---1.. - I _ _-- ,. / •//t . 34.5ft 'i • maglik , / .. . -- . , , .._., FCC License: WQJQ689 _ _ / -- --- • 4 Vill 31ft? : 11 -'-'--- - -', SCO6 —— , • Sector Footprints 1 s\ i 6' -r 1 4 \ 1 i Surrounding Sectors - -"Tr T, L . ...... 1 761, ....'"/". . rcr A - .7-'.\ ) \ 1 ,..„51 35.6ft --- ..--- _., , „ . .•_ II Yarmouth Repl Beta 1 r (IT \ _. . 11. ---, ),I, r ------ co A :57.--' ii, co it i ' ---- .. - II West Yarmouth 2 Beta:(1 )i • rl ..- - ' ..--- West Dennis Gamma West Yarmouth 2 ...-• 0 0.75 i .5. :' ....- I 1 West Yarmouth Beta "Maigi "' --/,I 130ft ...---. • 1E og verizonv _ v , Attachment E. Yarmouth 6*ting/Approved 700 MHz LTE Sector Footprints (Macro-Site • --nom- low; 7 E r - Site Data %ti 1 \, :r= Dennis SowthlJ 1 Yarmouth Rept .�- '"--1 �, ( �,_' Site:Yarmouth 6 MA \! US Hwy 6 __ _ ---- -- -= �1—�J�W r 1 Lat:41-39-58.82 N \- VI __ — 1 .�:�-` ♦"Lon:70-11-08.80 W �. Gr \ A 140 ft CL:45' .� j 4 °1F 7�i3 e�rlyes N., (.1 L _ Western Rd Symbol Key =_ - ''�- �\ ll N �._ te�Ra �s Ghat -r � Existing Sitev. `.��`� � •�` • .." `'` Old Town House Rd ! -V--- 1 Se�tt ® Approved Site i -t ', G �iieRd Proposed Site ‘\ # • I P\SC15 .it r R tr 9 . I 19P 0 Approved Small Cell r 6.. i . -1 s -_� 1 0 Planned Small Cell . ` 1 irtt 25.5ft �� �� 'i �� o d Q' o- J} ` _ - o ein Lothrop R ,, o;e '<' m I • N rapt t / G 2 _ \� Q , L �- oC6().? t / ` n Q .a- a p� / • , N �. • m Ra Yarmouth Q MAS 1 West Dennis L a Stood ' / ,, . a.l 1� / i West Yarmouth ��'� Bu _"a • Ra ! / �N� static' tgl 413 ft 3t)•ft ha -/-ii • 4 ;b •� t' 6'. vdnl armouthG` �y11: Dennis .� 111.5 ft„ m •[ _ Ya�t�nTnuth PI �� t it c'' .0 0 �'D 65%F31 � Jc 9 d 1 • ` (' - _ Lower CountYR fr. . W SCO2 i� lop f I Plot Information ' i SC05 % ! !:us!df ! • 700MHz LTE RSRP FCC License:W J 689 / � l'— it ��a. i ,, 4 SG06 —` Sector Footprints Ci ` _ � , 31ft t23 - T l l ��- 1 1 =i �i Surrounding Sectors rye -. , 4147 :� I<, ;OT ,) ! 35.5ft-- West Yarmouth Beta i fi - `� 5 �i II Yarmouth Repl Beta ----•---...-- ` - ■ South Yarmouth ® West Yarmouth 2 Beta West Yarmouth 2 J , 0 {r0.75 :� 5r li West Dennis Gamma \ A' I 137 ft ,�j miles Vet'Itot' 1l • ii G' Attachment F• Yarmouth 6 FO LTE Sector Footprints with Proposed Site(Macro-Sit. III Site Data N, /`. IA _ -�1. r - j Dennis South ---- ,,.Yarmouth-Re - 1_. Site: Yarmouth G MA , - US Hwy 6 '... R� �. l .�1 / \ Lat:41-39-58.82 N _-.-- . ■ -„.ate a" > Lon: 70-11-08.80 W \# 140ft d CL:45' '` 1Miil Great \ �. ti. t western R_ 1 �es� t rGrea W Symbol Key ..� e A� --- // lir Existing Site 11 Old Town Nouse Rd� 1 -Se I Approved Site -�— _ . c,` / a�cA s`i//e Ra I. Proposed Site titeti' SGS i. :`; i I s �anK Rd �s # Approved Small Cell ' ��4 4 '-c.4._j8 Planned Small Cell ` "tare, \ sf�• ` ' �' a 4 • A L. Ilk __________i_i_r___.0.. .,.,.. _ IP �� �`qua ,� Go, -- i t i '11,1; ' --- li ..e ,,-1,411 1 SI. 1 �� ; J ir / • -o i R• ¢d %�� Qa "l a `1'i°oa Yarmouth 0 MA/ CP West Dennis Q . • 1-_ la IIS , West Yarmouth \� Buck�s/�Rd �l, �� este 45ft y� 13 �.f •1._ : : . /// ��. �' r�Yarmouth _ m��� c Dennis •� P. if/ - 7.P°. 111.5ft , t , rYalrm. ,ou,, /.; G\� N J� �` `� �, 65/�� / Plot Information 3 • 4.." 700MHz LTE RSRP }` �/ y • 2g _ • h FCC License:WQJQ689 �: � � °�6 / . „ Sector Footprints 'W SCo2 _ �, f , SC05 ,1 / U h Ra I . —� 9 thouse _ � Surrounding Sectors �� I f 34.5ft 6 �" ` III Yarmouth Repl Beta 'V ;.- _ \ • . 31ft? ,, , ci) -_I ,\\___,: ,,s,,6_\\ _\ ,,,., (/)K ,,_ , ■ ::::::::ta . , 1l . \- 1 TCS l�a� , 1 f:"1 1 //' Ti West Yarmouth Beta v CO -- d I I / a �/ IISouthYarmouth West Yarmouth 2 0 0oV. LJOg 111 Yarmouth 6 >,-_, 130ft i� :` miles1 ver zna{ _ Attachment (' Yarmouth 6 a Terrain Map III 11111 ---,_ „ — _ _ _ Ni -6)a-Da-Th cicLiel �... 6 Yarmouth, -mom - _ US _ epi– _ ,�.��r �_.-_l - opailli "fRI ` i : • { G ` -� 140 A.._ Rd 411 ;;. ,. 40. � „ 41 3 ea/,fie , \rte• CD teat Wes M stem. . % Old Town House Rd " 1 - • -1 i' # "/ ._ NR sem -:ii g- �� \ \.• mil© li gym! d • �, .r r _ ! r 5,0,__.... , r ,► l iii '' 1111 , too e % � ,' r ���o -ti t (idle / poddird04> , .4.0., i • ,mt La ' will —/ tilik Q • 4 West�•Danni"s 4 _.I , 'K- -c``� Jf �N°` Yarmouth QMAS �o. West Yarmouth I ' - Bu°k%$ �� €�i. eN .� 4�ft�a Main Stl ', ii ' @i 4 t 1. a Rd 'Ao stia / �� /- /P Site Data South Yarmouth:: • ��c�.-: 1 �' r _wenn Site:Yarmouth 6 MA 499.5 ft,+• f0 Y Lat:41-39-58.82 N Wal O 1• �.,. °� Lon:70-11-08.80 W W ar- , CL:45' . , 111;f0v020-VE ,- Symbol Kev :, :`, '� ,� 28 "J ip Existing Site `y o tte i P ,.l R r Approved Site j 0 ' ` f Lighthou$e Rd — Proposed Site _ Approved Small Cell SCO6 Planned Small Cell Terrain Key 3 ft ��'j • 0 feet 111 75 feet i��� Li 15 feet 90 feet �� Ill 30 feet 1 140 feet Yarmouth 2 �i 0 - -75J Y .1 .5 ii 45 feet 160 feet illt ( L 160 feet 9�ft > >llires verizon✓ a DONALD L. HAES, JR., PH.D., CHP Radiation Safety Specialist MA Radiation Control Program Health Physics Services Provider Registration#65-0017 PO Box 198,Hampstead,NH 03841 • 603-303-9959 Email:donald_haes_chp@comcast.net • May 31,2018 RE: Installation of radio base station antennas and associated equipment for the Verizon Wireless Personal Wireless Services facility to be located within the steeple of the South Yarmouth Methodist church building at 318 Old Main Street,South.Yarmouth,MA. - PURPOSE • I have reviewed the information pertinent to the proposed installation at the above location. To determine regulatory compliance, , including the "Guidelines for DRI Review of Wireless Communications Towers",1 theoretical calculations of maximal radio-frequency(RF)fields have been prepared. The physical conditions are that Verizon Wireless proposes to mount their personal wireless services (PWS) directional panel antennas installed three each in four different "arrays" aimed 90° apart within the steeple of the existing building. The proposed installation will allow Verizon Wireless to continue deployment of their voice/data, Long Term Evolution (LTE), and Advanced Wireless Services(AWS) systems. This report considers the contributions of the proposed transmitters operating at their • FCC-licensed capacity. The calculated values of RF fields are presented as a percent of current Maximum Permissible Exposures (%MPE) as adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC),ii,iii and those established by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH).1V SUMMARY • Theoretical RF field calculations data indicate the summation of the proposed Verizon Wireless PWS RF contributions would be within the established RF exposure guidelines; see Figure 3. This includes all publicly accessible areas,and the surrounding neighborhood in general. The results support compliance with the pertinent sections of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health regulations regarding PWS facilities. Based on the results of the theoretical RF fields I have calculated, it is my expert opinion that this facility would comply with all regulatory guidelines for RF exposure with the installation of the proposed Verizon Wireless antenna and transmitter installations. • Note:The analyses,conclusions and professional opinions are based upon the precise parameters and conditions of this particular site;Building at 318 Old Main Street,South Yarmouth,MA.Utilization of these analyses,conclusions and professional opinions for any personal wireless services installation,existing or proposed,other than the aforementioned has not been sanctioned by the author,and therefore should not be accepted as evidence of regulatory compliance. Page 1 of 11 • EXPOSURE LIMITS AND GUIDELINES RF exposure guidelines enforced by the FCC were established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) F and the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement (NCRP)"' The RF exposure guidelines are listed for RF workers and members of the public. The applicable FCC RF exposure guidelines for the public are listed in Table 1,and depicted in Figure 1. All listed values are intended to be averaged over any contiguous 30-minute period. Table 1: Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE)Values in Public Areas Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE) Frequency Bands Electric Fields Magnetic Fields I Equivalent Power Density 0.3— 1.34 MHz 614(V/m) 1.63 (A/m) (100)mW/cm2 1.34-30 MHz 824/f (V/m) 2.19/f(A/m) (100)mW/cm2 30-300 MHz 27.5 (V/m) 0.073 (A/m) 0.2 mW/cm2 300- 1500 MHz -- -- ,11500 mW/cm2 • 1500- 100,000 -- -- 1.0 m W/cm2 ..W b .fitY M� �.e S tieW..tb...riM MY IONS 1100 s 8 10 / OI n ) ]O ]M 3.000 M.OM Frevingflfp Figure 1: FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE) NOTE: FCC 5% Rule— At multiple transmitter sites, actions necessary to bring the area into compliance with the RF exposure guidelines are the shared responsibility of all licensees whose • transmitters produce RF field levels in excess of 5%of the applicable FCC MPEs. Page 2 of 11 • -- -;r44-41.•..., ,, ,,,..2..„,,;, ..„.,1, ...,...„,.. ., /M `vim a t: pyW"tffrXWm",ya;. .q:. 4u*t t•° � �t6 '^e s ""..4"„0„,..,4-4,:r .E �,: •� xt+ 5 °Y 5 i {' f W- - ry,.. r' +s.'-'e'- -'- s,' �+"a •y,. j'! .rr.'n, p er i .yy .. _ z r w 1 4..,A.m 'gvaR�d .. . 5rx a ¢ a `fi r i s x rte r7 t a t "v' ,. Y, e..- - a 5'K Y .. t ., ' �r 1 � P I � b !�. t H-'� rQ'Rr�1�.,? tri, �}'�+�p�,V+�.-�^ ro � 4 y x. 15a... r f*� t-is n , 1' ' yil''+ el; •M � a l dov, x-� ,�-. �S 1 y'~.' ��'x. 'a*�'c•�'L'�.y. , ' .,Site/ .. �K�c 3,,.'t,“....:,.....� 'K3 ti fr....,... r iia a.µ♦ Wr 1:`a 7-;;:„' ..j.""_ r nr....3!,.jx;�.a �ec..si Jw.y r�.�tjACV j s • N,^`^ty -x-7. rit 'tV4 T .x a,�, ' r..< N-_'� .±1 � ^'a%f,„I' r''�rw .� +Jc;, wa r o r J 4 � olit i x.•w.. ?. i,;'yYR r .- ‘7. �x`'r`�a�rc M. 'L. }y .,IP.j}t- •- y�� .t.� f4'- 4: .r'.- - 44, .'0 ti ?t.v ..rfr 1�,,,�q(.['.ie '�Y Is tw.'y !..x*f^ �1.:'h+ ; , KCS . 6- - yy, } ti ak"t y ., wM+.,...,, a`i',N sw'g ttl „k` 4t " Ove�y y ". c+,- 'sw k A..7;- �. e' ,„,2„ . . z}- . _ 1 n -wz -ere a'W'a' ..r r• i, `R4:+`a. drry�,,,,�__.� � i � r a Vv'i' ` - }'mak .#, '.5 �y, 5 t 4 v '•of e ` to r F s sr{ ��' � "� � �.y'�i,IIc"e��iam-Itxr 4-- t-.,..-- ' rw.ymx., , '� ? ' • :P b � x= S .a✓ ,venywan,.-u,w1vro -=ev eaa+�vYu+� Figure 2: South Yarmouth Methodist Church Building 318 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth,MA (Picture courtesy fling Alaps`21.) and may not represent ourrent ent condrtians) . OBSERVATIONS IN CONSIDERATION WITH FCC RULES§1.1307(3) & §1.1310 Will it be physically possible to stand next to or touch any omnidirectional antenna and/or stand in front of a directional antenna? NO; access to the building rooftop is restricted, and the site will adhere to established RF safety guidelines regarding the PWS antennas, including appropriate signage. • page 3ofII. . THEORETICAL RF FIELD CALCULATIONS-GROUND LEVELS METHODOLOGY - These calculations are based on what are called "worst-case" estimates. That is, the estimates assume 100%use of all transmitters simultaneously. Additionally,the calculations make the assumption that the surrounding area is a flat plane. The resultant values are thus conservative in that they over predict actual resultant power densities. The calculations are based on the information contained in the Table 2 inventory: • Effective Radiated Power(ERP). • Antenna height(centerline). • Antenna vertical radiation patterns; the source of the negative gain (G) values. "Directional"antennas are designed to focus the RF signal,resulting in"patterns"of signal loss and gain. These patterns (attached APPENDIX A)display the loss of signal strength relative to the direction of propagation due to elevation angle changes. The gain is expressed as"G E". Note: G is a unitless factor usually expressed in decibels (dB); where G= 10(dano) For example: for an antenna gain of 3 dB,the net factor(G)= 10(3/1°)=2. For an antenna loss of-3 dB,the net factor(G)= 10(-3/1°)=0.5. • To determine the magnitude of the RF field, the power density (S) from an isotropic RF -.. source is calculated,making use of the power density formula as outlined in FCC's OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01:" S = P • G Where: P -> Power to antenna(watts) 4 • n • R2 G->Gain of antenna R -* Distance (range) from antenna source to point of intersection with the ground (feet) R2 =(Height)2 +(Horizontal distance)2 Since: P • G = EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) for broadcast antennas, the equation can be presented in the following form: S = EIRP 4 • n • R2 In the situation of off-axis power density calculations, apply the negative elevation gain (GE)value from the vertical radiation patterns with the following formula: S = EIRP • GE 4 • n • R2 • Page 4 of 11 • Ground reflections may add in-phase with the direct wave, and essentially double the electric field intensity. Because power density is proportional to the square of the electric field, the power density may quadruple,that is, increase by a factor of four(4). Since ERP is routinely used,it is necessary to convert ERP into EIRP;this is readily done by multiplying the ERP by the factor of 1.64, which is the gain of a half-wave dipole relative to an isotropic radiator. Therefore, downrange power density estimates can be calculated by using the formula: S =4 • (ERP • 1.64) • G E = ERP • 1.64 • G E = 0.522 • ERP • G E 4 • n • R2 n • R2 R2 To calculate the%MPE, use the formula: % MPE = S • 100 MPE The results of the calculations for the potential RF emissions resulting from the proposed Verizon Wireless PWS antennas are depicted in Figure 3 as plotted against linear distance from. the base of the building in any direction. Note that the values have been calculated for a height of 6' AGL in accordance with regulatory rationale. Also depicted on the graph are values for a height of 16' AGL (height of a typical 2"d story). A logarithmic scale was used to plot the calculated • theoretical%MPE values to compare with the MPE values of 100%(Public)and 500%(Worker), which are so much larger that they would be off the page in a linear plot. The curves are variable due to the application of the vertical radiation patterns. • Page 5 of 11 • ANTENNA INVENTORY Table 2: Proposed Verizon Wireless Antenna Inventory 318 Old Main Street,South Yarmouth,MA Sector at Antenna Centerline Typical Parameters: f Typical Use t 45'0" (AGL) ERP&Tx Frequencies ALPHA @z20° 4357 watts @ 1865-1870, 1970-1975 MHz PCS- LTE BETA@=110° 5049 watts @ 2150 MHz AWS GAMMA @z200° DELTA @z290° 3035 watts @ 700 MHz LTE Table Notes: t Central frequencies—vs.—exact Tx frequencies used to account for multiple channels. Tx use(i.e."duty cycle")assumed to be 100% Abbreviations: AWS:Advanced Wireless Services,LTE:Long Term Evolution(aka"4G"),PCS:Personal Communication System --•16'AGL •••• •19 AGL —MPE(Public/ —)IPE(W°rlow) • 1000.00% - 100.00% . MPE J1.37% 10.00% . i+' 1 -------- ------ 1.00% ----- 0.10% I I i 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Distance from Base[feet] Figure 3: Theoretical Cumulative Maximum Percent MPE-vs.—Distance • (Proposed Verizon Wireless RF Contributions) Page 6 of 11 THEORETICAL RF FIELD CALCULATIONS -WITHIN THE BUILDING • METHODOLOGY In addition to intensity losses at angles away from the main beam(90°down),there are losses due to attenuation by building materials. A good approximation of these losses is -10 dB,or a factor of 1/10 (10 H0i'10) =0.1). Thus,a modified equation to use for the area below the antennas is as follows: S= 4 • [ERP • 1.641 • G(antenna loss) . G(building materials loss) 4 • n • R2 For the Verizon Wireless"PCS-LTE"antennas: 1865-1870, 1970-1975 MHz S= 4 • 1.64 • 14357 watts • 10(42.99(10)1 • 106 uW/WI • 10(-1(no) 4 • n • [(15 ft)• (30.48 cm/ft)12 For the Verizon Wireless "LTE"antennas: 746-757, 776-787 MHz S= 4 • 1.64 • 13035 X 2 watts • 10(.31.6/10)1 • 106 uW/W) • 10(-lono) 4 • n • [(15 ft)• (30.48 cm/f012 aFor the Verizon Wireless"AWS"antennas: 2110-2120 MHz S= 4 • 1.64 • 15049 watts • 10(41°940)1 • 106 uW/W) • 10('10n18 4 • n • [(15 ft)• (30.48 cm/ft)12 The total is about 0.24% MPE or about 400 times below the FCC exposure guidelines. • Page 7 of 11 CONCLUSION • Theoretical RF field calculations data indicate the summation of the proposed Verizon Wireless PWS RF contributions would be within the established RF exposure guidelines; see Figure 3. This includes all publicly accessible areas, and the surrounding neighborhood in general. The results support compliance with the pertinent sections of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health regulations regarding PWS facilities. The number and duration of calls passing through PWS facilities cannot be accurately predicted. Thus,in order to estimate the highest RF fields possible from operation of these installations,the maximal amount of usage was considered. Even in this so-called "worst-case," the resultant increase in RF field levels are far below established levels considered safe. • Based on the results of the theoretical RF fields I have calculated, it is my expert opinion that this facility would comply with all regulatory guidelines for RF exposure with the installation of the proposed Verizon Wireless antenna and transmitter installations. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. all Sincerely, • --( )M . . . Donald L. Haas,Jr., -D Certified Health Physicist • Nola:The analyses,conclusions and professional opinions arc based upon the precise parametersend conditions of this particular site;Building at 318 Old Main Street,South Yarmouth,MA. Utilization of these analyses,conclusions and professional opinions for any personal wireless services installation, existing or proposed,other than the aforementioned has not been sanctioned by the author,and therefore should not be accepted as evidence of regulatory compliance. Page 8 of 11 APPENDIX A - • 15. 0 :.«.15 r k .1. �� 1 1 .."1" . itl,.."\:.\4!).(;)ga:\*.)1 1 10 LA–te, 1 ,Sc„, ', T i t J'---III � � i ,./ f '14-. / . `m _ N c• ;Xr; ; c � _ - t91e ;_ ; Horizontal plane radiation pattern —_,. n n�/V� ` t ' tip~ n °° rte .. `� ./ ^,, '�,,, ,;„„\ ::,,,,,, , fff jf¢-. r ,1. • a¢-_l. � ,; r 1),,,,‘ � �4 ,if, Nd' �/ju+ •,, Vertical plane radiation pattern • Page 9 of 11 DONALD L. HAES, JR., PH.D., CHP • Radiation Safety Specialist MA Radiation Control Program Health Physics Services Provider Registration#65-0017 PO Box 198,Hampstead,NH 03841 603-303-9959 Email:donald_haes_chp@comcast.net .. _. _ gMSFMwTI WMMmiW.WtlJA4Meb:GM4Xre4ieM4eVnWYALL+iw STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION 1. I certify to the best of my knowledge and beliefs,the statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. 2. The reported analyses,opinions,and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions,and are personal,unbiased professional analyses,opinions and conclusions. 3. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved. 4. My compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined energy level or direction in energy level that favors the cause of the client, the amount of energy level estimate, the attainment of a stipulated result,or the occurrence of a subsequent event. 5. This assignment was not based on a requested minimum environmental energy level or specific power density. • 6. My compensation is not contingent on an action or event resulting from the analyses, opinions,or conclusions in, or the use of,this report. 7. The consultant has accepted this assessment assignment having the knowledge and experience necessary to complete the assignment competently. 8. My analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the American Board of Health Physics (ABHP) statements of standards of professional responsibility for Certified Health Physicists. Date: May 31, 2018 Donald L.Haes,Jr., .D Certified Health Physicist • Page 10 of 11 ENDNOTES • '. Cape Cod Commission, Guidelines for DRI Review of Wireless Communications Towers, Technical Bulletin 97-001, Section IX (A)Monitoring and Maintenance, Adopted 10/9/97, Revised 3/4/99. ". Federal Register, Federal Communications Commission Rules; Radiofrequency radiation; environmental effects evaluation guidelines Volume 1,No. 153, 41006-41199, August 7, 1996. (47 CFR Part 1; Federal Communications Commission). Telecommunications Act of 1996,47 USC; Second Session of the 1041 Congress of the United States of America,January 3, 1996. iv. 105 CMR 122.000: Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Non-Ionizing Radiation Limits for: The General Public from Non-Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields, Employees from Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields, and Exposure from Microwave Ovens. ". ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1999: American National Standard,Safety levels with respect to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields,from 3 KHz to 300 GHz(Updated in 2010). ".National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements(NCRP);Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields,NCRP Report 86, 1986. • "". OET Bulletin 65: Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields; Edition 97-01,August 1999. • Page 11 of 11 • Alternate Site Analysis — The Search Area Process Site Chosen: 318 Old Main Street, Yarmouth, MA I. BRIEF HISTORY Application has been made to the Zoning Board of Appeals("Board") for permits) to construct a new wireless facility inside the steeple of the South Yarmouth United Methodist Church located at 318 Old Main Street. As mentioned in the application materials,no towers or other suitable tall structures were available in the targeted search area where Verizon Wireless("Applicant") needs a new site to close significant gaps in its network coverage. In order to give the Board insight into the evolution of this Application,the Applicant provides this memorandum regarding the Site Acquisitions process generally, along with the search process specific to this particular Application. • IL THE SITE SELECTION PROCESS As a general rule, site candidates are analyzed based on a matrix of criteria revolving around those sites located within the Radio Frequency("RF") Engineer's targeted Search Area,or area where a new site is required to provide seamless coverage to the carrier's network in that vicinity. A Search Area is issued by an RF Engineer using computer propagation modeling to arrive at an approximate location in which a new site would best fit to connect with the other surrounding sites in the carrier's network to provide the coverage needed to fill the significant gaps that would continue to exist without a site in that vicinity. A Search Area is usually well defined and relatively precise. Moving too far one way or the other will typically render uninterrupted connectivity less viable either by getting too close to an existing site and too far away from another, or by getting too close to a topographical obstruction or too faraway from the primary locus of end-users the site is intended to serve. Search Areas typically encompass anywhere from a few blocks to a quarter mile or so depending on the surrounding terrain, coverage objectives and proximity and height of existing sites. Sites within the Search Area are analyzed based on criteria that fall within the convergence of being the most"leasable, zone-able and constructible." 4 1 . "Leasable" is defined as the ability to acquire a commercially reasonable leasehold interest,with the fewest deviations from the company's standard lease, with a willing landowner,within a reasonable period of time. "Zone-able"is defined as a site with a reasonable probability of expedited permitting success,requiring the least relief necessary. Factors that influence a site's"zone-ability" include harmony with the express terms of the zoning bylaws, neighborhood impact, visibility and the mitigation of environmental disturbance. A subset of the"zone-ability' analysis includes consideration of the criteria reviewed under the NEPA process, such as impact on historic,environmental and tribal resources. "Constructability" is determined through an analysis of on-site conditions relative to access,proximity to adequate utilities, and the ability to erect and maintain a facility on the site being investigated. Access and site issues are further vetted through considerations relative to drainage, tree clearing, environmental disturbance, soil conditions,steepness of grades and depth to bedrock. The lowest cost site to construct is not always chosen; instead,the site with the least amount of the aforementioned issues is generally preferred. Verizon Wireless requires unimpeded 24/7 x 365-day access to its sites. The proposed facility will become part of the infrastructure of Verizon Wireless's network. It must be • accessible at all times, during all seasons, and in all weather conditions.The site must be able to be serviced by contractors and co-locators, to receive maintenance, allow for new installations without extraordinary inconvenience, and accept fuel deliveries for the stand-by generator without delay. Closed or seasonal access roads are problematic. Access to adequate landline utilities is essential. Verizon Wireless's installation requires adequate power and telephone service in the form of fiber-optic cable. Siting facilities in remote locations where proper landline utility connections are not nearby can be problematic. Soil conditions are analyzed. Steep grades which could promote storm-water runoff and erosion must be avoided. The soils on site must be suitable,as analyzed by geotechnical engineers, to accept the installation of a foundation suitable to support the intended weight and wind-loading proposed ground structures, if any. All of these criteria go into the constructability analysis of any site candidate considered. The foregoing can be recapped in the following diagram showing the overlapping considerations of leasing,zoning and construction, all focused on finding the best candidate within the RF Engineer's target area or"Search Area": • 2 • "X"=Chosen Site RF SEARCHAREA 411S \ \ Construction III. ALTERNATE SITE ANALYSIS • With the above criteria in mind, Verizon Wireless's team of engineers and real estate consultants reviewed the various potential site locations within the RF Engineer's Search Area. Existing towers are always analyzed first. Unfortunately, in the present instance, none were available within this particular Search Area. The subject site was chosen because the existing steeple was deemed high enough to be effective and it would also permit the antennas to be hidden inside so as to create a totally stealth installation. This was preferred over requesting to build a new tower someplace nearby. There were no other tall buildings or other tall structures anywhere nearby that could have worked as well as this Church. For the foregoing reasons,combined with the aforementioned leasing, zoning,and constructability analysis, the subject property was deemed the best candidate within the targeted search area. IV. CONCLUSION Under the Telecommunications Act of 1996(47 U.S.C. Section 332(c)(7)(B)(i)), local zoning ordinances, and a municipality's analysis of zoning applications,"shall not • prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting" wireless services. "[Ain effective prohibition can exist even where a town allows for the erection of[a wireless facility] but subject to 3 - U O.. T « U N U C C N G. • . �rQ �•C P. F '- - co U C U .0 n •.�° y o = 3 0 m c. aet c :5 0 'h > oa y CQ L cU ore; W y • 3O U •+ 0 to U • ti C g O U M O O. N 0 0• —' a. C W O N In bO 4 .0 a. c g . •'3 .., o y bo •_ E c1w a� c x v, u d bq LL V° ' 0 •4-„ U O C (••• W .fl U e C " t.•_•. O C •E a 0 0.'b .. O C O •,N, C w C p O C. O .s5.i o Uw 3 .. . c a U N U Ch O N 0. O C L V U T LO. O Q' 11 •H O r: y 1 . ✓ F U 'd =° w w L a C 1. 'O O N U p. w U C .. H 1 O O .it) O .- .0 - N a) O W rA > N pri • I—. OO U et tOtal ,y N •N . y y N NU N •OD >. an • I. x L 0-5 ..c t) yU O G a) vC .. : - .. . . • • Environmental F .r.;: x a .as f N fr �: � Sound a La z .. Tz $, � �,x � AA° � xAssessment •s ,--= -3�Y°f.6r'V':k f 4'3` ,� 4c f S,; .w- §:T VH-xa+ 4 T G £ '...7 7 ..41:0.xray# f 44e,..-4,-?;_r„.,..,),;,f c! . e T AW 1S`FWr„sr, �iN� 4 ,G:,:i' it SA t S i�ge. „mac ,we.t , v.: t' a.,-” t z. ,1 fi. 3 e� Y' � A`��i•S�r Oa ..' t'Jkr ti ,.?...tits- rt t P ` 4°. Ul '4 t L 3R�ig ' lrr��gj�.+f ,. ,� -4' e '2 C` v gym ''" r III YWlf . .1 1 g v ,b- to • Wireless Communication Facility 318 Old Main Street Yarmouth, Massachusetts June 12, 2018 Prepared For: \P".... .<1dt' Verizon Wireless vers o 118 Flanders Road / 0 wireless Westborough, MA 01581 Prepared By: Modeling_ _. — Modeling Modeling Specialties 30 Maple Road Specialties • Westford. MA 01886 a A • ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE EVALUATION Verizon Wireless is developing a Wireless Telecommunications Facility in Yarmouth, Massachusetts to support personal wireless communication in the area. The proposal is for antennas to be installed in the church steeple at 318 Old Main Street. Electronics needed to support the facility will be located in a basement equipment room. The routine operation of the facility will not produce sound that can be heard outside the equipment room. An emergency generator is proposed that will be installed in a sound treated enclosure on a concrete pad in the rear yard of the church. The generator will operate only during emergencies and for routine daytime testing for about one-half hour every week. This report addresses the existing sound levels and sensitive land uses in the area, as well as the details of the modeled equipment sound levels. Overview of Project and Site Vicinity The project is located at the existing South Yarmouth United Methodist Church in Yarmouth,MA. The church is surrounded by commercial land uses and is adjacent to Route 28. The nearest property line to the generator is the South Yarmouth Public Library. Beyond the library is the Captain Cook Bed & Breakfast, which represents a commercial residential use. Modeling receptors for this study are placed at the property • lines and nearest residential uses noted from the field study. Since sound is reduced with increased distance, other more distant residences will receive less sound energy than the receptors modeled here. Ambient sound levels were established by field measurements using standardized and calibrated equipment. The sound levels resulting from operation of the proposed equipment were estimated using vendor data and measurements made at similar installations. Verizon Wireless plans provided the necessary information to support the evaluation of project sounds. This study is based on the plans issued by the Hudson Design Group dated June 5, 2018. The corresponding sound levels expected at the nearby sensitive locations were estimated using noise modeling techniques prescribed in acoustical literature. Figure 1 has a backdrop of a Google aerial image and is annotated to show the proposed site,surrounding area and nearby receptor locations with their orientations and distances to the nearest proposed equipment. The ambient noise measurement locations are also shown. i Verizon Wireless/Yarmouth 6 l Sound Assessment • # i +. �x r'tte a.r-''"'e . a9 ct{'*v "�lts.'ngy� .9"‘,?' of a� 7. 7, f ..4; 1 s4-. ,; t tl w W s~+"n+,r. 52 ,`'+v r 9 d?A rm, x +SL` rA' . y. P�cab.., '�� .44,-;.as >y..dal 3/4:11,4.,..,ld Ore �+,n� $ �, 'fit. r ryi.:140.11.1 .-0,41-14...ii t a y Y A� el* R 1K is £ v -gt}'at 3 n. > " w sh 4 ;Y u. F" A- t kF if H W "FYPY� Q. j ay y l N` p r��il. �.,/ 7f+n #°li 'h' r k /yy. “ tf '1F' , 1 p $r4�.zy.* .± �"y .�' � "y'{f,1.le tanto'] "� „T '4 •R'4�:,'',N *4 r'� y' , I ;t '}r e t .5tkbt `Me �' �r 6 zd 3 l,J'_' CZi;' - •s-'r a # p i‘ - Ss 4'. - :44'.'...,-4, s 1:. t a r u , ".. fir ra,:A ++r• 7f .1. tt 2 r 2,yt" aM1 - 4Y0y IXL'- �".. *f r77F ci; ft: fr a ' F ,‘,:A J •,., 6�G �•v'' t' � ,412::47, ,-,,,_,-4,,c,,,„•4,43r.§' < IP 0 a ' Jif v a,�, , r"... - - t;,71.,1 �� p✓+,,• i .� r 9 M $\, d )9T ; 8i4' �S Mfr t 4,4 r ��' ;6iD triY� 1a '� Y: y' S'� �'d��`"; o- 1.Y 1 'P " `" i "' � ' • s. �, '•` [R4 'iY jg -t',.ir •f NI, '.`'- '- ''q ILS t se ll A, �Saf-44, -...,T4'z k ++IS. t'i.. ®-:D ^,,".73/41',4.4"-re,416l 1 do / T"re--e.r '4 i ft : , 4Z. � kri r h, tt R�f$y4 9vZ Y . r �I. t Y } av S �p...ye- ..ii, u9 „, d } k ,-* t v w •• y`iQ !\,,. 1' J 3=' ri�. -deli fru 4Pl f I �' ,x�` y, 4.4.41.' t a-�L "' dS • J Y " ,/ V6 s A , .� \ tM 1 W x4 vry ...r.. i % a : ,i �{ ['- et' 41 .*� ' a ? f 1 , g rq r • rJs " .0 , x ii 4 g , h Lj i5 N cy dud+ 'e - ru°z+-,gr 4 w "r tt ff;a hi ; • 4 ,ru Si r s a ' y !3/4 a' .011'if''‘ _4ft 'ate ti; it { ¢I pi ,ui ,r 1,v n S ljv'5...,44w„,-740, ° `� 5 ,- 5"`�,F�',, `� � uY u ° a ? >"'u.♦ . �+ 4„,,,,,,-"1:,,c,,,, Y :vy § 4. `a 5�..x 'd+; Y Syr % '§l iar -z., —L..d'''26 -7#.re (“';',*• K f t� f n� ' '1 f y j.' t44a' t f " 1, a o' '‘4‘',..14 x >�¢KfK *.,,d:t1 to-9;y;:----, t TuSa `yr ' +pY'. fig + ". Ndr'"`£,rq' 3St. x *4 ' ev . tr ti rvfi,,,y_ y`dL. 4 ,,s1„,,S `'. F 6 ' 4% . ,,�t M % `F. '' ," yQ "'' "Z'y 1 Nax.6',Acel,`.:a;',.a t'&2 a 4 't, Fv'}e s , y�� . '. ' . a' ;,i`.,,p,, ,, r�, '^�6 ' �„ '1� e r �` ,, N Base from Google Earthqt. ' , , f461 / 5,41,74t—'&4;3".--',$"' �r ;�.,,���'' s. `c`ct lla , - , • O Measurement Location '/'s-n .� 4..%. ...1? -" "`.. d 4#xt^WH�:1'�c`�'+ s h 1$ t* ♦.' i. 5....-F4. 1* t�. ( Modeling Receptor , 'r, ' �'i+�, a � ^ 04Fr ,',. SCALE IN FEET ` • - . d' 2 ire ...,;'1,.t.' A -cti- - 't , . '''-'474,0N,;",...;-. fir.timak . !.'� k ', • - fix`. ti 75 150 ;/ -c� ,. yV '2tJfiGoOt ' ` A swi ..et>s, � - t. - � �. .y • t Figure 1: Project Area Showing the Site, Property Lines and Nearby Sensitive Receptors I ericon l fireless r Yw m udh 6 _ 2 Snruul:Issesxnren! • Discussion of General Noise Analysis Methods There are a number of ways in which sound(noise)levels are measured and quantified. All of them use the logarithmic decibel (dB)scale. Following is a brief introduction to the noise measurement terminology used in this assessment. Noise Metrics The Sound Level Meter used to measure environmental is a standardized instrument) It contains"weighting networks"to adjust the frequency response of the instrument to approximate that of the human ear under various circumstances. One of these is the A- weighting network. A-weighted sound levels emphasize the middle frequency sounds and de-emphasize lower and higher frequency sounds; they are reported in decibels designated as"dBA." All broadband levels represented in this study are weighted using the A-weighting scale. Figure 2 illustrates typical sound levels produced by sources that are familiar to most people. The sounds in our environment usually vary with time, so they cannot always be described with a single number..Two methods are used for describing variable sounds. These are exceedance levels and equivalent level. Both are derived from a large number of moment-to-moment A-weighted sound level measurements. Exceedance levels are designated L„,where"n"can have any value from 0 to 100 percent. For example: • • Lio is the sound level in dBA exceeded only I0 percent of the time. It is close to the maximum level observed during the measurement period. The Lio is sometimes called the intrusive sound level because it is caused by occasional louder noises like those from passing motor vehicles. ♦ Lso is the median sound level: the sound level in dBA exceeded 50 percent of the time during the measurement period. ♦ L90 is the sound level in dBA exceeded 90 percent of the time during the measurement period. The L90 is close to the lowest sound level observed. It is essentially the same as the residual sound level,which is the sound level observed when there are no loud, transient noises. 1 American National Standard Specrficationfor Sound Level Meters,ANSI S1.4-I 983,published by the Standards • Secretariat of the Acoustical Society of America,NY. Verizon Wireless/Yarmouth 6 3 Sound Assessment . Common Indoor Sounds Common Outdoor Sounds dBA Rock Band 110 . Chain Saw 100 Inside NY Subway Train Food Blender "r 90 Truck at 100 ft. Garbage Disposal MIR 80 Vacuum Cleaner 70 Gas Lawn Mower at 100 ft. TV/Radio Listening = Auto at 50 ft.(40 mph) . Normal Conversation "+ 60 IIeavily Travelled Highway at 1000 ft. • Dishwasher in Next Room EN 50 Moderate Rainfall on Foliage Bird Calls at 100 ft. Refrigerator 40 Small Brook at 25 ft. Library Rural Community(no nearby sounds) Bedroom at Night 30 20 10 Threshold of Hearing(laboratory) — 0 Figure 2: Typical Sound Levels from Everyday Experience 4111 Verizon Wireless/Yarmouth 6 4 Sound Assessment • By using exceedance levels it is possible to separate prevailing,steady sounds(L•o)from occasional, louder sounds(L10) in the environment. The equivalent level is the level of a hypothetical steady sound that has the same energy as the actual fluctuating sound observed. The equivalent level is designated Leg,and is also A-weighted. The equivalent level is strongly influenced by occasional loud, intrusive noises. When a steady sound is observed,all of the L.•and Leg are equal. The day-night level, or Lou, is based on the Leg level averaged over a 24-hour period and accounts for greater sensitivity at night when ambient levels are low and people tend to be sleeping. In the design of noise control treatments, it is essential to know something about the frequency spectrum of the sound of interest. Noise control treatments do not function like the human ear,so simple A-weighted levels are not useful for noise-control design or the identification of tones. The spectra of sounds are usually stated in terms of octave band sound pressure levels, in dB, with the octave frequency bands being those established by standard.2 The sounds at the proposed site have been evaluated with respect to the octave band sound pressure levels, as well as the A-weighted equivalent sound level. Only the A-weighted values are presented here since they represent the more easily recognized sound scale. • Noise Regulations and Criteria Sound compliance is judged on two bases:the extent to which governmental regulations or guidelines are met, and the extent to which it is estimated that the community is protected from the excessive sound levels. The governmental regulations that may be applicable to sound produced by activities at the project site are summarized below. Federal • Occupational noise exposure standards: 29 CFR 1910.95. This regulation restricts the noise exposure of employees at the workplace as referred to in OSHA requirements. Workers will not routinely attend this facility. Furthermore, the facility will emit only occasional sounds of modest levels, as demonstrated by this study. State • 310 CMR §7.10 U qualitatively prohibits"unnecessary emissions from [a] source of sound that may cause noise". This is interpreted quantitatively by MDEP's Form BWP AQ SFP3 and their DAQC Policy 90-001. 2 American National Standard Specification for Octave, Half-octave and Third-octave Band Filter Sets,ANSI • S1.11-1966(R1975). Verizon Wireless/Yarmouth 6 5 Sound Assessment • In Massachusetts, noise is regulated as an air pollutant. The MDEP's Noise Policy states that a new noise intrusion may not increase the broadband sound level by more than 10 dBA over the pre-existing L% ambient level. Tonal sounds, defined as any octave band level that exceeds the levels in adjacent octave bands by 3 dB or more, are also prohibited. The DEP typically defers to local quantitative criteria when they are available. Local • The .Town of Yarmouth Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 104. Noise) provides qualitative limits on sounds produced between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am. The Wireless Ordinance also provides quantitative sound requirements of the equipment at this facility shown in the excerpt below: 408.7.13.3 Ground-mounted equipment for Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not, during normal operation, generate noise in excess of 50 db (non- continuous) at the property line. This analysis presents sound levels at the property line as specified by the ordinance, but also includes receptors representing other sensitive community locations. Existing Community Sound Levels • A site survey and noise measurement study was conducted in the area around the proposed site. Field measurements made on April 30, 2018 established the existing sound levels. The measurement locations were selected to be representative of the nearest receptors. The observed sounds included intrusive sound from occasional sources such as local traffic on Route 28, activities at a nearby gas station and convenience store and aircraft over-flights. Since the criteria are based on the Leq metric, all intrusive sounds such as these are incorporated in the baseline levels. Measurements were made during daytime conditions and in the quietest hours of the night. Measurement Locations The purpose of the ambient survey was to characterize the existing ambient sound conditions at the site. The community surrounding the site was surveyed to identify the areas that had the greatest potential to be affected by sound emissions at the site. The area is residential and commercial in character. The antennas will be in the steeple with supporting electronics in a basement equipment room. The nearest sensitive receptors are to the South (Bed & Breakfast) and a residence to the East. The survey provided background sound levels representing the site and surrounding area. Measurement Methodology Since sound impacts are greatest when existing noise levels are lowest, the study was • designed to measure community sound levels under conditions typical of a "quiet Verizon Wireless/Yarmouth 6 6 Sound Assessment period" for the area Meteorological conditions during the daytime measurement included scattered skies,daytime temperatures of 50°F and light winds of 3-5 mph from the NNW. Nighttime conditions included cloudy with calm air and temperatures of 43° F. The meteorological conditions during the measurements were noted from field observations and confirmed by record data at the nearby weather station in Hyannis, MA. It is noted that wind conditions at airports are measured by elevated meters at wide open spaces,so usually report more wind than are observed at ground level in a tightly developed community. Attended sound level measurements were made using a Rion NA-28 sound level meter. The meter was mounted at approximately 5 feet above the ground. The microphone was fitted with the factory recommended 3-inch foam windscreen. The meter was used to sample the environmental sound and to process the sound into various statistical metrics for use in this analysis. The L90(90th percentile)and Leq(equivalent level)are used in this study to represent the ambient background sound levels. The meter is equipped with a real time octave band filter set, which allows the meter to process sound levels into 1/3 octave bands. While frequency specific data were collected,the survey results are reported only in combined A-weighted levels for simplicity. The filter complies with the requirements of the ANSI S1-11 for octave band filter sets. The meter was calibrated in the field using a Larsen Davis Cal-200 sound level calibrator before and after the measurement sessions. The results of the field calibration indicated that the meters did not drift during the study. In addition to the measurements,notes were made • during the survey describing the observed sources of measured sound. The results of the survey allow for both quantitative and qualitative analyses of the acoustical environment surrounding the proposed equipment. Measurement Results Existing daytime sound levels in the project area are dominated by sounds from local traffic along Route 28. Other area sources included commercial parking lot activity, pedestrians, rooftop condensers, and occasional commercial aircraft over-flights. During the daytime survey, a landscaping crew visited the site to do their apparent Spring clean-up. The mowers,leaf blowers and equipment produced sound levels up to 74 dBA. But the survey was delayed until this clean-up was complete to capture a more typical sound level for the area. The late-night background sound was dominated by distant traffic in the area and on Route 6, two miles to the north. The results of the ambient survey are summarized in Table 1. Table 1: Measured Existing Background Sound Levels in the Project Area Location Daytime L90 LI Nighttime L90 Leg Town Parking P/L 9:14 PM 48 dBA 53 dBA 4:16 AM 44 dBA 51 dBA Library Parking P/L 9:48 PM 46 dBA 50 dBA 4:50 AM 44 dBA 48 dBA • Verizon Wireless/Yarmouth 6 7 Sound Assessment • Sounds Expected from the Proposed Installation Electronic equipment will be required to support the steeple-mounted antennas. It will be located in a basement equipment room so has no potential to affect the community sound levels. It is common for a facility to have small condensers to cool the equipment room. However,these are riot planned for this installation. Non-Routine Sound Emissions The installation will include a 30 kW emergency -77,7r . . w 4a backup generator installed on a concrete pad in the �, r w. rear yard of the church. The unit will he powered4-72 ' by natural gas from an existing line to the church. • � , r ,�r� � The generator will be installed inside a stand-alone ` r ^ ' ;, ` s #"" . s newt 1 f a k enclosure designed to protect the unit from the °a • 6 fal' �q x t• B1 k k •.. weather and reduce sound emissions. The unit will fix»F f a have a CQE(Crystal Quiet Enclosure) tj G • ;' yeyt is • rr .1; z y F.1.;configuration. Cooling air and silenced exhaust are *wf -r �� e �?y xre vented through a cowlingon the southeast end of •: ' ''�u',"er. .T ' g r�raw.aJ� . "' the enclosure. The operating panel is located on the northwest end of the unit, immediately accessible from the gate of the fenced area. The highly mitigated sound from the unit will be further reduced by an acoustic lining on the inside of the stockade fence. The Verizon Wireless equipment is monitored remotely,so attended service will be • infrequent. The unit will be exercised for about 'IA hour per week to assure reliable availability when needed. The unit is rated at 62 dBA at a distance of 23 feet. Because of the secondary, fence/barrier,the sound level is expected to be 59 dBA or less at the nearby property line. The proposed facility layout is shown in Figure 3. The vertical profile of the proposed facility is shown in Figure 4. Equipment Sound Mitigation The proposed installation has been designed to minimize the effect on the sound environment. Most of the equipment planned for the installation will produce no sound. The antennas, cabling and infrastructure like the fence and utility pedestals are inherently silent. The only source of community sound is the infrequent testing of the emergency generator. The proposed generator is designed for quiet operation with an acoustical enclosure and also a sound barrier on the inside of the fence. The equipment sound has been quantified and modeled to estimate the facility sound that is expected at the property line and at the nearest residential receptors. Plantings are planned along the property line for visual screening. The plantings(existing or proposed) will have very little effect on the sound propagation. For this reason. they were not included in this conservative study. A small section of the South Yarmouth Library parking lot is the only offsite arca that is expected to receive more than 50 MIA. Since the library is never open before 10:00 am,an operational mitigation opportunity would be to conduct the generator test just before 10:00 on a weekday. • t eri:on Wireless/Yarmouth 6 8 1-- - Sound assessnreni Yarmouth Public Parking ro J R I a ° I a.= E ` �� N co 0.1 � Wa i 1 z 1 0 ---.1 m h .: ' 0 H o • t mco 0) 1 c e g t n m cf { aTl ' 1 1 1 I •g 1 E o I •�j u �, qi w6 1 ( ` ( c� 1 0 I - .r a ` ! I v tn a I- U !! I o f a`. £ r f— J m co 1En 1..1—.1a...-1—,._ ' c i C o m -yy Generator ��.�J ,/------------- ------ ---- a '° k: 1 i�/ ./ eun,tLado�d xoWdy it" " E. 11.1 U. Fm a, 7 4 - €.0 v 3 Ss o Library Parking t• a • 0 • -1 . 1j I , , L„a_ c-- t-- i t. i by Proposed E friss Antennas t • ";;;;; H" ti>",-, di Ien no -.7-s_.•,---I t m 111■ — in. y —'ni — c _ t — in` i_ r ni nii ni iii --r ill' iii fin vim nu US —,.._—^ ---... .-- 1--. " ni Mil — — itis an mai I E.,, 111111illi Oil■ii_ 7 yam,.a.�.-�-.-� , id - Generator r I —I Basement IEqu p e t Room' Graphic Scale in FEET 0 4 6 12 16 • Figure 4: Plan Showing the Proposed Equipment Layout of the Site Verizon Wireless/Yarmouth 6 10 Sound Assessment . Equipment Sound Level Modeling A computer model was developed for the project sounds based on conservative sound propagation principles prescribed in acoustics literature. Each of the expected sources during operation of the facility was identified and quantified, then estimated at the nearest sensitive receptors. Sound levels decrease with distance,so the resulting sound level will be lower at more distant locations. The sound modeling accounts for specific source and propagation path assumptions for each modeled receiver location. Sound level prediction modeling was performed using CADNA software under downwind weather conditions as assumed in the standard ISO 9613-2. Table 2 summarizes the modeling input parameters. Table 2: Modeling Input Parameters Item Modeling Input and Description ' Terrain Flat Terrain assumed Temperature 10°C Relative Humidity 70% Weather Condition 6.5 mph,directly from facility to receptor* Ground Attenuation 0.2,hard surface(0.5=soft ground,0.0=pure reflection) Atmospheric CONCAWE—Category P Inversion #of Sound 2 • Reflections Receptor Height 1.5 meter above ground level • *Propagation calculations incorporate the adverse effects of certain atmospheric and meteorological conditions on sound propagation,such as gentle breeze of 1 to S m/s (ISO 1996-2: 1987)from source to receiver. "CONCAWE—Category F indicates the presence of stable atmosphere that promotes noise propagation. There is no significant terrain in the site area. Any sound emitted to the Northwest and West directions will be shielded by the existing buildings. The three-dimensional shape of the church buildings were modeled to account for both shielding and reflection effects. • Results of Sound Level Modeling To calculate the equipment level at the property line and community,the sound from each source was modeled. The site location,receptors and their orientation to the proposed generator are shown in Figure I. Figure 5 shows both the discrete modeling locations and sound contour details that are expected during the generator operation. Approximately one-half hour every week,the emergency generator will be tested. This is important for system reliability and will take place during weekday daytime periods only. During the test,the mitigated sound from the emergency generator will be added to the ambient sound. The distance to each modeled receptor is shown in the second column of Table 3. While the regulatory criteria are applied at the property lines, it is often valuable to the reviewers what levels are expected at other nearby sensitive locations. For that reason,the results of the modeling are provided at both the property . lines and the nearest receptors in each general direction. Verizon Wireless/Yarmouth 6 11 Sound Assessment • Table 3: Worst Case Sound Level (Generator Test)at Receptors Distance from- Ambient Sound Level Generator Receptor Location Equipment(Ft) Daytime Level(L%) Standard Level(dBA) Property Line, South 6 50 .50 59 Property Line, North 60 51 50 38 Property Line,West 96 51 50 42 Library, South 60 50 50 47 Bed&Bkfst South 150 50 50 39 Residence, SE 210 51 50 36 Restaurant, NE 165 51 50 39 • Gas Station, NW 300 51 50 17 Conclusions The sounds in the existing community were evaluated using measured field data. Ambient sound levels were established by direct field measurements using equipment that is standardized to the current ANSI standards. The potential sounds from the proposed installation were evaluated and quantified using numerical modeling methods. Equipment operating sound levels were quantified by using vendor estimates and confirmed by representative field measurement at other installations. Most of the time, the facility will produce no sound that would be heard from off-site. The routine operation of the facility will offer essentially no sound to the community,so will not be noticed even during the quietest hours of the night. The normal operation of the facility meets all the requirements of and Yarmouth's section 408.7.13.3 since there are no routine sources of community sound. Infrequently,the proposed facility will include the testing of the emergency generator. The generator test is a maintenance function, not a normal facility operation. The ambient level already meets or exceeds the 50 dB standard,so the focus of this analysis is the generator(only) sound expected at offsite locations. This test will be scheduled for one half hour per week during daytime hours. With the generator operating at its necessary location near the library property line,the facility sound will be 59 dBA along one section of the property line. The sound will be below 50 dBA at other facility property lines. Because the sound level decreases with increased distance, it is also expected to be less than 50 dBA at the library and its walkway. During the maintenance test of the generator,the sound levels are expected to be higher than Yarmouth's 50 dBA criteria in an area that includes the nearest two parking spaces. Figure 6 shows the area where the test is higher than 50 dBA(between the generator and the 50 dBA contour). The test is conducted remotely, so could be scheduled at a time outside of business hours to further minimize the effect on the library operation. Verizon Wireless/Yarmouth 6 12 Sound Assessment • • III • ;y a ,g .j ""y Yf'.J' ,�.„y 3"g'�`I °.' ut . i „,....:.,....:Ii:isiwes," ...,,,,; '��'4!` �� �F`j', y'. , , co „re q. t' ..;U a3 £ �� *^' t�5 '''.2 ?,g y , rc 1. i r ��a a. }�•g-,�,,.�ae� E : Y f � 4 • t,..- 'rf�fie*" T �^fir f �i .`m� `.! rrff'��4 Jyyi�t e��S S�-t, "z 444:41 �� i Sf°.6' -'G Jy% Ka' a: +1 aA (t. r` t �' '• 3"s#d" +z d i1tiasi.�. ' + .4t t r t {�. � 'ii *�' 2 °�� �` f �' �A'§• x is ',/,,70,:f; t a£ ' r.+"` a+#x� r. •: t.,' '.. "` a' Vit' r �x n �' ' t ,RRSW'4r i ti,3 . . t* m - f yr - t . t 39d@A ,.. .e , f 5A, in r x Tzrr; , M , } ; �. .. .k . g,!yp+• _ 3 Y fr CV, fi'z 4 '"'t' •,.../S'477,71 " t. tom"' A IA r 5. a. 38 d@A � r 4 ,.' rit"+3 ,�k Qla dBA ,ii`k{-.:4,4k kir ++., k" n'�y w tr .,N ��R y, .E--ts5 , `t 44-71 ti F : 1•I{ to . fif {. ti ,�y .T.' q' z; - *. 1 11Y' d`a9 n `` +s x : -, itk r i- are � t " . . na3 a 7'".L.. { f`. aIa lg1k � 9y4' a� it , {• � r s :. `taA �r r ,.. t a F' l qr a 441�'"''t �` •4 .. 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'" , '.- t w 44$ " ",;":„*,".0;,�:t 0 `ieasurcrement Location « r 5<«Ve : y t SP ,1,.. y / �y� �i{ y9 xr G.'.L 4�'.$ T , 4. t hMd Q e from hng Receptor i� 3 `„_ 1,'x4, >Y .y i sr.. .- • £ t, SCALE IN FEET V . o,4 ,r t�� it tz:, ' ici a�� "+ r ? s a ,#,--1-. ttr�, `'�. ' x fa�-`r n« -:. ,taar x .F3+• rod' - >a. 1 75 150 , u ` � K , X1016 Go o w” rt i . Figure 5: Graphical Mo- deling Summary of the Worst- Sound Estimate(Generator Test) 1'cri:o+ett'rrt'/v' s-}almouth6 /3 Sound:Issessmenl • • • ,"w ^ .r� z g" `f$''°L i^n''hRr P �° ��� r J!k.s r$ t't" may; liGr. . ,. aA i•" y�' }:� k .y • r '. .:,...4,: .t� -.r 4; {FA L .�,4 loan. 3 k9 �J7��-([ 6agei ;_it, ,'r`[�a. .46 1 ?t "a'F• t f -" At* ?.pr.M r b , ,'.. Seo rit ',s, a M44.,."44-,S4 yr r , 3$ dBA ,y , t+ !J'• ' r',f � U LJ�""'' /' v�. � xi h�" y� VSs. ey '. :',..2-217.' ,.. 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Figure 6: Graphical Representation of the 50 dRA Contour during the Proposed Generator Test 6'eri:on I{'ir•eless:'furmourlr 6 T N Sowed assessment Review is: 0 Conceptual ®Formal 0 Binding(404 MoteIsNCOD/R.O.A.D.Project) ❑x Non-binding(All other commercial projects) evie Is 0 plannina Board RI Design Review Committee y:;: ::',LA. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Meeting Date: May 23,2018 Map: 61 Lots: 22.1 Applicant Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless(Sean Mahoney) Zone(s): B2/HMOD1 &RS-40 Site Location: 318 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth Persons Present: DCR Members P sept .Yarmouth Town Staff Present Gu Charlie Adams l Kathy Williams Sean Mahoney ✓r x w�l Dick Martin • v> Jack McCormack r/ DRC Review for this project started at: 4:05 PM DRC Review ended at: 4:40 PM On a motion by Jack McCormack,seconded by Charlie Adams,the Design Review Committee(DRC) voted (3-0)to adjourn the May 23,2018 DRC meeting at 4:40 PM. Project Summary eneral Description: The applicant Is proposing to install four antennas and ancillary equipment within the recently eplaced steeple of the South Yarmouth Methodist Church, located at 318 Old Main Street This will necessitate the replacement of the existing metal louvers in the 4 faces of the belfry with painted to match fiberglass"Radio Frequency Friendly"louvers. There will also be an equipment room located within the building. None of the antennas nor the interior ancillary equipment will be visible from the exterior of the building. The application also noted that a small,white 5"GPS antenna may be installed on a southerly facing surface. The applicant is also proposing to install a natural gas emergency generator on a 4'x8'concrete pad on the southern side of the building, approximately 6'-3"from the property line and 8'from a proposed expansion of the building on the west side of the church. No screening is shown on the plans, but the applicant has requested input from the Design Review Committee: Summary of Presentation: Sean Mahoney gave a brief presentation on the proposed project as outline above and noted that he has been working to increase cell service in Yarmouth over the past several years. The church will retain the metal louvers in case they need to be replaced if the antennas are decommissioned. Biggest visual is the generator along the southern side of the building. Acknowledge that screening will be required and is looking for input from the DRC on fencing and/or shrubbery. They are working on sound deadening for the generator. The fence will play a role in reducing the sounds. Doors to generator currently open towards the library and are looking to relocate the doors towards the church to allow the fence to be located closer to the generator to reduce sound. Want at least a 3 sided fence to deaden sound. DRC Questions&Discussions: Charlie Adams would like a 6'cedar stockade fence with Alberta Spruce. If have a gate, put it on Old Main Street side to increase visibility and lessen likelihood of vandalism. Sean noted that the gate may not deaden the sound enough. *Charlie asked about lightening strikes and Sean noted that the steeple is grounded and they will amend if needed. Dick Martin would prefer the gate on the church side as they are proposing the project It sounds like the steeple will look the same. Okay with wood fence, but okay with white vinyl fence. Generator needs to be fenced and planted. Alberta Spruces are fine. Dick asked about the frequency of use. Sean noted that the generator would be used in emergencies and for weekly testing. •ack asked about the natural gas generator, not LP gas, so no storage required. Jack inquired about co-locating. Sean noted it is just going to be Verizon now. Sean noted that the GPS antenna is about 5'tall on south side of the property and could be attached to the fence. Kathy Williams noted that it shouldn't be on the steeple or church building. Kathy Williams noted that the generator should be less than 6'tall to be hidden by the fencing/shrubs and doors should be redirected to the church side. The DRC want the generator fully enclosed in 6'white cedar stockade fencing with post caps with an exterior gate. Plantings(Alberta Spruce)can be located around the fence and further away to better screen the area and avoid the buried utilities. Review Comments In Relation To The Design Standards SITING STRATEGIES Sect 1. Streetscape N N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: The project does not include any new buildings and the existing landscaping defines the streetscape. Sect. 2.Tenant Spaces 0 N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Sect. 3. Define Street Edge 0 N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: elect 4, Shield Large Buildings 0 N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Sect. 5, Design a 2n°Story 0 N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Sect. 6, Use Topo to Screen New Development 0 N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Sect. 7. Landscape Buffers/Screeninq 0 N/A 0 Meets Standards,or N Discrepancies: Screening of the generator is very important and needs to fit In with the historic nature of this property. The DRC recommends that the generator be fully enclosed in 6'white cedar stockade fencing with post caps with an exterior gate. Plantings(Alberta Spruce)can be located around the fence and further away to better screen the area and avoid the burled utilities. Although the site doesn't fully meet the landscape buffer requirements, due to the limited nature of this project, the DRC is okay with waiving this requirement If there are more substantial projects In the future, the DRC would like more buffer plantings. Sect 8. Parking Lot Visibility 0 N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Sect. 9. Break up Large Parking Lots 0 N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Sect. 10. Locate Utilities Underground 0 N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Proposed utility lines to generator to be underground. Sect. 11. Shield Loading Areas 0 N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: • • BUILDING STRATEGIES Sect. 1, Break Down Building Mass—Multiple Bldgs. B N/A ❑Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Ilea. 2. Break Down Building Mass—Sub-Masses El N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Sect. 3,Vary Facade Lines ®N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Sect. 4,Vary Wall Heights ID N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Sect. 5.Vary Roof Lines IA N/A 0 Meets Standards,or❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 6. Bring Down Building Edges ® N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Sect. 7.Vary Building Marls For Depth ® N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Sect. 8. Use Traditional& Nat'l. Building Marls 0 N/A 0 Meets Standards,or❑ Discrepancies: Sect. 9. Incorporate Pedestrian-scaled Features 0 N/A ❑Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Sect. 10, Incorporate Energv-efficient Design ®N/A 0 Meets Standards,or 0 Discrepancies: Next step for applicant B Go to Site Plan Review 0 Return to Design Review for Formal Review On a motion by Jack McCormack, seconded by Charlie Adams, the Design Review Committee(DRC)voted(3- 0)to approve these DRC Comments as meeting minutes for the May 23,2018 meeting for the proposed Verizon Wireless antennas at 318 Old Main Street • • Received by Applicant(s) ATTACHMENTS: • May 23,2018 Agenda • DRC Application: o April 9,2018 Letter from Sean Mahoney summarizing the proposed project o Exhibit A: Design Review Application form and Materials Specification Sheet o Exhibit B: Specifications for MTU natural gas emergency generator o Exhibit C: Duro Fiber"RF-Friendly"fiberglass material specifications o Exhibit D: Specifications for PCDTeI GPS Antenna o Exhibit E: Letter of Authorization o Exhibit F: 11x17 Plans: All plans prepared by Hudson Design Group LLC,dated 12118117, unless otherwise noted: • T-1 —Title Sheet • C-1 —Abutters Plan& Existing Conditions,dated 12/18/17 • C-2—Plot Plan • A-1 —Site Plan • A-2—Elevation • May 13,2018 e-mail from Kathy Williams&Aerial Photo 4110 Formal_X__Informal__ Review SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENT SHEET te: June 19, 2018 New Map:61 New Lot 22.1 licant:Verizon Wireless/SY United Methodist Church ovation: 318 Old Main Street, MA 02664 Zone: RS 40&B2 Persons Present: LT. Kevin Huck Carl Gehring .. Nick Aquiar Sean Mahoney Mark Grylls Prosed Summary Install antennas inside Church steeple, install radio equipment in interior room, install a natural gas fueled stand-by power generator on a concrete pad in rear surrounded by a solid fence and shrubs. Comments f. uildin : Requires Special Permit ZBA per section 408 Zoning Bylaw. Building permit required.All work to comply with 780 CMR MSBC and all other applicable codes. Community Development and Planning: Install supplemental plantings on the northwest side to compensate for loss of e ng bushes which are noted to be removed as needed. All Alberta Spruce trees to be a minimum of 6'tall when iited: Fence to be minimum 6'tall with post caps. Generator should be low enough to not be visible over the fencing, ditional plantings should be installed. Choose time/day for testing of generator to minimize impacts to neighbors. Conservation: No comment Design Review: Refer to attached May 23, 2018 Design Review Comment Sheet. Applicant included additional plantings and fencing per the DRC comments. DRC recommended 6'tall white cedar stockade fencing with post caps and exterior gate. Style of fence does not appear to be noted. IA Engineering: No Comment `Pe:Yarmouth Fire Department supports the application, Pending all Permits, Submissions, and Inspections. Health: C\ Water No Comment Read & Received by Applicants) ee Ike, P!a2irte2)13IP O //A / It,/„ j i.Dil it 41- 2-7 . ..ue�h.y>:.ty f �...w.m __ '..... ;-V, W i . r--""—'----"s----"lw • • •I' B00f3393 PACE 286 31357 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS 914MMH4 Myer Ton BOARD OF APPEALS Date: Oct. 15 .19 81 i Certificate of Granting of Variance or Special Permit (General Laws Chapter 40A,Section 11) The Board of appeals of the City or Town of Yarmouth hereby certifies that a Variance or Special Permit has been granted To South Yarmouth United Methodist Church I • Address 322 Mein St. City or Town S. Yarmouth. Masa. affecting the rights of the owner with respect to land or buildings at Hain St.. 1 IS. Yarmouth Mass •And the said Board of Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and t correct copy of its decision granting said variance — special permit, and that copies of said decision,and of all plans referred to in the decision,have been Med with the planning board and the city or town clerk. The Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A,Section II(last paragraph)provides that no variance or special permit,or any ex- tension,modification or renewal thereof,shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the town or city clerk that twenty days have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the office of the city or town clerk and no appeal has been filed or that,if such appeal has been flied,that it has been dismissed or denied,is recorded in the registry of deeds for the county t and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title.The fee f r such recor- f ding or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. i —se R • BOQ ' 3 �. . PAGE.! peas 1004 MO...caw .1st...me.. .. •-- I • mew.,. I I 1111. i 80013393 PACE 287 1 , TOWN OF YARMOUTH i BOARD OF APPEALS _ • Filed with Town Clerk: SEP 25 1981 Hearing Date: 9/24/81 • Petitioner: South Yarmouth United Methodist Church Petition No.: 1779 .i 322 Main St. ' South Yarmouth, Mass. I' DE_C_ISION • The petitioners requested a variance and/or • special permit from the Board of i Appeals to allow an addition to an existing non-conforming building too close to the . lot line. Property located on Main St., S. Yarmouth, Mass., and shown on Assessors mop 153-U2. Members of Board of Appeals present: Donald Henderson, Augustine Murphy, Herbert • Renkainen, Morris Johnson, Myer Singer. It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof tothe petitioner and ill those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby and that public notice of such hearing having been given by publication in the Yarmouth Sun on 9/9/81 and 9/16181. the hearing was opened and held on the date first ' above written. The following appeared in favor of the petition: Ralph Phillips, attorney for the church, plus 17 other people. The following appeared in opposition: Rene. Reason for decision: ' Petitioner, through Attorney Ralph Phillips, submitted 2 plans to the Board, one - dated June, 1980, revised August 12, 1980 and the other dated August 21, 1981. The church proposes to remove an unsightly, termite ridden structure located at the westerly extreme of their property and replace it with an addition to the existing 2 story building. The addition would be joined to the existing structure and could essentially follow the existing lines of the building and the existing foundation. Two small alley ways would be eliminated and intregated into the addition. A nu-Ser of letters were received from abutters and interested parties and all were in favor of the appeal. In addition, a large contingency from the church was present in support of the appeal. The Board considered the request under Sec. 1532 of the by-law, dealing with erten- 1 *ion or alteration of a non-conforming use. That section authorizes this Bcsrd to grant a special permit to alter or extend a non-conforming structure, provided the alteration or change will not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing non-conforming use. The Board agrees with the comments made in one of the letters to the effect that the nem addition would be much more pleasant to look at than the existing, run down shed type building. From all of the testimonies and comments, the Board was convinced the petitioner's project would be a benefit to the neighborhood and•town and would not be more detrimental than the existing structure. Members of Board voting: Donald Henderson, Morris Johnson, Herbert Renkainen, Myer Singer, Augustine Murphy. All voted in favor of petition. • .Therefore, the petition is granted as requested for the above stated reasons. No permit issued until 20 days from date of filing decision with Town Clerk. per ROBERT W. SHERMAN, Clerk • , 7 . • • . . I e001,1393PicE 288 CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK - I, Kathleen D. Johnson, Town Clerk, Town of Yarmouth, do here• : ' 1' t 20 days have elapsed since the filing with me of the above bona ...7.4341%`•;t ' decision end that no notice of appeal of said decision has been filed with' pp - has been filed it has been dismissed or denied. .X=fir , sal KaKathleepr. .. ^� Clerk i f�,�,cY • • • • • • • • REC?GEDNOV 12O1 •• • • • • Bk 24850 Po79 +45171 09-23-2010 a 11 : 46a • de•wite. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS TOWN OF YARMOUTH :f� C ' BOARD OF APPEALS Crrs ;3 � . t ,r 4114'4 CO* Appeal#4310 Date: September 23,2010 Certificate of Granting of a Special Permit (General Laws Chapter 40A,section 11) The Board of Appeals of the Town of Yarmouth Massachusetts hereby certifies that a Special Permit has been granted to: South Yarmouth United Methodist Church 318 Old Main Street South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Affecting the rights of the owner with respect to land or buildings at, 318 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth, MA Zoning District: B2; Map'& Lot #:006L22; Book & Page: 53/506; 509/376; 876/361; 2332/209; 6741/223 and the said Board of Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and correct copy of its decision granting said Special Permit, and that copies of said decision,and of all plans referred to in the decision,have been filed. The Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws,Chapter 40A, Section 11 (last paragraph)and Section 13, provides that no Special Permit, or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the Town Clerk that twenty (20)days have elapsed after the decision has been filed hi the office of the Town Clerk and no appeal has been filed or that, if such appeal has been filed,that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. St en oun man • Bk 24850 Pg 80 #48171• 0t TOWN OF YARMOUTH • iL j Town �"''a 1146 ROUTE 28,SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Clerk Telephone(508)398.2231 Ext. 1285,Fax(508)398-0836 CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK I,Jane E. Hibbert,Town Clerk,Town of Yarmouth,do hereby certify that 20 days have elapsed since the filing with me of the above Board of Appeals Decision #4310 and that no notice of appeal of said decision has been filed with me, or, if such appeal has been filed it has been dismissed or denied. it �" s , -- t'Ti / , / y Y ..'fir S . A a . as.. ld. M1,t.-c T C/CMMC 14 e . f' ) - sr .4„)'11), ,; ..... :1"*•( 01:14):.1 .44l ii• • Bk 24850 Pg 81 #48171 ,Q� YAC " TOWN OF YARMOUTH � s �� " ' C BOARD OF APPEALS •w '/�' �, DECISION FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: September 2,2010 : • • c' PETITION NO: #4310 - ! " HEARING DATE: August 26,2010 `- PETITIONER: South Yarmouth United Methodist Church PROPERTY: 318 Old Main Street,South Yarmouth Map&Parcel: 0061.22; Zoning District: B2 Book&Page:53/506;5091376; 876/361;2332/209;6741/223 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Steven DeYoung,Chairman,Sean Igoe,Diane Moudouris,Richard Neitz,Robert Howard and Bryant Palmer,alternate. . Notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner and all those owners of property as required by law, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and publishing in The Register,the hearing opened and held on the date stated above. The Petitioner, South Yarmouth United Methodist Church, brought its petition seeking Special Permit under Zoning By-law §104.3.2. The property is located in the B2 Zoning District. Comprised of a main church building and abutting parcel where its thrift shop is located, the Petitioner seeks a Special Permit to proceed with an addition to the main building and other site improvements. The proposed addition prompted a formal Site Plan Review. Desiring to add space,in large part to accommodate a food pantry,the matter was first considered by the Board on July 8,2010. A number of concerns were raised by Board Members,particularly relating to the lack of parking on the 5 lots upon which the church is located. The matter was continued at the Petitioner's request following unanimous vote of a Motion made by Ms. Moudouris and seconded by Mr.Neitz. At the reconvened hearing on August 26, 2010, the Petitioner was represented by very able counsel,David S.Reid,Esquire. Mr. Reid had presented to the Board the following,on behalf of the Petitioner. 1. Revised floor plans dated 08/04/10; 2. Revised site plan by Schofield Brothers of Cape Cod dated 09/10/09 as revised 08/16/10; • 3. Correspondence from abutters/neighbors. 1 Bk 24850 Pg 82 #48171 11, No exhibits were marked. Various parties appeared in support of the petition including the Church's very eloquent pastor. No one spoke in opposition to the petition. The revised plan set-forth a reduced scope of anticipated construction. Additionally, the revised site plan evidenced the fact that the addition would itself be less non-conforming than is the existing structure. The Petitioner agreed to merge the various lots comprising its location and the abutting thrift shop parcel into one lot,thus achieving an important goal(as referenced in the Site Plan Review)of the Town Planning Department (Mr. Terry Sylvia, Town Planner). These various lots are identified as follows: (with reference to Barnstable Registry of Deeds) Book 6741, Page 223; Book 2332, Page 209; Book 876, Page 361; Book 53, Page 506 and Book 1434, Page 993. The merger of these lots will also result in assuring on-site parking now available on the thrift shop parcel. The Board wholeheartedly supported the laudable goal of creation of a food pantry serving local citizenry. The Petitioner was unanimously supported by Board Members who enthusiastically appreciated the Petitioner's concessions made in obtaining the requested Special Permit. The Board did not feel the need to specifically address this matter based upon the Petitioner being a church but did acknowledge that c. 40A, §3 and the deference to be given the use of land and structures for religious purposes did warrant due consideration in the Board's deliberations. The Board uniformly felt that the grant of the Special Permit would not result in undue nuisance, • hazard of congestion nor would any substantial harm to the existing or future character of the neighborhood or Town result. On Motion made by Ms.Moudouris,seconded by Mr.Igoe,it was therefore unanimously voted to grant the Special Permit under By-law §104.3.2 for the erection of the proposed addition as shown on the revised floor plans and located as shown on the revised site plan, both as above- referenced. Such grant of Special Permit was upon the following conditions: 1. That the hours of operation of the food pantry be limited to 2 days per week, 2 hours per day or some reasonable variation of such hours of operation; 2. In order to accommodate the reduced parking at the site, the Petitioner shall actively encourage the sharing of rides to the church and take affirmative steps to ensure that food pantry hours of operation do not coincide with or conflict with scheduled events at surrounding facilities (library, Cultural Center, etc.) so that off-site parking spaces will be likely available as needed;and, 3. That the Petitioner will cause a plan to be prepared causing the 6 parcels comprising the church and abutting thrift shop parcels(as identified by deed book and page above) to be merged into one lot. Once this plan has been prepared, it is to be submitted to the Planning Board and,once endorsed by the Planning Board,it is to be recorded with the Registry of Deeds and a copy thereof shall be filed with the Board. 2 Bk 24850 Pg 83 #48171 • No permit shall issue until 20 days from the filing of this decision with the Town Clerk This decision must be recorded at the Registry of Deeds and a copy forwarded to the Board of Appeals. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk Unless otherwise provided herein,the Special Permit shall lapse if a substantial use thereof has not begun within 24 months.(See bylaw,MGL c40A §9) Steven DeYoung,Chairman • • 4113 BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS Prepared or: ii VERIZON 44 Site Name: YARMOUTH 6 MA 318 OLD MAIN STREET ' iesSOUTH YARMOUTH, MA APIN ,.... -..,..-.,... . ..... .f' - . s .r ? :� y � X leO I t - - +}r•te • .*��.�� - .._ ^+. ..via . r1A ll _ I ,.. .. - „, ,i,„,... frl f 0 La , i , ...,.. Jef mt i•7" 6; .....4Q,. , oi a. it72-3•'!- - ''`4,,t.i. "',.. ' 110 IP AI . . . PE°ARED FORi SITE TYPE: STEEPLE/GENERATOR SITE NAME:YARMOUTH 6 MAFOG THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY TO SHOW THE ■ DATE: 07/10/2018 REV:0 ONLY AREAS OF VISIBILITY.R IS MEANT TO SHOW A r „ BROAD REPRESENTATION OF AREAS WHERE THE ADDRESS: 318 01_D MAIN STREET V e 1 I Z O 1 1 HUDSON PROPOSED INSTALLATION MAY BE VISIBLE BASED UPON [design Group LLr' DRAWN BY: KB THE BEST INFORMATION FOR TOPOGRAPHY AND SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA VEGETATION LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE s sEYJ!++C ODM': RI RE - SCALE:N.T.S. f�.AiCG\ER.MA01145 FA%I975i„- PAGE 1 OF 15 • LOCUOIAAP TAKEN FROM GOOGLE.COM ON —27-18 �� t�,7 — illipi- : ...... , / of 1 _ .. y ..-1.0_,,,....),.>"------",„."...,..1.-446.4:..:.. 1.-1-:-.."---'' ti• ---1-,----, J-1 I'� . • -_,. , • r = T.1`. : if:::.:101' r"4.3-., ,:-. 3... . ,... „, ,,,,, ,_ ,.. j "' 1111.1Nt ...I% , - icie i ' - tit ' -.5 • :. .-- —At - '''-.*:" * - ''4 "jr ..' , - � ,, I t. : !rhIn Fk tom.2' .r{' -, �i.:::1-0::::...4,..4\_,...„.., d r �P2 %--7.'"_, 1.0... f - --:4/1.. , )• '-... - IP .,,,.. r- , ' .• ;:,,)- •,4 ="—_, =.4sli ,.. ..4.----:;1.....' :i..,':.::•_71::::::.... 1w.:,, � " :::`.....,-::—;-:.-.....'.::,..";.:1,,,-;::,,,::"..,. ...,,:.,:, F . .. /� -e' - •. - --. . 11111Ps 'f/ - .::(711-..\-;r,,,4' ' ' - °.-4Z-z-i-,:t"--1'*:1, . 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VIEW NORTHWEST FROM OLD MAIN STREET PREPARED FOR: SITE TYPE: STEEPLE/GENERATOR SITE NAME:YARMOUTH 6 MAMG THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY TO SHOW THE ■ DATE:07/10/2018 REV:0 ONLY AREAS OF VISIBILITY.IT IS MEANT TO SHOW A Ve r i zo n� BROAD REPRESENTATION A AREAS WHERE THE 318 OLD MAIN STREET HUDSON PROPOSED INSTALLATION MAYBE VISIBLE BASED UPON ADDRESS: THDesign Group Li,{ DRAWN BY: KB E BEST TILOCATIONS AVAILABLE O DAT INFORMATION ANO SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA VEGETATION FSi80iOWH AN OI SBI .ANDOVER IAA 01&s FAX I9787336558d SCALE:N.T.S. PAGE 3 OF 15 PROP ED CONDITIONS LOCA N # 1 DATE OF PHOTO: O4/2O18 :111114.1Fr 4-, ,. ,,,, -.. . . tt, 4 ' • , ori -fr. j , ; j .0 • • T PROPOSED VERIZON RRH'S AND "' .•� — ..._._ -- �—RF ANTENNASFRIENDLY BEHINDLOUVERS PROPOSED •- ~ • 2• ,r : 1'Y (1) . ^� ^Y Afi. } yr'fid . ee . / ' A it • :E • .1.101 __` _ - - I �:� ;,i i EQUIPMENT • R 'u1 . 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A-SIBOROUGA.MA015$. .s'''CR6888 848E —8-"ss''55.3 SCALE: N.T.S.N ANDOVER.MAaixS vAxryr4Mo-ssee PAGE 5 OF 15 PROP ED CONDITIONS LOCA N # 2 DATE OF PHOTO: 0 14/2018 ✓j*' .,. til,••, it : . ' PROPOSED VERIZON RRH'S AND ANTENNAS BEHIND PROPOSED RF FRIENDLY LOUVERS t, ._ r-- ..,,..,.. .: !• � f ._ . .,.. i' Wv • -= • ....., . 1 _ -• ro , ..,7.. • • TR. i •..r_. T ; /• I• Y - ` DETAIL OF: ; •,� y04- EQUIPMENT• - .,_7,-.0-1-..._ • �li�. •a y1 :I' It MI •• "d ..-.ra a. ,,,,e.'. VIEW NORTHWEST FROM CHURCH FRONT YARD (EO IPMENT PARTIALLY VISIBL ) °RPA'E0 FO SITE TYPE. STEEPLE/GENERATOR SITE NAME,YARMOUTH 6 MA THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY TO SHOW THE DATE:07/10/2018 REV 0 ONLY AREAS OF VISIBILITY.IT IS MEANT TO SHOW A rnBROAD REPRESENTATION OF AREAS WHERE THE 318 OLD MAIN STREET V iZ O 1 1 HUDSON PROPOSED INSTALLATION MAY BE VISIBLE BASED UPON ADDRESSDesign Group L� : DRAWN BY: KB THE BEST INFORMATION FOR TOPOGRAPHY AND SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA VEGETATION LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE la FLANDERIBOROUs H.MA ".laC15. '"41'E '''.19Thi ss iii; SCALE: N.T.S. AESIEOR000H.MAGI561 N ANDOVER.MA0180 vac(sial 33459en PAGE 6 OF 15 EXISTM CONDITIONS LOCAPN # 3 DATE OF PHOTO: 0,4/2018 *~ y .4.4,-,,......,..:a :\ :} a • Av. slil . . !-4.-4-`-‘,''' Z • r .-� 1 i ti r. t :fie • "'R 'r+ \ ...;,...!.:-:.„4,_ a�- >i:. �r r.ry�' .-`r t, a_•s•em. . } A & s.:•a4:lit •4 ; .y am ♦ I. 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STEEPLE/GENERATOR SITENAME:YARMOUTH 6 MA THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY TO SHOW THE ■ DATE:07/10/2018 REV:0 ONLY AREAS OF VISIBILITY.IT IS MEANT TO SHOW A r n _ BROAD REPRESENTATION OF AREAS WHERE THE 318 OLD MAIN STREET V 1 I ZQ 1 1 HUDSON PROPOSED RESEN INSTALLATION MAYBE VISIBLE BASED UPON ADDRESS: Design Group Lit;t� DRAWN BY: KB THE BEST INFORMATION FOR TOPOGRAPHY AND SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA VEGETATION LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE. d FLANDERS ROA, •.ZED:MOOD CANE 13 OM S''.5553 ES�BOROUGKMAOI55i •,,,DOVER nu 0:645 FAX 197S13.1,-S58.6 PAGE N.T.S. PAGE 8O 15 PROP ED CONDITIONS LOCA N # 4 DATE OF PHOTO: 0,14/2018 PROPOSED VERIZON GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO PROPOSED FENCE (BEYOND) 1 W _ 1 A y� ?' / _ _,_." -,.. t / I 1 ;,,., � •• OA. PROPOSED VERIZON RRH'S AND ANTENNAS 4_ • BEHIND PROPOSED RF FRIENDLY LOUVERS — fir= --_ DETAIL OF EQUIPMENT i 0111* 111115.14 01 de.41L1-"_L: lemyill 5.4.; # 4 44 A`.'•! 4.7 =$-...41- - -- PROPOSED VERIZON ALBERTA SPRUCE Ts .. tom. . FOR CONCEALMENT •. -. PROPOSED VERIZON GENERATOR ON PROPOSED - 4'—O" x 8'—O" CONCRETE PAD (BEYOND) VIEW EAST FROM LIBRARY PARKING LOT •PREPARED FOR, SITE TYPE: STEEPLE/GENERATOR SITE NAME:YARMOUTH 6 MAFOG- THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY TO SHO'NTHE ■ DATE: 07!10!2018 REV'0 ONLY AREAS OF VISIBILITY IT IS MEANT TO SHOW A 7 BROAD REPRESENTATION OF AREAS WHERE THE 318 OLD MAIN STREET I` HUDSON PROPOSED INSTALLATION MAY BE VISIBLE BASED UPON ADDRESS: SOUTH MAIN MA resign Group LLC DRAWN BY:KB THE BEST INFORMATION FOR TOPOGRAPHY AND VEGETATION LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE -r-u:J6T5 Rt;A_ S"'CNwOO°l'e4 ra 19"I u'sss3 "�1° O OM IAA a' 1•.ANDOVER,MA018.5 FAR(978)3]ai58 SCALE: N.T.S. PAGE 10 OF 15 EXISTS CONDITIONS LOCA N % 4 DATE OF PHOT � 1 O: 04/2018 ' EXISTING BUSHES (TYP.) (REMOVE AS NEEDED) f • } f rill . . ip.t �'q•. / • r :�. . .. ; - S `= � 111 , : . . DETAIL OF — EQUIPMENT ........... • 'n"' • r _., `4. . ,..10., 'Y _ dpi..., .. . - . JCS' '.3.' ti r. • VIEW EAST FROM LIBRARY PARKING LOT PREawm FOR SITE TYPE: STEEPLE/GENERATOR SITE NAME:YARMOUTH 6 MA THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY TO SHOW THE ■ DATE:07/10/2018 REV: 0 ONLY AREAS OF VISIBILITY.IT IS MEANT TO SHOW A r „ BROAD REPRESENTATION OF AREAS WHERE THE ADDREp 318 OLD MAIN STREET Ve 1 I ZO 1 1 HUDSON PROPOSED INSTALLATION MAY BE VISIBLE BASED UPON SSSOUTH YARMOUTH, MA resign Group i.I(" DRAWN BY: KB THE BEST INFORMATION FOR TOPOGRAPHY AND VEGETATION LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE. 8 FUNDERS ROAD 'r;S1BORODGH.MADI581 +58FfC.LX>0 DRIVE :r"'9 SCALE: N.T.S.ANDOVER Au mars FAX 19181 136 55 8 6 PAGE 9 OF 15 0 EXIST CONDITIONS LOCA N # 5 DATE OF PHOTO: Ob/14/2018 / •/ / . ',Ai- •.,;,- 0 1-- 1 4' .0.'1: '11 ".- .." ..' : . PP" .' - .' iir'`' > -� r� DETAIL OF EQUIPMENT g . _ f _ N t ,:' • r. z Mil/.811m-...4....5. _ '' :. Y • ' a .•si. =�..y, 4 ? a d k"t �ac'j•"t`b G h '-*:1-f4::-.• �+-�`� s �� �. l 1" 'Y.i"'� A • 1 >a' R c•-,, ,; £ 'EC"1y, r• 1i¢' ''''!',:•:o' _ ,y, a s&• `� X. "..-•;-i,' ,,-2., �t ' �;� "� 'S l Rt�S 3! 1¢, .. - it .� 4' ,rte Eo- . A" ,• •s • �+ er•-j atr'''''x .tom'• `` ' .c.4ta.'Sa-k�,. *4� . Y 'F ` ,= z+� '. -,s.• " -. _4 ,Y ,.��:.:. ��SL -Rf *-. . K � R' ...•��'`. �� .*!';•---..' tL�7.r.1•-,,•;;;;--:' �-� VIEW SOUTH FROM INTERSECTION OF ROUTE 28 AND MILL LANE PREPARED FIDEt SITE TYPE: STEEPLE/GENERATOR SITE NAME:YARMOUTH 6 MA THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY TO SHOW THE DATE:07/1012018 REV:0 ONLY BROAD AREAS OF VISIBILITY.REPRESENTATION OF IT IS MEANTAREASWHERE TO SHOWTHE A n ZO 1 1 HUDSON PROPOSED INSTALLATION MAY BE VISIBLE BASED UPON ADDRESS' 318 OLD MAIN STREET ve ri Design Group LL-L; DRAWN BY: KB THE BEST INFORMATION FOR TOPOGRAPHY AND SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA VEGETATION LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE +•ES7BOROUGH.MA 01581 45 BECCAW000 DRNs F in DA ,-ss''' SCALE:N.T.S. a.ARDDVER MA DI84 Fax ORD 33,5-5556PAGE 11 OF 15 PROPS/ED CONDITIONS LOCA N # 5 DATE OF PHOTO: 0X14/2018 PROPOSED VERIZON RRH'S AND ANTENNAS BEHIND PROPOSED RF FRIENDLY LOUVERS r / / "• ... 414-I,'. .-- ' 0-7 I 110 i• • • .� �; �► i ..f '�r:._ ., -�.11 DETAIL OF - Ylk �1 . .: : �� EQUIPMENT rr f * VIEW SOUTH FROM INTERSECTION OF ROUTE 28 AND MILL LANE (EQ IPMENT PARTI LLY VISIBL ) 6 PR'A O EDx SITE TYPE: STEEPLE/GENERATOR SITENAME'YARMOUTH MA THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY TO SHOW THE ■ DATE: 07/10/2018 REV:0 ONLY AREAS OF VISIBILITY IT IS MEANT TO SHOW A nBROAD REPRESENTATION OF AREAS WHERE THE 318 OLD MAIN STREET ye rI ZO HUDSON PROPOSED INSTALLATION MAY BE VISIBLE BASED UPON ADDRESS: ►3esign Group LLC DRAWN 8Y KB THE BEST INFORMATION FOR TOPOGRAPHY AND SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA VEGETATION LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE aFISOROL N.MA ASBEECMVOOODCA la 17281557'5553 SCALE: N.T.S. :.:srwaow�.w.clsai N ANDOVER AV01a5 E.Vh17S)MA5:26 PAGE'2OF 15 EXISTO CONDITIONS LOCA N # 6 DATE OF PHOTO: O!4/2018 54# V / - / _ - / - v "� N,Te - • -0 ` •y a _ M Ar • M r 1 ®�c1_, ,,_ , t,. . 7 . r 1 , M 1 ,. . 4 ''-- I 4 . - - _ . r�` ■ 'iE i rk' ► r= DETAIL OF i{ �r s EQUIPMENT of I _ ., ,illti ' -- • - [ - VIEW SOUTHWEST FROM INTERSECTION OF OLD MAIN STREET AND ROUT 28 PREPARED FOFt SITE TYPE: STEEPLE/GENERATOR SITE NAME: YARMOUTH 6 MA THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY TO SHOW THE ■ DATE: 07/10/2018 REV:0 ONLY AREAS OF VISIBILITY.IT IS MEANT TO SHOW A r n r BROAD REPRESENTATION OF AREAS WHERE THE 318 OLD MAIN STREET V�1 I ZO 1 1 A HUDSON ROPOST IN REPRESENTATION AREAS BASEDTHE UPON ADDRESS: resign Group LLQ DRAWN BY: KB THE BEST INFORMATION FOR TOPOGRAPHY AND SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA . VEGETATION LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE I BI,A FAS ROA, a•,8EEC1hYDOD DRivF TH.WIN 55?5553 wE31dOROW M,MA 01581 a ANDOVER Auo1615 FA%iiga 33A AtFt6 SCALE:N.T.S. PAGE 13 OF 15 PROP D CONDITIONS LOCA N # 6 DATE OF PHOTO: 0 14/2018 PROPOSED VERIZON RRH'S AND ANTENNAS BEHIND PROPOSED RF FRIENDLY LOUVERS / r = .. a 7 N. / �';'r[ ' .. , U a r� « u.: Imo. '. 4:4) ...,...71. I. I ' r� . 1 DETAIL OF `,v I i s. o,� `. '. EQUIPMENT t „T .� . _.. �a4 r ) kr ; VIEW SOUTHWEST FROM INTERSECTION OF OLD MAIN STREET AND ROUTE 28 (EOUIPMEN- PARTIALL" VISIBLE) PREPARED FOR: • SITE TYPE: STEEPLE/GENERATOR SITE NAME'YARMOUTH 6 MA THIS STUDY DOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY TO SHOW THE DATE: 07/10/2018 REV:0 ONLY AREAS OF VISIBILITY.IT IS MEANT TO SHOW A BROAD REPRESENTATION OF AREAS WHERE THE 318 OLD MAIN STREET V I ZO 1 n 1 HUDSON PROPOSED INSTALLATION MAYBE VISIBLE BASED UPON ADDRESSdesign Group LLC DRAWN BY KB THE BEST INFORMATION FOR TOPOGRAPHY AND SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA BaAn�ERS ROAD VEGETATION LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE YIESIBOROUGH.MAOISM ,.erEC"CCD oxNe Fa."'57sn3 SCALE: N.T.S. ••« 141018/5Dora.141018/5 ,ro EAK pa SI,sseo PAGE 14 OF 15 EXISTI4. '/PROPOSED CONDITIONS LOCA N # 7 DATE OF PHOTO: 0 14/2018 iv.;‘,. ‘'.1b I • :IN . .iit . ,_ .4) , IliAlto 411% r .4 . 4. & ti 4s ., ,*. , O l r- ti—.. u 'p A r '�. ? L +. jr... ar e J ,--'.. `, _ Y - - • I 111 ...w.!+ rFye u sc ,, r• <c r -3 its +n 'II •44141. -'`" • •`�fi s � • ` ," t Wit, f.--c,'''. yr y F." "ti ^ .. -4. r. i r ..,,Y .. j' K o -A , --,-41t.':' !t-' l 1)'.. v•':.� ',''101 4 -�- - U 1-'* -.• ,, •, i :4 = _ - t DETAIL OF at i �� , - ._ EQUIPMENT -n - ,..r. .a _-.4..s,• � Y11 ( • t /:. _ .- ;tibp ' ` { . fin fi : x. d3. i • arc" - N 'y T. Tµ ...fs s rL rn. VIEW WEST FROM PACKET LANDING PARK OFF OF ROUTE 28 ( QUIPMENT NO VISIBLE) `� C PREPARED FartSITE TYPE: STEEPLE/GENERATOR SITE E NAME:YARMOUTH II I V MATHIS STUDY GOES NOT CLAIM IN ANY WAY TO SHOW THE ■ • DATE:0 711 012 0 1 8 REV 0 ONLY AREAS OF VISIBILITY.IT IS MEANT TO SHOW A Q rBROAD REPRESENTATION OF AREAS WHERE THE 318 OLD MAIN STREET V e 1 I Z O 1 n 1 HUDSON PROPOSED INSTALLATION MAY BE VISIBLE BASED UPON ADDRESS: Design Group LLC DRAWN BY KB THE BEST INFORMATION FOR TOPOGRAPHY AND SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA VEGETATION LOCATIONS AVAILABLE TO DATE. I IB HANDERS ROAD 45 BEEC.WOOD DPW TEL 1978)55.5553 ':IESI8OROWI3,AM01581 ,AVDOvER MA DIALS EAC 19181576553E SCALE:N.T.S. PAGE 15 OF 15 0 PROWLED Tac Z • NCC verizon" • ,y AD 0 w¢leon0UGH,DERS 118 FUN RxfdyFRp' uce.uaalsel LL H HUDSON Design Group LLC 45 BEECHw000 DRIVE B: 1791657.555 N.ANDOVER.MAOISM FAX 1178)336.5556 YARMOUTH 6 MA t1-_r n... 318 OLD MAIN STREET ,_N. v OEEEK . OPE4"EF SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 :�� , "���`^�6—• - _secs ,-it,..f F I --is.* PROJECT SUMMARY PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET INDEX `` +Y Frc ,.;.>-- • ,.�• • 1 '"� SHEET �� SITE NAVE: YARMOUTH 6 MA NO DESCRIPTION "- PROJECT ENGINEER ,yi r 61� �: ASFIVr Y SITE ADDRESS: 318 OLD MAN STREET T-1 TITLE SHEET 6 ',11',. R� SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 CHECKED BY: JX rati :CI" -41.:/ aF ^�, -,,, j•, Al HUDSON DESIGN GROUP, LLC C-1 ABUTTERS PLAN & EXISTING CONDITIONS TK 6 1"" 45 BEECHWOOD DRIVE APPUCANT: VERIZON WIRELESS Tv / q * C-2 PLOT PLAN APPROVED BY: DPH 6in7IF> .` ' NORTH ANDOVER, MA 01845 118 FLANDERS ROAD TEL: 1-(978)-557-5553 WESTBOROUGH, MA 01581 C-3 RADIUS PLAN Na '+L46 ' '' 1 < T, „p FAX: T-(978)-336-5586 C-4 ABUTTERS UST 3• . , SUBMITTALS y �A i N•.': ZONING DISTRICT: RS-40, B2 & HMOD1 A-1 ELE PLAN If �" ` ., �'� 4Air / 1`�j_�`. MEP ENGINEER A-2 ELEVATION °0E 0657°"" wM,ff�� A r r .4 `+ �+ ZONING JURISDICTION: TOWN OF YARMOUTH, MA q1r� HUDSON DESIGN GROUP, LLC rti. ..4 �.�qy �/ y y •n T, 45 BEECHWOOD DRIVE LATRUDE: N41' 39' 58.82" IA + � NORTH ANDOVER, MA 01845 TEL: 1-(978)-557-5553 FAX: 1-(978)-336-5586 LONGITUDE W70' 11' 08.80" 2 07/18/18 ADDED MS PIM krs M IAD 4 571. N ,9 1 06/05/18 REAM PER CONNENIS 01 _ ; q 0 12/16/17 FOR 20MNG W g`P, r '- -; py r ! R'u- 6 K . ; ->< PARCEL ID: 61/22.1 SURVEYOR PROPERTY OWNESC SO YARMOUTH METHODIST CHURCH SITE NNE: trisif/ • Vi- Nr 324 OLD MAIN STREET - + AF NORTHEAST SURVEY CONSULTANTS SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 YARMOUTH 6 MA 116 PLEASANT ST., SUITE 302 4` . / £•a; y ;. ;4 EASTHAMPTON, MA 01027 F-+' ' CVRn NeA�k ` �M,AF4ATA 0201T6GOOGLE TEL: 1-(413)-203-5144 VICINITY MAP ®SCALE:N.T.S. SITE ADDRESS: DIRECTIONS TO SITE: 318 OLD MAIN STREET GET ON 1-495 5 FROM CONNECTOR RD. HEAD SOUTHWEST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 TURN RIGHT ONTO FLANDERS RD. CONTINUE STRAIGHT ONTO CONNECTOR RD. TURN RIGHT ONTO RESEARCH DR. USE THE LEFT 2 SHEET TIRE LANES TO TURN LEFT TO MERGE ONTO MA-9 E USE THE RIGHT LANE TO MERGE ONTO 1-495 S VIA THE RAMP TO TITLE SHEET CAPE COD. CONTINUE ON 1-495 5. TAKE US-6 E TO STATION AVE IN • YARMOUTH. TAKE EXIT 8 FROM US-6 E. MERGE ONTO 1-495 S. KEEP LEFT TO STAY ON 1-495 5. KEEP LEFT TO CONTINUE ON MA-25 E. CONTINUE ONTO MA-28 S. AT BOURNE ROTARY 5, TAKE THE 5TH EXIT ONTO SANDWICH RD. TURN RIGHT ONTO MID-CAPE CONNECTOR. MERGE SHEET NUMBER ONTO US-6 E. TAKE EXIT 8 TOWARD UNION ST/YARMOUTH/DENNIS. FOLLOW STATION AVE TO OLD MAIN ST T TURN RIGHT ONTO STATION AVE (SIGNS FOR MA-28). TURN RIGHT I 1 ONTO N MAIN ST. CONTINUE ONTO OLD MAIN ST. DESTINATION WILL BE ON THE RIGHT. 318 OLD MAIN ST, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 LEGEND PREPARED FOTO LOCUS PROPERTY UNE ABUTTER UNE (t) verizon' ZONING LINE • c CONTOUR UR NE BURIED GASU NE ( k) 13 CONCRETE BOUND FOUND ND W BUDGE ST SET' WTSJOROUGH.MA DI 581 0 IRON ROD FOUND dOUGH TREE 0 POST • ROOF DRAIN ID IRRIGATION CONTROL BOX HUDSON 60-16] N/F • TEMPORARY BENCHMARK (TBM) Design Group LLC MOUE BOY REALTY TRUST 1329 ROUTE 28 SOWN YARMOUTH,w 02604 45 MECHWOOD DRIVE TEL:197915515553 N.ANDOVER.MA01845 00-(97913.365586 SITE SPECIFIC NOTES. 61-25 1. FIELD SURVEY DATE: 11-28-2017 NORTHEAST SURVEY N/A T OWN�Rqn[28 / 61-24 2.HORIZONTAL DATUM: 1983NORTH(AMERICAN DATUM OF TH CONSULTANTS SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4530 N/F 1983(NaD83) ZOIISA PuuACEOU TRUST 25 TERRACE DANEiri�` 110 Pinson!SL Sta.302 WORCESTER,w 01609-1413 3. VERTICAL DAVM: NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM P.O.Bo•027 OF 1988(NAVDBB) :`Each am(nJ)20105144 .- ;ceF - 4. OWNER: SOUTH YARMOUTH METHODIST CHURCH ' • n6.u46Mwm26 Z ._ - Se, N- °CBF 5. SITE NAME: YARMOUTH 6 MA • —�1£ UJ uj rJ 6. SITE ADDRESS 318 OLD MAIN STREET o 3I- s 296. SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 NIt - N ? se,. �h - 7. APPLICANT. VERIZON WIRELESS A sF 96A $ - - B. JURISDICTION: BTOWNARN OF YARMOUTH .^. 6- 6 -` B1-22.1 BLE COUNTY 4tFWay`��,N h THRIFT B. TAX ID: 61-22.1 DANIEL F. STORE /9:55 TA52 P°c3F °WF 10. DEED REFERENCE: BOOK 1353 PAGE 15 N0.a1B0 b 454 i ` O 'sa9,..(b.>,‘ 111-22.1 - - 8/ It. PLAN REFERENCE: BBOOK OOK 308 A 96 �'.,T 1•^ ;. PAGE .` . =i h+' GRASS - o sass so YARMOUTH MLO MAIN CHURCH _ _ - - R EL F S ASZ, LS X47160 A6 324 OLD uun Si M1 - _/ q]. mum YARMOUTH.MA 02664 ,y 12. ZONING DISTRICT: BUSINESS(B2) V :. DEED 53-506 - RESIDENTIAL(RS-40)• C -THR1Fr y DEED SG9-ne c LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR ,,, DEED 8]6-JB1 h HOIEL/MOIEL OVERLAY DISTRIDT 1 BiORE DEED 1434-9956,�' O DEED viii-isi 13. THE HORIZONTAL DATUM AND VERTICAL DATUM WERE DERIVED 0D' EEA!641-29FROM AN PM GPS SURVEY.GJ i ARG 0.7 AC.S Z� 11. ALLUNDERGROUND UTUTYINFO RMATONPRESENTEDHEREON CALL DIGSAFE Ha6, O a°_. WAS DETERMINEDFROMSURFACEEVIDENCE. ALLUNDERGROUNDCHECKED BY: BCF �" 3 UTILITIES SHOULD BE LOCATED IN THE AELD PRIORTOU `` Po'� ti�O= `�/1/€ ' 1- 00 322 COMMENCEMENT4844 A MIN MUM OF 72 HOURS PRIIX9 TO PLANNED `� APPROVED BY: DES o•`�oF, s�rAFr G\ -GAS METER du9cH - 2p- N, eQ �'R `� ACTIVITY. 2ON 1S. GRASS 1�� PROPOSED FRg 15. ACCORDING TO FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY ZO �e2 �. 7° T Y 14 �O • y'�^ 'MI6 MAPS, THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ON THIS PROPERTY ARE SUBMITTALS UIMIY r.uuvT LOCATED IN AN AREA DESIGNATED AS ZONE X (AREAS DETERMINED /1/& e7 \� � - TO BE OUTSIDE OF 114E.2%ANNUAL CHANCE ROODPLAIN)ON M.Y. DATE MYRIPIBN B! TEM `�- 1� _ 6-82 N/F COMMUNITY PANEL NO. 25001C 0591 J PUNTED CORNER Cf ��� A , CONC.AT IIWT POLE BAY - NESS REIAL TAX LLC EFFECTIVE DATE: 07-16-2014. ¢2571, R3o.ATat �M>6-S>24y '10ID- �/ 2� </050 sdmM RTY MAND � I8. FIELD SURVEY BY EOM TOTAL STATION&RMil-GVirg �\ \ S.>. / CENTER Of EXISTING BIFDM1E /it) RNMAT.OH 45840 BN __25_] 4f� • • _ uN:T1106.0. :. 17.1141515 NOT A BOUNDARY WRVEY. PARKING LON:]Ptt'OB BO' - -- - GRASS _ N:2708205.55 18. ALL PROPERTY LINES SHOWN ARE FROM DEEDS AND PLANS OF G`- E:101524606 RECORD, MONUMENTS FOUND AND THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH'S GIS 2$3- `\ 20'� td a STEEPLE:95'k ROUND E1/24•2 AND ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY • ` `4aa� Hd6sT AFAIRIENANCE:101'k 8 ~ IB. NO WETLAND DELINEATIONS WERE OBSERVED. a1} �' ��(' D 13/16/1) BAXD FOR RENEW JOG TOY/N a YFARuaUm 61-21 ` ♦ ,� /* yQ SITE NAME: O SOUTH YARMOum MA 0022664-4530 , ?DNC.^ y^6 O YARMOUTH 6 MA /00, 4/ )7. CO 40 '�� do 2 3/44%•,..... NFe� 0 •416'e a,a3 SITE ADDRESS: .101 O 4/ 2 1 CLD MAIN SWEET 318 OLD MAIN STREET R`S'T0 soUTH YAALRMOUTH.MA02664 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 ZONING INFORMATION SHEET TITLE/ ABUTTERS PLAN REQUIREMENTS NOT INCLUDING OVERLAY DISTRICTS • ZONE: BUSINESS(B2) RESIDENTIAL (RS-4O) & MINIMUM LOT SIZE: 20,000 SF 40,000 SF EXISTING CONDITIONS `'� MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE: 125' 150' �\ MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: N/A N/A 61/84 SHEET NUMBER \ FRONT YARD SETBACK: 30' 30' TOWN F YARMOUTH SIDE YARD SETBACK: 25' 20' / _ 1 �\ SOMI YARMOUTH.MA 02604 REAR YARD SETBACK: 20' 20' v 20 _- =�=0' 40' �\ MAX BUILDING COVERAGE: 25% 25% a PREPARED Mt z - - - .40 77-__ _ _ B�GESTREET .RT 28 - \I N VerIZOnAN � / \ ` Me RANDOM ROAD - \ O wuleoBouDx.w,01581 LL PARCEL ID: / / 60/163 / / ` 7---------- -- -.- // // PARCEL ID: PARC IEC D: 61/22.1 HUDSON 61/25 N/F Design Group LLC SO YARMOUTH METHODIST CHURCH / .'1 324 OLD MAIN STREET H BEECH BDOVERM I� 18:(MI 336-5505 SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 / / • s:-4.: AREM0.7t • // - / \ PARCEL ID: W'm / - .......\73?,96, 61/24 / % / �/ `` /� _ ,. \ / / ' EXISTING BUSHES - --- - '�- �� v (TYP.) SOURCE: _ tvtia :Jr g.•: � / THRIFT %\,C STORE ABUTTERS PLAN & EXISTING CONDITIONS, NORTHEAST SURVEY 7.:-" DER E I \�;� / 2 , - - v CONSULTANTS. DATED 12/18/17. - H SEP:/ * ' ' ,- _ ' V ry SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: / 9 O ` ` / 1. VERIFY AZIMUTHS W/ RF ENGINEER. \•\„\ ! _ `/ 2. PROPERTY UNE INFORMATION IS COMPILED FROM ASSESSORS PLAN • • !/ \ ' O. G'-. 7 .- AND RECORD DOCUMENTS AND IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS HAVING ^dHl_ ��•~ / 96 ' ti �� ` ' OBTAINEDTHE RESULT OF A FIELD BOUNDARY SURVEY, AND �4 BEEN ASE / /' ` '.\6a•` �O b NON / IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS AN ACCURATE FIELD SURVEY MAY / �\\\ �` _ ‘-‘6 .6, 71. % / DISCLOSE. A FULL BOUNDARY SURVEY WAS NOT PERFORMED. CHECKED BY: JX / O1116-. �` ` Inn f �t�4} 4 �'SP ' ZON ? p0, ��.i:.� �� - !A ` ; // RS-ZONE 0 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT APPROVED BY: DPH // ` �O 673.E `� /ji/ ` A. / PARCEL ID: B-1 BUSINESS DISTRICT SUBMITTALS / 'N JS /hGH 'w / 61/62 B-2 BUSINESS DISTRICT RFV. DATE OESWPDON BY / - _ \`. �� t 66. / HMOD1 HOTEL/MOTEL OVERLAY DISTRICT 1 // / Gam- / ` 471 LEGEND: X /\ `O G ` ---- SUBJECT PROPERTY UNE z 07 18/18 MCC)RADIUS PIM 4 MOM HH B \ v \ 1 06/05/18 FI`NSET)PER N1A81R5 AI / ` y t;✓0^/y4 GPROPOSED ENERATOR IRON -.6,%,... e �\Ac� / PROPOSED / — — ABUTTING PROPERTY UNE 0 12/16/17 Eon zarai0 w Off. A- ),,y 1`\O N DE CUPOLAIZON ANTENNAS _ —— — —— ti o�4/ a / ACCESS DRIVE/EASEMENT YARMOUTHSITE E 6 MA ~ Y • / = I I ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY UNE / 1' `ON / PARCEL ID: x tiv :F61 61/83 EXISTING BUILDING V PARCEL ID: '$ %% 61/21 PROPOSED VERIZON I XXX-XXX PARCEL ID sn[ADDRESS: EQUIPMENT ROOM INBASEMENT 318 OLD MAIN STREET \ / ZONING INFORMATION: SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 - -\ // / \ \ ` ` JURISDICTION: TOWN OF YARMOUTH, MA / / PARCEL ID: ZONING DISTRICT TYPE: RS-40 (RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) SHEET TITLE / 61/84 DIMENSION REQUIREMENTS: REQUIRED EQUIPMENT ANTENNAS _ PLOT PLAN • 14'51' \ / / FRONT YARD SETBACK: 30' 1ST 66' ��e.,1? SIDE YARD SETBACK: _ 20'/6'• 6' 27' Z \I 2 GRAPHIC SCAI F REAR YARD SETBACK: 20' 92' 185 SHEET NUMBER S. e PLOT PLAN ® 0 10 20 40 60 FEET MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: N/A N/A N/A \_/1 22x34 SCALE: 1.1.•201 - - 1V_ L 11x17 SCALE: 1'=40' • 6' FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES (ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) / J ` r I [� PREPARED FOR: t I ---- w,� \\VII ZO ■ ,/ wawaN verizonv PARCEL ID: IL±LY I � ? PARCEL ID: [� 61/70 pvAn 61/32.1 C/) I O wareoRDEPS Cr Dols) PARCEL 60/161 I 00°. ?pR� R�Ap ` ric �I LL 2 I� 'CEL ID: R PED�B RTON }� 61/31 RB 1 ` PA61/71ID I�` HUDSON f - _ _ PARCEL ID: �I x I Design Group LLC -� 61/28 PARCEL ID: = 9 P 61/30 1:4 451WC) 00 DM sa 197916574543 H.NIWY@.&4AOIBl5 FM 19781 bM586 ------ PARCEL ID - Z PARCEL ID. 61/61 PARCEL ID: 61/72 R7-- -/- OTrT 61/29 ` I / IppF• - _ - v 1 PARCEL ID 2 R�<p - 28 61/73 • pry• B? SOURCE: PARCEL ID. ` SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA TAX MAP AND GIS ONLINE MAPS ' �� I I i 61/74 (ACCESSED 07-10-2018) PARCEL ID: 'ARCEL 19 PARCEL ID: / I I 61/25 61/24 61/75 , SITE SPECIFIC NOTES: J� t_______I______ I --.......%%. BRI ` % I. SRE SURVEY HAS NOT BEEN CONDUCTED BY HUDSON DESIGN GROUP /l f lr L\X� 7PARCEL ID: 61/22.1 �G LLC FOR THIS PROJECT. ALL SETBACKS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE �04.....e.),H. EK ) \7N/F E TAKEN FROM TIP OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS TO PROPERN ONES ANDPARCEL ID: PARCEL ID: PARCEL ID: SO YARMOUTH METHODIST CHURCH �! I ARE APPROXIMATE. '\1 EA"EFI ' 60/165 1 60/164 60/163 - - 324 OLD MAIN STREET n r ". SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 2. VERIFY AZIMUTHS W/ RF ENGINEER./�// AREA=0.73`' I i 2 / ^ARCEL I 3. PROPERTY LINE INFORMATION IS COMPILED FROM ASSESSORS PLAN' - - /tCELID % pyE. ' ` IpA'F`NF 6Z PARCEL ID: / 61/80 VING BEEN AND ROBTORD AINED AS THE RESULT OF AS AND IS T TO FIELD EBOUNDARYED AS SURVEYAAND �� ��`�TL ~/ III i / Air3 it% /v , � ZONES: CHECKED BY: JX1 ` PARCEL 60/187D / 7pOgt,'a 61/21 `*C;Se , //,��'^,�) �� ,PARCEL ID: ' B-7 BUSINESS DISTRICT APPROVED BY: DPH ` / 4..... lit. J RS` is PARCEL ID: II. `67/79 _ B-2 BUSINESS DISTRICT �'/ .4p 40 61/83 �f HMOD1 HOTEL/MOTEL OVERLAY DISTRICT 1 SUBMITTALS ` 1 Q PARCEL ID: R-40 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT N\ 61/86 / REV w¢ o¢c9xnoll ar ` / fJ'/ RS-40 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT / \ PARCEL D. 0 LEGEND: 61/84 /�{ �. 'ti� / / C —--— SUBJECT PROPERTY LINE r } PARCEL ID: LE, - - — '/ /✓ 61/27.1 �� 'S. -— -- -- - : m/le/le NCO ROA RAO 6 rBmECS IN 'S' / b• / / O ABUTTING PROPERTY LINE C/\ PARCEL ID: �1 oB/os/le xt�sn PER MUMS x 4(\\‘‘:::%11 Dv,� / 61/85 , 1 1 - ACCESS DRNE/EASEMENT 0 Iz/1s/n KM ENING w / 1 1 ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY UNE slrE HAMS UNI N / / / - - YARMOUTH 6 MA ///\ /� 300' RADIUS UNE (. : \ ` ` \ \ / EXISTING BUILDING \ / N. ` \ /It XXX-XXX PARCEL ID snE ADDRESS: • \ / 318 OLD MAIN STREET 4111111P\ ` CZONING INFORMATION: I SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 O / \ JURISDICTION: TOWN OF YARMOUTH, MA PARCEL ID: / SHEEP 71RE -- 6) e� ` 61/16.1Vir / / ZONING DISTRICT TYPE: RS-40 (RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) _ _ _ / /'_ DIMENSION REQUIREMENTS: REQUIRED EQUIPMENT ANTENNAS RADIUS PLAN 14'51' FRONT YARD SETBACK: 30' 157' 66' SIDE YARD SETBACK: 20'/6'" 6' 27' Ut ws . a REAR YARD SETBACK: 20' 92' 185' SHEET NUMBER a2 �z GRAPHIC SCAIF MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: N/A N/A N/A s N 300'RADIUS PLAN ® 0 25 50 100 150 FEET -3 22x34 SCALE: 1'=50' �� • 6' FOR ACCESSORY V 11x17 SCALE: 1'-100' STRUCTURES (ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) 0 PREPARED FOR: z N verizonv • O 118RNIOBSROAC wBROROuGH.mA 01581 LI. HUDSON Design Group LLC 45 BB0IW00D DRIVE IA 1978)657S5M N.ANDOVER,MA 01845 FAX:(978)3365581 OWNER ID SITE ADDRESS OWNER NAME OWNER ADDRESS OWNER CITY OWNER STATE ZIPCODE 60/181 1314 ROUTE 28 PATEL MOHANVHAI TRS 1314 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02884 50/153 1329 ROUTE 28 SURPRENANT WILLIAM J TR 1329 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664 60/184 1323 ROUTE 28 CHIU KINNIE TR 1323 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664-4453 BO/165 1313A ROUTE 28 _ LOW FOO CHON TRS 1323 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664 _ 60/167 215 MILL LN _ TOWN OF YARMOUTH )4 1146 ROUTE 28 ' SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664 81/18.1 307 OLD MAIN ST CULTURAL CENTER OF CAPE COD INC POBOX118 SO YARMOUTH MA 02664 81/21 312 OLD MAIN ST TOWN OF YARMOUTH X 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02864-4530 81/24 1341 ROUTE 28(+1345) PANAGIOTU MATTHEW W TR 25 TERRACE DR WORCESTER MA 01609-1415 VIK/�i�T-- J> 61/25 MILL LN TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664-4530 81/27.1 308 OLD MAN ST JCW ENTERPRISES INC 308 OLD MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH MA- — 02654 7,15T [) F.E K 1 \\_ 81/28 1338 ROUTE 28 _ YARMOUTH RNERWAYLLC 1338 ROUTE 28 SOUTHYARMOUTH MA 02664 CREASER \ 81/29 7 NORTH MAIN ST _ TOWN OF YARMOUTH x' 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 07Fw-46A1 81/30 9 NORTH MAIN ST ALLENSON MANAGEMENT CO LLC _ 170 WATER ST SUITE 7 PLYMOUTH MA 02380 11 - 1 61/31 1326 ROUTE 28 BANKBOSTON 101 N TRYON ST NCI-001-03431 CHARLOTTE _ NC 26255 - 61/32.1 1330 ROUTE 28 YARMOUTH RIVERWAY LLC 1338 ROUTE28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664 / (,1 J/ 1 TFF ' 81/81 17 BELLEVUE AVE PHILBIN-CROCKETT MAUREEN 17 BELLEVUE AVE SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664-3101 • 61/70 20 NORTH MAIN ST DAVENPORT DEWITTTR 20 NORTH MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH _ MA 02664 c-- AI- ‘`f�/ 61/71 12 NORTH MAIN ST MAB RLTY OF SWFL LLC 120 PINE BROOK DR _FORT MYERS FL 33964 81/72 8NORTH MAIN ST ASSAD SHAY POBOX493 WEST DENNIS MA 02670 81M 6 NORTH MAIN ST WOLFE STEPHEN E TR _ 370 RIVER ROAD ANDOVER MA 01810 CHECKED BY: JX 61/74 2 NORTH MAIN ST WOLFE STEPHEN E TR 370 RIVER ROAD ANDOVER MA 01810 61/75 1358 BRIDGE ST KINGSBURY MANAGEME T LTD PARTNERSHIP 20 NORTH MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02684 APPROVED BY: DPH 61/80 1363 BRIDGE ST BAUER SUZANNEM TR POBOX93 POND EDDY NY 12770 61/81 1361 BRIDGE ST BAUER SUZANNEM TR POBOX93 POND EDDY NY 12740 SUBMITTALS 81/82 1353 ROUTE 28 HESS CORPORATION 1 HESS PLAZA TAX DEPT#21251 WOODBRIDGE ' NJ 07095 61/83 321 OLD MAIN ST LANCASTER NANCY E 321 OLD MAIN ST SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02664 RV POE OE501YOOM -W. • 61/84 311 OLD MAIN ST TOWN OF YARMOUTH/( 1146 ROUTE 28 SYARMOUTH MA 02664 • SOWN 61/85 15 PLEASANT ST HOUSTON MARY LEIGH TR 22 DEVENS ST CONCORD MA 01742 — ' 61/88 9 PLEASANT ST MCMANUS,J DREW 9 PLEASANT ST SOUTH YARMOUTH MA 02864-4538 — 2 07/18/18 )ONO Mobs mil a minus IM ABUTTERS LIST ® -1 06/05/18 167 RNSDPERNS o31.1Dns J6 SCALE: TEN.To 12/N/n RR WRNS w SITE NAME YARMOUTH 6 MA SITE ADDRESS: 318 OLD MAIN STREET SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 SHEET TOLE ABUTTERS LIST • SHEET NUMBER 0-4 Y +Ave ` A I I n \ 1 V PREPARED FOR ' rte, I I ‘ \A \ Z LI `TF. " '•••••, f h. ` 1 I I \ \ \ \ \ \, \ \ \ I Zr. ■ "NF ! 1'! )N( BUSHES ) �� I 0 VerIZOn v • I re Y 3 //I 69Hi �., REMOVE AS NEEDED uewworxsxow * A 1alt.-'F }" 4tt / PRS OSE MOUNTED * .._.__ ` ___-.... _ _.__ ____ wsmo DEFS ROAD v � / PROPOSED VERIZON I --- ---- 1,. T ,, ,i TO PROPOSED FENCE I '• I ---I----FUTURE CHURCH 1 AUDITION , *teams ,�A.� 11 et, 4 c tr,q � % 2 PROPOSED VERIZON I 1 411 '4`. ;'/ i t, GENERATOR ON • H � ` / �, I 1 f—• EXISTING GAS - HUDSON x PROPOSED 4'-0' x V9 ■` A. „ R 8'-0' CONCRETE PAD I `: 1' LINE Design Group LLC y� y �) II 151HCNWDDDDMVF 18:P16156T55v .,.I►-'>,' •,i .;:r^y, A/ i,;.Fg^ '' PROPOSED VERIZON j \ \ \ \ \ \ N.uroovac MAMAS me Rml W« (/(���% 2 . ALBERTA SPRUCE FOR ' . / IS"1 - 1 '• ' • .. lAAPal TkS2O17 GOOGLE CONCEALMENT / 51 \ / f _ __ \ EXISTING CHURCH / 1 • "d'* ' S ---__ •\ \_�BUILDING )' / / VA \\, A . , i �.�� �___� A I APPROXIMATE LATITUDE: N41' 39' 58.82" / / OORDINATES LONGITUDE: W70 11' 08.80" \��\• _ NOTE PROPOSED GENERATOR \ /��� a I NN _- -_— AN ANALYSIS OF THE CAPACITY OF THE UTILITIES RUN I • EXISTING STRUCTURE TO SUPPORT THE UNDERGROUND WITHIN I `v I \ i" 1 I �� Ur 1\�, PROPOSED LOADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED PROPOSED 3' WIDE I \ BY HUDSON DESIGN GROUP, LLC. UTILITY EASEMENT `� i ___J Y DEF E K U.\ DATED: NOVEMBER 15, 2017 PROPOSED VERIZON .� N V I E E N. -� EQUIPMENT ROOM IN I ✓ 1 \ • eLI BASEMENT LEVEL \ \ \ / 12'-9' x 16'-2" LEASE y' \ • - i AREA (206.125 SQ FT) \ \ \ 1 \ EXISTING PAVED I ( II1 \ . \ PARKING LOT .. (" I \ \ CHECKED BY: JX I \ EXIrnNG APPROVED BY: DPH tit ) \ /UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL UNE \ To BUILDING SUBMITTALS 1 1 1 -REY ENE DESCMPRON BY I PROPOSED VERIZON REPLACE PROPOSED CABLE ROUTING EXISTING LOUVERS WITH 'RF' FRIENDLY LOUVERS (TOTAL OF 4) _ 1 , 1 APPROX. LOCATIONDELTA PROPOSED sc :: BO% 2 O7/AB/15 Tm■RNx6 "OMR? HX(TOAL OF 1 06/05/A6 ABASED P Rons x0 14/16/1] NOR 20.01GPRPOSED I \ (TYP. OFF 3 PER SECTOR) in NAME (TOTAL OF 12) YARMOUTH 6 MA GAMMAALPHA SECTOR L _ — — _�a sari SECTOR\' 1 200' \ CIL-- 20' \. I „� 1 vyvv PROPOSED VERIZON PANEL ANTENNA S1E ADDRESS: 318 OLD MAIN STREET 1 I (TYP. OF I PER SECTOR) SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 I 1 BETA (TOTAL OF 4) ` I 1SECf�R I SC TIRE I SITE PLAN 0 ;S a Y"v.G���e>>SP• ® SHEET NUMBER ` A-1 �� N4°t SITE SCALE: I/8 -1 -0 GRAPHIC SCA,F 0 4 8 i6 24 FEET 11x17 SCALE: 1/16"-1'-0" PERMED FCB: F PROPOSED ANTENNA INFORMATION, Z SECTOR STATUS AZIMUTH CABLE LENGTH O verizon • ALPHA PROPOSED 20' 175' N $HIGHEST APPURTENANCE — 7'-0"f (AGL) BETA PROPOSED 110' 175' II8RAxOea ROADELEV. = 7 Ow6Rx)ROUGH.Auol561 101'-0"t (AMSL) GAMMA PROPOSED ' 200' 175' LL DELTA PROPOSED 290' 175' J 'r ELEV. OF 71'- " STEEPLE — Yy0.g; CABLE LENGTH = EXACT LENGTH PLUS 25'. ELEV. = 71'-0"f (AGL) CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY CABLE LENGTH PRIOR TO ORDERING. 95'-0"t (AMSL) APPROXIMATE LATITUDE: N41' 39' 58.82" HUDSON COORDINATES: LONGITUDE: W70' 11' 08.80" Design Group LLC 45 IEECIIWOCO DRIVE a P>al ssrsw . N.*MOM..AM 01545 PAR:197813365Y6 . NOTE: • . AN ANALYSIS OF THE CAPACITY OF THE •EXISTING STRUCTURE TO SUPPORT THE PROPOSED LOADING HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY HUDSON DESIGN GROUP, LLC. PROPOSED VERIZON REPLACE DATED: NOVEMBER 15, 2017 EXISTING LOUVERS WITH 'RF' FRIENDLY LOUVERS (TOTAL OF 4) 0TOP OF PROPOSED VERIZON ANTENNAS \ a PROPOSED VERIZON PANEL ANTENNA q ELEV. - 47'-6'± (AGL) (TYP. OF 1 PER SECTOR) 71'-8'* (AMSL) — (TOTAL OF 4) �� OF PROPOSED VERIZON ANTENNAS _ 1 EfN t BOX OF 12) .rr ATF F' / • :{ TOP OF EXISTING CHURCH BUILDING �`(. �?� VI/ o ELEV. = 33'-0"t (AGL) n57'-0"i (AMSC) o CHECKED BY: JX 1 R. * APPROVED BY: DPH e � `� SUBMITTALS 1 PROPOSED CABLE ROUTING in �� rev DATE rcxRFRox sr f III * PROPOSED VERIZON III I 1 GPS UNP MOUNTED IBB _ ' — �� — �� — — _ _ ' - TO PROPOSED FENCE III NMI ea n III III 2 07/18/18 MUD Rx0x /MTh R AvNI NMI PROPOSED VERIZON III - —,---..— 1 06/05/18 REVISED PER MORS 4t ALBERTA SPRUCE FOR s.— 1 0 12/16/17 FOR ZONING MR CONCEALMENT PROPOSED VERIZON III J III Ili ill _— SITE Nate GENERATOR ON IIII J, I _ _ YARMOUTH 6 MA PROPOSED 4'D0(BE'-0' te 0 0 III MN CONCRETE PAD (BEYOND) _ --_ --- lii �. i { oc :o eioGRAf1F •--' _ . ELEV.? = 0'-0"t (MGL) ISITE ADDRESS' r I OLD MAIN STREET 24'-0"f (AMSL) i 318 I I I SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 PROPOSED VERIZON EQUIPMENT ROOM IN BASEMENT LEVEL 12'-9' x 16'-2" I I I LEASE AREA (206.125 SO FT) 11J J SHEET TITLE ELEVATION • RAP ELEVATION ® 0 2'-8' 5'-4'HIC SC10'AT-8'F 16'-0' SHEET NUMBER x3 224 SCALE: 3/16"-1'-0" _� G 11x17 SCALE: 3/32'=1'-0' A-2