HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-18-1070 • ' MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO PERFORM PLUMBING WORK r R rr %/tart_= C CITY I C JtST- jfi kifhth)-7C I MA DATE PERMIIT#/34.0f-,g'-a9 JOBSITE ADDRESS IhoZ 6179 M U/SN 14 )7-9 I OWNER'S NNE'&./24€nJ A4.3 ,Q L. P OWNER ADDRESS TELh I-7- o,<- 1014-IFAX TYPE OR OCCUPANCY TYPE COMMERCIAL 0 EDUCATIONAL 0 RESIDENTIAL 0 PRINT CLEARLY NEW:0 RENOVATION:❑ REPLACEMENT:D PLANS SUBMITTED: YES❑ N00 FIXTURES 1 FLOOR-. BSM 1 [a, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BATHTUB a al a MIN Ia E 5 si, MN a 1M *tom CROSS CONNECTION DEVICE IM MI M IM INII NM NM INE 5 5 5 5 M DEDICATED SPECIAL WASTE SYSTEM 1 IMMial rftif N_ MI IMMM FIEMs DEDICATED GAS/OIUSAND SYSTEM S[S EONS I•MI ISI IS IS S ;INN IS S DEDICATED GREASE SYSTEM MIMIM MI MIN MR 5 pm a 5 MEM 5 DEDICATED GRAY WATER SYSTEM IINIM[5 N NM NM SIN SIMM 5 5,5.11M0 SIM a DEDICATED WATER RECYCLE SYSTEM MI OM isms w nota• ing;atwo DISHWASHER MUNN MOIMMIMI NM MIMI MI 111111 INII EMI DRINKING FOUNTAIN SIO; 5,5 J• itsFOM . 'it 1,s ,..0- FOOD DISPOSER iNIM EMIs iS,.5 lmiS S mit ;Info=[s. FLOOR/AREA DRAIN NEI IS NW MIN INN Si S MI INTERCEPTOR INTERIOR ri= S INNII NMI NMI KITCHEN SINK �MIIINMSliMI JIM MI NMI INNS BM _S LAVATORY [5[S a i5 I5 is ISS S„aJ,a Us iis,s ROOF DRAIN MU NMI EMI,I•ISo,SMBMI— NEI,55 SHOWER STALL —i`M OM sisIsa a imp,a;=Om Harm SERVICE/MOP SINK NM I��s'�'A(INEI ENE sIIIIN 1111111111111.INN TOILET IMEnnainSISIIMINMEMEMMIMMIMIMIM,011aMIKa URINAL MIMEO E1.11 SIM[5 MIN,NMMIMI M S WASHING MACHINE CONNECTION M♦1a I5 al a is[ f5 C 5a.,�l51s'i WATER HEATER ALL TYPES NE MIN I5.5 S a S 5 s a WATER PIPING MMKTMS.M.Mita lom[asSala[515 • OTHER TUB/SHOWER VALVE _*MIIVIS 111111[1M o •••a••• • on= NMI NM IS INE ME NMI w■ Isis NE INN.iSEMI IMEE M M MIME lMEM SNMI VIM-MIME Mt=II_l111. INSURANCE COVERAGE: I have a current liability insurance policy or its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL Ch.142. YES Q NO ❑ IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE BY CHECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY ET OTHER TYPE OF INDEMNITY❑ BOND ❑ OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not have the Insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement CHECK ONE ONLY: OWNER ❑ AGENT ❑ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT I hereby certify that all of the details end Information I have submitted or entered regarding this application arerat .• - best of my knowledge and that all plumbing work and Installations performed under the permit Issued for this application will be in c• th al err!-=nt provision of the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code end Chapter 142 of the General Laws. / ,; „// PLUMBER'S NAME PAUL OWEN LICENSE# 11061 , / SIG ATURE MPO .'JP❑ . CORPORATION0#3943 PARTNERSHIP❑# LLC 0# COMPANY NAME BATH SYSTEMS MASS DBA BATHFITTER ADDRESS 25 TURNPIKE STREET CITY WEST BRIDGEWATER STATE ' MA ZIP 02379 TEL 508-521.2700 FAX 508-588-4303 CELL 508-649-4586 EMAIL POWEN•oBATHFITTER.COM /-/l SflON MaIAali NV I.I C1I1133d $ :33d 0 0 11WM3d 3W.SV S3AM3S NOLLV3IIddV 91W. aN SOA S31.01.1 NOLL03aSNI'IVNu NINO asa 331330 710d MOlati S3.LON NOLL0341SNJ ONIUNIIIM 11911011 -BATH FITTER® 11j24I Dear Inspector age.. al 6-61- Please accept this as my official notice that after repeated attempts to schedule access for you to perform the FINAL plumbing inspection at the following address, that the owner has been uncooperative or non- responsive. A copy of the "Final Notice" sent to the customer is enclosed and I request that it and these documents be attached to the original permit application. Ref: (0,2_ CJt n-e 4-k tom_ tA4C"'Pla" ace.. I g- Da/070 Since:;;, 4111111*, Paul M. Owen Plumbing Supervisor Master #11061 800-479-8827 25 Turnpike Street West Bridgewater,MA 02379 •www.bathfitter.com Phone:800-479-8827• Fax: 508-588-4303 . . H FITTER® It \k Final Notice Ref: L Z SCa-�S .ocar a4 / - s5-o1o07° Dear, a, t„tL, Be'artiL We have made numerous attempts to contact you and schedule a Final Inspection for your Bath Fitter Project. The Massachusetts General Laws and the Commonwealths Plumbing Code require that inspections be performed on all plumbing work, repairs, alterations and installations. There are no exceptions to these legal requirements, and it is for your safety as well as the safety of others that these inspections are performed. Until the plumbing inspector is given access and the final inspection is completed for the work we performed at your home/business we will not perform any further services at your home/business, including service repairs or warranty work. A copy of this letter will be placed in your file and a copy provided to the Local Inspector and your account will be flagged. This is an important issue that needs to be resolved immediately. Please contact my office so that we can help scheduling your local plumbing inspector to secure the final inspection and close out the open plumbing permit. Ccrr Paul M. Owen Plumbing Supervisor Bath Fitter 800-479-8827 Customer File, Plumbing Inspector 25 Turnpike Street West Bridgewater, MA 02379 .www.bathfitter.com Phone:800-479-8827• Fax:508-588-4303