HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 339 210 6, K11 ;n4m, (. TOWN OF YARMOUTH 9�y BOARD OF APPEALS No. ✓ DECISION Sj- This is an appeal from decision of Selectmen 9/"e refusing permit to: or J3' vo2 PetitionCfor approval of:- N. The Petitioner requested permit to G—L`-cC1/4.S" "TraNSAin %s `\ CV". o`er`-\ Cenes• W- \A""5 c r\i . S2 aL A '.A which was refused because contrary to the zoning bylaws, in that • Members of Board of Appeals present: Present Absent O&k4., \ c. C\J It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby, and that public notice of such hearing having been given by publication in the Cape Cod Standard Times on , the hearing was opened and held on the date first above written. The following appeared in favor of the Petition: Appeal: \ � al � . S• d G7V`u,-v.^ \ ci:D-C.+n • The following appeared in opposition to the Petition: c Appeal: \"-.„.l'V`a Reason for Decision: Cki �.. _L kt. Cyt\\�, a r-z-Kse`vV-W ` J "a <..�.e CI-Al"--:-"^-# wt.aaA Iv< a.....,.,, Ca 4'0-.ei�a n,.css. 1.24\4•5"-1/44.�(\VCA< S &kJ' crcr% Q$.'L a-rJ an � L�.n�.v.c1.. )C51\1%3- 1/4i—"'�v \-< '�\(`. f-cel .' i�..� c S A:An cry.. Members of Board Voting: - Com. Therefore, the Petition for Approval is granted, Appeal denied;, and we authorize a variance to o ,S,.ti u' ., . on the following conditions, viz: No permit issued until 15 days from date of decision. �7 Clerk Board of Appeals South Yarmouth Methodist Church #339 November 18, 1954 The South Yarmouth Methodist Church appealed from decision of the Building Inspector refusing permit to allow them to build an addition within fourteen feet of the rear lot line, situated on Main Street, South Yarmouth. Board of Appeals members present: Harold Hayes Alexander Catto Stuart Ryder • Elwin Coombs • Haydn Mason Those in favor of having hearing granted: Mr. K. W. Larrison, Pastor, South Yarmouth Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Tallman x, Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Robinsm No one appeared in opposition. The meeting was opened by Mr. Hayes Mr. Larrison: This Church was built in 1852 to take care of a small congregation. Has felt the full impact of the influx of population. The Sunday School primarily. We are having one hundred or more children every Sunday and there is no room. The Town of Yarmouth has been very good letting thirty children meet here in the Town Hall every Sunday. This building will meet the religious needs of the children. Plans provide for a building 36 feet by 52 feet. There will be a basement and two-,t.• stories. Herman Curtis: This is the story. The Church asked me for a permit to build even though the building was in a residential area and only fourteen feet of the rear lot line. After talking to the Selectmen they said I could issue a permit for this building to be started but hearing should be held. Sidelines are okay. The d}1�g u bulldozer operator came too close to the sidelines on Lanza's property and ± RL-sole trees. The builder has assured me that these trees will be put back and if there is , - any damage or if they die they will be replaced with new trees. The Selectmen gave me the privilege of granting permit so work could be started. Angelo Lanza: I just want to make sure that it is put in the minutes regarding that the trees will be taken care of. Harold Mayes: We do not have legal power regarding that but we will make sure it is put in the minutes. Mr. Larrison: In the middle of the winter the new addition should be ready. Never dreamed the children would mind about not going to Sunday School in the Church itself but they do. Harold Hayes: How far is the rear of the building to the Town Office? ' - 2 - Herman Curtis: 65 or 70 feet. Elwin Coombs: If Selectmen gave than permission why are we here: Harold Hayes: We can take care of that later. The Church is in a residential area and where there is any violation of the Zoning Laws they have to appeal to this Board. We will let you know regarding the decision. Hearing Closed a • ^+_ • BOARD Or APPEALS YARMOUTH, KSS. This petition when completed and signed must be filed with the Board of Selectmen, Yarmouth, Mass. October 28 �9 54 • To the Board of Appeals, Yarmouth, lass. I hereby appeal from decision of the Building 14E s fliambanx;nd petition your Board Inspector for a public hearing on the action • cha bolow. Building Inspector Review refusal of 3APRP9PCIS to gnat permit. Variance from requirements of Yarmouth Zoning By Law. to allow: • the South Yarmouth Methodist Church to build an addition within fourteen feet of the rear lot line, situated on Main Street, South Yarmouth shown on the attached plan: Nares and addresses of ,abutting property owners, and those persons deemed affected by this application (at least three) - Respectfully submitted, 74 Address • • . i . ; { .. . 1 8_•64• ' 111 .0- li i\• -6••X ltl._a..f 8,•G.•/i%•-c ' °J'•C• g.t4V-0' . if - - - • t I Idf 1 ,, 1 I ',f i3 • ! N i ii & C -S Ni1 -v. iL :. . tii" •0 �( S • i 1 M � I. Try11 I kf r CL• p_M• N CL•PM• t—' GL • 'e_M• g••A•. 1„•16:4,: • g'd 14•-0' 4 I i t0. 1• 11.• I. - .. �{ 1 • - - y• I . . .. - - t _ 5F. G©'1D _ FLOo�. r 1_ 1�.,h1 .— _._ _— 1.\DDI -1- 1 OAcI. S .7iO -Ti-VE... _ a 1 E / M O DIcy C. I-1 V2c>`t 11 ---- ,So u n-i `C A Q.N't 0Sri"Nr;.MA ;5:.-' . _ • t•R - :_ _-•------- - - •._ - -- — —_