HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp-Permit-ComplianceZ C L L THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD FF HEALTH 0 ........... .OF ............ ... */? --- - - - - -------------------------------------------------- Appliratiou for Uhqpaoal Worko Tomitrurtion Vamit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct or Repair an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: ry) o P - �se, ...... ......... .............. 24=.1 ........ W Location or Lot No. I& ......... ................................................................................ .... ...... ............. ......... . Address -------------- 7 ------- * .......................................................... . ................ ........................................ ......... . .. ........... .. ... Address Type -`o`f--?,. ding Installer Size Lot ............................ Sq. feet Dwelling —No. of Bedrooms -------------------------------------------- Expansion Attic Garbage Grinder Other —Type of Building ............................ No. of persons ---------­----­-­------ Showers ( ) — Cafeteria Otherfixtures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Design Flow ----- --------- .......... gallons per person per day. Total daily flow -------------------------------------------- gallons. Septic Tank —Liquid capacity./00.qallons Length --­------------ Width ................ Diameter._.___---.__.__- Depth------_-._...._. Disposal Trench — No. ------------------ Width .................... Total Length___..._.._......._._ Total leaching area .................... sq. ft. Seepage Pit No_____________________ Diameter.__._....___.__..... Depth below inlet_._.............._.. Total leaching area .................. sq. f t. Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by ----------------------------------------------------------- .............. Date ---------------------------------------- Test Pit No. I ................ rbinutes per inch Depth of Test Pit..........._........ Depth to ground water_._....____........... . Test Pit No. 2 ................ minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit .................... Depth to ground water.._.._..__.........._.._ ............................................................................................................................................................. Description of Soil ---------------------------------- ............................................................................................................................................... Nature of Repairs or Alterations — Answer when applicable ------------------------------------------- ........................................................................................................................................................................ ...... 1 ........................ Agreement: The undersigned agrees. to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TIT; E 5 of the State Sanitary Code — The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed..................... ............... ............................ ............ ............ D .. t . e ......... 2- 9� __jj Application Approved By ...................... 0.(.. ......... ... ............... ........... Da . t - e .. . ..... Application Disapproved for the following reasons: --------- . I Permit N ---­----------- .................. I Date Issued ---------------- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH 77-7a. ....... OF -A� . ........... I ................................... . Trrfff;� mliftaurt THIS IS TO CERTIFY,That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructedk<) or Repaired by.. .1 . ...... ............ . - - .......... . —. . .... ......................................................................... sc as ate Sanid i 5 of TC-I e ..e . at ---- -------- - NICZa ---------­------------­ ......................... ------------- The t d�F' has been installed in accordance with the provisions of Tl;-�F,- 7 a4�e application, for Disposal Works Construction Permit No­/-A-:!.Tn­'=2'4U�..... dated-- / ......... f... .......... THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inspector