HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-80-164 \o, ere 11 "f tk X11°1 No. •--`'� Application for a Permit to Build 'Fee must accompany this application I Yarmouth �// SAI 19 l * c v TO THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN The undersigned hereby applies for a permit}o tobuild, according to the following specifications: 1. Name of Owner QA ell a,v6 S ( p-i/ma° Ayr)Address04/6(20/09/11,,flOSS 2. Name of Architect (if any) Q ue,r&2 Aes t e /9S.5vc z S6 aGet6SS s r. 3. Name of Builder 13/9/7; lS/ND r1 NY&p4.gnni, fli/rS. ' 4. " Precinct No. r Lot No. Plan: Name or No. 3s--- ea.? 5. Name of Street p704,4/N a s_ 2oef r/` PO/tntcrt.er Ames 6. Purpose of Building Peep s112 !G(.9 7. Material ,ni ireiiie Watt, S/p/N9 `C/455 j ,cp,c44 RGA? . c/•vet 8. Estimated cost of building 7 CS.//#/^-- 9. Dwelling 3nsee- ',wove 10. Cottage . 70!� O„ err- a/4 C. 11. Heat r w o arensiC 12. Basement ex.Sres' , real✓MA Try 13. Garage 14. Store '3 15. Shop 16. No. of stories 17. Is there to be a Store in the lower storey 18. Size of Lot. No. of feet front No. of feet rear No. of feet deep 19. Size of building. No. of feet front No. of feet side No. of feet rear 20. Distance front nearest building: Front ft.; side ft.; side ft.; rear 21. Distance back front line or street from rear lot line , side line Show by diagram the location of propsed building with relation to distances from adjoining lots everse side. �r p foe, sner Address Name 1L/ scD/LTS Lf✓D/%Ll'J 2F G/ .�'iggC �1 ,.zTil'A .. Street Name ' r' e ' . - i i r i r: L i. y • • 0 '` • Left Side Dept of j.ot.�..' J i, f� ` . u t .1 v+ . .0de ed'.1 ar i ?s C ri V _ 4). X r O CD f e. y . m r >Y c r :: ' `f � l• 1 1 1 -el . t, d • -- -- Right Side Depth of Lot ,, . 1 it, G; S '` Street Name • r 'BUILDING PERKIT REVIEW ,: BLDG PERMIT NO APPLICANT ��� �/gyp S ' �-�dYi/�*l+��i�s` • LOCATION OF 'PROPERTY IVO/a/VA/ ,Sr A (Q.& ". TE FILED: ' . • - DA 2 'Z THE FOLLOWING CHECK-OFF SHEET IS DESIGNED TO CLARIFY THE PROCEDURES ANNDIVIDUAL _ MUST FOLLOW. IN ORDER TO OBTAIN. A PERMIT TO BUILD OR ALTER A .BUILDING. " THE BUILDING:;,-:; ti.-- ?DEPARTMENT'WILL' CHECK ON :THE: FOCLOWING: (A): CONSERVANCY DISTRICTS; (B):•i, HISTORICAL - ..- DISTRICTS ' (C) FLOOD PLAINS ZONING, AND WILL SE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING THE - APPLICANT THROUGH-THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES i. 1. - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: - A) ' CHECK WITH THE HEALTH DEPARTMENY IN REFERENCE TO SEPTIC SYSTEMS FOR SEWAGE ' DISPOSAL ` - 6) CHECK WITH CONSERVATION (COMMITTEE IF THE LOT BORDERS ON ANY TYPE. OF WETLANDS • EXAMPLES:_ STREAMS, PONDS, _RIVERS,:OCEAN, BAY, BOGS, MARSH,. ETC: -...-_-,;•:---. `•-:_:_ c , - C) CHECK WITHIPLANNING BOARD FDR 10T RELEASE ,._--, 2. • COMMERCIAL BUILDING + , • ..A). ,• PLAN DEPARTMENT FOR ,PARKING AND DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS, TOPOGR PHY SITE .--47)::::'-.•(-....15 AN REVIEW` :r::7'.1� ,; :` B) CONSERVATION COMMITTEE IF LOT BORDERS ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS ; _ C) PLANNING BOARD TO SEE IF LOT; COMPLIES WITH ZONING BY-LAWS. - t -D) BOARD Of HEALTH-FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS,HEALTH RELATED ACTIVITIES. - • EXAMPLES: SAUNA BATHS, SWIMMING POOLS, RESTAURANTS, ETC. _ . - . "E) FIRE DEPARTMENT-FOR PROPERTY PROTECTION, PERSONAL SAFETY, (SPRINKLERS, SMOKE ' DETECTORS). ' REVIEWED BY: t ' t ---_;.::-..1.-.:`- ter`- -_- r=� ;`u ,-., . r : L y' a -7. : 1 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: YES y DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATURE ��- « DATEga. y CONSERVATION COMMITTEE .YES':- • NOT APPLY SIGNATOR ��. PLANNING BOARD: YES DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATOR ` 2 BATE 4 BOARD OF HEALTH: YES ,/DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATURE`. I�- i:DATE41 fro tai , ': 5 - $. FIRE DEPARTMENT:- _ - . YES DOES. NOT APPLY_SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS: n.Slit L<car) : Oflj F x 4 ♦ 1. --:::1---t• F - CS r �e - .- IJ 1 --;.::,:...-2-1-.7.: r :1• - t r S Y. • I • s t 1.v t. r _ 1 r r r, 1 a tC '4%.4.1"1:. ' ° .t .4. r ::;f4;...;"^ '+' - " S f ol .._9=,`_5 SO-TOWN OF YARMOUTH a.1E o : 40.....,0 C Application for a Permit to Build No 389- MAP 3sLOT W y FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION . DATE Maypi, 19861 ; The undersigned hereby applies for permit to build -57/2/6"- according 57/2/8"according to the following specifications 1 Name of property owner p pa Ginp 's of A erica Tel. Address 600 Providence Highway Dedham Mass 02026 2 Name of Architect (if any) NSA Tel. 3 Name of builder. James M. Carey Jr. Address 61 S,nset Way Pembroke, Ma 02359 4 License No. 021574 Tel, $n-4nR7 5 Construction address 940 Rte 28 S. Yarmouth 6 Date of subdivision Approve"' Flopd District plain z. e r- Zone 6 7 Private dwelling p Esti ated Cost DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE — 8 Multi family ❑ ®. 000 Type of room No. 9 Commercial 10 Other 0 Kitchen 11 No. of stories 1 '1 e Diving Rm. 'K 3b, Living Rm. 12 Foundation-Full0 HaIfDC awlDSlab Bed Rm 13 Materials Wood®Cement■I Other❑ Bath _ Deck 14 Type of heat-Oil❑Gas®E ectric ther ❑ Closed porch 15 Garage - 1 ❑ 2 ❑ Family Rm. 16 Swimming pool-Size Sun room Garage 17 Storage shed -Size ' . Shed 18 Stove-Wood 0 Coal 0 Alterations 3 19 Size of lot: No. of feet front 415 ' . No:of feet rear 400 ',No. of feet deep1039 20 Size of building. No. of feet front 40 ' No. of feet side 69 ' ,No. of feet rear49 ' 21 Distance from nearest building; FrontStreet. side322 Ft. side25 Rear 925 22 Distance back from line or street 41 From r r of line 975 Side line 25 Signature , • LOT RELEASED BY Addre CPt `�,el % PLANNING BOARD Pe..n(4.)r.> tG Virs, S.s oa3Ti Date BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION • APPLICANT: Th- C /MOS c C ICA I OC,BUILDING PERMIT /: ADDRESS: 6-Co eeR_2,v fl)& „F- Fir-Loy TEL.NO.:4GI-IZoa DATE FILED:S/�/moo BLDG. SITE LOCATION: 9y) RT Sf TOUYb4 le 00074 MAP I: 35- LOT It Wilt The following information outlines the procedural steps required to obtain a Permit to BUILD - ALTER -or ADD TO - any structure within the Town of Yarmouth. The Building Department will determine compliance to the following: (A) ZONING REQUIREMENTS (B) HISTORICAL DISTRICTS (C) FLOOD PLAINS ZONING. The Building Department will be responsible for assisting the applicant through the following departments: RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING WATER DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance of Water Availability. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT:Determines Compliance for Parking and Drainage. CONSERVATION: Determines Compliance to Wetlands Acts, Le.: If lot(s) border any type of Wetlands - Streams- Ponds - Rivers-Oceans - Bogs - Bays -Marshlands. etc. HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations. i.e.: Re- quirements for Septage Disposal and other Public Health activities. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Requirements for Per- sonal Safety- Property Protection. i.e.: Smoke Detectors Sprinkler Systems. etc. The following departments must sign off. in the respective order. prior to the Building Inspector issuing the required Building Permit: WATER DEPARTMENT: DATE: N/A: (Y. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT:awake-- _ / DATE: 517/eg N/A: CONSERVATION: / I/e. ' • / DATE: S 8 N/A: ✓/t (4: HEALTH DEPARTMENT: �. �JN MATE: � N/A: INDUSTRIAL A '*/OR COMMERCIAL PERMITS iS; WIRING INSPECTOR: DATE: MAY 7 1986 N/A: PLUMBING INSPECTOR:• DATE: N/At FIRE DEPARTMENT: DATE: WA: • } PLEASE NOTE ALL STUMPS AND/OR BRUSH MUST BB DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED SITE. A SIGNED RECEIPT FROM THE DISPOSAL SITE MUST BB SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO TO ISSUANCE OP THE BUILDING PERMIT. D COMMENTS: T'h1eriar rehovgiyoLiS chi/. No Cheer in Poor- Plein , • cvy • hardeston aims • October 19 , 1984 • Papa Gino' s 600 Providence Highway Dedham, MA 02026 Attention: Jim Carey RE: COMMODORE-31 • Dear Jim: This letter will act as certification that Charleston Carpets has submitted for flammability test our carpet style COMMODORE-31. This test was conducted in accordance with requirements set forth in ASTM-E-668 testing specifications , and this style has successfully passed the test. The results arc as follows: CRITICAL RADIANT FLUX: 1. 08 • This style was also tested in accordance with ASTM-E-662 testing procedure for the N.B.S. Smoke Chamber. The results are as follows : N.B.S. SMOKE CHAMBER 1 : 192 Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. • Sincerely , CHARLESTON CARPETS David Daughtrey Coordinator of Sales DD: lm/chi cc : John Sartori •DIVISION OF WELLCO CARPET CORPORATION P.O. ROX 364 • CALHOUN. GEORGIA 30701,0364 • TEL 40.'-v79 7351 • . ♦vrvr•s:•m ant t t V;7 LiV ( ; COCANAL ..• STREET , BOSTON,M4. 02114 • Technical Data Bulletin UNIROYAL, Int• • 312 N. H.11 Sten., • V.O. 8e• 2000 • Mi•ho.olo,.Indione 46511.1399 • • STOUGHTON PLANT/PORT CL INTO: 12/28/81 SPS-0152 UNIROYAL SPECIFICATION NAUGAHYDE EXPANDED VINYL UPHOLSTERY • SPIRIT of "76" EXHIBITOR, NEOCHROME • 1. Material: • a. Coating shall consist of a vinyl resin base , suitably compounded, plasticized and expanded so- as to be of the • proper gage; be free from thickness; have a suitable hand; and be flame ; mildew and oil resistant . b. Base fabric shall be jersey knit appropriate to meet require= ments listed below. • 2 . Special product properties:. 'a. Flame ,. mildew and oil resistant. b . Ingredients meet the physical properties requirements of Federal Specification CCC-A-680a, Class 2 Treated; (a) 1 Regular fire resistant; (b) Mildew resistant; and (c) Oil resistant. c . Anti-static slip finish. 3 . Width - 54" minimum. Fed. Std. 191-5020 4 . Weight - 24 . 8 1. 5 oz ./yd.2 . Fed. Std. 191-5041 5 . Thickness - . 50 4 mils . CS-273-65 6 . Breaking Strength (Tensile) - Fed. Std. 191-5100 65 lbs . water 80 lbs/ filler minimum SPS-0152 (2) • 7. 'Tearing Strength (Trapezoid) - Fed. Std. 191-5136* 14 lbs. warp x 12 lbs. filler minimum. 8. Abrasion Resistance (Wyzenbeek) - Fed. Std. 191-5304* No wear through to vinyl foam - 500 double rubs. 9. Adhesion of Coating - CS-273-65 3 lbs./inch minimum, 10. Accelerated Weathering (Weather-O-Meter) - Fed, Std. 171-5804* No appreciable fading of color, discoloration, exudation or development of stiffness or tackiness. 120 hours exposure. 11. Hydrostatic Resistance - Fed. Std. 191-5512* 50 psi minimum. 12. Volatility - CCC-A680* 10% maximum. 13. Plasticizer Loss - Activated Carbon Extraction - CCC-A-680A* 14, Cold Resistance - minus 200 ± 20F, Fed. Std. 191-5874* The coating 'shall not crack through to the base cloth.. 15. Flexing (Newark) - CS-273-65* No separation of the vinyl foam from the vinyl skin or base fabric after 15,000 cycles. 16. Stitch-Tear - CS-273-65 25 lbs. warp x 20 lbs. filler minimum, 17. Blocking - Fed. Std. 191-5872 Scale rating 3 maximum. 18. Crocking - Fed, Std. 191-5651 Good - minimum, 19. Elongation (Ford Stretch Test) - CCC-A-680A* 5% warp x 25 lbs. filler minimum. 4'. SPS-0152, (3) 20. lame Resistance (Vertical) - Fed. Std. 191-5903 After flame 2.0 seconds maximum. Char length 3.0 inches maximum. 21. Breaking Strength After Accelerated Aging (Tensile) - Fed. Std. 191-5100* +5850 . . Not less than 75% of the initial breaking strength, after aging 48 hours at 212° to 221° F. 22. Mildew Resistance (Soil Burial) - Fed. Std. 191-5100* + 5762 Breaking strength shell not be 'less than 75% of the strength before soil burial. 23, Oil Resistance (Mineral-Oil) - CCC-A-680A* Oil shall not permeate the coated fabric. *See Federal Standard CCC-A-680A for test methods and modifications. **Spirit of. !76 and Exhibitor do not conform to the requirements of • CCC-A-680A which_ relate to Government Procurement such as inspection„ packing, marking, AOL levels, sampling, delivery, etc, The requirements for physical properties listed above (except abrasion re- sistance and blocking) apply to the average of the test results from a sample. . ,,.. PARKER, COULTER, DALEY & WHITE COUNSELLORS AT LAW ONE BEACON STREET BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02108 .... TELEPHONE(617) 723-4500 Maim F.m-_nMay Scott J.Tucker Jahn P.Stews Nancy H.Lab Raben L.Farrell Maynard M.Kbplsd FAX(617)7217136 Jacqueline Y.Parker Brian A.O'Connell William A.Caller,Jr. Rebecca J.Wilson Brim A.Gillis B.Dads Brennan an Jars F.Fitzgerald,Jr. Ricked N.Corte Barbera S.Unison Heather W.Grillo' Lada P.Meaaq Jr. Nancy A.Sewed FAIL RIVER OFFEE Linde C.Same Ano E.Gogaiam Barry R.McDara gh Leonard S.Bader Soon E Rirtndam Julie C.Molloy Farce E.Dooley,Jr. Pad A.Kelley 45 NORTH MAIN STREET Frederick E.C®lly,Jr. Judith M.Buckley Frederick S.Gilman Andre A. Sassy Joseph M.Snick Jam J.Cadff Robert M.Hacking tamed F.Tedrow.Jr. FALL RIVER,MA 02720 Pad Saltzman Emily G.Coughlin Paul C.Kelly Gary D.Bweck Kevin C.Cain- Mare T.gaffes William H.Murphy Swan F.Kendal TELEPHONE(701)6784050 Link D.Oliveira" Christopher O.Babe Richard I..Hoon er Clad L Crow Stephen J.Flynn Linda T.Mendng} limn M.Ctm Visit M.Ammo FAX(SOS)6714111 lama H.Salve Colleen Amt Ion Thoma P.O'Reilly David H.Pea Jeffrey C.McLane Charles J.Dara Robin T.Gill Jam L Maloof OF COUNSEL Harlon P.Ginsberg Kenneth I.Gordon John W.Breen Glee W.Cams it W.White Mark B.Lavoie Larry Gamely John 1.Ryandr. Imre F.Leighton,Jr. Philander S.Ranldf Maria Elie CW Ricked Mat Peen It S.Rods It J.Mahoney Pad M.Moretti Vincent M.Tmbdo Chrbtim umiak COUNSEL William E.O'Brien *Also Admitted In Rhode clad Robert N.Wein,Ea aalw Dimer Mark A.Ram "Also Admitted in Rhode lsWd Harm A.Peine and New Hampshire Dab A.Coggin '^a'Alw Admitted in New York 7Alao Admitted in New Hampshire }7Admined in N York only --"—"" WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL.NUMBER (617)720-6236 May 20, 1991 • • Mr. Forrest White Building Inspector Town of Yarmouth • 1146 Route 28 • South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Dear, Mr. White: . As per our conversation earlier today, please research your files to determine whether a building permit or a permit that would concern improvements to a building which would affect the tax assessment, was ever issued for the building in which is not housed the Papa Ginos Restaurant in South Yarmouth. I am interested in any permits issued from 1970 to the present time. Relevant names which could have applied for such a building permit would be Papa Ginos, Nickenello, or Segnor Pizza. If there is a charge for this search, please forward the bill to this office. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Very truly yours, Ale ,x1"• -th I. Gordon KIG:mm: cc: Dr. Edward Thomas o CEI a--_ 3 (y.)