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App# 6-A089
SPECIFICATION SHEET (YARMOUTH OKHC) Please fill out this form in its entirety,providing color chips where necessary. Indicate landscaping,exterior lighting,and electric meter location on site plans for new houses. ADDRESS: 244' W1 U2> / S"r YA7e-MO tintPOFzT MA FOUNDATION MATERIAL (e.g.,concrete/other. Note: maximum exposure is 18"): CONCI297E DRIVEWAY MATERIAL: 8" Ext b5U/2 - t PAVING �� NDus WALK WAY MATERIAL: B/WN1Inlo(15 AND wee PECKING STEPS MATERIAL(e.g.,brick,cement): NONE s N WE72ZA'l. T ' --1 t SIDING TYPE&MATERIAL: COMPOSiTE WOOD SIDING AND COLOR: WH iTe PAIa WOOD/STAINOD Wq� rt Mtto6yiv'I - CHIMNEY(e.g.,brick/stucco/wood faced): owJE , /N tiemL COLOR: OZ6Y'1 vs ROOF MATERIAL: ��cING --• n PITCH(7/12 Minimum): 5��/�[:::N saw mean, COLOR: OoQ(+f_l 2112 KOHN& i ; t T �Ji MAX.EXPOSURE: ZINC- cO47-5-1, Ct,°f 7t ZING 0 7 Ayr : Ctygr� STEL o WINDOW MATERIAL(e.g.,wood,vinyl)-grilles are required: i Indicate sizes,if not listed on plan elevations: tiwM/NOM COLOR: G,e6Y DOOR MATERIAL(Indicate wood/other): Mal iMMVG41155 Indicate sizes and style,if not listed on elevations: PA9N7•£p STEeL COLOR: 0 TRIM MATERIAL:(e.g.,wood, vinyl,aluminum) :ZING Q tj) CII' COLOR: (Note: all windows&doors must be trimmed with I x 4 or I x 5) wt)HIT PAI NTp WOOD SHUTTER MATERIAL&TYPE: L,OIZ 5YS (e.g.,wood/vinyl,paneled/louvered) 51W p COLOR: MP t}CY y N Y i j p GUTTER MATERIAL(e.g.,wood,aluminum): FASCIA COLOR: (p&t'( GARAGE DOORS(indicate size&style): nl/� D COhP COLOR: • t STORM WINDOWS &DOORS: NA COLOR: s - k (indicate sizes if not listed on elevations) es 1 SKYLIGHTS(indicate type&size): i/ ` NA COLOR: i WOOD DECK(indicate size): I XG WOOD ST741 NPi D js g COLOR: MA 1404, 'N 7 I , WOOD FENCING: NAT STYLE: NA' { (Show layout&running footage on site plan. Note: Max height is 6 feet) COLOR: 1. RETAINING WALL(e.g.,pressure treated or fieldstone):C�ALUL (show layout&running footage on site plan. Note: concrete isinappropriate) N(�$ a SIGNS:(indicate size,style,colors) $Ul LDf�G (�pV � COLOR: age"(BKgJND MOVIJf� D i SIGN POST:(indicate size,style,color) Z' H I6H ZINC- LE(r�$ • •_ NIA- COLOR: . Yrwr"� 7 �j� Y ,Submissions List Certificate of Appropriatness IFAW-264 Willow Street 1) Application with Abutters List. 2) Elevation package,prepared by designLAB architects, 374 Congress Street, Suite 507,Boston, MA 02210. 3) View package,prepared by designLAB architects, 374 Congress Street, Suite 507,Boston, MA 02210. 4) Specifications Sheet,prepared by designLAB architects, 374 Congress Street, Suite 507,Boston, MA 02210. 5) Notes on the Proposed Design,prepared by designLAB architects,374 Congress Street, Suite 507,Boston,MA 02210. 6) Massachusetts Historical Commission sign-off letter to Eliza Cox,Esquire,of Nutter, McClennen&Fish, dated April 27,2006. 7) Site Plan Package,264 Willow Street,prepared for IFAW by Down Cape Engineering, 939 Main Street, Yarmouthport,MA,dated May 16, 2006. 8) Proposed Construction period sign rendering and mounting detail.* *The applicant respectfully requests the flexibility to add the landscape architect, Stimpson Associates',name and logo to the proposed construction „, period signage at a later date. „ZJ —{ 0 ----,C -il U, = � C.-Zc-- _7 OC Iii n rn _ o 6nos' l RECEIVED • MAY - 8 zoos I Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Committee in the Town of Yarmouth for a CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS OLD h... Application is hereby made in triplicate,for the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 o ap e 470,Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts, 1973,for proposed work as described below and on Plans,drawings or _1r-ao photographs accompanying this application for: CHECK CATEGORIES THAT APPLY: :7-- 1. Exterior Building Construction:X New Building C Addition C Alteration l _ ; D:j> Indicate type of building: 0 House 0 Garage 0 Commercial X Other Office r,f 2. Exterior Painting: 0 [111 km .D O i c 3. Signs or Billboards:X New Sign 0 Existing Sign 0 Repainting existing sign 171 -i i1 ' -r te 4. Structure:0 Fence 0 Wall 0 Flagpole C Other C) C 7C TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY DATE: May 17,2006 ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK: 264 Willow Street Yarmouthport ASSESSORS MAP NO.: 93 OWNER: Willow Street International Headquarters LLC ASSESSORS LOT NO.: 34.35&36 HOME ADDRESS: PO Box 1630.Hyannis,MA 02601 TELEPHONE NO.: 508.430.9979(fax) AGENT OR CONTRACTOR: Michael D.Ford.Esq. TELEPHONE NO.:508.430.1900 ADDRESS: PO Box 665.72 Main Street W.Harwich.MA 02671 USE ATTACHED SHEET IN PACKET FOR ABUTTING OWNERS DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK:Give all particulars of work to be done including materials to be used.In case of signs,give locations of existing signs and proposed locations of new signs(attach additional sheet,if necessary). Demolition of the existing structures on-site and redevelopment of the site including landscaping,signage and construction of a 40,000 sgft two-story,professional building with an additional 20,000 sq ft of basement storage space to serve as IFAW's international headquarters. Approval is sought not only for the permanent signage,but also for the signage that is to be placed during the pendency of building demolition and reconstruction. Permanent signage is proposed to be freestanding.2'high zinc • letters reading"WAW:"construction signage is to be a 2-sided.colored elevation rendering of the proposed building with the architect,contractor and IFAW logos,mos•d with tradi s led materials. See s.ec sheet and elevation .lans attached for further si. .,-•cri.tion. APPr r --. Signed AFFROVE>$'..__.,, Owner-Contractor-Agent YAVICUTH CCSAIII l Space below line for Committee use only.• • Received by OKHC A •i •,i Date: all P' of. This ertificateishereb �� - a0('_ Dtaatev:/ 6, C6 Check#: _ it e re?. By: �,�r- / // • APPROVED C IMPORTANT:If Certificate is approved,approval is subject to the 10 day appeal period provided in the Act. DISAPPROVED C Please return to:Yarmouth OKI-1C District Committee, . Yarmouth Town Hall, 1146 Route 28,S.Yarmouth,MA (, 40%9 vc ;MOUTH TOVC- Ti?3 .11 15 I'll II: 09 %RECE\\/ED _ ( am38uss �� / meals. • i• � s` ur„AJAO� -snoTpucrs maps ayl ea GaAs I 1 . -meq ( irtdc� °`.oar- .F. ,74 rilrEkc it)7 ve in4.. *E b, ..-2-4 ..tenni-rJ orir S"”" r'© z • a.neP $`"'1S r"lvin heY° ssaiaav b30V .) /um 410-hi-off aiva 1 � 374 congress street [suite 507] Boston,massachusetts 02210 I t 617.350.3005 f 617.350.6006 I www.designLABarch.com designLAB architects • May 16, 2006 • ^} PROPOSED NEW HEADQUARTERS C�!%� ) T� THE INTERNATIONAL FUND for ANIMAL WELFARE c ; �, Willow Street, Yarmouthport Q ' ./ • - Notes on the Proposed Design1� s r - T SITE - The site concept provides for the 'restoration' of the landscape by creating a large open space or 'meadow' reminiscent of early Cape Cod farms. - The 'meadow' serves as the centerpiece for the new headquarters and would be planted with indigenous plant material including native grasses, bayberry and blueberry bushes as well as a few large tees. The perimeter of the site would be bordered in a row of maple trees at both Willow and Summer Streets with occasional red oak and an 'under story' planting of bushes. This strategy helps define the border and screens the building from immediate view. - The 'meadow' creates an undulated landscape rising in grade by 5 feet.The 'sculpting' of the meadow helps conceal the internal elevations of the building from Willow Street. - A 'field' of birches and flowering bushes would run through the planting islands of the parking area creating a natural effect.These islands serve as 'rain gardens', partially filtering the run-off from paving. The overall intention is to create a landscape that resonates with the agrarian tradition of Cape Cod—un-manicured and In a natural state. - The site and building design take a sustainable approach. IFAW intends to achieve LEED certification for the project. BUILDING -The approximately 40,000 sq.ft. building is arranged as 3 smaller 2-story buildings (with footprints of 4000sq.ft. 7000sq.ft. and 9000sq.ft.) embracing the open space of the meadow. -The sustainable building design takes advantage of preferred views into the meadow and favorable solar orientation for the majority of the workspace. -The building volumes are articulated with simple pitched roofs and clerestory windows providing daylight to the interior. -The eave height (24 ft.) along Willow and Summer Streets is purposefully lower to present a modest scale to the street. The exterior cladding along Willow and Summer Streets is proposed as painted wood or prefinished composite wood siding. The color is white. At the connections between the 3 buildings the wood siding is stained, mahogany. Fascia and trim are zinc coated copper.Aluminum windows are proposed with a light grey finish. -At the 'meadow' the roof eave rises to just under 35'. The meadow elevations are developed with a 'screened' glass wall providing views into the landscape and daylight to the workspace. The glass curtainwall is covered by a louvered screen wall reminiscent of traditional wood -w shutters. The screen wall would be constructed of either red cedar or mahogany in a stained finish. t.t -The roof material is proposed as standing seam zinc coated copper, or zinc coated steel as an altemate, intended to weather to a soft gray. -Adjacent to the entry and meadow elevations is a wood deck, also with a stained mahogany finish. K rn f Designtab:Shared Documents:Projects:2005-002 IFAW:060Agencies:lFAW CCC Memo.doc • r, grw rte" • , The Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth April 27,2006 Massachusetts Historical Commission Eliza Cox 2 Nutter McClennen&Fish,LLP 1513 Iyannough Road C) — _ P.O.Box 1630 1 i1 vt r)0 Hyannis,MA 02601-1630 `. n - 4 RE: International Fund for Animal Welfare Headquarters,264 Willow Street at Summer Street and I i , Route 6 Ramp,Yarmouth,MA;MHC#RC.38792 Q p 7C Dear Ms.Cox: The Massachusetts Historical Commission has reviewed the additional information you submitted,received March 30,2006,concerning the proposed project referenced above. As you are aware,the subject property is located within the Northside Historic District,which is listed in the State Register of Historic Places,and the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District(a local district),which is listed in the State Register of Historic Places. After a review of the information submitted,MHC staff have the following comments. The proposed project involves the demolition of the existing structures on the property,which were previously used as a garage,storage,mechanical repair,and office space for a prior wholesale nursery,and the redevelopment of the site to construct 40,000 square feet of office space together with 20,000 square feet of basement storage space as well as improved wastewater treatment,new access and egress,and landscape improvements. After a review of MHC files and the information submitted,I have determined that the proposed project will have"no adverse effect"(950 CMR 71.07(2)(b)(2))on the Northside Historic District and the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District. These comments are offered to assist in compliance with M.G.L.Chapter 9,Section 26-27C,as amended by Chapter 254 of the Acts of 1988(950 CMR 71.00). Please do not hesitate to contact Ryan Maciej of my staff if you have any questions. Sincerely, Brona Simon . Acting Executive Director ' 0,,f: Massachusetts Historical Commission C' S-0a xc: John Felix,DEP DEP—SERO Cape Cod Commission Yarmouth Historical Commission 220 Morrissey Boulevard. Boston, Massachusetts 02125 (617) 727-8470• Fax: (617) 727-5128 • www.sec.state.ma.us/inhc • AW Future Home of I F international Fund for Animal Welfare { y ��.. 1r4i 1 .."-t4.,,,.. s t a 4, , , i } ylr r Y --er `i 1p. €✓• ,- 1 ?. ,fi _ �~�v !kms F'4": 5 �}�'y�.`}{.ay Fy�YI i 1 I ,_t----1-, •N�� efrisikow gun f -y g+ ., I{{ /1 ii tt N,.. i 9 " `t d+4"*;„ 6�'"yii .'F-§ 3.. ti i,1y� 1 1 ♦ R.i >t }. b -y} .a { "�i a r S :La r —s---- y� M- -fir l `ri u,IKt " 5..+ ./°N t^ _ "'. d . a:<` '1' tt<r ssa�.• y +s ''rf1,4; "f -1 ? _ --.wr s''n�`.Y.«. ',..,.s.f`r.'s' 1 t :.F >.,;' ram- }4p x'e"' ^ rt.a-'•ri,.e,�,,.., .. �.e- .ra-- A better world for animals & people, starting right here on Cape Cod. GIFAWdesignLAB architects i CONTRACTOR 374 Congress Street Boston, MA 02210 1 Name/Logo Here www.Ifaw.org www.designLABarch.com I _ ICt() 41 111111 ,._„.,............. _ .... . .i.'4: -NH:\ ,••••,' i -;',:l., . ,1/4 1 -, , ,K (i) cp, Ati,V,: , t !1 Ix sal... 3>,., ra�1� i J • tf. r ` Ly. Yr@ • : F may...., ‘ v.,.. 4'.- • . • ''-.1. 54:4,.-Z;_. ,: '�W'.. w, 03 • r, f 4 lJ_ / !,f1,1/1., 'l i _4 /fi-.. • A. , - _. ,,^^ ,1- _ . VJ H fis .. i ,I y :; `..J _ .p, r.- + _.1- — �� •L . r '' � �• ',sa i 1 . ; L '-1 �' �....—.rte-•�.. V ' tom ` , - ! II _.-.__.. '1 -� Int • . � r ' 1i Y - .4' "mak , .. I 7'!471/Y) 4 • }J .r _ t. y ‘.-.:-,..c. �L )t / • y lT ? ;•- .F .+.ter �` I 7 -_„.:4,.. it r 1 j{ 1 1. rr, � . ,• �.. ! S y+, ,fit :• ,i `.�3 ,.-'. c .e „ / 4' I e q�tyy �lL� ! - - 7 t.- •:+ +'. ,Sy .;r /' P •.moi , ., :, iljt s rr L �,rY' F Y. tit+ 4:-... " c: i 1 smtilli � ia . f • , iso Ar, • 1,,ks /. . 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RY c.. .. is. • (-1 -` t'J - ' ' , _'_ qi+`' _D11 ;._ ' t�rr .. . /r v I, - J I / `✓ for-- Wis./• is./ 1 I IVS UAi ' S • II 1 Page 1 of 1 A.R. 93 - 447 354.36 _ Garcia, Bob lu a to Pc L, W L LL B c 93 - 3 4. I From: LaFrance, Rhonda Sent: Wednesday, June 14,2006 9:37 AM To: Garcia, Bob Subject: IFAW Bob: What will the new address be for IFAW, corner of Willow and Summer. The entrances will be closed off on Willow and opened up at Summer. Rhonda LaFrance Yarmouth Board of Appeals , �/ rJ 1146 Route 28 01 ✓ South Yarmouth, MA 02664 C 508-398-2231 x 285 6145 508-398-2231 rlafrance@yarmouth.ma.us IP rif titIS WILL 8E p SuMMa2 Srece�r' / iO1 fit ' 244 I,LIlt.t.ow 'STEr wlL Ra pELET1�D �"' Zone 2 area which is a Public Water supply area for the Town of Yarmouth and that is why they have been encouraged to take this direction. They will have native shrubs in the area of the building to the open the space to the meadow. The 40,000 sq.ft.has been masked into the three smaller footprints. The roof design is very low,with a zinc coated copper roof in a soft grey. The wood cladding siding will be visible on the Willow and Summer Street sides. They are proposing to have mahogany shuttering over the glass wall on the inside area of the building facing the proposed meadow with the white cladding on the outside. The decking will be mahogany. The building will be energy saving. They discussed the site plan and that the Fire Departments issues have been addressed. The dumpsters will be concealed with plantings and it will be tucked into the hill area. Chairman Gray stated for the Record that Summer Street is a Scenic Road and also for the record the committee and the town are very happy that IFAW has chosen to have there International Headquarters in the Town of Yarmouth. The lighting plan was not available but they will be having 15 of the 14' poles, full mounted lights at 60 foot intervals, dark grey, down lighting with back shields. The lighting will be around the parking lot and it will be on a timer with minimal lighting for safety when the building is not in use. They will also work with the Police Department. The reserve parking consists of 19 spaces but this will only be for future needs if ever. They would come back to the committee if ever needed. Chairman Gray requested that the committee be allowed to do a site visit when they are doing the plantings. Ms. Barsch mentioned that this is a very contemporary look and there was a discussion on the design and the setting.Mr. Gegenwarth thought that this was aesthetically pleasing compared to some of the other structures. The site with the landscape will help to screen the building. It was mentioned that this building does have a barn look and the open area of the building is not visible until you enter the complex. Chairman Gray thought it was an imposing structure but with the layers of landscaping and the berms this would cut down on the visibility. It was mentioned that if at the time the committee wishes for more of a screening that they would be able to accommodate that request. The landscaping will have a mixture of trees and shrubs,the set back at the corner of Summer Street is 30 feet. The retaining wall is Versaloc and will be covered with vegetation and it is only 4' in height.Chairman Gray asked Selectman Sullivan if he had any comments. Selectman Sullivan mentioned the fact that IFAW went far beyond even the States standards to clean the site and that this company is one of Yarmouth's best corporate citizens and the town has a long history with them. This project has been overseen along the way and IFAW always tries to do things the way that the Town likes. The location will be a nice gateway to the Town of Yarmouth and the project is fully supported by the Town. Chairman Gray mentioned that they would have to come back with the lighting plan. After much discussion on the siding they proposed to use stained Mahogany and the Werzalit, a composite material, vertical. The width of the siding should be 4%"-6".The vertical style will give more of a barn look The win-ooare grey aluminum. The glass curtain wall is covered by aoul-vexed screen wal` roof wood shutters, in a stained finish. The committee discussed the roof which they agreed could be the painted steel and also would approve an upgrade to the Zinc coated Copper if possible in the color grey. The chimney will be enclosed in the metal roofing, grey. The trim will be Zinc coated Copper in grey and white. There will be a sign mounted on the building and one mounted on the ground. The free standing sign at the entry will be 2' high,zinc lettering in the color grey,with a wash of light from the ground that will be shielded with plantings. There is a simple color scheme for this project in grey,white and some mahogany. Ms. Ranch moved to accept the proposal with 4 amendments. 1) Owners agree to allow a site visit when landscaping is being done. 2)Owners will return for the lighting fixtures 3) Siding should be 4%"-6",Werzalit,vertical and stained Mahogany where shown. 4)Painted steel roofing approved, if upgraded to Zinc coated Copper this is approved as well. APPROVED AS AMENDED 3-0-0 TABLED MINUTES OF 06-14-06 page 5 of 7 make sure that the fence will be on his property. The fence will be the same as the existing and it will C be on the same perimeter except where he would like to move closer to the property line near Ms. Carroll's property. It was suggested that he should step the fence in on his property so that he may maintain the fence and the nicer side should face the neighbor's property. The fence can not be taken out to the street. Mr. Floyd also had concerns regarding his sprinkler system. After much discussion on the property lines, it was suggested that everyone could hire there own surveyors since determining property lines are not within the jurisdiction of this board. Ms. Barsch moved to accept the proposal with 2 amendments. 1)The owner will assure that the fence will be on his property. 2) Smooth side of fence will be toward the abutter. APPROVED AS AMENDED 4-0-0 Willow Street International Headquarters LW(owners)Michael D. Ford,Esq. (agent)6-D003 to seek approval for a demolition of building at 264 Willow Street. Michael Ford,Bob Mikcos, James Royce, Michael Cote and Selectman Jerome Sullivan present. Chairman Gray stated for the record that this applicant did come before this committee for an Informal Meeting. Mr. Ford explained that they have two petitions on for this evening,the first is for the demolition of the existing structures on the site and they provided pictures. The second is for a new structure and also for some signs, temporary and permanent signs. The proposed building is 40,000 sq. ft. and this will be the International Headquarter for IFAW and are very exited about coming to this location. They have been to the Cape Cod Commission, to Site Plan Review and to the Board of Appeals in which it has been approved unanimously. They will have to go to the Planning Board. IFAW has cleaned the site of any hazardous material. The building they are proposing to demo was built in 1950 and additions in 1967. There is no Historical value, as they did file with the Historical Commission. The committee Cmembers are aware that over the years some old structures were removed and did not have a problem with the demolition of this structure. Ms. Barsch moved to accept this application for the demolition of the existing structure. APPROVED 3-0-0 Willow Street International Headquarters LLC (owners)Michael D. Ford,Esq. (agent)6-A089 to seek approval for a new building and signs at 264 Willow Street.Michael Ford,Bob Mikcos, James Royce,Michael Cote and Selectman Jerome Sullivan present. The proposed building is 40,000 sq. ft. and this will be the International Headquarter for IFAW. They also presented pictures to represent their application. The vegetation on the site is rather sparse and they would make a more consistent and attractive plantings. They are tying to restore the natural condition of the site which existed long ago. They looked at the site,the size of the proposed building and the location of the parking and they will be eliminating the curb cut off of Willow Street. All the parking will be at the lowest part of the site and it will be screened off. The building is broken up into three pieces to accommodate the site and will have much less presence on the site. The streetscape they are proposing more formal street trees. The whole site will have more native plantings, to develop a natural meadow. In the area of the off ramp from Route 6 there is significant vegetation and this will not change. This will not be a flat site, and it will have white pines and cedars so the hill side will provide a screening between the industrial area and the parking. The core of the site will have paths and wooden boardwalks which flank the building and this will have plantings also. The parking lot has been pitched to accommodate the sites water runoff and this area will have vegetation and there will be a C wet meadow but not open or standing water. They are considering proper and natural drainage for the site. They will have very dense Birch groves. The street will have Red Maples and Sugar Maples. There will also be significant landscaping in the parking. Wastewater is very important as this is a MINUTES OF 06-14-06 page 4 of 7 vs 0111 `_l Q • '/'ill}I t. 4' �0�M } �� Ili r�L. f'_ 5-L \h.�`�` ylt3►NO A U kf, vl.era- T"Gi2 64.46<ferr? i 1711,Yo _.-42--ti,-:-t\i. WAL-1.--- / � PTV, w ICi ---� \ WI N4 12�v • r Y • ! { 1 I . �'-?tom'<'�. T j �I AN__ t 44 I 14:. 1, ref. �w�.'�wwi �ii'rr.% rw�lfwla rtt�+rl-�wrsP'1,.!6 �!C�•"1,E!! a __.ww�..wn. _ - _ -•_-— _ - - _ - MI i:.4 1' �f .J. r;t.k a,4. .;! r. y_ SIH ✓FYI - - - iwiw:..:+r.- w - -- - - L1 jiiii •-" _ /: t ,i ' __IL' ..z.-_ - i. gi+rii a 1 r i 1Vseitatall■i�ltimil♦ /,iii�T�:iii �aii ;— - - _ �u ail-- 'Fw�l+m w=it.--" or, ,'� I -'.V p . r -. r' .��- *.. • ;-- - - - -- - ---- �';lr�lr�I�li�i�i�i�i ��a1�r�sial�tiili�l�sttre�rircaa�i+����ir � - ?' 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