HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 1779 TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS SEP 2 5 1981 Filed with Town Clerk: Hearing Date: 9/24/81 Petitioner: South Yarmouth United Methodist Church Petition No. : 1779 3�,I 332 Main St. f South Yarmouth, Mass. DECISION The petitioners requested a variance and/or a special permit from the Board of Appeals to allow an addition to an existing non-conforming building too close to the lot line. Property located on Main St. , S. Yarmouth, Mass. , and shown on Assessors map #53-U2. 34 y Members of Board of Appeals present: Donald Henderson, Augustine Murphy, Herbert Renkainen, Morris Johnson, Myer Singer. It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected ' thereby and that public notice of such hearing having been given by publication in the Yarmouth Sun on 9/9/81 and 9/16/81, the hearing was opened and held on the date first above written. The following appeared in favor of the petition: Ralph Phillips, attorney for the church, plus 17 other people. The following appeared in opposition: None. Reason for decision: Petitioner, through Attorney Ralph Phillips, submitted 2 plans to the Board, one dated June, 1980, revised August 12, 1980 and the other dated August 21, 1981. The church proposes to remove an unsightly, termiteridden structure located at the westerly extreme of their property and replace it with an addition to the existing 2 story building. The addition would be joined to the existing structure and would essentially follow the existing lines of the building and the existing foundation. Two small alley ways would be eliminated and intregated into the addition. A number of letters were received from abutters and interested parties and all were in favor of the appeal. In addition, a large contingency from the church was present in support of the appeal. The Board considered the request under Sec. 1532 of the by-law, dealing with exten- sion or alteration of a non-conforming use. That section authorizes this Board to grant a special permit to alter or extend a non-conforming structure, provided the alteration or change will not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing non-conforming use. The Board agrees with the comments made in one of the letters to the effect that the new addition would be much more pleasant to look at than the existing, run down shed type building. From all of the testimonies and comments, the Board was convinced the petitioner's project would be a benefit to the neighborhood and town and would not be more detrimental than the existing structure. Members of Board voting: Donald Henderson, Morris Johnson, Herbert Renkainen, Myer Singer, Augustine Murphy. All voted in favor of petition. Therefore, the petition is granted as requested for the above stated reasons. No permit issued until 20 days from date of filing decision with Town Clerk. per ROBERT W. SHERMAN, Clerk • TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS OWNER: NAME: South Yarmouth 'United Methodi:mt Church APPEALS # /77 °7 ADDRESS: 322 Main St. , S. Yarmouth, MA 02664 PETITIONER: NAME: Same ADDRESS: BOARD OF APPEALS, YARMOUTH, MASS. This petition when completed and signed must be filed with the Board of Select- men, Yarmouth, Massachusetts, along with the fee of $30.00. DATE: 9/.3/81 \\ PAID: 3o, 1. I, We, hereby appeal from decision of the Building Inspector and petition your board for a public hearing on the action checked below: • 1. Review refusal of Building Inspector to grant permit. 2. Decision of Selectmen. 2. I, We, herebyrerequest the action checked below: 1 Variance from requirements of Yarmouth Zoning By-Law. 2. _Approval of the Board of Appeals. 3e' A special permit from the Board of Appeals. To allow: an addition to an existing non-conforming building, too close to the lot line. Property located on MAIN ST. , SO. YARMOUTH, MASS. , and shown on Assessors map #53-U2. ? as =-4 C', tn 70 3. Reason for the Board of Appeals action as checked below: PP n en -° CD 1. Contrary to Zoning�by-laws as follows: - -- rn 1. Section 175-2500 Set back 9'3f. —' C 2. rn 3. c7 0 2. Approval of Board of Appeals, or Special Permit requested undue he N followin section of Zoning By-Law: 1. Section 175-1532 Eatention .of non conforming use 2. Names and addresses of abutting property owners, and those persons deemed affected by this application. (At least three.) Signed '^ ma - Reb�ectfu y submitted -' • 4 TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS • Appeal No. 1779 October 15, 1981 South Yarmouth Methodist Church 322 Main St. S. Yarmouth, Mass. c/o Ralph Phillips, Attorney 3166 Main St. Barnstable, Mass. Dear Mr. Phillips: In accordance with General Laws, Chapter 40A, Sec. 11, there is enclosed herewith a Notice of Variance and a copy of the decision with the Certification of the Town Clerk, to be recorded by you or your client at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds to indicate that the property involved has the benefit of a variance, special permit or approval, as the case may be. Very y yours, sflt /Ode Donald Henderson, Chairman, Board of Appeals DH/js • Enclosure TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS Filed with Town Clerk: SEP 2 5 1981 Hearing Date: 9/24/81 Petitioner: South Yarmouth United Methodist Church Petition No. : 1779 322 Main St. South Yarmouth, Mass. DECISION The petitioners requested a variance and/or a special permit from the Board of Appeals to allow an addition to an existing non-conforming building too close to the lot line. Property located on Main St. , S. Yarmouth, Mass. , and shown on Assessors map 1/53-U2. Members of Board of Appeals present: Donald Henderson, Augustine Murphy, Herbert Renkainen, Morris Johnson, Myer Singer. It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby and that public notice of such hearing having been given by publication in the Yarmouth Sun on 9/9/81 and 9/16/81, the hearing was opened and held on the date first - above written. The following appeared in favor of the petition: Ralph Phillips, attorney for the church, plus 17 other people. The following appeared in opposition: None. • Reason for decision: Petitioner, through Attorney Ralph Phillips, submitted 2 plans to the Board, one dated June, 1980, revised August 12, 1980 and the other dated August 21, 1981. The church proposes to remove an unsightly, termite ridden structure located at the westerly extreme of their property and replace it with an addition to the ex'_sting 2 story building. The addition would be joined to the existing structure and •:•ould essentially follow the existing lines of the building and the existing foundation. Two sr.:all alley ways would be eliminated and intregated into the addition. A nu:b er of letters were received from abutters and interested parties and all were in favor of the appeal. In addition, a large contingency from the church was present in support of the appeal. The Board considered the request under Sec. 1532 of the by-law, dealing with exten- sion or alteration of a non-conforming use. 'That section authorizes this Berd to grant a special permit to alter or extend a non-conforming structure, provided the alteration or change will not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood tha:i the existing non-conforming use. The Board agrees with the comments made in one of the letters to the effect that the new addition would be much more pleasant to look at than the existing, run down shed type building. From all of the testimonies and comments, the Board was convinced the petitioner's project would be a benefit to the neighborhood and town and would not be more detrimental than the existing structure. Members of Board voting: Donald Henderson, Morris Johnson, Herbert Renkaincn , Myer Singer, Augustine Murphy. All voted in favor of petition. Therefore, the petition is granted as requested for the above stated reasons. No permit issued until 20 days from date of filing decision with Town Clerk. er ROBERT W. SHERMAN. Clerk CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK - I, Kathleen D. Johnson, Town Clerk, Town of Yarmouth, do hereby certify that • 20 days have elapsed since the filing with me of the above Board of Appeals #1779 decision and that no,notice of appeal of said decision has been filed with me, or if such appeal has been filed it has been dismissed or denied. 9Ci Kathleen D. Jo`.von, Clerk THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS YARMNrTH City or Town BOARD OF APPEALS • Date: Oct. 15 , 19 81 Certificate of Granting of Variance or Special Permit (General Laws Chapter 40A, Section 11) The Board of appeals of the City or Town of Yarmouth hereby certifies that a Variance or Special Permit has been granted To South Yarmouth United Methodist Church Address 322 Main St. City or Town S. Yarmouth. Mass. . affecting the rights of the owner with respect to land or buildings at Main St. . S. Yarmouth_ Mass, • And the said Board of Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and ' correct copy of its decision granting said variance — special permit, and that copies of said decision, and of all plans referred to in the decision, have been filed with the planning board and the city or town clerk. The Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 (last paragraph) provides that no variance or special permit, or any ex- tension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the town or city clerk that twenty days have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the office of the city or town clerk and no appeal has been filed or that, if such appeal has been filed, that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the registry of deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certif' e of title. The fee f such recor- ding or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant _ Chairman • Clerk FORM 1094 HOBBS &WARREN. INC.. REVISED TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 1779 Sept. 24, 1981 Methodist Church Members present: Donald Henderson, Herbert Renkainen, Morris Johnson, Robert Sherman, Myer Singer. The Chairman called the meeting to order and read the petition. All abutters were notified and the necessary correspondence was made in the Yarmouth Sun. Mr. Ralph Phillips, attorney for petitioner: I am also a member of this church, also representing them. I have prepared .a booklet which contains everything that is pertinent to the appeal. I also have a larger plan here with a few pictures of the existing building. This portion presently houses a thrift shop which was started over a year ago and staffed by volunteers, all proceeds going to the church. Any items not sold are donated to the Salvation Army, nursing homes or the Cape Cod Counsel of Churches. service center. All they are proposing to do is pretty much use the existing foundation . this building now stands on. Looking at the plan, the present foundation. . .the only L changes will be to tie this foundation to the existing ,building, and extend the foundation out and make it even. As you look at it, it will: go straight out. It is a non-conforming use because the present foundation is too close to the line, about 61/2' for a side line. The present request is 15' - it is over 7' from the rear. Nothing will be any closer to the lines. All that the church needs is a special permit under Sec. 1532. The test in that section is that the extention will not be any more detrimental to the area than the present non-conforming use. Doing away with some of it and putting something more attractive to the area would be better. It is visible from Route 28. The plan appears to show clapboards - it will be cedar shingles, just like the present building. Mr. Singer: You mention Sec. 1532 -.in the application it refers to Section 2500. Mr. Phillips: I didn't make out the application. . My reading of it is to alter the non- conforming use. No question the church building is on the the other side. I think the application could have just listed Sec. 1532. Mr. Singer: Do you anticipate any digging, or are you using the existing foundation? Mr. Phillips: It would be nice if some of the foundation could be replaced. There won't be a cellar. It will be grade level. There are cinder blocks there. Mr. Henderson: There are letters in the file - Doris Steward, no objection; Clara White, no objection. Mary Pazakis, in favor. Bass River Savings Bank, in favor. Irma Woodward, in favor.. Richard McCormack, no objection. Mr. Renkainen: The purpose before was that a closer setback? Mr. Phillips: That brought it very close to the property line. It is clearly not the same proposal. We will maintain the same setback. Petition #1779 Page 2 Mr. Wensley: I went to the premises. 'That building is all termite ridden. Technically, they wouldn't have to come before the Board but they wanted to square the building off so they had to come in here. Count - 17 people present all in favor. Amy Malconia: Most of us work in the shop. This is where we have the men's things. It is cold,not heated, and the roof leaks. Motion by Mr. Johnson to approve, Mr. Renkainen 2nded, to approve as proposed. All voted in favor. Hearing closed. TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS APPEAL OF SOUTH YARMOUTH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH • FROM THE DECISION OF THE ZONING AGENT PROPERTY LOCATED ON MAIN STREET, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASS. SEPTEMBER 24 , 1981 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Petition 2. Abutters 3. Abutters ' 4 . Advertisement 5. Assessor 's Sheet 6 . Zoning Map 7. Zoning Bylaw - §175-1532 8 . Zoning Bylaw - §175-2500 9 . Proposed Change to Nonconforming Structure 10 . Picture of Nonconforming Structure 11. Picture of Nonconforming Structure 12. Summary of Reasoning • TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS • • OWNER: NAME: South Yarmouth United Methodist ChurchAPPEALS k/77i' ADDRESS: 322 Main St. , S. Yarmouth, MA. 02664 PETITIONER: NAME: Same ADDRESS: BOARD OF APPEALS, YARMOUTH, MASS. This petition when completed and signed must be filed with the Board of Select- men, Yarmouth, Massachusetts, along with the fee of $30.00. DATE: 977,/c:- / • '/7/c- . PAID: ift ', re` 1. I, We, hereby appeal from decision of the Building Inspector and petition your board for a public hearing on the action checked below: 1. Review refusal of Building Inspector to grant permit. 2. Decision of Selectmen. 2. I, We, hereby request the action checked below: I: Variance from requirements of Yarmouth Zoning By-Law. 2. Approval of the Board of Appeals. 34'. A special permit from the Board of Appeals. To allow: an addition to an existing non-conforming building, too close to the lot line. Property located on MAIN ST. , SO. YARMOUTH, MASS. , and shown on Assessors map /153-U2. 3. Reason for the Board of Appeals action as checked below: • •-; 1. Contrary to Zoning by-laws as follows: 1. Section 175-2500 Set back 2, . . • r� 3. : O 2. Approval of Board of Appeals, or Special Permit requested under: the :'` following section of Zoning By-Law: 1. Section 175-1532 Extention of non conforming use 2. Names--and-addresses of abutting property owners, and..those persons deemed affected by this application. (At least three.) / • Signed Respectfully submitted — 1- — • • ABUTTERS • MAP 53 U1 Vassil Panagiotou • 25 Terrace Drive Worcester, Mass. X7 Exxon Corp. P.O. Box 53 Houston, Texas X5 Exxon Corp. P.O. Box 53 Houston, Texas • X6 Clara F. White • 321 Main Street South. Yarmouth, Mass. U4 South Yarmouth Methodist Church South Yarmouth, Mass. W6 Souza Oil Company Inc. 29 Andover Street Danvers , Mass. W7 Irma D. Woodward 26 South Cove Landing South Yarmouth, Mass. W8 McCormack' s Apothecary, . 2 North Main Street South Yarmouth, Mass . W12 Andrew J. Boylen P.O. Box 153 South Yarmouth, Mass. X9 Robert R. Reed 1361 Bridge Street South Yarmouth, Mass. X4 Roger A . Steward 9 Pleasant Street South Yarmouth, Mass. • X2 Mary Liegh Houston 15 Pleasant Street South Yarmouth, Mass. • X3 Bass River Savings Bank • 307 Main Street South Yarmouth, Mass. • U17 Town of Yarmouth • • • Route 28 Yarmouth, Mass. • • • • - 2 - • ABUTTERS Page 2 T$ Bass River Fish Market Inc. 15 Mill Lane South Yarmouth, Mass. T% Joseph F. Murphy 16 Hampden Drive Norwood, Mass. WI First National Rank of Yarmouth Yarmouthport , Mass. W2 Michail Pazakis off Cove Road West Dennis , Mass. • , • e ?{ ..... • • • • . • • • . ' •• • . . • ligt111.111ftOcilqiiiii111114111;111111illiltililii1P(: .1 . I s . 21: ,°1)11 ilirtgt I 4 4.14. 0 i 2 ' ie- ,:'-': ; riA ' '; . 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As provided in G.L. c.40A, § 6, as amended, a nonconforming single- or two-family dwelling may be altered or extended, provided that the Building Inspector determines that doing so does not increase the nonconforming nature of said structure. Other preexisting nonconforming structures or uses may be • extended, altered or changed in use on special permit from the Board of Appeals if the Board of Appeals finds that such extension, alteration or change will not be substantially more detrimental to the neighbor- ' hood than the existing nonconforming use. Once changed to a conforming use, no structure or land shall be permitted to revert to a nonconforming use. — 7 — Yarmouth, T. _ Zoning - 16 § 175-2500. Intensity of Use Regulations Schedule. (See § 175-4200 for open space village requirements.) Highway RD-1 RD-2 RD-3 RD-4 Business Commercial Industrial Minimum Lot Size (sq. ft. ) Single-family dwellings 25.000 20.000 15,000 15000 15,000 15000 ---.._. Two-family dwellings 175/10 I0,000 22,500 22500'' 22500 22500 --- Other uses 1 251000 7" 15000 15,000 10000 12____00 15.0 Minimum Frontage (ft.) 2' 3 175 150 125 . 125 100 125 4 100 Corner lot (each frontage) 100 100 100 100 --- --- --- Required Yards (ft.) Front 5 30 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 . • 20 7 30 30 8 co Side (ft. from the 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 . 6 10 25 11 10 8 1 lot line)14 Rear (principal bldg.) 14 20 20 20 20 20 10 30 20 8, 10 Rear (accessory bldg.) 6 12 612 6 .12 612 610 612 6 8' 10 • Lot Coverage Maximum building 15 25 25 25 25 50 13 5013 35 coverage (7.) . . • . . . ..-." . .„. . . • . , .,. ,100...2 9 e".••.,iilV " . I • —' - J _-.. .:.--_-.......11_,.. -: 1:7-,:7-:_-_-:-:"--3........___---= 1 , ,... „ Ff.,- ••• . • ./...' •.„.• 1.:"...../ / /•,," .. -•)2/-,/ - •,...„......t., .P.---!.,—.1‘.-..— ,.."'J, •"'4.M.....Y .17 . .4 „OF, • . I' . -. I [ . . I i • , ... . i i 1 . I 1 i. • I A . :1- I- • Ii I , ••., , . , 1 . i----' • •,) .. . .. -- . . !I) . I . 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'''...":%.alltifil Crilltm ".04.1 ;••. losiuttil:Ctis ,'„ '.,•:- •••. .t,,6 A t: 100,:.L.4'Z.'',''" -a , 4 •II'• •••,,, ..a. ,- SUMMARY OF REASONING 1. Special Permit Required A. A nonconforming structure can be altered on a Speical Permit from the Board of Appeals if the Board finds that such alteration will not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing nonconforming structure. B. Section 1532 of Bylaw. 2. The Proposed Alteration is Not More Detrimental to the • Neighborhood Than the Existing Nonconforming Structure Because: A. The present structure is an eyesore, visible from Route 28. B. The alteration will result in a good-looking structure • that blends in with the rest of the building and neighborhood. C. The alteration does not change the present set backs . - 12