HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision 4763 Dor: 1 ,355,050 09-24-2015 12 : 35 BAR GTAQLE LAND COURT REGISTRY _ .I FJ :L 2 : �5::r, .�?11 Y� •Ir TOWN OF YARMOUTH �� ..- BOARD OF APPEALS O .. . ;,,- 7i,; DECISION `\,CMS/ • FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: August 28,2018 PETITION NO: 4763 HEARING DATE: August 23,2018 • PETITIONER: ROBERT T. MACNAMEE,ESQ.,TRUSTEE OF THE CARRIAGE LANE REALTY TRUST PROPERTY: 5 Carriage Lane, Yarmouth Port,MA Map 0113.12.1.4; Zoning District: R-40 Book/Page: 30667/224; Ctf#: 213650 MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Chairman Steven DeYoung,Sean Igoe, Richard Martin,Tom Nickinello,Tom Baron and Susan Brita. Notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner and all those owners of property as required by law, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and publishing in The Register, the hearing opened and held on the date stated above. The Petitioner seeks a Special Permit pursuant to Zoning Bylaw §203.4, in order to alter or extend a legally pre-existing non-conforming single family dwelling to increase the height of the structure, and a Variance pursuant to Zoning Bylaw §203.4.1 and 500 to allow for a third floor habitable attic to be constructed which will exceed 50%of the floor level immediately below. The Property is located in the R-40 Zoning District and is improved with a two story single family structure having 5 bedrooms and 3 baths, and constructed in approximately 1875. The lot consists of approximately 5.4 acres. The house complies fully with all setbacks. Building coverage is currently at 2% for this lot. The Petitioner provided an historical narrative regarding the genesis of this structure, its former owners, and thus, its historical significance to the Town of Yarmouth. Included in the narrative was evidence, including pictorial evidence included in the record, that the structure was originally constructed as a Stick Style home having 3 full stories, with intricate roof lines, dormers, and a widow's watch. It was in the 1950's that the then owner removed the third floor and built a standard hip roof, which was not in keeping with the remaining style of the house. The current owners wish to restore the structure to its former detail, which includes reconstructing the full third floor, which will increase the height of the structure from its present 37.4 feet to a proposed 48.2 feet, its former height. 4 The Board heard testimony regarding the massive area of the lot, the distance from any road, the lack of visibility of this property from public roads, and the intention to restore an historical property back to its former construction, and the uniqueness of the lot. In accordance with the Bylaw, this Board was of the collective opinion that the increase in height would not be substantially more detrimental to the neighborhood than is the existing non-conforming structure, and that no undue nuisance, hazard or congestion will be created and that there will be no substantial harm to the established or future character of the neighborhood or town. The Board then addressed the Variance request to allow a full third story on this home. It was explained that in order to restore this property to the Stick Style Architecture, the Petitioner would need to have a full 3rd floor, and would contain approximately 1,950 square feet. The second floor is proposed to contain approximately 2,700 square feet, or a ratio of 72%. In this exceptional case, the hardship to the petitioner, seeking to restore the property to its former glory, is evident. In addition, the Town of Yarmouth, although not an applicant, will suffer a hardship if this historical property cannot be restored. It is not self-created. The structure and the massive lot upon which it sits are undoubtedly unique. The Board knew of no other homes which are of this style and which fit their lot so well. Finally, desirable relief can indeed be granted without substantial detriment to the public good or without derogating form the intent or purpose of the bylaw. The size of the lot, the lack of visibility from surrounding properties, and restoration of the property more than adequately meet the criteria for the issuance of a Variance. No abutter or other interested party appeared either in favor or in opposition to the Petition. The Board was in unanimous agreement that the project to restore this home would be a boon for the neighborhood and the Town of Yarmouth as a whole. Accordingly, a Motion was made by Mr. Igoe, seconded by Mr. Martin, to grant the Special Permit, as requested, with the condition that the structure remains a single family dwelling. The members voted unanimously in favor of the Motion. A second Motion was made by Mr. Igoe, seconded by Mr. Martin, to grant the Variance, as requested, with the condition that the structure remains a single family dwelling. The members voted unanimously in favor of the Motion. No permit shall issue until 20 days from the filing of this decision with the Town Clerk. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein, the Special Permit shall lapse if a substantial use thereof has not begun within 24 months. (See bylaw §103.2.5, MGL c40A §9) Unless otherwise provided herein, a Variance shall lapse if the rights authorized herein are not exercised within 12 months. (See MGL c40A§10). This Decision must be filed with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Route 6A,Bamstable. moo` Steven DeYoung, Cha. an COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS o! k'r TOWN OF YARMOUTH ( '� [ BOARD OF APPEALS s Appeal#4763 Date: September 18, 2018 Certificate of Granting of a Special Permit and Variance (General Laws Chapter 40A, section 11) The Board of Appeals of the Town of Yarmouth Massachusetts hereby certifies that a Special Permit and Variance has been granted to: Robert T. MacNamee, Esq.,Trustee of the Carriage Lane Realty Trust 1047 Falmouth Road,Hyannis,MA 02601 Affecting the rights of the owner with respect to land or buildings at: 5 Carriage Lane, YarmouthPort, MA. Map & Parcel: 0113.12.1.4; Zoning District: R-40; Doc.#:1,326,623; Ctf#: 213650 and the said Board of Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and correct copy of its decision granting said Special Permit and Variance, and that copies of said decision, and of all plans referred to in the decision,have been filed. The Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 (last paragraph) and Section 13, provides that no Special Permit, or Variance or any extension, modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the Town Clerk that twenty (20) days have elapsed after the decision has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk and no appeal has been filed or that, if such appeal has been filed, that it has been dismissed or denied, is recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. " StevenDeYoung, airman • • TOWN OF YARMOUTH Town �; _! li 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTII, MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Clerk a M� Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1285,Fax(508) 398-0836 CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK I, Philip B. Gaudet, III, Town Clerk, Town of Yarmouth, do hereby certify that 20 days have elapsed since the filing with me of the above Board of Appeals Decision#4763 that no notice of appeal of said decision has been filed with me, or, if such appeal has been filed it has been dismissed or denied. All appeals have been exhausted. s if j j'L,T. , • ' iitlk A\ hil r r•y/ir/ rr �I••, � P F a , ct.?� �� _1 ' ISx✓' '�'1 ro✓ ,,c ‘4-p. 1 • 1 jt . •t` , BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS ATRUG COPY,ATTEST I JOHN F_MEADE_R EGIST IEP BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS John F. Meade, Register LAW OFFICES OF PAUL R. TARDIF, ESQ., P.C. 490 MAIN STREET YARMOUTH I PORT,MA 02675 (508)362-7799 (508)362-7199 fax Paul P.Tardif,Esq. Melissa G.MacLeod,Esq. ptardif(htardiflaw.com www.tardiflaw.corn melissa@tardiflaw.com REFER TO FILE NO. October 2, 2018 Sandra Clark Yarmouth Zoning Board of Appeals 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth,MA 02664 • RE: Zoning Appeal—5 Carriage Lane, Yarmouth Port Robert T. MacNamee, Esq., Trustee -Petition#4763 Dear Ms. Clark: Enclosed please find a copy of the Board of Appeals Decision, which was recorded, for the above referenced matter on September 24, 2018 in the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 31549, Page 349 and in the Land Court Division of the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds as Document 1355050. Please note that a copy of the recorded Decision has been forwarded to the Building Department for their records. I thank you for your assistance in this fTru\. Yours, Paul R. Tare if cc: Robert T. MacNamee, Esq., Trustee Mark Grylls, Building Department TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS / HEARING NOTES Petition#'g7/p3 Petitioner:R h fi4ninQ, Hearing Date: 'gift' REQUEST: SPECIAL PERMIT: § VARIANCE: § Overturn B.I. Members ofIthe Board present`and voting. )) // MB,s-.h,N .1Vo/(�ti1 'foam 1N+* do 2LL S ,rt •tkot te11Iq u It appearing haat Qot a of said hearing.�a6 been given by sending notice thereof�to the petitioner ap$-eH- hose owners of property deemed t the Board to be affected thereby and that public notice of such hearing having en given by publication in the Register the hearing was opened and held on the date first above written. IN FAVOR OPPOSED v� Lca� f . ceoqN3nakob ii Reason for the Decision: ST-e• 0, tsq ,h-^ '- 1'1n.r. 4PC AM"a M%- 43 — l-(1) �EN�1AK9� — OA • `}—�,.®e, •--� � . N��Mril 0..T °'S. otion by: Seconded b$ Vote: Members voting in favor: '� Opposed: Therefore,the SPECIAL PERMIT VARIANCE APPEAL is GRANTED DENIED WITHDRAWN CONTINUED TO: CQNDITIONS: S p — (1), \k\ or) A) c P /L aL.0 ( o- ay G arc3 '- c1-. ..... CA t-t,& EXHIBIZREOIVED AT HEARING: 4_ - S L V e A ut.b • CLERK: Date: ) 23 I/ F CLERK-CHAIRMAN HE• ' ; .•e'ES : o R _ TOWN OF YARMOUTH• o� , 10 y l�- y BOARD OF APPEALS p6��MATTA M Ut ��iil•. L [i'2 ^.Cv -;r440/0;" APPLICATION FOR HEARING Appeal#:478,1 Hearing Date: S'.4---231,3) FeFed/1 (J�J Owner-Applicant: ROBERT T. MACNAMEE, ESQ., TRUSTEE OF THE CARRIAGE LANE REALTY TRUST 1047 Falmouth Rd, Hyannis,MA 02601 (508)362 7799(Atty) ptardif(a),tardiflaw.com (Address) (Telephone Number) (Email Address) and is the (check one) XX Owner 0 Tenant 0 Prospective Buyer 0 Other Interested Party Property: This application relates to the property located at: 5 Carriage Lane,Yarmouth Port and shown on the Assessor's Map 113 as Parcel 12.1.4, Zoning District: R-40 Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following construction/use/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10'by 15' deck to the front of our house" or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): Restore antique single family home to include original 3rd floor configuration by increasing a pre-existing nonconformating height and restore the oversized habitable attic. RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant seeks the following relief from the Board of Appeals: 1) REVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). State the reason for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. 2) XX SPECIAL PERMIT under §203.4 of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 A1.(use space below if needed) 3)XX VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from which relief is requested, and, as to each section, specify the relief sought: Section: 500 Relief sought: Habitable Attic larger than 50% of the floor immediately below Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional information which you feel should be included in your application: The structure was originally built in 1875 as a 3 story single family home, but the 3" story was removed in 1950. This is part of a restoration project to this antique home. FACT SHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed(if other than applicant): Same as Applicant. Title deed reference: Document 1,326,623 on Certificate of Title No. 213650 Deed in Book 30667, Page 224 Use Classification: Existing: Single Family §202.5 # Al Proposed: Single Family §202.5 #Al Is the property vacant: No Lot Information Size/Area: 144,152 s/f(3.3 acres of upland) Plan Book 648,Page 48 Total lot size is 5.42 acres including wetland Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes_ No XX Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review(if needed)? Yes_ No XX Other Department(s) Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which are/ have/or will review this project, and indicate the status of their review process: Building, Health, Old Kings Highway Repetitive Petition: Is this a re-application: No If yes, do you have Planning Board Approval? Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator, indicate the date and Appeal number(s) and other available information. None Known B ding Commissioner Comments: r t Applicant's Wortley Signature Owner's Sign e, By Paul R. Tardif, Esq. Paul R. Tardif,Esq. Address: 490 Main Street Yarmouth Port, MA 9675 PhSr/Phone:ne: (5(508) 362-7799 E-Mail: ptardif a,tardiflaw.com 4 I •/, Buil.` issioner Signature Date ✓ Doc: 1 ,326,623 07-31-2017 3:39 Ctf':213650 BARNSTABLE LAND COURT REGISTRY 00'000'00L'34 :51100 00'Z9Z'2S :aaJ MASSACHUSETTS STATE EXCISE TAX £Z996£T Woa 08Si ::Ta3 ' BARNSTABLE LAND COURT REGISTRY 9d6E:E0 e LIOt-IE-110 010O Date: 07-31-2017 a 03:39pm A81SI93?! imoo OHVl 3iaVISHNVi• Ct1`,t 1520 Doc¢t 1326623 XVI .3SI3X3 A.I.Nf0;) 31dVISN'JVA Fee: 49,234.00 Cons: 42/700,000.00 Bk 30667 Ps224 38607 07-31-2017 a 03 :592 QUITCLAIM DEED SANDY SIDE CORPORATION, a Massachusetts corporation, with a principal office at 49 N.Sandyside Lane,Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts 02675 FOR consideration paid in the full amount of Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($2,700,000.00) C ' GRANT to: Robert T. MacNamee, Esq., Trustee, of the Carriage Lane Realty Trust, under Declaration of Trust dated July 31, 2017,Abstract of Trust recorded herewith, u of 1047 Falmouth Road,Suite 3, Hyannis, MA 02601 0. WITH QUITCLAIM COVENANTS, that Six (6) certain parcels of land, together IN k 4 r3with buildings and improvements thereon, situated at 5 Carriage Lane and 35 North Sandyside Lane; 45 North Sandyside Lane; 49 North Sandyside Lane; plus two vacant lots N Q O on Dennis Pond, all in Yarmouth Port, Barnstable County, Massachusetts .02675, �9 1 more particularly described as follows: Parcell 5 Carriage Lane Being shown as LOT zgD on Plan of Land in Yarmouthport, MA v q prepared for Sandyside Corporation December 26, 2012, prepared by Down Cape Engineering, Inc., civil engineers, land surveyors and duly recorded with Barnstable t� County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 648 page 48 A, Lot 29D is conveyed without rights of way in Way#2 on attached on sketch plan over Lot 2 R, 21E on said plan. y • C1 Parcell - y 35 North Sandyside Lane, being shown as Lot 19D on Plan of Land in Yarmouthport, MA. i° prepared for Sandyside Corporation December 26, 2012, prepared by Down Cape In Engineering, Inc., civil engineers, land surveyors and duly recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 648 page 48 V 'S )\ Parcel3 ' a 45 North Sandyside Lane , being shown as Lot 2oD on Plan of Land in Yarmouthport, bMA prepared for Sandyside Corporation December 26,2012, prepared by Down Cape e J , Engineering, Inc., civil engineers, land surveyors and duly recorded with Barnstable MCounty Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 648 page 48 v 11 ' • • ... Bk 30667 Pg225 #38607 Parcel 4 49 North Sandyside Lane being shown as Lot 29E on plan of land entitled, "Plan of Land in Yarmouthport, MA prepared for Sandyside Corporation, dated: May 1, 2011, prepared by Down Cape Engineering, Inc., civil engineers, land surveyors and duly recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 649,Page 55. Excepting and excluding so much of said Lot z9E,as is shown as Lot 27-1 on a plan of land entitled Plan of Land in (Yarmouthport) For: Sandyside Corporation—Shirley Demuth dated September 8, 1995 drawn by Allen Kingsbury, PLS recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 519 page 74. Lot 29E is conveyed with a shared driveway over Way#i and Way #2 on Attached Sketch plar3in common the owners of Lot 21E until such time as Owners of lot 2.1E install a new driveway from North Sandyside Lane located within the boundaries of Lot 21 E and the owners of Lot z9E continue Way#1 within the lot lines of 29E, then releasing atly rights in Way#2 Parcel 5 On Dennis Pond shown as Lot p on Land Court Plan 23966G - Parcel 6 On Dennis Pond unnumbered abutting lot to Parcel 5 above shown on Yarmouth Assessor's Map 112 as parcel 78 Containing about 4.53 acres For title to Parcels 1,2,3&,.4,see a portion of land in Deed recorded with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 2942, Page 183, For title to Parcels see Certificate of Title#97523 issued by the Barnstable County Registry District of the Land Court. Parcel 6:Description A certain parcel of vacant land bounded and described as follow: Northerly by land now or formerly of the New York,New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company Southwesterly, southerly by Denis Pond (a Great Pond) Northeasterly by Parcels herein about 385 feet (+or-) For title to Parcel 6 see a portion of land in deed of Maximilian A Tufts dated July 20, 1984 in Book4187 Page 067 Said premises are conveyed subject to and with the benefit of rights of way, easements, restrictions, rights, reservations and agreements of record insofar as the same are now in force and applicable. Wage • Bk 30667 Pg226 #38607 ,J • • Parcels 5 and 6 are conveyed subject to a Conservation Easement dated September 9, 2006 registered as Document Number 1047798 and Book 21472 Page 335 • parcels 5 and 6 do not have access to any private or public roads. THIS SALE OF REAL.ESTATE DOES NOT REPRESENT ALL OR SUBSTANTIALLY ALL OF THE ASSETS OF THE SANDY SIDE CORPORATION. 'Witness its hand and seal this 31st day of July,2017. • SAN' SIDE CO jr'ORATION • By: �� 1A . Henry P.Tuft President and Treasurer THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSEI'1S • Barnstable County, SS Onthis 9P day of , 2017, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared, Hen P.T fts, President and Treasurer aforesaid, proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, being MA driver's license, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attache. document, and acknowledged to me that he signed the foregoing instrument as his Ye� t and deed .nd voluntarily for its stated purpose on behalf of Sandy Side Corpora: . • �; • Akdt1 ,. • •eodore A.Sch'I In otary Public • .My Commission Expires: • October 21, 2022 • 15:61,./((\,. q toN;.: o ',sad. Affix seal y • y�o , e '.,; Y hOTrp4'Ai • Wage . Property Location: 5 CARRIAGE LN MAP ID:113/12.1.4/// Bldg Name: State Use:1010 Vision ID:14470 Account#14470 Bldg#: 1 of 1 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of t Print Date:08/01/2018 09:37 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL(CONTINUED) Element Cl. ICh. Description Element Cd. Ch. Description Style 63 Old Style 22 40 Model 01 Residential Grade 09 Custom Stories 2 2 Stories 1515 FOP 15 Occupancy 1 MIXED USE Exterior Wall 1 14 Wood Shingle Code Description 100 Percentage 2 27 3U 420 a 13 Exterior Wall 2 1010 SINGLE FAM MDL-01 Roof Shucture 03 - Gable/Hip 42 WDK 1.jBAS Roof Cover 03 Asph/F Cls/Cmp 12 7 Interior Wall I 03 Plastered 12 2525 Interior Wall 2 -COST/MARKETVALUATION Interior Fir 1 12 Ilardwood Adj.Base Rate: 176.20 10 Interior Fir 2 1,176,501 Heat Fuel 01 Coal/Wd/None Net Other Adj: 18,000.00 UAT 6 Replace Cost 1,194,501 14 FUS Heat Type 01 None AYB 1875 i 7 BAS 11 AC Type 01 None UBM 6 Total Bedrooms 05 S Bedrooms Dep Code G 6 Total Btlums 3 Remodel Rating 12 5 Total Half Baths 0 Year Remodeled Total Xtra Fixtrs Dep% 28 Total Rooms 0 Functional Obslnc 15 Bath Style 02 Average External Obslnc II 16 16 Kitchen Style 02 Modern Cost Trend Factor Condition 44 %Complete Overall%Cond 57 Apprais Val 680,900 ,. '. Dep%Ovr D Dep Ovr Comment r"?l Misc Imp Ovr D 1Di Misc Imp Ovr Comment Cost to Cure Ovr D _?. Cost to Cure Ovr Comment �' .•Th~rY OB-OUTBUILDING& YARD ITEMS(L)/XKBUILDING EXTRA FEATURES(B) ..,4''', . - Code Description ISub I Sub Descript UB Units Unit Price Yr Gde D.Rt Cnd %Cnd A. Value �, pr" SHD1 SHED FRAME L 324 8.00 1987 7.14 50 I tYs+•`� t, FPL3 2 STORY CHIT B 4 2,800.00 1987 1 100 6,400 a „ .^"' ,yyt FPO EXTRA FPL O B 4 800.00 1987 1 100 1,800 i Y' OOS OPEN OUT SI-1 B 1 0.00 1987 1 100 0 wa # .rte 9 2 ;r j e} .# r a '`a ¢ogre y } �{�-.-d�'2'v`eR °r D.11 � � �` 4(r 1.;W'S:-.1;;:: � s, F Y} �� .—z--5--....‘,...: il,- <.. • ' R"tt' .. t y',--i- . -+ -- BUILDING SUB AREA SUbfMARYSECT/ON - s ,2'* .r '. '� W,. ,,,$', � '`' '1 Code Desert•tion Livin: Area Gross Area El.Area Unit Cost Unde.rec Value x. y , 4 . I � ., ,a' , x1 b s, `' a . BAS First Floor 2,848 -2,848 2,848 176.20 501,823 .. {`^ Is. b s� 'r" ;,,, .t ( ' FOP Porch,Open,Finished 0 600 120 35.24 21,144 z• 4 ‘,....• p : r:'e P-+Y=B ,:.1 s c,` FUS Upper Story,Finished 2,794 2,794 2,794 176.20- ,.it. x-• c.;<„ "�'" .: +Az� . , UAT Attic,Unfinished 0 2,764 276 17.59 48,632 AG •L y �,r i- .' +1 I € UBM Basement,Unfinished 0 2,764 553 35.25 y y s qR, ""' WOK Deck,Wood 0 858 86 17.66 15,153 a.u. m 4 � '.,a.tly „ s}.; .. `n r.rv., . 4 sits-rsi .i z f SFr } .r-rrr '.Z M. Gross Liv/Leace Area: 5,642 12,628 6,677 1,194,501 , , ., -; ,iy. .. +• +zn.._s-<.. „ Property Location:5 CARRIAGE LN MAP ID:113/12.1.4/// Bldg Name: State Use:1010 Vision ID:14470 _Account#14470 Bldg#: 1 of 1 Sec#: I of 1 Card 1 of 1 Print Date:08/01/2018 09:37 CURRENT OWNER TOPO- UTI/ITIFS STRT✓ROAD LOCATION CURRENT ASSESSMENT MACNAMEE ROBERT T TRS I Level 2 Public Water 1 Paved 2 Suburban Description I Code- ,Appraised Value Assessed Value CARRIAGE LANE REALTY TRUST _ 2 Above Street 6 Septic RESIDNTL 1010 689,100 689,100 815 1047 FALMOUTII RD SUITE 3 ' RES LAND 1010 297,200 297,200 YARMOUTH,MA IIYANNIS,MA 02601 - SUPPLEMENTAL DATA _ Additional Owners: Other ID: 101/G029/// VOTE Y MISC 330 VOTE DATE 01/25/2011 CHANGES PRIVATE R(CARRIAGE LN-YP BETTERMENT VISION PLAN NUMBEIPLAN BK 648 PG 48;5 ZIP CODE 2675 GIS ID: M_303894_828492 ASSOC PID# - Total 986,300 986,300 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP - ` BK-VOL/PAGE, SALE DATE q/uvir'SALE PRICE V.0 PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS(HISTORY) MACNAMEE ROBERT T TRS 30667/224 07/31/2017 U I 2,700,000 IV Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value SANDY SIDE CORP 2942/183 06/27/1979 I 2018 1010 689,100 2017 1010 689,100 2016 1010 689,100 SANDY SIDE CORP I 0 2018 1010 282,5002017 1010 282,5002016 1010 282,500 Total: 971,600 Total: 971,600 Total: 971,600 EXEMPTIONS - -:' . ' ' OTHER ASSESSMENTS This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int. APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Total- Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 680,900 ,_ ' s•i. :ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD . . . I ' Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 8,200 NBHD/SUB NBHD Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch _Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 0 0070/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 297,200 NOTES .. Special Land Value 0 16 RMS IG MKB FY15 SUBDIV#8 Total Appraised Parcel Value 986,300 LOT RECONFIGURATION Valuation Method: C FULLY GATED,NO ACCESS 3/2014 Adjustment: 0 VIEWED FROM#49 NORTH SANDY SIDE LN FY05 SUBDIV#5 Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 986,300 __.... . -` "-BUILDING PERMIT RECORD ' - -- =VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY Permit ID Issue Date _ Type Description Amount _ Insp.Date %Comp. Date Comp. Comments Date Type IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result 01-587 03/13/2001 RS Residential 14,900 100 01/01/2002 REROOF 03/21/2014 AD 09 Measu Estmt Owner no 289 05/03/1999 RS Residential 25,000 02/23/2000 100 01/01/2000 REPLACE WINDOWS,01/01/2014 01 1 BH CY CYCLICAL 2014 288 05/03/1999 RS Residential 5,000 02/23/2000 100 01/01/2000 DECK 09/22/2005 JB 02 Measur+2Visit-Info Can 471 07/31/1997 R5 Residential 10,000 100 REROOF 09/22/2005 JB 01 Measur+IVisit 997595 10/01/1990 40,000 100 ALTERATIO 02/23/2000 GM 00 Measur+Listed 998498 08/17/1990 ' 4,000 100 DECK LAND LINE VALUATION SECTION - -" B Use Use Unit L Acre C ST. Special Pricing SAdj # Code Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price Factor S.A. Disc Factor Ids Adj. Notes-Adj Spec Use Spec Calc Fact Adj. Unit Price Land Value 1 1010 SINGLE FAM MDL-01 C 40,000 SF 2.48 1.0000 7 1.0000 1.000070 2.00 94 SUB#34 FY 97 SUB 1.00 4.96 198,400 1 1010 SINGLE FAM MDL-01 C 2.39 AC 20,000.00 1.0000 7 1.0000 1.000070 2.00 1.00 40,000.00 95,600 1 1010 SINGLE FAM MDL-01 C 2.11 AC 1,500.00 1.0000 0 1.0000 1.000000 1.00 MARSII 1.00 1,500.00 3,200 • Total Card Land Units:1 5.421 AC Parcel Total Land Area:5.42 AC 1 Total Land Value: 297,200 YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS �7 ABUTTERS LIST Petition#-116 3 Name: MacNamee, Trustee Filing Date: 7. . 5II Hearing Date: e-.'3.78 Property Location: 5 Carriage Lane, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Map Lot Number Map Lot Number Number Number Applicant# 113 12.1.1 122 1 Abutters #'s 12.1.5 12.1.6 3.1 11.1 13.1.1 14.1.1 15 116 112 78 47.1 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 79 2 Labels-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado, Director of Assessing 112/ t/ / / 112/ 58/ / / 113/ 14.1.1/ / / BIANCULLI EMANUEL J CO-TRS ANDERSON PAUL R MACNAMEE ROBERT T TRS C/O CHANOINE MARIE B ANDERSON JILL E CARRIAGE LANE REALTY TRUST 172 MIIDPINE RD 6 CARRAIGE LN 1047 FALMOUTH RD SUITE 3 BARNSTABLE,MA 02637 YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675-0298 HYANNIS,MA 02601 112/ 48/ / / 112/ 78/ / / WILD JOHNI MACNAMEE ROBERT T TRS REDMOND KATHLEEN M CARRIAGE LANE REALTY TRUST 400 SEASAGE DR APT 1101 1047 FALMOUTH RD SUITE 3 DELRAY BEACH,FL 33483-6755 HYANNIS,MA 02601 112/ 49/ / / 112/ 79/ / / SLEDZIK PAUL S YARMOUTH CONSERVATION TRUST SLEDZIK GABRIELLE C P 0 BOX 376 33 CARRIAGE LN YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 112/ 51/ / / 112/ 47.1/ / / Please use this signature to certify this list of COLMER KENNETH P TRS TROUTMAN PETER D properties COLMER LORI Z TRS TROUTMAN MARTHA L abutting within 300'of the parcel located at: 49 CARRIAGE LN 11 CARRIAGE LN 5 Carriage Ln.,Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 Assessors Map 113, Lot 121.4 112/ 52/ / / 113/ 15/ / / A� 7.Ari�A MAC}1NIK CRAIG T KNAUER DAVID G 7R Andy Macho, Director of Assessing MACHNIK TRACEY A KNAUER MARY JUDITH TR 50 CARRIAGE LN 30 NORTH SANDYSIDE LN YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 112/ 53/ / / 113/ 3.1/ / / BARROWS JUDITH J SOLTOFF HOWARD M 46 CARRIAGE LN SOLTOFF JANE E YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 8819 BURDETTE RD BETHESDA,MD 20817 112/ 54/ / / 113/ 11.1/ / / JOYCE JEFFREY K TRS SANDY SIDE CORP JOYCE MARILYN H TRS P 0 BOX 525 22 HARWICH PINES YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 HARWICH,MA 02645 112/ 55/ / / 113/ 12.1.5/ / / SHORTY DAVID 1 MACNAMEE ROBERT T TRS SHORTY MEGAN M CARRIAGE LANE REALTY TRUST 397 LOWER COUNTY RD 1047 FALMOUTH RD SUITE 3 DENNIS PORT,MA 02638 HYANNIS,MA 02601 112/ 56/ / / 113/ 12.1.6/ / / PAQUIN JEAN CYN TUFTS HENRY P POBOX38 TUFTS HENRY YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 55 NORTH SANDYSIDE LN YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 112/ 57/ / / 113/ 13.1.1/ / / RUESCHHOFF JEFFREY P MACNAMEE ROBERT T TRS RUESCHHOFF BETHANY P CARRIAGE LANE REALTY TRUST 18 CARRIAGE LN 1047 FALMOUTH RD SUITE 3 YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 HYANNIS,MA 02601 0Q n CP O /. al64 _,... : ., 0la Y n . 3 C2 / ir / o ❑ P UJ +4 i r5:2' t Vill 0 ar J `iP G4p� � : 1 ..^r m cC co LL "Or r comm.OF mYss.RAI.R0 IA Z 1r H�s ii iz7 u , .. t 8 GATE OF LATEST IMP REVISIIXI:.'tb,s TP MAP ~ -121122 •INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON ISFORASSESSING ,Do so s TGR PUs TOWN OF YARMOUTH ETi. . 113 SHEET ASSUMED PURPOSES YYTTHE NO OF Y JOR ERROR IS K ' ' BAFZNSTASLE COUNTY,MASSACHUSETTS ^= 112 V 110104 ~, an/ no+ .....•••••• "o tn.• ` us OK 5.1 -� Tiff*.r Ro�Ew• X01 IA i M Y-RJGE LR., E / PPPP ) n / 2 ' 'b.,„ '/ t ^ % • Ilealkaiiia: .. . . , / ,„, . ... ._,..., . .... 2 / • 9T R >. 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