HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-2018 Windows II,17,It W.rdos.s Vozella, Beth From: Vozella, Beth 'Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 3:05 PM To: 'Kenny Kostka'; Fallon, Rosa Cc: Greene, Karen Subject: 22 Kencomsett Circle:Window Replacement To get us all on the same page with the window situation at 22 Kencomsett:, Building Dept: I confirmed with Ken Kosta of KLK Enterprises that the number of windows being replaced is three. On behalf of OKH, I approve the online express building permit for three windows. Old King's Highway: Ken Kosta confirmed that the two windows in the front will have grilles between the glass and the one window in the rear will have no grilles. All of the three new windows arrived with grilles. For now,they will be installed and in a couple of weeks,the sashes in the rear window will be replaced with no grilles. Ken Kosta: If the owner decides to replace the octagon window in the front of the house with a square fixed window........This will require a Certificate of Exemption from OKH and another building permit. Please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. Regards, -Beth • Beth Vozella Office Administrator Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth,MA 02664-4451 Tel: 508-398-2231 X 1292 • 1 r 3 'Ande'Andersen I Andersen Windows-Abbreviated Quote Report - Arxfersal rsen Project Name: KLK100/22 KENCOMSETT CIR � ............. L Quote#: 30645 Print Date: 08/14/2018 Quote Date: 08/14/2018 - IQ Version: 18.0 ' Dealer: One Cod Lumber ,i Customer. Loveland St Billing Xington,MA 02351 ti / Address: �t Phone: Fax: Sales Rep Kent Edwards \t5 Contact: ' Created 8„ > Math.in. rl____w._ , usU le av1 Item Qty./ Item Size(Operation) Location Unit Price Ext.Price _ r^ r I'1 0002 3 TW2842-2(AA-AA) S 965.93 $ 2897.79 '� ,1 -}g:.-=,fi ROSize=6'771rWx4'47/8"H Unit Slze=5'7318"Wx4'47I8"H 1 '— 400 Sones ii� { r , I I .L'1 Composite Unit,WhitefPre-finished White,Hirth Performance Low-E4 Top/6otlomeHigh Performance Low-E4 Top/Bottom Glass,Finelght Grilles-Between-the-Glass Top/Bottom'Flneiighl Grilles-Between-the-Glass Top/Flo:tom,Mulling Location:Factory(Direct).Mull Type: Narrow Mull,Mull Pi Only:Vertical Viewed frorr€xterior Insect Screen;White Zone:Northern .. - Unit U-Factor :HCC ENERGY STAR®Certified 1 0.30 0.28 No 2 0.30 0.28 No Subtotal $ 4,220.10 Total Load Factor —� Tax(6.250%) $ 26176 Custor-er Signature 1.98 1 - Grand Total L 4,483.86 _ • Dealer Signature - l Quote#: 30645 Print Date: 081142018 Page 201 3 iQ Version: 18.0 I 5-'z i i --'-c7 . . . • •,.. .... . . •. . • . . . . . .. .••.... . . .:.. . _ '-,--'7;' .s.:...-. ,..4„,•-,:"--,,,,,,,, -, ,.....2,-. -,- --.;‘.,...., if.t.,..-„:2.....:z.,,,.-....-.,...-s,.„-.,,,,,..„-.. .,4-.,,......-,•_,..7. ,,,,.,:,.‘ii,,,:-:...).,A,,,,,-,-;•,...-,,,Risilf, ,.:t-4-..:',-. - :,.=.i,:.:7'-..--7.---,n...•-',:4-.1„:.?=,';::.:.'1„ . - '- -- . - .0., ,,,, a ,. 4 ,, ...,,,, _--,-...:_-;' '7 7:2414''''T' -'-', .....:,,,......_7' .... . 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