HomeMy WebLinkAboutViolation Notice 10-03-2018 to LI S. Pos a Sere cam
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47 Rimfield Drive
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1146 Route 28 South!Yarmol: th, MA 02664
508-398-223Uexta261 Fx508-398-0836
Office of the'Budding,'Commissioner
Scott Arnold
Gretchen Arnold
47 Rimfield Drive ��,,�� le
South Windsor,CT 06074 toy/ • ', 2018
RE: 72 Seaview Ave- Shingling/siding-without permit
Dear Mr. &Ms. Arnold;
This letter constitutes a SECOND Notice of Violation.
While out doing inspections we notice you were working at your residents. We had reached out
to you over six months ago and you informed us you would be into pull a permit for the work that
was performed.As of this date we have not received a required building permit.
To remedy these violation make proper application for the required building permits, and receive
a building permit and/or relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals for these alleged violation.
R105.1 Required.It shall be unlawful to construct, reconstruct, alter, repair, remove or
demolish a building or structure; or to change the use or occupancy of a building or structure;
or to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made or the installation of which is
regulated by this code without first filing a written application with the building official and
obtaining the required permit.
Failure to comply with the MA State Building code 780CMR is subject to fines and penalties as
prescribed in MGL CH 143 section 94A. Each day constitutes a new violation.
You are also in violation of Section 103.1 of The Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaws.
103.1.1 Required Permits. Buildings, structures or land may not be erected, substantially
altered or changed in use without certification by the Building Inspector that such action is
incompliance with then applicable zoning, or without review by him regarding whether all
necessary permits have been received from those governmental agencies from which approvals
required by federal, state or local law. Issuance of a building permit or certificate of use and
occupancy, where required under the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Building Code,
may serve as such certification.
Failure to comply with the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw is subject to fines and penalties as
allowed per section 101.3
101.3 Penalties.Any person violating any of the provisions of this bylaw shall be fined not more
than three hundred dollars ($300.00)for each offense. Each day that such violation continues
shall constitute a separate offense.
To remedy these violations make proper application for the required building permits,and receive
a building permit and/or relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals for these alleged violations.
You are required to respond within 7 days.
Questions regarding this matter may be directed to this department
Very truly
Brad Inkley
Local Inspector
Town of Yarmouth
(Issued suant to MGL c.148A and 780 CMR) 8051 - 0 2 8 6 5 9
/0—3 e fl r i`e'�/N 7STATE BUILDING INSPECTOR(OR DESIGNEE) D//90 /(J 7i/4'/e) r aVSel
NAME OF OFFEND;14;1 # J') p //�� �y'!/ /�i/��/��/��(/ (FIRST) 077 /`_ • eTC /e-, 7 (MI)
ADDRESS #,./ -A3inf,eLo Die/,YL...... Cm NGT/' Y- IPF/W � • GlN'U LP CODE�Q��
3'-/ -,e /o 42i2 79 %. 1/'t Y /97e SP/ianaor,7/ 4/6' 0.. eC9
VIOLAnoNs(s): Building Code, 780 CMR (Code of Massachusetts Regulations) Check One; ❑No specific conditions to be corrected
A. , ` Warnings of violation(s)only C. IDContinuing conditions to be corrected within 24 hours
0 Conditions to be corrected by:(date)
B. 0 Violation(s)780 CMR (1M offense=$100. 2n°offense=$500. 3s or subsequent=$1000.) Description of Condition:
Description Assessment Assessment
Sec: 1OS/ pi6s'YM{i(3 di2lrgreen�s Rio, PennT De'ge i'At D $warn t e
Sec: Emergency Lighting and/or Signage // $
Sec: Occupant Load Exceeded $
Sec: Interior Finish i $ _ _ ,
Sec: Occupant Notification Devices $
Sec: Fire Detection Devices r $
See: Sprinkler System $
Report Attached 0 Yes 0 No Total Amount Due: $
❑This is a 2nd or subsequent offense Date(s)ot prior Offense(s) 't
OFFICER CERTiFicATioN: I certify that lam authorized to Issue this Massachusetts Building Code Violation Notice In accordance with the provisions of
M.G.L. c. 148a. I further certify that(check one):
❑ I have delivered a copy of this violation to the offender,or the offender's agent at the time and place of the violation
Signature of offender or agent of the offender upon receipt:
Name: Date:
0 Check here if offender refused to accept delivery(Note:Whoever upon the request of any local or state code enforcement officer refuses to state his/her name
and address shall be punished by a fine of not more than$200.00(M.G.L C.148A.)
I have mailed a copy of this violation notice to the offender at the offender's last known address.
❑ I have delivered a copy of this violation at the offender's last known address. Officer Signature: j
U Address of mailing or delivery:
Important Instructions
You have been issued a non-criminal notice of a code violation under the provisions of
Massachusetts General Laws chapter 148 A. These instructions give you very important
information about your responsibilities and rights regarding this violation notice.
4 If the box A, "Warning of Violation(s) Only"has been checked,there is no need to pay any money
or assessment. However, any stated conditions must be collected within the time stated.
4 If the box B, "Violation(s)" has been checked, you must within 21 days of the receipt of this Notice
of Violation:
• Check either Box(1) below indicating that you are paying the assessment,OR
i • Check Box(2) below indicating that you request a hearing AND,
• Sign where indicated and mail this notice of violation to the address in Box D.
4 If this notice is for more than 1 violation, you may request a hearing on any one or more of the
violations. However, you may not pay the other violations until those violations for which a hearing has
been requested have been resolved.
4 You must also correct any conditions indicated in Box C.
4 If you fail to return this citation within 21 days with either box (1)or box (2)checked
You will lose your right to a hearing;
You will be deemed responsible I. v; ,ate 4,,ahons(s) listed in this notice
for the purposes of any future eta ri a ramal pc.::' , 'dingregarding this matter,and
If the condition which caused the not;' of iolati r warning to issue continues to
exist you may be subject to the suspc'} mor re+ x. ion of any license, permit
or certificate for the subject building ;.''''tt raises issued by the
municipality, the State Fire Marshal r!=, ie Comm 'icr of Public Safety
pending the correction of the conditit _
• To Pay or Request a Ile' ' a, "" *'"t'"off Box 1 or 2 and Sign Below
(1) ❑ I wish to pay the assessment(s) indicated. I elect to pay the"Total Amount Due" as a final •
disposition of this matter and I'm waiving my right to a hearing regarding this matter. I understand that
such payment is an admission of responsibility for all violations indicated on the violation notice.
To pay: Mail or deliver a check or money order for the total amount due AND this original Violation
Notice to the addressee as indicated in Box D on the front of this Violation Notice.I)o Not send
cash! The Check or money order shalt be made out to the City, Town or State Agency indicated in
Box D.
(2) 0 I request a hearing on this matter : I dispute the violation(s) listed on this Code Violation
Notice and request a hearing before the municipal hearing officer or the appropriate clerk
+ magistrate as indicated in Box D on the front of this violation notice. I understand that I will be
notified by mail of the date,time and place of the hearing. I am aware that if I fail to appear at the
time and place of the hearing I will be deemed responsible for the listed violations.
After checking either Box(1)or(2), sign below:
Offender's Signature: Date:
Print Name: '
' Dkn/412&V5