HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 1761 TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF 'APPEALS • • Filed' with Town Clerk: ;�ll.`2 I 1981 Hearing Date: 6/ 25/81 PetitioniNo. .1761 ' Petitioner: South Yarmouth United Methodist Church Box 357. South- Yarmouth, Mass. E5*tP' � 7YIq//,SJ , DECISION The petitioner requests a special permit from the Board of Appeals .to allow an addition to existing non-conforming building to be too close to lot lineProperty located on'. Main St. , South Yarmouth, Mass., and shown on Assessor' s"• Map #53-U2:` Members of Board of Appeals present : David Oman, Herbert Renkainen, Morris I,Johnson, ' Myer. Singer, Thomas George . � _ It appearing that notice of said hearinghas been appearing' given. by sending notice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby and that publicnoti"ce of such hearing having been given by .. publication-.in,,the;:)'armouthnSun F on-June- 10 ,and June 17, 1981, the hearing ,was opened add !held; on the, date44first::above`r . The following ;appeared in favor of, the petition. . ' • Mr. Melkonian, Mr. Elliot. The following appeardd in opposition : None Reason for decision: This expansion of a non-conforming. • useis too, close to the 'sideline and would create a hazard • as to the location in regard to other buildings , in'; the ` area', and too much &congestion in the area. Therefore, the petition for special permit is denied. ' . Members ,of Board voting: David Oman, Herbert t.Renkainen, Morris Johnson,':Myer Singer, Thomas George.' 3 voted in favor of petition, 2 voted not in favor..' Robert W: Sherman • �., Mlle United f ltttinaist Church 322 MAIN STREET SOUTH YARMOUTH. MASSACHUSETTS 02664 REV. JOE IC, CARPENTER. PASTOR- PARSONAGE, 244 WOOD ROAD CHURCH PHONE 308-9482 SOUTH YARMOUTH • PHONE 396.6661 July 6, 1981 • Board of Appeals Yarmouth Town Hall -South Yarmouth, Ma. Dear Sirs: • The United Methodist Church of South Yarmouth requests that its appeal for a varience concerning the addition to the Thrift Shop be withdrawn without prejudice. Additional pertinent information was not made available to the Board because the Dr. Joe K. Carpenter, who was to represent the church at the Appeal Board meeting, was unable to attend. AlbertQMelkonian • 1CYe 4rh40419.a.. Building Committee TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS Filed with Town Clerk: Hearing Date: G 1 15(8 1 Petitioner: �p I (� Petition No. : I-70 So yan. WnAcl %tu-49-0 IIs4 CkithicECISION The petitioner requested permit to: C+'t'.wn ,k-Q )-&, 32-2t41 0•1.". Members of Board of Appeals present: cfr It appearing that notice of said hearing has be given by sending notice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby and that public notice of such hearing having been given by publication in the Cape Cod Times on and , the - hearing was opened and held on the date first above written. The following appeared in favor of the petition: The following appeared in opposition: CQ�t� S l o �, .C r L Reason for de�ion:�—��► �,.,�/..Lu, S � t u4 LA21 tAry Cit/UA-1 ei.4444 '74-1.44-1 Members of.Board voting: CUL the petition for. vc-r4 ^^^ , appe_T-1 ,,:..special permit i g td - Asia And we authorize a : No p rmit i sue 1 '20 days from_date' of filing decision with the Town lerk. / e 0 kle Q51) 40 • 1 x7 --' TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 1761 June 25, 1981 South Yarmouth Methodist Church Members present: David Oman, Thomas George, Morris Johnson, Herbert Renkainen, Myer Singer. The Chairman called the meeting to order and read the petition. All abutters were notified and the necessary correspondence was made in the Yarmouth Sun. Mr. Oman: We have a letter here from Mr. Lawton, Executive Secretary, in favor of the church building onto the existing building. Mr. Malkonian & Mr.Elliott: The minister represented us at the Selectmen's meeting but he is unable to be here tonight. We want to build an addition to our thrift shop operated by the church. We offered to purchase some of the property from the town to do this. There is about 15' of grass, brush, cans and trash. At that time, they asked us to come to you to be able to build up to the property line. About 10' would be left between our building and the pavement. Mr. Renkainen: They haven't addressed themselves to a special permit - do you have anything to say on that? Would this create any nuisance, hazard or congestion? Mr.Malkonian: No, there hasn't been any. We would also be tearing an old building down and replacing it with a cement block structure. It would be about 10' to the pavement. Mr. Oman: Would this be on the same foundation? Mr. Malkonian: No, it would be about 6' difference. Mr. Singer: There is a jog in the building - could you fill in that space and not go as close? Mr. Malkonian: That would prevent cars from backing in and come back out. Mr. Singer: That would be squaring off the building. Mr. Malkonian: That would be too narrow a building. That kind of width wouldn't be enough. The jog isn't included in the thrift shop. That is a meeting room for the chruch. Mr. Singer: Does this parking lot connect with the town parking lot? Mr.Malkonian: We have a chain up when the church is not in use. Mr. Elliott: It is a very strong chain and it prevents anyone from going through. We open it when the custodian is there. Under normal conditions, it is open there is a meeting there about 3 times a day. Mr. Oman: When is the chain down and when is it up? Mr. Malkonian: It is down during church services and when there are church functions. The chain would be down at those times, and in the evening when there there are meetings. Hearin- losed. MEMO TO: Board of Appeals FROM: Robert C. Lawton, Jr. Executive Secretary a/ SUBJECT: Appeal of the United Methodist Church . . DATE: November 5, 1980 At their regular meeting on November 4, 1980 the Yarmouth Board of Selectmen reviewed the request of the United Methodist Church to place an addition on their existing wooden building known as the Fishermen's House which butts the town parking lot on Rte. 28, South Yarmouth. The Board of Selectmen would like to express to the Board of Appeals their support for the granting of a variance from the Zoning By-Law to allow the church to build theaddition next to or on the town's property line. In reviewing the situation the town does not plan to alter the existing parking lot and there is currently a grass and brush buffer between the parking lot and the churches lot line. This buffer would continue to be in existence and provide the necessary space between automobiles and the proposed building. The Board hopes that this variance will be acted upon favorably by the Board of Appeals. If we can supply you with any further information please feel free to contact me. jd cc: Dr. Joseph Carpenter Pastor, United Methodist Church TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECEIVED BOARD OF APPEALS 1981 JUN -3 PH 1: 26 OWNER: NAME: South Yarmouth United Methodist Church APPEALS # /-7‘ I 'f t,i CF YAR1 UUTN A ( a# '1357FkriES: Yarmouth, MA' 02664 PETITIONER: NAME: ADDRESS: BOARD OF APPEALS, YARMOUTH, MASS. This petition when completed and signed must be filed with the Board of Select- men, Yarmouth, Massachusetts, along with the fee of $30.00. DATE: PD/gl/gY PAID: 73:36i DO 1. I,. We, hereby appeal fromdecision of the Building Inspector and petition your board for a public hearing on the action checked below: 1. Review refusal of Building Inspector to grant permit! CI.,. 2. Decision of Selectmen. I' �'e� 2. I, We, hereby request the action checked below: • 1. Variance from requirements of Yarmouth Zoning By-Law. 2. Approval of the Board of Appeals. x3. A special permit from the Board of Appeals. To allow: an addition to existing non-conforming building to be too close to lot line. Property located on Main St. , S. Yarmouth, Mass. , and shown on Assessors map #53-U2. 3. Reason for the Board of Appeals action as checked below: 1. Contrary to Zoning by-laws as follows: 1. 2. 3. 2. Approval of Board of Appeals, or Special Permit requested under the following section of Zoning By-Law: 1. 175 1532, cxtcnoion, altcration or ehango 2. Names and addresses of abutting property owners, and those persons deemed affected by this application. (At least three.) Signed g Re je ctful submitted C , 1P