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0. rei7 , - l5� v/ Application for a Permit to BuildNo.1 � ,i� ',tom `I ' LANN1NG T ElFee must accompany this application nf' © BOARD 207.1, fii-. Yarmouth 31,.E/ 19 c _ /-f-/f J y- y-co DATE _ TO THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN The undersigned hereby-applies for a permit to build, according to the followin: : i 'cations: 1. Name of Owner 14 t i 1€4.1 c / 2.-t- ... ress 2. Name of Architect (if any) 71 C�A An 6-7* e 4 g £4 3. Name of Builder fu i J_J AG Q i t 1d / /4 Z * Ck 0 "< 4. Precinct No. LA 4 Lot No. .7 / 7 q �Plan: Name or No. , , ft A /I l 5. Name of Strett I /rt n / 1 Cit.. L. A pi 1L, 6. Purpose of Building S; .n q/. r/;,n-n /• / y 7. 1.414e--I 1 047 /q 7. Material ibu 8. Estimated cost of building 30 a c e 0 - �`//4-0/,/�t rzh-'� 9. Dwelling 9 C- `5 _ / II- ' G t�m 10. Cottage X 7 / n /q 4-/-�t� 11. Heat ',IA 5 r 14. (i✓. 9 t0� 1� /— oG l„ _ -" 12. Basement y� S 3�' �/�. G.0d (Y-1'11-'1' 13. Garage y.,�5 �DI 7 00 / aze. e'14. Store K / 1 ?' 0 5,0d / , &-1/3&r Ct 5:Qc) / Oite-lc 'X a 15. Shop � � D 16. No. of stories a, ��' ( a ,CO 17. Is there to be a Store in the lower storey 0Yt'D 1 7 0. 0 0 18. Size of Lot.4d4tb. of feet front ...J es No. of feet rear No. of feet deep i e 19. Size of building. No. of feet front ...S No. of feet side 2 e No. of feet rear 32.- • 20. Distance from nearest building: Front ft.; side ' ft.; side ft.; rear i '/ _ 21. Distance back from line or street �7 '4 , from rear lot line y s side line V Show by diagram the location of propsed building with relation to distances from djoining ts, on reverse slide J / Name/I"""esC Per• iffe i+' 4,L p - Address 9.5 'i/!.z''' "f-yr....,.1 VTIE6&., vsnin poet pA qpict.nu flit jocanou of bLob26q M1111 [611111011 40cir,(e:re [1.0W scilorucA' NVid j• D124116 p9T1 U.0111 WIG 0L 2c16E4 UO11.1 fn; 14110 aloir !TUG •1* ;VW. . cl :"EITEr21 eureN 139119 ' 3;1' 211G of. 70' PT 5± ICY :4S6 01 A0' (4 i litvir . Jo oftitioad ) , IS 12 itA's-ft 4" 2r"IF ; i'"' , .‘ ••• Tp; vs/ 12° alPGb en CD iT C.41 071- az. - LII p el, en0. Z to 13 zer E "9. 1;."%tcuic 0 rr 0 omo. I I• 11-4 • r T) 3 Daq::1:: .„? (., ( pr;,, I :: :17-,:a; 2 ;-19:46 0 -,416$1 L444° tr, V.11 17' TI `,71.(i Iftri YL ,:1); 209 Jo ne)J pr up) ,ir • ‘.,.{ . •• irt • , . • I:) I•';'1, 307 CL , . .. T'r F. . • . 7t• • if ' 15.011JUJI F02:7 :101. q rT.1 r)1 IC 1?ff ,.•. 01•Y tTOWN OF YARMOUTH ✓..._ i `I 4,1\ y , WATER DEPARTMENT - ^`Afla KL fid 102 UNION STREET _ - .. A YARMOUTH PCiRT, MASS. 02675 "lll�1 ISIOHERS . .THE SOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERSMEETS EVERY MONDAY AT 7:30 P.M. AT UNION BTR"ET OFFICE THACHER 6. WARDS. JR. LILEY - Date: nr.. ?2 T-?C ir I I Name; Ford ,Inc-' on le)41, :.i.' « '_?evelon. —Address; 355 ,,,-„d„.„ ?..rr . o rn:J-21rt )I; TO WHOM IT MAY"CONCERN;; Please be advised thatiTown water isavailable on Lot or Lots #1-17 (Street) '•k;rbler in as shown on Assessor's Sheet SA Very truly yours, _. � Paul A. Wilson Superintendent • ]] ' FRONT ELEVATION ` ♦ G.W.A. _ 4_,4_ .-7. Zs CEILING ASSEMBLY TOTAL R= 20.67. U= O. 04P.. WINDOWS: TOP SURFACE 42. 2 C�i- a R= 0.61 61•FIBERGLASS 1 1 INSULATION " R=19 ;_; t I :11 iffITITri1 1111t11II Ia OWRS: I —SHEETROCK 40. 0 SF ( 1 I = R= 0.45 2 G E G.0 S % - SURFACE , R= 0BOTTOM.61 1/2° PLYWOOD i3 f-INSIDE SURFACE REAR ELEVATION R =062 a R= .68 WALL ASSEMBLY G.W.A. _ 4Sg 2s P WOOD 1/2"1 SHEETROCK TOTAL R = L3 79 SHINGLES R = i).45 U a 0.072.E WINDOWS: 4 RA B7 i 20 s> �- 3 1/2° FIBERGLASS ,4 OUTSIDE S INSU_ATION SURFACE OIT ' ,e. R'11 It. r4 ' ` 3 SURFACE RESISTANCE _ R :0.61 . i + FINISH FLOOR 120 s F R= 0.91 FLOOR S !ABLY • 1 1/2" PLYW000 TOT R = I RIGHT :SIDE ELEVATIO�t 'y I R= 0.62 SUBFLOOR _ G W.A. _,36D.f�rJG ` __ i OUTSIDE4 iI nnljjU111 11 1 1 11 • I SURFACE WINDOWS a R= 017 w 'l` 4' ' L-3 1/2° FIBERGLASS o 1 .INSULATION ' A FOUNDATION R= 11 CONC. - Aa WALL RSS�:IIELY DOORS: I FOUND. WAIIL ,• SURI'ACE RESISTANCE - ( MAY CE USED " -- 4 ,R ..64 • R• 0,6I, INSTEAD CF FLOOR .. , tiINSu a.TION ) LEFT SIDE. ELEVATION s I °^.• TOTAL R =/2.a/ 360.8s • -INSIDE SURFACE •.' •. O R= 0.6p` WINDOWS: . 4 -i.: 3/6 SHI..ETROCK /0' 0 a 1° STYROrOAM 3 /j., • pjuj.e •61s�s? -a -s.-_{ //✓SULAri on DOORS: - NOTES: INSULATION SECTION PERMANENTLY INSTALLED -STORM WINDOWS ; TO 'BE USED LOCATION:Lar /7- lit/v e3c�rzL.9.�ir 1 i (GROSS WALL AREA = / 720.a TOWN: ` '/.9t'/r7ovrv, Al# ni 1 -.' WINDOW AREA = 72•ZS_ CLIENT: 0 INF./L ' DATE: ...7/28/c9 t+ + DOOR AREA. = . . /80:0 1 2Szas R. J. O'HEARN, INC' SHEET _L_' FENESTRATION /�2o a -""" /¢", EAST DENNIS , MASS. OF ' / a. .._..-.. ....-.• .--.._-.•_- -, r { ...`fr- ^=7-1 -r ;yi-•r- +•.nTs r...:rl.i] '7" 7;::7Y.'?f: _ License and Permit Bond T-t " msueance11 ii-I-Jµrr+ lcomor% • •Llmbermens M`!ual Casualty Company .ft An Illinois Corporation t\ American Motorists Insurance Company • An Illinois Corporation \ American Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Company Bond No To be Issued — An Illinois Corporation Know all men by these presents, that Ford-Jackson Builders -------355.-Main.-.Street„._Denn.is Port, MA 02639-_____ 1 (Name and Address) _._. as Principal and The Undersigned Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Town of Yarmouth __ -----------— _-_-- _—..— , as Obligee, in the enal sum of Four Hundred & no/100----- p ----------------_ Dollars ($..400.0.0.-----------'--)• lawful money of the United States, for which payment, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, ex- ecutors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. • . Whereas, the Principal has applied to the Obligee for a license as a (or permit for)_ Street --_^ _Br.otec.tion_fiond for Lot ;417, Wabler Lane,_Yarmouth, Massachusetts _ _ Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if said Principal shall faithfully perform the duties of such licensee tr permitee, and in all things comply with the ordinances, rules and regulations appertaining thereto, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, until • - — — — -- -. L_, 19_ _ • . ' This bond may be terminated at any time by the Suiety upon sending notice in writing, by registered mail, to the clerk of the municipality with whom this bond is filed and at the expiration of thirty (30) days from the mail- ing of said notice, the liability of such Stu-ety is thereby terminated and cancelled; and provided further,that nothing herein shall affect any right or liability which shall have accrued under this bond prior to the date of such termination. \t SIGNED, sealed and dated this._`-31st-_ day of March _..._____, 19_80. Principal:✓ t�-. .tc'OC_- — ---. Countersigned: Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company Surety:.-- -- ------- N of Company Resident Agent e. `' t Bri Attorney-in-Fact Important: Arcoimting Information \ - „amxal%,,e Producer Name Gordon B,-_Lawry Agency , 0 I gat Address.__641..Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 .+.o 11M:e2=i t I Producer Code 61-9332 \, _-i SE''. i0 O Send one copy of the bond to your super- 110 1111....r,"., - wising office' on the some day executed. hlle Ots,.s,a 1 C./ aas,.sMa • It • `m . est ; m 0 • = , • , f v etw Of FK 735 4-79 1OM - PRINTED IN U.S.A. • - NO CARBON REQUIRED ' • • License and Permit Bond I3ond No TQ be Issued . LUMBERMENS MUTUAL • CASUALTY COMPANY (A Mutual Insurance Company, herein called the Surety) • Home Office: Long Grove, Illinois 60049 • • 0 AMERICAN MOTORISTS • INSURANCE COMPANY -- (A Stock Inrurance Company, herein called the Surety) • Home Office: Long Grove, Illinois 60049 • ❑ AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS • MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY (A Mutual Insurance Company, herein called the Surety) Home Office:Long Grove, Illinois 60049 • • License or Permit No • Applicant: • Ford-Jackson• Builders . Name • 355 Main Street Address Dennis Port, MA 02639__ _ .__. —1 As Approved:....................... . .... .......... .. ....__r .19 . { FK 735 PAINTED IN U.S.A. ritnit �`5 ii4 t W7 Yi .� TYY .Yr,'t r/.s..,y .�'�`.{.4Y "X Yt' • f ti St'4 6..9t k'IJ'1� 'b• �M! OT�.i Y � f>4Y4 I ').'.` tji. litalvet.; `✓Ky"."b-c4 r4".Y« 3x1 , . ?Y !Y, ., -' • Y�� i ---.--..-4--;-?:, +v im 1K \ . • FORM 4 '.ORDER OF CONDITIONS WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT 1 - /' . G:L. C. 131, s. 40` . CITY/TOWN YARMOUTH FILE NUMBER s% '$1—�5C . • TO: NAME Hubert 7. O'Neil ADDRESS -21 Cedar Tree Lane • Sparta, New Jersey • CERTIFIED MAIL NUMBER 025257 • • PROJECT LOCATION: Address Lot ?117, Warbler Lane, West Yarmouth Recorded at Registry of Parnstable , Book 2613 , Page ?33 . Man -Joc 243, PaSc- Certificate (if registered) _ REGARDING: Notice of Intent dated J?nu ry 31. -.19:-.0 • and plans titled and dated pr nocsed Plot Plan. Lot, 17, '1nrbler Ln. 1/18/80 THIS ORDER IS ISSUED ON(date) lEarch 27, 198C ' Pursuant to the authority of C.L. e: 131, a. 40, the` Yyr o'zth :nnsnrvnt i nn Commission has reviewed your Notice of Intent and plans identified-above, and has determined_that- the area-on-which- the- proposed work is to be-, ' -Sone is significant to one or more of the interests-listed -in:G.L. .c.._131, s. 40. The - Coni st;i_nn hereby orders that the following conditions are- necessary renecessary to protect said interests -and-all work shall be performed- in :strict accordance - with them and with the Notice of Intent and plans identified above except where such - plane are modified by said conditions. . CONDITIONS 1. Failure to comply with- all conditions stated herein, and with all related statutes and other regulatory measures, shall be deemed cause to revoke or modify this order. ( 2_- .Thisworder.does not grant any property rights or any exclusive` privileges; it does 1 , t - - authorize any injury toprivateproperty orinvasionof .private rights. 1 - - • order does not relieve the permittee or any other person of the necessity of C ,ying with all other applicable federal, stateorlocal statutes,_ordinances, 1.. G I„ J-laws and/or regulations. S. The work authorized hereunder shall be completed within one (1) year from the date of this order unless it is for a maintenance dredging project subject to Section - . 'V 5(9). Tb, order may be extended by the issuing authority for one or more additional - one-year periods uper application to- the said issuing authority at least thirty (30) H: days prior to the expiration date of the order or its extension. - 2 - FILE !:0. �r „2r�O� OFD�:R OF CONDITIONS CO':TI'LIFD n ;`d. Any fill used in connection with this project shall be clean fill, containing no ,..••!-0 trash, refuse, rubbish or debris,.including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing; lumber, bricks, plaster,wire,lath, ,ppaper, cardboard; pipe, tires, ashes. 'refrigerators, motor vehicles or'parts of any`of the foregoing. . 6. No work nay be'coemenced until all appeal periods have elapsed frori the order of the Conservation Commission or from.a final order •by the Department •of Environmental Quality'Engineering. - 7. No .wrk -shall be undertaken until the final order, with respect, to the proposed ' ' project, has been recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the district in which the land is located within the chain of title of the affected •property: The Document number indicating such recordingshall be submitted on the form at the end of this order to the issuer of this order prior to commencement of work. • S. A sign shall be displayed at. the site not less that two square fet or nore"Massachusetts Department ofeEnvironmentaln b three• . square feet bearing the words,, Quality Engineering. FumberSF . - - - - 9, -.Where -the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering is-requested to make a determination and to issue a superseding order, .the Conservation Commission shall be a party to all agency proceedings and-hearings before the Department: 10. Upon completion of the work described herein, the applicant shall forthwith request, in writing, that a Certificate of, Compliance be issued stating that the work has i i been satisfactorily completed. 11. The work shall conform to the_folloving described plans and. additional conditions: 12. All construction and -locations shall conform to -the plans submitted entitled "Proposed Plot -Plan, yarmouth; La. , Lot ;=17, ,'arbler Lane"-, drawn by R. .J. . 0'Hearn, Inc. and dated 1/18/ $0. 13. The driveway shall be constructed of, crushed stone. _ . . 14. Drywalls shall be installed ;at all..dowmspouts to take:care of 15. There shall be a work iiMit line 5' feet from and parallel t.o the. south and east sides, of the deck projected to the 101 foot - elevation proposed contour .line.. - . 16. ' All disturbed areas shall be stabilized by seeding or planting, - within 3 months of the completion of the dwelling. 17. The Conservation Officer shall be noti£ied at -least-448 hours • prior to the commencement of the proposed project. - 18. These Crders of Conditions shall apply to any successor in - interest or successor in control. • -:1. - Ems .:_ _. _ .. ___ ._ . . q. r TILE NOSE – r,� ,i CnDER C0)DI TIn+s cn _z4:_n 3 . The applicant, any person aggrieved by this order, , any owner of land abutting • t tha land upon which the proposed,eaork is to be done, or cny ten residents of the' city or town in which .such land is located, are hereby notified of their right to appeal this order to the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering provided the request is made in writing and by certified mail to the Department within ten 1 (10) days from the issuance of. this order. Cal — _ ISSUED BY YARMOUTH COII31?hTToy CLQ Z:;I332oi? L�"' l L �, j - l-eLV.4.,44w1 I 4L1 j • On -thio= 27th day=of- Isarcn 19BO , -before-me-personally._ . . appeared The Above to me known to be the person described ins and who executed, the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the sane as his free act and deed. 4� //1./ 2' Hy Commission expires AHLommissio-ri Expires Nov.21,1086 DETACH.ON DC/NEB.-LINE AND-S MIT_'TO -TFC -ISSUER OF THIS ORDER PRIOR TO COMENCEN NT: OF WORK. TO - . . • (Issuing Authority) PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE ORDER OF CO:'DITIONS FOR THE PROJECT AT — BILE NUMBER -- , HAS BEEN RECORDED 'AT THE REGISTRY OF - ON (I'1TE) - •If recordad land, the instrument nunber_which identifies this transaction is ____ -- If regintered land, the document nucber_r:hich identifies this transaction is Signed Applicant rr. _ ._ FRONT `' ELEVATION G.W.A. = 515 -, r CEILING ASSEMBLY %° TOTAL R= 20.67 — U= 0. 6.748 WINDOWS: i • TOP SURFACE 4 2. ' r -�.,. R= 0.61 ' 6"FIBERGLASS. -INSULATION - - R=19 — — II e i tTl i / _ 1 11111 --" '� �SHEETROCK _ DWRS: S I� R= 0.45 40. 0 `'`-_- �~ _dm BOTTOM .SURFACE ' T.O.�i sfc awl ' I/2' PLYWOOD—� ISI -- � -INSIDE SURFACE REAR ELEVATION, • R =0.62 �.J;:el: R= 0 6 WALL G.W.A. _ 4 -9 ` cr_ J VeASSEMBLY WOOD /$ I/2' SHEETROCK TOTAL R = 13. 7,9 --. ` SHINGLES ice,/R = 0.45 U = 0. 07 5 WINDOWS: . _ 20 r. • OUTSIDE r 3 1/2" FIBERGLASS �__�_ s �-INSULATION - SURFACE R =It — ---- R= 0.17 I I -- SURFACE RESISTANCE I I ^i'1 R=0.61 r DOORS: FINISH FLOOR. _ /20 F �i:. R= o.si FLOOR S P'BLY — -- 1/2" PLYWOOD IOTA R = sUBFLOOR RIGHT SIDE :ELEVATION i. 3Hot� F is. \ R O.G2 G.w.A.= —"--- - --'--' OUTSIDE Ut7Ut/WOUjffiljUUU(ll1Ut7Tlbl'U SURFACE I WINDOWS: R= 0.17 \ � �. �\ •e.,.v 3 1/2' FIBERGLASS of . . • INSULAI"ION FOUNDATION -'— — R= II CONC. ° .•> WALL . SSEI.AELY DOORS: FOUND. WALL a SURFACE RESISTANCE ( MAY CL. USED R =,64 °'> R= 0.61 INSTEAD. CF FLOOR • r INSMtTION ; LEFT SIDE ELEVATION ° TOTAL it = /2.8/ •.-,g INSIDE SURFACE U = 0. 078 G.W.A.= 6C_Rs—.< ' e. q '.4 R = 0.68 WINDOWS: • 3/8" SHEETROCK /0_✓ • • •• R = 0.32 .• -.;.--_ .. 5 /^/�vc.41rr0../ DOORS: ° : L At= I/ NOTES: INSULATION SECTION PERMANENTLY INSTALLED •STORM WINDOWS TO BE USED • LOCATION:/-07- /7- LA/19-eat- LAA//se GROSS WALL AREA = / 720.0 TOWN: "/A2'movrf; 1"`'s s WINDOW AREA = 7�• 7= CLIENT: (7 21/2r-../ DATE /1' DOOR AREA /S0.0 -- ✓/ ----- FENESTRATION• = 26-2.2r `-2 .._ 14. 77 R. J. O'HEARN, INC sHriT _ . j)2..;o EAST DENNIS , MASS. Of - BLILDIhG PEP?,IT RE1'IEI:- • - I •-i-3-14e.' j • , r --7g'LrBLDG PERMIT NO: - APPLICANTp Z So N ffJ�lit�j cl 2-4 H 77 LOCATION OF•PROPERTY -421.24-421.24f 7' % - 1€24-4 �-/.i�c •Q yn IC. DATE.FILEDe ' 46// fj'•'_' THE FOLLOWING CHECK-OFF SHEET IS DESIGNED TO CLARIFY THE PROCEDURES AN '1NDINIOUAL. - ;- MUST FOLLOW. IN ORDER TO OBTAIN PERMIT TO BUILD OR ALTER A -BUILDING. --THE BUI-LDING:_;-= - :fir; •DEPARTMENT-WILL'CHECK-ON :THE; FOLLOWING:. (A)f WILL DISTRICTS. (B):'? HISTORICAL`_-• _r-_._ DISTRICTS (C) ? FLOOD PLAINS ZONING, AND WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING THE APPLICANT THROUGH-THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES •-.?. _ c 1 . ' RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: J A) " CHECK WITH THE HEALTH DEPARTMEN`f IN REFERENCE TO SEPTIC SYSTEMS FOR SEWAGE - DISPOSAL/�: B) • CHECK WITH CONSERVATION COMMITTEE IF THE LOT BORDERS ON ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS - , -- EXAMPLES:_ STREAMS, PONDS, RIVERS,:OCEAN; BAY, BOGS, MARSH,. ETC_ --_ _ . - C) CHECK WITH PLANNING BOARD FOR lOT RELEASE , _ .:7-4. - 2 -COMMERCIAL BUILDING• ' ) A) y ` ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FOR PARKING AND DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS, TOPo( PHY SITE ` PLAN REVIEW"` , ,; - B) CONSERVATION COMMITTEE IF LOT BORDERS ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS - - -I•_ -_ • -- C) PLANNING BOARD TO SEE IF LOT COMPLIES WITH ZONING BY-LAWS. ., ' D) BOARD OF HEALTH-FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS, HEALTH RELATED ACTIVITIES. - EXAMPLES: ` SAUNA BATHS, SWIMMING POOLS, RESTAURANTS, ETC. - - ' -E) FIRE DEPARTMENT-FOR PROPERTY PROTECTION, PERSONAL SAFETY, (SPRINKLERS, SMOKE ' DETECTORS) - a -. - y-__.•r-- .ems_ r. REVI ED BY Y --:•-::-;,%.72.F.:::::::- : -- .- 1 - E INEERING DEPARTMENT: YES./ OES NOT APPLY=SIGNATOR " 'c-77/44::-41 S DAT/ fJ; - 2., NSERVATION COMMITTEE: :YES- -DOES NOT APPLY-- SIGNATURE t,� < DATS, iP 3 PLANNING -BOARD: YES `' DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATU - ,ic - DAT i. RD OF HEALTH. YES:::' ODES NOT APPLY • SIGNAT �� ffir DATE3 S v. 5. FIRE DEPARTMENT: - -. YES DOES. NOT APPLY_SIGNATUR DATE COMMENTS • 2 erFar-# se-II -a..4-:.: -_ _ - o . 1. ` t ~- F♦ f r r 1 _ a .-,4'....;*'"--- � C - cJ � - s i 1'J - N .I a n 0's I ` r9"3 -O 3t3•'c C. 1. LOT tri IIdao,� �F ,Lt • i, mil) rl cr Jdzrn0'-1 L-- L , \ 00 tlla � I IE_CS Yrs _ 3� _ co <,,4' _ Fn9 33.46 –A \ `g9 r FJf Tor OF r?_ou rip `I r I EL. t '.O' A'.',UstlED , a 4. { N,r I / K 9 F i 3.6 X 1t C 11 4 A I 5\ , � $.: 34 I q IY ul — l�. I i FI j o u) A I ^o Cr AL . 'ill, - iE-- . :I ' "--rTlc 7AnrL -i _ Imo; if 1,A=.4 FUYUs✓E� I -re 1"---- ,,yr� e f-_ E.$PAr1sion 1 ! .El f" - % 1 ./ ki,- r 7 1 i —1 3-4NHx0 "FLvIlJ pIFKJi>OR.z, 1 e- I – 1 - WITH Z' C>F° ',WI-1E:-. _ , i I i\ Ino 0' \D. / .. rj l ' W r4rraz r IOI*I 1. tlJA,KP'_.0 rte- - Ifl,xS ! 1 N ' / I LEGEND EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS O,A EXISTING CONTOUR- - - O- - 'iNISHED SPOT= ELEVATIONS 10.0j . ' ' F'NISyED CONTOUR. O a .._ ,:._, PROPOSED' IPLOT PLAN r AP OVED1 ;BOARD--OF 1-1EALrH " ' > �� - ./ .•`--3•'yY' „ ` -_--�,�,- • fA<r'_mal 1-r1-1- , MASS. DATE /. - /,,AGENT vl� ' ��_�bg��I.Y-Sr�AI-1 r I CERTIFY THAT, THE PROPOSED R. ✓. O'HEARN, /IIC., RLS, RS BUILDING SHOWN ON THIS PLAN 1348 ROUTE 134 CONFORMS TO THE .' ZONING LAWS EAST DENNIS, MASS. 1 OF`{is-R T I I'(•+!- i,, MASS. DATE ._1.'_I4__gb42 .___ SCALE: .I"=z1 .__._ JOB NO. _Ss.-'-6..2-,--; CLIENT: `-;-' DATE REGISTERED LAND SURVEcoR ;;;t, By •___s _r _> _ - SHE r'T (_ OF { � .---- „, . . . .!•,, ,. . . . 9Tg§,-, <:.. .-.\_,,, •.( . .. , • ” ' ' - ., - .: ;pi-:-.7 7-"--: ':1::::..,.c.,..:f.,:t•4',..L.:-,.:-'-''-- •- /.":”,'r.-.4-- : ' '''' ''• '-- " ''' -- -'7''''- - . ,,,, . ,....,„:...,,,'-...c.:',ET,,:;letS;' t.INinlq--*E;ftirtcl..titecEVATIOttiSt :Cii ..rkitiA41 .74.t- t..,t'si „,,,-4 ,..i,,,,e'ct,tily,s'i...:474...fit":4...:,.,;-;p:::-.A--,:4-c.:4-:?.,.. ,... . . .,...c. .....::_s_... 1.47;.y,3‘.1%-ktjrtti.-41 ,11 cit'zi 72,;.:ALL :'wo'-' RitislAN.emtp:,,:AND..MATERIALS_- •,-:- SOIL--...-1-;11 tar--:lcjf4;f;'-tf-'t.- --1"7-, ,,--r'St514, , ' :---:-It- .:- ----.-'''-') ''' -' 1301foiNIV:';:?'"-71-' :-.--e '''. — .' 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U.J -1 /SC RICH`Rp a OY IN I ;.c ,,. .. ._. ._ . . ,A rb. 2,J,1 ryosu` , :: CERTIFIED PLOT PLAN 1-.�rT1O+J—rat MASS., - L01 19W. rzP,I.._�_ri Le_. I CERTIFY THAT THE FcunL,cTi , ^ R. d O'HEARN,'INC, RLS, RS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAS BEEN 1348 ROUTE 134 LOCATED ON THE GROUND AS INDICATED: EAST DENNIS , MASS. DATE: %L' fi. Ptd SCALE: I" a •••7r �� ' `//3 <3r /C. .�—.-� JOB NO. .��- Cc?'_% CLIENTF'e...Di i 'X41 DT �EGIS,TERED I:AND SURVEYOR DR BY : Gc?F: . _SHEET._ OF I S`. t \ .ar .F f,' i yw 'Fr-ask` rob �" � I to ��� � YS.4 F • • tJ rq�t / 0 � � _,o,v l` n.17 ,sem tJ't7%L hn-n f kr-1-9,-,7V :T^�?/• Yt7' .�'3'47• �Y1�-�. q 4 y� r __ / h _ / j 1 "_` ;a.,-??,1-.0' +!,-"TKA' 9--n- j/." 73.'�i7� l—'-vi( � . �� 7-)?-PL"'^?�� ,6/ruv) »}:T l,?-'r% A... 72-rn') )-r v j/'. y ,7 y.., 7' 9 z<? 'Y,�"2(t?, '..+0-'ry,JY�'�J 7�" ,-t i 4 v' } FORM 6 • 4,0 - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT G.I. C.131 s. 40 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - PROJECT LOCATION Lot 17, Warbler Lane, West Yarmouth DATE June 4, 1980 FILE NO. _ SE $3 — SO • - • It. is hereby certified that the work regulated by an Order of Conditions dated March 27, 1980 by-the Department of Environmental Ouality . Engineering [ ] Conservation Commission Ex] has been satisfactorily completed. This Certificate shall be recorded in the Registry of Deeds for. the district in which the land is located. The Order was originally recorded • on Marrh 27 19 0 in Transaction 1106690 (Date) (Book) Page) _ • • /' , G • _ - 'SCK��/:J )4"//'�';'C • - - Signature of Issuing Authorij. On this 5th day of June 1980 , before me personally - appeared Thn Ahove • • to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing - instrufnent and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed. "j • - ' (: .. .ry • • //(;24 E9 Commission Expires Nov. 21.1986 otary lic My commission expires