HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-80-108 0 n ` � � �' ' ° 3n R� . � — 1 /6 r W\j fi:,Ab ` Application for a Permit to Build No �� LOT <EL^EASED BY Tee must accompany this application PLANK I NG OARD 31 b Q 'DATE / , o ^4, , 19.8t ��15j7a5_a { TO THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build, according to the following specifications: 1. Name of Owner�� S i R E.A LT S -TT-u.ST Address 14- ToaLA �EII MIS . n'1 AS S 2. Name of Architect (if any) 3. Name of Builder C• a. 5 tf0 R.T ru C•. Bax 15'1 a ."Daum 1 t MA 39S-7.631 4. Precinct No. Lot No.V30 fl Plan: Name or No. Assess.or MRP gte. l 2-°(.e ti/3o 5. Name of Street ; W q S , v (.kchG 11A•Vb0 6. Purpose of Building RGSttS ISO 4.1AL J. (` rlcr7 `Uzj $ 7. Material W 00•D " D l u l u1CJ 2&A 8. Estimated cost of building 401000 L B p 400i S 9. Dwelling IJI A I if, $3 i4 S 10. Cottage Mf A 1 1.10 /137 ruaM 11. Heat F p{ tN .. G. /a S I GifftiOa ' Rte''` 12. Basement nit% — PouRed coucBtTe I C.A-2 9`ii`il a 13. Garage i C.A 2 • � 14. Store t4'A ,can G'ne. T<<n tic) N 15. Shop 'A -cc—r-.4_ , / s R f, o 16. No. of stories I - i 7 • 17. Is there to be a Store in the lower storey 14A r I 18. Size of Lot. No. of feet front ..../.12(24,E3 No. of feet rear 127' 1 p No. of feet deep J.I.$1..... 19. Size of building. No. of feet front 5..�is 1 No. of feet side de Z� of feet rear S-2• / I No.� . 20. Distance from nearest building: Frontrit ft.; side '?f ft.; side ill ft.; rear.. 21. Distance back front line or street 32—• , from rear lot line ....31 , side line 3.? Show by diagram the location of propsed building with relation to d}}i� of nces from adjoi ' g lots, on reverse�+ side. Name...2 ,(j 4f. CieSibitr Address....6"(l1/4 7 F•- •..l)61/iiit'f j i Y • A i Street Name `• c �I, C1 Left Side Depth of Lot jf ( ! a r • z rA '41 _ . - Z"i 1w O Z • m ti ems. N 1 r 0 , 1 1 - . .1 _ _ • 1 1 R _ o 0. ._ ..� . Right Side Depth of Lot , 4 Street Name ,` . s . - r,- • t' t • 1 1 .'�.-• ERMANLN1 LY INS " • I\F• INDOWS TO BE USED .T- • � � ,;.TOTAL; R= '•,.:' its, •.. ROSS WALL AREA = • .• Vi1MDOW• TDP SURFACE - • M. ; _ n•061 1.R.2016�'.i • )L DOOR AREA '77.'Bl n�n d '• . . -r i1RERGLA !v lr1Y'p _ ` '•' r� INSULATION FENESTRA I IONG�,,•($ n• u ▪' .i + .J C...-::';:,.., ' �J !t' -i ,\ ♦jus '' O 1 _i ,}..J ,y' • - • ; •. a `—SNE ET ROCK 1i�.. -.+ rr. -4-...--,, f � \. h.----,:.;;;•--zi� w • •1 a if rY.. as I * \ ti 5 :1 •t ▪ ': b-4 [yti ) Mu 10I 4.i.. x ii f r • ., �� �a. ��, {r '+ moi."r, � r ROT FON RUBE►C 4 -7,1-1-', }, t w... fie . if ► t r s i'. ' • (., 'yEC, • .1'2 F 7. • - •''.':'C.,,4-7.''' '. " i < i, a '_..1• I fi.. . .1 WALL ASS EMBL▪Y.-x :•••••-:. - 1/2 PLTO'OOD INSIDE SURFACE .' `` n o cz i - me o R! ' + •TAL R :i. + i y •y !� «i U 1• R ���r� I _fl SHINGLED �) R•o •a5 O'. K '� ,.I r d i.. rt + N O O7 s t: . I Y it,,,',...t.';'“ • • ... Sa of -INOLL..�'. � • -,,,:,,,,..,,:c' tr ",-.7.-..-7k.:::... .:0 • �, r °= f- • • r 1 ' !JI/2 FIBERGLAS! } •v. �^ - OUTSIDC �� INSULATION • s'' r + KOREA CE 4-.4.2..,,,,,,,,,,.]::.t 1St I �Q ea t�.,\�1 • :-, ;. R. 0.17 Q ri ,,G4kIEl'J6PI►tT'f.2.."4„.....,7 7` ., +.ylU� 17e2 �t • , y i f r'de 1.110tag1 41"e3C , I).LGtp6 - •- _ OUTSIDE i 3/%ETt`FaCf. i.i • •!4. Rs.lal R- [� •52. 1�7.1�I ` ` c .. r ,,, • a48- •''. }. •� -.• I • as.•1 a n•o.R! 7URFACC ! NDATION LIS ,r 't , WALL ASSEMBLY:; F• .....‘'::'-',‘'..:1.,,,.2:-..t-7- cont. ,. x TOTAL' :. '+ ' FOUND MALL ► c 3/a !HE ETROCK . ? • ft...-3. . ,. ' }' '.,. E < 1_Yl yy N • ,..a � Gp n D !L" Y. ti Y\.� , lLi x s- J2•b " a° ,•v p •: fit y r 4. _ Lll • •. �' TbY a' ya, X . 1 A ; , •.".•-• 1 DTTROFOAY • /r 'b I .l .t � of 0 ..! • ��• ...... • + . 1_•"••• • :._'QtA T1,/..}[ I_r. .t. . ` rf SECIONFOR IATION ti ,IY ' r - M / ..• t. T r a r % t ;i M1 • .. . r} .., - •l.. ,J - ..- •• ;-, t.. < s • �` �' tiAVO •' •✓moi• \ • .q1 -. z . 4 - �� lam. • . T r • , r t y AVul1.9D&t r . • s --r % r r. .-,..,, {• • ` . .3v ;. - r i t = - b • __s s i • 'r fIr :r "'- } 14..• >r y 1r M1 _{ 1 •' s• a.• 1, _ - • t r rF y Fri Y- a z. ^ < `- t a . v 1-' f3..? , ie .r v, .. ... } .• .r•...r. + .- S.. 4'� eU . .. . . _ . '?it.;;;;;:"-::,-.--../..,:,..:« -..a-. •▪ Y�1`N. v s.}}+>. r'i,, - .t • -• . P;.ILD1!;a tE iT rE1'IEW — — • • H;L APPLICANT:wF+ S-=1p EAL7�--rg. Jt.ST _ BLDG PERMIT NO + ,1 LOCATION OF PROPEkTY:tot 30_, __N.Aslsrop! to l/45 DATE FILED: • 4-4;,:q AtMou.1-L M 7 • :' THE FOLLOWING CHECK-OFF SHEET IS DESIGNED TO. CLARIFY THE PROCEDURES AN INDIVIDUAL '' 0;-c. MUST FOLLOW IN ORDER TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO BUILD OR ALTER A .BUILDING. '-THE BUILDING : c: '!;,' }. DEPARTMENT WILL CHECK ON THE FOLLOWING:. (A) CONSERVANCY DISTRICTS (B).'+. HISTORICAL°: •,',•`' DISTRICTS (C) FLOOD PLAINS ZONING, AND WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING THE APPLICANT THROUGH THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES. •i; 1 . RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: A) CHECK WITH THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT IN REFERENCE TO SEPTIC SYSTEMS FOR SEWAGE � -a DISPOSAL. • B) CHECK WITH CON;ERVATION COMMITTEE IF THE LOT BORDERS ON ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS •0 EXAMPLES: STREAMS, PONDS, RIVERS, OCEAN, BAY, BOGS; MARSH, ETC. ";' '''' C) CHECK WITH PLANNING BOARD FOR. LOT RELEASE: '- � - . ' 1a/4 2. COMMERCIAL "BUILDING: A) ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT-FOR PARKING AND DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS, TOPOGRAPHY SITE r• rFt PLAN REVIEW. • Vit :,: B) CONSERVATION COMMITTEE-IF LOT BORDERS ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS. Ii ' C) PLANNING BOARD-TO SEE IF LOT COMPLIES WITH ZONING BY-LAWS. r -r ;.d D) BOARD OF HEALTH-FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS, HEALTH RELATED ACTIVITIES. EXAMPLES: SAUNA BATHS, SWIMMING POOLS RESTAURANTS, ETC. E) FIRE DEPARTMENT-FOR PROPERTY PROTECTION, PERSONAL SAFETY, (SPRINKLERS, SMOKE "? i. DETECTORS). REVIEWED BY: _f c C 04 ' 1 . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: YES DOES NOT APPLYSIGNATURE _ El • • ' DATES I'fin?_ 2. CONSERVATION COMMITTEE: YES ' -DOES NOT APPLY✓?SIGNATURE /as,. ' • DATE3fID1 a 3. PLANNING BOARD: YES DOES NOT APPLY SIGNAT.• DATE ' `•: j. 4. BOARD OF HEALTH: YESf.-DOES NOT APPLY_SIGNA � r / , DATE //f// 5. FIRE DEPARTMENT: YES DOES NOT APPLY SIGNA •.R DATE "• COMMENTS: • • moiv - • �1 ;t- - - ,..•fit'. 1Application to /� is 4-- .11:44 ' �f 117?r *,,,), Old Kings Highway Regional Historic District Committee 4 in the Town of Yarmouth for a t • CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Application is hereby made, in triplicate, for the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts, 1973, for proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings or photographs accompanying this application for: CHECK CATEGORIES THAT APPLY: 1. Exterior Building Construction: Z:1 New Building 0 Addition 0 Alteration Indicate type of building: 0 House 0 Garage ❑ Commercial 0 Other 2. Exterior Painting: 0 3. Signs or Billboards: ❑ New sign ❑ Existing sign ❑ Repainting existing sign 4. Structure: ❑ Fence ❑ Wall ❑ Flagpole ❑ Other (Please read other side for explanation and requirements). • TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY t DATE January 310 1980 • ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK Lot 30 Nashoba Way ASSESSORS MAP NO. OWNER F $ Realty Trust • ASSESSORS LOT NO. 130 HOME ADDRESS 14 Tory Tans. Dennis, Mass TEL. NO. 385-9513 FULL NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ABUTTING OWNERS. Include name of adjacent property owners across any public street or way. (Attach additional sheet if necessary). see attached sheet AGENT OR CONTRACTOR C. A. Short. Ino. TEL. NO. 184-2841 ADDRESS Box 757. 1588 Main St.. East Dennis. Mass 02641 • DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK: Give all particulars of work to be done(see No. 8,other side), including materials to be used,if specifications do not accompany plans. In the case of signs,give locations of existing signs and proposed locations of new sighs (Attach additional sheet,if necessary). Signed 46. Owner-Contrec Agent Space below line for Committee use. Received by H.D.C. �7 Date MAO The Certificate is here `✓pts/ /���/ � Date eV 47/7 l) Time i • E>t /c'i 5 / 4 .I.C.CI./<'./it--‘ By Approved IMPORTANT: If Certificate is approved, approval is subject to the day appeal period 76 provided in the Act. / ] Disapproved 0 Please return to: Yarmouth Historic District Committee --"I (J P.O.Box 124,Yarmouth Port,Mass.02675 cif 4.t4 • ) • • • • ' • .. - • a r. • - i r j i ' d • • 1 a ) • • \\ - r • SOIL LOADING ANALYSIS PROPOSED DWELLING AT Lar 3cee POMP9N0 $ tmt Y9R.k►ovrte, MHSS. 1 1 Whereas the loading of the proposed dwelling (including snow and • live loads) at the above location will be approximately /•o Tbn.s per square foot along the bottom of the foundation wall as shown • on the attached sheet, and Whereas the Test Hole indicates the subsoil to consist of medium • sand (no water), and Whereas the presumative bearing capacity per Section 723.2, Table 7-4 of the State Building Code is 2 - 4 Tons, and Whereas the weight of a 7.50 foot high, 10" concrete wall will compress the few inches of sand disturbed during excavation better than an 8" x16" footing, and Whereas the cellar floor, structure, and exterior backfill will provide lateral support, • I, Craig R. Short, P.E., of C. R. SHORT, INC., certify that a properly installed 10" poured concrete wall protected from frost may be used in lieu of an 8" wall and footing at the above site. . C. R. SHORT, INC. 1588 Main St. P.O. Box 757 . E. Dennis, MA 02641 FOR: p?S 12 PAL rY 7-1Z Vs r DATE: a1,2./we N OFF.£ o t':5.ra • cri . .. j --.1 • SO / L LOP D IN 6, AN9L yS is 7 : J-. aT 30191 Pam tonna RoaD1 Yee amovrnd Ma.». . • Marc- FLOOR SPAN /4, DATE : 3J/2-/• o _... __ / 57'OIZ/Cs NO . DoJzMff ROOF LOPD : Dt. /0psi' 1 = - - v .. LL. (swoW) 25 • --•* 2ND /-LOOIt : . . • - _ .. . • . CE its Int fi DL. 1....... ..immili PLOOZC DL . - L.L _ I'sr F'L OOIL ..- /aTF/o o.- CE/4/h/G- DL / 0 " - _ - . _ . PLOD b L 1 0 ., 7 �t +0 `' rorni. LORD ON aT. WALL 9S X . /Z'a2.0(.. /mss/ft OF wail .. ad 5-xr rt/o2 WA's 2. . .. -- - _—. _._ • .� SHGErltoeh SHINGLES a "• n Ya . pLYWooD . . L6 •. ... ._. . - - = —-._. ... 2 x 4 ' .S 2.4 — — — --• ---------------------------- --• 17.0.s/x ZS.?_- _ . 13 0 _._.. : •/I . : 4• _ - -- . - _ FOVN09TioIv : i4s%t3x /1 A x 7.5 = 9 41 4• TOTAL LOAD Qo L3OT7D1+1 OP FOVNDAT/ON: /700 X Alt` 2o4-1 per; ft.of fl - •* .._ ... 7-rsT NOLB 2asvLT4_J.__U)•1/y2_— a—z4' LoamE'ata, s_Q,I_._:.._. - - - - - -- __ -II-132 -_MEP- ar Ftye-509.9vP. : .-- --- -- -- - -- — --- ----,V9-Wer_1-�1C -- .: _-- :- `--=----- C.R.SHORT ) ...ea.. --- - – — - ENGINEERING — - -- — '`P ss"� _ Cirroe— • DESIGNING 3 RAYMOND N BUILDING , No 21433• ti 385 2831 �`fsViST ,��/- - . • sn'b'7- b's on's �/�/ 1 L ..y --..;.s ic, , , g0 'f'L QQk Z , ty�, J t 1 (� r 2 r �'o t 1 I \ c " I I 41J I i • U 4-1-: uY S o \ - • - - N. r. ,