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, 4. &Mate' ///41" ONE & TWO FAMILY ONLY-BUILDING PERMIT Town of Yarmouth Building Department /w 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664-4492 / '; 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 E. i Massachusetts State Building Code,780 CMR �: f Building Permit Application To Construct,Repair,Renovate Or Demolish _ a One-or Two-Family Dwelling ' ' - ' ''',",•:' ,'t''"; This Section For official Use a, BuildingPeritNmr & /qo77I Dateppd ��n/ A NBuildmg Offiaal(PrmtName) S.ignsWro {fie O T SECTION 1:SITE INFORMATION . m 11.1 Property Address: 1.2 Assessors Map&Parcel Numbers rrt 0 in, 15C,s \A,tTct4L./n mIt0, s.VAf. 79; 1Z3 z W :'j ' ' 1.1a Is this an accepted street?yes ✓ no_ Map Number Paul Number r CO n N cc 1.3 Zoning Information: 1.4 Property Dimensions: r a s a• t t :ILA 117 re-, w "1 ,..-4 its Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Area(sq ft) Frontage(ft) -0 Cl) ITI I— C-3 i. 1.5 Building Setbacks(ft) 0 m O l' From Yard Side Yards Rear Yard Z 0 L_.— I m Acquired Provided Required Provided Required Provided M G 1.6 Water Supply:(MO.L c.40,154) 1.7 Food Zone Information: 1.8 Sewage Disposal System: Public 1 Private O Zone. _ Outside FCheck it lood Zope? Municipal 0 On site P disposal system I `. F r.'7SECTION 2 PROP$RTYQ`9VNERSIIIPt ` - .1 Owner'of Record: 1 ,. .. es11c. ` xft_t4ourtk I4P o2CoCa4 Name(Print) 1tLtr(cw SI t el r 1 O S Crty.$ .Z2 15G, liItrci3\✓ote,- 'M SAR-3(o7-57?.o ettQ.Slr\& Veil/te hear No.and Street S. . A,itA.A b tis Telephone Email Address sLUO?3.btSCR1PTIQNORFROPO$W%VQRKt(ch4iitihat'ap1ly) ', New Construction 0 Existing Building 0 Owner-Occupied 0 Repairs(s) O F Alteration(s) 0 Addition 117/ Demolition 0 Accessory Bldg.0 Number of Units_ Other 0 Specify: Brief Description of Proposed Work2: a w L. e ,,, V , . oCL�A.ctr_ nr. 14-ouSLe- i.un ALF .4noir, t.l-t_- e kT't-Mo 1 . ;,::;:i.:(-,..f.,: . .. .Ec QN �ATE1foNs '.x,[10.014.COSTS s, ". ; • Item - Estimated4i ES M►Costs: (Labor and Materials) 1• k. `} , , , 1)f1. -: vae pwy° . .,. .f 1.Building $ 4o 600 'LUnllIdinePetmttF udcateh4pt)'e4ts(letedumed . d 2.Electrical $ ' :s Standard Citylt'gn,AppU att 9h'e4.'' i;t< s r . 4i 3.bcsc.. t3.}1'otalProlectCost'(Item_bl)xmtiltiphrs ', x "' 3.Plumbing $ t tin o 2Othe('x'5es $ ' °k"'� 4.Mechanical (HVAC) $ 5.Mechanical (Fire $ Suppression) TotalAll'1'ees S. t:',!:-.- Ft. • Smowd _ Cash °rmotmb ` 6.Total Project Cost $ 44 Sob Oumtaudm8l)kimt- Due 3is.: NOV 02 2018 y BE ' J 7 r • . . SECTIONS:.CONSTRUCTION SERVICES . r .'.. . • . 5.1 Construction Supervisor License(CSL) C N Ariel P-S , S 1,,\ ns Number— OA I-�to �= 1 wt D i,J S Expiration Date Name of CSL Holder List CSL Type(see below) t) I 56 W►-rat l,Inn e Dav�rlption . No.and Street • • 1 ft-t,,\A ort—lk- M — U Unrestricted d (Buildings s up tol 33.000 cu.R) .','TJ','t'r �" \ R Restricted 112 Family Dwelling Cityffo tate,ZIP M Masonry • O Z G eol RC Roofing Covering WS Window and Siding • SF Solid Fuel Burning Appliances .9°-367-17Zo C2c5111&✓c.ra'1ou, I Insulation Telephone Email address )4(F{ D Demolition 5.2 Registered Home Improvement Contractor(HIC) R a (o Ivo •CMlARj &< cam, It-ii-M �I tr(Name e,t_t S HIC Registration Number Expiration Det HIC Company Name or HIC Registrant Nam j5"A Wr•retnWoo n 170. CI�.SIVIcV&A.ItoLi. /✓ctiT No.and Street Email address <nort*_ 1 Al ouTt� H1%. ,4•R-3c7-S7za City/Town,S Telephone SECTION 6:WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c.151§ 25C(6)) • Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes CI No 0 • •- • • . -SECTION 7a:OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN • OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT .. . 1,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorizer t...A(LI Ca-S 1 tom( g4 t Lt S to act on my behalf;in all matters relative to war.�1'1� , by this buil. •g permit application. Nuc. ( �_ /�.�Tc�i, lc+r. S Z.o)E Print Owner's Name(Electronic Signature) {mate .SECTION 7b:O' VP`r t''�� :OARED AGENT DECLARATION By entering my name below,I hereby attest under the p.'.. and penalties of perjury that all of the information contained in this application is true and accurate to '* • my knowledge • understanding. i i i - ✓,tot S�i / _ 6C'� el 24/R Print Owner's or Authorized _-.t'sName(El- •>' Date • 5: 1. An Owner who obtains a building p, .. . •. .o .• .ex own work,or an owner who hires an unregistered contractor (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under M.O.L.c. 142A.Other important information on the HIC Program can be found at www.masssov/oq Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www.mass.aov/dps 2. When substantial work is pruned,provide the information below. Total floor area(sq.ft.) 4 L�" h (including garage,finished basement/attics,.decks or porch) Gross living area(sq.ft.) I dit,QO Habitable room count ,1— Number of fireplaces I I Number of bedrooms Z Number of bathrooms 1 Number of half/baths -- Type of heating system A a j /Far I-Ji Thre-1.- Number of decks/porches / Type of cooling system Enclosed Open ?7KK 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost" • II The Commonwealth of Massachusetts e_,F,j�_:/ Department ojlndustrfalAccidents ml- 3 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 • =;e I Boston,MA 02114-2017 >-„;;;„o> www.mass.gov/dia Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit:Builders/Contractors/Electriclans/Plambers. TO BE FILED WITH TUE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Leeibly Name(Business/Organization/Individual): Om? 12 ea( L __S'/N/.1 o l,/.{ Address: ( 56 kA/boar],_/oar 'Cin - City/State/Zip: Stx,m1 An M bv-rtr MA , Phone#: 58 —3107— 57 2,0Arc you an employer?Cheek the ap oprlate box: Type of project(required): 1.0 I am a employer with employees(full and/or pan-time).* 7. 0 New construction 2.E I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in 8. 0 Remodeling any capacity.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 3. 1 am a homeowner doingall work ) 9. 0 D molition ❑ myself[No workers'comp.insurance required. ? 4.0 I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my pwyc.ty. 1 will 10 [�B Funding addition ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.0 Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees 12.❑Plumbing repairs or additions 5.❑Iamageneral contactor and Ihave hired the veworkers'coslisted onthe attached sheet . 13.0 Roof repairs These sub-contractors have employees and have workers'comp.insurance.* 6.0 We aa corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. 14.❑Other re 152,§I(4),and we have no employees.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 'Any applicant that checks box#1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contactors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. ?Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide their workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below b the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Name: Policy#or Self-ins.Lic.#: Expiration Date: Job She Address: t gC, ‘,./1T! 1-!Were 0 '0..p City/State/Zip:sor r,tt�j4gNt)d NA Rill-. Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number an expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verificatio. Ido hereby ,?- :• • • d •• •es of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct "- _e•' !aae Date: OCT9 2o(8 'hot #' L—r — 4, Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town officiaL JCity or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: . 4 a O�"Y''R TOWN OF YARMOUTH �' G BUILDING DEPARTMENT N iia.- 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 4. • S3 508-398-2231 ext.1261 Fax 508-398-0836 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT Pursuant to M.G.L.Chapter 40,Section 54 and 780 CMR,Chapter 1,Section 111.5, I hereby certify that the debris resulting from the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at 15(.m WI-re-1A\,Jo0 o to Work Address Is to be disposed of at the following location: �F2Movr(��fJ ftSit-[_ . Said disposal site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. Chapt- 1 Section 150A. . 1/SiiesI 6C-re ,, ?nig ..natur• . ' • . . cation— 'Date Permit No. Office of Consumer Affairs& Business Regulation-Mass.Gov Page 1 of 2 • Mass.gov Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation (OCABR) HIC Registration Complaints Registration # 180664 Registrant Charles Simmons Name CHARLES SIMMONS Address 156 Witchwood Rd City, State Zip South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Expiration Date 12/10/2018 Complaints Details No complaints found for this registrant. I You can also view arbitration and Guaranty Fund history. Back To Search Site Policies Contact Us https://services.oca.state.ma.us/hic/licdetails.aspx?txtSearchLN=180664 10/30/2018 • • TOWN OF YARMOUTH • • 3} re .fie' WATER DEPARTMENT • El i• y 99 Buck Island Road �w �4 • .,West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Telephone: (508) 771-7921 • Fax: (508) 771-7998 • BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION • DEPARTMENTAL SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET Bldg. Site Location I5 C, tharc ne/nr,in At, Proposed Improvement: A-C-v 1T'es( _ ,.,g tilt, c,1 U /-"Citc. f-- Applicant: OJJ4-ll(c' & • { t4IAQ L_L Address\sL t Ctt t4 cxy 'VLrc Tel. #: ,moo -3 7.5 ?Z®ate Filed: ac_e- -/Zd C 8 • • • RESIDENTIAL AND / OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING Water Department: Determines Compliance of Water Availability and or Existing Location Engineering Department: Determines Compliance for Parking and Drainage Conservation Commission: Determines Compliance to Wetlands Acts; i.e. If Lot(s) Border any Type of Wetlands, Streams, Ponds, Rivers, Ocean, Bogs, Bays, Marshland, Etc... Health Department: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations, i.e.; Requirements for Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities .Fire Departm t: Determines Compliance to State and Town Requirements for Personal, Safety, Property Protection;, i.e. Smoke Detectors, Sprinkler Systems, Etc... X./Si•r !e •applicant Date PLEASE NOTE: COMMENTS: • • • Revie edby Watelbiv elfin Date '0th}kS TOWN OF YARMOUTH v O HEALTH DEPARTMENT '6, 14:i1;.51 PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Location: - - . • /P r Lai 0 on Proposed Improvement: 13 X ! Co ^A op r-)s, ct C rr4-hsi t >y e..i Oil/4._ tGLS .cit /...5,0 c/i / JJ Applicant: I't la 1Tc or tt/oci 12, _ Tel. No.:503 -367-57Z-c3 Address: )5T6 L,// 'FLU- ( t/d rrp TLS Date Filed:Oct To/S **If you would likee- ail notification of sign off please rovide e-mail address: Owner Name: /M-2eeel( please Owner Address: /Sb Lit Tat kJ0c LM - Owner Tel. No.;So.5 2(7 7zo RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note:Floor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY:AbOr alief DATE: Al '-- 1 ye PLEASE NOTE CO TENTS/ ,sNDI IONS: --e L fir. .e..... J.. r.... '- "te;r ! L, la/ g./: 4%=n Areas: 110 mph Wind Zone / o p4 V'Vr1 TMJ Gll U"to Wood Construction in 12i Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance (783 CMR 5301.2.1.1)' 0 Check Compliance 1.1 SCOPE 110 mph Wind Speed(3-sec.gust) — B Wind Exposure Category — 1.2 APPLICABILITY Number of Stories (Fig 2) l stories S 2 stories — Roof Pitch (Fig 2) 42.r 12 512:12 Mean Roof Height (Fig 2) **ft 5 33' • — ' Building Width,W (Fig 3) 7]�ft 5 80' — Building Length,L' ' (Fig 3) 80' Building Aspect Ratio(IJW) • (Fig 4) Si' S 3:1 — Nominal Height of Tallest Opening ,, (Fig 4) s 8'8' — 1.3 FRAMING CONNECTIONS • General compliance with framing connections (Table 2) 2.1 FOUNDATION Foundation Walls meeting requirements of 780 CMR 5404.1 Concrete — Concrete Masonry — . 2.2 ANCHORAGE TO FOUNDATION1'3 5/8"Anchor Bolts Imbedded or 5/8"Proprietary Mechanical Anchors as an alternative In concrete my BoltSpacng-general (Table 4)..Qllk4 W6 IIIgraSin. — Bolt Spacing from end/joint of plate (Fig 5) rig-in.s 6"-12" — Bolt Embedment-concrete (Fig 5) 2_in.a 7" — Bolt Embedment-masonry (Fig 5) — in.k 15" — Plate Washer (Fig 5) a 3'x 3"x h — 3.1 FLOORS Floor Maximum Floor Openinmember g Dimensionans ed (per 6)0 CMR Chapter 55)±ft s 12'or U2 or W/2 — Full Height Wall Studs at Floor.Openings less than 2'from Exterior Wall(Fig 6) •� — Maximum Floor Joist Setbacks _ft S d Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Shearwall (Fig 7) • — Maximum Cantilevered Floor Joists ' , Supporting Loadbearing Walls or Shearwall • (Fig 8) — ft s d . • Floor Bracing at Endwalls ' (Fig 9) — Floor Sheathing Type (per 780 CMR Chapter 55) Floor Sheathing Thickness _(per 780 CMR Chapter 55) in. _ • Floor Sheathing Fastening (Table 2)..id nails at CP in edge//24.in field 4.1 WALLS Wall Height • • FI 10 and Table 5) /v .ft s 10' Loadbearing walls ( g � Non Loadbearing walls (Fig 10 and Table 5) s 20' Wall Stud Spacing ' (Fig 10 and Table 5) n.5 24"o.c. • Wall Story Offsets • . (Figs 7&8) _ft s d . '.4.2 EXTERIOR WALLS3 Wood Studs able 5) x LIOft ' in. Loadbearing walls (T 2 �- Non-Loadbearing walls (Table 5) 2x f_ ft.T In. Gable End Wall Bracing1 Full Height Endwall Studs (Fig 10) -- FSP Attic Floor Length (Fig 11)....i .(( ft kW/3 • — Gypsum Ceiling Length(if WSP not used) (Fig 11) _ft 2 0.9W 2 x 4 Continuous Lateral Brace©6 ft.o.c. .(Fig11) As LE \ ' _r_s_ „tta C l�/a - 2q/• � • • * 101161 O ✓/Ge. ' teSSIONPI • ° s't 1°rrs fibmit 0 /5& vJ)t Of iat 7 P.41 h n i Yb0 r� )MA • • I, .4WC C Guide ft r%rics C'wjStritct/zn: .1: high WindAre.s.' 1.70 ri i;l Wind Zone 'Massachusetts Checklist for Compliance ? }C3iR53 1.2.i.1) Loadbearing Wall Connections • ' Lateral(no.of endnailed 16d common nails) (Table 7) _a_ . Non-Loadbearing Wall Connections . Lateral(no.of endnailed 16d common nails) (Table 8) ' Z — Load Bearing Wall Openings(record largest opening but check all openings for compliance to Table 9) • Header Spans (Table 9) ft -- in.s 11' Sill Plate Spans (Table 9) ft=In.5,11'` • Full Height Studs (no.of studs) (Table 9) t I ) __ Non-Load Bearing Wall Openings(record largest opening but check all openings for compliance to Table 9) Header Spans (Table 9) (0_ ft=in.s 12' -.7 3 _ Sill Plate Spans.... (Table 9) ft In.5 12" _ Full Height Studs(no.of studs) (Table 9) CI) _ ' Exterior Wall Sheathing to Resist Uplift and Shear Simultaneously' ' Minimum Building Dimension,W Nominal Height of Tallest Opening2 • 1_1s56, Sheathing Type (note 4) Edge Nail Spacing (Table 10 or note 4 if less) in. Field Nail Spacing (Table 10) 42_in. Shear Connection(no.of 16d common nails)(Table 10) • Percent Full-Height Sheathing (Table 10) /oy 7 r33&._L(� t' 5%Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening>6'8" (Design Concepts) Maximum Building Dimension, L Nominal Height of Tallest Opening2 -";V %8" — Sheathing Type (note 4) — Edge Nail Spacing (Table 11 or note 4 if less) " in: — ' Field Nail Spacing (Table 11) ,T2—t — Shear Connection(no.of 16d common nails)(Table 11) ' r— ' Percent Full-Height Sheathing (Table 11) 414--2,7 =� 5%Additional Sheathing for Wall with Opening>6'8°(Design Concepts) Wall Cladding Rated for Wind Speed? _ 5.1 ROOFS • Roof framing member spans checked? (For Rafters use AWC Span Tool,see BBRS Website) •_ Roof Overhang (Figure 19) 4-k ft S smaller of 2'or L/3 Truss or Rafter Connections at Loadbearing Walls p Proprietary Connectors 16114.0 5t/ag Uplift (Table 12) (-15'N Z,SA — Lateral (Table 12) , L= • Shear (Table 12) S= Ridge Strap Connections, if collar ties not used per page 21 (Table 13) T= -Ir_$7•7/P . Gable Rake Outlooker (Figure 20) / ft s smaller of 2'or U2 Truss or Rafter Connections at Non-Loadbearing Walls Proprietary Connectors ' ' Uplift (Table 14) U= - lb. • Lateral(no.of 16d common nails)...(Table 14) . L=lb. Roof Sheathing Type (per 780 CMR Chapters 58 an 59) _ Roof Sheathing Thickness . ..:71b in.2 7/ 6' P Roof Sheathing Fastening • (Table 2) ed.6.4 le_06/= ba f 1 Notes: 1. This checklist must be met in Its entirety,excluding the specific exception noted in 2,to comply with the requirements of 780 CMR 53012.1.1 Item 1. If the checklist is met in its entirety then the following metal straps and hold downs are not " required per the WFCM 110 mph Guide: a. Steel Straps per Figure 5 . b. 20 Gage Straps per Figure 11 c. Uplift Straps per Figure 14 • . d. All Straps per Figure 17 e. Corner Stud Hold Downs per Figure 18a . 2. Exception:Opening heights of up to 8 ft. shall be permitted when 5%is added to the percent full-height sheathing • ' requirements shown in Tables 10 and 11. 3. The bottom sill plate in exterior walls shall be a minimum 2 in.nominal thickness. pressure treated#2-grade. 1,1 F/ze 'zq7ul(a;C. .) � 51%1 0 •` `Em ' ��FEssio . e a . • 6b NttLh I ' e, , D.c F.-' 1 k- 4 • \' . • I ad i�.y . Whr ED&E . I f fl 1 Y wre kt.VtMt 1 I ' 1 f, C IN'ff�lAEDINCE CDGI; I I . l 1 I 1 bh\bt �,TY?. 1t'16,14bES..TIP.—7_,4 . ( I I i t I V it `m la. . 1 b.niiu. 1 _ ‘ 1 - • y-- --r— - -��- "''_ �MIN., POiNEd. _ Dries <• ; N—W�'P-- - _ P . WSP ATTACHMENT , go-r,'To ".5CGAI.'E.-. O TOVERT• t, 0RIZ. TGAT NOTES: • • Wood Structural Panels shall be minimum thickness of 7/16"and be installed as follows: L Panels shall be installed with strength axis parallel in studs- ii. All halzounl jointi shall occur over and be nailed to framing .iii. On single uoryotu Ftrucdon,panels shall be attached to bottom plates and top mcmberpf the double `: . top plate. iv. On two story cotuwetion.upper' panels shall be attached to dr topumember of the upper double top . plate and to bud joist at bottom of panel.Upper attachment of lower panel:ball be made to bud joist and o<rust non framing. • lower attachment made to lowest plate . .,- v. sparingtop plata joists, girders v. Horizontal nail •n at double band andshall be a double row of>b .. staggered at 3 incbes on center per titans below:Vertical and Harimntal Nailing for Panel Ahschrnenl , . t.. . .., , a • { cissa Asp • .7an V, •7'o „,,Ay° c,it p Q _ 0 C. 0Ik. H _, b..., z l2 a '' I • — s111V,I tii 11.4M' Ul'tti1S1l-10 'toot) o y1NPN 1 i — I' F ._ • _ _•_ _ __, __ _ 11-_. __2._ — 2.— — -- — —1„ 1 - -- - ---- - -- - �" -�:J r �•' c r ,a, . I.1 _ . , 3 a 4 O ' r T -.-- T T —•' -m _-r- .!-r.__ �-T __ _- !--T -r - A `1 l� 1.... • •� �_ .� -- �_ .-L� -J� -1 .��► r LSV • ,^ a I. v, Y k 4 NI 1 - 4 3M I91r'O4 pnfLOMILG dooM I . 1 - V " • GENERAL NOTES AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: (Residential IRC Construction) SK"1 FOUNDATIONS .. . I.All workmanship to conform to the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code,latest edition. 2. For site location and grading information,see Site Plan,by others. • 3. Assumed net allowable soil bearing capacity;q=3000 psf,for a medium sand/gravel composition. Other soils encountered, • contact the Engineer of Record." • 4. Concrete: Minimum 28 day strength,fc=3000 psi,3/4"aggregate,designed per American Concrete Institute Code,latest issue,maximum slump=4". a) Anchor bolts ASTM A307 galvanized,min.5/8"diameter, 12"long,w/2-1/2"hook spaced per Code Checklist,or in concrete piers w/Simpson ABU-series base;SPACED 2'o/c for slab-on-grade construction(i.e.Garage,Basement walkout, etc.). • b.) All walls to have min.2#4 top horizontal,2"clear,to prevent shrinkage cracks c.) All walls longer than 25'shall have vertical control joint with waterstopping between wall joint. FRAMING 1.All workmanship to conform to the requirements of the Massachusetts State Building Code,latest edition. 2.Structural Design'Loads: Dead Loads:Actual Weight of Building Components Live Loads:Snow Load =30 psf(plus drift)with applicable reduction ATTIC Storage=20 psf Living Floor=40 psf Sleeping Floor=30 psf • Decks and Balconies-40 psf Wind Load: Criteria used for 110 MPH Exposure B or C as noted per plans 3. Structural Steel: (as required) a. ASTM A572 Grade 50;shop paint with rust inhibitive paint.Thru-Bolts: ASTM A307,1/2"diameter;punched holes: 9/16"diameter. b. Welds: Shop weld cap and base plates to columns;shop weld bearing plates to beams;use E70xx electrodes. Alternatively,field weld by certified welders. c. Deflection Criteria: L/360 total load deflection. 4.Timber Framing: a.All new timber framing:Spruce-Pine-Fir No.2 with Fb=I000psi,E=1,300,000 psi,or better. • b.Pressure treated timber(P3'.):Southern Pine with Fb=1300 psi,E=1,600,000 psi,or better. c.Laminated Veneer Lumber:All L.V.L.shall be 1.9E L.V.L.with Fb=2925 psi,E=1,900 ksi,Fv=285 psi,Fc per=750 psi. Fcpar=3035 psi. Parallam(PSL):All PSL shall be min. 1.9E ES with Fb=2900 psi,E=1,900 ksi,Fv-285 psi,Fc_per=750 psi, Fc_par-2900 psi. Note that Microllam and Parallam may be used interchangeably. 1. Deflection Criteria: 1/480 Live Load,U360 Total Load 2. Optional:'Provide shop drawing submittal of engineered lumber systems for approval prior to materials purchasing. 5.Metal Connectors: As manufactured by Simpson Strong-Tie Co.shall be handled and installed per manufacturer requirements,with all nail holes filled,with the size nail as specified by mfgr.or herein. a. Rafter to Ridge Beam: Simpson LSSU-series,or Simpson Straps over top of plywood,spaced 16"o/c; Rafter to Ridge Plate: Collar ties min. 1x6@ 16"o/c at top or Simpson Straps over top of plywood spaced 16"o/c b. Rafter ends to top plate: Simpson H2.5A c. Band Joist: Simpson straps at 4'o/c: CS-14R-48"centered at band joist 6.Bolts: Bolts in wood framing shall be standard machine bolts unless noted otherwise.Bolt holes in wood shall be 1/32"larger than • bolt diameter.Bolt heads and nuts shall bear on standard malleable iron washers,or square plate washers.All nuts shall be retightened at completion of job. • 7.Blocking: a.Blocking shall be solid blocking,2x minimum,and full depth of member. b.Stud Walls:provide blocking at 8'-0"o/c,maximum height. Corners to be blocked at 48"o/c with plywood edge nailing to this blocking for the first 48"of these building corners. c.Nailing Schedule: Solid Blocking to Bearing 2-8d toenails ea.side Blocking Between Studs 2-IOd toenails ea.end,or 2-16d end-nails ea.End d. New Framing:Provide 2x blocking for 2 joist/rafter bays and spaced 48"o/c in joist and rafter plane at all edges;attach plywood edges to this blocking 8.Nailing Schedule: All nailing shall be in accordance with the WFCM Table 3.1 unless noted herein specifically. • Multiple Studs I6d a 12"staggered a.All nails shall be common wire nails. • b.Sub-bore where;nails tend to split wood. 9. Headers less than 4'-0",use 2.2x6;all others per MA State Building Code. Ryder, Certified Plot Plan Location.• &Wilcox 156 Witchwood Rd SURVEYING • ENGINEERING So. Yarmouth, AlA prepared for HOME PLANNING&DESIGN Charles a Roberta 9 GIDDIAH HILL ROAD Simmons PO BOX 439 SOUTH ORLEANS,MA 02662 508-255-8312 Scale' 1 a= 30' www.ryder-wilcox.com Date: October 1, 2018 EXISTING SHED 100.00' \-111 \ ^' D� DECK • EXIST. I i� o _ 19.7 t -� TO BE REMOVED) µ � PROPOSED , ' 111 21.O�t - ADDITION LOT 15 ' ` 11,807 S.F.f '� n O m v - Cin o r-z z PROPOSED 0 o z 0 " ADDITION R o 0 . 13' X 16' N R Izi o 0 - R R, 32.3' I APPROX. SEPTIC d; 1 LOCATION PER 1.--------- I B.O.H. INSTALLER'S ta REPOT Yarmouth Health Department Reference. • g0.00 Assn s may 78, EU. 123 w twin s �'ll tPW/iYE2rr9r ° Existing Building Coverage: ti- R ame Date 1,972 S.F,t (16.79) Proposed Building Coverage: 2,180 S.F.f (18.5%) �pa3N OF 9s &o/ PHILIP % Maximum Allowable Building Coverage: ODYSSEUS 2,952 SF (25J<) °I SCHOLOMITI y .°4)0 #36867 I certify that the dwelling shown hereon isi located as it exists on the ground. e FEss�°�� /fi2a 25th p qNC SURVE�O ��� (� Date: /VIM Professional Land Surveyor Job No. 12178 Ryder, •• Certified Plot Plan et Location: &WILCOx 1'56 Witchwood Rd SURVEYING • ENGINEERING& .S'f7. Yar7n0o HOME PLANNING DESIGN prep¢red 7L for Charles o°c Robert1�Aa 9 GIDDIAH HILL ROAD Simmons PO BOX 499 SOUTH ORLEANS,MA 02662 ' 508-455-M2 Scale: 1a-= 80' www.ryder-wilcox.com Date: October 1, 2018 EXISTING SHED 100.00' r q 1 �, 0 73 • 19.7't -SEXIST. DECK TO BE REMOVED) It PROPOSED 21.0'± - DDTION i £0T 16 `ay , 11,809' S.Ft o To n nN 0 o rri�I z PROPOSED o z 0 �' ADDITION O 0 13' X 16' R. a it WORK MU S NF I RM TO ALL o . TOWN :Y 'WS 'R: ULATIONS oo. -' R zo/if YARMOU H WATE' 1E' 30 __, I APPROX. SEPTIC LOCATION PER t________ ' I 8.0.11. INSTALLERS REPORT Yarmouth Health Department Reference: • 70,00' Assr's. map 78, Pcl. 123 • �' - w Lain S,nall APPROVEDM' A Calm Road U Olt/ �e,yr(. Existing Building Coverage: N Y me Date 1,972 S..F.f (16.7%) Proposed Building Coverage: 2,180 S.F..t (18.5%) ,04:00FM4s 1 PHILIP cy . •Maximum Allowable Building Coverage: ODYSSEUS `r • 2,952 S.F. (25%) SCHOLOMITI y I certify that the dwelling shown hereon is P #36B6at located as it exists on the ground °Fesst°�% Date: We .... , Professional Land Surveyor fob No. 12178 0 REScheck Software Version 4.63 , Compliance . Certificate Project 3.56 Witchwood Rd Energy Code: 2015 IECC Location: South Yarmouth, Massachusetts Construction Type: Single-family , Project Type: Addition Climate Zone: 5 (6137 HDD) Permit Date: , • Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: - 156 Witchwood Rd Chuck and Roberta Simmons South Yarmouth, MA 508-367-5720 cresim@verizon.net , I Compliance: 3.8%Better Than Code Maximum UA: 53 Your UA: 51 , The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. , Envelope Assemblies f .y, , n.o� "+e,...,-c ,, G t ka t' ""GfOSS Area w le frAiew,;. rhk 1,4. �-., Assembly. $- i gyp,, n ^rc « ,4r or ttn Cavity cont. ." Factor QUA S, : s sintThoet,, tt. Ay ` ,.,,9,' � : •jn“ Perimetteer, R-Value:; R-Value ,e, Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 156 49.0 0.0 0.026 4 Ceiling 2: Cathedral Ceiling 52 49.0 0.0 0.022 1 Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 378 21.0 0.0 0.057 17 Window 1:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 16 0.300 5 Window 2:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 16 0.300 5 Door 1:Glass 40 0.300 12 Floor 1:All-Wood joist/Truss:Over Outside Air 208 30.0 0.0 0.033 7 Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in REScheck Version 4.6.5 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. Name-Title Signature Date Project Title: 156 Witchwood Rd Report date: 10/17/18 Data filename: D:\REScheck\Simmons, Chuck\181017-Simmons.rck • - Page 1 of.9 • REScheck Software Version,4.6.5 " Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2015 IECC , Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen. For each requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section Plans Verified Field Verified Pre-Inspection/Plan Review Value Value Complies? -Comments/Assumptions Req.ID 103.1. Construction drawings and I ❑Complies 103.2 documentation demonstrate ❑Does Not' [PR1]1 energy code compliance for the ,0 building envelope.Thermal t❑Not Observable envelope represented on ONot Applicable construction documents. 103.1, Construction drawings and [ -,❑Complies 103.2. documentation demonstrate Does Not 403.7 energy code compliance for [P11311 lighting and mechanical systems. { ONot Observable 0 Systems serving multiple f ONot Applicable dwelling units must demonstrate I' a compliance with the IECC ;Commercial Provisions. 302.1, I Heating and cooling equipment Is Heating: Heating: ❑Complies r 403.7 ;sized per ACCA Manual S based Btu/hr Btu/hr ODoes Not [PR2]2 on loads calculated per ACCA Cooling: Cooling: IONot Observable .. . Manual J or other methods Btu/hr Btu/hr approved by the code official. ONot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 156 Witchwood Rd Report date: 10/17/18 Data filename: D:\REScheck\Simmons, Chuck\181017-Simmons.rck Page 2 of 9 ' Se bion # Foundation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 303.2.1 ;A protective covering is installed to ;❑Complies '. (F011]2 I protect exposed exterior insulation ❑Does Not and extends a minimum of 6 in.below 'grade. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.9 ;Snow-and ice-melting system controls ❑Complies [F012]z ;installed. ODoes Not ❑Not Observable ❑NotApplicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 156 Witchwood Rd Report date: 10/17/18 Data filename: D:\REScheck\Simmons, Chuck\181017-Simmons.rck Page 3 of 9 Section . ' & Plans Verified Field Verified # Framing/Rough-In Inspectionvalue - Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID ' 402.1.1, Glazing U-factor(area-weighted U-_ U-_ .❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.1, average). ❑Does Not table for values. 402.3.3, 402.5 I❑Not Observable [FR2]1 i ❑Not Applicable a 303.1.3 ;U-factors of fenestration products; ❑Complies [FR4]1 pare determined in accordance 1 ❑Does Not a ;with the NFRC test procedure or [ ❑Not Observable taken from the default table. ❑Not Applicable y 402.4.1.1 IAir barrier and thermal barrier ; ❑Complies [FR2312 Installed per manufacturers l ❑Does Not a instructions. K[]Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.4.3 Fenestration that is not site built ❑Complies (FR2011 is listed and labeled as meeting ❑Does Not ,a MMA/WDMA/CSA 101/1.5.2/A440 ❑Not Observable or has infiltration rates per NFRC 1 400 that do not exceed code 1 ,❑Not Applicable limits. I' 1 402.4.5 IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures' ❑Complies . [FR1612 !sealed at housing/interior finish ' - ❑Does Not 1 and labeled to Indicate s2.0 cfm ❑Not Observable leakage at 75 Pa. ❑Not Applicable 403.3.1 Supply and return ducts in attics t ❑Complies (FR1211 insulated>= R-8 where duct is ❑Does Not a >=3 Inches In diameter and >= y )❑Not Observable R-6 where <3 Inches.Supply and; return ducts In other portions of .` ❑Not Applicable the building insulated >= R-6 for : diameter>= 3 Inches and R-4.2 i 1 for< 3 inches in diameter. 403.3.5 ;Building cavities are not used as ❑Complies (FR1513 I ducts or plenums. ODoes Not a ' ❑Not Observable - ❑Not Applicable 403.4 1 HVAC piping conveying fluids R-_ R-_ ❑Complies (FR1712 1 above 10512F or chilled fluids ❑Does Not .A below 55 2F are Insulated to aR- ❑Not Observable a ❑Not Applicable 403.4.1 Protection of insulation on HVAC ❑Complies [FR2412 piping. 9 ❑Does Not a ❑Not Observable I ❑Not Applicable 403.5.3 11 Hot water pipes are insulated to R-_ R- ❑Complies [FR18]2 z,R-3. ODoes Not of / ❑Not Observable 1 ❑Not Applicable 403.6 ;Automatic or gravity dampers are; - ❑Complies (FR1912 'installed on all outdoor air ❑Does Not .intakes and exhausts. , ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact flier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 156 Witchwood Rd Report date: 10/17/18 Data filename: D:\REScheck\Simmons, Chuck\181017-Simmons.rck Page 4 of 9 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 156 Witchwood Rd Report date: 10/17/18 Data filename: D:\REScheck\Simmons, Chuck\181017-Simmons.rck Page 5 of 9 Section - Plans Verified Field Verified # Insulation Inspection Value Value Compiles? Comments/Assumptions &Req.ID 303.1 All installed insulation is labeled ❑Complies [IN13)2 d or the installed R-values ODoes Not U, ;provided. e ONot Observable y ❑Not Applicable 402.1.1, Floor insulation R-value. R-_ R-_ ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.6 0 Wood ❑ Wood I❑Does Not table for values. [1141)1 0 Steel ❑ Steel FONot Observable 0 ❑Not Applicable , 303.2, Floor insulation installed per ❑Complies 402.2.7 manufacturer's instructions and 1 ['Does Not (INV in substantial contact with the 0 underside of the subfloor,or floor ❑Not Observable framing cavity insulation is in } - ❑Not Applicable contact with the top side of ; sheathing, or continuous insulation is installed on the l: ' underside of floor framing and ( extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing .l members. 402.1.1, Wall insulation R-value.If this i5 a R-_ R. ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.5, mass wall with at least'h of the 0 Wood ❑ Wood ❑Does Not table for values. 402.2.6 wall Insulation on the wall ❑ Mass ❑ Mass ,❑Not Observable [INV exterior,the exterior insulation ,al requirement applies(FR10). 0 Steel 0 Steel ❑Not Applicable 303.2 :Wall insulation is installed per ❑Complies i [IN4)1 i manufacturer's instructions. I. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable j: - ❑NotApplicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 156 Witchwood Rd Report date: 10/17/18 Data filename: D:\REScheck\Simmons, Chuck\181017-Simmons.rck Page 6 of 9 Section ,Plans Verified Field Verified' o # Final Inspection Provisions Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 402.1.1, Ceiling insulation R-value. R- R- ❑Complies , See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.1, ❑ Wood 0 Wood ODoes Not table for values. 402.2.2• 0 Steel ❑ Steel ONot Observable [FI11l]2 ONot Applicable [F 303.1.1.1, Ceiling Insulation installed per j ❑Complies 303.2 manufacturer's instructions. ] ❑Does Not 4 [F1212 Blown insulation marked every ) ❑Not Observable 300 ft2. [- 'DNotApplicable 402.2.3 ;Vented attics with air permeable [ ❑Complies [FI22]2 "insulation Include baffle adjacent ODoes Not ;to soffit and eave vents that t 1 extends over insulation. I: . 'ONot Observable ONot Applicable - 402.2.4 'Attic access hatch and door R- R-_ :❑Complies [F13]1 insulation aR-value of the DDoes Not adjacent assembly. ONot Observable ONot Applicable ' 402.4.1.2 Blower door test @ 50 Pa. <=5 ACH 50=_ ACH 50=_ OComplies [F117]' ach in Climate Zones 1-2,and ODoes Not • <=3 ach in Climate Zones 3-8. ONot Observable ONot Applicable 403.3.4 Duct tightness test result of<=4 cfm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies [FI411 cfm/100 ft2 across the system or ft2 ft2 ODoes Not - - <=3 cfm/100 ft2 without air handler @25 Pa. For rough-in . ONot Observable . tests,verification may need to ONot Applicable occur during Framing Inspection. 403.3.3 Ducts are pressure tested to cfm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies [F12711 determine air leakage with ft2 ft2 ODoes Not either:Rough-in test:Total - - Drug Observable leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch ONot Applicable • w.g. across the system including the manufacturer's air handler ' enclosure if installed at time of test. Postconstruction test:Total leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch 4 w.g. across the entire system including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure. • 403.3.2.1 ;Air handler leakage designated r . ' ❑Complies IFI241' ;by manufacturer at<=2%of EODoes Not 'design air flow. ❑Not Observable - I ONot Applicable 403.1.1 ;Programmable thermostats (. . ,❑Complies [F1912 installed for control of primary ;ODoes Not heating and cooling systems and s initially set by manufacturer to ; - ❑Not Observable code specifications. € - - ❑Not Applicable 403.1.2 ',Heat pump thermostat installed I ❑Complies . , [FI10]2 ;on heat pumps. ❑Does Not ,._; ONot Observable - - ONot Applicable 403.5.1 ;Circulating service hot water F ❑Complies (FI11]2 _;systems have automatic or ) `,ODoes Not accessible manual controls. ;_. ONot Observable [- ONot Applicable 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 156 Witchwood Rd Report date: 10/17/18 Data filename: D:\REScheck\Simmons, Chuck\181017-Simmons.rck : • Page 7 of 9 Section # Final Inspection Provisions Plans Verified Field Verified- Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID Value Value 403.6.1 1All mechanical ventilation system; - OComplies (FI25]2 :fans not part of tested and listed : ODoes Not HVAC equipment meet efficacy j j and air flow limits. i ONot Observable i ONot Applicable 403.2 (Hot water boilers supplying heat OComplies [FI26]2 j through one-or two-pipe heating , ODoes Not I systems have outdoor setback E 1,control to lower boiler water ONot Observable temperature based onoutdoor 1 `❑Not Applicable 3 temperature. i 403.5.1.1 ,Heated water circulation systems OComplies (F128]2 3 have a circulation pump.The ODoes Not system return pipe is a dedicated 1,return pipe or a cold water supply; ❑Not Observable - , pipe.Gravity and thermos- i ONot Applicable jsyphon circulation systems are r i not present. Controls for 1 circulating hot water system ' j pumps start the pump with signal i ',for hot water demand within the { ;occupancy.Controls . 3 °automatically turn off the pump A Iwhen water is in circulation loop .} .Is at set-point temperature and !no demand for hot water exists. 1 ] 403.5.1.2 r Electric heat trace systems ( ❑Complies [F129]2 ;comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL k - ODoes Not 515. Controls automatically '?adjust the energy input to the f ❑Not Observable heat tracing to maintain the ) ❑Not Applicable desired water temperature in the piping. 4 403.5.2 Water distribution systems that OComplies (F130)2 (have recirculation pumps that C - +❑Does Not :j pump water from a heated water ` ONot Observable ;supply pipe back to the heated - jwater source through a cold heated _ Applicable water supply pipe have a - I ' 1demand recirculation water i ' 1 system. Pumps have controls ! ;that manage operation of the S = 4pump and limit the temperature ) ; of the water entering the cold y !water piping to 1041°F. 403.5.4 j Drain water heat recovery units i .OComplies [F131]2 Itested In accordance with CSA i ODoes Not ]B55.1. Potablewater-side 1. ONot Observable. pressure loss of drain water heat ; ONot Applicable {recovery units< 3 psi for Individual units connected to one or two showers. Potable water- ?I side pressure loss of drain water ;,heat recovery units< 2 psi for {Individual units connected to - .+ 'three or more showers. I t 404.1 75%of lamps in permanent i OComplies [F16]' fixtures or 75%of permanent 1. ODoes Not fixtures have high efficacy lamps.i ❑Not Observable Does not apply to low-voltage 4 lighting. .❑Not Applicable 404.1.1 Fuel gas lighting systems have OComplies [F123]3 no continuous pilot light. ODoes Not 3' ONot Observable ONot Applicable 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 156 Witchwood Rd Report date:. 10/17/18 Data filename: D:\REScheck\Simmons,Chuck\181017-Simmons.rck Page 8 of 9 • • Ofr • fcji> 2015 IECC Energy Efficiency Certificate Insulat o ' -acing OM Above-Grade Wall 21.00 Below-Grade Wall 0.00 Floor 30.00 Ceiling /Roof 49.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): Glass&Door Rating U- actor CM Window 0.30 Door 0.30 Heating System: Cooling System: Water Heater: Name: Date: Comments Section # Final Inspection Provisions Plans Verified Field Verified Compiles? - Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID - . Value Value • 401.3 1 Compliance certificate posted. ❑Complies (FI712. 3 ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 303.3 1 Manufacturer manuals for ( :❑Complies (F118]3 I mechanical and water heating ODoes Not systems have been provided. " ONot Observable - - ❑Not Applicable .. Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 12 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 156 Witchwood Rd Report date: 10/17/18 Data filename: D:\REScheck\Simmons, Chuck\181017-Simmons.rck Page 9 of 9