HomeMy WebLinkAboutLazy River Site Inspections Weston° .
0 85 Devonshire Street,3'Floor,Boston,MA 02109
February 14, 2018 Tei:617.412.4480
To: Abby Our Rose
Project Manager
Robert B Our Company
P.O. Box 1539
Harwich, MA 02645
From: Timothy Sheehan
Project Manager
Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc.
85 Devonshire Street
Boston, MA 02109
Site Inspection: Cape Cod Inflatable Park
Date: February 14, 2018
Tim Sheehan, WSE (TMS)
Adam Leonard, USA Construction
Filter Building:
Building foundation upper level poured. Filter tank and collector tank already completed.
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Lazy River:
Piping installed.
Wall panels painted in separate area.
IIIMassachusetts Connecticut New Hampshire Vermont New York Pennsylvania New Jersey South Carolina Florida
When it's essentra;...it's WeslorJIC•Sampsun:i'
Cape Cod Inflatable Park
February 14, 2018
Page 2
Kiddie Slide Pool •
No work begun on this component.
Lily Pad Pool
No work begun on this component.
Play Structure:
Formwork and rebar set for this component.
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Weston 0
• 85 Devonshire Sheet,3"Floor,Boston,MA 02109
March 20, 2018 Tel 617.412 4480
To: Abby Our Rose
Project Manager
Robert B Our Company
P.O. Box 1539
Harwich, MA 02645
From: Timothy Sheehan
Project Manager
Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc.
85 Devonshire Street
Boston, MA 02109
Site Inspection: Cape Cod Inflatable Park
Date: March 19, 2018
Tim Sheehan, WSE (TMS)
Adam Leonard, USA Construction
Kelly Ngan, Whitewater West
Filter Building:
Building structure was beginning to get siding and finishes.
iAs outlined in the structural field report, reinforcing for the filter building roof trusses had yet to be
installed, and must be installed per approved truss drawings before structural engineer can provide
Adam Leonard and TMS reviewed preferred option for adjustments to filter tank baffle wall to allow for
increased water flow with addition of (3) 6" conduit openings in left and right sections of wall between
rebar grid.
TMS issued SK for filter tank outlining proposed adjustments which included lowering of side walls
within filter tank.
Lazy River:
Approximately 1/4 of the lazy river wall structures have been erected and the concrete floor of the river
had been poured. No issues were identified with river.
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Massachusetts Connecticut New Hampshire Vermont New York Pennsylvania New Jersey South Carolina Florida
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Cape Cod Inflatable Park
March 19, 2018
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Kiddie Slide Pool
No changes had occurred since prior visit.
Lily Pad Pool
• Interior wall of lily pad pool was getting installed and base gravel is installed. No issues identified.
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Play Structure:
Play structure was approximately 90% complete with slides beginning to be installed on the structure.
TMS reviewed potential concern with dumping bucket splash flooding deck. Kelly Ngan from
Whitewater identified that baffles on splash ramp could be adjusted to direct majority of flow away to
sides to minimize impact of water in basin and that it was best to make field adjustments once feature
was operational.
Weston Q
Cape Cod Inflatable Park
March 19, 2018
Page 4 •
General Site
Concern was raised by RBO about deck slopes on deck perimeter between lazy river and spray
structure. TMS to prepare sketch of revised deck drains and grading plan to RBO.
Next steps
USA anticipated beginning forming and installing reinforcing for bridge towards end of week,depending
on impact from snow storm. TMS to schedule site visit for week of 3/26-3/30 to review play structure,
river, and bridge progress.
If there are any questions on the information provided in this document please feel free to contact me
at 978-532-1900 ext. 7716, or @ sheehantna.wseinc.com.
Timothy Sheehan, CPO
Senior Project Manager
Wes ton
• 85 Devonshire Street,3"r Floor,Boston,MA 02109
March 6, 2018 Tel:617.412.4480
To: Abby Our Rose
Project Manager
Robert B Our Company
P.O. Box 1539
Harwich, MA 02645
From: Timothy Sheehan
Project Manager
Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc.
85 Devonshire Street
Boston, MA 02109
Site Inspection: Cape Cod Inflatable Park
Date: March 6, 2018
Tim Sheehan, WSE (TMS)
Adam Leonard, USA Construction
Filter Building:
Building framing and roofing on. Steps and landing not constructed yet. Refer to structural report for
specific items related to building structure.
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page 2
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Lazy River:
I i )f 1( )
• Cape Cod
MarchInflatable 6, 2018Park
• Page 3
Piping installed. First panels of river walls being installed.
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Kiddie Slide Pool
Pool basin has been poured. Formwork and rebar still around collector tank.
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Lily Pad Pool
No work begun on this component.
Play Structure:
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Cape Cod Inflatable Park
March 6, 2018 '
Page 4
Play structure equipment was on site, but not yet begun to be assembled.
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General Site
. Cape Cod Inflatable Park
March 6, 2018
Page 5
Concern raised that there is not proper drainage between project site and adjacent property. RBO to
develop french drain/pit to handle drainage flow in this area.
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• Next steps
TMS to schedule site visit in approximately 2 weeks to review progress.
If there are any questions on the information provided in this document please feel free to contact me
at 978-532-1900 ext. 7716, or @ sheehant c(Dwseinc.com.
Timothy Sheehan, CPO
Senior Project Manager
Weston 0 I
;,..r- .•,C., -� .-I
• 85 Devonshire Street,3"1 Floor,Boston,MA 02109
March 17, 2018 Tel:617.412.4480
To: Abby Our Rose
Project Manager
Robert B Our Company
P.O. Box 1539
Harwich, MA 02645
From: Timothy Sheehan
Project Manager
Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc.
85 Devonshire Street
Boston, MA 02109
Site Inspection: Cape Cod Inflatable Park
Date: March 16, 2018
Tim Sheehan, WSE (TMS)
Adam Leonard, USA Construction
Filter Building:
Roofing beginning to be installed.
• Adam Leonard and TMS reviewed need for making adjustments to baffle wall to increase water flow
into filter area. TMS to review drawings with engineers and determine solution.
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Cape Cod Inflatable Park
March 16, 2018
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Lazy River: 41110
Approximately 100-120 I.f. of the lazy river wall structures have been erected. Rebar for floor within
completed section had been set. No issues were identified with river.
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Cape Cod Inflatable Park
March 16, 2018
Page 3
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• Cape Cod Inflatable Park
March 16, 2018
Page 5
Adam Leonard showed upgraded inlets for zero entry portion of river:
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Kiddie Slide Pool
No changes had occurred since prior visit.
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Lily Pad Pool
Base gravel is installed. No issues identified.
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Cape Cod Inflatable Park
March 16, 2018
Page 6
Play Structure:
Play structure was approximately 85% complete with slides beginning to be installed on the structure.
Adam Leonard expressed concern regarding splash form dumping bucket overflowing the deck if basin
filled with water.
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General Site
No issues identified. •
Next steps
TMS to schedule site visit for Monday 3/19 or Tuesday 3/20 to review dumping bucket concern with
Kelly Ngan from Whitewater.
If there are any questions on the information provided in this document please feel free to contact me
at 978-532 1900 ext. 7716, or @ sheehantAwseinc.com.
Timothy Sheehan, CPO
Senior Project Manager