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Decision 4771
Yq YARMOUTH TOWN CLERK di• lt i,-- s C TOWN OF YARMOUTH _ , H, BOARD OF APPEALS ?. • kir DECISION '180CT3A411:00 REC FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: October 3,2018 PETITION: #4771 HEARING DATE: September 27,2018 PETITIONER: Francis V. Lloyd,III PROPERTY: 222 Pleasant Street,South Yarmouth Map and Lot#: 0043.24; Zoning District: RS-40 Ctf#:143143; Doc.#:684,142 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Steven DeYoung,Chairman, Sean Igoe,Tom, Nickinello,Richard Neitz and Tom Baron. It appearing that notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice to the petitioners and all of those owners of property deemed to be affected thereby, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and published in The Register, the hearing was opened and held on the date stated • above. The Petitioner, Mr. Lloyd accompanied by his wife, Lida Lloyd, were present for their Petition. This property is located at 222 Pleasant Street, South Yarmouth in an R-40 Zoning District. The Petition as advertised was for a Special Permit under Zoning By-law 104.3.2(2)to raze&replace a pre-existing non-conforming structure and replace with a new structure in the required setbacks. Mr. Lloyd explained the proposed project is to tear down the aging garage and replace with a two story structure. The first floor will be open and contain a kitchen, 'A bath,recreation room,laundry area and in the winter be used for boat storage. The second floor will consist of a bathroom, 1 bedroom and living room. Board discussion on this project was that this Petition creates a separate living space which is not permitted in an RS-40. It became apparent that the Petition was not going to carry on a Motion. Mr. Lloyd was asked what his preference was and he choose to withdraw. Mr. Neitz made a Motion, seconded by Mr. Baron to allow withdrawal of the Petition, without prejudice,to whichwhpa unanimous favorable vote was given. • '� 9, Steven DeYoun , hairman TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS HEARING NOTES Petition# 171 Petitioner: C ) A Hearing Date: 9c7-7" �4 REQUEST: SPECIAL PERMIT: § VARIANCE: § Overturn B.I. Members of the Board present and voting. N eA4 n 1 q A f. Lf crl IA (XiscA.t,� frbl) It appearing that notice of said fien ing hats been given by sepdiglnotice thereof to the petitioner Ind all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby and tha ublic notice of such hearing having been given by publication in the Register the hearing was opened and held on the date first above written. IN FAVOR OPPOSED V Reason for the Decision: Motion by: ‘ri QA4 L Seconded by: \—S'M1 Vote: b..0 n 1•1 t.-'..*J I I Members voting in favor: Opposed: Therefore,the SPECIAL PERMIT VARIANCE APPEAL is GRANTED DENIED WITHDRAWNa CONTINUED TO: CONDITIONS: , \ EXHIBITS RECEIVED AT HEARING: k CLERK: Date: CLERK-CHAIRMAN HEARING NOTES }4. _R'+' TOWN OF YARMOUTH YI" =' ;4H Teta CI_Ei~:< 4 BOARD OF APPEALS ` MATTA n f -4 C`')'"t"" e�� APPLICATION FOR HEARING /�77 '1SSEPt;A :S;O:0EC Appeal#:-17// Hearing Date: 747- /8 Feea Owner-Applicant: 'tom I -cr,y , V, h�D y Q %1-1— (Full a s-inclu ing /a) '/ 1-(, (iirf gad, cr��i 7"- , /' /1 02 CC (Address) (TelephoneNumber) (Email Address) and is the (check one) 0 Owner 0 Tenant 0 Prospective Buyer 0 Other Interested Party Property: This application relates to the property located at: 02,Z --Veasa t,\--t' .'TF, o'.., l and shown on the Assessor's Map#: L.f.3 as Parcel#: Zoning Di tact: S 41) If property is on an un-constructed(paper)street name ofnearer cross street,or other identifying location: Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following construction/use/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10'by 15'deck to the front of our house"or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant seeks th following relief from the Board of Appeals: mac\ e -{-- HQS)I c e a-$.1'sv ri g ' 4r— , 1) REVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). State the reason for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. 2) ✓ SPECIAL PERMIT under § `•t , 3. a of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 .(use space below if needed) 3) VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from which relief is requested, and, as to each section, specify the relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional information which you feel should be included in your application: FACT SHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed (if other than applicant): Name &Address Title deed reference: Book&Page# or Certificate# l L(`' 3 / if•T Land Court Lot# Plan# (provide copy of recent deed) Use Classification: Existing: S i q ej C, -t2 'V/ §202.5 # 4/ Proposed: k §202.5 # it Is the property vacant: /1, 11_ If so, how long?: Lot Information Size/Area: Plan Book and Page / Lot# . / Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes No y Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review(if needed)? Yes_No Other Department(s)Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which are/ ja be/or will review this pr ject, and indicate the status of their review process: tiildih� TPaIlilt Repetitive Petition: Is this a re-application: If yes, do you have Planning Board Approval? Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator, indicate the date and Appeal number(s)and other available information. Include a copy of the decision(s)with this application: Building Commissioner Comments: II /1I / �� �� � � s Applicant's/Attorney/Agent Signature Owner's Signature orb Address: Phone y E-Mail: v of escii . C., , le „fre- .... .‘ ., Building C.- no r Signature Date Male D0C=684.142 12-30-96 02:40 CTFU=143143 BARNSTABLE LAND COURT REGISTRY QUITCLAIM DEED We, Francis V. Lloyd III of the City of Newton, County of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Malcolm K. Lloyd, of the Town of Canton, County of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Mary Lloyd Zaragoza, of the Town of Hillsborough and State of North Carolina, and Boardman Lloyd, Emily H. Lloyd and Pamela B. Lloyd, all of the City of Cambridge. County of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as Trustees of the Bass River Nominee Trust, under a Declaration of Trust dated December 12, 1994, registered as Document No. 630,671 and noted on Certificate of Title No. 135893 In the Barnstable County Registry District of the Land Court, in consideration of nominal, non-monetary consideration of less than $100.00, grant to BASS RIVER PROPERTY LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability company, with an address at 222 Pleasant Street, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02664, with QUITCLAIM COVENANTS, that certain parcel of land situate in Yarmouth, in the County of Barnstable and said Commonwealth of Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: Northerly by Pleasant Street, one hundred fifty-six and 40/100 (156.40)feet; >" Easterly by land now or formerly of Richard P. Hallowell, 2nd, measuring r§ on the upland about five hundred seventy-six (576) feet; & Southerly by Bass River; and h Westerly by Lot 2, measuring on the upland about five hundred thirty-seven (537) feet. All of said boundaries, except the water line, are determined by the Court to be fil located as shown on plan No. 17112-B drawn by Everett M. Brooks Co., Civil Engineers, dated August 15, 1961 as modified and approved by the Court, filed in the Land Registration Office at Boston, a copy of which is filed in Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Land Registration Book 27 Page 117 with Certificate of Title No. 5307 and said land is shown thereon as LOT 1. Said premises are hereby conveyed subject to and with the benefit of easements, reservations and restrictions of record and any and all public rights legally existing in and over the premises below the high water mark. For Grantors' title see Certificate of Title No. 135893 registered with the Barnstable County Registry District of the Land Court. As the consideration for this Deed is less than $100.00, no deed excise stamps are affixed hereto. A YIN — / aria- B WITNESS our hands and seals this .QY##day of 77-nein-lex, 1996. (41/4A4-La_. V FrancisV. Lloyd III i /' , c Malcolm K. Uoyd / U .. JAI, Mary Uo .. Zarag• : ' / f • BASS RIVER NOMINEE TRUST U/D/T DTD. 12/12/94: .1� o - a Boardman Lloyd, as tee aforesaid and not individually '...-;,' , le * Ali mi Lloyd /rustee • said a t individ y B. �inid. Pamela B. Lloyd, as T stee as aforesaid and not individually J f COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS CurroL1C SS tett.....1.t, Z3 ,1996 Then personally appeared the above named Francis V. Lloyd III and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, befo, me, rk‘S ,,........ / ids lite '•tary Publicb t . )^/YT n r;.t My Commission Exp‘ . ' 14'J 4..• it 7 t ' •A:41.-1/4• a a.ryc �'...•t:C�%. V� COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS • Cu PFO L IC. SS 'bete rather 23,1996 • Then personally appeared the above named Malcolm K. Lloyd and acknowledged t}n,„ foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, befo me, •''�tta..1.:-. ~' m nt Notary Public beu tD 4 : •`.. .o a 4 •b- My Commission Expires:r t, pkttf.- it STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA a p _ 0 SS Thoto ea,.3o ,1996 Then personally appeared the above named Mary Lloyd Zaragoza and acknowledged the foregoing ingicwanigio be her free act and deed, before me, 1 • i * _ Notary Public s �'URLIt My Commission Expires: /o/a f'1 .yob. . cs • ... CO ,,£ ,I%t% .` a ,i .. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS •. hAk(t$-e,` SS iaf/t7 ,1996 Then personally appeared Boardman Lloyd and acknowledged the foregoing„,............... 4 • instrument to be his free act and deed, as trustee of the Bass River Nominee Tnts!'JUdW, •tut`'•' .. dated 12/12/94, before me, .i ti"414 Q of r +r . . 9 , I •may '~' Notary Public s�t�rrr E/Y ; r a d z; ...� My Commission Expires: �>,V417) f ., COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NUsat�SS taly .1996 Then personally appeared Emily H. Lloyd and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her free act and deed, as ttustee of the Bass River Nominee Trust u/d/t d,ted !2/13;(21,1f before me, ,.4 '` ,,vc :� ;;• • 9-1-0_-4;c,..: c •CTs otary Public `' ." p My Commission Expires. 2. . ,l" R ;,',a';'/ /f/j -- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ' ' ' . f\kkh16rvc.._ ss /Or .1996 Then personally appeared Pamela B. Lloyd and acknowledged the .regoing ;,;;, ,,4,.;. instrument to be her free act and deed, as trustee of the Bass Rivervt o , n' • is "v, dated 12/12/94, before me, : _I % r ,,� .' 'i.rs, r otary Publi • My Commission Ex.' i . 1 .; V DEC.27.1996 3113P11 CHOATE FALL 8 STEWART 723-7081 140.977 P.3 I • TRUSTEE'S CERTIFICATE Dated: December 27, 1996 The undersigned, Boardman Lloyd,Emily IL Lloyd and Pamela B.Lloyd,Trustees (the "Trustees") of the Ban River Nominee Trust(the"Bust"), under a Declaration of Trust dated December 12, 1994, registered as Document No. 630,671 and noted on Certificate of Title No. 135893 in the Barnstable County Registry District of the Land Court, hereby certify as • follows: 1. That they are all of the Trustees of said Trust; 2. That said Trust has not been altered, amended, revoked, or terminated; 3. That the Trustees have been duly authorized and specifically directed by the Beneficiaries of the Trust to convey the property known as 222 Pleasant Street, South Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, shown as Lot I on Land Court Plan No. 17112-B, filed with Certificate of Title No.5307,Book 27,Page 117 in the Barnstable County Registry District of the Land Court,to Bass River Property LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability corporation, for nominal. non- monetary consideration of less than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars; and 4. That the Trustees are authorized and empowered and have been specifically directed by the Beneficiaries of the Trust to execute such documentation as the Trustees deem necessary in order to effectuate the above-described conveyance, including, without limitation, a Quitclaim Deed and a Trustee's Certificate. 1411111 DEC.27.t996 3114PM CMOATE FILL & STEWART 723-7881 +3.977 P.4 • w • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Boardman Lloyd, Emily H. Lloyd and Pamela B. Lloyd, as Trustees as aforesaid, have hereunto set their hands and seals this 2?A day of December, 1996. Boardman Lloyd, as Trustee • sle; " AAP • y y oyd, as 7tee `► •amela B. Lloyd, as Tout f Y— - , • } COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS l ,trd{fr3el--, s5. Deems,- 1956 ".., Then personally appeared the above-named Boardman Lloyd and a. .,. ed•I• ke..e o ,g, foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, as Trustee as aforesaid, —fora „ .. Notary Public ,LL,„/, !t ;'f ' My commission expires; e, " I 1:4:• Jet r • /� COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS December 7L1995 • Then personally appeared the above-named Emily IL Lloyd and acknowledged the foregoing lnstnanent to be her free act and deed as Trustee as aforesaid, before me, • w Notary Publicf � ..•.. r, . . . . . ....... .. ¶ rt DEC.27.1996 3115PM CHORTE HALL 5 STEIJaRT 723-7881 93.977 P.5 le! . • My commission expires: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Aid , SS. December% 1946 Then personally appeared the above-named Pamela B. Lloyd and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed as Trustee as aforesaid before me, Notary Public My commission expires: lJy .• . .Earr.a , �`strr;%. `.Yn�tc 2/251.2. `.. BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS • r YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS ABUTTERS LIST Petition# —179 Name- 44 e giCLit Filing Date: 1 I Hearing Date: 7' 7'/c Property Location: 679y,-- a 40ta_t vi , Notices must be sent to the petitioner(applicant), abutters,and owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way,and abutters to the abutters(only within 300 feet of the property line)of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the abutters map and lot number . Postage charges for all applications will be determined by multiplying the number of abutters (and the parcel (s)in question) times .56¢, which is the current cost for the two required mailings. Add that to the application fee and include your check with the application. Map Lot Number Map Lot Number Number Number Applicant# -3 09-1- Abutters #'s 2 Labels-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado, Director of Assessing 43/ 19/ / / 51/ 14/ / / 51/ 102.4/ / / GARFIELD GORDON C HIGBEE TOM M TRS JESSIES LANE LLC 239 PLEASANT ST HIGBEE DIANE F 679 BLOOMFIELD AVE SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 211 PLEASANT STREET RA BLOOMFIELD,CT 06002 BASS RIVER,MA 02664-4552 43/ 20/ / / 51/ 15/ / / CHURCHILL FREDERIC E OSHEA TIMOTHY JR Please use this signature to certify this list of properties CHURCHILL MARGOT D OSHEA RITA OLEARY abutting within 300'of the parcel located at: 243 PLEASANT ST 110 WOODBURY RD 222 Pleasant Ave., South Yarmouth, MA 02664 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 WATERTOWN,CT 06795 Assessors Map �43��Lot/24 43/ 22/ / / 51/ 16/ / / .Ate -� --.y.1 n.204 STAGER NANCY HUNTINGTON DAVIES CAROLYN 5 Andy Machado, Director of Assessing STAGER JAMES E 100 KEYES RD N306 42 AUTUMN LN CONCORD,MA 01742 READING,MA 01867 43/ 23/ / / 51/ 103/ / / SULLIVAN JAMES M TR BENASSI ANDREW C JKM REALTY TRUST BENASSI DEBORAH A 9 MANN ST 200 PLEASANT ST HINGHAM,MA 02043 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 43/ 24/ / / 51/ 104/ / / BASS RIVER PROPERTY LLC TAUBERT MARTYN C/O FRANCIS V LLOYD III C/O TAUBERT SANDRA 59 HILLTOP RD - 140 PLEASANT ST CHESTNUT HILL,MA 02467 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 43/ 25/ / / 51/ 105/ / / LLOYD STRATTON C COLEMAN R THOMAS TRS LLOYD TRENT S COLEMAN DEBORAH S TRS 217 LARCH RD 214 PLEASANT ST WENHAM,MA 01984 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 43/ 26/ / / 51/ 12.3/ / / SEELEY ANNE BARUS(EST OF) HAGOPIAN JESSE R C/O SEELEY GARY P HAGOPIAN REBECCA JEAN 232 PLEASANT ST 95 ROUTE 6A SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 43/ 27/ / / 51/ 102.1/ / / TWOHIG JOHN E TR HAGGERTY MARK C/O ALAN LEVANTHAL RUSSO-HAGGERTY JEANNE 200 STATE FL 5 85 COLTS CROSSING BOSTON,MA 02109-2628 CANTON,MA 02021 43/ 31/ / / 51/ 102.2/ / / 614 REALTY LLC JESSIES LANE LLC C/O ALAN LEVENTHAL C/O PAUL BUTLER 200 STATE ST FL 5 679 BLOOMFIELD AVE BOSTON,MA 02109-2605 BLOOMFIELD,CT 06002 51/ 8/ / / 51/ 102.3/ / / ATCHUE NANCY K JACKSON WILLIAM W 6 CAMELOT DR JACKSON MARY LOU T PAXTON,MA 01612 4 JESSIES LN SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 Property Location:222 PLEASANT ST MAP ID:43/24/// Bldg Name: State Use:1012 Vision ID:6454 _Account#6454 Bldg#: 1 of 1 Sec#: 1 of I Card 1 of 1 Print Date:09/11/2018 11:01 CURRENT OWNER -TOFU 'UTlI!TIES ,STRT✓ROAD IOCATION r.CIIRRENTASSESSMENT BASS RIVER PROPERTY LLC I Level 2 Public Water 1 Paved 2 Suburban Description Code Appraised Value Assessed Value C/O FRANCIS V LLOYD 1116 Septic 7 Waterfront RESIDNTL 1012 388,700 388,700 815 59 HILLTOP RD RES LAND 1012 1,460,900 1,460,900 YARMOUTIh,MA RESIDNTL 1012 15,900 15,900 CHESTNUT HILL,MA 02467 - - SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Additional(Tuners: Other ID: 37/C001/// VOTE MISC 181 VOTE DATE CHANGES PRIVATE R( VISION BETTERMENT PLAN NUMBEI302A,B ZIP CODE 2664 GIS ID: M_308808_823752 ASSOC PID# Total 1,865,500 1,865,500 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP BK-VOL/PAGE -SALE DATE q/u v/i SALE PRICE KC PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS(HISTOR BASS RIVER PROPERTY LLC D684142 12/30/1996 I Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value _Yr. Code Assessed Value LLOYD BOARDMAN I 0 2019 1012 388,7002018 1012 388,7002017 1012 387,800 2019 1012 1,460,900 2018 1012 1,460,900 2017 1012 1,460,900 2019 1012 15,9002018 1012 15,9002017 1012 17,600 - Total: 1,865,500 Total: 1,865,500 Total: 1,866,300 = - --EXEMPTIONS = -- _ =.OTHER ASSESSMENTS - This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Total Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 385,700 ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 3,000 NBHD/SUB NBHD Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 15,900 0090/A - Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 1,460,900 NOTES ` Special Land Value 0 NATURAL T Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,865,500 OCEANFRONT W/VIEWS 2X SHD1/NV(SIZE) LNT/FCR ATTACHED Valuation Method: C Adjustment: 0 Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,865,500 BUILDING PERMIT RECORD ' - VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY Permit ID Issue Date Type Description Amount Insp.Date %Comp. Date Comp. Comments Date Type IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result 14-1263 03/24/2014 RP Repair 3,000 03/18/2015 100 2 REPLACEMENT DO(01/25/2017 02 KL CL Cyclical 14-985 01/24/2014 SD Shed 4,000 100 CONSTRUCT 10 X 14 S 03/18/2015 LS BP Building Permit 01-826 05/21/2001 RS Residential 3,800 100 01/01/2002 TEMP TENT 04/14/2014 BH 01 Measur+IVisit 10/13/2004 KF 00 Measur+Ltsted 04/26/1996 PW 01 Measur+IVisit _' LANDLINEVALUATIONSECTION B Use Use Unit L Acre C. ST. Special Pricing S Adj # Code Description • Zone D Front Depth Units Price Factor S.A. Disc Factor Idx Adj. Notes-Adj _ Spec Use Spec Calc Fact Adj. Unit Price Land Value 1 1012 OCEAN FRONT C 40,000 SF 2.48 1.0000 9 1.0000 1.00 0090 3.50 1VF4 4.00 4.00 34.72 1,388,800 1 1012 OCEANFRONT C 1.03 AC 20,000.00 1.0000 9 1.0000 1.000090 3.50 1.00 70,000.00 72,100 Total Card Land Units: 1.95fAC Parcel Total Land Area:1.95 AC I Total Land Value: 1,460,900 Property Location: 222 PLEASANT ST MAP ID:43/24/// Bldg Name: State Use:1012 Vision ID:6454Account#6454 Bldg#: 1 of 1 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 1 Print Date:09/11/2018 11:01 CONST_UCTION DETAIL' "- `CONSTRUCTIO DETAIL(CONTINUED) C Element Cd. Ch. Description Element Cd. P. - Description style 06 Conventional 36 odel OI Residential rade 07 Excellent+10 12 PTO 12 .tones 2 2 Stories 36 • cupancy 1 MIXED USE ... FUS 36 - � tenor Wall l 14 Wood Shingle _Code Description Percentage BAS '"r terior Wall 2 1012 OCEAN FRONT 100 r oof Structure 03 Gable/Hip r oaf Cover 10 Wood Shingle WDK X24 3OLBAS .tenor Wall l 03 Plastered BAS 12 22 '40 tenor Wall 2 05 DrywallSheet !:COST/MARKET VALUATION ,, , 15 tenor Fir 1 09 Pine/Soft Wood Adj.Base Rate: 138.42 15 4 8 .32,512 eat Futor el r 2 02 Oil Net Other Adj: (4,748.00 EF 27 eat Type 04 Forced Air-Due Replace Cost .67,260 C Type 01 None AYB 920 1 12 otal Bedrooms 05 5 Bedrooms Dep Code L. 9 5 otal Bthrms 5 Remodel Rating otal Half Baths 1 Year Remodeled 12 otal Xtra Fixtrs 1 Dep% (2 18 otal Rooms Functional Obslnc I 15 10 LIEF oath Style - 01 Old Style External Obslnc I UST I 'when Style 02 Modern Cost Trend Factor 15 9 59 Condition 18 .. 10 %Complete Overall%Cond .8 Apprais Val (85,700 '` -Ai,- s - , Dep%Ovr I .vx' a i Dep Ovr Comment `4yi.,,.� %.,‘ . t ' Misc Imp Ovr I 2 . r '''494/0", • Misc Imp Ovr Comment !- . r I t Z Cost to Cure Ovr I =sem - - .`f 5' -.If c e iy Cost to Cure Ovr Comment a 1 4Y1 J,Y • �- OB-OUTBUILDING& YARD/TEMS(L)/XF-BUILD/NG EXTRA FEATURES(B) 'tiro . r` _ 4., /// t�`p�y Code Descri,lion' Sub Sub Desert d ®Unit Price®Gde D•Rt CM '..Cnd A•r Value . 4... ai4r ,3, y� rJ .1 GR1 ARAGE-AVE i •28 16.00 1960 .,900 '�' a r * .4.4„...r..,: rYs, ,,, / 'CKI itOCKS-RES7 78 •'5.00 1970 1 : 400 ' s.. e:,' 9' " .. 4,. ,Kl i REESTDNCE I 100 :.00 r 003 1 .00 � "" '�,..i.;?:� 4444 ,4.s -4a- 4. .HDI .NED FRAMs I 140 :.00 '014 1 .00 y `r'w �' •t �ar`,.x. NT 1 EAN-TO I :5 r.00 '016 i r00 '' • ♦4; ' %,. r s i PI3 r STORY CHII II 1 ',800.00 1983 0 1,900 ,i ' Y '- "x+ PO 1 XTRA FPL O r i 00.00 1983 1 0 1,100 R# .r.+,- I OS I ncl Outs Shw' ¢ I 'MO 1983 1 0 I ' }`. - .;,, r ,• - 8.'4" .p -+: � r . -- --BU/LDINGSUB AREASUMMARYSECTION ' 1 /1 Cn" R". . +6 tme � ' . K .f r .. - •. Code Descri•lion Livin_ Area Gross Area El.Area Unit Cost nde•rec. Value r '1 a.-''1� : t AS irst Floor 1,95 1,952 1,952 138.42 270,201 �'" ""' ��� 't4.:,..- `• 1 OP Porch,Open,Finished 12 2 23.07 277 `+ 'f ^-t✓' . �. * vim•._. 1 S pper Story,Finished 1,63 1,638 1,638 138.42 226,736 '� Y` ; ,., s dt+, _.... v 0 Patio 432 22 7.05 3.045 - '`.1- -.ems - EP Porch,Enclosed,Unfinished 105 53 69.87 7,336 `"'" _� 5 ST tility,Storage,Unfinished 360 162 62.29 22,424 a" _-' '"v a,'+ '11,T,'r .z n� +�* `� k +'f ,�„ � 'K 'eck,Wood 180 IS 13.84 "- _ .:44,e:: 3 ,.„ ;d:,. r0 xi^ »;+ - e4,;?...,,-','";4:„ a ;r su._^"' * /rMte' tisom, '5 It 5 a b' ; ✓ iwHKtr ,1 •;.2 ,kti , --,....d... q.,c.*?, io attrs 567.260 '; -ctw..,- su.: .tr„r hex;: ae, ,...,.4 ...:r.#.S.oxr'sTEL Gross Liv/Lease Are,• 3,590 4,679 3,847 - . , ;� aS50105.1�S - `.��,� �� I 110 % �. 50.130 11•'1 , �, .. , f ///i� 4 e'• 51.38 • e. ♦ ♦ , r 5o.a1 �j"'��r• �� �� � ! 11/ 50.102 ;. . ed . .e �. o���e r '1.114 Pii 50.149.1 Fr s' sir 51.81 ' III who` N , '* O ti* ii. 50.189.1 hiliti 4 �® ,`� „tirti, ,,.. 51 4G ;$ .4 is ,/ , lat,k4.. .vivifro 4-Atris, yitt,,s, ii•OHT .4,. - ---- ,i / °4`"Pcvt, lPlillana eel.* 114104$1,41 pow ikes ' :ass River aL!t:: , ' '� ' pal iiiiptasitstr3/411 ....„ , , 4. , c. , \ Loa Is. �� I, 7 :Stage Island 1 . ' `% eh, % C i J 222 PLEASANT ST SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664 1 inch = 854 feet w :�E S Data and scale shown on this map are provided for planning and informational purposes only.YARMOUTH (MA) and Vision Government Solutions are not responsible for any use for other purposes or misuse or misrepresentation of this information. 8/23/2018 Clark, Sandi From: vonHone,Amy Sent: Wednesday,September 26,2018 12:41 PM To: Clark, Sandi Subject: RE:09-27-18 PETITION #4770: Stacy Hadfield, 400 West Yarmouth Road, West Yarmouth The Health Department file indicates an existing 2014 Title 5 septic system with a design capacity of 4 Bedrooms total. The floor plans submitted with the septic design indicate an existing 3 Bedroom dwelling. The property is NOT located within the Zone II and is therefore not restricted to a maximum number of bedrooms based on the square footage of the lot and would accommodate 1 additional bedroom per the maximum septic capacity. Full review of the proposed project by the Health Department will be required prior to final approval. PETITION #4771: Francis V. Lloyd, III, 222 Pleasant Street, South Yarmouth The Health Department file indicates an existing 2007 Title 5 septic system with a design capacity of 6 Bedrooms total. The floor plans submitted with the septic design indicate an existing 5 Bedroom Main dwelling. Per the As-Built record, the existing septic system will not be impacted by the proposed demolition and reconstruction of the garage and the design capacity can accommodate 1 additional Bedroom. Full review of the proposed project by the Health Department will be required prior to final approval. Please let me know if you any additional questions. Thank you, Amy Amy L.von Hone,R.S.,C.H.O. Assistant Health Director Yarmouth Health Department Amy L.von Hone, R.S.,C.H.O. Assistant Health Director Yarmouth Health Department From:Clark,Sandi Sent:Wednesday,September 19,2018 11:13 AM To: Barnstable Planning<ellen.swiniarski@town.barnstable.ma.us>; Brandolini,Jim<JBrandolini@yarmouth.ma.us>; Cipro, Linda<Lcipro@yarmouth.ma.us>; Dan Fortier(dfortier@town.dennis.ma.us)<dfortier@town.dennis.ma.us>; Elliott, Ken<KElliott@yarmouth.ma.us>;Grant, Kelly<KGrant@yarmouth.ma.us>;Greene, Karen <KGreene@yarmouth.ma.us>; Huck, Kevin<KHuck@yarmouth.ma.us>; IT Director<itdirector@yarmouth.ma.us>; Kieran Healy<khealy@bscgroup.com>; Lawson,Carl<CLawson@yarmouth.ma.us>;Grylls, Mark <mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us>; Mills, Dan<DMills@yarmouth.ma.us>; Murphy, Bruce<BMurphy@yarmouth.ma.us>; Raiskio, Eric<ERaiskio@yarmouth.ma.us>; Renaud, Philip<PRenaud@yarmouth.ma.us>; Richard Neitz (neitz.re@verizon.net)<neitz.re@verizon.net>;Sawyer,Jon<jsawyer@yarmouth.ma.us>;Sean Igoe <seanigoeesq@usa.net>;Sears,Tim<tsears@yarmouth.ma.us>;Smith, Scott<ssmith@yarmouth.ma.us>;Steven t RECEIVED September 24, 2018 SEP 25 2018 YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS Mr. Stephen DeYoung, Chairman Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals Yarmouth Town Hall 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: Petition of Francis V. Lloyd III Appeal #4771 Dear Mr. Deyoung: We reside at 214 Pleasant Street, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts. We are direct abutters to Mr. Lloyd's property at 222 Pleasant Street in South Yarmouth. This letter is submitted in opposition to Mr. Lloyd's request for a special permit under§104.3.2 of the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw. As a starting point, we believe that the published notification is erroneous. The notification that was sent to us and to others and that we believe has been published in the newspaper describes the project as replacement"...with a new structure in the required setbacks." But the plan that we have reviewed shows that the new structure will be in exactly the same location, approximately 14 feet from the sideline which is our common boundary line. The Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw requires a setback of 20 feet.As a result, the new structure will not be within the required setbacks. According to the plans that we reviewed, Mr. Lloyd intends to demolish his existing single-story garage and replace it with a 2 story structure that will contain a recreation room, 2 bathrooms, and a kitchenette as well as sleeping quarters. We are not opposed to Mr. Lloyd replacing his existing garage structure with a new garage structure intended for the parking of vehicles which is the current use. We are opposed to his application for a special permit because it will involve a change of use that will have a detrimental impact upon our property and will be twice the size of the existing structure. The current use of the existing garage structure located 14 feet from our lot line does not harm us because there are no activities conducted there that will produce any noise other than any activities that might be associated with the parking of automobiles. We are concerned that if the proposed new structure is to be occupied by overnight guests who will be engaged in some kind of recreation within the new building shown on the plan as containing a recreation room, that this will result in noise that will carry across Mr. Stephen DeYoung September 24, 2018 Page 2 the lot lines and will affect the enjoyment of our home. Additionally, by adding a 2n4 story this structure will loom over our yard and will impact upon our privacy. We believe that the purpose of Section 104.3.2 was to allow people with undersized lots to upgrade existing structures that were outmoded or in need of replacement due to deterioration. For this reason, the bylaw allows the Zoning Board of Appeals to permit exceptions to the current zoning requirements in order to help people with small undersized lots. In this case, however, Mr. Lloyd has a 2 acre lot that is larger than the minimum required lot size of 40,000 square feet. Mr. Lloyd has ample room on his lot to place the new structure in another location that will not violate the setback rules and will be far enough away from us so that it will not have an impact upon our property. His proposal to double the size of the structure by adding a 2^"story and to change its use while still maintaining its current location in violation of the current setback requirements is contrary to the intent of the bylaw where he has more than sufficient space to locate the new structure in compliance with current zoning. We are not certain that he has a right to construct a second residential structure on his property. We believe that he is limited to a single-family structure and may not add a detached residential structure. For these reasons,we respectfully request that you correct the legal notice. Further we ask that you deny Mr. Lloyd's request for a special permit. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincer- / / , eke/N..„ T. Coleman Deborah Coleman f bA 5 O y 0 p Ac E b x o � .c & = o o 8Os A U �tl csi v' A00- 47" M N N 1 o N m .r a o W t:4ko N .. 1 y _ - 6 O Q N L"r .4 imi R O 4 rn ss w 8o c Fq ,t v) 11111 ,,, aci ill 111 11 N 111 111 N 111 111 111111tr- 03 0 W f 0) be Right Elevation SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" d- .Oro.Lida 6 Frank-BARN-09212018.pin .. F 0 CO a 2 9 I 0 r maa mmi - m FD— u —t u _— Boat Barn for Chris Ellis -3D Computer Home Design A-2 Left Elevation Lida & Frank Lloyd 276 Route 28, West Dennis,MA 02670 222 Pleasant Street, South Yarmouth, MA phone: 774-212-6625 longpondl@mac.com 177/ St OA O CA O o A o E O O .r is. .. O i DD 7 . 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Boat Barn for Chris Ellis - 3D Computer Home Design A-7 First Floor Lida & Frank Lloyd 276 Route 28,West Dennis,MA 02670 222 Pleasant Street, South Yarmouth, MA phone: 774-212-6625 longpondl@mac.com (t> ( A-5 1 711> 44 • 51/2" 31/2" 31/2" 51/2" //-2'X!, 12'-71/2" ;/ 11'-101/2" //-2' //- .49 264' 649 764' zNi — — ---- v CLOSET '. in I CLOSET $ - O LIVING ROOM /04 \ 11 5 L4' —� /�' . •- - -14 1 _/ — iI l . r 10 Q (CC 11 ) ' I I, ,_1 -31/2" 3-10' l 611/2" / 4' 4' 10'-91/2' -�I - a. ,© BUNK 1 0 -13 Pull Down Stairs_Ii 3-10" 2, ROOM o HVAC Access _ N ;_•�I v 2668 ' F r- � _. Shower 11 _. - L w.Glass co ro 1/2' Enclosue 5'-5 N I_ 4 "Trough"Sink � _ Lo BATH w 2 Faucets _ 2 i. m IP J to e- 2'-3/4" I rinrrNrrnrrr rrrrrrrr ��ri i� rrriri.1 _� N 4037 3037 3037Jr 4037 Jr. °' II 31/2' 3 712' 4 kA 1a a14.-6" Second Floor SCALE! 1/4" = 1'-0" I Boat Barn for Chris Ellis - 3D Computer Home Design A-9 Second Floor Pleasant Lida & Frank Lloyd 276 Route 28, West Dennis, MA 02670 LLOYD.Lidad FrankBNRN-0831.2018 O1n 222 Pleasant Street, South Yarmouth, MA phone: 774-212-6625 longpondl@mac.com