HomeMy WebLinkAboutJohn Simpkins School Project 2014 410 John Simpkins School Project 134 Old Main Street,South Yarmouth CHAD 508-922-6860 II BOBBY 508-509-9465 11-27-12: Received application for temp. service from Bayside Elect. E13-609 issued. 11-28-12: Temp. service (No loads on back two 200 amp disconnects) OK'd 11-29-12: Received app. For job trailer service. E13-627 issued. 11-29-12: Received app. For temp feeder to interior electric panel. E13-626 issued. 12-6-12: Inspections for E13-626& E13-627 OK'd 1-24-13: Meeting with Arthur Doherty and Chad. 1-24-13: Permits issued E13-807, E13-808,E13-809 and fees paid. • 1-24-13: Inspection for construction space heater OK'd 1-25-13: Inspection for temporary wiring(Lighting) OK'd 2-5-13: Received email from Art D. re: SER cables in basement. 2-21-13: Re-bar grounding(North West Corner of new addition) OK'd 2-25-13: Received RFI's #84,#85, & #86. • 2-27-13: Meeting with Chad on site. RE: Article 334-10 & RFI #86. OK'd 4-3-13: Rough wiring for the following units: 203,301,302,303,304, 305,306, & 307. OK'd 4-18-13: Rough wiring for the following units: 202,203,204,205,206, and 207 OK'd 4-25-13: Received application for waste water plant. E13-1206 issued. 4-26-13: Conduits in slab @ waste water building OK'd i 4-26-13: Rough wiring 3`d floor hallway. OK'd 5-29-13: Trench for site lighting(Rear of lot) OK'd 6-19-13: Rough for rooms 201, 101, 102, 103, 106, & Laundry rm. OK'd 6-19-13: Rough Stairway#1 & Lower level hallways Not ready 7-22-13: Duct bank to septic plant. OK'd 7-23-13: Duct bank to septic plant with cement (Partial) OK'd 7-31-13: Partial rough West Wing. OK'd 7-31-13: On this day I observed that some of the U/G conduits , running to the septic plant, have been removed and are laying on top of the ground. 8-21-13: Service(to main only w/lockout) E13-808 U/A# 1927111 OK'd 8-22-13: NSTAR notified U/A# 1927111 8-26-13: Rough inspection for rooms 104, 107, & 108 OK'd 9-3-13: Shut down work in new section (Missing windows and siding-not tight • to the weather). Romex being run. Contractor was instructed,at the start of the project not to wire sections that were not tight to the weather. 9-9-13: No work being done in new section. Still not sided. 9-17-13: Lower level(Old bldg.)Rough OK'd 9-17-13: Permission granted to rough wire center section of new bldg. 10-3-13: Rough lower level hallway OK'd. 10-3-13: Request was made to inspect units in new Section. DENIED due to the fact that the entrance walls,to the apartments as well as some interior walls,have yet to be built. This was communicated to the job superintendant. 10-15-13: Rough wiring for the following units: Units 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 122,123, 214,215,217,218,222,223, & First floor laundry. OK'd 10-22-13: Request for meters to be set REJECT Covers missing,trash & 411- improper clearances. • 10-23-13: Service turn-on to selected apartments. REJECT Circuit breakers Double tapped & exterior coven damaged taking out knock-outs. 10-23-13: Received a list of re-numbered apartments.Distributed to Building Department& Fire Department. 10-24-13: Rough wiring inspection for the following: (Old room numbering.) Unit#210,211,212,214,215,219,220,221,311,312,313,315, 316,317,318,320,321, &323. e/ 10-24-13: Approval for meter set: (Old room numbering.) Units: 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 201,202,203, 204,205,206,207,208,209,301,302,303,304,305,306,& 307. • 10-25-13: Met with Mike Lacroix(NSTAR) and authorized the installation of 26 meters. 11-15-13: Rough wiring inspection at the following: Units 107, 108, 109,223, And 322 OK'd 11-15-13: Rough wiring inspection at the following: Units 110& 222 REJECT • 11-19-13: Rough wiring inspection for the following: Units 110,208,209, & 222. Old numbering of rooms. OK'd 11-20-13: Final for third floor apartments. On location could not locate any electricians. Called Bobby and was advised that this call should have been cancelled. NOT READY , 11-25-13: Final inspections (Old room numbering) Rooms: 301,303,304,305, 306,307,202,& 203 OK'd 11-25-13: Final inspections (Old room numbering) Rooms: 302,303,204,205, 206, & 207 REJECTED-Missing plates and/or damaged distribution panel covers. 11-25-13: Final inspection (Old room numbering) Room 201. NOT READY 11-27-13: Final inspections (Old room numbering)Rooms: 101, 102, 103, 104, & 106 OK'd • 11-27-13: Final inspection (Old room numbering)Room: 105 REJECTED Cover, on distribution panel, not proper. Sharp edges and bent cover. 12-16-13: Final inspections "Common Areas" of ground, 1B`, & 2"d floors OK'd 12-31-13: Rough wiring inspection Laundry rooms (X3) in new bldg. REJECT 1-7-14: Rough Laundry Rooms (X3) in new bldg. OK'd 1-8-13: Received Check(Check#4936) for additional inspections ($1,360.00) 1=15-14: Meeting at Yarmouth Town Hall regarding progress (Requested info.) 1-27-14: Information received. Incomplete and unusable. 2-5-14: Final inspections for rooms: 105,201,204,& 206 OK'd 2-5-14: Final inspections for rooms: 205 &302 REJECT (defective panel covers.) • 2-5-14: Final inspection for room 207 NOT READY 2-5-14: Rough wiring inspections for the following: Rooms 113, 117, 118,213, 214,218,224,310,&322. OK'd 2-5-14: Rough wiring inspection for the following: Rooms: 112, 114, & 116 REJECT (Walls covered w/sheetrock or stacked against walls so work can not be inspected.) 2-5-14: Upon returning to my office, in the afternoon, I received an email Stephen Peckham regarding rooms that are NOT ready for inspections.They are as follows: 111, 119, 122, 123,210,211,219, 220,221,222, & 223. I also received a second email, from Stephen, noting that the following rooms ARE ready for rough or rough re-inspections. 112, 113, 116, 117, 118,213,214,215,218,220,224,310, & 322. Room 220 in question. One email states it is ready while the other sates that it is not. I will verify which is correct. 2-5-14: Received,from Fred, a poorly written,list of rooms that had framing • modified. This is a list that I had requested at our January 15,2014 meeting. Very unprofessional response. • 2-5-14: Final inspections for the following: Unit 105,201,204,206,OK'd 2-5-14: Final inspections for the following: Unit 205 &302 REJECTED. 2-5-14: Final inspection for unit 207 NOT READY 2-5-14: Rough wiring inspection units 112 and 116 REJECT 2-5-14: Rough wiring inspection units 113, 115, 117, 118,213,214,218, 224,310, & 322 OK'd 2-6-14: From Stephen's email of 2-5-14. Rough wiring inspection for Rooms 215 & 220. NOT READY 2-14-14: Service inspections for the following: 107, 108, 109, & 110 NOT READY. 2-14-14: Rough wiring inspection for 2"d floor hallway NOT READY 2-14-14: Final inspection for unit 207 REJECT 2-14-14: Rough & service inspection for the following: 111,216, & 222 OK'd • 2-14-14: SER Cable Re-run in the following units: 112, 123,210,213, 221,&223 OK'd 2-14-14: Service panel inspection (for meters) in the following: 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222, 223,224,313,316, and 217 OK'd 2-14-14: Rough wiring inspections for the following: 119, 122,310,319, 3rd floor hallway, room 32 attic storage, & ramp ceiling only OK'd 2-14-14: Final inspections for the following: Units 205,208,209, & 305 OK'd 2-17-14: Mike Lacroix (NSTAR) emailed with approval of the following units to have the meters installed: 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,211,212,213, 214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,313,316, & 317. 2-17-14: Service panel inspections (for meters) in the following: 107, 108, 109, and 110. OK'd 2-17-14: Re-inspection (Final) Unit 207 OK'd • 2-17-14: M. Lacroix emailed to with approval of the following units 107, 108, 109, and 110. 2-18-14: Received letter regarding Meger test for room #104. OK'd 3-14-14: Service inspections for the following Units: 107, 108, 109,& 110 Not Ready. 3-14-14: Rough & Service inspections for the following: 111,216, &222. OK'd 3-14-14: SER Cable for the following units: 112, 123,210,213,221,& 223. OK'd 3-14-14: Service inspections: 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,211,212,214,215, 217,218,219,220,224,313,316, & 317 OK'd 3-14-14: Rough inspections: 119, 122,310,319,3rd Floor hallway,Room 32 Attic, & Ceiling @ ramp. OK'd 3-14-14: Final inspections: 205,208,209, & 305. OK'd 3-14-14: Final inspection: unit 207 REJECT 3-14-14: Rough inspection: 2"floor hallway Not ready 3-17-14: Service inspections: 107, 108, 109, & 110. OK'd • 3-17-14: Re-inspection: Unit 207 OK'd 3-27-14: Rough wiring inspection 1st& 2"d floor hallways (New section) OK'd 3-27-14: Final inspection Room 108. Not ready. 4-4-14: Received notification that the job was "Shut Down". 6-16-14: Rough inspection East Side Hallway OK'd 6-16-14: Final inspection Room # 107 OK'd 6-16-14: Final inspection Room # 108 REJECT (Panel cover) 6-16-14: Final inspection Room # 109 REJECT (Missing ext. rec'p) 6-16-14: Final inspection Room # 110 REJECT (Panel cover) 6-16-14: Roof top condensers REJECT Article 406-9(B)(1) Extra Heavy Duty covers required for receptacles. • 6-26-14: Fire Alarm test (Partial) OK'd • 7-1-14: Fire Alarm test(Old Section Only) OK'd 7-30-14: Service inspection rooms 308 & 309 OK'd 7-30-14: Office& meeting rooms (new section) Additional information needed for I/C rating of fixtures in ceiling. 7-31-14: Fixture information received. Not adequate. Message left for Steve P. 7-31-14: U/O Inspection for old building OK'd 7-31-14: Elevator in theater room must have a disconnect switch installed & Maintaince office unused strobe light to be removed. 7-31-14: 3rd floor hallway (new building) ceiling rough OK'd 8-7-14: Rough inspection 1"floor hall(new bldg.. east of breeze way) OK'd 8-7-14: Temporary power to trailer OK'd 8-11-14: Rough inspection 2" floor hall ceiling(new section) OK'd • 9-4-14: Final Inspections: Rooms 301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308, 309,310,311,312,313,Attic,laundry,& Elevator Machine Room. OK'd 9-8-14: Final inspections Rooms 202,203,205,208,209,210,211, 213,214, & 215. OK'd 9-8-14: Final inspections: Room: 201 (Island receptacle) Reject Room: 204 (Move kitchen receptacle Reject Room: 206 (Shorted receptacle) Reject Room: 207 (Panel trim) Reject Room: 212 (Panel trim) Reject 9-10-14: Received check# 5516 for completed additional inspections. 9-12-14: Re-Inspections: Rooms 201,204,206,207,& 212 OK'd 9-12-14: Final inspection "Public Area" 2"d floor OK'd 9-15-14: Final inspections: Room 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, • 109, 110, 111,Managers,Office,Meeting Room. OK'd • ALL PERMITS CLOSED OUT AND COMPLETED. • • Elliott, Ken •From: chad meins <chadameins@gmail.com> Sent Wednesday,August 06, 2014 5:18 PM To: Stephen Peckham; Elliott, Ken Subject: Re:Simpkins School: 1st floor New Wing CORRIDOR ROUGH INSPECTION... Chads cell phone 5089226860 or when on site in breezeway gang boxes are waki-talkies hanging up(thats the best way to find me) On Aug 6,2014 4:55 PM, "Stephen Peckham" <Stephen@baysideelec.com>wrote: Good Morning Ken! Any chance you can stop by late am today(Thursday) for a ROUGH INSPECTION of the 1st floor CORRIDOR? I will give you a jingle when you get in. • Regards, Stephen • t Elliott, Ken •From: Stephen Peckham <Stephen@baysideelec.com> Sent Thursday,July 31,2014 12:25 PM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: 'chad meins'; 'Brandy Subject: Simpkins School:THIRD FLOOR NEW WING - CORRIDOR ROUGH INSPECTION - Hi Ken, I believe Chad mentioned yesterday,but I wanted to follow up for a request to inspect the THIRD FLOOR CORRIDOR/ New Wing tomorrow(Friday)please. I will call in the am to see what time you will hopefully be able to stop by. Thanks! Stephen • • 1 Elliott, Ken •From: Cipro, Linda Sent Wednesday,July 30, 2014 1:34 PM To: Elliott, Ken; Hall, Lee; Murphy, Bruce;Anctil, Richie; Mills, Dan;Armstrong,James; Bearse, Matt; Sawyer,Jon;Simonian, Philip Subject temporary occupancy @ 134 Old Main Street- Simpkins School Project The contractor for the Simpkins School project is requesting a temporary occupancy inspection in the old section @ 134 Old Main Street—7/31/14 Thursday—and would like for you to attend.The contact person is Todd and he can be reached @ 774-275-7719.Please come to the Building Department to sign off on the Temp C/O or email me your inspection approvals. Thanks, Linda Linda Cipro Principal Office Assistant Building Department • • t Elliott, Ken From: Stephen Peckham <Stephen@baysideelec.com> Sent: Monday,August 04,2014 3:35 PM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: 'chad meins'; 'Brandy; 'Art' Subject: FW: P62FB with P8555-01 Hi Ken, Trust this email from the manufacturer will satisfy you as it relates to being in conformance with their installation methodology. Chad will take pics of all the cans b4 sheetrocking for the record. Best, Stephen From: Ray Cape Electric[mailto:caoeelectricecomcast.net] Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 2:58 PM To: Stephen Peckham Subject: Fw: P62FB with P8555-01 •here you go hope its what you need From: O'Dell, Sonya Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 2:55 PM To: caoeelectric@comcast.net Subject: FW: P62FB with P8555-01 Ray, The P8555-01 is a barrier to keep insulation a minimum of 3"away from fixture sides and of course, per NEC code, No insulation can be placed on top.If the product is cut, it should still be good to use as long as it keeps insulation away from the fixture. However,the Inspector(Authority Having Jurisdiction) has final say or approval on the installation. Let us know if you need further assistance. Thank You, Sonya M.O'Dell Field Support Engineering Specialist Hubbell Lighting/Progress Division 701 Millennium Blvd Greenville,SC 29607 phone:864-678-1670 •email:sodell@hubbelkltg.com 1 Elliott, Ken •From: Elliott, Ken Sent: Thursday,July 31, 2014 7:25 AM To: 'Stephen Peckham' Subject: RE:Simpkins School: RECESS LIGHTS- MANAGERS OFFICE/MEETING ROOM - revised type FR 1 What you sent me relates to IC rated and Non IC rated installations.The boxes that surround the fixtures were "cut to fit".You will need to certify that the installation of these fixtures meets the manufacture's installation instructions. Thank you K. Elliott Inspector of Wires Town of Yarmouth, Building Department 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 Ext 1263 508-398-0836 Fax kelliott@varmouth.ma.us •From: Stephen Peckham [mailto:Steohen@baysideelec.corn] Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:29 PM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: 'chad meins'; 'Brandy' Subject: Simpkins School: RECESS LIGHTS- MANAGERS OFFICE/ MEETING ROOM - revised type FR 1 Hi Ken, Per your request,attached please find cut sheets on the recess light fixture installed in the Managers Office& Meeting Room. Best, Stephen 1 • • • �n Compact Fluorescent 6" Firebox® Recessed -PROGRESS.OGRESS 2-Hour Fire Resistant, Air-Tight • LIGHTING Non-IC Type -F8 P62 ❑ Dimensions(inches) Catalog No. Lamping A B C P62-FB (1)26w or 32w Triple Tube/Spiral 13-1/4 9-9/16 9 (max depending on trim type) Ceiling Opening=6-7/8 Maximum Ceiling Thickness=2" Weight: 12.5 lbs. A Lai �110 t Ili 1 Specifications: • • Electrical gar Hangers • 120-277V high power factor electronic •Integral Hailers for wood joist ballast with end of life protection construction •Universal heavy gauge junction box with •Integral T-bar mounting clamps snap out sides •Securely span 24' T-bar spacing • Grounding pigtail • Integral set-screw lock to secure housing • 1/2' &3/4" pryouts for rigid or BX fittings •Captive and factory installed •Shipped with four clips for installation to • Rated for 8 1112 90 degree conductors(4 in,4 out) furring channels •Thermal protection • Galvanized steel Construrtion labeling •One injection molded socket for 26w or •Non-IC rated 32w(GX24q-3)4-pin triple tube/spiral • UL-CUL Listed for damp locations compact flourescent lamp Complies with Washington State Energy • Notched housing for chalkline or laser •(WSEC)requirements for Air-Tight alignment UL Classified to maintain fire ratings of 1 •6 pieces of UL Classified fire resistant hour or less for all P200 and P500 series gypsum board attached to recessed fire rated roof/ceiling assemblies housing •UL Classified to maintain fire ratings of 2 •Fiberglass gasket on bottom of frame to hours or less for all D20O, G2OO, 1200, siu minimize heat transfer into ceiling cavity D500• GS 0, and 15OO series fire rated �}®e floor/ceilingassemblies Housing adjusts for 1/2' to 2" thick lana t C ceilings • Socket mounts securely to re-Hector for consistent lamp positioning C UL US LISTED Progress Lighting • 701 Millennium Blvd. Greenville,South Carolina 29607 www.progresslighting.com Rev.4/12 Patent Nos.6357891,6254527 PROGRESS • Accessory Recessed Enclosure Recessed • LIGHTING for Non-IC Housings in IC Applications Type -0I P8555 ❑ Dimensions(inches) Catalog No. A B P8555 -01 24-1/2 35 . •611101 • Y soros •AOMtt1 • le u• fr . • • • itill‘lt:-. 3 -.,i i• ..) V • r, _ B .rte_ • too•t Y • 101•i11• I. A 1I Specifications: General Application • Material is Corop?astTM,which is made • Use to create a barrier to keep insulation from polypropylene co-polymer resin from making contact with the following •Deflection temperature F(@66psi)= 194 type Non-IC rated recessed housings: (90C) P821-FB P821-FBFC • Melting point= 162C, 324F P85-FB P831-FB •Normal temperature performance range P85-TG P830-TG =-17F to 160E P86-TG P816-TG • MSDS available upon request All Pro-Optic• or FireBox•housings from • National Electric Code requires 3" Progress Lighting clearance of insulation for Non-IC type P62-FB P817-FB recessed housings and no insulation on P63 P8213 top. P66 P8218 P68 P8226 P69 Progress Lighting 701 Millennium Blvd. • Greenville,South Carolina 29607 Rev.3/09 www.progresslighting.com 1 Compact Fluorescent 6" Step Baffle Recessed fOGRESS Single Vertical Lamp • LIGHTING IC & Non-IC , Type -09 .14 -28 -31 -36 -20 P8066 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Finish Brushed Brushed Antique Dimensions(inches) Catalog No. Nickel Copper White Black Chestnut Bronze A B P8066 -09 -14 -28 -31 -36 -20 7-3/4 6-11/32 41111 I � A 1 .1 B • Lamp Wattage - Housing IC - Non-IC P83-AT 13w 4-pin Quad/Triple-tube CF 13w 4-pin Quad/Triple-tube CF P83-ICAT 13w 4-pin Quad/Triple-tube CF 13w 4-pin Quad/Triple-tube CF P88-ICAT 18w 4-pin Quad/Triple-tube CF 18w 4-pin Quad/Triple-tube CF P183-EB 13w 4-pin Triple-tube CF 13w 4-pin Triple-tube CF P83-26ICAT 26w 4-pin Triple-tube CF 26w 4-pin Triple-tube CF P62-FB N/A 26 or 32w 4-pin Triple-tube CF Specifications: Flange Lamos • Bright white powdered painted metal • Maximum overall length of lamp cannot flange exceed 5.5" (5-1/2") -•Integral to trim •Available are: GE-F26TBX Phillips •No light leaks around trim flange PLT26, Sylvania CF26 or 31DT,or • Covers irregular ceiling openings Progress 7808-01 (26w) • Nickel and Copper flange is brushed in same finish • UL-CUL damp location listed • Flange on Chestnut and Antique matches interior finish • Inm • One-piece aluminum construction •White and Black finishes are powder coated • Nickel and Copper finishes are anti- irridescent anodized . Progress righting •Trim-Lok action forces trim to fit snugly 701 Millennium Blvd. against the ceiling • Greenville,South Carolina • Socket mounts to trim for optimum • , performance and consistent lamp 29607 . position • Multi-groove baffle Rev.7A7 www.progresslighting.com Patent!5,758,979,5,758,980 Elliott, Ken •From: Stephen <s.peckham@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 12:26 PM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: Doherty,Arthur, brandy Subject: Simpkins School... Hi Ken, As requested, FYI: We are expecting to sign a contract today with new GC Callahan and restart the project asap next week - Will advise if otherwise. Also, I was away for a few days this week and heard that the Building Inspector has an issue with the manner the SER's feeders were run thru the metal framework above the panels on the third floor... A simple yet effective solution is planned: - cutting a piece of PVC vertically, gluing / placing it around the cable and supporting it with HD tywraps - We will be taking care of the problem next week / advise you when done so you can take a peak if you like. Regards, Stephen Peckham Projects Manager Bayside Electrical Contractors (508-776-1128cell) Elliott, Ken •From: Todd Hajec <thajec@callahan-inc.com> Sent: Friday,June 27,2014 11:08 AM To: Armstrong,James; Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins - FA re-inspect James/Ken, We have FA programmer coming out Monday to take care of the address issues we ran into. Are you available for a Tuesday(7/1) re-inspect? If so, please let me know what time so all parties on our end can be coordinated and present. Thank You, Todd Hajec I Superintendent CJALL AHAN 80 First Street I Bridgewater, MA 02324 t.508-279-0012 I f.508-279-0032 c.774-275-7719 www.callahan-inc.corn,I Follow us on Twitter • • • • • • t Elliott, Ken •From: Stephen <s.peckham@comcast.net> Sent: Friday,June 27, 2014 7:58 AM To: chadameins@gmail.com; Reardon, Brian; Electric, Cape;Chris; Matt Correira;Chad Doe; Arthur Doherty; Larry Devine;diane@baysideelec.com; Bobby Doherty;Sauro, David - C.0 Const.Sv's.; Electric, Cape; Dave Santos/Fire Alarm Equip; Elliott, Ken;frank;John; Joe Regan; Elliott, Ken; Michael Lips; Matt Correira;Oberton Robert/Allison; Phil; pcoburn; pbriselli@callahan-inc.com; Peacock, Scott; Reardon, Brian;John Sogard; tcallahan@callahan-inc.com;Wdmeister Doonan, Bill Subject EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGE FOR STEPHEN PECKHAM/BAYSIDE ELECTRIC... TO ALL... BREAKING NEWS... I now have a BAYSIDE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS -EMAIL- address: Stephen(c�baysideelec.com Please use from now on! Thank you, 'Stephen 1 Page 1 of I Elliott, Ken • From: Sawyer, Jon Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 4:41 PM To: Grylls, Mark Cc: Bates, Kenneth; Grylls, Mark; Cipro, Linda; Hall, Lee; Elliott, Ken; Murphy, Bruce Subject: Re: Simpkins Temp C.O. I have received an affidavit from Platinum fire sprinkler, still waiting to hear from Bayside Elec on fire alarm. I will do a walk through after I have both letters. Jon Sent from my iPhone On Dec 26,2013, at 2:32 PM, "Grylls, Mark" <mgrvllst7u varmouth.ma.us>wrote: Hi Kenn, This issue has been a topic of discussion for some time and I think I have it figured out. The Temp C.O. can be issued after verification that the fire separation is complete • and Deputy Sawyer is satisfied with the documentation he is waiting for regarding FA and sprinkler system. • The temp C.O. is to be issued for 30 days, and will not be finalized until the following. 1. Receive final approval from all departments listed on the C.O. sign off sheet. 2. Temp C.O. for front, old school section of building, does not include lofts. You can print this email and attach if you like to the TCO. If you have any additional issues be sure to include them as part of this TCO. This TCO does expire in 30 days unless a written request is made for an extension. If you have any questions I have my phone on. Talk soon, Mark Mark Grylls Building Commissioner Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 x1261 • 12/27/2013 stinum 24HUOR • fMERGEN@Y SERVICE Protection D ' il / 0 d Services, LLC Protecting homes and businesses every day To: Jon Sawyer,Deputy Chief 96 Old Main Street Yarmouth,MA 02664 Re: The Simpkins School Residences 134 Old Main Street Yarmouth,MA Subject: Final Sprinkler System Affidavit (The existing portion of building only).-��-. -- Date: December 26,2013 • This letter shall serve as a Final Affidavit for the above-referenced building and that to the best of my knowledge,the provisions of the building code have been complied with and the area of work meets all necessary requirements for the proposed use and occupancy. t80FNe. MtG. ''y t. DIMEO ^en //j��r v Na 32201 Rre Protection `�' Signature ins �STEt� / / . Subscribed and sworn to before me the 26th day of December 2013. PAUt,AJ. IEUR A'. LA 1 r. NdeN y , . Ucowitc: TM os wssAcsetts ►Mce""� 20 • .tory Public" • My Commission Expires: January 27.2017 • 855.99PLATINUM 1774319.5235 I Fax 774.319.5236 I PO Box 764,Westport,MA 02790 I wwwplatinumfireprotection.com Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: chadameins[chadameins@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 10:55 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Bayside electrical Ken, Here is my company cell phone #5083264209. Let know when you are coming over. Thanks Chad Sent from my Samsung EpicTM 4G Touch • • 1/24/2013 • • •1d d N, 9159 t no 74ot-9 rkt/ N ► Sf t} 9 o -al cd 60 MI 5441 Pp •''/1 N1 ru0V15/NuSt L+o f`1i}0./ 2 Z0) _cue � Elliott, Ken •From: Stephen Peckham <Stephen@baysideelec.com> Sent Wednesday,July 16, 2014 4:14 PM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: 'chad meins';'Art' Subject: Simpkins: Outside WP receptacles... Hi Ken, Last week Chad mentioned that you said that you felt there was a problem with the w/p covers we had installed on the outside outlets on the project as far as being in compliance with(what Chad referenced anyway)Section 406.9e1. Being new to the project as of about last November, I did a bit of investigation into a few things and this is what I found: - Our Permit was filed on 1/28/13 which I believe would have us comply with the 2011 issue of the NEC - According to Section 406.9(B) (1)of the 2011 NEC it states:"...for other than one or two family dwellings,an outlet box hood installed for this purpose shall be listed,and where installed on an enclosure supported from grade(italics by me) as described in 314.23 (B)or as described in 314.23 (F)shall be identified as"extra duty". - In that these outlets are not installed on an enclosure supported from grade, it would seem to me that we are in compliance with the 2011 NEC edition. • - Further investigation into the 2014 NEC edition I did find under the same article number nothing mentioned about whether the enclosure was"supported from grade"or not...So it would appear to me that the requirement for"extra duty"applies in ALL circumstances whether one or two family AND regardless of "supported from grade or not". Respectfully I would ask you to please let me know your thoughts on my findings as soon as you can so we can get the OLD part of this project(finally)behind us with a 100%complete final inspection Best Regards, Stephen • • 1 411 -0 John Simpkins School Rehab project 134 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth FEE SCHEDULE 78,715 Square Feet 0-4000 Square feet $200.00 `` << 4000-74,715 Square feet(up to eight inspections) $3375.00 1,200 Amp Service (up to two inspections) $300.00 Fire Alarms Systems (up to four inspections) $345.00 Security System (w/proof of S license) (up to two inspections) S 115.00 Nurse Call System (up to three inspections) $ 115.00 C.C.T.V. System (w/proof of S license) (up to three inspections)$ 115.00 Signs (Per sign) $ 40.00 Telephone Systems (up to three inspections) $ 115.00 Access Control (w/proof of S license) (up to three inspections) $ 115.00 Site lighting(up to three inspections) $ 160.00 • Temporary Service(One inspection) $ 160.00 Generator(Two inspections) $ 160.00 , Remote Building(s) Septic Call for price. • John Simpkins School w' Rehab proiect 134 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth FEE SCHEDULE 78,715 Square Feet 0-4000 Square feet $ 200.00 ‘—'• ! 4000-74,715 Square feet(up to eight inspections) $3375.00 / TPU-- 1,200 Amp Service (up to two inspections) $300.00 Fire Alarms Systems (up to four inspections) $345.00^1- Security System (w/proof of S license) (up to two inspections) $ 115.00 Nurse Call System (up to three inspections) $ 115.00 C.C.T.V. System (w/proof of S license) (up to three inspections)$ 115.00 Signs (Per sign) $ 40.00 Telephone Systems (up to three inspections) $ 115.00 Access Control(w/proof of S license) (up to three inspections) $ 115.00 Site lighting(up to three inspections) $ 160.00 • Temporary Service (One inspection) $ 160.00 Generator(Two inspections) $ 160.00 �l Remote Building(s) Septic Call for price.i I 6°19 4t alai'' 411 BAYSIDE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS INC CAPE COD COOPERATIVE BANK 5516 OPERATING ACCOUNT YARMOUTMFDRr,MA 372 YARMOUTH ROAD 53 7164/2113 HYANNIS,MA 02601 - DATE 9/5/2014 PAY TO TIIE ORDER OF Town of Yarmouth $ '•1,520,00 One Thousand Five Hundred Twenty and 00/100 j • DOLLARS Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 / So. Yarmouth, MA 02664 MEMO BAYSIDE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS INC/OPERATING ACCOUNT 5516 Town of Yarmouth - 9/5/2014 REED 1,520.00 SIT 09 2011} BUILD,NG U`-rr,f:'TTSN'T e i ntp atetco1 lvisfe C-ltc9-i.� Operating 1,520.00 • • • • • DESIGN TECHNIQUE INCORPORATED i' Construction 13— ;) Project ,{ Management5" CtiluI)ON NI SCII.\:NI: - - 44 Merrimac Street Site Representative Newburyport, MA 01950 Telephone: (978) 462-2094 Fac ' 'le: (978) 462-0522 E-mail: gordons@deztek.com - Elliott, Ken "Prom: Stephen Peckham <Stephen@baysideelec.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 7:24 AM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: 'chad meins';'Brandy'; 'Art' Subject: Simpkins School: FINAL INSPECTION - 3rd Floor NEW WING... Good Morning Ken! I will follow up with a phone call after 7:30 this am to see if you are able to do a FINAL INSPECTION of the 3rd Floor NEW WING today AFTER LUNCH today. Tentative remaining inspections are: // 2"d Floor:This (9'& MONDA`{ 4(e 1'Floor: Friday NEXT(9/12) Managers Office/Meeting Room:7 • • t MINIIMIIMINIMININIIIMINIMS Elliott, Ken ' •From: Michel.LaCroix@nu.com Sent: Friday,August 01,2014 7:13 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Re:Simpkins School Apartments Thanks Ken, I have dispatched the meter sets for units 308-309 to the field. They should be set today or the beginning of next week. I don't think you need to call New Customer Connects, When we have the order in our dispatch Que it"usually"means everything is good to go. Thanks again, NSTAR Electric • Mike LaCroix Meter Technical Coordinator • Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard Cell: 339-987-7251 Desk: 508-957-4548 Fax: 508-957-4558 From: "Elliott,Ker"<KElliott(dtvannouth.ma.us> To: Michel K.LaCroix/NUS@NU, Cc: . "Elliott,Ken"<KEIIi=ttevarmouth.ma.us> •Date: 08/01/2014 07:01 AM Subject: Simpkins School Apartments • • Good morning Mike.I have inspected the services in units 308 and 309 located at 134 Old Main Street.They are approved for the placement of meters for these two units. Do you also want me to call these into the new connects group? Have a GREAT dayl K.Elliott Inspector of Wires Town of Yarmouth, Building Department 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth,MA 02664 508-398-2231 Ext 1263 508-398-0836 Fax kelliott@varmouth.ma.us • • 1 Elliott, Ken •From: Elliott, Ken • Sent: Friday,August 01,2014 7:01 AM To: Michel.LaCroix@nu.com Cc: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins School Apartments Good morning Mike. I have inspected the services in units 308 and 309 located at 134 Old Main Street.They are approved for the placement of meters for these two units. Do you also want me to call these into the new connects group? Have a GREAT dayl K. Elliott Inspector of Wires Town of Yarmouth, Building Department 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 Ext 1263 508-398-0836 Fax kelliott(avarmouth.ma.us 11, • 1 Elliott, Ken •From: Grylls, Mark Sent: Wednesday, May 28,2014 1:23 PM To: 'thajec@callahan-inc.com' Cc: Cipro, Linda; Bates, Kenneth; Elliott, Ken; Brandolini,Jim Subject: Simpkins inspection, 3rd floor insulation Hi Todd, The results of a planned insulation inspection on 5/27/14,3rd floor addition of the Simpkins project is as follows.All rooms noted are based on the plan room numbers and do not reflect the new numbers assigned by YFD. Insulation not installed in ceilings of units.Wall insulation complete in rooms 311,312,313,315,316,317,318,319, 320,321,322,323. General notes: 1. Fire stopping in all chases and utility closets must be inspected prior to install of sheetrock. 2. Debris(cans,trash,sheetrock crumbs)to be cleaned from chase and wall cavity areas 3. Main feed,and branch circuit lines in most rooms at the panel have been placed inside the wall cavity by cutting away at the top channel.The wires are touching the cut metal channel with any protection, please have your Registered Design Professional address this. 4. Stair riser heights may be inconsistent,detail of flooring finishes may provide answers. • RDP reports are expected after their inspection. If I have omitted any information please advise. Thank you, Mark Mark Grylls Building Commissioner Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 x1261 • t6 CAS • John Simpkins School Rehab project 1 W 134 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth 1m �� FEE SCHEDULE l`( � 1 78,715 Square Feet 0-4000 Square feet $ 200.00 4000-74,715 Square feet(up to eight inspections) $3375.00 1,200 Amp Service (up to two inspections) $300.00 Fire Alarms Systems (up to four inspections) $ 345.00— it Security System (w/proof of S license) (up to two inspections) $ 115.00 Nurse Call System (up to three inspections) $ 115.00 C.C.T.V. System (w/proof of S license)(up to three inspections)$ 115.00 Signs (Per sign) $ 40.00 Telephone Systems (up to three inspections) $ 115.00 Access Control (w/proof of S license) (up to three inspections) $ 115.00 Site lighting(up to three inspections) $ 160.00 • Temporary Service (One inspection) $ 160.00 1 Generator(Two inspections) $ 160.00 —4 Remote Building(s) Septic f,.q toy„) Call for price. NI ItCir \/1/19V1 -Ui c ( ((I ( • ( If Old room#'s Building: Floor: New room#'s 101 Old Ground G01 102 Old Ground G03 103 Old Ground G05 104 Old Ground G06 105 Old Ground G04 106 Old Ground G02 201 Old First 119 202 Old First 121 203 Old First 123 204 Old First 124 205 Old First 122 206 Old First 120 207 Old First 118 208 Old First 117 • 209 Old First 116 107 Old First 115 108 Old First 114 109 Old First 113 110 Old First 112 111 New First 104 112 New First 106 113 New First 110 114 New First 111 115 New First 109 116 New First 108 117 New First 107 118 New First 105 119 New First 103 122 New First 101 123 New First 102 l S �� • � � Old room #'s Building: Floor: New room #'s 301 Old Second 217 302 Old Second 219 303 Old 1 Second 221 304 Old _Second 222 305 _ Old Second 220 306 Old Second 218 307 Old Second ' 216 210 New Second 206 211 New Second 208 r 212 New Second 210 213 New Second_' 215 214 New Second 214 215 New Second 213 216 _ New 1 Second , 212 217 New Second 211 li 218 r New Second 209 • 219 New Second 207 220 New Second 205 221 New Second 203 222 New Second 201 223 1 New Second202 224 New Second [ 204 310 New Third 304 ll_ 311 i New Third _ 306 312 NewThird 309 313 New I Third 313 315 New1 Third _ 312 315 New Third 311 317 New Third 310 318 New I Third i_ 309 319 New Third 307 320 New I Third 305 321 New Third 303 322 New Third 301 32 New 1 Third , 302 • —I -- I— Re-numbered 10/24/2013 > /1 I�. ( �I • No rough Rough/no final Rejections iiitemilierweremt Completions I • , Old room ifs Building: Floor: New room#'s 101 Old Ground G01 102 Old Ground G03 103 Old Ground G05 104 Old Ground G06 105 Old I Ground G04 106 Old Ground G02 201 Old First 119 202 Old First 121 203 Old First 123 204 Old First 124 205 Old First 122 206 Old First 120 207 Old First 118 208 Old First 117 • 209 Old First 116 107 Old First 115 108 Old First 114 109 Old First 113 110 Old First 112 111 New First 104 112 New First 106 113 New First 110 114 New First 111 115 New First 109 116 New First 108 117 New First 107 118 New First 105 119 New First 103 122 New First 101 123 New First 102 • • Old room#'s Building: Floor, New room ifs 301 Old Second 217 302 Old Second 219 303 Old Second 221 304 Old Second 222 305 Old Second 220 306 Old Second 218 307 Old Second 216 210 New Second 206 211 New Second 208 212 New Second 210 213 New Second 215 214 New Second 214 215 New Second 213 216 New Second 212 217 New Second 211 218 New Second 209 • 219 New Second 207 220 New Second 205 221 New Second 203 222 New Second 201 223 New Second 202 224 New Second 204 310 New Third 304 311 New Third 306 312 New Third 309 313 New Third 313 315 New Third 312 315 New Third 311 317 New Third 310 318 New Third 309 319 New Third 307 320 New Third 305 321 New Third 303 322 New Third 301 323 New Third 302 • Re-numbered 10/24/2013 NSTAR: Wiring Permit System(WPS)-Permit Page 1 of 4 [Comment%I Work Order Reauest I Search I Lid I • )NSTAR Wiring Permit System (WPS) - Permit Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I Permit Information . Work Order Information Utility Auth/WO#: 01943993 Date: 05/31/2013 Company Rep: Report By: YAR, 134 OLD MAIN ST/JAMES J WELCH &CO INC-MONLY/QINS Status: ACTIVE Service: Type: COM Nature of Work: REMAINING 15 METERS OF 65 TO GO WITH WO# 1943985. 100A 120/208V EACH. Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I Permit Information • • https://www.nstar.com/secure/apps/wps/wpspermit.asp?Work_Order Nbr=01943993 3/18/2014 NSTAR: Wiring Permit System(WPS) -Permit Page 2 of 4 -Service Information • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 221 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 222 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 301 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 302 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO! NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 303 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 304 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 305 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 306 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 307 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 308 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 309 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 310 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 311 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH& CO I NC https://www.nstar.com/secure/apps/wps/wpspermit.asp?Work_Order_Nbr=01943993 3/18/2014 NSTAR: Wiring Permit System(WPS) - Permit Page 3 of 4 • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 312 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 313 VAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I Permit Information —Contact Information Type: ELECTRICIAN License: 0000017197 Last Name: DOHERTY First Name: ARTHUR Company: BAYSIDE ELECTRIC Address: 372 YARMOUTH RD HYANNIS MA 02601- Pager: Email: BRANDY@BAYSIDEELEC.COM Phone: 5087717270 Cell Phone: 5084002350 Fax: 5087716617 Best Hours: ANY TIME Blue Book N Reorder: Type: GENERAL CONTRACTOR License: Last Name: CO INC First Name: JAMES J. WELCH Company: Address: 27 CONGRESS ST SALEM MA • 01970- Pager: Email: Phone: 9787449300 Cell Phone: Fax: Best Hours: ANY TIME Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I Permit Information Permit Information Permit#: E13-808 Meters: 15 Reseal Y Date: 03/18/2014 (Y/N): Inspector:WI0060 Description:Partial Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I permit Information [Cni2I Work Order Request I Search I List 1 Copyright 2014 NSTAR,800 Boylston Street,Boston MA USA.All rights reserved.Reproduction In whole or In part of any graphics,Images,text or other content at this web site must be granted by NSTAR,Boston,MA,USA.Unauthorized modification of any Information stored at this site may result In criminal prosecution. • • https://www.nstar.com/secure/apps/wps/wpspermit.asp?Work_Order_Nbr-01943993 3/18/2014 NSTAR: Wiring Permit System(WPS) -Permit Page 1 of 7 [Comments I Work Order Reauest I Search I Lig] • NSTAR Wiring Permit System (WPS) - Permit Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I Permit Information Work Order Information Utility Auth/WO#: 01943985 Date: 05/31/2013 Company Rep: Report By: YAR, 134 OLD MAIN ST/JAMES J WELCH & CO INC-MONLY/QINS Status: ACTIVE Service: Type: COM Nature of Work: INSTALL 50 OF 65 METERS 100A 120/208V. SECOND WORK ORDER FOR REMAINING METERS Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I permit Information • • https://www.nstar.com/secure/apps/wps/wpspermit.asp7Work_Order Nbr=01943985 3/18/2014 NSTAR: Wiring Permit System (WPS) - Permit Page 2 of 7 -Service Information Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST G01 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST G02 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST G03 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST G04 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST G05 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST G06 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 101 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 102 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 103 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 104 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 105 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 106 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 107 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC https://www.nstar.com/secure/apps/wps/wpspermit.asp?Work_Order Nbr=01943985 3/18/2014 NSTAR: Wiring Permit System(WPS) -Permit Page 3 of 7 • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 108 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 109 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 110 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 111 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 112 VAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 113 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 114 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 115 VAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 116 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 117 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 118 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 119 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 120 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC https://www.nstar.com/secure/apps/wps/wpspermit.asp?Work_Order Nbr=01943985 3/18/2014 NSTAR: Wiring Permit System(WPS) - Permit Page 4 of 7 • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 121 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 122 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO ! NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 123 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 124 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 201 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 202 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 203 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 204 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &COI NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 205 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 206 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 207 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 208 VAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH & CO I NC • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 209 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC https://www.nstar.com/secure/apps/wps/wpspermit.asp?Work_Order_Nbr=01943985 3/18/2014 NSTAR: Wiring Permit System(WPS) -Permit Page 5 of 7 • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 210 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 211 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 212 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 213 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 214 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 215 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC • Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 216 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 217 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 218 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 219 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Service Voltage: 120/208-4 Switch Size: 100 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST 220 YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Work Order Information IService Information I Contact Information I Permit Information • https://www.nstar.com/secure/apps/wps/wpspermit.asp?Work_Order_Nbr=01943985 3/18/2014 NSTAR: Wiring Permit System (WPS) - Permit Page 6 of 7 Contact Information • Type: ELECTRICIAN License: 0000017197 Last Name: DOHERTY First Name: ARTHUR Company: BAYSIDE ELECTRIC Address: 372 YARMOUTH RD HYANNIS MA 02601- Pager: Email: BRANDY@BAYSIDEELEC.COM Phone: 5087717270 Cell Phone: 5084002350 Fax: 5087716617 Best Hours: ANY TIME Blue Book N Reorder: Type: GENERAL CONTRACTOR License: Last Name: CO INC First Name: JAMES J. WELCH Company: Address: 27 CONGRESS ST SALEM MA 01970- Pager: Email: Phone: 9787449300 Cell Phone: Fax: Best Hours: ANY TIME Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I permit Information Permit Information Permit#: E13-808 Meters: 50 Reseal Y Date: 03/18/2014 (YIN): Inspector:WI0060 Description:Partial • Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I Permit Information [Comments I Work Order Reauest I Search I 1St] Copyright 2014 NSTAR,800 Boylston Street,Boston MA USA.All rights reserved.Reproduction In whole or In part of any graphics,Images,text or other content at this web site must be granted by NSTAR,Boston,MA,USA.Unauthorized modification of any information stored at this site may result in criminal prosecution. • https://www.nstar.com/secure/apps/wps/wpspermit.asp?Work_Order_Nbr=01943985 3/18/2014 Elliott, Ken •From: Elliott, Ken Sent: Wednesday,April 30, 2014 6:39 AM To: 's.peckham@comcast.net' Subject: RE: Simpkins School... The statements that you have made appear to be correct including my approval of the rough wiring of the 1"and 2nd floor areas of the new building. Let me know when you are scheduled to re-start the project. K. Elliott Inspector of Wires Town of Yarmouth, Building Department 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 (Ext 1263) 508-398-0836 (Fax) kelliott@varmouth.ma.us From: s.oeckham@comcast.net 6mailto:s.oeckham@comcast.net] Sent:Tuesday,April 29, 2014 8:35 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Fwd: Simpkins School... • Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID Original Message Subject: Simpkins School... From: s.peckham@comcast.net To: kenelliott@yarmouth.ma.us CC: Art Dorherty<art(a�baysideelec.com>,Brandy<brandy@baysideelec.com> "—We&apos;re BACK"... With a NEW GENERAL CONTRACTOR! Hi Ken... Hopefully,this time things will run a wee bit better on this "Never Ending Story". In one of the last email communications I had with Chad he indicated the following: -All remaining units are "Rough Ok&apos;d"by you... (ALL UNITS NOW APPROVED) -3rd floor Hallway was approved. - 1st&2nd floor Hallways "NOT APPROVED- Move sheetrock/clean areas" • 207 Finish rejected(island wire not supported) -208, 209 Final passed Remaining areas needing inspection: 1 -Managers Office-Rough -Meeting Room- Rough Sewage Treatment-Final • I would be most appreciative if you would check your records and verify the above. We (Chad etal) will be back on the job on a full time basis in about 2 weeks. In the meantime,the (DRUM Roll Please)new G/C has asked us to walk thru all remaining units that have not been sheet rocked yet(essentially the 3rd floor)and check ALL our wiring to ensure its integrity... Which we will be attending to directly. Looking forward to wrapping this one up in the next(egad) 3 months or less. Best Regards, Stephen Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID • • 2 Elliott, Ken ("From: Stephen <s.peckham@comcast.net> Sent: Friday,April 04, 2014 8:56 AM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: Arthur Doherty; brandy Subject: Simpkins School STATUS-ELECTRICAL @ Project: Ken, At your request... To confirm our conversation yesterday: - Bayside Electrical Contractors, as well as all other subcontractors on the project were told Tuesday mid-afternoon April 1 that the job was being SHUT DOWN per Fred Stockton /J.J. Welch's job-site Superintendent. - All subs were directed to leave the site immediately. - In a follow-up conversation (that afternoon) I had with J.J. Welch Co owner Michael Welch... He confirmed that the shut-down was at his directive. - Apparently, he has not been paid for requisition(s) submitted... And, feels the owners are "playing games" causing concern about the continued relationship with his company... Significantly, there are a number of significant change orders that are in dispute that are yet to be •resolved with J.J. Welch. - I will note, as one of the major subcontractors on the project, we too are concerned about the resolution of a number of change orders (some very large) that we have submitted for payment. -At this point, he has directed his attorney to facilitate discussions with the owners attorney with the hope of having an amicable resolution by weeks end or first of next week. Presently, that's about all I am aware of. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Peckham Projects Manager, Bayside Electrical Contractors (508-776-1128ce11) • 1 Elliott, Ken •From: Michel.LaCroix@nu.com Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 2:54 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: RE: Simpkins school ok Thanks From: "Elliott,Ken"<KElliotlC 1varmouth.ma.u@> To: Michel K.LaCroix/NUS@NU, Date: 03/17/2014 02:49 PM Subject: RE:Simpkins school Thank you Mike.Would you also add rooms#107, 108,109,and 110.These are also ready for meters.Inspected today. Thanks.....Ken From: Michel.LaCroix nu.com [mailto:Michel.LaCroix(alnu.conl] Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 2:43 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Re: Simpkins school Thanks Ken, We will be setting these meters sometime this week. NSTAR Electric Mike LaCroix Meter Technical Coordinator Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard Cell: 339-987-7251 Desk: 508-957-4548 Fax: 508-957-4558 From: "Elliott,Ken"<KElliottcTvarmouth.ma.us> To: Michel K.LaCroix/NUSt NU, Cc: "Elliott,Ken'<KElliottltvarmoulh.ma.us> Date: 03/17/2014 12:58 PM Subject: Simpkins school •Good morning Mike. Please see the attached list for units at the Simpkins School Residences, 134 Old Main Street,South Yarmouth that are ready to have meters set. The list shows both the old and the new unit numbers. In the meter room the meter sockets are marked with the new numbering. 1 The high lighted numbers are the units that are ready to have meters set. Thanks and have a great day. K. Elliott Inspector of Wires Town of Yarmouth, Building Department 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 508-398-2231 (Ext 1263) 508-398-0836 (Fax) kelliottPvarmouth.ma.us [attachment "Simpkins School rooms re-numbered 10-24-13.xls" deleted by Michel K. LaCroix/NUS] • • • 2 NSTAR: Wiring Permit System(WPS) -Permit Page 1 of 2 [Comments I Work Order Reauest I Search I1JM I O ONSTAR Wiring Permit System (WPS) - Permit Work Order Information!Service Information I Contact Information I Permit Information Work Order Information Utility Auth/WO#: 01927111 Date: 01/31/2013 Company Rep: SEAN HAYES Report By: YAR, (P37/201) 134 OLD MAIN ST/JAMES WELCH &CO INC-PUB/MTR Status: ACTIVE Service:NEW Type: COM Nature of Work: PROVIDE A 2000A, 120/208V SERVICE FOR A 65 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDINGFROM RISER POLE 37/201.A SEPARATE WORK ORDER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED FOR THE REMOVAL OF EXISTINGTRANSFORMER AND PAD FROM PREMISES. Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I Permit Information Service Information Service Voltage: 120/208V-4W Switch Size: 1000 AMPS Address: 134 OLD MAIN ST YARMOUTH 02664 Name: JAMES WELCH&CO INC • Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I permit Information -Contact Information Type: ELECTRICIAN License: 0000017197 Last Name: GROUP First Name: STRATFORD CAPITAL Company: Address: 100 CORPORATE#404 PL PEABODY MA 01960- Pager: Email: Phone: Cell Phone: Fax: Best Hours: Blue Book Reorder: Type: OWNER License: Last Name: DOHERTY First Name: ARTHUR Company: BAYSIDE ELECTRIC Address: 372 YARMOUTH RD HYANNIS MA 02601- Pager: Email: Phone: 5087717270 Cell Phone: 5084002381 Fax: 5087716617 Best Hours: ANY TIME Type: License: Last Name: First Name: Company: Address: • Pager: Email: Phone: 9785355600 Cell Phone: Fax: Best Hours: ANY TIME https://www.nstar.com/secure/apps/wps/wpspermit.asp?Work_Order Nbr=01927111 8/22/2013 NSTAR: Wiring Permit System (WPS) - Permit Page 2 of 2 Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I Permit Information • Permit Information Permit#: E13-808 Meters: 1 Reseal Y Date: 08/22/2013 (YIN): Inspector:W10060 Description: Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I permit Information [Commentq I Work Order Request I Search I kat I Copyright 2013 NSTAR,800 Boylston Street,Boston MA USA.All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part of any graphics,Images,text or other content at this web site must be granted by NSTAR,Boston,MA,USA.Unauthorized modification of any information stored at this site may result in criminal prosecution. • • https://www.nstar.com/secure/apps/wps/wpspermit.asp?Work_Order_Nbr=01927111 8/22/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Wednesday,August 21,2013 12:21 PM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: 'Bob Doherty' Subject: Simpkins School Work Orders Hi Ken, There are three work orders. The main one is 1927111 and the are two work orders for the meters. One with 50 meters is 1943985 and the second one with 15 meters is 1943993. ********************************************************************** This e-mail, including any files or attachments transmitted with it, is confidential and/or proprietary and is intended for a specific purpose and for use only by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Any disclosure, copying or distribution of this e-mail or the taking of any action based on its contents, other than for its intended purpose, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error,please notify the sender immediately and delete it from your system. Any views or opinions expressed in this e- mail are not necessarily those of Northeast Utilities, its subsidiaries and affiliates(NU). E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be error-free or secure or free from viruses,and NU disclaims all • liability for any resulting damage, errors,or omissions. ********************************************************************** 1111 8/21/2013 Elliott, Ken Went: Stephen <s.peckham@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, April 04, 2014 8:56 AM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: Arthur Doherty; brandy Subject: Simpkins School STATUS-ELECTRICAL @ Project: Ken, At your request... To confirm our conversation yesterday: - Bayside Electrical Contractors, as well as all other subcontractors on the project were told Tuesday mid-afternoon April 1 that the job was being SHUT DOWN per Fred Stockton /J.J. Welch's job-site Superintendent. -All subs were directed to leave the site immediately. - In a follow-up conversation (that afternoon) I had with J.J. Welch Co owner Michael Welch... He confirmed that the shut-down was at his directive. -Apparently, he has not been paid for requisition(s) submitted... And, feels the owners are "playing games" causing concern about the continued relationship with his company... Significantly, there are a number of significant change orders that are in dispute that are yet to be •resolved with J.J. Welch. - I will note, as one of the major subcontractors on the project, we too are concerned about the resolution of a number of change orders (some very large) that we have submitted for payment. -At this point, he has directed his attorney to facilitate discussions with the owners attorney with the hope of having an amicable resolution by weeks end or first of next week. Presently, that's about all I am aware of. Respectfully submitted, Stephen Peckham RECEIVED Projects Manager, Bayside Electrical Contractors APR -4 2014 (508-776-1128ce11) BUILDING DEPT. By • 1 Elliott, Ken •From: Brandy<Brandy@baysideelec.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 9:09 AM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: 'Stephen' Subject: Letter per your request Attachments: Simpkins Letter.pdf Hi Ken, Attached is the letter per your request. Thanks, Brandy L Haislet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hiiannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F508-771-6617 www.baysideelec.com Electrical'Heating'Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this email • •• 1 Bayside Electrical Contractors, Inc. 508-771-7270 March 18, 2014 "Serving all your electrical needs" Mr. Ken Elliot Town of Yarmouth Wire Inspector REF: Simpkins School RM 104 High Voltage Testing Dear Mr. Elliot, Per your request, subsequent to some prior water damage to RM #104 we used high voltage testing equipment to ascertain the continued integrity of the branch circuit wiring in that unit in the proximity of where moisture may have been present. 1 Utilizing a 'Megger instrument made by Ideal Company, Model#61-791 we tested the using scales of 250/ 500 / 1,000 volts DC. • Test results clearly indicated there was no issue with the integrity of the insulation of the wiring. Trust this -rye to alleviate any concern. Best, �l _Stepheri 'eckham Projects Manager, Bayside Electrical Contractors (508-776-1128ce11) • 372 Yarmouth Road•I lyannis,MA 02601-2043 Tel:508-771-7270•Fax:508-771-6617 www.bai'sideelec.cop Elliott, Ken •From: Elliott, Ken Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 2:53 PM To: Brandy(Brandy@baysideelec.com); chadameins@gmail.com Cc: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins Updated Inspection Log. Attachments: John Simpkins School Project.doc See attached updated log. (Chad: Call me as soon as you can.) • • 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy<Brandy@baysideelec.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:45 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins School Inspection List Thanks Ken Finish 205/ 207/ 305/panel cover 208 209 Rough 111 119 112/truss work 122 123 •210 211/bed closet 219 221 222 223 310 319 3rd floor hallway(walls & ceilng) 2nd floor hallway Service inspections for meters to be set: 107 108 109 110 113 114 115 •116 117 118 111 i 223 222 224 •220 210 219 211 212 218 217 216 215 214 313 316 317 Brandy L Haislet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F508-771-6617 •www.baysideeleccom ElectricalHeating'Cooling grease consider the environment before yrinting this email • 2 Page 1 of 2 Elliott, Ken • From: -Stephen [s.peckham@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 11:42 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Fwd: Simpkins School 134 Old Main Street Yarmouth Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID Original Message Subject: Re: Simpkins School 134 Old Main Street Yarmouth From: -Stephen<s.peckham@comcast.net> To: Brandy <Brandy@baysideelec.com>,kenelliott@yarmouth.ma.us CC: chad meins<chadameins@gmail.com> Ken, This list was given to Chad from the G/C who was previously given a status list from me detailing what has/has not been inspected and/or needing reinspection. Chad passed it on to me and I to Brandy not realizing the GC had not checked the status... I should have verified it before passing it on-My apologies! Below please note what is actually ready for(rough)re-inspection, rough re-inspection due to truss • work, or for a rough inspection: Ready for Final: 105 201 204 205 206 207 302 Ready for Rough: 224 310 322 (Rough inspected already on 11/15) 213 -reinspect/trusswork 214-ditto 215-ditto 218- ditto 220-ditto (112 Rough inspected already on 10/15) • 113-reinspect/trusswork 116- ditto 117-ditto 118-ditto 2/5/2014 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: -Stephen[s.peckham@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 11:42 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Fwd: Pending re-inspections SE cables-truss work Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID Original Message Subject: Pending re-inspections SE cables-truss work From: -Stephen<s.peckham@comcast.net> To: kenelliott@yarmouth.ma.us CC: Brandy<brandy@baysideelec.com>,Art Dorherty<art@baysideelec.com> Ken, Below are the unit#&apos;s that are NOT yet ready for re-inspections where the SE cables were removed; now pending the reinstall by Bayside-NOT YET COMPLETED. 111 • 119 122 123 210 211 219 220 221 222 223 Regards, Stephen(Peckham) • Projects Manager Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID • 2/5/2014 D/UO gem 64.4 Jct F/,a*. Cep troves- 12 riveagra • 13 his a ' S 116 / 1? ) i ? I ' ? 1 er aa f� (a) Rv aas feS" goon a a � off- cc • RECEIVED FEB -5 2014 • 9r SnE BUILDING DEPT. By Page 1 of 3 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[Brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 6:56 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: RE: Simpkins School 134 Old Main Street Yarmouth I just questioned the guys about the units you have in red.They were inspected but may need to be re-inspected due to the truss work that was recently completed. Steve is on site if you have questions,508-776-1128. Drive safely today! Thanks Ken Brand L Haisle4 Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hgannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 wwwbaysideelec.com Electrical'Heating'Cooling Please consider tfie environment before yrinting this email • From: Elliott, Ken [mailto:KElliott@yarmouth.ma.us] �� Sent:Wednesday, February 05,2014 5:33 AM To:'Brandy' Cc: Elliott, Ken;Grylls, Mark Subject: RE:Simpkins School 134 Old Main Street Yarmouth Good morning Brandy. Please see my notes at the end of this email. I will try to get some of these done today. HaveaGREATday ! Ken. From: Brandy [mailto:Brandvebaysideelec.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:30 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins School 134 Old Main Street Yarmouth Hi Ken, • We are ready for inspections in the below units.Thank You. 2/5/2014 Page 2 of 3 Ready for Final: • 105 201 204 205 206 207 302 Ready for Rough: 321 311 317 316 224 323 322 310 320 224 224 112 214 • 213 217 218 113 114 115 116 117 118 Items in RED were "rough" inspected on October 24th and October 25th Items remaining, from your request list, are the apartments for final 105, 201, 204, 205, 206, 207, & 302. Items remaining, from your request list for rough inspections, are the apartments 224, 322, 310, 112, & 213. • ****NOTE****If any of the listed apartments, from your email, are the apartments that had 2/5/2014 Page 3 of 3 a the framing modified and the wires relocated need to re-inspect those apartments. I was to be given a list of these apartments, from the contractor, but as yet this has not happened . Thank you. • • 2/5/2014 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Elliott, Ken Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 9:43 AM To: Sawyer, Jon Cc: Grylls, Mark; Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins School Good morning Jon. I tried to send you the pictures from last night's inspection but I was unable to attach them to this email. I found seven (7)smoke detectors with dust covers still in place and six(6)sprinkler heads that were still taped up with masking tape.We all also observed that the fire alarm control panel (FACP)was powered down along with the surrounding FACP equipment. There was dial tone present, at the automatic dialer(DACT), although there was no power present to operate the DACT. Any questions give me a call. Thanks Ken • • 1/28/2014 • I-. Lid ...v :: - I Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... - Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... - Sprinkler Head Check 1-... i ii e v_,, iiik_, G04 4u .. -I- kk 1 ..t Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... - Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... iig i . f :.,, .. w _• Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. - Sprinkler Head Check 1-... - Sprinkler Head Check 1-.,. - Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... „ r ip :? 3 s ELEVATOR ;` ak:''f $' r CONTROL . 2 .. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... - Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... . aw y.. G03 - , Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. Simpkins School Smoke Det. -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... j t;: Simpkins School Smoke Det. -Sprinkler Head Check 1-... Elliott, Ken ("From: Elliott, Ken Sent: Monday, January 27, 2014 8:30 AM To: 'fredstockton@jamesjwelch.com' Subject: RE: Inspections Attachments: Simpkins School status 1-15-14.xls tty Simpkins School status 1-15-14... See attached for status as of 1-15-14. Original Message From: fredstockton@jamesjwelch.com (mailto:fredstockton@jamesjwelch.com] Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2014 9:02 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Inspections Hi Ken, would you mind emailing me the updated inspection list you gave me a hard copy of? I would like to distribute to subs. Thnx • • 1 • YE I TAS E I TAS engineers • Innovave Structural Engineering QUALITY-ASSURANCE INSPECTION REPORT FIELD REPORT NO: 2 Project: Simpkins School Contractor JJ Welch Client James J. Welch&Company Date 1-6-14 Present at Site: Weather/ Temperature Sunny/35°F WORK.IN PROGRESS RECEIVED ACTION REQUIRED / ITEM TO VERIFY JAN 2 7 2014 BUILDING DEPT. 2.1 Unit 211 Not complete By • 22 Unit 218 2.3 Unit 217 Truss repair complete. Not complete.Need to install 2x6. 2.4 Unit 216 Install header.Truss repair complete. 2.5 Unit 215 2 Cut truss header to wall. 2.6 Unit 219 Not done. 2.7 Unit 210 Complete. 2.8 Unit 220 Complete. 2.9 Unit 221 Complete. 2.10 Unit 222 ' Not done. 2.11 Unit 224 Need FOl truss fix. • • Robert Guay.PE Reviewed by • • • • Stn:ctg:al Encneeerinp•Balding Science•Stnmtt al I.sspecticns•?earn/Euld VeitaS nl Ve.las Engineers,Inc. C39 Gratdte Street•Braintree,NA 021E4 •T:721-E4E-2E4.3•F:7C1-t49-2055•anw,v&s.cont VE ITAS = VE ITAS engineers • Innovative Structural Engineering QUALITY ASSURANCE INSPECTION REPORT FIELD REPORT NO: 1 Project: Simpkins School Contractor JJ welch Client James J.Welch&Company Date 12-20-13 Present at Site: Weather/ Temperature Sunny/35°F WORK IN PROGRESS 1.1 Reviewed truss repair procedure on site with contractor. ACTION REQUIRED / ITEM TO VERIFY • Robert Guay,PE Reviewed by • Str ctu:al Enrineerinq• Ridding Science•Stn:ctural Inc,ecticnv •De:/Build Veitas and ve..tef Engineers.Inc. 639 Gxaite Street•Emi.tee,M.4027E: •::791443.2953•F: 791-t49-2055•n.:r..veit z.ccm Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Elliott, Ken Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 4:26 PM To: 'Brandy' Cc: Elliott, Ken Subject: RE: Simpkin School Good morning Brandy..........I gave Arthur/Stephen a copy of my log when they were here at our office.The information that you are requesting is clearly stated within the log and is as follows: Room 107 Rough wiring inspected 8/26/13. Room 108 Rough wiring inspected 8/26/13. Room 109 Rough wiring inspected 11/15/13. Room 110 Rough wiring inspected 11/19/13. Room 208 Rough wiring inspected 11/19/13. Room 209 Rough wiring inspected 11/19/13. Any rooms, not addressed in the log, have not been inspected. Please keep in mind that the rooms that have had the wiring disturbed, in the new section, will have to be re- inspected and there will be additions fees due. If you have any questions let me know. Ken • From: Brandy [mailto:Brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent:Thursday, January 23, 2014 10:11 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkin School Hi Ken, Can you let me know if Rooms 208,209 and 107-110 had rough inspections? Also, if there are any rooms that didn't have a rough inspections? Thanks, Brandy L Haislet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 wwwbatlsideelec.com Electrical'Heating'Cooling ?lease consider the environment before printing this email • 1/23/2014 • Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[Brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 8:54 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins School Hi Ken, When you go to the school today,Steve Peckham, our foreman will be there. His number is 508-776-1128. Brandy L Maisie* Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 www.bansideeleccom Electrical'Heating'Cooling Please consider the environment heforeprinting this email • • 1/7/2014 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • • From: Elliott, Ken Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 6:36 AM ' To: 'Brandy' Cc: Elliott, Ken; Grylls, Mark Subject: RE: Simpkins School At this time and date you have the following: 8 inspections paid for / 23 inspections performed (15 inspections over @$80.00=$1,200.00(Rough&finals for rooms) 2 inspections paid for / 3 inspections performed ( 1 inspection over @$80.00=$80.00(Service) 1 inspection paid for / 2 inspections performed( 1 inspection over @$80.00=$80.00 (Temp. Service) TOTAL DUE(As of this date.) $1,360.00 From: Brandy [mailto:Brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent:Tuesday, December 31, 2013 2:37 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins School Hi Ken, • When you get a chance,can you inform me of the additional inspection costs?Thanks BrandiLHaislet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road . Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 www.baysideeleccom Electrical'Heating'Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this email • 1/2/2014 • Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[Brandy@baysideelec.comj Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 2:37 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins School Hi Ken, When you get a chance,can you inform me of the additional inspection costs?Thanks Brandy L Haislet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270F 508-771-6617 www.bausideeleccom Electrical'Heating'Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this email • • 12/31/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[Brandy@baysideelec.comj Sent: Monday, December 30, 2013 2:10 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Inspection request HI Ken, Can you please inspect the three laundry rooms in the new building tomorrow?Thanks. &ands LHaislet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 wwwbaysideeleccom Electrical'Heating'Cooling P@ase consider the environment before yrinting this email • • 12/31/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: (James)Justin Welch [justinwelch@jjwelch.com] Sent: Thursday,December 26,2013 10:57 AM To: Grylls, Mark Cc: 'Richard Hayden'; Elliott, Ken; Bates, Kenneth Subject: RE: Framing repairs in new structure Hi mark, Yes, any work that needs to be changed due to truss work will certainly be re inspected Sent from my Samsung Geiexy SM Original message From: "Grylls,Mark" Date:12/26/2013 10:48 AM(GMT-05:00) To: 'justin welch' Cc: 'Richard Hayden' ,"Elliott, Ken" ,"Bates,Kenneth" Subject: Framing repairs in new structure Hi Justin, I have just received a call from my wiring inspector who is on vacation. • He stated that he was just notified that floor framing is being repaired or replaced to accommodate plumbing work that has been installed. Our concerns are; any inspections that have taken place such as, frame, electrical, plumbing, must be reinspected prior to covering with blueboard. If you have any questions I can be reached in the office today. Thank you, Mark Mark Grylls Building Commissioner Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 x1261 • 12/30/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Grylls, Mark Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:32 PM To: Bates, Kenneth Cc: Sawyer, Jon; Grylls, Mark; Cipro, Linda; Hall, Lee; Elliott, Ken; Murphy, Bruce Subject: Simpkins Temp C.O. Hi Kenn, This issue has been a topic of discussion for some time and I think I have it figured out. The Temp C.O. can be issued after verification that the fire separation is complete and Deputy Sawyer is satisfied with the documentation he is waiting for regarding FA and sprinkler system. The temp C.O. is to be issued for 30 days, and will not be finalized until the following. 1. Receive final approval from all departments listed on the C.O. sign off sheet. 2. Temp C.O. for front, old school section of building, does not include lofts. You can print this email and attach if you like to the TCO. If you have any additional issues be sure to include them as part of this TCO. This TCO does expire in 30 days unless a written request is made for an extension. If you have any questions I have my phone on. Talk soon, • Mark Mark Grylls Building Commissioner Town of Yarmouth 508-398-2231 x1261 • . 12/30/2013 Page 1 of 1 • Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy [Brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Monday, December 16,2013 8:47 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: RE: Simpkins School Common areas only please Brandy L Halslet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F508-771-6617 www.baysideelec.com Electrical Heating Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this email From: Elliott, Ken [mailto:KElliott@yarmouth.ma.us] Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 8:15 AM To:'Brandy' Subject: RE:Simpkins School Good morning.Are you looking for the common areas only? I have rooms 105, 201,204, 205, 206,207, &302 • liosted for a re-inspection and rooms 208, 209, 107, 108, 109, & 110 listed for finals. Please let me know A.S.A.P. I also need to talk about charges for additional inspections. Ken From: Brandy [mailto:Brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 8:07 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins School • Hi Ken, . I think Art called on Friday but as a reminder we'd like an inspection on the Common Areas in the old building at 134 Old Main Street. Thanks, Brandy LHaislet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road • Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F508-771-6617 www.hausideeleccom • Electrical"Heating•Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this email 12/16/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[Brandy©baysideelec.com] Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 4:13 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject Simpkins School Hi Ken, We'd like to request the following inspections. Monday 11/25/2013:The Third Floor Final in Units Tuesday 11/26/2013: Intermediate Level Final in Units Wednesday 11/27/2013: Basement Level Final in Units Thanks, Branch L Hale* Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 wwwbaysideelec.com Electrical*Heating'Cooling • PTase consider the environment before yrinting this email • 11/25/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy [Brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 1:19 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins School Hi Ken, The third floor units in the old building are ready for a final inspection. Thanks, Brandy L Haslet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F508-771-6617 • www.bausideelec.com Electrical'Heating'Cooling Please consider the environment before yrinting this email • • 11/19/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[Brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 1:43 PM To: " Elliott, Ken Subject: Inspections Hi Ken, Can you please do an inspection tomorrow at the Simpkins School 134 Old Main Street? It is for a Rough on 110,222,208&209 Thanks, Brandy Haislet Bayside Electrical Contractors • 11/19/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[Brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 3:04 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins School Inspections Hi Ken, We are ready for an inspection at the Simpkins School 134 Old Main Street Yarmouth in units 322,222,223,107,108,109,110 for roughs. Thanks, Brandy Haislet Bayside Electrical Contractors, Inc. 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 • • • 11/14/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: brandy@baysideelec.com Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 1:42 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkin School Hi Ken, We have multiple rough in new building and service inspections for tomorrow. Bobby Doherty,site foreman, would like to walk thru with you.Any chance you could call him before you go or when you get there on his cell. 508-509-9465. Thanks, Brandy L Haislet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F508-771-6617 www.baysideeleccom Electrical`Heating*Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this email • • 10/23/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: brandy@baysideelec.com Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 11:30 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkin School Residences Hi Ken, The door to the electric room will be installed today for an inspection on the meter tomorrow. We also have units ready for inspection. Brandy L Harslet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 www.haysideelec.com Electrical'Heating'Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this email • • 10/22/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: brandy@baysideelec.com Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 10:17 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkin School Inspection Hi Ken, We are ready for an inspection for the meters at the Simpkins School Residences. Work Order#'s 1943985 and 1943993 Brandt;LHaislet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F508-771-6617 www.bausideelec.com Electrical'Heating'Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this email • • 10/21/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: brandy@baysideelec.com Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 11:58 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkin School Inspection Hi Ken, We are ready for an inspection on the Ground Floor and a few on the second floor as well. Thanks, Brandy L Haslet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 308-771-7270 F508-771-6617 www.baysicleelec.com Electrical*Heating'Cooling ?Cease consider the environment beforeprinting this email • • 10/10/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: brandy@baysideelec.com Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 7:58 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Inspection Hi Ken, Can you please inspect the basement hallway at the Simpkin School Residences. Thanks, Brandy LHaslet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 wwwbaysideeleccom Electrical'Heating'Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this email • • 9/17/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Tuesday,August 20, 2013 1:30 PM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: 'Bob Doherty' Subject: Simpkin School Inspection Hi Ken, Can you please inspect the service at Simpkins School 134 Old Main Street Yarmouth MA. Brandy LHatslet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 www.bausideelec.com Electrical'Heating tCooling Please consider the environment before printing this email • • 8/20/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 2:58 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkins School Hi Ken, We'd like an inspection for the West Wing at the Simpkins School on 134 Old Main Street.Thanks Brandy LHaislet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F508-771-6617 www.baysideelec.com Electrical'Heating'Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this email • • • 7/31/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[brandy©baysideelec.com] Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 10:23 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkin School Inspection for the duct bank DD at 134 old Main Street please. Brandt]LHaslet Comptroller 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 www.bausideelec.com Electrical Heating'Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this email • • • 7/19/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[brandy©baysideelec.com] Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 8:46 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Inspection Needed Simpkins School 134 Old Main Street Yarmouth Rooms 201 101 102 103 106 Stairway#1 Laundry room Lower level hallway walls • • 6/19/2013 Page 1 of 1 • Elliott, Ken From: Brandy[brandy©baysideelec.com] Sent: Thursday,April 18,2013 10:39 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkin School Waste Water Treatment Hi Ken, Can you please let me know the permit cost for the above referenced project?Thanks Brandy LHaislet 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F508-771-6617 www.hagsideelec.com Please cons War the environment before printing this email' • 20o'- ,l Ace z4®oA 11/46 r'tn 6 Atiuv1 6aft� 40-tip SiStt- • 4/19/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[brandy©baysideelec.com] Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 8:10 AM To: Elliott, Ken; 'chad meins' Subject: FW: Simpkins School Residences Rough Inspection for Tomorrow Please cancel the request I emailed you yesterday and I will reschedule at a later date.Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience. Brandy LHaialet 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 www.bausideelec.com Electrical Heating'Cooling Please consider the environment before_printing this email From: Brandy [mailto:brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:21 PM To: 'Elliott, Ken' Cc: 'chad meins' • Subject: Simpkins School Residences Rough Inspection for Tomorrow • Hi Ken, We are ready for inspections on the Ground Floor Hallway wall inspection and Stairway#1 please Brandy L Haislet 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 wwwbausideelec.com Electrical*Heating•Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this emaif • 6/27/2013 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Brandy[brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 3:21 PM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: 'chad meins' Subject: Simpkins School Residences Rough Inspection for Tomorrow Hi Ken, We are ready for inspections on the Ground Floor Hallway wall inspection and Stairway#1 please BrandijLHaialet 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 www.hausideelec.com Electrical'Heating'Cooling Please consider the environment before printing this emaif • • 6/26/2013 • Fee for the waste water plant will be$515.00 and this will include a total of five(5) inspections. Have a GREAT day! From: Brandy [mailto:brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 10:39 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: Simpkin School Waste Water Treatment Hi Ken, Can you please let me know the permit cost for the above referenced project?Thanks Brandy L Haislet 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 wwwlxiysideeleccom Please consider the environment before yrinting this email S • Page 1 of 1 • Elliott, Ken From: Brandy[brandy©baysideelec.com] Sent: Tuesday,April 02, 2013 1:14 PM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: 134 Old Main Street Inspection HI Ken, At this time I am requesting a rough inspection for the third floor units. I also left you a voicemail. Thanks Brandy L Haislet 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F508-771-6617 wwwJ,ausideeleccom • Please consider the environment before printing this email • 4/2/2013 • Yes. I will allow that to happen as long as I can see all wiring and box mounting. From: art [mailto:art@baysideelec.com] Sent:Tuesday, March 12, 2013 11:13 AM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: 'Brandy' Subject: Simpkins School Residence Yarmouth MA Hi Ken, JJ Welch wants to know if they can sheetrock one side of the walls in the apartments. Please let me know. Thanks, Arthur P.Doherty,Jr. Bayside Electrical Contractors,Inc 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 www.baysideeleccom Please consider the environment before printing this email • • JAMES J. WELCH & CO., INC. 27 CONGRESS STREET REQUEST FOR INFORMATION SALEM, MA PROJECT: Simpkins School Residences DATE r2/21/2013 ARCHITECT: 'ICON Architecture Inc. — RFI REFERENCE SPECS ' ----- REFERENCE '.REFERENCE DWGS A 5os' s REQUEST On typical refrigerators,on typical part plans shows plug down at normal height(18"center). On A-508 (kitchen plans and elevations) kitchen type 1 plan-enlarged shows a plug under an over hang. Is this for the refrigerator?Please specify exact location. • SUBMITTED BY: r Bayside Electrical b DATE: 2/21/2013 -91 REPLY The refrigerator receptacle should be mounted beyhind the refrigerator as shown on the electrical enlarged plans at 36"AFF. The"Elec outlet under overhang"note on A508 is not for the refrigerator.The note does not apply to this project.Just to note,the GF1 outlet typiclaly shown at the end of the island on the elctrical enlarged plans is to be located as shown on the electrical drawings,flush mounted in the finish end of the cabinent. ATTACHMENTS: REPLY BY: F MG/Joe Krochko '� rt� DATE: "9 2%22/201311 9 91 • ARCHITECT/ENGINEER • JAMES J. WELCH & CO., INC. 27 CONGRESS STREET REQUEST FOR INFORMATION SALEM, MA PROJECT: Simpkins SchoolMResidences k DATE`"1 '2/21/2013 nri ARCHITECT: ICON Architecture,Inc." RFI #ti BS REFERENCE SPECS REFERENCE DWGS 1-601 I REQUEST On E-601 shows a garbage disposal on typical load centers for the units. On E-typical unit part plans does not show any plug by sink and no switch on wall.Do we wire for disposal or not? • SUBMITTED BY: ' Bayside Electrical 1 DATE: 2/21/2013 ' REPLY There are no garbage disposals on this project. Provide the 20A breaker on the load center as a spare. ATTACHMENTS: REPLY BY: Joe Krochko DATE: 2/22/2013 • ARCHITECT/ENGINEER • JAMES J. WELCH & CO., INC. 27 CONGRESS STREET REQUEST FOR INFORMATION SALEM, MA PROJECT: Simpkins School Residences DATE r 2/21/2013 ARCHITECT: ICON Architecture, Inc. RFI #"M„ REFERENCE SPECS Electcal REFERENCE DWGS REQUEST Can we use Romex for the branch circuits in the hallways? • SUBMITTED BY: Bayside Electric DATE: a 2%21%2013 —i REPLY Type NM cable may be used in accordance with NEC Article 334.10 and MA Electric';. Code Amendments. ATTACHMENTS: t REPLY BY: K m DATE: 2/21'/13 • ARCHITECT/ENGINEER Page 1 of 3 Elliott, Ken • From: art[art@baysideelec.com] Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 11:27 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: FW: RFI Attachments: RFI#84 Response.pdf; RFI#85 Response.pdf; RFI#86 Response.pdf Ken, My question to using romex in halls Look at RFI#86 Arthur P.Doherty,Jr. Bayside Electrical Contractors,Inc 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 wwwbaysicleelec.com Pfease consider the environment before printing this email From: Brandy [mailto:brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 12:57 PM To: 'chad meins' • Cc: art@baysideelec.com Subject: FW: RFI Please see attachments for your review Brandy L Haslet 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 wwwbaysicleelec.com Please consider the environment beforeprinting this email From: Chris Cashman [mailto:chriscashman@jjwelch.com] Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 9:58 AM To: 'Brandy' Subject: RE: RFI Brady Here are the responses to you RFI request. Thank You • Chris Cashman Project Assistant James J. 'Welch & Co., Inc. 2/25/2013 Page 2 of 3 27 Congress Street • Salem, MA 0197o 978 744-9300x134 978 744-8320 fax ChrisCashman@jjwelch.com From: Brandy [mailto:brandy@baysideelec.com] Sent:Thursday, February 21, 2013 12:01 PM To: 'Chris Cashman' Subject: RE: RFI 8 &RFI 9 Brnndy LHaislet 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F 508-771-6617 www.bausideelec.com @lease consider the environment before printing this email From: Chris Cashman [mailto:chriscashman(alliwelch.com] • Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 12:00 PM To: 'Brandy' Subject: RE: RFI 8 &RFI 9 Brandy Didn't receive any attachments. Thank You Chris Cashman Project Assistant James J. "Welch & Co.,Inc. 27 Congress Street Salem, .MA 01970 978 744-9300X134 978 744-8320 fax ChrisCashman@jiwelch.com From: Brandy [mailto:brandvCabaysideelec.coml • Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 11:42 AM To: 'Gail Cullati'; 'Mike Welch'; 'Justin' Cc: 'chad meins'; 'Steve Schmall'; 'Leo' Subject: RFI 8&RFI 9 2/25/2013 Page 3 of 3 • Dear JJ Welch, Please find attached RFI 8& 9 for you review. Thanks Brandy LHaislet 372 Yarmouth Road Hyannis MA 02601 508-771-7270 F508-771-6617 www.baysideeleccom Please consider the environment before printing this email • I 2/25/2013 MARI � � The Simpkins ins NEUTRAL �� o-" GROUND Busts As REQUIRED a OSchool I`: `l MAN BOOM Residences JUMPERaTJE-carve NS j ' rEGAP1K"'°WtI"D WW S134 Old Main Street GROUND BUS WW w- Yarmouth, Massachusetts 3 0, cRTN S CLAMP WIN (U OF s FEET ENTRANa PONT CE PPE SAIL - - + BUTS SERVICE m-- `DIALDING LYWRF SERMCE . 7RAU1Wf01tYFR ESTE. STREET SLE WML OF WATER METER. TRANSFORMER /pu � • UNDERGROUND M E T AL GROtMD BUS WATER pin GREATER 0-• O AA 10 iLONG SEPEAATERY OERFUED— 1-1— 4 BIRA»G SUPPLEMENT L SYSTEM GENERATOR ECra-CLBUIWIND GROW)RCO GENERATOR GROUND GROUND MG BUS I Ernm • INDICATES BOLTED CONNECAOT • INDICATES EXOT+ER MC MELD CONNECTION.CDMPATAB E NUt MATERIALS BEWG JOINED 0 4/0 AMC INSULATED COPPER GROAN,CONDUCTOR IN T T/a•CONDUIT 0 4/0 AMO COPPER GROUND CONDUCTOR ENCASED IN COMMIE CD 4/0 AMC BARE COPPER GROUO CONDUCTOR ' 0 3/e x -0.LONG COPPER GROUND ROO DRIVEN NTH TDP 1•_0.60.0W GRADE Irii STRATFO RD BUILDING GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM DETAIL NTS CAPITAL GROUP NORMAL POWER NORM NEUTRAL T. CONSTANT NOT TEST z. NOMLM LIME O 4. EMERGCHE NEUTRALNEUT • I 4. EMERGENCY NEUTRAL D. EMERGENCY ELVR EMERGENCY UTILITY 2 6. EMERGENCY HOT ` ' POWER POWER I9__--r„ OO ` f � � S I IYGNT FIXTUREEMERGENCYEGT T• B I I 1 • ICON 0 _� CaminOmesa&of tr/aesacLlfs Official Use Only Only �i r/�` n Permit No. t 3 - • 'a I� Thepa n`of 5irt Services • W ' Occupancy and Fee Checked BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS ev. 1/07j (leave blank) - APPLICATION FORIPERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code(MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date: City or Town of: YARMOUTH To the Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location (Street&Number) // 0 / Owner'or Tenant 5 !at is• - s C „J 1 Telephone No. Owner's Address 4a i a• , t — , c Or 0 [s this permit in conjunctio with a .urfding permit? Yes ® No 0 (Check Appropriate ) en r tBox W o r w purpose of Building O t.. > /.J, Utility Authorization No. 1 :xisting Service Amps / Volts Overhead ❑, Undgrd Cr.CD ❑ No.of Meters 11x1 3 Cil co Z New Service Amps / Volts Overhead❑ Undgrd 4a A o g ❑ No.of Meters 0 CO Q "4umber of Feeders and Ampacity • al 44_"" m Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical ce Work: 12// ✓D � / em 4 . r ia/_ " — Completion ofthe followinn table may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Cei4-Busy.(Paddle)Fans No.of Total Transformers KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA • - No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool Above o In- rt No.ofBattery EUnitsmergency Lighting - ernd. srnd. No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of OD Burners FIRE ALARMS !No.of Zones No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners No.of Detection and Initiating Devices - Tta No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. To sI No.of Alerting Devices • No.of Waste Disposers Heat Pump I Number 'Tons J KW No.of Self-Contained - Totals: I Detection/Alerting,Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW' Municipal Local❑ Connection 0 Other No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW Security Systems:` No.of Water No.of Devices or Equivalent Heaters KW No.of No.of Data Wiring: Signs Ballasts No.of Devices or Equivalent No. Hydromassage Bathtubs r No.of Motors Total HP Telecommunications Wiring: No.of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: GDrs dj7L/)7L s ?.4fcNS< Attach additional detail if desires4 or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work; (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start: Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule I0,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE: unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation'coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such c verage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE BOND 0 OTHER 0 (Specify:) I certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury,that the inform. n on t ' application is e and complete. FIRM NAME-_ Y' - Si /O "fer_TR(CA / i� LIC.NO.: '7 �7 Licensee: G/ /JA. 4'is C.NO.:re , (I applicable, /t Signator „or/ r4 _. enter"exempt"in the license numb lin . c • ' • Address. (17=2 2/,4 MY)Ax)t YrQ/UA)tj ��� ii' .Tel.No.• fl,- • 70 J 'Per M.G.L.C. 147,s.57,41,security work requires De artrnent'of Public SafetyAl Tel.No.:_ c.No. xte OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the liability insurarnce coverage n required by law. By my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement ck one)I am the(che0 owner Owner/Agent ❑owner's agent Signature Telephone No. I PERMIT FEE: $ Commonwealth of Massachusetts Official Use Only n m, a Department of Fire Services Permit No. Cs ^f U✓ 4:„ • __�{_ Occupancy and Fee Checked ,,WmsOc s BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS [Rev.cu1/07] (leave blank) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code(MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date: 4/24/2013 City or Town of Yarmouth To the Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location(Street&Number) 134 Old Main Street Owner or Tenant James J Welch Telephone No. 978-744-9300 Owner's Address 27 Congress Street Salem MA 01970 Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit?yes ❑ No ❑ (Check Appropriate Box)Pole: Purpose of Building Commercial Utility Authorization No Existing Service Amps Volts Overhead 0 Undgrd❑ No.of Meters New Service Amps Volts Overhead❑ Undgrd ❑ No.of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work:Wiring of Waste Water Treatment Completion of the following table may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil:Susp.(Paddle)Fans Tof T Transformers KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA AboveIn- No.of Emergency Lighting No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool grnd. ❑ grnd. ❑ Battery Units • No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.of Zones N .of Switches No.of Gas Burners No.of Detection and C7 Initiating Devices � of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Tons No.of Alerting Devices arm 22 Heat Pump Number Tons KW No.of Self-Contained of Waste Disposers Totals: Detection/AlertingDevices oN 3 `) .of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Local 0 Municial 0 Other v Connection Vin' (V QS ;' SecuritySystems:* �d 4 o.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW yNa of Devices or Equivalent C'=� rz� - Q i� ¢ .� o,of Water KW No.of No.of Data Wiring: Heaters Signs Ballasts Na of Devices or Equivalent t t o.Ilydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP Telecommunications : No.of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: Attach additional detail if desired,or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work: (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start: Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE ® BOND 0 OTHER ❑ (Specify:) Dowling&O'Neil I certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury,that the information tie. application is true a ' complete. FIRM NAME: Bayside Electrical Contractors,Inc. / Al _,/SIC.NO.: A17197 Licensee: Arthur P.Doherty,Jr. Signature `ice/ r j jf. NO.: E24766 • (If applicable,enter "exempt"in the license number line.) us " e.No.: 508-771-7270 Address: 372 Yarmouth Road,Hyannis MA 02601 Alt.Tel.No.: 508-400-2150 *Security System Contractor License required for this work; if applicable,enter the license tuber here: OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law. By my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement. I am the(check one)0 owner 0 owner's agent. Owner/Agent PERMIT FEE:515.00 Signature Telephone No. G l.ommonmsa&o f Moak& Official Use Only Q €� Permit No. £13- 8 0 e _ :ti-- 2sparfmant o f gin.Ysrvicss III . BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS Oe0 cY and Fce Checked (leave blank) • APPLICATION FOR:PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code(MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date: City or Town of: YARMOUTH To the Inspector of Wires: . By this application the undersigned gives notice� °�ip ller intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location(Street&Number) /3V ry(A/N 6-7-- Owner or Tenant ,c117l Al Eo i) to I Cslnr9 Telephone No. Opener's Address Op ( tt fra ;7ace pea-at� 0 I this permit in conjunction wit a building permit? Yes k o ❑ (Check P rpose of Building .. Appropriate Box) W n y0 r�S/nf�j Utility Authorization No. a go E isting Service Amps / / Volts Overhead ❑ Undgrd❑ No.of Meters --- 'NM VO,1 Sr N Z w Service ta-e•t Amps /20/ZO�Volts Overhead 0 Und p^ grd ® No.of Meters V 0O Z t�ON tuber of Feeders and Ampacity 8' p Spo CO • Lli A -Q-t'54 SLS abort and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: `�15,AS r c�-J„7�e Et - Completion may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. No.of Recessed Luminaires Na.of CeiL Snsp.(Paddle)Fans No.of Total Transformers KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs - Generators KVA - • No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool Above ❑ In- ❑ No,of Lmergency Lighting — ID ernd. BatteryUnits No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS INo.of Zones No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners No.of Detection and • • Initiating Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Tons! No.of Alerting Devices • No.of Waste Disposers Heat Pump I Number 'Tons I KW No.of Self-Contained Totals: Detection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW LocalMunicipal ❑Connection ❑ °tit?r No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW Security Systems:* No.of Water No.of Devices or Equivalent Heaters No.of No.of Dat Signs Ballasts No.of KW Devices or Equivalent No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP Telecommunications Wiring: No.of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: Attach additional detail if desired or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work Qom,coo (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start: Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE C VE GE: Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE fa BOND 0 OTHER ❑ (Specify:) I certify, under the airs and penalties of perjury,that the information on this pplication is true and complete. FIRM NAME: / , vie/h "Rep?"f / LIC.NO. /1 /!� Licensee: A,Qr pip/ .Jr Signature 1. _s . /. lien LIC.NO.: 66 • (If applicable,enter"exempt"in the license nu b line.) V. Address: 37 `r/ 2 . a y. / a ' s.Tel.No: t /- •J Per M.G.L.c. 147, 57-61,security work requires •eparttnent of Public Safety"S"License: It Lio No.— �— OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the liability insurance coverage n nally required by law. By my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement I am the(check one)0 owner 0 owner's agent. I Owner/AIA gent Signature Telephone No. ( PERMIT FEE: $ Commo' fuvealth of tt/anac t& /�O-fiicial Use Only q igi— cc`�� cc77 Serviced Permit No. OS-53© t ..-tr! 2epartmant of ire Serviced .• • T'(=+= Occupancy and Fee Checked BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS • • ev. 1/07] (]cave blank) • APPLICATION FOR:PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code(MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORM,4TI019 Date: City or Town of: YARMOUTH To the Inspector of Wires: By this application theµndersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location(Street&Number) //T II Ai S✓ Owner or Tenant rn s n W en ��?/ t4r O �b / din Df t j<Di7� Telephone No. > Em., vs o pwner'sAddress Jpp aJ(Im.ethY� I-dig-6e ChtZz .._ r ,g, tr c7 's this permit in conjunction wit a b�ld�lfee permit? Yes No (Check Appropriate Box) • W Q Z J Jurpose of Building /tr l i/ rpw)e2 Utility Authorization No. V d) Q d Existing Service Amps/ / Volts Overhead 0 Undgrd❑ No.of Meters W a m �"ew Service Amps / Volts Overhead ❑ Undgrd 0 No,of Meters cc °f amber of Feeders and Ampacity • n_, Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: e�tt s (,)/-2/ C /�e.47-et2 --- Completion/ of thefollowing/able may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil.-Susp.(Paddle)Fans Transformers of Total Transformers KVA _ No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA • • No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool d.Above In- No,of hmergency Lighting ern ❑ arrtd. ❑ Battery Units No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS INo,of Zones No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners No,of Detection and • Initiating Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. To sl No.of Alerting Devices • No.of Waste Disposers Heat Pump Number Tons No.of Self-Contained Totals:I I i KW Detection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW' Local❑ Municipalonnection ❑ other C No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW Security Systems:` No.of Water No.of Devices or Equivalent Heaters KW No.of No.of Data Wiring: Signs Ballasts No.of Devices or Equivalent No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP Telecommunications Wiring: No.of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: Attach additional detail if desired or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Elec cal Work: (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start:_Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE C VE GE: Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including`completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE BOND 0 OTHER ❑ (Specify:) I certify, under the sins and pe aloes ofper ury,that the information on this application is true and complete. FIRM NAME: AG 6 tf /c. .M` 14 LIC.NO.: Licensee: r at ,! . , - g Signature / e..enr . a /VP LW.NO.: ISI7�L (If applicable,enter"Exempt"in the lice-rim number t,"t) ',� . •s.Tel.No.L �7 7o • Address: t 71 7; C/ 91ty( iZ ,(ib �7y/�A)r11 S J 'Per M.G.L.c. 147,s.57-61/security work requires Departtn t of Public Safety"S"License: Alt Lie.No. ----- - OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law. By my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement. I am the(check one)0 owner 0 owner's agent Owner/Agent 01 Signature Telephone No. , PERMIT FEE: $ Commonwealth of Massachusetts Official Use Only 6 I, �'i Permit No. 675 - &z.1 �,,�� : Department of Fire Services 111! ° Occupancy and Fee Checked i' 1M1- BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS [Rev. 1/07] (leave blank) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code(MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date: 11/28/2012 City or Town of Yarmouth To the Inspector of Wires: By is application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. 11 _N Coc.tion(Street&Number) 134 Old Main Street South Yarmouth LI N aro er or Tenant James J Welch&Co..Inc. Telephone No. 978-744-9300 CV INI er's Address 27 Congress Street Salem MA 01970 1? :, ' cam-, t i is permit in conjunction with a building permit?yes ® No El (Check Appropriate Box)Pole# 11 `•`Z ' um lose of Building Commercial Utility Authorization No tre--e- Ebting Service Amps Volts Overhead ❑ Undgrd ❑ No.of Meters New Servic Amps Volts Overhead❑ Undgrd ❑ No.of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: Temp UJ i yes, -3/4-yo_i(0 i Completion of the following table may be waived by the Inspector of Ores. Total No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil:Susp.(Paddle)Fans Tf Transformers KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA Above In- No.of Emergency Lighting No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool grnd. ❑ grnd. ❑ Battery Units • No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.of Zones No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners No. nDetenand Initiating Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Total No.of Alerting Devices g Tons No.of Waste Disposers Heat r tamp Number Tons KW No.of Self-Contained ls: Detection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Local Municipal ❑ Other❑ Connection Syes:* No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW SecuritNo.of Deices or Equivalent No.of Water No.of No.of Data Wiring: Heaters KW Signs Ballasts No.of Devices or Equivalent No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total IIP Telecommunications NofDeior Wiring: No.of Devices Equivalent OTIIER: Attach additional detail if desired,or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work: (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start: Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE ® BOND 0 OTHER 0 (Specify) Dowling&O'Neil I certify,under the pains and penalties of perjury,that the information on this applicati•n is true and complete. FIRM NAME:ayside Electrical Contractors,Inc. a / / / IC.NO.: A17197 Licensee: Arthur P.Doherty,Jr. Signature OW, A40 f C.NO.: E24766 • (If applicable,enter "exempt"in the license number line.) Build.No.: 508-771-7270 Address: 372 Yarmouth Road,Hyannis MA 02601 A el.No.: 508400-2350 *Security System Contractor License required for this work;if applicable,enter the license number here: OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law. By my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement. I am the(check one) 0 owner 0 owner's agent. Owner/Agent PERMIT FEE: ��pQ,� Signature Telephone No. Commonwealth of Massachusetts OfficialUse Opl�� (gyp_ i =., ,t Department of Fire Services Permit No. • jl� g Occupancy and Fee Checked --„ 1----tri, BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS [Rev. 1/07] (leave blank) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code(MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date: 11/28/2012 City or Town of Yarmouth To the Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. a cation(Street&Number) 134 Old Main Street South Yarmouth I ner or Tenant James J Welch&Co.,Inc. Telephone No.ftti•cv 1 ner's Address 27 Congress Street Salem MA 01970 • =�c�t w I: this permit in conjunction with a building permit?yes @ No ❑ (Check Appropriate Box)Pole# 4hN z ',i rpose of Building Commercial Utility Authorization No ��{ 1 9 ii fisting Service Amps Volts Overhead ❑ Undgrd❑ No.of Meters O c CO w Servic Amps Volts Overhead❑ Undgrd 0 No.of Meters cS' „I mber of Feeders and Ampacity r Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: Tent \i nil -hot -%ttk.9 SSQJ�j �,L 'b tAj.t tc rm. Completion of the following table may be waived by the Inspector of res. No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil.-Susp.(Paddle)Fans Tof T Transformers KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA Above 1n- No.of Emergency Lighting No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool grnd. ❑ grnd. ❑ Battery Units • No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.of Zones and No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners No.In InitiatinggDetection Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Total No.of Alerting Devices g Tons No.of Waste Disposers Heat Pump Number Tons KW___ No.of Self-Contained P Totals: Detection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Local Municipal ❑ Other❑ Connection No.of Dryers IIeating Appliances KW SecuritNs:* o. yofDevices or Equivalent No.of WaterKW No.of No.of Data Wiring: Ileaters Signs Ballasts No.of Devices or Equivalent Wiring: No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP TelecommunicationsNo.of Devices or Equivalent OTIIER: Attach additional detail ifdesired,or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work: (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start: Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE ® BOND 0 OTHER 0 (Specify:) Dowling&O'Neil I certify,under the pains and penalties of perjury,that the informatio on this appli on is true and complete. FIRM NAME: Bayside Electrical Contractors,Inc. J / d .NO.: A17197 Licensee: Arthur P.Doherty,Jr. Signatur� U� r�'I 0.: E24766 • (If applicable, enter "exempt"in the license number line.) Bus el.No.: 508-771-7270 Address: 372 Yarmouth Road,Hyannis MA 02601 t.Tel.No.: 508400-2150 *Security System Contractor License required for this work;if applicable,enter the license number here: OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law. By my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement. I am the(check one) 0 owner 0 owner's agent. Owner/Agent PERMIT FEE: eStl 00 Signature Telephone No. ' It Commonwealth of Massachusetts �Official Use Only G - e t Permit No. ?1 /& - O 9 • VI) s Department of Fire Services Occupancylay Oand Fee Checked ` r ‘1,7:77,0 -0\ BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS [Rev. 1/07] (leave blank) \�4 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK �� All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code(MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date: 11/26/2012 City or Town of Yarmouth To the Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. c. Loc ion(Street&Number) 134 Old Main Street,South Yarmouth ma Ow r or Tenant James J Welch&Co..Inc, Telephone No. 978-744-9300 N ED- w is Address 27 Congress Street,Salem MA 01970 =7. t s permit in conjunction with a building permit?yes e❑ No 0 (Check Appropriate Box)Pole# ! Co N gu ose of Building Commercial Utility Authorization No 1914350 =i- I-1 J uJ z E'er ing Service Amps 120/208 Volts Overhead El Undgrd 0 No.of Meters Ne Service 300 Amps 120/208 Volts Overhead la Undgrd ❑ No.of Meters 1 G • m ber of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work:Installation of a 300Amp Temporary Service Overhead Completion of the following table may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. Total No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil:Susp.(Paddle)Fans Tof Transformers KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool Above Units ❑ grnd.In- ❑ Baiter tery 01 Emergency Lighting • No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.of Zones No.of Detection and No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners Initiating Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Total No.of Alerting Devices Tons g No.of Waste Disposers Heat Pump Number Tons KW No.of Self-Contained Totals: Detection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Local 0 Municipal ❑ Other pp Connection No.of Dryers Ileating Appliances KW Security Systems:* No.of Water No.of No.of No.of Devices or Equivalent Heaters KW Data Wiring: Signs Ballasts No.of Devices or Equivalent + � No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No. MotorsTotal HP Telecommunications Wiring: . of No.of Devices or Equivalent t/1 OTHER: e1 Attach additional detail if desired,or as required by the Inspector of Wires. 1•lVt Estimated Value of Electrical Work: (When required by municipal policy.) 'J Work to Start: Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. fZ)j INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE ® BOND 0 OTHER 0 (Specify:) Dowling&O'Neil I certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury,that the information on this appli ap is true and complete. FIRM NAME: Bayside Electrical Contractors,Inc. /' r a : Licensee: Arthur P.Doherty,Jr. Signatur .00d/�IA/, i, / a,: E24766AI7197 (If applicable,enter "exempt"in the license number line.) No.: 508-771-7270 • Address: 372 Yarmouth Road,Hyannis MA 02601 el.No.: 508-400-7150 *Security System Contractor License required for this work;if applicable,enter the license number here: OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law. By my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement. I am the(check one)❑owner 0 owner's agent. Owner/Agent PERMIT FEE: �,� Signature Telephone No. NSTAR: Wiring Permit System(WPS) - Permit Page 1 of 2 • [Comment@ I Work Order Request I Search I 11•11 • ne NSTAR Wiring Permit System (WPS) - Permit Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I Permit Information Work Order Information Utility AuthIWO#: 01914350 Date: 11/26/2012 Company Rep: SEAN HAYES Report By: YAR 134 TEMP OLD-MAIN ST JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC 37/203 Status: ACTIVE Sept : E pe: COM Nature of Work: 300A 120/240V 1 T. P SERVICE FROM a•LE 37/203 Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Info : 'onJ Pe . - -tion Service Information Service Voltage: 120/240-3 Switch Size: 300 Address: 134 OLD-MAIN ST TEMP YAR 02664 Name: JAMES J WELCH &CO I NC Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I Permit Information • —Contact Information Type: ELECTRICIAN License: 0000017197 Last Name: DOHERTY First Name: ARTHUR Company: BAYSIDE ELECTRIC Address: 372 YARMOUTH RD HYANNIS MA 02601- Pager: Email: Phone: 5087717270 Cell Phone: 5084002350 Fax: 5087716617 Best Hours: ANY TIME Blue Book N Reorder: Type: GENERAL CONTRACTOR License: Last Name: CAPITAL GROUP First Name: STRATFORD Company: Address: 100 CORPORATE#404 PL PEABODY MA 01960- Pager: Email: Phone: 9785355600 Cell Phone: Fax: Best Hours: ANY TIME Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I permit Information Permit Information Permit#: E13-609 Meters: 1 • Inspector:W10060 Reseal Y Date: 11/28/2012 (YIN): Description: Work Order Information I Service Information I Contact Information I Permit Information • https://www.nstar.com/secure/apps/wps/wpspermit.asp?Work_Order Nbr=01914350 11/28/2012 • John Simpkins School Rehab proiect 134 Old Main Street, South Yarmouth FEE SCHEDULE 78,715 Square Feet 0-4000 Square feet $200.00 4000-74,715 Square feet(up to eight inspections) $3375.00 1,200 Amp Service (up to two inspections) $300.00 Fire Alarms Systems (up to four inspections) $345.00 Security System (w/proof of S license) (up to two inspections) $ 115.00 Nurse Call System (up to three inspections) $ 115.00 C.C.T.V. System (w/proof of S license) (up to three inspections)$ 115.00 Signs(Per sign) $ 40.00 Telephone Systems (up to three inspections) $ 115.00 Access Control(w/proof of S license) (up to three inspections) $ 115.00 Site lighting(up to three inspections) $ 160.00 • Temporary Service (One inspection) $ 160.00 Generator(Two inspections) $ 160.00 Remote Building(s) Septic Call for price. • Page l of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Mike Welch [mikewelch@jjwelch.com] Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 10:46 AM To: 'chadameins'; brandy@baysideelec.com; art@baysideelec.com; loecunningham@jjwelch.com; schmall@comcast.net; Elliott, Ken; gailcullati@jjwelch.com;justinwelch@jjwelch.com Subject: RE: Rfi common hallway. Gail: Please submit as a RFI to Michael.Thanks. From: chadameins [mailto:chadameins@gmail.com] Sent:Thursday, January 24, 2013 10:41 AM To: brandy@baysideelec.com; art@baysideelec.com; loecunningham@jjwelch.com; schmall@comcast.net; mikewelch@jjwelch.com; kelliott@yarmouth.ma.us; gailcullatl@jjwelch.com; justinwelch@jjwelch.com Subject: Rfi common hallway. Can the SER's for the appartments be run on a common rack system(spaced to code) down the hallways,with the feeders for panels HPU,HPI...,HPG. Does this effect any fire rating of the SER? Sent from my Samsung EpicTM 4G Touch • • 1/24/2013 • JAMES J. WELCH & CO., INC. 27 CONGRESS STREET REQUEST FOR INFORMATION SALEM, MA PROJECT: Simpkins School Residences ,, DATE I 1/24%2013 ARCHITECT: ICON Architecture, Inc 1 RFI #r 53 REFERENCE SPECS REFERENCE DWGS REQUEST Can the SER's for the apartments be run on a common rack system (spaced to code)down the hallways,with the feeders for panels HPU, HPI..., HPG? Does this effect any fire rating of the SER? • SUBMITTED BY: Mike Welch DATE: r"--- 1/24/2013 REPLY The SER cable can be run in a common rack in accordance with Code. The SER cable does not carry any fire rating. ATTACHMENTS: ._ REPLY BY: �_ Joe Krochko ' DATE: Vim,_,...2/5/2013 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER Page 1 of 2 Elliott, Ken • From: Richard Hayden [rah@stratfordcapitalgroup.com] Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 10:05 AM To: Elliott, Ken Cc: Grylls, Mark; Michael Welch (mikewelch@jjwelch.com); Justin Welch (justinwelch@jjwelch.com); Michael Gardenier(mgardenier@iconarch.com); 'Janis Mamayek'; Killeen, Kelly; Rose, Donald Subject: RE: John Simpkins School Ken, I have forwarded this to my GC,architects and engineers. One of them will get you what you need ASAP. Whom of you can provide this? Richard A. Hayden Executive Vice President STRATFORD CAPITAL GROUP 100 Corporate Place Suite 404 Peabody, MA 01960 It (978) 535-5600 ext. 114 • 8 (978) 535-1141 rah(WstratfordcapitalarouD.conl From: Elliott, Ken [mailto:KElliott@yarmouth.ma.us] Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 7:47 AM To: Richard Hayden Cc: Elliott, Ken; Grylls, Mark Subject: John Simpkins School Good morning Mr. Hayden, We spoke and communicated via email on November 29, 2011 and you were going to forward a set of written specs for the fire alarm system as well a address the grounding of the electric service. I noted that the water service will, most likely, be a plastic pipe. I see that the project is now resurfacing, in our office, and I have yet to receive the information that I requested. Anything that you can do would be helpful. K. Elliott Inspector of Wires • Town of Yarmouth, Building Department 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 10/5/2012 Page 2 of 2 (508) 398-2231 (Ext 1263) • kelliottf@yarmouth.ma.us DISCLAIMER: This e-mail is only intended for the person(s)to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential information. Unless stated to the contrary,any opinions or comments are personal to the writer and do not represent the official view of the company. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete this message from your system. Please do not copy it or use it for any purposes,or disclose its contents to any other person. Thank you for your cooperation. Circular 230 Disclaimer: To ensure compliance with the requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this communication(including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used,and cannot be used, for the purpose of(i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or(ii)promoting,marketing, or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein. • • 10/5/2012 Page 1 of 1 Elliott, Ken • From: Richard Hayden[rah@stratfordcapitalgroup.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 29,2011 8:41 AM To: Elliott, Ken Subject: RE: John Simpkins School Ken, Thanks for getting back to us. We'll get you the specs. I look forward to working with you through the construction process. Richard A. Hayden Executive Vice President r --_ gSTRATFORD CAPITAL GROUP 100 Corporate Place Suite 404 Peabody, MA 01960 I' (978) 535-5600 ext. 14 Mi (978) 535-1141 rah@stratfordcapitalgroup.com • • From: Elliott, Ken [mailto:KElliott@yarmouth.ma.us] Sent:Tuesday, November 29, 2011 8:38 AM To: Richard Hayden Subject: John Simpkins School I have reviewed the plans and I'm satisfied with them. I would like to see the written specs for the fire alarm system as well as the grounding of the service to the building.The water service,from the street, will probably be plastic pipe. K. Elliott Inspector of Wires Town of Yarmouth, Building Department 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 (Ext 1263) kelliott@yarmouth.ma.us • 11/29/2011 Page 1 of 3 Elliott, Ken • From: Grylls, Mark Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 3:37 PM To: '(James)Justin Welch; 'fredstockton@jjwelch.com' Cc: 'Richard Hayden'; 'Mike Gardenier(E-mail)(mgardenier@iconarch.com)'; Sawyer, Jon; Armstrong, James; Bates, Kenneth; Brandolini, Jim; Greene, Karen; Elliott, Ken; Hall, Lee; Murphy, Bruce Subject: Simpkins Project 1/9/14 Attachments: Simpkins door response.pdf Hi Justin and Fred, On January 8, 2014 members of the YFD and YBD conducted a site visit. I as the Building Commissioner have had concern about the project since June of 2013. I cannot speak for any other departments. You have been issued a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the original structure issued as of 12/27/2014, no further extensions will be granted based on yesterday's site visit as well as prior inspections. MA. State Building Code, MA. amendments- Section 107.6 is the code section referencing Construction Controls as you are aware. You are required to provide affidavits from your Architect, Engineers of record. I have stated to several representatives of JJ Welch from the very beginning, at the start of the building permit application process to the present that I do not want a binder handed to me at the end of the project indicating that all of the periodic inspections have taken place. • Moving forward, I will expect that once I have received the inspection reports which are currently due for the structural, fire protection, insulation, mechanical, electrical, plumbing which indicate the work which is considered complete has been reviewed, I will receive periodic reports as they are issued, perhaps on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. To be clear, the inspectors from this department are just that, we are not to be considered Design Professionals in any capacity. My staff has been asked on different occasions, by contractors on your site, what it is we want. The sub contractors should be speaking directly with the GC for direction, We expect that the work will be done in accordance with the respective code, and or the designed plan. Keep in mind, construction to the plan does not exempt you from the requirements of the codes. The issuance of a building permit or any other permit for that matter based on a set of plans provided does not relieve you of the requirement of the codes which is the minimum standard of construction regardless of how a plan reads. If a question arises from this point forward as to a construction method used, device installation, fire stopping, insulation methods or any other myriad of questions, do not take the question as a directive, forward the question to the design professional and receive a written response. If deemed necessary by the inspector on site at the time of inspection or site visit, the work is to be stopped until written input from the design professional is obtained. A reinspection fee of$80.00 will be required for all inspections requested from this point forward which are deemed incomplete and require a separate visit to pass. Included in this email is a list compiled from the members of this department. If you have any questions as to the content of this list, bring them with you to the meeting I am requesting for next Wednesday • January 15th at 10:00am. Those present should include representation from; JJ Welch 1/10/2014 Page 2 of 3 Owner • ICON Architecture YFD • YBD Portions of this list have already been mentioned and are not limited to those written. 1. Lack of inspection reports. The required inspection reports are due within 14 days of receipt of this email unless other arrangements are made. Failure to provide the required reports can be cause for the issuance of a Stop Work Order per Section 115 of the MSBC. 2. Gas permits have not been issued for the entire project, only the venting of the gas appliances in the old building. It is my understanding that the gas installer had been instructed to apply, some time ago. You are required to have your gas installer make proper application to this department by 10:00am Monday January 13th. Failure of your gas installer to apply for the required permits may be cause for the issuance of a Stop Work Order by this department unless other arrangements are made. The fees for the required permits will be doubled. 3. Current list of issues or concerns to be addressed by the Design Professional. a. Breezeway or sally port area, new building; Are the fenestrations at the gas meter banks required to be rated or do the sprinklers allow for non-rating? b. Provide a detail of the fire separation at the ceiling, wall in the breezeway/sally port area.The concern is the open web of the floor joists to the units and office adjoining. • c. Provide response to my memo of 11/2013 attached d. At the point where old and new meet, there is a concern that a floor to roof"shaft" has been created without firestop at the floor/ceilings to prevent free passage of flames and smoke. Are the shingles allowed to remain? e. Provide follow up inspection and reports of truss repairs after the alterations to them are complete. f. Insulation blockers in the joists do not have a vapor barrier. g. Room 316 has a concealed space in the eaves that does not have a sprinkler head. Is there a plan to install one? h. Drywall seams were observed being covered in the loft apartment area that did not seem properly heated. (vapor observed at the time of exhale of all workers in the area) i. Provide a use designation and fire detection /suppression plan for wastewater treatment building if required. (YFD) 4. Provide copies of CSL for the supervisors of the project. 5. Crawlspace- Floor in old building appears to have insulation missing. 6. Firestop in maintenance closets of old building incomplete. • 7. Firestop at ceiling in furnace rooms of each unit of old building incomplete. 8. Firestop in chimney chase at floors and ceilings of old building not inspected from basement to attic. 1/10/2014 Page 3 of 3 • 9. Room 213 some hangers missing nails, triple LVL posted with single 2x in same room. Please save all responses to these and any additional comments from other departments until the meeting next Wednesday, January 15th at 10:00. We will be meeting in Room A on the 2nd floor of Town Hall. I look forward to seeing you all next Wednesday. Department reps will be sent a meeting request via email. Very Truly, Mark Grylls Mark Grylls Building Commissioner Town of Yarmouth • 508-398-2231 x1261 • 1/10/2014 Page 1 of 4 Elliott, Ken • From: Grylls, Mark Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 3:07 PM To: 'justin welch' Cc: 'Janis Mamayek'; 'Michael Gardenier'; 'Richard Hayden'; 'Mike Welch'; 'Schaaf Gordon'; fredstockton@jamesjwelch.com; Bates, Kenneth; Brandolini, Jim; Elliott, Ken; Hall, Lee; Sawyer, Jon; Armstrong, James; Greene, Karen Subject: RE: Simpkins From:Justin welch [mailto:justinwelch@jjwelch.com] . Sent: Tuesday,January 14, 2014 1:53 PM To: Grylls, Mark Cc: 'Janis Mamayek; 'Michael Gardenier'; 'Richard Hayden'; 'Mike Welch'; 'Schaaf Gordon'; fredstockton@jamesjwelch.com Subject: Simpkins Hi Justin and Fred,, On January 8, 2014 members of the YFD and YBD conducted a site visit. I as the Building Commissioner have had concern about the project since June of 2013. I cannot speak for any other departments. • You have been issued a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the original structure issued as of 12/27/2014, no further extensions will be granted based on yesterday's site visit as well as prior inspections. MA. State Building Code, MA. amendments- Section 107.6 is the code section referencing Construction Controls as you are aware. You are required to provide affidavits from your Architect, Engineers of record. I have stated to several representatives of JJ Welch from the very beginning, at the start of the building permit application process to the present that I do not want a binder handed to me at the end of the project indicating that all of the periodic inspections have taken place. JJW Cannot require any of the engineer's to provide affadavits.They will only provide an affadavit once the work associated with each particular engineer is complete 100%. At the time of the Temp CO, none of the MEP systems were completed 100%for various reasons. At the end of the project, when the Final CO is being applied for,we will submit among other paperwork, final affadavits from the mechanical engineer, plumbing engineer, electrical engineer, fire protection engineer, structural engineer and architectural engineer as well as a GC affadavit. JJW cannot, but the MA State Building Code does.Your project is one that qualifies as"controlled construction" based on the size of your project(over 35.000 cubic feet)You are required to retain the services of a registered design professional.The design professionals of your choosing provide an affidavit at the time of building permit application indicating to this department that they will conduct periodic Inspections. I would hope that inspections took place before you covered the walls in certain areas of your project by your registered design professionals. The reports of those periodic inspections are what I am requesting and are required. You will also provide Final Affidavits at the appropriate time. Moving forward, I will expect that once I have received the inspection reports which are currently due for the structural, fire protection, insulation, mechanical, electrical, plumbing which indicate the work which is considered complete has been reviewed, I will receive periodic reports as they are issued, perhaps on • a weekly or bi-weekly basis. From the start of the project, certain engineer's have made site visits but those visits are not in our control. The site visits must be requested by the architect/owner and we have no control over how frequently they do their inspections. • Refer to periodic inspections above. • 1/14/2014 Page 2 of 4 • , To be clear, the inspectors from this department are just that, we are not to be considered Design Professionals in any capacity. My staff has been asked on different occasions, by contractors on your site, what it is we want. The sub contractors should be speaking directly with the GC for direction, The only item i can think of that you may be referring to is with regards to fire extinguishers. it is typical that quantity and locations of fire extinuguisher's is by the local FD. yes, there is a specific code on how many FE's per square foot, but more often than not, each FD has their own method and prefer it be installed in some specific fashion. also, throughout the project, the town of Yarmouth has requested specific things to be installed that were not originally on the plans such as added pull stations, smoke detectors ect.... To be discussed at 1/15/2014 We expect that the work will be done in accordance with the respective code, and or the designed plan. Keep in mind, construction to the plan does not exempt you from the requirements of the codes. The issuance of a building permit or any other permit for that matter based on a set of plans provided does not relieve you of the requirement of the codes which is the minimum standard of construction regardless of how a plan reads. If a question arises from this point forward as to a construction method used, device installation, fire stopping, insulation methods or any other myriad of questions, do not take the question as a directive, forward the question to the design professional and receive a written response. If deemed necessary by the inspector on site at the time of inspection or site visit, the work is to be stopped until written input from the design professional is obtained. As a GC, our job is to build per the plans and specifications. if a particular detail for the insulation for example is something that you or one of the other inspectors does not agree with,we can bring that concern to the design team. until we are directed to build something that is not what is shown on the plans, it is out of our control The main point of the statement is, if a question arises from this point forward as to a construction method used, device installation. fire stopping. insulation methods or any other myriad of questions. do not take the question as a directive, forward the question to the design professional and receive a written response. If deemed necessary by the inspector on site at the • time of inspection or site visit. the work is to be stopped until written input from the design professional is obtained. A reinspection fee of$80.00 will be required for all inspections requested from this point forward which are deemed incomplete and require a separate visit to pass. It is a requirement of the town to inspect specific aspects of the project in order for us to move forward. if we requst an inspection and for one reason or another the inspection fails,we cannot be fined for that. in all reality, for any inspection any inspector can most certainly find one thing that he can fail an inspection for. we only request inspections when we feel as if we are in a position where the inspector can sign off on what he has been asked to review and if for any reason he cannot sign then all we can do is remedy the situation and call again. It is the requirement of the MA State Building Code to conduct inspections as the prescribed times. If you call for, and are not ready for the inspection, or a certain aspect of the project requires a visit before the work can progress a reinspections fee will be charged. Per the Yarmouth Building Department permit fee schedule effective 9/15/2008 —General Conditions #3-A fee may be charged for each re-inspection as a result of non-compliant work or work that is incomplete. $80.00 per reinspection, including Certificates of Inspection for more than the first reinspections. Please read the initial statement and understand,the reinspections fees will be paid,you have the opportunity to appear before the Board of Selectmen to request a fee waiver. Included in this email is a list compiled from the members of this department. If you have any questions as to the content of this list, bring them with you to the meeting I am requesting for next Wednesday January 15th at 10:00am. Those present should include representation from; JJ Welch Owner • ICON Architecture YFD YBD 1/14/2014 Page 3 of 4 Portions of this list have already been mentioned and are not limited to those written. • 1. Lack of inspection reports. The required inspection reports are due within 14 days of receipt of this email unless other arrangements are made. Failure to provide the required reports can be cause for the issuance of a Stop Work Order per Section 115 of the MSBC. 2. Gas permits have not been issued for the entire project, only the venting of the gas appliances in the old building. It is my understanding that the gas installer had been instructed to apply, some time ago. You are required to have your gas installer make proper application to this department by 10:00am Monday January 13th. Failure of your gas installer to apply for the required permits may be cause for the issuance of a Stop Work Order by this department unless other arrangements are made. The fees for the required permits will be doubled. 3. Current list of issues or concerns to be addressed by the Design Professional. a. Breezeway or sally port area, new building; Are the fenestrations at the gas meter banks required to be rated or do the sprinklers allow for non-rating? b. Provide a detail of the fire separation at the ceiling, wall in the breezeway/sally port area. The concern is the open web of the floor joists to the units and office adjoining. c. Provide response to my memo of 11/2013 attached d. At the point where old and new meet, there is a concern that a floor to roof"shaft" has been created without firestop at the floor/ceilings to prevent free passage of flames and smoke. Are the shingles • allowed to remain? e. Provide follow up inspection and reports of truss repairs after the alterations to them are complete. f. Insulation blockers in the joists do not have a vapor baffler. g. Room 316 has a concealed space in the eaves that does not have a sprinkler head. Is there a plan to install one? h. Drywall seams were observed being covered in the loft apartment area that did not seem properly heated. (vapor observed at the time of exhale of all workers in the area) i. Provide a use designation and fire detection /suppression plan for wastewater treatment building if required. (YFD) 4. Provide copies of CSL for the supervisors of the project. 5. Crawlspace- Floor in old building appears to have insulation missing. 6. Firestop in maintenance closets of old building incomplete. 7. Firestop at ceiling in furnace rooms of each unit of old building incomplete. 8. Firestop in chimney chase at floors and ceilings of old building not inspected from basement to attic. • 9. Room 213 some hangers missing nails, triple LVL posted with single 2x in same room. Please save all responses to these and any additional comments from other departments until the 1/14/2014 Page 4 of 4 meeting next Wednesday, January 15th at 10:00. We will be meeting in Room A on the 2nd floor of • Town Hall. I look forward to seeing you all next Wednesday. Department reps will be sent a meeting request via email. Very Truly, Mark Grylls (James)Justin Welch Project Manager James J.Welch Co., & Inc. 27 Congress Street Salem, MA 01970 978-744-9300 x125 Fax: 978-744-8320 Cell: 508-958-1834 1/14/2014 . —�.---- 0 4j )i ;i )i , i ; i ,, Assembly & Installation Instructions "p'���� "� � '��~ 0 I I, .1 I I NI . CAUTION: Read instructions carefully and turn electricity off at main circuit breaker panel before beginning installation. O t 0 • • P62-FB \f . �� Y#Vifk*k*A t.**VrMMY HeAiMHfzifM*AH..fIMA#M1.HY1i*4#IVVIF*AMMI.*YVHNAP Mi1y11 nHN kith.***e4YMtat* AM1 MIA ' • +g t '''i`11Th cr 0 WARNING: -If any spedal control devices are used with this frdure,follow the instructions carefully to assure full compliance , ► % / [� with N.E.C. requirements. K there are any questions,contact a qualified electrical contractor. c\."--- Lt � �\�� o WARNING: Use only those trims, lamps and maximum wattages proper For this fixture, as indicated on the label within the �c• :�\, r �/� fixture housing. 4n , g\ V� 0 - WARNING;The National Electrical Code,Article 11 D-3(b), states that"Listed or Labeled equipment shall be used or installed iI \' in accordance with anyinstructions included in the listingor labeling'. Use onlywith Progress UL listed trims. Use of other W i xa �_ ,� �� 9 I �' 0 r u trims not listed in this fature, induding those that are UL classified,is a violation of N.E.C. 110-3(b)and voids all warranties. \ ill D OE . I r WARNING- This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects and/or 411P \ �� otfier reproductve harm. Thoroughly vrash hands after installing,handling,cleaning, or otherwise touching this product``I• . t/ - \ !� 11eN#iMk}fi1k1'fIkYAIA1INIMNIA'IHHMAAAIeeHY/rAAMNitfMMAlIffAMAMANeMMYA MAMAHeeH4FFA}felffMMfflffillMAAtllefMtMAflVV114RAIiHVff �� de to p �,� rs�m O �` f / � / AM MLN .� 0 i When installed according to the instructions provided and as specified in Volume 1 of the UL Fire Resistance Directory, Progress P62-FB luminaires may be used in fire resistant OFig. ] 0 Floor-Ceiling and Roof-Ceiling designs. See File #R19217 under Fire Classified Directory CDHW. o �� �L�^�1 Follow this Instruction Sheet Carefully. Be sure Electricity is OFF before starting Installation. � �� Q • INSTALLATION IN WOOD JOISTS ® 1.- Slip Bar Hangers (1) through Slots in Plaster Frame (2), Hold Frame (2) in desired position between ,, Elf O © Joists (3) and drive Bar Hanger Tabs (4) into Joists. Use a minimum 1" Ig. steel Nail or Screw (24) \\1u �������m% % {_ - - I through Holes in Bar Hanger ends far additional support (REQUIRED). Tighten Bar Hanger Locking %y///////////r?"//////////%i VA )m Screws (5) in ends of Plaster Frame (2) to prevent lateral movement of Plaster Frame. • i i , • ) • (See Fig.1 and 2) rr41r - 2: Remove Cover Plate (9) from Junction Box(10). Slip Type NM Cable (Romex)(11) through desired hole in Junction Box(10) above Retaining Plate (13). Cable (11) is secured by Retaining Plate (13) l� \ 0 (See Fig. 3). - 3.- If other than Type NM Cable (Romex) is to be used, remove One Large Knockout(15) at desired location on Top or Sides of Junction Box (10). Bring appropriate Electrical Supply Cable into 0 \ Junction Box and secure in place with proper UL listed Connector(NOT FURNISHED). 1 t ac 1 �t 4.- Connect Fixture Wires (6)to Supply Wires (16) as shown in Wiring Diagram. Use UL listed Wirenuts �� _'tiQr t>• � (NOT FURNISHED). antras wss warms arrear 5.- To gain access to Junction Box (1D) after Ceiling is finished, remove Screw (21) and Access • Door (22) located inside Fixture. Junction Box Cover Plate (9) can now be removed for service. O 0 Fig.2 O _ 0 O 0 0 6.- Plaster Frame (2) and Gasket(25) must be in contact with Ceiling (23). 7: If furring strips are used, Plaster Frame (2) must be lowered until Gasket(25) contacts Ceiling (23). fr—GREATER THAN 16' -el (See Fig. 4. & 5 for alternate mounting methods). I mom � • ,� _ � � ��� ,F; � c ( (Ceiling Opening is to be 6 7/B'Dia.gi 11 1r $ �,CJ This Instruction sheet is also intended to be used as a Paint Shield. ( .. � 1![I (�� Upon completion of Installation, Crumple this Sheet up and insert it up into Puuluua— �V��� �I �� Jl1' • the Housing to Protect the Socket and Labels from being Spray Painted. I i�iiii��crass • Fig 3 Q •" - — - Fig.5 �( © O Fig.4 ' PAGE 4 of 4 PAGE 1 of 4 snEcna 022753 r4-2oo9) . Instrucciones de ensamblaje e instalacion. Instructions d'Assemblage et Installation Precaution: Lea cuidadosamente las instrucciones y desconecte Ia electricidad Mise en garde: Lire les instructions avec soin et couper le courant au del cortacircuitos principal antes de iniciar la instalacion. disjoncteur central avant de commencer ('installation. MfMYMMY'MYM MI.MAMMNIM •amtstI4"IM"M"MeFM It.N1.M.""t..W.a"*H*"1MIM t* ,N""1R1 pllNMN*aYIA M.1 4 f,MMMMM n " MM ADVERTENCIA-EN CASO DEL USO DE OTROS MECANISMOS DE CONTROL CON ESTE APARATO CE LUZ, SIGA S • IYxw HNtlfa AVERTISSEMENT: CANS LE CAS OU D'AUTRES MECANISMES DE COMMANDE S'UTILISENT AVEC CE DISPOSITIF CUIDADOSAMENTE LAS INSTRUCCIONES PARA CUMPLIR CON LOS REQUISITOS N.E.C. SI UD.TIENE PREGUNTAS, D'ECLAIRAGE, SUIVEZ AVEC SOIN LES INSTRUCTIONS POUR ACCEDER AUX EXIGENCES DU N.E.C. S'ILY A LLAME A UN ELECTRICISTA CALIFICADO. ENCORE DES QUESTIONS,CONSULTEZ UN ELECTRICIEN QUALIFIE. ADVERTENCIA: Mice sdamente los ribetes,las lamparas, y el vataje ma mo qua sean adecuados para este aparato de AVERTISSEMENT: Utilisez uniquement les garnitures, les teretes, et las puissances en vials maximums adequates pour ce luz,como se indica en la etiqueta dentro de Ia cubierta. dispositif d'eclairage, comme ('etiquette a linterieur du logement du dispositif I'indique. ADVERTENCIA: El Cadge Nacional de la Electricidad,Articulo 110-3(b), declare que'El equipamento certificade)o con AVERTISSEMENT: Le Code National de ('Electricite,Article 110-3 (b)declare que "L'equipement homologue ou etiquete etiqueta debe ser instalado conforme a las instrucciones includes en la certifcadon o en la etiqueta." Lidice solamente con sera utilise ou installe conformement aux indications dans le catalogue ou sur('etiquette.' Utilisez uniquement avec les los ribetes Progress certificados por UL El usa de otros ribetes no indicados en este aparato de luz,incluyendo los que garnitures Progress homologuees UL L'usage d'autres garnitures qui ne figurent pas sur la lisle dans ce dispositf estan clasificados por UL, contraviene el NEC 110-3(b)y anula todas las garantias. . d'eclairage, y compris celies qui sent homologuees UL,contrevient le NEC 110-3 (b)et annule Coutes les garanties. ADVERTENCIA-Este product°contiene substantias qufmicas que segun el Estado de California cause cancer, AVERTISSEMENT-Ce produit contient des composants chimiques qui salon L'etat de Californie provoquent un cancer, defectos de nadmientio y(o)dano al sistema reproductor. Lavarse bien las manos despuas de instalar. manipular, des infinnites de naissance et(ou)du mal au systeme reproductif. II faut laver les mains soigneusement apres avoir limpiar o tocar de manera alguna este producto. installs, manipule. nettoye, ou autrement touché ce produit. Instalados conforme a las instrucciones provistas y comp indicates en el Tomo 1 de la Gula Ignffuga UL,los aparatos de luz Quand 'installation s'effectue salon les instructions foumies et comme indiquees dans Tome 1 du Guide Ignifuge UL, les Progress P62-FB pueden ser utilizados en diseffos Piso-Cieloraso y Cieloraso-Techo resistentes al incendio. Vea Archivo dispositfs d'edairage Progress P62-PB peuvent etre utilises dans les constructions ignifugees Plancher-Plafond et No. 819217 bajo el titulo Gufa Clasificada del lncendio CDHW. Plafond-Toit Voir Dossier no. R19217 sous rubrique Guide Glasse d'Incendie CDHW. • Siga eats hoia de instrucciones con cuidado. Asequrese de que la apegada electricidad sea antes de comenzar Ia Veui'lez suivre sol neusement cette feuille d'instructiens. Assurez-vous de touter le courant avant de commencer instalacifin !installation. INSTALACIO N EN VIGUETAS INSTALLATION DANS SOLIVES 1.-Introduisez les barres de suspension (1)dans les rainures du cadre en platre(2).Tenez le cadre(2)dans la position 1.- Introduzca los colgadores de barra (1)en las ranuras en el armazdn enyesado (2). Mantenga el armaa5n enyesado (2) desire°entre les solives(3)et douez les pates de barres de suspension (4)dans les solives. Utilisez un clou en acier ou en Ia position deseada entre las viguetas(3)y dave las pestatias de colgadores de barra (4)en las viguetas.Utilice un clavo une vis dun pouce (2,5 cm)de long(24)pour offrir plus de support(EXIG ). Vissez les ecrous de strete de barre de de acero o tornillo de un minimo de 1 pulgada(2,5 cm)de longitud (24)pare proporcionar soporte adicional (NECESARIO). suspension(5)dans les bouts du cadre en platre (2)pour eviter la possibilite dun mouvement lateral du cadre en platre. Enrosque los tornillos de seguridad de colgadores de barra (5)en las extremidades del armazen enyesado (2)para evitar (Voir Fig. 1 et 2). agun movimiento lateral del armazon enyesado. (Vea Hg. 1 y 2). • • 02:Retirez le couverde(9)de Ia bone de derivation (10). Fates passer la cable de type NM (Romex)(11)par le trou desire 2.-Retire la cubierta (9)de Ia caja de empalmes (10). Paso el cable tipo NM (Romex)(11)por el agujero deseado en la caja dans la boite derivation (10), le quel se situe au-dessus de la plaque de retenue(13).' Maintenez la position du cable (11)a de empalmes(10)por encima de Ia plata de retention(13). Asegure la posidOn del cable(11)con Ia place de retend5n l'aide de Ia plaque de retenue(13). (Voir Fig. 3) (13). (Vea Fig. 3) 3.-Si un cable sutra que celui de type NM (Romex)s'utilise, ouvrez une grande debouchure (15)5 I'endroit desire sur le haul 3.-En caso de que se usa un cable otro que el tipo NM (Romex), retire un Japan grande(15)en la posicibn deseada en la ou les cotes de Ia bolts de derivation (10). Inserez le cable dalimentation electrique adequat dans la bone de derivation et parte superior o los lados de la caja de empalmes(10). Introduzca el cable de suministro electric°adecuado en Ia caja de' serrez en plate a raide un connecteur adequat homologue UL.(NON FOURNI). empalmes y asegure su position en la caja con el conectador adecuado certificado por UL (NO INCLUIDO). • 4.-Reliez les fits du dispositif(6)aux fits de'alimentation (16)salon le diagramme de cablage. Utilisez les coineeurs de 4.-Conecte los alambres del aparato de luz(5)a los alambres del suministro(16)Coma se muestra en el diagrarna de relais homologues UL(NON FOURNIS). cableado. Utilice los conectores UL certificados(NO INCLUIDOS). 5.-Pour acceder a Is boite de raccordement(10)apres avoir termine le plafond, retirez I'errou (21)et la porte d'acces(22), 5.-Para accede'a la caja de empalme (10)despuas que el cieloraso este terminado,retire at torrmillo (21)y la puede de situee a I'interierr du disposilif d'edairage. Maintenant Ie couverde de la bole de raccordement(9)peut etre retire pour acceso(22)situada en el interior del aparato de luz. Ahora se puede retirar la cubierta de la caja de empalme (9)para Ilevar effectuer le service. a cabo el servido de mantenimiento. 6.-Le cadre en platre(2)et le joint(25)doivent toucher le plafond(23). 6.-El armazon enyesado (2)y la junta (25)deben estar en contacto con el cieloraso(23). 7.-Si Ion utilise des bandes fourrees, le cadre en platre(2)dolt etre baisse jusqu'a ce que le joint(25)touche la plafond(23). 7.-Cuando se utilicen tiros afelpadas,el armazon enyesado(2)debar ser bajado hasta que la junta(25)contacts el daloraso (Voir Fig.4 &5 pour autres moyens d'installation) (23).(Vea Fig.4 & 5 para modos diferentes de montaje) (L'ouverture dans la plafond doit etre de 6-7/6 pouces(17,5 an)de diametre) (La abertura en el debraso debe ser 5-7/8 pulgadas(17,5 cm)de diamelro) Cette feuilled'instuctions est a utiliser pour servir a protecier contre la peinture. line lois('installation est terminee,froissez Esta hoja de instrucciones sirve tambien para protection contra la pintura.Al acabar con la instaladbn, arrugue esta hoja a tette feuille et inserez-la clans le logement pour protegee la douille et les etiquettes contra les applications de la peinture au e insertela en Ia cubierta redonda para protege'el casquillo y las etiquetas contra aplicaciones de pintura con pistola pistolet pulverizadora. . ALPNBFE D-1 ALAMBRE BAC FLS DE CCUPAN- RLS DE COMNECTEUR fUMPS1P.0.ANE 0 ILENIFOEO BANG DUEROOUD3CFR3_E DE ULA MPARA tONELTADOR CCINCEUR DE 1CAUFC•EC RLDIS UI.ouPur1E PLPNBFE DEL AAL9£NEORO • • FLS DECCUPAr ti LS DECOUNECTE'IF HMINSTROMEBR DMEUTRD UJRR ,i, MOIROU DE wtA WARA {-,J SAMS VRFOUE6 ALAMB RE CE-ESI" AVNBRE D=IIERIM FLOWN' ELMER • \'EP.E{3MEU-RO \.EFS£OMEUIRO CU/RAFE: g CO U31D"+E DEL 331/I1ETTFD DE LA IA YAW. DU COURAUT PAGE 2 of 4 PAGE 3 of 4 S'EONo. 022753 (D1-20-CX) ICON 15 January 2014 architecture Mark Grylls Building Commissioner Town of Yarmouth RE: Simpkins School Residences—Site Visit 01.09.2014 Dear Commissioner Grylls, In response to the recent correspondence regarding the Simpkins Project and your site visit of January 9, 2014,ICON architecture would like to provide the following: • Inspection Reports—ICON submitted site visit reports from the design team to your office in August of 2013 covering the period of Dec 2012 to August 2013. Most recently,additional reports to date were sent this week. Moving forward our office will submit these on a weekly basis until the project has been substantially completed and Final Construction Control Documents are issued by the design team. It is our understanding that you did not want to be cc'd on • the Daily Reports prepared by the Owner's Project Representative.We have however, burned these to a disk for your reference.Additionally,we understand your office is in receipt of the reports from the third party testing agency, UTS. • Affidavits—When the Building Permit Application was filed in August of 2011, the Design Team submitted Design Affidavits.When the Project was advanced and the Building Permit ready for issue,the same affidavits were submitted to the Town via JJW in July 2012 and a permit for Foundation work was issued In October 2012. As of 2012,the new Construction Control Documents are being used.Our Final sign-off will be utilizing these forms. We understand our role at the Registered Design Professional as defined in Section 107.6.2 o Review,for conformance to this code and the design concept,shop drawings,samples and other submittals by the contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents. o Perform the duties for registered design professionals in Chapter 17. • o Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work is being performed in a manner consistent with the construction documents and this code. ICON architecture,Inc. 38 Chauncy Street • Building Concerns—As noted in your memo,the following list of items are to be Boston,MA 02111 addressed: tel: 617.451.3333 • fax: 617.451.1328 a. Breezeway or sally port area,new building;Are the fenestrations at the gas www.lconarch.com meter banks required to be rated or do the sprinklers allow for non-rating? S ICON response:The breezeway exterior wall carries a requirement for a 1 hour rated assembly in only one isolated location where it is load bearing per Table 601.Other sections of wall at the breezeway are not load bearing and hence do not require the rating.This wall,as designed,carries a one hour rating. Reference AWC p12...see attached.There is no fenestration in the load bearing portion of this wall. Reference also,memo by Wozny/Barbar&Associates, Inc. noting No Rating is required at the exterior walls due to the placement of the gas meters. b. Provide a detail of the fire separation at the ceiling,wall in the breezeway/sally port area.The concern is the open web of the floor joists to the units and office adjoining. ICON response:The floor joists over the breezeway are NOT continuous across the unconditioned exterior and the conditioned interior.There is NO OPEN WEB as the exterior walls on either side of the breezeway are designed continuous to the underside of the floor sheathing above is similar to detail C/A-807;with the intersection of the exterior ceiling to be constructed per detail B on A-807.... 13 & 14/A-407.Additionally,the cavity of the floor ceiling assembly—Type"B"-is to be completely filled with insulation per detail B/A-807 and UL L558.These details have been combined to illustrate this particular condition-Refer to SKA- 018 dated 01/13/2014. • c. Provide response to my memo of 11/2013 attached. ICON response:See ICON's memo of response—attached. d. At the point where old and new meet,there is a concern that a floor to roof "shaft"has been created without firestop at the floor/ceilings to prevent free passage of flames and smoke.Are the shingles allowed to remain? ICON response: Detail 1 on A-410 of the Contract Documents illustrates the intended construction of this joint.As designed, both end walls(of old and new) were to carry a one-hour rating.The designed 2"gap between the foundation of the existing wall and the foundation of the new wall was to be covered at the openings between walls with a fire rated ceiling expansion cover and roof expansion cover.The current construction is watertight at the wall and roof lines and provides a one-hour rating at the new construction.The existing condition has raised some concern about air sealing at this location.The proposed solution is to fill the gap as follows:At each floor,V.."plywood strips will be applied to the top of the sill plate and bottom of the top plate,bridging the 2"gap and fire-stopped to the existing shingles on the original building.The void between the draftstopping and the existing and new wall construction for the depth of the floor-ceiling assembly will be filled with therma-fiber in order to maintain the continuity of the fire rating. Between floors,the gap will be filled with icynene to a depth of 4" [2"gap+2"overlap with studs]. Refer to drawing illustrating mark-up of the contract detail. • 2 S e. Provide follow up inspection and reports of truss repairs after the alterations to them are complete. ICON response:See JJW truss repair report. f. Insulation blockers in the joists do not have a vapor barrier. ICON response:The typical exterior wall assembly as shown on 3/A-701, indicates a continuous air barrier at the exterior sheathing and a vapor barrier at the interior wall. However,the floor ceiling assembly is detailed as completely filled with batt insulation and R-20 cellulose insulation specifically at the rim/band.In order to optimize the airsealing at this location,the gwb sheathing at the inside face of all exterior walls will continue to the underside of the floor sheathing above and be foamed at all joints. g. Room 316 has a concealed space in the eaves that does not have a sprinkler head. Is there a plan to install one? ICON response:This condition is to be completely filled with insulation thereby not requiring sprinkler coverage. h. Drywall seams were observed being covered in the loft apartment area that did not seem properly heated. (vapor observed at the time of exhale of all workers • in the area) ICON response:The construction sequencing and general conditions of the contract are the responsibility of the General Contractor. i. Provide a use designation and fire detection/suppression plan for wastewater treatment building if required. (YFD) ICON response:The wastewater treatment building lies within the Use Group 'U'-Utility-and does not require a manual alarm system or automatic detection system per section 907.2 of the IBC.The Engineer of the treatment plant has provided a memo of the chemicals used in the building. If there are any further concerns, please let us know and we will address immediately. • . \D ...______&, Sincerely,aJa 's B Mamayek,AIA LEED AP N architecture, Inc. Attachments: Sketches: Mark-up of 1/A-410 and SKA-0018 Memos: ICON response:Stair Doors I Safety Glazing • Wozny Barbar Associates:Breezeway&WWTP Fire Protection CHA RE:WWTP Chemical description 3 • agigi Vim'" ICON MEMORANDUM arch ' DATE: January 14, 2014 TO: Mark A.Grylls, Building Commissioner,Town of Yarmouth FROM: Janis B Mamayek,AIA RE: Simpkins School Residences—Existing Historic Egress components Path of code compliance per the IEBC As follow-up on the two items raised in your memorandum of 7 November 2013; specifically,your inquiry regarding magnetic hold open devices and your inquiry regarding safety glazing In the egress doors,we note the following: As discussed in prior corresponedence,the doors to the existing stairwells are scheduled to be both new doors as well as retained historic doors. Per our earlier memo dated 3 November 2013,as well as your note of concurrence,the doors in • the existing stairwells are not to be considered fire doors per the IEBC[1103.6]. These doors, however,are being fit with added seals for a tight fit to limit the spread of smoke. These doors are intended to remain closed. New closers are specified at each door for positive operation.As such, it is ICON's position that the doors are compliant with the Fire Safety requirements of Chapter 11 of the International Existing Building Code. The First floor doors at both existing stairwells are multi-light glazed doors.The NPS approvals are based on retaining these doors. New doors are to be installed at the ground floor and second floor of the SX-2. The concern for safety glazing in the historic doors is shared.The condition of the NPS approval notes"panels may be applied to the stairway side of the doors to achieve the necessary fire rating". While a fire rating is not required,reference above,the openness by the NPS reviewer for an added element to the glazed doors is understood.As you have stated,alternative products may be considered that offer a level of impact resistance to the existing glazing and we would consider applying this to the door glazing.The historic doors are currently not specified to have"safety glazing"except where existing glazing is broken, new safety glazing is specified.This is consistent with the IEBC,section 306. ICON architecture, Inc. Thirty Eight Chauncy Street Boston,Massachusetts 02111 tel: 617.451.3333 • www.iconarch.com lJWB&A Woznv/Barbar&Associates.Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS • MEMORANDUM Date: January 13, 2014 To: Michael Gardenier From: John Del Tufo Reference: Simpkins School Michael, "a. Breezeway or sally port area, new building;Are the fenestrations at the gas meter banks required to be rated or do the sprinklers allow for non-rating?" NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code requires the meters and regulator to be accessible for servicing and placed in a location where they will not be subject to damage. National Grid meter group has installed the meters per the National Grid requirements. "b. Provide a detail of the fire separation at the ceiling, wall in the breezeway/sally port area. The concern is the open web of the floor joists to the units and office adjoining." • NFPA 54 does not address any requirement related to fire separations related to gas meter placement. • 1090 Washington Street,Hanover,MA 02339•Tel 781-826-4144•Fax 781-924-5792•www.wbaengineers.com 161 Exchange Street,3`d Floor,Pawtucket,RI 02860 WB&AWozny/Barbar&Associates, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS • MEMORANDUM Date: January 13,2014 To: Michael Gardenier From: Greg Wozny, PE Reference: Simpkins School—Waste Water Treatment building Michael, The waste water Treatment building is a 780 sq. ft. structure classified as a Use Group U by the International Building Code (IBC). The explanatory section of the IBC states: "Structures housing accessory equipment that is part of a utility or communications system are often classified as Group U occupancies when there is no intent that these structures be occupied except for servicing and maintaining the equipment within the structure. A pumphouse for a water or sewage system or an equipment building at the base of a telecommunications tower are examples of such buildings". This use group does not require manual fire alarm or automatic detection system per section • 907.2 of the IBC. In addition 780 CM^-Eight Edition, Table 903.2 does not require automatic sprinkler system for Use Group U occupancy. • 1090 Washington Street,Hanover,MA 02339•Te1781-826.4144•Fax 781-924-5792•www.wbaengineers.com 161 Exchange Street,3rd Floor,Pawtucket,RI 02860 • • • v -I _ O C t c8 k � m co WALL TYPE 2 n FLOOR/CEILING FLOOR/CEILING N = D ASSEMBLY"B" ASSEMBLY"B" O r m / '��. ���� ��' �.� ��,��� 1 1��.y/7„ CD olost_ Zorwr CDi ::::.".,.....y.:.::',..2.:::cn o Z I :,: ::::;• :.-... Fmm,n U hp.Q.cDm" JWNNq mJ tTE g :soli.. } FLOOR/CEILING .'I FLOOR/CEILING CO n o 0 0 v ASSEMBLY"B"of fr ASSEMBLY"B" mi: 0. �3'w a N 1/2"APA RATED 5/8"TYPE X GWB Croo SHEATING D " CONTINIUOUS TO CONTINIUOUS TO ' UNDERSIDE OF 0 c�A 0, UNDERSIDE OF FLOOR SHEATHING FLOOR SHEATHING InD m u S S 0w I ^ m o COW [D, • • r .n. r.,'..1 `nen ` tn n:, •. a,t.S:,l . , I,) , . ;t y', // �f•y,,., i rr: :A i '4':t :1,4%.,.`�i i t •.J l i',:a t;<, /' ,../...;,/,./.1,A;4,,'•,.;, ,! ..4.;4,,:\,,,,i,,4,41.,-,,,.;%. y�:,` = t � ,; ICYNENE applied to existing shingles- • 'I't"" t: � ••a: i ,. .l:T'� .t,i,..�'! /r'` t .,'.,` + ` ,,f X. .,'a,, "(<• ^^%.,>>: ' k^ri t ':,6,n w x),i 'J,1 n w a X�•�+ 'b, / 47,, n n u .5...„.. :''` '<x �tXX>,>' xX >'` ,<,cxXXi` ''<'4:,-.1,--::::,XX,,.; at //iI i <,t4,x„ s 4 depth [2 GAP + 2 STUD Depth] i '`'a t i -. / .',t t' y n>,,.'' `a.°,.t X Y.)'>; y i //, \'t (. , / ri :.'ZL, , : '`t, +y Y,' ,•�' ;t` �- :',YY A.yl,i :4,20 X` iF:'t',\t /'. \;t a,• ('? '.: .ys r. :,t',f x a '>. ;�1 •,,'; v, t ,' / , , FIRECAULK between DRAFTSTOP'G Y�X ), s XOR>'.\l ';<` •�,:t k X X> i'``{ i t :t;'�`y:`�..i.itZ` X J: 1 Y �'. .,•••,..;:x-e.:”. rsy i' i,t•;r :1't t`;r,i, y'i• ;.ti:�';xJ,y's, //' ''� and Existing Shingles ;f '" i A'T:i` Y;lt. ".P. . .\ \%;-,4r;.: ),,," ' , .` ,i` :itr /1 r,,,','` :,.<;x,�x :�.t•,,,s-r").�:: rX^',>;'•.4. '`(' •/X x,`xk •''�,<<''R 4-':; "<< / �� 314" PLYWD DRAFTSTOP'G kx r.i <X ',{; ,X.' ,XX X• i`;ii,,xXi, ,.i /./ .t Xr f� i;`'c`;\�xX' ^� at top of SILL PLATE ',,i <. ,.x•Y; ,f.t ri^3: , : .,;', ,../.44.4;:t :.,1;. •,i; :+ //• ,`f`' . :,'r'f,'f'' :1„ :',,;,Y' iR'xXx'f. .....2.,'"Y.'. \''''''''"'7`4' ` // � Y i:,;.': Z' >'.'>;' '< {Stl/ •• C1111Lis"ii/ia�S�G,{f/fl; �d,—CCLi✓tl! i i �'t i[ `. t ..�� tY,•). ',X t l; •'tea i�, • '•, r , i' :t X i `i C;<vXV/,J>..t.' .,, `x-x x .,`Y.x- plip .,..../„.A.,:. ....,.......,....:( i ti: �.a. r' < t,t 22',..:\,:'-..%44/ , Al I !fit •-twe .raftsta,pp g MI. Iiir //1 /! WWII N'V--— /J i •11 // 3/4" PLYWD DRAFTSTOP'G THERMALFIBER .r, r:,•i "' at bot of TOP PLATE INSULATION F/%' /./;;;,. A //: ` ""-.* FIRECAULK between DRAFTSTOP'G //j' x,'''.+/. and Existing Shingles •// I 4 1,' /// f/.; '.// ,Y',,.,',.4,: er/ i X,X, ,;(: 4'', NEW WALL .,/ ;,.�,.. - U303 i i yi EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL // 1 TO REMAIN ;//.ii, ,.,:,x \ , Ifr' /Ifi `'`,‘%;%:', `" 3/4"PLYWD DRAFTSTOP'G /..//i Xc>• :'••. at top of SILL PLATE _ --- �--_ ... _ _.: - . ._. / 4.14/.' .T ilv / , iiiiiRe.- 1.- 'Ilk �`�';`,,,. _ .. E- A at G E, //./": Jr', /j� be E en Dra`-toppin 1,\ rI. /// -," ....e, Al /// f1 ! , i. NEW 9 1/2" PRI 30's @ 16" O.C. ?//: NEM(SEE STRUCT.) 1 ' " : ' I 3/4" PLYWD DRAFTSTOP'G 1'lli at bot of TOP PLATE THERMALFIBER _„_, �, _1 MN INSULATION I N' --e.) 1 • i�' 1 ;, A-410 1 I I x, FIRECAULK between DRAFTSTOP'G ;r> FIRE RATED 1 and Existing Shingles -%;J CEILING EXPASION COVER I I ,� I I :' 1 , If ;f; 1 CORRIDOR 1 ..,,t- CORRIDOR 1 . 1 1 is WALL EXPASION COVER 1 " I 1 ` °0 �0! MARK-UPS at The Simpkins TYP. WALL SECTION @ EXIST./NEW BLDG School SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-U" Residences FROM A-410 of Construction Documents 134 Old Main Street 2014-01-14 Yarmouth, Massachusetts • C±lAr MEMORANDUM TO: Michael, Gardenier, ICON Architecture, Inc. FROM: Donald Rose, P.E. CC: SUBJECT: WWTP Chemical Description Simpkins School Residences DATE: January 9, 2014 The Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Control Building in The Simpkins School Residence project located at 134 Old Main Street, Yarmouth, is the construction of a single story structure for use as an equipment building for the residential development's • wastewater treatment plant. The building is heated, but not cooled. The building will house the wastewater treatment system's general operating equipment and also include a Chemical Storage Room. The Chemical Storage Room is a separate Control Area for limited quantities of Class 1B Flammable Liquid (100% methanol, with flash point of approximately 50° F, auto ignition temperature of 834.80° F and a boiling point of approximately 149° F). The Chemical Storage Room will house up to two (2) 55-gallon drums of methanol at any given time, for a total storage capacity of no more than 110 gallons of 100%methanol. There will be a pair of intrinsically safe chemical feed pumps in the room with explosion proof wiring. Only one feed pump is operational at a time so no more than 55 gallons of methanol will be in open use at any given time. According to MSDS sheets, 100% methanol is neither "Toxic" nor "Highly Toxic", although it is poisonous and harmful to humans. However, the stored quantities of"Toxic" materials allowed in a Control Area exceed those allowed by Table 307.1(1) of the International Building Code (IBC) [8a' Edition]. Based on these tables, the proposed quantities of methanol in storage and in use do not result in a High Hazard occupancy classification, the Chemical Storage Room is considered a Control Area, and the provisions of Par. 414 apply to the Chemical Storage Room. The other chemical which will be utilized and kept in the WWTP Building is Sodium Bicarbonate. Attached are the MSDS Sheets for the chemicals to be utilized in the WWTP Control Building. •