HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-80-172 ;\c‘\cei rof z ., I OL1 — I 5r g 0 , I r : CCu) 80 9 CERTIFIC. TE OF CO"�!PLl!INCE ISSUED J z ,y et .1yµ lnouLh C,*.. ;:"`' -''=:1 Commission No. o P Application for a Perm' to Build LOT RELEASED Bye must accompany this pplication IV PLANNING BOARD. ` DATE I 17/ '�. .. ; 0 ' ' L Yarmouth r 19 Fp TO THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build, 'according to the following specifications:� 1. Name of Owner C OAoG''7/4 %h Address 7.• F /„'tii /7 S" 417).1"-e-41 G 1 2. Name of Architect (if any) w�// JJ/ 3. Name of Builder gohdt.-O I/n Ai V NNAA J/� 4. Precinct No. ( Lot No. SZ Flan: Name or No. file// / UNZ 5. Name of Street k b di 7en nc-. 4/9-' A.M. 104-Q SZ 6. Purpose of Building a f(a 4 `, /Jr g 7. Material Ala D c 7O i-/- 8. Estimated cost of building , 3%; p—re) Y il� �. pi", l�l �� 9. Dwelling v/ /_ if+ 10. Cottage r ,2. fled{/nhi'"t' S 11. Heat �'`hi�* / `EP 12. Basement �(-es L Jj/t rHS /ex/ t- bleats 13. Garage / LC" g i✓QY rsr lcc.....s. /L co a 14. Store 2w1 F""i` 'a 15. Shop gg 16. No. of stories ' / /`'.t g`iic• r f't Sc�onc. .. ..a 17. Is there to be a Store in the lower storey or- rdo / lb 0 I-- No. of feet rear I/b -� No. of feet deep /.25+ 18. Size of Lot. No. of feet front t ,J f O / 19. Size of building. No. of feet front 7 No. of feet side t1) No. of feet rear /1 / / r 20. Distance from nearest building: Front ..Ib-o A ft.; side 7° 4-- ft.; side /�- —ft.; rear /" 'L' y / / 21. Distance back from line or street.......... 2"t , from rear lot line 37)(11- side line .0 - Show by diagram the location of propsed building with relation to ' s fro 11. ni•g lots, on reverseside. /' 1 ' Name Address 1-113"e Q/ ' Ahir Q _ 1 4" " 0 U C 1. ; C. , i LC V •• Street Name a r ' ",-, , 0 Left Side.Depth of Lot (] r L. j ,, E. . , e .. ! -^ . a $ ,, .] '' C- 1 a CD 0 wr CD r 2 . r / j, . .-• / .02 f ' f {- i " f / • "•••• '. 1 J11 J t • a. . , Y/ ./. - i `.. i. • 1/43,41111r ••.^ c .. 1 Right Side Depth of Lot ... . Street Name 0f•X444 TOWN OF YARMOUTH I.. r rl ie:/ti/4-4.:21‘.• '14 WATER DEPARTMENT ,;��,,,,,",.• 102 UNION STREET '!' YARMOUTH PORT, MASS. 02675 WATER COMMISSIONERS THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS MEETS EVERY MONDAY , • AT 7:90 P.M. AT UNION STREET OFFICE • FREDERICK JI THACHER ROGER G. EDWARDS. JR. THOMAS E. KELLEY • - • Date: March 14, 1980 SUPERINTENDENT • PAUL WILSON _ , • Name: Joseph O'Loughlin Address; 2 Harold St Harwichport MA TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; • Please be advised that Town water is available on Lot or Lots 0 see below (Street)eea below as shown on Assessor's Sheet IG a helps. very truly yours, Paul A. Wilson • Superintendent Lot 15, 11 Seminole Drive A.S.102-103,93-94 Lot 52, 6 Cheyenne lane A.S.104 Lot 20, 16 Seminole Drive, A.S.102-103,93-94 • . • • • • -•w J: O'LOUGJILIN, INC. LOT # �Z • Energy code Calculations • 1 , The U value of the opaque wall n Value outside air film a /7 16" wood shingles " plywood sheathing 0. G 2 3." insulation //. 0 0 ?" gypsum wall board O; (45- '66yTinside air film 646P- Total otal RESISTANCE /.3I�7 / U = 0.012 2. The U value of storm windows 0. S7) 3. The U value of insulating glass sliding door;* 4. The U value of wood doors (1 .5" with storm door B , 3 3 5. The U value of the roof inside air film 0,6 6" insulation Oro a' i° gypsum board 0 , 1/45 inside air film f Total REISI TM'Cc Z 6 0.048 • ;:L_ ion of glass area /y ; 1•u are-. /G, 8 .Ia 992. Si a / 72_7L 1 7. The 11 value of the floor R Value insidc air film h rd odd floor �0' ?L /8 ;l,iywooc=_ flocr. V ‘ F 3i" insulation o'c r in e al. film //' U TOTAL Ri:'IST&;u .,U _ .07 /y`•LOQ BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW APPLICANT: 1'00 1.1-#/ �YI L BLDG PERMIT NO: LOCATION OF PROPERTY: L G DATE FILED: THE FOLLOWING CHECK-OFF SHEET IS DESIGNED TO CLARIFY THE PROCEDURES, AN INDIVIDUAL .:. • MUST FOLLOW IN ORDER TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO BUILD OR ALTER A BUILDING.•' THE BUILDING. DEPARTMENT WILL CHECK ON THE FOLLOWING: (A) CONSERVANCY DISTRICTS (B) HISTORICAL DISTRICTS (C) . FLOOD PLAINS ZONING, AND WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING THE • '.� APPLICANT THROUGH THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES. 1. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: ' - A) CHECK WITH THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT IN REFERENCE TO SEPTIC SYSTEMS FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL. B) CHECK WITH CONSERVATION COMMITTEE IF.THE LOT BORDERS ON ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS. • EXAMPLES: STREAMS, PONDS, RIVERS, OCEAN, BAY, BOGS, MARSH, ETC. • C) CHECK WITH PLANNING BOARD FOR LOT RELEASE y : 7._ 2. COMMERCIAL"BUILDING .' A) ENGINEERING .DEPARTMENT—FOR PARKING AND DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS, TOPOGRAPHY SITE PLAN REVIEW B) CONSERVATION COMMITTEE-IF LOT BORDERS ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS. , C) PLANNING BOARD-TO SEE IF LOT COMPLIES WITH ZONING BY-LAWS. D) BOARD OF HEALTH-FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS, HEALTH RELATED ACTIVITIES. EXAMPLES: SAUNA BATHS, SWIMMING POOLS, RESTAURANTS, ETC. • E) FIRE DEPARTMENT-FOR PROPERTY PROTECTION, PERSONAL SAFETY, (SPRINKLERS, SMOKE DETECTORS). • REVIEWED BY r, s 1. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: YES DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATURE L__ . r • i • DATE 4f7f$o: 2.-` CONSERVATION COMMITTEE: - YES p DOES NOT APPLY_"SIGNATURE ` 1 ,- - L . DATE41/430 3. PLANNING BOARD: . YES DOES NOT APPLY - SIGNAT R Ape `,a__ - DATE 4. BOARD OF HEALTH: YES r ROES NOT APPLY SIGNAT :E C%'FATE j I 5. FIRE DEPARTMENT: YES DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATU DATE COMMENTS: i/ ,. t.- • Application to si3.$5(ek O NS Old Kings Hi • ghway Regional Historic District Committee y + • in the Town of Yarmouth for a /X CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS • Application is hereby made, in triplicate, for the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 6 of Chapter 470, Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts, 1973, for proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings or photographs accompanying this application for: CHECK CATEGORIES THAT APPLY: 1. Exterior Building Construction: ® New Building ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration Indicate type of building: ® House 0 Garage 0 Commercial ❑ Other • 2. Exterior Painting: 0 • ' 3. Signs or Billboards: ❑ New sign ❑ Existing sign ❑ Repainting existing sign 4. Structure: ❑ Fence ❑ Wall 0 Flagpole ❑ Other ' (Please read other side for explanation and requirements). TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY DATE 3/11/R0 ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK Lot #52 Cheyenne Lane ASSESSORS MAP NO. 104 OWNER J.V. O'Loughlin,Ino. ASSESSORS LOT NO. 31 HOME ADDRESS ? Harold St. Harwich Port, Mass. TEL. NO. 432-5700 FULL NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ABUTTING OWNERS. Include name of adjacent property owners across any public street or way. (Attach additional sheet if necessary). Susan Fleischer Lot 51 Cheyenne Lane, Yarmouth Port, MA. AGENT OR CONTRACTOR J.0!Loughlin, Inc. TEL. NO. 432- 5700 ADDRESS 2 Harold St. Harwich Port, Mass. 02646 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK: Give all particulars of work to be done(see No. 8,other side), including materials to be used, if specifications do not accompany plans. In the case of signs,give locations of existing signs and proposed locations of new signs. (Attach additional sheet,if necessary). 2 bedroom Cape f Signed 000( • owner-c.ntractor•Agent Space below line for Committee use. ' Received by H.D C. Date The Certificate is hereby Al fif Date /4/72 c ft,Time , ` ! Qi 41�� 1 �7 ' " �! By N Approved - IMPORTANT: If Certificate is approved, approval is subject to the „1f!Klay appeal period provided in the Acta �d Disapproved 0 • • • ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR MAKING AND FILING AN APPLICATION • FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS The four categories for which a Certificate of Appropriateness is required are: (application for demolition or removal is a separate form). 1. EXTERIOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION (new or existing buildings): An application is required for any exterior of a building to be erected or altered including windows, doors, siding, roof, light etc., that will be visible from any public street, way or public place. The following scale drawings are required in duplicate with application: plot plan (if addition —show existing buildings in outline), floor plan and elevations. Also required are snap shots of existing buildings, where additions or alterations are to be made. No plot plan is required for addition or alteration which does not touch the ground. 2. EXTERIOR PAINTING: An application is required for any portion of a building, structure or sign to be painted that is visible from a public street, way or public place. Color samples must be attached to these applications. An application is not required when repainting existing colors, changing to white,or using colors approved by the Town Historic District Committee. 3. SIGNS OR BILLBOARDS: An application is required for any sign or billboard to be erected within the District, with the following exceptions: _ , , , a. Existing signs or billboards on November 27, 1974 shall have until November 27, 1977 to secure an approved Certificate of Appropriateness. b. Temporary signs for use in connection with any official celebration or parade or any charitable drive as long as they are removed within three days of the event. Certain other temporary signs that the Committee feels does not detract from the Act may be allowed with the prior permission of the Committee. c. Real Estate signs of not more than 3 square feet in area advertising the sale or rental of the premises on which they are erected or displayed. d. A single sign of not more than 1 square foot in area showing the name, occupation or address of the occupant of the premises on which they are erected or displayed in a residential zone. 4. STRUCTURE: An application is required to build or alter any structure within the District which is defined by the Act as a combination of materials other than a building, sign or billboard, but including stone walls, flagpoles,hedges,gates, fences, etc. 4. _ J , , , GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5. Work on projects requiring approval shall not be started until the Certificate of Appropriateness has been filed with the Town Clerk by the Committee. Approval is subject to the 20 day appeal period provided in the Act. 6. No changes shall be made from the original approved specifications without advance approval of the Commission on an amended application filed with the Committee. 7. A separate application must be filed with each project requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness. 8. Under heading of "Detailed Description„of Proposed Work" give detailed data on such architectural features as: foundation, chimney, siding, roofing,roof pitch, sash and doors, window and door frames, trim, gutters—leaders, roofing and paint color. 9. Unless application is complete and legible and all material required is supplied,application will not be accepted or acted upon. Copies of the Act establishing the Regional Historic District may be obtained at the Town Hall. ; ,‘ 1 ' c � t l � caj��_ : _ 8°01(2985 Ffir,� 105 25161 ' �' • • • FORM 4 • ORDER OF CONDITIONS WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT . 1 -G.L. C. 131, s. 40 - ; - CITY/TOWN Yarmouth FILE NUMBER SF. A3 - 913 • TO: NAME J. O'Loughlin ADDRESS' 2 Harold St_ • Harwichport, Ms CERTIFIED MAIL NUMBER HAND DF,LTVPRP.D - • PROJECT LOCATION: A�ess tot #52,.Jheyrnnn Lane, Yarmouth ; Recorded at Registry of Barnstable , Book 2R9 , Page 49 c Certificate (if registered) REGARDING: i ;k Notice of Intent dated August 6. 1979 and plans titled and dated Proposed Plot Plan, August 6, 1979 • • THIS ORDER IS ISSUED ON(date) September 6. 1979 - - Pursuant to the authority of G.L: c. 131, .s. 40; the - Yarmouth Conservation ' -. Crani ssi nn has reviewed your Notice of Intent and plans .. identified-above; and-has-determined !that the area-on which the proposed work is to be . done is significant to one or more ofthe interests listed in G.L. ,c. 131, a. 40. . r The Conmlission ' hereby ordersthatthe following conditions are - necessary to protect said interests and- all workshall be performed in strict accordance. with them and with the Notice of Intent and plans identified above except where such' ' plans are modified by said 'conditions. CONDITIONS I. Failure to comply withall conditions stated herein, and with all related statutes and other regulatory measures, shall be deemed cause to revoke or modify this 'order. 2.. .This order does not grant any property rights or any exclusive privileges; it does not authorize any injury to private property or. invasion of .private rights. . 3. This order does not relieve the pe` ittee or any other person of the necessity of - - complying with all other Applicable-federal, fitate or local statutes, ordinances, • - by-laws and/or regulations. - :: t. r 4. The work authorized hereunder shall be completed within one (1) year from the'date ' . of this order unless it is for a maintenance dredging project subject to Section 5(9). Tbs order may be extended by the issuing authority for one or more additional one-year periods uper application to- the said issuing authority at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the order or its extension. :IONS CONTINUED — 2 - FILE NO. 'SF fl�2� l • i .' '/fill used in connection with this project shall be clean fill, containing no a':+---/-2.: cash, refuse,' rubbish or debris,_including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, lumber, bricks, •plaster, wirer lath,—paper, cardboard,' pipe, tires, ashes, ` , . . .. refrigerators, motor vehicles or parts of any of the foregoing.- 1 f z, , 6. No work may be commenced untilall appeal periods have'elapsed_from the order of• the - •Conservation Commission or from a final order 'by the Department of Environmental - ,� 'y Quality•Engineering. ' 7. 'No work shall be undertaken until the final order, with respect to the proposed - -project, has been recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the'district in Which the. I ' . land is located within the chain of title of the affected property. The Document I . number indicating .such recording shall be submitted on the form at the end of this . order to the issuer of this order prior to commencement of work. - - - - . - 8.' :A sign shall be displayed et the site not less that two square feet or more than . three square feet bearing the words, "Massachusetts Department of Environmental . - ' Quality Engineering. NumberSE $3-213'. •_._,, . . . .. .. _ - ' _:.:-...*- :. ..:''.._ ' • 9. •.Where-.the Department.of Environmental Quality.Engineering is requested to make. a r C` determination and to issue a superseding order,-the Conservation Commission shall be a party to all agency proceedings andearings before the"Department:_'.; •' -z • - 10. • Upon completion of the work described herein, the applicant shall forthwith request, . ' in writing, that a Certificate of Compliance be issued stating that the'work has been satisfactorily completed'. - i • 11. The work-shall conform to the following described -plans and, additional conditions: • 12.: All construction and locations shall- conform to .the pian • • filed with the Notice .of Intent entitled ' Proposed Plot _Plan" . • • - drawn .by George, Low &• Co.,' and dated' August 6, .1979. : • •12. ..The driveway shall be constructed"-of crushed-istone. - •• 13i, .•There:shah, bb:a'Work- limit.line drawn between'`a-pont 102 :feet:frown -the Easterly 'sideline-of`.Cheyenne.Lan¢.on _ • - ' the Northerly lot wineLand '96''feet `froffi the-Easterly Side:-. .' liner of: Cheyenne••Lane 'on 'the'Southerly lot 'line.. ,• 14. All disturbed areas shall-be- stabilized within 3 months, after completion of the- dwelling. { . 15. The Conservation Officer shall be notified at least 4 ; r J - , hours prior to commending .the proposed project.' • : . .16. These Orders of Conditions shall apply to any successor' in • . '"interest--or successor in control. ' . ---- - -- -t = .. ;� . . '. .. 1 • "� I� -- -nno ._•.w-a nn S.A. .4' ` .Ar; � •3 ggooK2985 FAME 107 . • „ AS CONTINUED FILE N0. sE 83_913 iJ iia j . • ' ` `. Ate applicant, any person aggrieved by this order, any owner of land abutting n ,q,. '24 land upon which the proposed work is to be done, or any ten residents of the Sty or town in which such land is located, are hereby notified of their right to appeal this order to the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering provided the request is made in writing and by certified mail to the Department within ten I (10) days from the Issuance of this order. __ ISSUED BY - Yarmouth Conservation _commission • /sta. . : � �- •.- c • • . _ i , e /..,-d,„ - • ..i - .. On-this 6th day•of•• September 1979 , -before.me -personally,. . appeared The AhnvP to me known to be the person described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed. • �. • , um4maa , /41- is .0•11**0 gal PAW 14 lig3 t ,,, , , , „2. tr._ Y .,� �, My Commission expires .t$ !.Fit ^•' `/ ...c.•C . ,0i.' .. - .-,r' Li- IL-1k,- a] ..,�Tp CF�YQ. a .- DETACH 0� (•iE1.LINE AND"Sl1aMIT w t ISSUER-OF.THIS ORDER PRIOR •TO COMENCE7INT- , - " ry., ,‘60 o _ = t..t c . , �.. . RECORDED •S 19 ,.yam, �P179 OF WORKS2, _.... __- -,u.kuaucq wscn-cne-norice of intent and plans identified above except where such::;,?••. plans are modified by said 'conditions. '-12r..••-;,' .p 4 CONDITIONS 1. Failure to comp]. t . all condition tated herein, and with all related statutes and other z latory measures, shall—be •j. • cause to revoke or modify this •order. . 2.. .Thie• or•er do . not etn .any property rights or an lusive privileges; it does • -1 • not au boriz a y jury to private property_or—inva .private rights. . 3. This or• does neve•the permittee or any other✓pemson of the necessity of complying -ith all other ap liCable-federal, etat r jal statutes, ordinances, . by-laws an. �r_gulationa. - , v, , 4. The work authorized hereunder shall be completed within one (1) year from the ;late . j of this order unless it is for a maintenance dredging project subject to Section 5(9). Tht order may be extended by the issuing authority"-for one or more additional 4 - one-year periods uper application to' the said issui authorit at 1 a • t • •t. . .••••••• • ,• • — . :::PI' . • to a • 1.1./11,1 141Ct r Lijo ---. CO>- ti) 14.;Cr> , 1—I— ••• • Crs 4.4 - 2-•••Lai La • 11- • • ge•• CO • C • : • , esti .n ward ourrnd miSaths*X1 ---S C)S ,‘ t • ----• . , • rt , r c=" "- - P •It ter c sr, ,00 S—e-0 es- - • • • . :2 Co 'C..: • • V . • ssair \ M • _ oF"Y9Rrt- - ' ; ro. r HEALTH • DEPARTMENT . • � . 5. , . -y TOWN OF YARMOUTH E" MATTAGN C Iltio 4t'"`", SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664 ,• VARIANCE FROM PROVISIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CODE ". J: O'LOUGHLIN, INC AUGUST 29, 1979 =2 HAROLD STREET RE: LOT 52- CHEYENNE IN. HARWICHPORT, MA. YARMOUTH, MA. Dear MR. O'LOUGHLIN The Town of Yarmouth, Board of Health has received your application for a variance fromthe provisions of Regulation N/A Title V, of the Environmental Code and/or Regulation 3. 7 of the Town of •Yarmouth Regulation for Sub-surface Disposal of Sewage. `c_ Having-determined that strict enforcement of the above Regulations in this instance would do manifest injustice and further, that..your requested variance does not conflict with the spirit of the Environ- - mental Code or the: Regulations of. the.Town.of Yarmouth' Board of Health, ; .._ the variance is granted on this date, AUGUST 29 .1979 as follows : • TO 'ALLOW FOUNDATION ELEVATION TO BE EQUAL TO ROAD ELEVATION AFFRONTING LOT. REVERSE SLOPE GRADING MUST BE SUBSTITUTED AROUND FOUNDATION. You are hereby advised that -the variance granted herein will expire - ninety'. (90) days from date of issue unless all work authorized by said variance has been completed prior to the date of expiration. _ ( t Ve)rC rulJ yours, - ',Health Officer DALE -D. 'CARNES, HEALTH OFFICER .TOWN OF YARMOUTH . DDK/av cc: Robert C. Lawton, Jr. Executive Secretary . . . • _ ., .. n .. I .. . • • . • . I ' . . . , . . . . . . , . , . . , . . I • - . . , . _ i - -- ----1 . . • I ' . . • , - . . . . , I r . 1 I . Na 1 , . , . . ....... • • N ( 1 . . N• f ip . I i , a VI Alb f. , 0 . . - /1 ir tedr . 12Laifil s 'e .— . ... . .. . , • . • . . . - . .., • .4.- ' • F E C:A,/7—- • ....•" ': ' D R. i V A .,,,,,c= '..• '_ -. ' - - ' r ; -' .--- 4-7? ,, , '".. - . . - - '.- ,' -‘_ -1. ;= , •); Al 20 • , . _ •- - - ‘.--. ) :-- ..-- e-,-,Z-! 4--A---;, /A E-4 er OC.,t/rC -;" . 1 - -0 S E X, V.1,2 c_-: ,‘-. ,1--4 ...._ ' , S - " 44241-A7 it.1 ill . T — , --r''a" ----.:-C.11-...5"-i 1. /917 nivt, rosov-op - -- . . -.--, • lele-5111--77- .L .< .- ir— • -,,,- - — - - • ' , “... J/ o , r. ' .1.-‘,7:i•---:',.- --\,!_ -*7-/ K. c.C7 1/ ' C; - -- ._-- • . -- ' I -1 '-- - , f•-_-, 0 F. .4-a rt i.: - . _ . , , , -.- k I -0-- • .7 •--'. -.4 A.... ..c- A...i 5,-,i', r-2-) . / • (--; /2 i . . . __ ; , ..7-0-,.. ,- -:,- ,c.-ez.7x.....-_--C-.... ' • . r'i_7 - ..1.-.'i.-.-. ; T-)12 1 ,, •, . • ii - - . t . . , . , . - L . .. _ . - - • - - - - -- . 1 - , , ... --r 0'. . I \ i - ' I . - I _d . • . . . - • -----. .-- - 1 , 1 ' : . A? i ,,, _ ... ,- •- ---, - '- 1 . . . _ _., . . 741134b74 . _ 5,__4,_,/ 22-i_ ce-_--:_xeset,, . -L ---_-_, • ,-... -- .-- D f'0 7"tr_ • Te.e:a. .'' i....09 "i r J U- Ae_.- -4 a C- i-- 5, c...) 4.4- -••••••-•--...;..--- . . . _ FOP.M 6 • • COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS • WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT G.L. C.131 s. 40 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PROJECT LOCATION tot 52, Cheyenne Lane • DATE Sept. 11, 19$0 FILE NO. • SE 83 — 213 ' , It. is hereby certified that the work regulated by an Order of Conditions dated September 6,1979 by•the Deoartment of Environmental Ouality Engineering [ ] Conservation Commission [x] has been satisfactorily completed. • This Certificate shall be recorded in the Registry of Deeds for. the district in which ll the land is located.. The Order was originally recorded , • h • on SPptpmP,r 1,93 1979 in Traps r)ti on 426161(Bo (Page) • .. e • Ace • • • Signature of Issuing Authority . On this 16th day of september 19$0 , before me personally appeared Tho Abavr. . to me known to be'the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed. •r viA-e j / gat 1i c }11y Commission Fan Nov, ,, ton 'otary •, ' c My commission expires - . c. S ti.4 er „1 v (JAY0J /11 _1 ? J • _1 0 S.- 4 ti sr-J ' 4.!!! Lt• JV(A • i _ 0..a. hitt° -7/Vr? ...-. A Ast 0 ;we '3 tv m Ci •.1 .6! I C 7.4 *01., 4.7 / e Iry t- svof2v tv ') _7 ;Ft.( 4 t1 1, -I 4 ? 4 7 - ••• ' ' 0 0 ki ti J if ? L , • • L' . • 4,, v , Ai s SV '1,"?..1; J07 .t/ h tiv ()1717 / / '2c"t./ t/ 7 yery 10 S. • • • • • y, • C") • • • • • _ . ••"•.; r- \\44 . • • . 4.2( ) tit) .0 -••••••• •