HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-80-014 �Go‘-yr--• Application for a Permit to Build No. . 7 -3"s8 Fee must accompany this application p Yarmouth 0-4 A AP 19* I—f- jo TO THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build, according to the following specifications: 1. Name of Owner 5 me 3;kbatA4/A Address p /►'l G /Ity.wA RA AUX wet /Atin aril 2. Name of Architect (if any) 3. Name of Builder J SII ry 4. Precinct No. ! Lot No. S( Plan: Name or No. 5. Name of StreetIf. Waco c,V4m wA/24 AUl 6. Purpose of Building Od o SraQt 7. Material S L+' 8. Estimated cost of building fir tied 9. Dwelling 10. Cottage 11. Heat 12. Basement "13. Garage '14. Store 15. Shop 16. No. of stories 17. Is there to be a Store in the lower storey 18. Size of Lot. No. of feet front No. of feet rear No. of feet deep 19. Size of building. No. of feet front No. of feet side No. of feet rear 20. Distance from nearest building: Front ft.; side ft.; side ft.; rear 21. Distance back from line or street from rear lot line , side line Show by diagram the location of propsed building with relation to d' ces from adjoining lots, on reverse side. Name.. dmma..l.�i Address.... t ....ate, Ic • Rear of Lot N.41‘.I V ` s ttt:t alr tn.`t 400b) o J o o o a 1 r D p Ca 1 4 to0 CO Frontage of Lot Street Name PLOT PLAN a$ 'aS ..) ti i I PI P: LP-hi 11\1 .i aiAi CPO 1(..si it .C.4‘Lt CP ii- ::' --:•: 't-. - •.':• - a ., 41.-r:27:, ....-. . - • . . .. . . .. . . . . . r _ titirmAm .... 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