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r . • einal` /6/ t E- ONE &TWO FAMILY ONLY-BUILDING PERMIT Town of Yarmouth Building Departments 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664-4492 ``''�;� 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836E r r�� Massachusetts State Building Code,780 CMRr,t Building Permit Application To Construct,Repair,Renovate Or Demolish "!�` V � r a One-or Two-Family Dwelling IPI This Section For Official Use Only nla Building Permit Number.. .,,, � 'a..0"/91(0/27‘y BUILDING DEPARTMENT � � Data Applied: �� Building Official(Print Name) . :Panne -,:: . .. :; -.Daze i()I__ SECTION 1:SITE INFORMATION' 1.1 Property Address: 1.2 Assessors Map&Parcel Numbers JS 5tkvr te4 gt�, yl.rmn.,A Pack 13 to 31, 1.1a 1s this an accepted street?yes_ no� Map Number Parcel Number 1.3 Zoning Information: .1.4 Property Dimensions: )> f 9`6 0 m Zoning District Proposed Use Lot Aced((sq ft) Frontage(it) CO .-I _I n 1.5 Building Setbacks(ft) CD -n Front Yard Side Yards Rear Yard m 0 Required Provided Required Provided Required Provided -rt 3y z rn r co C 1.6 Water Supply: (M.G.L c.40,§54) 1.7 Flood Zone Information: 1.8 Sewage Disposal System: C Public❑ Private l3 Municipal_ Outside Flood Zone? Municipal CIGn site disposal system 0 N Check if yes❑ -p N SECTION Ti-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP" • m _ 2.1 Owners of Record: ---a Bohtr-f pct. firm -Thouchri \�(;rmuiptik Poct, mil 0-05z a Name(Print) City//�state,ZIP 23 2i1 5tk/art (24 \It,rnmwilt Pea 54 -3re4-Y5'31 bob Aset5�c(CCticrois.cisrn v No.and Street Telephone Email Address SECTION 3,DESCRIPTION SjE PROPOSED WORE *(cheek an that at ply) t New Construction❑ Existing Building❑ Owner-Occupied ❑ Repairs(s) ❑ Alteration(s) 0 Addition 0 Demolition ❑ Accessory Bldg.0 Number of Units_ Other N'Specify: .._...__ --I Brief Description of Proposed Work2: .' 4 . r , . , its :i c• pit k-- ) Wi nt. N Jt. ,,i-• , ,SECTION 4t ESTIMATED CONSU Il'CTI9{COSTS l ;r',r ,:1.7, 4 T I Item Estimated Costs <' OMCIa12LY9e Only :4 ; (Labor and Materials) ;,'44-':•:',....';-%4!'':'::•".., ,., ;it 1.Building $ $oop,tl0 '!"1;'''.Building indicate howfee tadetertntne& 2.Electrical $ n Staildard;City/Town Apphcatiodtet ` ,t zr s t r b Total Project Costs tem 66))1c miiliaplter t • 3.Plumbing $ 2 °Other Fees S. 6 C! k �'• r 4.Mechanical (HVAC) $ . List ,r, "' a 7-'A••;^:' =1,''-'t. Ea ,i • 5.Mechanical (Fire sea a .,i 5^t x iu d` v .11/f I t' 0. Suppression) $ Total llFees S „r' :;'. ,y 6.Total Project Cost: $ 'Ch ' CckNo " Check Amount.'. Cash Amount:, $UU p 1 0 Paid tit:, .M Outstanding gatant Due • .. SECTION 5:.CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5.1 Construction Supervisor License(CSL) q� 7-5--// TG,ivl c( E fiPrnS k h License Number Expiration Date Name of CSL Holder , r 1�R ()r�eews 2d. List CSL Type(see below) V • No.and Street 'ripe... . . Description Ii. M Q a b U Unrestricted(Buildings up to 35,000 cu.R) City/Town,State,/ZIP R Restricted I&2 Family Dwelling M Masonry RC Roofing Covering WS Window and Siding • SF Solid Fuel Burning Appliances 5-02 )3/"GOA/ (/'!✓tf�,heatsJeAtA C(Mt[&s i PC+ I Insulation Telephone Email address D Demolition 5.2 Registered Home(Improvement Contractor(HIC) )P;-4 D e3'C a.*In HIC Registration Number Expiration Date HIC Company Name or HIC Registrar Name J 4, Or/eiti5 /LA (104. betas/M7 taranturl. ntf No.and et Email address un.,tei,. M A 0a-e us sun a33-0025? City/Town,State,ZIP Telephone SECTION 6:WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.e.152.§25C(6)) . Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the Issuance of the building permit Signed Affidavit Attached? Yes 0 No 0 • • ., SECTION 7a:OWNER AUTHORIZATION TO BE COMPLETED WHEN • • OWNER'S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I,as Owner of the subject property,hereby authorize TO,,;d -Der n 5 M,4 to act on my brbalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. Print Owner's Name(Electronic Signature) Date • • SECTION 7b:OWNER'OR AUTHORIZED AGENT DECLARATION . By entering my name below,I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that all of the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and umderstan ' g. 'Dfiva_ E rbeenSkln 8 Print Owner's or Authorized Agent's Name(Electronic Signature) Date • • 1. An Owner who obtains a building permit to do his/her own work,or an owner who hires an unregistered contractor (not registered in the Home Improvement Contractor(HIC)Program),will eyes have access to the arbitration program or guaranty fund under M.G.L.c. 142A.Other important information on the HIC Program can be found at www.mass.gov/oc4Information on the Construction Supervisor License can be found at www,mass.aov/dos 2. When substantial work is planned,provide the information below: Total floor area(sq.ft.) (including garage,finished basement/attics,decks or porch) Gross living area(sq.ft.) Habitable room count Number of fireplaces Number of bedrooms Number of bathrooms Number of half/baths Type of heating system Number of decks/porches Type of cooling system Enclosed Open 3. "Total Project Square Footage"may be substituted for"Total Project Cost" • • The Commonwealth of Massachusetts • I _.-4i�_tt Department ofIndustrial Accidents r =rrll 5 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 iIfv Boston,MA 02114-2017 "^•<.�„� www.mass.gov/dia mass.gov/dia Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. • TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name(Business/Organization/Individual):evF f5ecacrkm (tswwtn (Jt, idCre, (.-LC. Address: 1(0%6 Or if r<„5 err. City/State/Zip: I4oc,,,;cit • MA oa-l/YS Phone#: SOF t/j a-757/ ;sn& a31-o v a C Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Type of project(required): L13-feamaemployer with 3 employees(MI and/orpart-time).' 7. 0 New construction 2.0 I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in any capacity.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 8. Remodeling 3.0I am a homeowner doing all work myself9. ❑Demolition Y [No workers'camp.insurance required.]t 4.0 I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. I will ]() ❑Building addition ensure that all contractors either have workers'compensation insurance or are sole 11.0 Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employees. 12.0 Plumbing repairs or additions 5.01 am a general contractor and I have hired the sub-contractors listed on the attached sheet These subcontractors have employees and have workers'comp.insurance? 13. Roof repairs 6.0 We are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. 14.❑Other 152,§1(4),and we have no employees.[No workers'comp.insurance required.] 'Any applicant that checks box NI must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information t Homeownen who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. 'Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the subcontractors have employees•they must provide their workers'camp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below Is the policy andJob site information. 11 Insurance Company Name: ft55 0644e/,� CJ7.1 phf y re-5 "7/4 5. Co. Policy#or Self--ins.Lie.#: 14t"( SOO- 5 $gdio —ao)$ A Expiration Date: a///o/ao/9 Job Site Address:PIS 5eit/ ite/ Pd, City/State/Zip:Vafm 14.th ivta,J,(q- aa675 Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MOL c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one- -: imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day agains the •'olator. •py of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage erifca;on. a I do hereb c l7 t e pains and penalties of perjury that $the information provi true and correct li Six ature: A � Date: Phone a.l7 #; ��C� —`Io- �� Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: pi'Y'tR1/4 TOWN OF YARMOUTH r e G BUILDING DEPARTMENT F .moi '¢ $ 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664 le508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL AFFIDAVIT Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 54 and 780 CMR, Chapter 1, Section 111.5, I hereby certify that the debris resulting front the proposed work/demolition to be conducted at 0.I$ 5e-4v c Lek Rai, )4 cam,mit 9c4 Work Address Is to be disposed of at the following location: 01 i I/ej Dumps-Arc' aid dis i'al site shall be a licensed solid waste facility as defined by M.G.L. ' <pter 1, Section 150A. JI 16,...--- Rt attire of plication Date Permit No. • WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY INFORMATION PAGE Associated Employers Insurance Company 54 Third Avenue, Burlington, Massachusetts 01803-0970 (800)876-2765 NCCI NO 40959 POLICY NO. I WCC-500-5008926-2018AI PRIOR NO. WCC-500-5008926-2017A } ITEM 1. The Insured: DE Bernstein Custom Builders LLC DBA: Mailing address: 1686 Orleans Highway-Rte 39 FEIN:••-•••9946 East Harwich,MA 02645-0000 Legal Entity Type: Limited Liability Company 1 Other workplaces not shown above: See Location { 2. The policy period is from 02/16/2018 to 02/16/2019 12:01 a.m.standard time at the insured's mailing address. 3. A. Workers Compensation Insurance:Part One of the policy applies to the Workers Compensation Law of the states listed here: MA B. Employers'Liability Insurance:Part Two of the policy applies to work in each state listed in item 3.A. The limits of liability under Part Two are: Bodily Injury by Accident $ 1,000,000 each accident Bodily Injury by Disease $ 1,000,000 policy limit Bodily Injury by Disease $ 1,000,000 each employee C. Other States Insurance: Coverage Replaced by Endorsement WC 20 03 06 B D. This Policy includes these Endorsements and Schedules: SEE SCHEDULE 4. The premium for this policy win be determined by our Manuals of Rules,Classifications,Rates and Rating Plans. All information required below is subject to verification and change by audit. Classifications Premium Basis Rates Code Estimated Per$100 Estimated No. Total Annual Of Annual Remuneration Remuneration Premium INTRA 255872 INTER SEE CLASS CODE SCHEDULE Minimum Premium $575 Total Estimated Annual Premium GOV GOV $11,338 Deposit Premium $2,958 STATE CLASS MA 5645 State Assessments/Surcharges $10,772.00 x 4.5600% $491 This policy,including all endorsements,is hereby countersigned by £<.�e"airC- 01/15/2018 Authorized Signature Date Service Office: Southeastern Insurance Agency Inc 54 Third Avenue PO Box 79398 Burlington MA 01803 N Dartmouth,MA 02747 • WC 00 00 01 A(7-11) Includes copyrighted material of the National Council on Compensation Insurance, used with its permission. t Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Professional Licensure Board of Building Regulations and Standards Con struCtt6I %Upervisor • CS-000094 4 Expires: 01/0512019 DAVID E BERNSTEIN ? ` W t 1666 ORLEANS_ ROAD y ; _ ' ' HARWICH MA 02645 If;NV 4:4��� , • Commissioner alie(92, lotimmark.ts Office of Consumer Affal &Business Regulation HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR TYPE:Individual Realstretiort floiretiort 102160_4_;,, 06/30/2020 • DAVID E.BERNSTEIN ,t DAVID E.BERNSTEIN 1686 ORLEANS ROAD-c4<"•:' EAST HARWICH,MA-02645 Undersecretary • • ' YARMOUTH WATER DIVISION 99 BUCK ISLAND ROAD WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 PH.: 508.771.7921 FAX: 508-771-7998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENTAL SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET Bldg. Site Location a I$ S e+v c K e+ R A. Map #: /.310 Lot #: 3 '/ Proposed Improvement: in/ale txut,'n j 5fr, and Ie4x1,h3 /Add r?G,Yhj Applicant: 1)r14. 13traS fan Address J(91(0 Orltgns t1 Ff400i1,Tel. #: 5-02 a37-ouaj Date Filed: 8' U-1 RESIDENTIAL AND / OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING Water Department: Determines Compliance of Water Availability and or Existing Location Engineering Department: Determines Compliance for Parking and Drainage Conservation 'mmission: Determines Compliance to Wetlands Acts; i.e. If Lot(s) Border any Type of Wetlands, Streams, Ponds, Rivers, Ocean, Bogs, Bays, Marshland, Etc... eal Depa , ' Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations, i.e., Requirements for Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities ire Des.rtme4Safety, 4 Determines Compliance to State and Town Requirements for Personal, Property Protection;, i.e. Smoke Det rs, Sprinkler Systems, Etc.. 1> - s , re of applicant ate PLEASE NOTE: COMMENTS: DDr/c2...0/Reviwe y: Water otATOWN OF YARMOUTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT ( *4))J PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be completed by Applicant: Building Site Location: 9, t y, S t 1i,t (o- t• etc Proposed Improvement: 4 t,i l&r5t -1-re Add Pti l d. ^ 2l �� S f Applicant: Dep.',v( I l e on.>kt.,t Tel. No.: 5 b X a 3 7 vow Address: �B QC�Yans 1ZJ.. Date Filed: S- al-tc "Ifyou would like e-mail. notification of sign off please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: nc,btr4- (b Utker Owner Address: –44; 5 t-tut V t+- JL1. Owner Tel.No.: Sa Y 36 y-1/431 RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings,water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note:Floor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: gay-N.474/ DATE: �—a�— PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: Sears, Tim From: Sears,Tim Sent Friday,August 24,2018 920 AM To: 'david.bernstein@comcast.net' Subject: 218 Setucket Rd David, I have reviewed your application for 218 Setucket Rd,and there are some items that need to be addressed 1. A plot plan showing the setback to the proposed steps needs to be submitted 2. The plans need to show footing detail and location Please submit these items for review Thank you Timothy Sears CBO Building Inspector Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 Ext. 1259 mailto:tsears@yarmouth.ma.us 1 by 11Ut'^9 • of��rgq�R, tier b TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECEIVED 0 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 �, Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax(508)398-0836 AUG 2 0 2018 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMM! EE YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: 1 /J G/ Address of proposed work: o)1 S S f-}vc.X[f- /` • Map/Lot# i 3(0 3Y Owner(s): Raker-/- aacL kry.r l3vuchc( Phone#:SDr' 3(o t/- Y83/ All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: DI s St4Qc/Ct-4 get, ; yxrmavft Purl Oaro75 Year built: j qv/ Email: bob 05e&,,'dtallrr/n5. cur-, Preferred notification method: Phone V Email Agent/Contractor: TO vie( 3 e ra 5k,\' Phone#:.5-05 D37- oo a-a 11/411 Mailing Address: MK'to 0r1t4a9 it!, / #4,-,V,rt, ,,0A nal)yr / Email: G�vit ber,t�e,n 0 corrrnnf. tic* Preferred notification method: Phone i/ Email a Description of Proposed Work(Additional pages may be attached if necessary): £`, ,pwrk& ��i`riik45 54 t e Liy a Fa an a. et del- 1ea lOplqtAttnt ReCI /fe t m 2q . 27 i ht: so(,TH Y RM• o 2018 — l 40f4 w I Signed(Owner or agent): /'�.tf,t —7/7.-( 5.- UTHMA Date: S."" k)-1 > Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department.(Check other departments,also.) > This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit,whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: Date: cs--,g6--t 1r Approved Approved with changes _Denied Amount a jj Reason for denial: Cash/CK#: 3CoSI2 Rcvd by. tSV Date Signed: f/zd/z o/r Signed: U('69- .4-4---nfr& APPLICATION#.18 - E 0 8 3 V5.2017 • 0803 - 8L. . . E uno'_--ac ;a9,_ I f , •• •-• FZ:28 - - - - Gbz9 • t 1 Ic' f 'H • _ • . . • ` n—` n �- • I 1/2w Nano pv I I • 31a.37o M linos + • , . ft .._:_—...arat. r,,,, .v ifiy .•o w : y ==•cararaittrrhy . I � • 1 g .cm N ato ,atio)- tib a-1s:b-SO r_. �} ( '' 7._ AVMHOIH S.DNI\01 F %s -• \ j.SO M•ND 0 .. RIDE 0 g Dnp k r' . cc — 4 . JAAIDeirteri kdO0 Tilir i sciii /MMHOIH SOON MO '10 . • ENoasnd 03A1333a P _, --V3-1A���a j civet �3-bAx% . ‘ -1 fuj 0 o' o 14.1 a. Lb c2, p lig T ....... "a� 411 • 0 AJ-) iLLI c g i -- ,) +5 i 0 I X L (c) o p �' =_r= I N. )ill r.,l X I • irj ,C., " iz i . Au0 ��_ c / �n1�� in c\I 1- Vic. �r I e 0 NM) 1 J c �e0 5 ' I �. kikK\NA\v ..t i (' D'01, 91 ----'---------L___H ir------ 01 k --- -3 r7 17101 ,i, 1 / \ u1I1PJ ` p9 (A4.; c '1tic) ?CD -as..VDu • . • • • • CO o •, C. R)00aWL, Q / E3 • ae •I! , v 2� O Z3> c' 7 Zy o J CO IAC �c�s 42-i- t' m in Ill , I , r , i pry._ miaow issiale. al 1111111a SINEW SE NU len 1111111111110111111 NM an=ENO=NMI MB -----■ 1x6/lx 3Raku im a�as1111111111111111111 IMIIIINIIIIM NM INN INIems 11M1.11•111MININI Mae.an MIMI 11111111111111111111111•1111•11111M1 r1111111 MOM 1111111111•1111 Mill MIIMMII MB MIME ISHENSM MN=1111=E111 NOM MI INN Ian= eniel Sae ennui num a a amen Imma 11111•111111111m Imie la alaiMIS M111/11111111MIIMIENI MS MI 11•11111111111MINI1 1M/MI Ill �\�,� `oma■ -- \ ..- _, inililallini-- 1 tNMI ENNIO NM a ' 1 1 ' 1 fjiiijil _ 11111 / 11 III J11111 ll fal ' 1 C----\\. , Illijilli ' ' ' ' t t , , , , • ■!—1--1. 1.- Cedar Shingle -Natural —4 . • j fTvs "'• llf 2446 , ' , ' ' Mahogany __cps.: 2446 111111 i , , , , � � _ 1x5Corners ' ' ' 1 111111 r 111111 , iN Ic. I- \ /17. . - ce-Framed Q n i `^ U Mahogany Steps,Pine I C , kQ �J Right Elevation , 1. 1 _ i I I M 1 I O Nyc)::::\ \\\\ \ ::: ,„ ; , ... . 1 r cot 1 . -11 II 1 -0 . ' t t t i , t I 4 c), Q_.,,, , 1 ,, , :1"1 �� pal9 �� _... i1 t' ' rE 1 ` huh I ct- C) a I ! ti .gyp cCJ U CI Q , L; a,l !—(- , U. •2 I W 0 0y Q o '' +tstid i_powt fix > •&,-N Hwy (.-_-° 1r(5 0 i O �_: c }c_ 0 • 0 • r4 OD ii , + . ` • 1 3 „I ,, � � I I y I i 1 t ;i`--->it I 1 t E -I If . _ ........ 1 . ' L .1,' x i �_ ...� r / r'_ _ rj___. .1 CI " .ki‘kiLl 1 lD 0 LLI m /\ 1 0 >- N Lu Th. . Ili an . Ili)\ y• o� oL1lJ� c _� I =1 w �Q Ill GV (n 0..2.. Q > 0 ���4717)c�*a 3 1 Ca = >-Y ; e o ■ . n o i J • . c t . N • 0 • m f . N . - . r [---1 --p , .E . er, ,,,____, Ili • u.) ,__.. �' �`_ \..i.3 .275 '75 if , ` ` T-41 .... .} r ii ct:3 • w'► 14 3A/a0 Q --• -- r % si.: tz.....-F.r ` 1 • t` 11 • £ c .53 A.,,„ --al I N LI D. 51, ril .tt LI • 0.2 Eisl `�� rtoil I Wt ' .. ,m r 1 1 . 0 ,... no . q • I :it I in co cc 1 CO 4IMMI. mi IL- �' r osf. n 'a ' X W W ,` �Y ' _ I r cti W cc i . egl• . . , ‘. I YZ \• =V r CC o • IMF WL\ Q-%. I i 40{%32 6 53t II NOTES B4I �' 1 1. ASSESSORS MAP 136 PARCEL 34 al I 2. FLOODZONE X N si 3. WETLAND FLAGGED BY BRAD HALL ,iiisdifilifi.calia,9, so OF BLH ENVIRONMENTAL Ig 4. CONTRACTOR SHALLBE RESPONSIBLE A FOR CONTACTING DIG-SAFE _ I5. DATUM: NAVD '88 rgni W Iyoe , D ZONING SUMMARY ZONING DISTRICT: R-40 DISTRICT �?OtJ. N S3. . 0, 6'SS I l\ \ 195 MIN. LOT FRONTAGE 150' \ sTEP AND MIN. FRONT SETBACK 30' \ \ 11N EXIST. DWEWNG LANDING MIN. SIDE SETBACK 20, \\ �F MIN. REAR SETBACK 20' PLACE OF \'N.4100011144 A01 oPa�a\ s^ � 1110 59- G'"/ s� ss PLOT PLAN SS N/ Sqea- OF 53 218 SETUCKET ROAD 'SO YARMOUTH PORT �vG,/� rA INOFks. PREPARED FOR ` (\ ' DANIEL faiz 508-362-9880 WI - ad �. 5 S` A. D.E. BERNSTEIN CUSTOM BUILDERS OJALA a, Jowls •downcape.com m R's3 No.40980 cape eag/neen ng,inc. �4ry�ess��o� . f OCTOBER 19, 2018 civil engineers . OSIAN it land surveyors 939 Main Street ( Rte CA) - q n , {L� :1 ScGle:1"= 20' YARMOU7HPORT MA 02675 I o-t I'I n DATE DANIEL A. OJALA, P.L.S. 0 10 20 30 40 50 FEET 18-375 .DWG 1 • _ °C-- C._ -> a nci 14 nct 1�(Kt el c a , k ; L� N. r t Jf1,J4 t - �1 __ 4 \ ` 1ti C~, . -'7."-7 .- ••7 - I •I r'„ i ..r ` Q(4act, G'r T IN t °xfa. '<-.. e&1 VA \ CTtu.� l Eli:1'bT',��( r � I j t ► f� 1 in �7 I` lodt9 I yI �'l ( lir) gig &W11-> 1:01-4HE I))[ r-P-SA3C11IX- FILE C©PYte "Is ',ov�N of Yx c11 OU fat pcabil ,� REVIEWED FOR BUILDING AND ZONING CODE COMPLI- ANCE. ERRORS OR OMMISS1ONS DO NOT RELIEVE ThE A CERTIFIED AS BUILT IS REQUIRED APPLICANT FROM THE RESPONSIBILITY OF'AS sur COMPLIANCE. BEFORE FINAL INSPECTION DATE:Io--M.'IS' UILDING O ICLAL Y' I.+ Yuc1\\oe1-tofk Y t 1 TAY1tw---�� I. 1 4 i 43 it 1( / .}t{ 1 I `PUG c 1 �'bC4 (/C \ ' 'r / \9�' i r i i f r M1 I I 4 I , t 5' • Q. NN ii p `\ f k ; poi �� pad ;9 } -� j1 s t �tit 5 3 X012° l� cd. .CA.PCC:), r - . - -` Ma.<- 'mow .. �i�1�I (III ' 1ld l � __ �"'"°J G M 1 Tr:i4tJ ��9/i2T ai i ji 9rtZ latish:_ Pa4411-11164StS ace, ,gfr, _ o „..„, = -i--------, .., -- - a ,11111111 . i Ili 1 , .... r s [S C3.(r.` i .... .. -- _ -1-.-----4---7-t- `w� t z:';n L ci'.L LtnintKw/TtTr c L.a- r. p;`` ate" i se ir�� SIMS M E t - i I -.eek I tilt;_ .'*1.‘..,1i1 P-1.. 1 f Ipsi g 4 r-- „ , ,, „ , e �—f'�” � 1 , , , , „ ,, , , ,. i i it 1 i E, , ' ; • ?g )3 ,i 1. 'w. 14 . L ; .,. 1II. i '} F� a ii