HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-19-002596 �{.�. 1 ' 4 :1= , tflt.lhJJ1, t,l- ;r, feET '.� j: 2' C t, ,4 i.11-if F-r ,tt.l 1 t1 f INE A f ¶ t Permit# i ? y Mit.NOV t hF r Ft f I i roM '-;IF)L : . , MfJ 'Amount 3g— t .., ..:7.1; 'Air 1ii : C 'Permit expiresexpiresISO days from issue dale • IBLb-`ci-as9,6 EXPRESS SHED PERMIT APPLIC: a r TOWN OF YARMOUTH E I V E D �.' Yarmouth Building Department 1146 Route 28 OCT 3 O 2018 South Yarmouth,MA 026E4 y (508)398-2231 Ext 1261 su 'e' R - . T �� By • tONzt*UCT'IONADDI Scre--E `J"'-7 S .> /i,2t-7 As$ESSO t' Avont4A710:+(: .r, t • MaP I Li a--� Parcel: 41-te 4 ( 4 , L flirt St, —2.-.o —PcP SIC PRESENT ADDRESSTEL a CONIRACTO N -}�(bCf' P2�cx-k .'1 •. � C3 f J�xw �n.cnl� ci t ) •28 On MAILWG ADDRESS TEL M Constructor'Si(Resldentlal ❑Commercial Est.Cost ofConstructor'$ CI C OO Q • °O Home Improvement Contractor Lia ii I a>1C135 Construction s rpervisor Lia e St A ^ (31 YSLp3 Workman's Compensation Insurance: (check one) D I am the homeowner ❑ I am the sole proprietor ' 41 I have Worker's Comp nsation L� Insurance Company Name: CL.l-54 mp f&&ph r' Worker's Cnp.Policy&C,'GM•(((to951-2a871 SHED INFORMATION 'it n t New X , Stu L I y z t1' U z H ICJ'Q II Corner Lot:Yes No Per Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bv-Law Sec 203.5 E: Side and rear setbacks for accessory buildings less than 150 square feet and:angle story,shall be 6feet in all districts, but in no case built closer than 12 feet to any other building. Replace existing* _ She L z W x If *The debris will p. axe,be disposed of at: AnCl1R8-4{]l)i(Il me cone _) Location of FaeWty I declare under penalties of. u . that the ..,-i . herein Contained are true end confect to the best of will be• mate for denial.' - my mowhdge belief I understand that any false answer(s) 1mi •�,on of � license and for ender M.O.L.Ch.268.Section I. Applicant' :.o. .• / - f 1 pp i� i Cate: i�l�l)C ) Gn.. v4 der rri Date: .14f4' ciita �• Approved :y: 7 ..� Date: Y/ "j `/a BuildM -,cial-747.1 ignee) EMAIL ADDRESS: Zoning District Historical District: ❑ Yes 0 No Flood Plain Zone ❑ Yes 0 No Water Resource Protection District: Within 100 ft.of Wetlands:""" ❑ Yes O No ❑ Yes ❑ No "*Note:Conservation review required if within 100 ft.of Wetlands 9/13 .__.----, rano suuusut _ 20001/0001 ' r bi. • faSh The Commonwealth ofMassach Department Ind ialAchkih •— • _-„` ',„ 600 �'� Bosom MA 02111 ...n`. t J,- L , Workers'Compe: dam, ranee Affidavit:B:aders/Contra in I t .•-4:. . i . '!nm on IVIS yy.�il lr Add :, r` O. .gid : d , 1 I . , r Ia aAnt a. - .. .f, rn « _I (4 a . ' Phone#: VKr' gr 11 1.❑ lam a Cie appro1rhtte box: �Ployarwtfb 4. 01amag �I • I• Owe 2.0 employees aka andorp } Iir • haveed the sub-contractors 6. 111 New••.... , .:. lam a sok proprietor et partner. ` fisted on the attached sheet. ship and have no employees Those ave7. ■ _,... , . working fit me in any capacity. employees workers' 8. IIo hien Dem (No waders'camp. nae comp.iawranoe,i 9. ■ adt5tion hmm 3.0 tam edh m s.0 We are aoorponafonand its 10 $ a mayor Mate(No w odccm Rall welt officers fexem exemption ped their 11.■eowner doing Plum : or tdamems er ItiGL . insurance regcmed.]t e.152.§i(4),and we ha i ■ Roof employos.(No waken' 13.■ Other '� ---- cdu6m:Its�ldwtmortmewoke Mm •.insurancer r_eweaswheateaiO'saag dry atedohyAwowed 04 .... Slacks - oaaseatdwelt te Isnot aioneda acleaad eoeeooeoa mast m aaplvoa. Mit se w)bere )s.dry'knee work�oreoo 9.policymataroft subiosinpica a0raet .. thoree terra fass tat employerdist bprvrrdbtgworkers'comeanadoir6r ft, ;, &Win the lacenradom Irotrm'e°Compal'Name .y !'iU I)� / t l 141. r PblirySorSc ins, ,/y /► a ufa. /, •W��� i�Ra bastion ' . I I S I . �1 •,ttaeb a copy of the workers'een 't�tateJZtp I r Altace to seem as ceder Sarum 23A of P !' poll'dae4ratbn aYawk,thep I • - penalties of Pate op to 81.500.00 aedhr Mal.0.132 an leada Itirm oft• ••1• 01 ' •• ••••• aspiration tee atop to$250.00 a day ; •••_ _ C°t'as wd[as civil txaetdea m the firm oft i a p , • . ORDER and a}lam Investigations of the D advised catjot °fes statement may be •I to ,...018ce of fbkeel,we •-eirigmr of afirrydmtt4ebeormttkorpr t •r�llk !o I - aware rIgaIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIII ane4t as net rite blWsarea,A►beconpletedbyelyortown pfida( City or?owr: pereiteieene g tants Arritwtiy(deck oneyt • I.nowt',Meet* 2.DaDaliandDeparture 3. ' 41.Other CttytTawa Clerk 4.Electrical Inspect* 5.Plumb eg Inspector Ginn Finer nere to: ^'. • Informadon and ' 9ti4cdon9 • rawre•wnr Gard taws day*inv l .asmpiilisIs • . wodon'oompsaleaOw disk__ boyssa Passe Mthis stslassia aaflyrrbdefied ar-.awgp ramie •• ante Eat rude wq emend onkel expos a Implied,oral or at' Aaafter isdated mesa 3odieideel,p ►apoetYdaa. -. . . . . edit 110 anal Nwarts ,lbasftssippdbe�a� aesawyreadI (ibpi andna .,ca maSo statkie tido ens pasatiipssasLdesadbs • atlinsatpiglepseilepaa fliwanei • Von ste hoedbeeTsai set meas*aArse spasm*sal reidiamalik es as soaps • ��wtltephags sfstelbr*be ea*byspa nsIsdemeleleama. -. . a web eased at Se es boas ass Magma salt. mass dee sal set bens et - sesphsyht"7'-,...4b.A —' baaemployee WO*r. -' ; - MO,�prr . *sheSastd t "aeeyWaleesbeg sMterISMS aesa pm*le spades Sims et Is eakiel le'IkeasareddiSway abe bet pataleall seteptaMe Sawnw Sans asevrap nate "�--. MASCO, Amax IA� yeaattess5.- . ! sat 14ens p sea atter saes sesand OadapeitasOp lsworkteetd Wa -a tesapliews L"teleSwabs*bee pususdatteeaaeaetlsp . .. . ,• • wtbtisiaemca Appade Fldin dm subsea eamp�se es sabl reta Fla gMelA by - - . . i�eid sexsupplyspply sRs)saue(e�adAar(�tt)awtlpies deed k e isyaw deedee sad,i! m ankaalf4 at has LISS � gedLge Cas(LLtdrdtt itity • (UP)lab aewq abedistte aLIS thee• a pineyleseptet lbebbed data*aiw �� dthinapsetatb The allidnit anal asaYAsiW4s_tmlastirasse�wepAbe meAtl .silikMt beWsdwasInadm ie paellas Uses n. . as die fac ita hare • st- -U) m spade.Irks ishewn a sskein oappPdiy��pis as eptrretaassaiaebumf bans s-hendssaamiesshwa ea* aslpuasIbis aim sewlba Clint Ten Ofilleab • • Phase bears asthe stabs*iimaim srpied W t �te . p�reta ens an*ter yew er ow k the n die Me atbawdptiwa la i spin5i bees syphons Pans beaxe Is peasilkaas alba • mass aliteks.se applies do soma site mi*bpladelleare*pleads Isankle sanest Isdbaive awes flaky isieaila(faaasey)sal sow lob SWAdis"sapmbeas "bit matrAaAstitedat #lahabeseoel *alapadaaatky �l°estlea as appartseposedi eewidd to we Mskaban b dg roger' bseMit le se yeah'ssiarew din bebeitlgsNa meep�wukaseit a �stie�le/aNae (Lasag 6eeaorpuma isbun k a ems)aid pima taia y - ._ .. Sin �aaase 7teleae Mat a hw ast tip wadi Ie dads se is stow barn y .. . ad abed/yew awe asf____s, sive us s the Daweasts saes whilst ahead The Ctmema:w idth of . . • . Demented of Sushi Orbs ethraupthaw 600 Wa Steel MA 02111 TeL M 6174274900axb100a 1-1177 Raised 111424/11Fad I617.7I7.17�19 www,msp.ger/3a U • • • • S• tis • • 1Pt: • .. , PLOT PLAN r •. FOR LOT t AIn Indicate a location of garage or .. •,_L e, b ions with dashed lines -------- r Sewerage ---�---- •44 v r_.••G I i� I �•% FF I t": (let................ft. rear) f Abuitti rs d ' Name. .* '0' Lot t - v `, '+ I Abutbor I Name Lot t r this is 6A REAR YARD artier let, Arita in name •••••••.1..•.ft• If this g street. corner ' I G f write i I f .. name of 0 other I E ,o• street. 41 • 4 • SIDE YARD SIDE YARD . HOUSE• • -1---Et'I •• • • • • SET BACK • 1 I a 30 // a -re� w a \ (NAME OF STREET) / \ / \ Information Supplied by -----7 ARK NORTH POINT ---- `- AC RO_ MCGRPOS-01 ZHELLWIG �� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INS RANGE I DATE DIIIMEMEM 8 THIS CER WICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS . RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTE- THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT B EN T4 ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder leen ADDITIONAL INSURED,the poCey(les)must ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed, If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,Certain isles may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer fights to the certifiese holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Writ:X dray Insurance Agency,hi South Dennis,MA 02660 A . . - FPN�c,rl p(s77)816 2156 "Das mei rode 8rax.co n — --- ---.1- MAC II gasment?ll .NaN81A:NEMlers ndemnity�C�ompanyofAmMa '25566 McGrath Post 6 Beam Corp .- wme p;Trtwelere rrdemnHy�Canpeny . .. dbs Pine Harbor Woos Products ,mpimele:New Ham. .hire Employers Insurance Compsn ,13083 259 Queen Anne Rd - :INSURER p; Harwich,MA 02645 _.._.._. .. INSURER r: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: _ REVISION NUMBET(: THIS Lt TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO NSURISCI NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PER CO INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT. - OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CATS TE MAY BE CONDIsum TIONS OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLL±$ .a..- _.a, HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TME FOR ONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY- . CLAIMS. ' ANOSOI.:WAvYBoR� POLICY NUMBER - TB arnmuuxca l IM 1Bp l ' ..., FA MITE A X cOMMnnaALoersearamny C AeASATAOE X'OCCUR poiGccultaIraf .:1 1,000,000 1.660-036613196-TIA-16 01/31/2010 01/11@019 £ 100,000 I El0•{AM cop Pram) 5 5,000 .GIM AGGREGATE LAWTAPPLIES PER: PEf'ISOµA,s ADP INJURY ! 1,000,000 X:POLICY' L LOC IBEARRAI,AGGREGATE _.! 2,000,000 .. ODER • PRoPtIOT!•mREFOGAGG;! 2,000.000 B I s AUTOMOBILE . i I .CCABN ,RaaE LW . ,$ 1,000,000 . . -: owtair ANY AUIO ro, BA-44670666.18.5a 01/31/216 01/31/219 �1E�si UTO ONLY X AAURMpOIAEDp WDLV H.MiY1 P?!! ) $ .X:"n1ITOs agar .X ;Sint? ilk' DOOILY FLOURY IP.,.vb.q 5 1• ! IaON�IA LIAO OCCUR i s • , •EXCESS LIAR ' IRIMS-MADE. I •ACCG OCCURRENCE ,$ . DED % ;RETEN OI$ I .AGdeEGATE S C WORKERS oYERPs°ueaTOMirr r/n X 1aIPER TAnne _:oT _at AQNFYCPREOPRIMETaOERRFARTNERIE)(ECUrIyE ECC•600-4000957.2015A 07/00120111 07/04/2019 r' F�A��G�1�ACtIOEN1, .! 100,000 eNy.e,iF�d,r 9s NN)EXCLUDED? N' N/A .OrkRI�ON OF OPFRATIONS Son I I ,EL weEA.9E•EA B.&LDYEE,f 100,000 EL DISEASE-FOGGY IIMIT'$ .DDD DESCRIPTION OP OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS(VNSCLM(ACORD ley AdelloselRamas absda.,sr be swd,ed a.Ewe ser.Is Ise*M CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE A67VE DESCRIBED POLICES SE CANCELLED fl Torn of YarmouthTHE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. NOTICE YELL BE DELIVERED se Bonding Dept ACCORDANCE PATH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 1145 Main SC Routs 26 South Yarmouth,MA 02684 AVINORDiD REEREeprTMNE ACORD 25(MOM) �� 01908.2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights resorved The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACO RD teezteal r Office of Consumer Affairs and Business 1 egula ion -1 10 Park Plaia - Suite 5170 Boston, Massae�,setts 02116 _ s Home Improvement.+tt ;.i tor Regist ation•. �• C•C . wealth of assachusetts MCGRATH POST & BEAM CO.• 1= " D ilio^of Proles ` nal Licensure ears .u St __ Board o Building Regul ons and Standards JAMES MCGRATH w : _. 'a I!.,SVbfek4 .1 d 2 Family 253 QUEEN ANNE RD. , con. uetio HARWICH MA 02645• d CSF•-073865 ;•, ;wail i ' - Edpves 03114!2029 � $.4* JAMES CIRCGRAD/1 i : '4"" sl _ P . .S WIJYNdvenss.R TO l `4 s .:r J C4- is, •• • I 1 'y Office of Consumer Affairs and Busine • Regu -tion 10 Park Plaza- Suite 5170 Boston, Mahusetts 0211: Home Improvemgt • tractor Regi• 1 ation in _ ,,, Type Corporation MCGRATH POST&BEAM CO. ,.,_ -` s` b R:• stration: .132935 W 1 ' ••?ration: 10/30/2018 259 Queen Anne Rd. i --` 1.� Harwich, MA 02645 �N`� _ '1-1-_:72/ .1-1 Mt'. _ `- 1�.: Update .. _sand • seal. Mark reason for change. scat 0 201+41111 — Qj g> O Address ■ Renew: 0 Employment 0 Lost Card a1aesaciaseita .15 .C Consumer Anne BusinessRegulation R "''"".. HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR Registration valid for lndM• I use only Z.a. ,'.- , Type: CaPaaOm before the expiration date. If •and to: '/l"'' -4,pri alptnafion Fxdretbll Office of Consumer Affairs a • Business •egulation �� I-f 5 10FtW2018 10P. Plaza-Suite5170 ,, . Bost•n,MA 02116 McGRATH POST 'BEAfufCQ. Q fie. D/B/A Pine Harpai i/00121" i Products James McGRATH Is- U t al %r if 259 Queen Mine Rd.- `' or / Not valid withou signatu - Hwwich.MA 0264S