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Decision 4774 (Pole 838/6)
Bk 31658 Pg212 #56280 11-13-2018 @ 08 : 46a "-kit Y:1it°a. ff<: L' sk TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS re • if u DECISION tip � ' Thcoo FILED WITH TOWN CLERK: #4774 PETITION NO: #4774 HEARING DATE: October 11,2018 PETITIONER: Celle() Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless PROPERTY: Existing Utility Pole#838 6 located in public right of way adjacent to Colburne Path,Yarmouth (SC14) Nearest Parcel is 47 Colborne Path,Map: 86,Lot: 192 (Address and parcel is for reference only)Zoning District: R40 Book/Page: n/a MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING: Steven DeYoung,Chairman, Dick Martin,Thomas Nickinello, Susan Brita and Toni Baron Notice of the hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the Petitioner and all those owners of property as required by law, and to the public by posting notice of the hearing and publishing in The Register, the hearing opened and held on the date stated above. The Petition was presented by Peter D. Anderson, Esq. of McLane Middleton P.A., Ralph Colorusso of Nexius and Dan Brown of CSquared Systems on behalf of Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("VZW") concerning VZW's petition to install, operate and maintain Small Cell and Cloud Radio Access Network ('GRAN") wireless communication antennas and supporting equipment to be mounted to a new utility pole that will replace an existing utility pole #838 6, which is located in the public right of way adjacent to Colbume Path, Yarmouth, in an R-10 Zoning District. The proposed installation will consist of a 38.7-inch tall canister antenna, which will be mounted to the top of a new utility pole that will replace an existing utility pole. The antenna resembles a traditional electric transformer similar to those already located on utility poles throughout the area. Additional supporting equipment (including a remote radio head, electrical junction box and meter, and fiberoptic and power connections) will be mounted to the exterior of the pole, resulting in a self-contained antenna facility without the need for further infrastructure. I Bk 31658 Pg213 #56280 The Board unanimously concurred that the Petition meets the criteria under§408 of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw ('Bylaw") for a Special Permit. The Board further unanimously concurred that VZW has satisfied the requirements of§408.4.1 of the Bylaw with respect to its requests for waivers from §408.6.2.5 and §408.6.2.5 (regarding Town-wide maps showing existing and proposed future Personal Wireless Service Facilities in the Town), §408.6.3.3 (regarding siting elevations), §408.6.4(regarding Design Filing Requirements). Tom Baron made a Motion to approve the Petition with conditions, seconded by Thomas Nickinello. On this Motion, the Board voted unanimously in favor(approved 5-0). Subject to the following conditions: I. No new lighting will be added by Applicant. per approved small cell site. 2. Applicant will provide`'As Built"plans, per site, submitted within 1 year of construction, per site,to the Zoning Board of Appeals& Board of Health. 3. Applicant will provide emissions report, per site to the Board of Health. 4. Each approved site must meet any& all FAA or other government requirements. 5. Applicant must submit emissions report of compliance with maximum permissible radiation,per site, to he filed with the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Board of Health. 6. §408.12.3 Waiver for Abandonment or Discontinuation of Use —approved. 7. Site Plan waiver Granted. No permit shalt issue until 20 days from the filing of this decision with the Town Clerk This decision must be recorded at the Registry of Deeds and a copy forwarded to the Board of Appeals. Appeals from this decision shall be made pursuant to MGL c40A section 17 and must be filed within 20 days after filing of this notice/decision with the Town Clerk. Unless otherwise provided herein,the Special Permit shall lapse if a substantial use thereof has not begun within 24 months.(See bylaw,MCL c40A §9) Steven DeYoung,Ch3tfman 2 Bk 31658 Pg214 #56280 'itit;,. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS % : r;.t;; TOWN OF YARMOUTH it— ` 'it `?, ; BOARD OF APPEALS $... C'!.4t . 1 4,1 Appeal#4774 Date: November 8,2018 Certificate of Granting of a Special Permit (General Laws Chapter 40A, section 11) The.Board of Appeals of the Town of Yarmouth Massachusetts hereby certifies that a Special Permit has been granted to: PETITIONER: Cellco Partnership dh/a Verizon Wireless d o McLane Middleton, P.A., 900 Elm St., Manchester,N.H. 03101 OWNER: (1)Eversource Energy, One NST AR Way, NRBED 180, Westwood,MA 02090 (2)Verizon Communications, Inc., 185 High St.. Boston, MA 02111 Affecting the rights of the owner with respect to land or buildings at: Existing utility pole #838 6 located in public right of stay adjacent to Colborne Path, Yarmouth,Nearest Parcel is 47 Colborne Path,Map: 86, Lot: 192(Address and parcel is reference only) Zoning District: R-40; and the said Board of Appeals further certifies that the decision attached hereto is a true and correct copy of its decision ranting said Special Permit,and copies of said decision,and of all plans referred to in the decision,have been filed. The Board of Appeals also calls to the attention of the owner or applicant that General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11 (last paragraph) and Section 13,provides that no Special Permit. or any extension,modification or renewal thereof, shall take effect until a copy of the decision bearing the certification of the Town Clerk that twenty(20)days have elapsed after the decision has been fled in the office of the Town Clerk and no appeal has been filed or that. if such appeal has been filed, that it has been dismissed or denied,is recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county and district in which the land is located and indexed in the grantor index under the name of the owner of record or is recorded and noted on the owner's certificate of title. The fee for such recording or registering shall be paid by the owner or applicant. Steven ng, airman Bk 31658 Pg215 #56280 Jti .Y.�'t' TOWN OF YARMOUTH Town ~tm Clerk -i< 1146 ROUTE 23, SOUTH YARMOUTH,MASSACHSETTS 02664-4451 TELEPHONE(508)398-2231 EXT.1285. FAX (508)398-0836 CERTIFICATION OF TOWN CLERK I. Philip 13. Daudet,III,Town Clerk, Town of Yarmouth.do hereby certify that 20 days hate elapsed since the filing with me of the above Board of Appeals Decision#4774 that no notice of appeal of said decision has been filed with me.or, if such appeal has been filed it has been dismissed or denied. All appeals have been exhausted. w.K. rLti • 5K ;de, ...,.,,...wf0 '.' • JOHN F. MEADE, REGISTER BARNSTABLE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS RECEIVED & RECORDED ELECTRONICALLY PETITION #4773 ኦ: CelIco Partnership dim venzon wireiess, various Locations Based on a review of the Special Permit Application for the above petitions and a phone discussion with Mr. Peter Anderson of McLane Middleton (the firm that prepared the petitions) the Health Dept. understands the following regarding this proposal: 1) No auxiliary power source(s) such as generators are included. 2) Therefore no auxiliary fuel sources such as diesel or propane are included. 3) No short-term "bridging" power components such as batteries or capacitors are proposed. 4) No bridging component hazardous materials such as electrolyte solutions are included. 5) No toxic or hazardous materials of any kind are included. 6) The Radio Frequency (RF) Report includes projections that are all below the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 7) An actual RF study with field measurements will be conducted for each of these completed installations with the resulting report proved to the Town. Per Town bylaw 408 COMMUNICATION ANTENNAS, BUILDINGS, AND TOWERS, section 408.11 an inspection report for the locations must be submitted to the Building Commissioner at least once every 24 months and "the Town may retain a technical expert in the field of RF engineering, at the expense of the carrier, to verify the inspection report." The Zoning Board of Appeals may want to condition the Special Permit to include an RF field study be submitted with the inspection report to the Building Commissioner for review by the abovementioned retained technical expert in RF engineering. Respectfully submitted, Carl E. Lawson, Jr. Hazardous Waste Inspector Town of Yarmouth Health Office (Review of above petitions 4773 & 4774 only) TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS HEARING NOTES Petition#1'774 Petitioner%7cc Hearing Date: "do REQUEST: SPECIAL PERMIT: § VARIANCE: § Overturn B.I. Members of the Board present and voting. rt-kk It appearing that notice of said hearinghas been given bycdin§ notice thereof to the petitioAer and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby and that public notice of such hearing having been given by publication in the Register the hearing was opened and held on the date first above written. IN FAVOR OPPOSED Reason for the Decision: Motion by: 9115 dJ Seconded by:4(\l e: 0.436 61 t—&JO V-A Members voting in favor: Opposed: Therefore, the SPCIAL PERMIT VARIANCE APPEAL is GRANTED v ` DENIED WITHDRAWN" CONTINUED TO: as CONDITIONS: -.\\PA) �rti i IT6A-Sk DA EXHIBITS RECEIVED AT HEARING: C.tt. -6 LI / CLERK: I., / Date: 9 (q bila . CLERK-CHAIRMAN HEARING NOTES , nt a Alit PETER D.ANDERSON Direct 603.628.1410 MCLANE Email:peteranderson@mclane.com Admitted in NH and MA MIDDLETON 900 Elm Street, 326 Manchester, NH NH 03105-5-0326 T 603.625.6464 F 603.625.5650 • APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICES FACILITY UTILITY POLE 838 6 LOCATED AT 47 COLBURNE PATH (PARCEL MAP 86, LOT 192) YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM TAB NUMBER Town of Yarmouth Board of Appeals Application(x2) 1 Project Narrative 2 Plans 3 Authorization for VzW to attach Eversource poles 4 Evidence of FCC Licensure 5 Radio Frequency Report and Affidavit of Radio Frequency Engineer 6 Site Plan Review waiver correspondence 7 McLane Middleton,Professional Association Manchester,Concord,Portsmouth,NH I Woburn,Boston,MA McLane.com RECEIVED o 'Yae SEP 20 2018 :,• _ o, TOWN OF YARMOUTH o �', - H. BOARD OF APPEALS sour INN OUThl,INA APPLICATION FOR HEARING '?: ; Appeal#: Tin Hearing Date: October 11, 2018 Fee$200.00 Owner-Applicant:Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless,c/o McLane Middleton,P.A,Attn:Peter Anderson (Full Names-including d/b/a) 900 Elm Street, Manchester, NH 03101 (603) 628-1410 peter.anderson(rt�mclane.com (Address) (Telephone Number) (Email Address) and is the (check one) 0 Owner 0 Tenant 0 Prospective Buyer (XX)Other Interested Party Property: This application relates to the property located at: Utility Pole 838 6 in ROW nearest parcel is 47 Colburne Path and shown on the Assessor's Map #: 86 as Parcel#: 192* *nearest parcel to utility pole for reference only Zoning District: If property is on an un-constructed(paper)street name of nearest cross street,or other identifying location: Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following construction/use/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10'by 15'deck to the front of our house"or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant seeks the following relief from the Board of Appeals: Petition for Special Permit at attach an antenna and wireless equipment to a new existing utility pole, that is replacing and existing utility pole in thepublic right of way. 1) REVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). State the reason for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. 2) XX SPECIAL PERMIT under § 408 of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 F7 .(use space below if needed) BA20 Permitted only under Special Permit issued by the Board of Appeals 3) VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from which relief is requested, and, as to each section, specify the relief sought: Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional information which you feel should be included in your application: f FACT SHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed(if other than applicant): Utility pole-no deed owned jointly by: (1) Eversource Energy,One NStar Way WBED 180,Westwood, MA 02090 (2) Verizon Communications, Inc. 185 High Street,Boston, MA 02111 Name&Address Title deed reference: Book&Page# N/A or Certificate # Land Court Lot# Plan# (provide copy of recent deed) Use Classification: Existing: R-40 §202.5 # F7 Proposed: Same §202.5 # Is the property vacant: N/A If so,how long?: Lot Information Size/Area: N/A Plan Book and Page / Lot# Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes No XX Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review(if needed)? Yes_No XX*_ *No site plan needed see email from Mr. Grylls,Director of Inspectional Services/Building Commissioner in Tab 7 Other Department(s) Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which are/ have/or will review this project, and indicate the status of their review process: Repetitive Petition: Is this a re-application: If yes, do you have Planning Board Approval? Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator, indicate the date and Appeal number(s) and other available information. Include a copy of the decision(s)with this application: Building Com • issioner Comments: lL Ap. ;f't's/Attomeyh&gent Signature • in•'s Signature • ddress: McLane Middleton, P.A- Peter Anderso 900 Elm Street, Manchester,NH 03101 Phone: (603) 628-1410 E-Mail: peter.anderson n mclane.com (77,1) * Building Commi sioner Signature Date YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS ABUTTERS LIST Petition# 9774 Name. Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Filing Date: 9/20/18 Hearing Date: 10/11/2018 Property Location: Utility Pole 838 6 in ROW on Colburne Path,nearest parcel is 47 Colburne Path Tax Map 86, Lot 192 (for reference only) Notices must be sent to the petitioner(applicant), abutters:and owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters(only within 300 feet of the property line)of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the abutters map and lot number Postage charges for all applications will be determined by multiplying the number of abutters (and the parcel (s)in question) times .560,which is the current cost for the Duo required mailings. Add that to the application fee and include your check with the application. Map Lot Number Map Lot Number Number Number Applicant# Sec attached list Abutters#'s • 2 Labels-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado,Director of Assessing 76/ 56/ / / 76/ 66/ / / 76/ 173/ / / SILVA GABRIEL C ESPOSITO MICHAEL T SHERMAN C RANDALL DEALMEIDA MARIA M ESPOSITO SHEILA 1 SHERMAN RUTH D 8 YEW LANE - 57 COLBURNE PATH 69 TROWBRIDGE PATH WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 76/ 57/ / / 76/ 67/ / / 76/ 192/ / / HAMILTON ROBERT S SPRAGUE STEPHEN A MURPHY GERRIT W 40 SHEFFIELD RD SPRAGUE HILLARY D MURPHY ANGELA B WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 53 COLBURNE PATH 43 SHEFFIELD RD WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 76/ 58/ / / 76/ 68/ / / 86/ 167/ / / REINERO MARY JEAN ROBILLARD BERNARD TRS ANDERSON SEAN E MURPHY H L Sr NELSON J R ROBILLARD BERNICE M TRS C/O ANDERSON SEAN E TRS 28 FORTUNE RD 50 COLBURNE PATH 50 TROWBRIDGE PATH YARMOUTH PORT,MA 02675 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 76/ 59/ / / 76/ 69/ / / 86/ 168/ / / MCCORMICK ROBERT E DESRUISSEAUX VICTOR J LEBARON JEAN M 19 FLICKER LN C/O ROBINSON PATRICIA 54 TROWBRIDGE PATH WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 51 MECHANIC ST WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 HOLLISTON,MA 01746 76/ 60/ / / 76/ 70/ / / 86/ 169/ / / GRIFFIN JOYCE L SWEENEY ROBERT C HAMILTON ROBERT S 18 FLICKER LN 58 TROWBRIDGE PATH HAMILTON SUZANNE L WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 40 SHEFFIELD RD WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 76/ 61/ / / 76/ 71/ / / 86/ 170/ / / KELLY TIMOTHY W DERNOGA JAMES W KEENER WILLIAM J TRS KELLY SHARON E 62 TROWBRIDGE PATH KEENER MARY A TRS 12 FLICKER LANE WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 47 TROWBRIDGE PATH WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 76/ 62/ / / 76/ 169/ / / 86/ 171/ / / SANMARTIN CLAUDIA OBRIEN KATHLEEN D KIMBERLY TRAN 6 FLICKER LN 73 TROWBRIDGE PATH 259 LONG POND DR WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 7W 63/ / / 76/ 170/ / / 86/ 172/ / / VINCENT RAYMOND C SHERMAN C RANDALL MULLEN TIM I VINCENT DAWN M SHERMAN RUTH D MULLEN AMY B 2 FLICKER LN 69 TROWBRIDGE PATH 37 TROWBRIDGE PATH WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673-1527 76/ 64/ / / 76/ 171/ / / 86/ 188/ / / GALLAGHER RITA M LIFE EST CORSI FRANK A(LIFE EST) ELLIS TRACEY 67 COLBURNE PATH 774 BELMONT ST 32 COLBURNE PATH WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 • WATERTOWN,MA 02472 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 76/ 65/ / / 76/ 172/ / / 86/ 189/ / / OBRIEN CONSTANCE ELLEN TR FLYNN TERESA 1 TRS(LIFE EST) DRISCOLL JACQUELYN E CAROL WALL OBRIEN IRR TRUST FLYNN JOHN ARTHUR 36 COLBURNE PATH 10 CLIFF ST 58 COLBURNE PATH WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 ROCKLAND,MA 02370 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 86/ 190/ / / 86/ 223/ / / MARKEY CYNTHIA ROSADO ALLEN-THERESA C/O SCAMMAN ROBERT 22 FLICKER LN 42 COLBURNE PATH WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02675 86/ 191/ / / 86/ 224/ / / PHILLIPS DAVID M MURRAY THOMAS F PHILLIPS-MURPHY DORIS MURRAY JANE M 46 COLBURNE PATH 25 DOVE LN WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 86/ 192/ / / 86/ 225/ / / PIRINI LISA J LEOPOLDO SIDIELTON NEIVA C/O ROONEY POWERS PIRINI LEOPOLDO TORIANN NEIVA 47 COLBURNE PATH 19 DOVE LN WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 86/ 193/ / / 86/ 231/ / / MORIARTY JASON S LEBLANC KWINAM MORIARTY LINDSEY B 20 DOVE LN 43 COLBURNE PATH WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 86/ 194/ / / 86/ 232/ / / JACKSON KENNETH T JR DUVERGER BRENDA M LARKIN 39 COLBURNE PATH 26 DOVE LN WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 86/ 195/ / / 86/ 233/ / / KELLY JAMES W LAFLASH CHARLES E 35 COLBURNE PATH LAFLASH GAIL C WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 25 BUNTING LN WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 86/ 196/ / / FLANAGAN CATHLEEN Please use this signature to certify this list of properties 29COLBURNE PATH abutting within 300'of utility pole 838/6 and using as a location WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 reference the parcel located at: 47 Colbume Path,West Yarmouth, MA 02673 86/ 220/ / / Assessors Map 86, Lot 192 WEST WILLIAM S 4 .y711.4 Jo 424 WESTALGIDE R Andy M3hado, Director of Assessing 38 FLICKER LN WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 86/ 221/ / / THOMPSON JENNIE E 32 FLICKER LN WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 86/ 222/ / / TROMBLY CHRISTINE 28 FLICKER LANE WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 Property Location: 47 COLBURNE PATH MAP/D:86/192/// Bldg Name: State Use:1010 Vision ID:10607 Accoun_t#10607 __ _ Bldg#: 1 of Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 1 Print Date:09/24/2018 15:04 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL(CONTINUED) Element Cd. Ch. Description Element Cd. Ch. Description Style 08 RR/Split Model 01 Residential Grade 03 Average 16 Stories 1 Occupancy 1 MIXED USE 10 Exterior Wall 1 14 Wood Shingle Code Description _ Percentage WDK Exterior Wall 11 Clapboard 1010 SINGLE FAM MDL-01 100 2 16 Roof Structure 03 Gable/Hip BAS BAS Roof Cover 03 Asph/F GIs/Cmp SFB UBM a Interior Wall 1 05 Drywall/Sheet 14 Interior Wall 2 COST/MARKET VALUATION - 15 15 14 Interior Flr I 14 Carpet Adj.Base Rate: 106.65 Interior Fir 169,147 Heat Fuel 03 Gas Net Other Adj: 0.00 Heat Type 05 Hot Water Replace Cost 169,147 22 12 AYB 1970 34 AC Type 01 None 22 BAS 22 Total Bedrooms 03 3 Bedrooms Dep Code C Total Bthrms 1 Remodel Rating Total Half Baths 0 Year Remodeled 15 CRL 13 Total Xtra Fixtrs Dcp% 25 Total Rooms Functional Obslnc D Bath Style 02 Average External Obslnc D 14 Kitchen Style 02 Modern Cost Trend Factor - 34 3 Condition %Complete Ovemil%Cond 75 Apprais Val 126,900 'i'. 'v x > a , De %Ovr D 1-17--,'n ,.,t r :i c• °s ay.,,,yN -v • 3, Dep Ovr Comment "` , ,r ' x B ' 7"as' r „% t,1-,:.r";w.+ '1'4.?' Mise Imp Ovr D r>r3',-`i. `I as ' ", ' fl `" _ g — ;:,!.:n2^„' .,, -£r 1e Mise Imp Ovr Comment . n A s'i . "r.y, . f _��, r. 9 -#. ," s ' `:14.:4:i CosttoCureOvr Ii k _,ty�42;'rs..,,A�fix rAx .- t -. . # x ` 9.arJ . q '; 't'- -c a; $ . %? Cost to Cure Ovr Comment a; . , ' s N r b 1 1 ` 6 � 4-r. ffii rr ft -411,4'.."a4.0.-° 'ter: .1'': I "s 1.0. Fi.�',L` ' ro 72t'^*n as ° ,T:*a Sc 06-0UTBUILDING& YARD ITEMS(L)/XF-BUILD/NG EXTRA FEATURES(B) X' q ° r , ' . t �7 t-.„, M fi x :*v'0`g""`;d"'ili " .r,� .. t .'9�vs x.�'"- -e yr Code D seri.tion Sub Sub Descri•t LB Units Unit Price Yr Gde D.Rt Cnd %Cnd A.r Value '� is y, y ay ` i t'�b .v�e �.,F. v� , ',g4 3d}, ars ., �.. '"` 5HD1 SIZED FRAME L 6 8.00 2003 70 500 Y FPLI FIREPLACE I B 1 2,200.00 1990 I 100 1,700 tq 'i `�A rig 34 ' ! ''t P u E4 .r ',it&q t:" c-pt,�,f1,e , d F;Cot> ep tr� ,p �yit r� i' :.t../14.7 ft; ++3 1`k ,i Shu V r ,. i il'/ � Y .1t,�"�jyWe ti �Y"nW'Z •Y �tgCCA'- Au1ei 4 , it?; ! -a} �f, 1--;3-4''''... .- gip@ 5 t . BUILDING SUB A REA SUMMARY SECTION E g Code Descri•lion Livin_ Area Gross Area EL Area Unit Cost Unde.rec. Value " r 3 t � __ BAS First Floor 1,328 1,328 1,328 106.65 CRL Crawl space 0 0 0 0 ' T i? t 4 e _ .,,r =WS SFB Base,Semi-Finished 0 330 198 63.99 21,117 A' � ,(h' r��,•- 't "`#M UBM Basement,Unfinished 0 180 36 21.33 3,839 d°.4''.7.1..„..,,___-. 4.---� � .,,,r. WDK Deck,Wood 0 244 24 10.49 2,560 ^�ir if, i " y r 7W /.`coca lin/lonci An 1328 2.082 1.586 .:» ...,,.m�f�•.r , • �aa,,.� "` "' v.,,.ds�� Property Location:47 COLBURNE PATH MAP 1D:86/192/// Bldg Name: State Use:1010 Vision ID:10607 _Account#10607 Bldg#: 1 of 1 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 1 Print Date:09/24/201815:04 -' CURRENT OWNER =TOPO. UTILITIES '. -STRT./ROAD LOCATION C(JRRENT ASSESSMENT PIRINI LISA J I Level 4 Gas 1 Paved 2 Suburban Description I Code [Appraised Value Assessed Value C/O ROONEY POWERS PIRINI 2 Public Water RESIDNTL 1010 128,600 128,600 815 47 COLBURNE PATtI — RES LAND 1010 127,100 127,100 6 Septic RESIDNTL 1010 500 500 YARMOUTH,MA WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Additional Owners: Other ID: 66/K017/// VOTE N — MISC 260 VOTE DATE01/31/2011 CHANCES PRIVATE R(COLBURNE PATH-WY BETTERMENT ♦ ISION PLAN NUMBEI860 ZIP CODE 2673 GIS ID: M_306264 826312 ASSOC PID# Total 256,200 256,200 • RECORD OF OWNERSHIP BK--VO//PAGE- SALE DATE q/u v/i SALE PRICE KC - PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS(HISTOR _. PIRINI LISA.1 21868/149 03/21/2007 U I 100 IJ Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value PIRINI MICHAEL C 8541/191 04/27/1993 1 2019 1010 128,6002018 1010 128,6002017 1010 128,600 PIRINI MICHAEL C 04/27/1993 Q 1 106,500 IN 2019 1010 127,100 2018 1010 105,9002017 1010 105,900 2019 1010 5002018 1010 4002017 1010 400 Total: 256,200 Total: 234,900 Total: 234,900 _ ' _ EXEMPTIONS OTHER ASSESSMENTS This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int. APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY - Total. Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 126,900 ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD -- Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 1,700 NBHD/SUB NBHD Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 500 0050/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 127,100 ,- r-NOTES - J.:. Special Land Value 0 TAN/NATURAL VA E/A FRONT/BACK SPLIT Total Appraised Parcel Value 256,200 Valuation Method: C Adjustment: 0 Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 256,200 - - BUILDING PERMIT RECORD `'VISIT/CHANGEHISTORY Permit ID Issue Date Type Description Amount Insp.Date Va Comp. Date Comp. Comments Date Type IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result 03-586 12/30/2002 RS Residential 13,000 04/23/2003 100 CONVERT CAR INTO 10/13/2017 02 BH CL Cyclical 07/15/2015 LS 54 Field Review 01/01/2014 01 1 BH CY CYCLICAL 2014 06/15/2005 - AL 00 Measur+Listed 04/23/2003 CM 01 Measur+lVisit LAN_D LINEVALUATION SECTION - B Use Use Unit L Acre C. ST. Special Pricing SAdj # Code Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price Factor S.A. Disc ,Factor Idx Adj._ Notes-Adj Spec Use Spec Calc Fact Adj. Unit Price Land Value 1 1010 SINGLE FAM MDL-01 D 9,148 SF 9.26 1.0000 5 1.0000 1.0010050 1.50 1.00 13.90 127,100 Total Card Land Units: 0.21 AC Parcel Total Land Area:P.21 AC I Total Land Value: 127,100 PETER D.ANDERSON Direct Dial:603.628.1410 M ���� Email:pet Elmd en@mclBo co 326 Admitted in NH and MA 900 m Street,P.O.and MA Manchester,NH 03105-0326 MI DDLETON T 603.625.6464 F 603.625.5650 September 19, 2018 Steven DeYoung, Chairman Board of Appeals Town of Yarmouth 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth,MA 02664 . Re: Special Permit Application to Mount Wireless Canister Applicant: Cellco for Verizon Wireless ("VzW") Addresses: Utility Pole 838 6 Colburne Path(nearest parcel 47 Colburne Path,Map 86, Lot 192-for reference only) Authority: Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-law Article 408, Communications,Antennas,Buildings,Tower Dear Mr.DeYoung: This letter serves to supplement VzW's enclosed applications for Special Permits to install and operate a "Small Cell"and Cloud Radio Access Network("CRAN")wireless communication antennas that will be mounted to the top of a new utility pole that will replace an existing utility pole located in the utility right of way in Yarmouth.This application covers the utility poles at the following location: Utility Pole 838 6 Colburne Path (nearest parcel 47 Colburne Path,Map 86,Lot 192-for reference only) The Town's form application for this site is attached at Tab 1. Plans for the site are attached at Tab 3. A letter of authorization from the owner of the poles is attached at Tab 4. The pole is co-owned by Verizon and Eversource. This application is being prepared pursuant to Article 408 of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law applicable to Communication Antennas in anticipation of a forthcoming meeting of the Yarmouth Board of Appeals on October 11,2018. As described in further detail below,the proposed antennas will provide capacity relief and improve network service in Yarmouth and in the immediately surrounding area. This proposal is part of VzW's greater initiative to deploy non-intrusive wireless technology solutions,including both CRAN antennas and Small Cell antennas, in municipalities throughout New England to improve voice and data coverage in targeted areas of dense demand. In light of the scale and exceedingly limited visual impact of this new technology,we have requested several waivers(see below)pursuant to Article 408.4.1 of the Zoning Bylaw in the hope that the Board will determine that such information is not necessary to complete a thorough review of the proposed facility,and so that VzW may proceed with the deployment of this new, low-impact technology.To aid you and your colleagues in consideration of this request,we have summarized pertinent background McLane Middleton,Professional Association Manchester,Concord,Portsmouth,NH I Woburn,Boston,MA McLane.com Town of Yarmouth September 19, 2018 Page 2 information on VzW and its proposal below. APPLICANT INFORMATION VzW is one of the nation's leading FCC-licensed providers of wireless communications services, extending coverage to almost all of the top 100 markets in the United States. VzW has developed one of the largest and most reliable national wireless networks to provide wireless voice and data services to an ever-growing customer base. VzW continuously works to enhance and improve its wireless network through the deployment of its voice,data, Long Term Evolution("LTE"or"4G")and Advanced Wireless Services("AWS") communications services. One of the key design objectives of VzW's system is to provide seamless and reliable coverage without significant gaps or dead spots or the inability to handle and off-load voice and data traffic,particularly in areas of dense demand. A copy of the FCC license is attached at Tab 5. "CRAN"and"Small Cell"Technolo2v Explained The strategic integration of CRAN and Small Cell antennas is a surgical approach to the continued deployment of VzW's LTE and AWS networks in Yarmouth and throughout the Cape and Islands, particularly in those areas of high data traffic.When a number of CRAN and Small Cell antenna installations are strategically placed throughout a targeted geographic coverage area, the end result of which is an overall increase in performance and efficiency,both within the target area and the network as a whole. In both cases,cellular signals are transmitted from multiple antennas and remote radio heads spread throughout the high traffic area at elevations lower than those from traditional wireless communications facilities("WCFs") such as towers or monopoles.The underlying difference between CRAN and Small Cells relates to the back-end processing: Small Cells process on-site,whereas CRAN installations process off-site at a centralized location connected via VzW's existing fiber optic network.VzW will be relying on both the Small Cell and CRAN antenna installations as it continues deployment of this network solution in Yarmouth in the months and years ahead. From a visual standpoint,the two are largely indistinguishable. I. CRAN Antennas In contrast to conventional WCFs, which combine all functionalities of the facility in a single location, CRAN leverages the existing fiber optic network infrastructure to allow for the separate component functionalities(namely,radio signal transmission/receiving and back-end data processing)of the facility to be located in multiple locations.CRAN wireless base stations("CRAN Nodes")are primarily comprised of a remote radio head and antenna,which are separate and distinct from the baseband head unit responsible for handling the centralized processing of numerous CRAN Nodes strategically located throughout a wide geographic area.By mounting these CRAN Nodes to existing utility poles,VzW is able to improve its network using existing infrastructure without the need for further build-out. Town of Yarmouth September 19,2018 Page 3 AMevMi' .aos •, owra I Backhaul its Optical fibs Cable ou.ioe.rno 'Ma,*Rea Witeiets Base Station Source:http://frankrayal com/20/1Po3/l7/cloud-ran-vs-small-cells-tradin¢-vrocessine-for-transnortcost/ IL Small Cell Antennas While the CRAN network architecture offers considerable advantages to handle the unique challenges and demands posed by high volumes of data traffic,this technology is only available in areas with there is an existing fiber optic infrastructure to support it.Though VzW is constantly working to expand the reach of the fiber optic network, coverage is not yet universal. In areas in which radio frequency engineers determine that CRAN technology cannot yet be deployed, VzW is using a similar utility pole-mounted canister antenna setup known as a"Small Cell".Whereas the CRAN bifurcates signal transmission and processing functions,the distinguishing characteristic of a Small Cell is that it combines the two functions in a single installation, albeit on a much smaller scale than a conventional WCF.Visually,a Small Cell canister antenna installation is virtually indistinguishable from that of a CRAN canister antenna installation. .• - .Antenna'. Backhaul *iu 31s Compact Base Station Source:http://frankrayaLcom/2012/03/l7/cloud-ran-vs-smallcells-trading processing for-transportcosi SMALL CELL INSTALLATION PROPOSED The enclosed application represents the initial deployment of what we anticipate will eventually be many such VzW CRAN and Small Cell antenna installations in Yarmouth. The installation at each location principally consists of a single tall cylindrical canister antenna(roughly the size of an electrical transformer)will be mounted atop an existing utility pole. The antenna itself resembles a traditional transformer and is virtually indistinguishable from those located on utility poles across the nation.Additional supporting equipment—a remote radio head,electrical junction box and meter,and fiber optic (if available)and power connections—will be mounted to the exterior of the utility pole,resulting in a self-contained antenna facility without the need for further infrastructure. With respect to visual impacts,this equipment is no different than the equipment of y id 3u •° uOU U C cu OD U � '. q .0 b q ECis 0 i :c 0 _ 0 a) 0 E q . ..z.,- u O ., 3 N .0y � yo• U CO a .aT a ; Town of Yarmouth September 19,2018 Page 5 1. Tax map and parcel number of subject property 2. Zoning district designation for the subject parcel. 3. Proposed location of any antenna, mount, tower,mount, or equipment shelter. See Application attached at Tab 1 and Plans attached at Tab 3. 4. Proposed security barrier,indicating type and extent as well as point of controlled entry. Not applicable. 5. If the application is for a Personal Wireless Service Facility a town-wide map showing other existing Personal Wireless Service Facility in the Town and outside the Town within one mile of its corporate limits. Waiver requested. 6. If the application is for a Personal Wireless Service Facility, a plan showing the proposed locations of all existing and future Personal Wireless Service Facilities in the Town on a Town-wide map for this carrier. Waiver requested. 408.6.3 Siting Filing Requirements 1. A one inch equals 40 feet(1"=40) Vicinity Plan showing the following: A. Property lines for the subject property. B. Property lines of all properties adjacent to the subject property within 300 feet. C. Tree cover on the subject property and adjacent properties within 300 feet,by dominant species and average height, as measured by or available from a verifiable source. D. Outline of all existing buildings and accessory structures, including purpose(e.g. residential buildings, garages, accessory structures, etc.) on subject property and all adjacent properties within 300 feet. E. Proposed location of antenna, mount and equipment shelter(s). See Plans attached at Tab 3, permission requested for scale of one inch equals 50 feet (1" =50'),waiver requested from A-D as subject property is utility pole and not real property. Town of Yarmouth September 19,2018 Page 6 F. Proposed security barrier,indicating type and extent as well as point of controlled entry. G. Location of all roads,public and private, on the subject property and on all adjacent properties within 300 feet including driveways proposed to serve the Communications Facility. H. Distances, at grade, from the proposed Communications Facility to each building on the vicinity plan. I. Contours at each two feet above mean sea level for the subject property and adjacent properties within 300 feet. J. All proposed changes to the existing property,including grading, vegetation removal and temporary or permanent roads and driveways. K. Representations,dimensioned and to scale, of the proposed mount, antennas, equipment shelters, cable runs,parking areas and any other construction or development attendant to the Communications Facility. L. Lines representing the sight line showing viewpoint(point from which view is taken) and visible point(point being viewed) from "Sight Lines" sub-section below. 2. Sight lines and photographs as described below: A. Sight line representation. A sight line representation shall be drawn from any public road within 300 feet and the closest facade of each residential building(viewpoint) within 300 feet to the highest point(visible point) of the Communications Facility. Each sight line shall be depicted in profile, drawn at one inch equals 40 feet. The profiles shall show all intervening trees and buildings. In the event there is only one(or more) residential building within 300 feet there shall be at least two sight lines from the closest habitable structures or public roads, if any. B. Existing(before condition)photographs. Each sight line shall be illustrated by one four- inch by six-inch color photograph of what can currently be seen from any public mad within 300 feet. C. Proposed(after condition). Each of the existing condition photographs shall have the proposed Communications Facility superimposed on it to show what will be seen from public roads if the proposed Communications Facility is built. D. Visual Impact. Photographic simulations from a distance of one hundred, one thousand, and five thousand feet and from four different locations of approximately ninety degrees apart of the proposed Communication Facility. Town of Yarmouth September 19, 2018 Page 7 3. Siting elevations,or views at-grade from the north, south, east and west for a 50-foot radius around the proposed Communications Facility plus from all existing public and private roads that serve the subject property. Elevations shall be at either one-quarter inch equals one foot or one-eighth inch equals one foot scale and show the following: A.Antennas,mounts and equipment shelter(s), with total elevation dimensions and AGL of the highest point. B. Security barrier. If the security barrier will block views of the personal wireless service facility, the barrier drawing shall be cut away to show the view behind the barrier. C. Any and all structures on the subject property. D. Existing trees and shrubs at current height and proposed trees and shrubs at proposed height at time of installation,with approximate elevations dimensioned. E. Grade changes,or cuts and fills, to be shown as original grade and new grade line, with two-foot contours above mean sea level. Waivers requested. Site Plan Review waived, see email from Mr. Grylls, Director of Inspectional Services/Building Commissioner attached at Tab 7. 408.6.4 Design Filing Requirements 1. Equipment brochures for the proposed Communications Facility such as manufacturer's specifications or trade journal reprints shall be provided for the antennas,mounts, equipment shelters, cables as well as cable runs, and security barrier, if any. 2. Materials of the proposed Communications Facility specified by generic type and specific treatment(e.g., anodized aluminum, stained wood, painted fiberglass, etc.). These shall be provided for the antenna, mounts, equipment shelters, cables as well as cable runs, and security barrier, if any. 3. Colors of the proposed Communications Facility represented by a color board showing actual colors proposed. Colors shall be provided for the antennas,mounts, equipment shelters, cables as well as cable runs, and security barrier, if any. 4. Dimensions of the Communications Facility specified for all three directions: height,width and breadth. These shall be provided for the antennas,mounts, equipment shelters, and security barrier, if any. 5. Appearance shown by at least two photographic superimpositions of the Communications Facility within the subject property. The photographic superimpositions shall be provided Town of Yarmouth September 19, 2018 Page 8 for the antennas,mounts, equipment shelters, cables as well as cable runs, and security barrier,if any, for the total height,width and breadth. 6. Landscape plan including existing trees and shrubs and those proposed to be added, identified by size of specimen at installation and species. 7. Within 30 days of the pre-application conference, or within 21 days of filing an application for a Special Permit,the applicant shall arrange for a balloon or crane test at the proposed site to illustrate the height of the proposed facility. The date, time and location of such test shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town at least 14 days,but not more than 21 days prior to the test. 8. If lighting of the site is proposed,the applicant shall submit a manufacturers computer generated point-to-point printout,indicating the horizontal footcandle levels at grade, within the property to be developed and twenty-five(25) feet beyond the property lines. The printout shall indicate the locations and types of luminaries proposed. Waivers requested. 408.6.5 Noise Filing Requirements The applicant shall provide a statement listing the existing and maximum future projected measurements of noise from the proposed personal wireless service facilities,measured in decibels Ldn(logarithmic scale, accounting for greater sensitivity at night), for the following: 1. Existing, or ambient: the measurements of existing noise. 2. Existing plus proposed Communications Facilities: maximum estimate of noise from the proposed facility plus the existing noise environment. Such statement shall be certified and signed by an acoustical engineer, stating that noise measurements are accurate and meet the Noise Standards of this Bylaw. There is no noise generated by proposed installation. 408.7 Design. 408.7.1 General. All Communications Facilities shall be designed and sited so as to have the least adverse visual effect on the environment. Only self-supporting monopole type towers are permissible. Lattice towers, or the use of ground anchors and/or guy wires, are prohibited. All towers and antennas must meet or exceed current standards and regulations of the FAA, the FCC, and any other agency of the federal, state, and county government with the authority to regulate towers and antennas. If such standards and regulations are changed, then the owners of the towers and/or antennas governed by this ordinance shall bring such towers and/or antennas into compliance with such revised standard and regulations within six (6)months of the effective Town of Yarmouth September 19, 2018 Page 9 date of such standards and regulations unless a more stringent compliance schedule is mandated by the controlling federal agency. Failure to bring towers and/or antennas into compliance with such revised standards and regulations shall constitute grounds for the removal of the tower or antenna at the owner's expense. Not applicable. 408.7.2 Location. No Communications Facility, antenna, or tower may be located in the Town of Yarmouth except as noted in this bylaw. 408.7.2.1 Allowed Areas. 1. The siting of Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall be allowed in any zoning district, but is especially encouraged on existing structures, where appropriate, and on sites shown on a map entitled "Town of Yarmouth Inventory of Existing Antenna Sites and Possible Antenna Sites," as currently amended.This map may be amended by Town Meeting action. 2. Communication antennas,buildings, or towers other than those for Personal Wireless Service Facilities(i.e.,those not defined in the Telecommunications Act of 1996) shall be allowed,by Special Permit,only on sites shown on a map entitled "Town of Yarmouth Inventory of Existing Antenna Sites and Possible Antenna Sites," as currently amended. Location is RS-40 District,Wireless Device is Permitted only under a Special Permit issued by the Board of Appeals. 408.7.3 Co-location. If feasible and appropriate, Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall be located on existing structures,including but not limited to buildings,water towers, existing Communications Facilities, utility poles and towers,and related facilities,provided that such installation preserves the character and integrity of those structures. In particular, applicants are urged to consider use of existing telephone and electric utility structures as sites for one or more Personal Wireless Service Facilities. The applicant shall have the burden of proving that there are no existing structures upon which it is feasible to locate. Wireless Device will be located on an existing structure (utility pole) in the public right of way. 408.7.3.1 Licensed carriers shall share Personal Wireless Service Facilities and sites where feasible and appropriate,thereby reducing the number of Personal Wireless Service Facilities that are stand-alone facilities. All applicants shall demonstrate a reasonable good faith effort to co-locate with other carriers. Such reasonable good faith effort includes: 1. A survey of all existing structures that may be feasible sites for co-locating Personal Wireless Service facilities; Town of Yarmouth September 19,2018 Page 10 2. Contact with all the other licensed carriers for commercial mobile radio services operating in the County, and; 3. Sharing information necessary to determine if co-location is feasible under the design configuration most accommodating to co-location. 408.7.3.2 In the event that co-location is found to be not feasible, a written statement of the reasons for the infeasibility shall be submitted to the Board of Appeals.The Board of Appeals may retain a technical expert in the field of RF engineering to verify if co-location at the site is not feasible or is feasible given the design configuration most accommodating to co-location. The cost for such a technical expert will be at the expense of the applicant. The Board of Appeals may deny a Special Permit to an applicant that has not demonstrated a reasonable good faith effort to provide for co-location. Not applicable. 408.7.3.3 If the applicant does intend to co-locate or to permit co-location, the Board of Appeals shall request drawings and studies, at the applicant's expense,which show the ultimate appearance and operation of the Personal Wireless Service Facility at full build-out. Not applicable. 408.7.4 Historic Buildings and Districts 1. Any Personal Wireless Service Facilities located on or within an historic structure shall not alter the character-defining features,distinctive construction methods, or original historic materials of the building. Not applicable. 2. Any alteration made to an historic structure to accommodate a Communications facility shall be fully reversible. Not applicable. 3. Personal Wireless Service Facilities within the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District shall be concealed within or behind existing architectural features, or shall be located so that they are not discernable from public roads and viewing areas within the district. Not applicable. 4. The siting of Communications Facilities which are located in the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District require the additional approval of the appropriate authority. Town of Yarmouth September 19, 2018 Page 11 Not applicable. 408.7.5 Scenic Landscapes and Vistas 1. Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not be located within open areas that are discernable from public roads,recreational areas, or residential development. Not applicable. 2. Any Communications Facility that is located within 300 feet of a scenic road, as designated by the town, shall not exceed the height of vegetation at the proposed location. If the facility is located farther than 300 feet from the scenic road, the height regulations described in 408.7.6.1 shall apply. Not applicable. 3. Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not be located within the Viewshed as designated and located in the VCOD. Not applicable. 408.7.6 Dimensional Requirements. All Communications Facilities shall comply with the dimensional and setback requirements of Bylaw section 203 (Intensity of Use Regulations). 408.7.6.1 Height,General. Regardless of the type of mount, Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall be no higher than ten feet above the average height of buildings within 300 feet of the proposed facility. Personal Wireless Service Facilities may locate on a building that is legally non-conforming with respect to height,provided that the facilities do not project above the existing building height. Not applicable. 408.7.6.2 Height,Ground-Mounted Facilities. Ground-mounted Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not project higher than ten feet above the average building height or, if there are no buildings within 300 feet,these facilities shall not project higher than ten feet above the average tree canopy height, measured from ground level (AGL). In no case may height exceed 200 feet above ground level. Not applicable. 408.7.6.3 Height, Side- and Roof-Mounted Facilities. Side- and roof-mounted Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not project more than ten feet(10') above the height of an existing building nor project more than ten feet above the height limit of the zoning district within which Town of Yarmouth September 19, 2018 Page 12 the facility is located. Personal Wireless Service Facilities may locate on a building that is legally non-conforming with respect to height,provided that the facilities do not project above the existing building height. Not applicable. 408.7.6.4 Height, Existing Structures.New antennas located on any of the following structures existing on the effective date of this bylaw shall be exempt from the height restrictions of this bylaw provided that there is no increase in height of the existing structure as a result of the installation of a Communications Facility: guyed towers, lattice towers, and monopoles. Not applicable. 408.7.6.5 Height, Existing Structures,(Utility).New antennas located on any of the following existing structures shall be exempt from the height restrictions of this bylaw provided that there is no more than a twenty foot(20') increase in the height of the existing structure as a result of the installation of a Communications Facility: electric transmission and distribution towers, water towers,telephone poles and similar existing utility structures.This exemption shall not apply in the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District,within 300 feet of the right-of-way of any scenic roadway. Proposed installation results in an increase in height,however it is below the twenty foot increase as mentioned above and therefor exempt. See photo simulations in Tab 8 for proposed changes. 408.7.6.6 Microwave antennas exceeding 12 inches in diameter on a roof or building-mounted facility shall not exceed the height of the structure to which they are attached, unless fully enclosed. Not applicable. 408.7.7 Parking Requirements. All Communications Facilities must meet the parking and buffer requirements of Bylaw section 301 (Parking and Loading Requirements). Not applicable. 408.7.8 Fall Zones. Communications towers,whether free-standing or part of another structure or building, must be set back from all property lines by at least the total height of the tower structure and its appurtenances. Not applicable. 408.7.9 Aesthetics. Town of Yarmouth September 19, 2018 Page 13 408.7.9.1 Landscaping. Existing mature tree growth and natural land forms on sites shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible. Screening for sites buffers and parking lots must meet the criteria outlined in section 301 Parking and Loading. In addition, the base of communication towers shall be screened from view by a minimum four(4) foot wide planting strip maintained with densely planted shrubs not less than six(6) feet in height. Shrubs shall be at least seventy-five percent(75%) evergreens. Fences or walls may be a part of such screening where deemed necessary, as approved by the Site Plan Review Team. In locations where the visual impact of communications towers would not be an issue,these requirements may be reduced or waived by the Building Inspector upon unanimous vote by the Site Plan Review Team. Not applicable. 408.7.10 Color and Camouflage 408.7.10.1 Color. Communications towers and antennas shall maintain a light gray or light blue finish,unless otherwise required by the Board of Appeals. Communication towers and/or antennas installed on an existing building or structure shall be camouflaged to match the building or structure to which they are attached or the background against which they are most commonly seen. Canister will be pained light grey. 408.7.10.2 Camouflage by Existing Buildings or Structures: 1. When a Communications Facility extends above the roof height of a building on which it is mounted, a reasonable good faith effort shall be made to conceal the facility within or behind existing architectural features to limit its visibility from public ways. Facilities mounted on a roof shall be stepped back from the front facade in order to limit their impact on the building's silhouette. Not applicable. 2. Communications Facilities which are side mounted shall blend with the existing building's architecture and shall be painted or shielded with material which is consistent with the design features and materials of the building. Not applicable. 408.7.10.3 Camouflage by Vegetation: If Communications Facilities are not camouflaged from public viewing areas by existing buildings or structures, they shall be surrounded by buffers of dense tree growth and understory vegetation in all directions to create an effective year-round visual buffer. Ground-mounted Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall provide a vegetated buffer of sufficient height and Town of Yarmouth September 19,2018 Page 14 depth to effectively screen the facility. Trees and vegetation may be existing on the subject property or installed as part of the proposed facility or a combination of both. The Board of Appeals shall determine the types of trees and plant materials and depth of the needed buffer based on site conditions. Not applicable. 408.7.11 Lighting and Signage 1. Communications Facilities shall be lighted only if required by the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA). Lighting of equipment structures and any other facilities on site shall be shielded from abutting properties.There shall be total cutoff of all light at the property lines of the parcel to be developed, and footcandle measurements at the property line shall be 0.0 initial foot candles when measured at grade. Not applicable. 2. Signs shall meet the design and display criteria of Bylaw section 303. Not applicable. 3. All ground mounted Communications Facilities shall be surrounded by a security barrier, where appropriate and necessary. Not applicable. 408.7.12 Equipment Shelters Equipment shelters for Communications Facilities shall be designed consistent with one of the following design standards: Not applicable. 1. Equipment shelters shall be located in underground vaults; or Not applicable 2. Equipment shelters shall be designed consistent with traditional Cape Cod architectural styles and materials,with a roof pitch of at least 10/12 and wood clapboard or shingle siding; or Not applicable. 3. Equipment shelters shall be camouflaged behind an effective year-round landscape buffer, equal to the height of the proposed shelter, and/or a fence.The Board of Appeals (and/or Town of Yarmouth September 19,2018 Page 15 the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Committee) shall determine the style of any fencing and landscape buffer that is compatible with the neighborhood. Not applicable. 408.7.13 Environmental Standards. 408.7.13.1 The location of any Communications Facility in or near wetlands is subject to the Wetlands Protection Regulations of the Yarmouth Conservation Commission. 408.7.13.2 The handling, storage, or disposal of hazardous materials is subject to Yarmouth Board of Health regulations and, when applicable, section 406 of this Bylaw. Not applicable. 408.7.13.3 Ground-mounted equipment for Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not, during normal operation, generate noise in excess of 50 db (non-continuous) at the property line. Not applicable. 408.7.13.4 Roof-mounted or side-mounted equipment for Personal Wireless Service Facilities shall not, during normal operation, generate noise in excess of 50 db (non-continuous) at ground level at the base of the building closest to the antenna. Not applicable. 408.7.14 Safety Standards. 408.7.14.1 Radio-frequency Radiation(RFR) Standards. All equipment proposed for a Communications Facility shall be authorized per the FCC Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radio-frequency Radiation(FCC Guidelines). 408.8 Accessory Equipment Storage. Mobile or immobile equipment not used in direct support of a Communications Facility shall not be parked on site unless repairs are being made to said facility. See Tab 6. 408.8 Accessory Equipment Storage. Mobile or immobile equipment not used in direct support of a Communications Facility shall not be parked on site unless repairs are being made to said facility. Not applicable. 408.9 Leases. No Special Permit granted under this section shall be effective for town-owned property used for the construction of a Communication Facility until a lease setting forth the Town of Yarmouth September 19, 2018 Page 16 particular terms, conditions, and provisions have been executed by the applicant and the Town of Yarmouth. Not applicable. 408.10 As-Built Plans. Within 60 days of completion of the initial construction and/or any additional construction or reconstruction, the owner or franchisee of any Communications Facility shall furnish 2 complete sets of plans, drawn to scale and stamped by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor,depicting the location of all towers and appurtenant facilities. VzW will comply 408.11 Inspection. At least every 24 months, all communication towers shall be inspected by an expert who is regularly involved in the maintenance, inspection, and/or erection of communication towers. At a minimum, this inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the tower inspection check list provided in the Electronics Industries Association(EIA) Standard 222, "Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Support Structures" and the State Building Code. A copy of each such inspection record shall be provided to the Building Inspector. The town may retain a technical expert in the field of RF engineering, at the expense of the carrier, to verify the inspection report. If, upon inspection, the communication tower fails to comply with such codes and standards, and constitutes a danger to persons or property,then upon notice being provided to the owner of the communication tower, the owner shall have thirty (30) days to bring such tower into compliance with such standards. Failure to comply may result in an order to remove such tower at the owner's expense. VzW will comply. 408.12 Abandonment or Discontinuation of Use. 408.12.1 At such time that a carrier plans to abandon or discontinue operation of a Communications Facility, such carrier will notify the Building Inspector by certified U.S. mail of the proposed date of abandonment or discontinuation of operations. Such notice shall be given no less than 30 days prior to abandonment or discontinuation of operations. In the event that a licensed carrier fails to give such notice,the Communications Facility shall be considered abandoned upon such discontinuation of operations. VzW will comply. 408.12.2 Upon abandonment or discontinuation of use, the carrier shall physically remove the Communications Facility within 90 days from the date of abandonment or discontinuation of use. "Physically remove" shall include,but not be limited to: 1. Removal of antennas,mount, equipment shelters and security barriers from the subject property; Town of Yarmouth September 19, 2018 Page 17 2. Proper disposal of the waste materials from the site in accordance with local and state solid waste disposal regulations, and; 4. Restoring the location of the Communications Facility to its natural condition, except that any landscaping and grading shall remain in the after-condition. VzW will comply 408.12.3 If a carrier fails to remove a Communications Facility in accordance with this section of this Bylaw,the Town shall have the authority to enter the subject property and physically remove the facility. The Board of Appeals may require the applicant to post a bond at the time of construction to cover costs for the removal of the Communications Facility in the event the Town must remove the facility. VzW will comply CONCLUSION In summary,while these small-scale antenna installations do not alone obviate the need for traditional wireless facilities,they are by far the least intrusive means available to address gaps in coverage in areas of dense demand for VzW's LTE voice and data services. Simply put,the equipment such as that proposed herein provides enhanced service to areas of concentrated demand,while avoiding the aesthetic impacts of traditional facilities. For the foregoing reasons,as well as to satisfy the mandate of the federal government to facilitate competition,provide high quality services to American consumers,and encourage the rapid deployment of new technologies in the telecommunications industry as set forth in the Telecommunications Act of 1996,as amended,VzW respectfully requests the issuance of this Special Permit so that it can meet the ever-increasing demand for high performance wireless service that the residents,businesses,and visitors of Yarmouth expect and deserve. Thank you for your timely attention to this matter.I look forward to speaking with the Board at the hearing. In the meantime,if you should have any questions regarding the enclosed application,please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincere/ Iry / P-/ D.°. derson PDA:jal Enclosures ec: Thomas W. Hildreth, Esq. Ralph Colorusso,Nexius PREPARED BY: SITE NAME: F0 YARMOUTH_SC14_MA LOCATION CODE: W N EX I U S 387778 w -RANFORN vOUR BUS NE99 THROUGH W RELES$ A&E OFFICE: SITE ADDRESS: Q 7A LYBERTY WAY UTILITY POLE NO.: 838 6 a WE1(72)755-ORD, 882886 47 COLBURNE PATH YARMOUTH, MA 02673 M Vit: x� + F t .4 • ' � • 1+4,'. ,•�'• ::(1 14+ 0,- . ,rs °. ...r •":544'' •.. .:1 • •'� I. '�' °�i1! ,. w,'�1'''. �,w`: *.i. _ ! •Y t•o - , , I '; .;a., t c.- r 'y ..tf`• 1. t :. .41-. E. 1 , 1T w0 a'i'r d•.�. - • es' ••i df ,4 • r' [[ ., t y• , ";• t acs _ ... �• . •Y fin. y 1• ;.• 1 ,."I 11 i v ys• 1 • '`, - I.t t• M `a � '}c.a W. ".., a.-. r • • - '+,•'Jowl., • 4.. .. 41IR •r ...rte"�i �a'"w a Y',�_ .t t-,.? ro�ft.<1 "i. 4- , .., itl. ^I�+p s..�y r ., . '«.3��ti "►,4 • r`.fl+ • .1. a �� ao.+y •!x+"r" 0`: - .x --4, . sa . ,I • • L f,s �sL �. A. WW ggUU , '4�•:"%" ) a'' dTi ',' THIS DOCUMENT IS THE DESIGN c .. � j . , Ira. 4. }. , f PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF NEXIUS 4• •+ Y" y. , `� ' . t k�� N AND FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE BY THE .,'�,,.L .. `. ".•0' e l ! �,• y C " 4 cR • 11 TITLE CLIENT. DUPLICATION OR USE v M,! `4 1 + s , �' . , r ' „Si . t _ s WfTHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN ,.. eta I 4 y ..a- y•°�,w.yr 5 r ' .. •3.. , . • ,. �,+,:• CONSENT OF THE CREATOR IS rk�•Ip 4.•° °1 11_x'+ K t r p •r';'K, y r k � '` �` a STRICTLY PROHIBITED. " l 4 EXI5TI :�„ " ? 1 - �O I..'fa 'lk ' - DRAWING SCALES ARE INTENDED FOR j ,� Y � a 5+�2 , �> ....'� �, t • �N • . " 11"x17" SIZE PRINTED MEDIA ONLY. i ,1„�� y„ -%'' ALL OTHER PRINTED SIZES ARE x ,4 t-"_ EXISTING a<~ s ... y,. * i; �. 1 ' ' i dr; 4w " DEEMED "NOT TO SCALE". a G i' ;� 1 y.. y:, ;i,`' .� " ..+ , },•?_•�' ° a SUBMITTALS 9 '• • PROPOSED LESSEE.ANTENNA & RRH f Is . f y '• 'a�' "^ i""� • L ' MOUNTED f0 EXISTING U/P a p ,. .'+ - . ' ` a T`" N�" ,' REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY ,'Y • � ,aN..; �, , -.�„' .� + •.v.16,*/CM!. • A 11/7!1/11 ION MeV JI F�: •a. " � 1 iy { � .:rx r i � al 'f -rte•• n b t „Y,r ` ..'r - - IrL _ :,! '.. _ y l4 4 .. . N, .. ' ' D • W ELD PATH .. -'`t > r:--1' �._z t • f. °Ne , �.�+ ,1 '•i , r �'. r * I , SITE INFO: II lir : , L1. A :, • y .. r. i ii V. Rn • i► �.' ,� " SITE NAME: �� .. .�� �.�s`•` ;y� r ;: «. YARMOUTH_SC14_MA terse . .A 1 .- PL ., ' �,. . #,� -• :.,•�,(.4 4"4-1( - • _ ✓mar. . is Y`- ... �� �.....' n 14. 4 •♦ •{t'f .. 11` 1 r . SITE ADDRESS: '� 1t • +Y 4 Q 49,0,,, 1;' �11111it'. '4 . •r ' � • ..o ,'` j "� J.1% U/P NO.: 838 6 I�- lihN.� 4: G"• • �' - • k • ' ,, w; �` 47 COLBURNE PATH t � �- '; ¢x "i { ._ YARMOUTH, MA 02673 f . o,.6or w•• _ �. _, ti , ": ,c• +• tl . +til. _ _ . a••i�.1 CHECKED BY: DATP.: 50 0 50 100 200 KB 11/20/16 E KEY PLAN PROJECT NUMBER: 1 WALE: 1' - 50' 20151251306 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1:50 (IN FEET) APPROX. NORTH SHEET NUMBER: POLE COORDINATES LATITUDE (NAD83) {LONGITUDE (NADB3) 41' 40' 47.35" N 70' 13' 24.83" W GROUND ELEVATION 54' A.M.S.L. (NAVD88) L Ei r PREPARED BY: PROPOSED 12.0•0x38.YH H ANTENNA TOP OF PROPOSED ANTENNA \ / \ / - - ELEV: 42'-8-& A.G.L. NOTES; J FASF EXHIBIT PROPOSED POLE PROPOSED ANTENNAS AN ANALYSIS OF THE CAPACITY OF THE EXISTING THIS LEASE PLAN IS DIAGRAMMATIC IN NATURE AND TOP MOUNT _ - - C.L OF ELEV: 41'-0'f A.G.L'r 1. STRUCTURE TO SUPPORT THE PROPOSED LOADING HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED BY NEXIUS. IS INTENDED TO PROVIDE GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE LOCATION AND SIZE OF THE w NEmus DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING PROPOSED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACIUTY. THE W IAA/WORM YOUR BUSNESS 9{ROL'OH W RECESS *II PROPOSED __OF OUTCOME OF A STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS. SITE LAYOUT WILL BE FINALIZED UPON COMPLETION �fG REV: 36'—bit A.G.L.POE $ N. OF SITE SURVEY AND FACILITY DESIGN Q' A8,E OFFICE: 7A LYBERTY WAY / \ a WESTFORD•MA 01886 1(872)755-1882 I PROPOSED 1/2' COAX CABLES W/ U-GUARD`1)TO ANTENNAS I TOP OF i. • i `7 - j.'. _I _ EXISTING UTILITY POLE ►s r > qty •, ~ PROPOSED I ELEV: 28'-8'± A.G.L. ` r „ a� �. i WEATHER HEAD EXISTING I EXISTING ' ..a 's. ,,,; '�' ' EXISTING I SECONDARY POWER$ .7.1:::74:.:' �, f SECONDARY . �•' �r l + �• STREET LIGHT - - I - _ - _ - / ELEV: 2STREET A.G.L. POWER •-' ',-'-'‘.1.•'.,..----.-4:".":17-.;14.-.: 1;.',...."1.-- L� ,�S' EXISTING STREET LIGHT !D i f: ELEV: 25'-0't A.G.L. ' +' .` Vit• ' :r ;ifs` ;; r'; THIS DOCUMENT IS THE DESIGN r; - ' r. ..... THIS ANO COPYRIGHT OF NEXIUS •' y ` r -�- AND FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE BY THE CONDO TOM -' ` �� p^ •�� TITLE CUENT. DUPLICATION OR USE j •► !�a'�-{ 4,-►P'"`-'' r\ WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PROPOSED FIBER r, • :A.,� - CONSENT OF THE CREATOR IS CONDOR/ FIBER '�__. t;1 +' STRICTLY PROHIBITED. EXISTING TELCO - _ EXISTING CATV i `��G _ ". \ ELEV: 19'-0't A.G.L. , yl A DRAWING SCALES ARE INTENDED FOR EXISTING FIBER db. EXISTING FIBER 'i - - ELEV: 18'-0"t A.G.L. i. • ;;;y { ;� `'r ." �' ` r 11"x17' SIZE PRINTED MEDIA ONLY. •I PROPOSED F ,'• • J t �1 •0'�. • - �� ALL OTHER PRINTED SIZES ARE PROPOSED DIPLEJ(FRS (TOTAL OF 2) I DEMARC - • • DEEMED NOT TO SCALE'. MOUNTED TO RRH BRACKET. TO SU I I t ' ,.. Cp 6� R y r` , _ 1 F �(' r. f' SUBMITTALS I 1 [ t. ,p t 'V r .' r'f$-w �_"* 1 ti.k , J '' :''._ if.,' REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY PROPOSED AC/DC CONVERTER :cam' cr ; ; • m.r AF • , (TOTAL OF 2) 1. �.. �'r I 44 'F YE INTO. A 11/x/1 PROPOSED 1/2 1 a : . `-..*.HIS SP COAX CABLES (TOTAL I "I s OF 4) TO DIPLEXER 1 PROPOSED RRH'S (TOTAL OF 2) SEE '. �-jf� , 4,-.' ' n DETAIL 1/LE-3 FOR ORIENTATION -S:4;.A.4 ` `' 1{ I PROPOSED SAR-0 I. PROPOSED RGS 1:' • - -. 'nn`,� ..'s Nit'.. a- SITE INFO: CON DUR /Mid r_1 ,1: �\ TI �?' ti QPROPOSED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT a . NG U r R E'_ fi • -� . ' SITE NAME CFF DETAIL ]/LF—w FDR ORIENTATION I •.: 838 8.i= ` YARMOUTH_SC14_MA PROPOSED - SITE ADDRESS: lb GROUND WARE U/P NO.: 838 6 f EXISTING U/P �>�,. - ---__-__ .; _ 47 COLBURNE PATH NO.: 638 B - ` sr EXISTING GRADE YARMOUTH, MA 02673 I I ELEV: O' 0" A.G.L. i L -IJ I r, CHECKED BY: DATE: EXISTING l.4� rlr`• KB I 11/2x/16 GROUND ROD '1"1 •;!�1 8 ' PROJECT NUMBER: (V.I.F.) • - -• • • 20151251306 SHEET NUMBER: r N iELEVATION 1.:( 2'-B" 5'-4" '°'-B• PHOTO DETAIL LE...2 soul: 3/1e• - 1'-O• H I O N.T.S. GRAPHIC SCALE: 3/16".•1'-0" PREPARED BY: — , ©�.rm�t►� . ' tirbil:. -----\ O NEXIUS EXISTING `'�-N '44.4FORM VDUR 0 9 NESS TI ROUO,I W REM-3 GRASS AREA ii O 1 0 J -•'\ 1 ARE OFFICE: PROPOSED ?�;9"�\ \\. METER, BELOW .. ii WEISTFORD,MA01886 (mr� of 2) . ,PROPOSED • , (972,755_,682 EXISTING U11UlY Q� •p _ \ AWS RRH POLE NO.: 838 1I Rill I RI 0 N \-:-=' N • N Tzif 1I �� ? .� r •• i �, , ' PRISED PROPOSED DIPLDfERS (TOTAL OF 2) WIRELESS CONSTRUCTION, INC. PCS RRH / MOUNTED TO RRH BRACK . TO SUR �" 1' POLE/WALL MOUNT FOR DUAL �� ' EDGE OF PAVEMENT_ RADIO BRACKET I PROPOSED POLE MOUNT ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY. FOR DUAL RADIO BRACKET 0 1 DOUBLE MOUNT 2 ANTENNA SPECIFICATIONS 2 PCS RRH RACK W/ 1 COMMSCOPE - NH360QM-DG-2XR COLBURNE PATH SUPPLIED HARDWARE 3 AWS RRH RACK W/ 1 DIMENSIONS 12"0 x 38.7• SUPPLIED HARDWARE WEIGHT 33.7 LBS RRH MOUNTING BRACKET SPEC. 3 ANTENNA SPEC. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE DESIGN ON.T.S.H ORIENTATION PLAN N.T.S. PROPERTY AND COPYRIGHT OF NEXIUS E9 O L AND FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE BY THE SCALE N.T.S. TITLEWITHOUT THE DEXPR SS WRITTEN UPUCATION OR SE PROPOSED CONSENT OF THE CREATOR IS APPROX. NORTH ANTENNA STRICTLY PROHIBITED. DRAWING SCALES ARE INTENDED FOR 12" 9.5' 11"x17" SIZE PRINTED MEDIA ONLY. ' ALL OTHER PRINTED SIZES ARE DEEMED ALL TO SCALE". _ (2) 1/2" COAX CABLES & (1) RET - CABLE IN 2" IN RATED U-GUARDS 4 SUBMITTALS 0, J. -i 4/ SECONDARY LINES • ( / �+ REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY N ��- IT WEATHER HEAD (LEAVE A tt/2/t■ rat■[vo dY I 10' UTILITCONDUCTORSYCO. TIEINS)FOR FIBER FRONTHAUL , - ' �— _. ? & BACKHAUL ? ?--- -i FRONT SIDE FIBER DEMARC ON POLE 1 . ; i' ? PCS RRH (2) DIPLEXER 1. 1 i______..... SITE INFO: WEIGHT: 55.0 LBS. ANTENNA • FIBER JUMPERS IN 1-1/2"—'- . l UV RATED U-GUARD IF ? ? (4) 1/2" COAX SITE NAME: 7 2" LENGTH EXCEEDS 4' 1 J 1 CABLES 11 8" —? t r ■ YARMOUTH_SC14_MA AWS 7 3" 13.2" I SAR-0 RRH PCS " (3)#6 AWG WIRE IN ANTENNA FIBER JUMPER (TYP.) I 1 RRH • 1-1/2" UV RATED PVC SITE ADDRESS: -'I I - l - BRACKET I T- u —L1J. — 1. r"•,L VARIABLE TILT, VARINNA ABLE DC POWER ,,• U/P NO.: 838 6 �' 4I #2 AWG COPPER '� AZIMUTH ASSEMBLY E ` DELTA AC/DC 7 GROUND (TYP.) 47 COLBURNE PATH r. 1 • \I — CI CONVERTER (T,'P. OF 2) YARMOUTH, MA 02673 16 le ..,-, I ..l 41, N CHECKED BY: DATE: FRONT SIDE I}{gU_BOLT WITH AC POWER NOTE: USE PROVIDED DELTA a .� O #2 AWG COPPER GROUND KB 11/up e WEIGHT: 6.8 LBS. - BACK-UP PLATES, MANUFACTURERS WIRING HARNESS _ NUTS A: WASHERS / - IN 1/2" UV-RATED PVC PROJECT NUMBER: FRONT SIDE _// EXISTING UTILITY POLE 20151251306 AWS RRH 60A-2 POLE CIRCUIT BREAKER SERVICE WEIGHT: SQ,B L s. SHlifi'1'NUMBER: DISCONNECT WITH (2) 10A CIRCUIT BREAKERS & METER SOCKET COMBINATION FURNISHED WITH BYPASS PROVISION PER 3/4"0x10' COPPER RRH SPEC. ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAIL UTILITY CO. REQUIREMENTS CLAD GROUND ROD DIPLEXER SPEC. N.T.S. 6 ® 0 N.T.S. GENERAL WIRING DIAGRAM N ][.__,E_ 3 .T.S. \ N.T.S. EVERS--URCE One NSTAR Way,NWBE01a0 ENERGY Westwood,Massachusetts 02090 December 16,2015 Attention:State and Municipal Permitting Authorities Re:Initial Authorization for Verizon Wireless to Attach to NSTAR poles To Whom It May Concern: Eversource Energy d/b/a NSTAR Electric("NSTAR")is aware that Verizon Wireless is in the process of permitting for the installation of necessary telecommunications equipment and corresponding aerial fiber optic cable in various locations on NSTAR-owned poles throughout our service territory. As part of the approval process,we understand that there is a requirement for NSTAR to review these locations and provide the Towns with confirmation of its approval in advance of Verizon Wireless's proposed attachment. Accordingly,NSTAR hereby submits its initial authorization for Verizon Wireless to install its equipment and corresponding aerial fiber mutes to NSTAR poles In the geographic locations as depicted on the plans submitted by Verizon Wireless and on file with the Towns. The installations on NSTAR poles will be subject to the underlying terms and conditions of agreements by and between NSTAR and Verizon Wireless,as the same may be in effect from time to time. If there is anything further that I can provide you with for your analysis,please do not hesitate to contact me at 508-441-5881. Steven M.Owens Supervisor-Rights,Permits&Public Works Eversource Energy(NSTAR Electric) One NSTAR Way,NWEED180 Westwood,MA 02090 Ph: (508)441-5881 , Fax(508)441-5842 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In casts where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCCCp lr erre. e eO�bhk. t\Federal Communications Commission Wireless Telecommunications Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION `ow,usP`' rr tyt 4'7" ingC P LICENSEE: CELLO PARTNERSHIP • o0 ., +y. Call Sign File Number ATTN:REGULATORY ,;;•'' " WQGB266 0006150458 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP .form:.. . t Radio Service 1120 SANCTUARY PKWY,tf150 GASASREG AW-AWS(1710-1755 MHz and ALPHARETTA,GA 300092763 S,�,1 2110-2155 MHz) sect. c risk FCC Registration Number(FRN): 00032Q0673 Grant Date Effective ate • Expiration Date Print Date 11.29-2006 01 04'2014 11-29-2021 02.14-2014 Market Number » '¢ Channel Block Sub-Market Designator CMA006 'lbx 0 Market;Name Boston-LcAl1iBrocicton-Lawrenc 1st Build-out Date 2nd Buildout Date (;. 3rd Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date 4 .ton N .. Waivers/Conditions: rf v.. This authorization is conditioned upon the licensee,prior to initiating o a 'from any base or fixed station,making reasonable efforts to coordinate frequency usage with known co-channel'anntadcent channel incumbent federal users operating in the 1710-1755 MHz band whose facilities could be affected by the proposed operatiions.See,e.g.,FCC and NTL% Coordination Procedures in the 1710.1755 MHz Rand,Public Notice,FCC 06-50 W�«TB Docket No.02-353,rel.April 20, 2006. f %, Conditions: ,, Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),lhislic„I cis subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any_right in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authoxizedterein%Neither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation the Communications Act of r n+sr sxe a 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. e''-u i10 r ,dcri This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identifie tin the handcd`py„yersion. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum and7MME HAiea information • under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm7job=home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page I of 2 April 2009 • Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Call Sign: WQG/266, File Number: 0006150458 Print Date: 02.14-2014 "±.4 su,.. , The license i5 subject{o compiance with the provisions of the January 12,2001 Agreement between Deutsche Telekom AG, VoiceStream Wreless Corporation,VoiceStream Wireless Holding Cotpu,ation and the Department of Justice(DOJ)and the Federal Bureau of liMestigat On(FBI),which addresses national security,law enforcement,and public safety issues of the FBI and the DOJ regarding the authority granted by this license.Nothing in the Agreement is intended to limit any obligation ,� imposed by Federal)awor rej,*uta""tipn including,but not limited to,47 U.S.C.Section 222(a)and(cXl)and the FCC's implementing regulatio1is'` heAgreement is published at VoiceStream-DT Order,1B Docket No.00-187,FCC 01.142, 16 FCC Red 9779,9853(2001 ; Ff « . 1 h iy0 4_x,;1414 'M � a°� ,., m"' 4 Tij- • a '' ' ` 1 4,1 esefw ki ' jet FCC 601-MB Page 2 of 2 April2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.it is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC,b�"ense. x ese1- yyN�,r , �"Federal Communications Commission e `) Wireless Telecommunications Bureau 4w RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION • `mw�tS�' 10 LICENSEE CELLCO P TNERSIIIP s. k ev`¢s i. y' + t' m$ Call Sign File Number ATTN:REGULATORY ,w^ WQGA900 0006150134 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP t`3.*' Radio Service 1120 SANCTUARY PK WY,k 150 GApSA5REG AW-AWS, 1710-1755/2110-2155 MHz ALPHARETTA,GA 30009 ° �,'f bands FCC Registration Number(ERN): 0003290673 \ Grant Date Effcctive"15iie Expiration Date Print Date 11-29-2006 I2-212103 11-29-2021 02-14-2014 x a.m Market Number '�`e„'/:�T”Channel Block Sub-Market Designator BEA003 '_err " B 1 Marketplame _. Boston-Wof€es i-Lawrence-Lowe ,arn,�r,.,„;� 1st Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date ` r 3rd Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date Waivers/Conditions: r This authorization is conditioned upon the licensee,prior to initiating op rations from any base or fixed station,making reasonable efforts to coordinate frequency usage with known co-channetaii aillacent channel incumbent federal users operating in the 1710-1755 MHz band whose facilities could be affected by the proposed operations.See,e.g.,FCC and NTIA Coordination Procedures in the 1710-1755 MHz Band,Public Notice,FCC 06-50,WTH"Doeke'tNo.02-353,rel.April 20, 2006. ..,,, - .� 9 ., • AWS operations must not cause harmful interference across the Canadian or Mexican Border. Tli authority granted herein is subject to future international agreements with Canada or Mexico,as applicable '°i:,7471,44 fiy�s t�µ' Conditions: • T( . 41 Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C. §309(h),Ihia heen-0se is ssubject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor anytngh\in the use of the so frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized fieFem;n �`Ieither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of th Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§ 310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use 01 controls'&ed by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. • This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified on the`hazdebp fxve§sion. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum andAirkef Area infottnation under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at hup://wireless.fec.gov/uls/index.htm?job=home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 1 April 2009 • REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases where FCC ivies require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official.FCC�h"Icense. eeMYey ft,„eol ,� e, i 4,, Federal Communications Commission g Wireless Telecommunications Bureau o lial et`curios#* , RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: A1RTOUCI`1,CELLULAR ^( +, { "s Call Sign File Number ATTN:REGULATOgYV/V' KNLF646 0007490665 AIRTOUCH CELLULAR �""` .rt"::: `: , Radio Service 5055 NORTH POINT PKWY NP2NE NETWORK ENGINEERING CW-PCS Broadband ALPHARETTA,GA 30021' M1f FCC Registration Number(FRN): 0006 46(468 ast Grant Date Effective-61W% Expiration Date Print Date 12-02-2016 l2 0r20T6 j 01-03-2027 12-03-2016 c•c is Market Number ``B'CharinelBlock Sub-Market Designator BTA051 �a ls' ° __ 1 MarketName , ys�. I3ostrin,MA,,,,‘ 1st Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date rr.aid Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date 12-07-2003 01-03-2007 ' - • _. Waivers/Conditions: r € -4 This authorization is subject to the condition that,in the event that systems tasrna,t c same frequencies as granted herein are authorized in an adjacent foreign territory(Canada/United States),future coordination of any base station transmitters within 72 kin(45 miles)of the United States/Canada border shall be required to eliminate any harmful,jnterference to operations in the adjacent foreign territory and to ensure continuance of equal access to the frequenciestb'y Qtltico ntries. 7 \;- Grant of the request to update licensee name is conditioned on it not reflecting an assra ignment or $isfer of control(see Rule 1.948);if an assignment or transfer occurred without proper notification or FCC approval,the gram is void and the station is licensed under the prior name. t , Conditions: t"'° {i ensei Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),tin 1tE�nse is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station1nor any right in the use of the a frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authonzer d}i'creitl;.., either the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation:o`fiheCommunications Act of 1934,as amended. Sec 47 U.S.C. §310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or controlcSriferced by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. `^ ,i. .FSS` This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified dn rhe hardcyersion. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum and';Mark°dek•ea information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http:/,rwireless.fcc.gov/u1s/index.htm7job=home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 oft . April 2009 Licensee Name: AIRTOUCH CELLULAR Call Sign: KNLF646 File Number: 0007490665 Print Date: 12-03-2016 License renewa3 gran on a conditional basis,subject to the outcome of FCC proceeding WT Docket No.10-112(see FCC 10-56,paras.'113 and.).26) ":` UV �1y y N 4 Y A !Mf 4 Urf Vitt Y calq J 111 hlry tat? '., , iV Mter ig 9,0 f Nt �r s sr Bwr b' ep � FCC 601-MR Page 2 of 2 April2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCCs licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FC+�C`'nc�ense. pOYYY,O �� eef ) aot s Federal Communications Commission , ,�_ Wireless Telecommunications Bureau COYYat • s RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP 1M'ki ,," a Call Sign File Number ATTN:REGULATORY r KNLH242 0007716969 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Radio Service 5055 NORTH POINT PKWY NP2NENETWORK ENGINEERING CW-PCS Broadband ALPHARETTA,GA 30022 'tc . firms FCC Registration Number(FRN): 0003-90673\ ' Grant Date Effective`D ate"''+",. Expiration Date Print Date 06-02-2017 06-V-201 ` 06-27-2027 06-06-2017 Market Number Cha'n`nel Block Sub-Market Designator BTA051 `"`""F 0 Market Name il3oston,MA 1st Buildout Date 2nd Build-out Date ( 3rd Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date 06-27-2002 .a /•L�wk Waivers/Conditions: ,r NI) This authorization is subject to the condition that,in the event that systemsqusmg the same frequencies as granted herein are authorized in an adjacent foreign territory(CanadallJnited States),future co$rdination of any base station transmitters within 72 km(45 miles)of the United States/Canada border shall be required to eliminate any harmful interference to operations in the adjacent foreign territory and to ensure continuance of equal access to the frequenciipe+s bj%'tioth'countries. This authorization is conditioned upon the full and timely payment of all monies due pursuant meections 1.2110 and 24.716 of the Commission's Rules and the terms of the Commission's installment plan as set forth in the Noteland Security Agreement executed by the licensee. Failure to comply with this condition will result in the autom3tiebancellation of this authorization. 46 1‘ iitt Conditions: A. .1 Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),this license is jubject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any;nsj,in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the tern thereof nor in any other manner than authors ed.hetern eiNeither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation ofh*,Communiations Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§.310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or controlc5`iiferre'd�by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. .;.'�,,.: +� , '.:r� This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified&thehardeg fy,'tiersion. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum andaiket Ai'ea information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http://wireless.fce.gov/uls/index.htm7job=home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 2 April 2009 , Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Call Sign: KNLH242, File Number: 0007716969 Print Date: 06-06-2017 r5_ License rene`�v gmold on i nditionat basis,subject to the outcome of FCC proceeding WT Docket No. 10-112(see FCC 10-86,paras.113 and 1261 ' wra ie-7 :AA us 1 t lot 1r ,; F } ly yyA i t M sre f )sA if it 1A�T 5 S4s4T t • 641r '441'1 4x•4_ FCC 601-MB Page 2 of 2 April 2009 600Z 11adv 120 1 abed fl11[-I09 003 •uopou.OJus asuaag 103liaaeas ' 01 moo uo suo1ianusw a41 nwpod •„4anas asuaarl„paps pue awo4-qo ftu>lq•xapuySln(AOW aayssa[anm//:du4;e a9edawoq 8111 a4;0;08`pumas asUaotl a41 main oy •(sin)uw;s,SS 8uIsuaall IosmnNufl a44 n!pupal asuaag a41J0 gey;w11eys4 a411apun pumps oa l lalr}oyAtque tutu-pads%4101 aaJa1'asuaa!!s144 Ass Pozuo4;ne utnnaads pue ease argde18uaa awrnads a4;main el •uorslan'.fdo;7peg;a41 u9'pagnuapr tunnaads 10 tan argdoi2oa8 anlua a41!no48nonl;uopeuado azpogme sou Amu asuaarl SJ t7 . '909§'0'S'11 L4 an Papuaute se`4£6l Jo;ay suonearunwwo0 a4; 20 00L.96q Poul styw+loiiuoa uo asn Jo 148p%4102 suua;u!17a[gns sr asuaog s!4J. •(P)OH E§•0.8.11 L6 aaS •papuawo so`17€6 I L 2 I P J 4 P as P 4P 4 4 I 20 say suone�iu�mwo0lay;J4 3or;e oro m azw suer aslmla 10 uo au8rsse a osis anal% i puma 8r1 a 1 JOU asuaar a4;1a41!aM taalaq paZud4lne ue4;lauuew ia4;o,Cue u!sou;oaiagl 1111x]a41 puoAaq asuaarl ass;us pa;eu2Isap satauanbag a41 Jo asn a4;ut;y81y.X¢102 uone;s x41 a;olado 01 Nap Aug%asuaag a41 u!pan sou Hogs asuaag sissy suolppuoa 8mm0ILOJ 04;of laaigns st stiaptl 141'(4)60£§'am Li,`Papuawe se 17E61 20 say suor;earuntltuto0 a41 Jo(toga 0;;uansand :suol3lpuof A;-„,r;11:9 k salfl s uotssumuo0 a41 20 9 17 nollaas 41rm aauegdwas uodn pauogrpuoa s!uopezpo4lne sissy "V„3 '(q)EI•LZ§Mn Lb an •4i2ua[u!1auogs s!popad ianagoigM`paprno.td uaaq sou aa!nms;seopeolq a4;peg asuaag a4t Jo tuts;x41 m4;!m 10 aarnlas ;seapeoag a4120;uatuaauawutoa a4;Wag slpaAig8p unpins ua4lra asuaag%4130 leMaual Maas;sow postman x41`saatwuas 19410 gum uopeu1qusoa us ao CIanlsnlaxa 1ag;aPsuOgelado yseape0aq aptnoid 01 pass a10 wafa4 pazr.to4lne sang'aei a41J1 h l suoylpuo0tsuanlem Nis.44 'y 6101-£1-90 £IOZ'£1-90 alga;no-PI!nfl 916 open inoPflnfl Jj£ o-;2 a;CQ;n°-PUnfl put a;cQ)no-Pl!nfl 4sI 1/24‘ 'ase wor[jw aweN.1a.1118111 a0)eu8lsaQ ppae1Q-qng ,13011 Iauus 1D a,sv"- a aagwnN;amen mn 6TOZ-£1-90 r r1QZ' Z-50 800Z-9Z-II NIQ;u13 OJEQ uopendxa }a;a ngaaJJ3 %1110)uoa0 11'0 f 906 £000 W413)£34 milli uopn.t;sl;lag 331 (011301fl)Pueg.wddRzH1V OOL RM t,r1y4E9 6000E VO'VLL321VHd'IV 03IISVSV0 OSIt(gA'MSId AuvruamVS OZI I aalnaag orpeH t anisli2NDIVd ODTIJ3 689afbM .�rA R�J �� �� 210,1tl-I31I=NJ.ytl aagwnN a113 u81S 1103 m re ✓ kms„'t r; ;' dIHS113N3vd 4 .'il 3 :33SN30I1 • •M it, NOLLVZRIOHSIIV NOIZVIS OIQVI1 ,o„+Wtojo riming suo�calunmwoaa(ay ssata nAt ,ek .. uOISSILUMOD suoi;Calunlllump teaapagr` fix, ,. ♦04 en" ?3 mean-Dog man°tie so aaeld w pasa aq lou hew luatenaop s!qt•asuaag D0g ueJo 6eldsp 10•8uttsod•uonelnasesd ass)again]salol Dog atop%sassy Ul•paleraua8 SBM Moa aaua.w;a SRI Imp amp x41 uo asege)ep 8u!suaa!I s3o3 a41 m pautu;uoa uogetwo;ut aggnd Jo maw a s!II'asuaal;0og tepri3o we sou st situ, Ado)33N3N3d311 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases Sete FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC lie p§.. ,4` m ' 's es. d (AMMO* ,-.4.;\4 � °... Federal Communications Commission S0 '+ ' Wireless Telecommunications Bureau o`°004'$':8 t 't-' '` RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION • tit LICENSEE: CELLCOPART ,ERSIIIP Call Sign File Number 4 30. "` °'� KNKA201 0006356224 - ATTN:REGULATORY 9,. -1r Radio Service CELLCO PARTNERSHIP:, `1,4 1%' CL-Cellular 1120 SANCTUARY PKWSF i(If50 OAfSA5REG ALPHARETFA,GA 30009-7630 3'r rd , - Market Numer Channel Block . „'I"?sir CMA006 B .r Sub-Market Designator 1mi 0 FCC Registration Number(FRN): 0003290673;"1---,,")„ Market Name 'N ° ore - Boston-Lowell-Brockton-Lawrenc 'N ''1'4 ,A Grant DateEffective Date , hrpirahon Date Five Yr Build-Out Date Print Date 08-26-2014 08-26-2014 t _a; 110-01'-1024 08-26-2014 t" " Site Information: ' rr6 y/ Location Latitude Longitude Ground Eieva ion Structure Ilgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters), 's•' (meters) Registration No. 1 42-38-26.3 N 070-36-25.2 W 36.3 '`4, ,✓ "''"'+h35.7 Address:(Rockport)Thatcher Road " + r'' yt City:Rockport, County:ESSEX State:MA Construction Deadlin`etr Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 13 180 225 270 315 Antenna lleightAAT(meters) 70.400 34.100 34.100 34.100 700507t67:800 55.200 61.300 Transmitting ERP(watts) 246.920 325.500 33310 0.940 4.820 0.820 1.210 20.070 • f1 #.17 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 iC 180 225 270 315 '13 -, Antenna Height AAT(meters) 70.400 34.100 34.100 34.100 40:400 67.800 55.200 61.300 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.820 3330 54.020 373.730 191 670 10180 0.820 0820 Antenna:7 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 f` ` 225 �i 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 70.400 34.100 34.100 34.100 7043 ;,,,67 }. Ullr 55300 61300 Transmitting ERP(watts) 3330 0820 0.820 0.820 7.810 41426.630 1499.780 89.650 �ax' A Conditions: Pursuant to §309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),this license is subject t the., following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor arl ,righ p11 se of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized'Re e i IIeithcr the license not-the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. FCC 601-C Page 1 of 1 1 August 2007 . Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Call Sign:KNKA201 File Number: 0006356224 Print Date:08-26-2014 � i Location tI:aim& Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure i (meters) (meters) Registration No. 4 42-08.56: N.:. 071-24-55.2 W 75.6 44.2 • Address:113 Main Street,, . City:Medway County:NO(2FOLK State:MA Construction Deadline: Antenna:4 Azimuth([pmt. enorth) 'k %ye 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters x x59;500 66.700 61.200 46.900 23.900 39.300 13.900 12.300 Transmitting ERP(watts) : \.81.280 89.130 24.550 1.120 0.200 0200 0.420 16.600 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from Wenorth}. 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters)t5 P ti59S 66.700 61.200 46.900 23.900 39.300 13.900 12.300 Transmitting ERP(watts) C, n„1'6306 2.000 33.800 95.500 67.610 10.700 0.200 0.200 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north)K 0g 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) °53.500 66:700 61.200 46.900 23.900 39.300 13.900 12.300 Transmitting ERP(watts) 3.890 0700 0.200 0.200 6.760 57.540 100.000 44.670 Location Latitude Longitude }, ` •r Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure v (meters) (meters) Registration No. 9 42-11.42.4N 070-49-10.2W a""579-*.. 56.1 Address:(Scituate)OFF CLAPP RD %,,+ 3 City:SCITUATE County:PLYMOUTH State:MA,c` onstructto##n Deadline: Antenna 7 Azimuth(from 4, 35 Igo 225 270 315 Antenna.He Height AAT(meters) 105.300 06 100 93,00 W 85.900 95.600 76.500 81.800 104.300 Transmitting ERP(watts) 172.400 167.230 20901 11190 0.960 0.960 1.720 28.870 Antenna:8 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 i=, 180 225 270 315 y, a I1:, Antenna Height AAT(meters) 105.300 106.100 93.800 i .,85.900c 95.600 76.500 81.800 104.300 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.980 3.910 54.020 '1)409.78 . 200.700 15.220 0.980 0.980 Antenna:9 Azimuth(from true north) _ 0 45 90 135 180X125 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 105.300 106.100 93.800 85.900 95:600-k46\SOO 81.800 104.300 Transmitting ERP(watts) 4.490 0.980 0.980 1.300 10A60 f2 :750 449.320 96.060 s • 4,-A f''C',.-09 i -I f , FCC 601-C Page 2 of 11 August 2007 Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP • Call Sign:1CN1CA201$ Pile Number. 0006356224 Print Date:08-26-2014 A arlait Location.Latitude ).;1 Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure 'V' )'4,,.,0.';,;1 (meters) (meters) Registration No. 10 42.52-5t3 ilai 071-16-28.2 W 163.0 582 Address:(Detry)4b PLOYD ROAD City:DERRY Counfr,kOe14;INGHAM State:NH Construction Deadline: rd ot , 3 Antenna:4 Azimuth(hula WQ norm) O. 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) .:12?00 129.400 144.500 155.100 136.800 127.900 126.200 118.100 Transmitting ERP(watts), `4 1.810 146.820 102.310 15410 1.000 1.000 • 1,000 1.130 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true northr0a 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters)z '`t1122200 129.400 144.500 155.100 136.800 127.900 126.200 118.100 Transmitting ERP(watts) 1<ti ,�1y000 ,1.000 4.660 82.110 250.350 80.300 3.790 1.000 %Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north' 0 ,,iw, 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 : Antenna Height AAT(meters) =0300 129.400 144.500 155.100 136.800 127.900 126.200 118.100 Transmitting ERP(watts) 12.480/1:480‘ 1.000 1.000 1.000 13.740 107.220 143.470 $I tib 49 Location Latitude Longitude ;4-i, ' ,,, 4, vi,GroundElevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure ' (mttncrs). (meters) Registration No. 12 41-52-08.3 N 070-52-56.1 W. .e29$6158.2 si Address:(Middleboro)E.GROVE ST. `5 �4 �`'' Yit Y City:MIDDLESBORO County:PLYMOUTH State:,MA-: Construction Deadline: 'IY 4fr: r: Antenna:7Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90/44+x'135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 57.600 32.400 4.200 47.600 44.900 41.300 50.300 52.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) 277.330 364.730 40.901 i.250, 0.960 0.960 2.410 20.640 Antenna:8 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 32 5'"t-. 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 57.600 32.400 40.200477r 44.900 41.300 50.300 52.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.960 3.730 61.620 441$.280 215.780 13.090 1.700 0.960 Antenna:9 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 57.600 32400 40.200 47.600 144900'` 41,300 50300 52.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) 5.070 1.130 0.610 1.600 ,,; 050 89.040 278.490 66210 h `- r With {1i x _ . <ItA ``t.._x/ �6' .. FCC 601-C Page 3 of 11 August 2007 Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Call Sign:KNKA201"` File Number: 0006356224 Print Date:08-26-2014 ,...C.:-;‘, C't,„,,, Location;La"thud Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip , Antenna Structure %--if' r ""BB (meters) (meters) Registration No. C 14 .42-28-06,3N-21' 071-27-16.2 W 102.1 54.0 Address:Main Slr' t ss City:South Acton' CF1untgi MIDDLESEX State:MA Construction Deadline: Antenna:4Azimutht om` itenorth),,,0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 69,000 79.000 105.500 96.200 72.600 76300 47.400 58.700 Transmitting ERP(watts)A,,,,1: y, x'65 .200 77.960 20.970 2.400 0.200 0.200 2.000 13.720 Antenna:5 Azimuth(fromtrue north)�'0' 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) A '69000 79.900 105500 96.200 72.600 76.300 47.400 58.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) ‘A',.1,0/00 ,,,3.880 23.800 59.780 43360 10.290 0.830 0.200 Antenna: 6 Azimuth(front true nort ii'0,,,, "�`4;I45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 16.400 6$1.500 105.500 96.200 72.600 76.300 47.400 58.700 - g (watts) 5'010 0.200 0.740 6.570 43.660 91.210 34.920 Transmitting ERP w,._ `,1:4d _.. Location Latitude Longitude 1 ,, � '0,,,,,,? Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure NE;a " (mp`tcra) (meters) Registration No. 15 42-30-08.4 N 070-55-02.2 W ,x`39 e46.3 , Address: 12 First Street City:Salem County:ESSEX State:MA ConstructiOn,Deadline) e4� Antenna:7 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90:;.,:r,1 5 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 63.400 62.100 6('800 71.900 77.500 70.500 40.900 50.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 49.150 56.730 19490k 2`3 5 0.200 0.200 1.930 12.920 Wfb { Antenna:8 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135"k`"+�.; 180 225 270 315 . Antenna Height AAT(meters) 63.400 62.100 62.800 77�00, 77.500 70.500 40.900 50.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.100 1.550 9.520 'W3;'20 17.350 4.120 0330 0.100 Antenna:9 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 _ 225 270 315 Antenna Ileight AAT(meters) 63A00 62.100 62.800 7750077 500' -,70.500 40.900 50.900 rr-.,, . Transmitting ERP(watts) 5.010 0.380 0.200 0.680 ,.4'.510 35}500 64.630 29.380 ttyj Ff e'-wky 4N SA- Wvy l Det { nr4:.4w ; t 0.0 frm • FCC 601-C Page 4 of 11 August 2007 Licensee Name CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Call Sign:KNKA20I' File Number: 0006356224 Print Date:08-26-2014 e▪, Location sLatitude Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure t:' (meters) (meters) Registration No. 16 42-16751_4b▪'"" 071-02-04.200 5.2 53.0 Address:100 HANCOCKST tEET City:QUINCYCou�tp`NOLFOLK State MA Construction Deadline:. x' �M2 Antenna:5 Azimuth(nom true north),,045 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) ,,ap43000 44.100 42.200 29.000 8.300 14.800 12.100 31.500 Transmitting ERP(watts), rr :.7.170 6.480 6.790 0320 0.100 0.100 0.160 5.630 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north" ;i 0, 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters)" '00.900 41.900 ' 40.000 26.800 6.200 12.600 9.900 29.300 x`'401 n Transmitting ERP(watts) + ,,.,�0100 ,0.340 3.140 2.480 2.970 1.500 0.100 0.100 Antenna:7Azimuth(from true north) 04417,'v'-45 90 135 180 225 270 315 . Antenna Height AAT(meters) '(3 000 4 100 42.200 29.000 8.300 14.800 12.100 31.500 Transmitting ERP(watts) - 0 ioo i,r,''0 [..00) 0-ra .100 0.120 2.640 2.770 2.720 2.360 t ,Sf .. Location Latitude Longitude , round Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure . �';, ' mtt`ejs) (meters) Registration No. 21 42-30-36.4 N 070-51-21.2 W r132; 47.2 Address:Tioga Way :,..i;' ill City:Marblehead County:ESSEX State:MA Construction Deadline: V. if-1:-INi Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 ?Pr,-- ;',..3*5 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 44.200 46.700 3 .200 4 :400 60.400 54.600 28.000 43.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.100 0.130 3:10t\ 7.860 6.600 1.220 0.100 0.100 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 401 135` t`-,}p4,�g 180 225 270r 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 44.200 46.700 37.200 460':400,.1,, 60.400 54.600 28.000 43.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.410 0.100 0.100 (f.T00t 0.530 5.070 8.210 4.870 Antenna:4 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180225 270 315 t , Antenna Height AAT(meters) 44.200 46.700 37.200 60.400 .60,400"°'r5`4.600 28.000 41700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 6.780 7.760 2.800 0.100 1;9:100 q.100 0.100 1.540 ti 4.1 " 7i g,,z,. r A. FCC 601-C Page 5 of 11 August 2007 • Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Call Sign:KNKA201. tb. File Number: 0006356224 Print Date:08-26-2014 Location,L hido �` ; Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure v 4. 4 (meters) (meters) Registration No. 22 42-51.55. na 070-56-13.2 W 94.5 50.9 Address:(Amcsbury)10DENNET WAY ,�.. City:AMESEURY ,t�ountyR ESSEX State:MA Construction Deadline: Antenna:4 Azimuth(`trom`iroc tiiorth)�,e 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(me)ers) .t' 117.000 123.800 125500 137.800 126.100 109.800 94200 100.300 Transmitting ERP(watts)., w 78.880 225.190 34.880 0.860 0.860 0.860 0.860 10.780 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north¶0 , 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters)a >a del l 000 123.800 125.500 137.800 126.100 109.800 94200 100300 Transmitting ERP(watts) x0 60 1240 35.690 258.560 148.780 12380 0.660 0.860 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true norm) 0 .7%4$ 90 135 180 225 270 315 s Antenna Height AAT(meters) 4117 000 123.800 125.500 137.800 126.100 109.800 94.200 100.300 Transmittingw ERP(watts) 3 UO ,7 .74 s 0.860 0.860 3.110 89.650 270.740 81.760 4.1 Location Latitude Longitude til, '4 of Ground Elevation Structure IIgt to Tip Antenna Structure �r(mt ers) (meters) Registration No. 24 ` 42-03-3 L4 N 071.17-29 2 W � 5 5" 59.1 Address:(Wrentham)415 Washington St.-Route I 'r M ' City:WRENTHAM County:NORFOLK State:MA oastruction Deadline: - Antenna:4 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 „ ` 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) • 99.900 78.700 94;600 0120 ,300 114.800 77.800 71.700 95.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2.580 85.500 4015990 363,280 54.920 1.060 0.850 0.850 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 413t'.i.k 180 225 270 315 a Antenna Height AAT(meters) 99900 78.700 94.600 (ill20300+1 114.800 77.800 71.700 95700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.850 0.850 0.850 '49307 146.240 311.250 197.740 18.980 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 „, 225 270 1 315 •Antenna Height AAT(meters) 99900 78700 94.600 120300 114.sod`°'77,800 71700 95700 Transmitting ERP(watts) - 352.500 136390 5.560 0980 4'1 0.980 o 980 39210 263.760 ,,,,:,,,+ 4 ��gg .t 0,r it ii a 0 t u tits i1.-a FCC 601-C Page 6 of 11 August 2007 • Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Call Sign:KNKA20A File Number. 0006356224 Print Date:08-26-2014 . Location,L;etude\ 's Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure v'- b '* (meters) (meters) Registration No. 25 43-110-34.1W''' 071-12-24.2 W 335.3 31.4 Address:(Northwptid)SADDLEBACK MOUNTAIN City:NORTHWOOD4.Counf ROCKINGHAM State:NH Construction Deadline: Antenna:4Azimuth(j)rom,ti'ue'north)4tt 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) Vis.^ W 1529001 213.700 260.100 268.500 234.000 215.400 150.700 173.600 Transmitting ERP(watts),,°` «45.240 219.790 199.540 31.860 1.550 1.000 1.000 2.360 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from tme north9 45 90 • 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) i-' ,)5 ,900 213.700 260.100 268.500 234.000 215.400 150.700 173.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) M1 41stx101.000 6.160 105.350 236.610 142.220 7.190 1.780 Antenna:6Azimuth(from true norlh) t *� .45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 4352:900 313.700 260.100 268.500 234.000 215.400 150.700 173.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) 55.630 t.9.80 1.000 1.000 2.260 8.170 110.540 141.320 Location Latitude Longitude ,.' ,,Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure .44 (meters) (meters) Registration No. 27 41-41.13.4 74 070-48-25.1 W .22 94�, 59.4 Address:(Mattapoisett)Industrial Drive �:--)+'" et • City:Mattapoisett County:PLYMOUTH State:MA,rstonstruction Deadline: r Antenna:4 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 � 90''y-'""s§135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 61.700 76.400 79.200 L79.900 80.600 75.400 56.100 60.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) 217.540 281.390 29.930 2050 0.980 0.980 2.340 21.270 ,:•r. ref + Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 e4 135 'r`: 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) t,j, ye,. p 61.700 76.400 79.300 7900 `: 80.600 75.400 56.100 60.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.980 10.610 118.800\;1'49.190 74.510 4.550 0.980 0.980 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 „225; 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 61.700 76.400 79.200 79.900 8 500 ••75.400 56.100 60.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2.220 0.980 0.980 2.540 I 37.640 i�2`;570 253.110 22.510 hr;� aeza y e Y .. g•d. FCC 601-C Page 7 of 11 August 2007 Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Call Sign:KNKA201{ File Number. 0006356224 Print Date:08-26-2014 Location,Lad� � ' Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure Cr $,'i t"t (meters) (meters) Registration No. 29 41.552) Ns=* 070.39-05.0W 39.6 77A 1021869 Address:(PlymoutbS CALE%ST City:Plymouth iCouh'tyf�PLA'MOUTH State:MA Construction Deadline: Antenna:4Azimuth ftom'liuenorth 41;145 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna11eightAAT(meet) '994: 00 84.200 79.500 67.900 61400 63.600 52.500 63200 TransmittingER? watts , ' ^`'*�2 ( ),. 52.450 246.240 37.800 1.470 0.940 0.940 2.080 39370 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north Q 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) >,r94 600 84.200 79.500 67.900 61.41)0 63.600 S2.S00 63.200 4yty x , Transmitting ERP(watts) 1 000 3.000 53.330 346.500 184.150 15.870 1.000 1.000 ‘42.4Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north)0 s" 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) c 4.600 84.200 79.500 67.900 61A00 63.600 52.500 63.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) 4.660- 4600 h, 1.000 1.000 5.610 128.480 425.450 99.740 AZLocation Latitude Longitude ` ��, '4 ,} round Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure "t:' I v (metal's) (meters) Registration No. 31 42-14-40.0N 071-30-38.0 W ,te611.42 6' 102.0 1009024 Address: 115 MI NNE t, ' `;, City:HOPKINTON County:MIDDLESEX State:MAonstructlon Deadline: Antenna:4 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 *` ?9,. " g 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 107.800 138.000 1.30.800 aJ26:800 101.200 85.900 73.000 97.500 Transmitting ERP(watts) 23.200 21.890 16.3701 2,550 0.130 0.100 1.640 13250 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north) 0 4590 +lei 5`' 180 225 270 315 Antenna IieightAAT(meters) - 107.800 138.000 130.800 4126.8004 101200 85.900 73.000 97.500 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.940 9.100 53.990 ''•..g6i32or 78.580 26.320 3.730 0.460 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 224 ' 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 107.800 138.000 130.800 126.800p/101.200 85.900 73.000 97300 Transmitting ERP(watts) 13.400 1.700 0.620 2.340 § 18 300 72.460 95.170 63.740 u 1 ' ' 4 � to i NiY $ " "r #, • FCC 601-C Page 8 of 11 August 2007 Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Call Sign:KNKA201 Tile Number: 0006356224 Print Date:08-26-2014 h."" Location,Latitude s' Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure y (meters) (meters) Registration No. 34 42-23-294 N'E.. ' 071-07-22.9 W 7.9 26.8 Address:2067 h4ASSACHUSETTS AVENUE City:CAMBRIDGE 4tOuntyteSUFFOLK State:MA Construction Deadline: • S ,! \;% Antenna:4 Azimuth(from`true north)„p40 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(me ers) °=3"400 5.800 21.700 28.600 13.000 -2.600 -14.400 -21.300 Transmitting ERP(watts)✓`* ,780 7.760 2.800 0100 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.540 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters)1v?;€, .3.400 5:800 21.700 28.600 13.000 -2.600 -14.400 -21.300 Transmitting ERP(watts) '0%,„,,,Oi:100 0.130 3.130 7.860 6.600 1220 0.100 0.100 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true nort0, 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 400 5:800 21.700 28300 13.000 -2.600 -14.400 -21300 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0410. ettt1 00.100 0.100 0.530 5.070 8210 4.870 v r. Location Latitude .Longitude t; Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure g C ' Na (meters) Registration No. 35 42-39-16.714 071-44-12.3 W ,414192.6°ga 51.2 Address:84 Bayberry Hill Road y;r `" City:Townsend County:MIDDLESEX State:MA,,,;Con"struction Deadline: f .. i Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90; y .,1935 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 57.900 139 500 (49 200 -136:100 102.200 42.700 79.000 -25.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.580 7.080 42.6.6 95,500 77.620 22.390 2.820 0.460 ' Antenna:4 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 i .1351" i 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 51.300 146.600 148.900 `,13�600ee 101.300 25.000 -79.700 -22.300 Transmitting ERP(watts) 35.060 35.620 17.670 ,,2"660 � 0.200 0.150 1.860 13.500 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 1800,,,,.x..,,,225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 51300 146.600 148.900 136.600 101:300 j•25.000 -79.700 -22.300 Transmitting ERP(watts) 5.360 0.690 0.250 0.930 2:320 28.rt. x980 38.070 25.500 4u.+ L . ^.k 4 t tiir t i➢ W it s "m FCC 601-C Page 9 of 11 August 2007 Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Call Sign:KNKA201 �y File Number: 0006356224 Print Date:08-26-2014 Location,Latitu�e. «t5 . Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure 'tip" pp ty., r (meters) (meters) Registration No. ` 38 42-38.45.8k 071-05-37.7 W 1173 52.4 Address:5 BostSnd1 Road City:North Andover4!`Cotinry: ESSEX State:MA Construction Deadline: Antenna:4 Azimutht:iroM ue north) 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters)e.'t 96 900 98200 110.000 111300 110.000 101.700 90300 106.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) , "2, 'i:83.180 87.100 23.990 2290 0.200 0.200 1.820 20.420 Antenna:5 Azimuth(from true north');0."i' 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) ( ♦ t'95930 98.100 110.000 111.300 110.000 101.700 90.200 106.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) 024 .A4.170 38.020 97320 66.070 11.750 1.050 0.200 Antenna:6 Azimuth(from true north)"0,4.?- _,45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) '5:900 98.200 110.000 111.300 110.000 101.700 90200 106.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) 5250 �s6.340 0.200 0.830 9.770 60.262 100.000 42.660 t Y ",.\/".:t Location Latitude Longitude it .G .Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure " -; � 1. (meters) (meters) Registration No. 39 42-18-13.0 N 071-13-05.0 W d""44 8 96.0 1018331 Address:140 CABOT ST ,--„P £/. City:NEEDHAM County:NORFOLK State:MA ,,Construction Deadline:. Antenna:1 Azimuth fromtrue north 0 45 ~90' 4 *#'135- 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 44.200 68.400 56.900 414$.800 36.300 40.300 44.100 41.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) 30.340 35.650 9.380'iy 0920 0.100 0.100 0.610 6.050 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 p<35r" ,; 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 44200 68.400 58.900 c48.,00+1, 36.300 40300 44:100 41.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.100 1.230 10.440 ',23:990' 19.000 4A20 0.370 0.100 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 .-",,.2,25 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 44.200 68.400 58.900 48.800 3 300""=40,300 44.100 41.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2200 0.190 0.100 0.300 d 2100 [9270 35.660 16.260 t . 1 Nir V r vp tifife.4;Y 17 ,,rr FCC 601-C Page 10 of 11. August 2007 Licensee Name: CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Call Sign:KNKA201? File Number: 0006356224 Print Date:08-26-2014 Location xLntltude\ ; n, Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure ':'' • c✓? ,- (meters) (meters) Registration No. 41 42-22-16.6 N - 071-05-49.6 W 63 18.6 Address:(Cambs"die Donnelly Field site)284 Norfolk Street City:Cambridgekv CotiVien MIDDLESEX State:MA Construction Deadline:07-03-2014 Antenna: 1 Azimuth from ttuenotth)„r0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(me'teis) q :11.600 16.500 20.700 21.000 2.200 -20.400 2.300 -16.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) ,fit=' *48.150 197.980 63.920 1.080 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.850 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from tnie itorth)TIS,* 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters)phm.111600 m.111600. 16.500 20.700 21.000 2.200 -20.400 2300 -16.900 - , Transmitting ERP(watts) *1 "0.670 0.670 18.990 128.120 74.750 3300 0.670 0.670 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true notih) 0,a10-.45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 40.600- 174.600 21.700 22.000 3.200 -19.400 3.400 -15.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 28.690 ertiligh,, 0.650 0.650 0.650 5.700 114.450 208.740 3 /p Control Points: 3 tTM Control Pt.No.3 "'` Address:500 W.Dove Rd. City:Southlake County: TARRANT State TX Telephone Number:(800)264-6620 Waivers/Conditions: `7,„ License renewal granted on a conditional basis,subject to the otd�comeoCFCC proceeding WT Docket No.10-112(see FCC 10-86,paras. 113 and l26). "�"xa..-`t6 3...tile.';;MAL THE FOLLOWING CELLULAR GEOGRAPHIC SERVICE AREASHAVE)3EENCOMBINED (LISTED BY CALL mY SIGN,MARKET NUMBER AND BLOCK,AND MARKET NAMC,) ?,i,1a r KNKA201 6D BOSTON, MASSACHUSEsiS KNKA251 76B 411. } rfirerrPhh fit ct -41 44 4444L14 44.4F • FCC 601-C Page 11 of 11 • August 2007 verizon1 AFFIDAVIT OF RADIO FREQUENCY ENGINEER The undersigned, in support of the application to install a wireless telecommunications facility consisting of one antenna and associated radio equipment on the existing utility pole(#24/36)and replacement utility pole(#838 6) located in the Town of Yarmouth,Massachusetts,states the following: 1. My name is Keith Vellante. 1 have a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Hampshire and I am employed as a Radio Frequency (RF) Engineer for C Squared Systems, LLC. C Squared Systems has entered into a contract with Verizon Wireless to provide RE consulting services on behalf of Verizon Wireless. I have reviewed the proposed site with the Radio Frequency Engineer responsible for the Verizon Wireless network design in the area of Massachusetts that includes the Town of Yarmouth,MA. 2. Verizon Wireless is a federally licensed provider of wireless communications services with a national footprint. 3. The proposed facilities are located within areas where Verizon Wireless has identified a need to install additional wireless telecommunications facilities in order to provide reliable wireless service. The search arca for each proposed facility was determined by the fact that wireless service needs significant improvement throughout the surrounding area and stretches of roadway in the immediate proximity of each proposed location. Furthermore, it was determined that the areas served by each proposed facility would interact well with those of existing and planned facilities in the surrounding area. The following table provides details of the proposed facilities: Utility Pole Elevation Antenna Site Name: Site Address: Number: Latitude: Longitude: (AMSC): Centerline Height(ACL): Yarmouth SC07 MA 210 Station Avenue 24/36 41.6760 -70.1947 —39.0' 21.0' Yarmouth,MA Yarmouth SCI4 MA 47 Colborne Path 838 6 41.6798 -70.2235 —54' 41,0' Yarmouth.MA 4. A conventional Verizon Wireless LTE macro-site consists(in part)of RRH's(Remote Radio Heads)located near the antennas on a tower, rooftop, or other support structure,which are connected via fiber optic cables to a 1313U (Baseband Unit) located on site in an equipment shelter or other weatherproof enclosure. The BBL] performs network signal processing between the RRH's at the site,and Verizon's LTE core network. 5. C-RAN (Cloud Radio Access Network) nodes and Small Cells also utilize RRH's at each site, however a centralized BBU capable of supporting RRH's at multiple sites is implemented to gain certain efficiencies, both from a network and environmental standpoint. The proposed locations are two of multiple small cells planned to address capacity and coverage deficiencies in Yarmouth and the surrounding areas. 6. C-RAN and Small Cell deployments are intended to complement,not replace,the conventional LTE macro-sites, and are typically used as a capacity solution targeting isolated areas of heavy network usage,a.k.a"hot spots." In doing so, the C-RAN nodes and Small Cells serve to offload the demand on the existing sites serving these"hot spots." This not only improves service to the specifically targeted area, but also improves overall system performance elsewhere in the network. 7. The purpose of the proposed facilities is to address a gap in service by providing coverage improvement and adequate capacity to central Yarmouth, particularly to Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School, along Station Avenue, and to the neighborhoods adjacent to SC07, and to the neighborhoods south of Old Town House Road between W Yarmouth Road and Forest Road nearby SC14. Verizon Wireless does not currently provide acceptable LTE service in these areas. 8. To find a site that provides acceptable capacity and coverage improvement, the Verizon Wireless RF Design Group utilizes computer modeling to define a search area. The search area is designed such that a site located within the area and at a given height would have a high probability of completing the capacity and coverage objectives in the target areas. The RF Design Group develops the network by working off existing sites from which to build out the network design. 9. Verizon Wireless' search of the area and subsequent analysis determined that installing the wireless ' communications facilities on the subject utility poles would be the most appropriate solution to meet its network capacity and coverage objectives. 10. I have reviewed the proposed installations to be placed on the subject utility poles as well as the other existing and planned antenna site locations used in Verizon Wireless' system in and around the surrounding areas. I have analyzed the potential benefits this site would represent to Verizon Wireless' network and its users. I employ computer simulations,which incorporate the results of field tests of existing facilities,to determine existing radio frequency(RF)coverage for Verizon Wireless' system. These simulations model characteristics such as antenna types,antenna height,output power,terrain, land cover,and RF propagation effects of the frequency utilized. 11. The following table provides details of the surrounding Verizon Wireless macro-site facilities used to generate / the RF maps attached hereto as exhibits to Verizon Wireless' application. Structure Antenna Cell Name: Latitude: Longitude: Street Address: City,State: .hype Centerline Status: height(AGL): Barnstable 2 41.6859 -70.2863 52 Communications Way Barnstable,MA Transmission 94 On-Air Line Barnstable 3 41.6991 -70.3031 3261 Main Street Barnstable,MA Lattice 130 On-Air Brewster 41.7569 -70.0911 1657 Main Street Brewster,MA Lattice 119 On-Air Brewster2 41.7297 -70.1411 0 Open Space GC Dennis,MA Transmission 85 Approved Line Dennis Repl 41.7327 -70.1775 105 Hokum Rock Road Dennis,MA Water Tank 115 On-Air Dennis South 41.6918 -70.1466 57 Theophilus Smith Dennis,MA Lattice 140 On-Air Road Dennisport 41.6681 -70.1315 20 Candlewood Lane Dennis,MA Concealed 87.5 On-Air Monopole West Dennis 41.6670 -70.1508 875 Tower Main Street Dennis,MA Water Tank 130 On-Air Harwich 41.6986 -70.098 Queen Anne Rd Harwich,MA Lattice 140 On-Air Ityannis 41.6517 -70.2822 49 Ocean Street Hyannis,MA Lattice 102 On-Air South Yarmouth 41.6596 -70.2024 1045 Route 28 Yarmouth,MA Concealed 39.5 Approved Monopole West Yarmouth 41.6626 -70.2477 480 Buck Island Road Yarmouth,MA Water Tank 111.5 On-Air West Yarmouth 2 41.6355 -70.2347 17 Sea Gull Road Yarmouth,MA Guyed 1301137 On-Air Yarmouth Repl 41.6906 -70.1886 327 Whites Path Yarmouth,MA Lattice 157 On-Air Yarmouth 2 41.7037 -70.2176 Frances-Helen Road Yarmouth,MA Transmission 62.2 Approved Line Yarmouth 4 41.7063 -70.2389 329 Main Street Yarmouth,MA Steeple 64 On-Air Yarmouth 6 41.6663 -70.1858 318 Old Main Street Yarmouth,MA Steeple , 45 Planned 12. The signal propagation maps attached hereto were produced using deciBel PlannerTM, a Windows-based RF propagation computer modeling program and network planning tool. The software considers the topographical features of an area, land cover,antenna models, antenna heights, RF transmitting power and receiver thresholds to model signal strength and other related RF parameters used in site design and network expansion. 1 13. The RF map titled"Yarmouth SC07, SC14—Existing/Approved/Planned 700 MHz&2100 MHz LTE Coverage (Macro Sites)" attached hereto depicts the coverage provided from the "On-Air," "Approved," and "Planned" Verizon Wireless sites in the area. "On-Air" sites are existing Verizon Wireless facilities, and"Approved"sites arc defined as those that are in the final stages of permitting or construction and are expected to be turned on-air soon."Planned"sites are those that have begun or are expected to enter the permitting process shortly.The green and yellow shaded areas represent the minimum desired level of coverage in this area for the 700 MHz and 2100 MHz network layers,respectively. Because of the superior propagation characteristics of 700 Mhz relative to 2100 MHz frequencies, the 2100 MHz coverage areas (yellow) arc generally contained within the 700 MHz coverage areas(green). As such,the deficient areas of 700 MHz coverage are defined by the unshaded or white areas,whereas the deficient areas of 2100 MHz coverage consist of both the green and white areas. As shown in this plot, the existing/approved/planned macro-sites in the area are unable to provide adequate coverage to the targeted areas,particularly at the 2100 MHz frequencies. 14. The IW map titled "Yarmouth SC07. SC14 — Existing/Approved/Planned 700 MHz LTE Sector Footprints (Macro Sites)"attached hereto depicts the areas primarily served by the sectors(a.k.a. signal "footprints")of the surrounding Verizon Wireless macro-sites in the area, which are shown by a unique color for each particular sector of interest. For clarity,all other sectors of less interest with respect to the proposed site are shown in grey. As demand for wireless voice and data services continues to grow, Verizon Wireless manages the footprint of each sector so that it can support the demand within the area it is primarily serving. In addition to improving coverage to the immediate arca, the proposed facilities are also needed to serve existing and anticipated demand in the vicinity and thereby offload some of the burden experienced by the surrounding sites. In that way, those sites will be able to more adequately serve the demand for service in the areas nearer to those surrounding sites. Please note that the outer parts of each sector footprint may include areas that have signal strength below the targeted value required for reliable service to Verizon Wireless' customers. The fact that low-level signal may reach these areas does not mean that these areas experience adequate coverage. These unreliable areas of low signal level can impose a significant capacity burden on the sites primarily serving the arca. 15. The map titled "Yarmouth SC07, SC14 — Area Terrain Map" details the terrain features around the proposed facilities. These terrain features play a key role in dictating both the unique coverage areas served from a given location, and the coverage gaps within the network. This map is included to provide a visual representation of the terrain variations that must be considered when determining the appropriate location and design of a proposed wireless facilities. 16. As shown in these plots, the proposed facilities are located in areas of deficient service,making them suitable to provide coverage improvement, a more dominant server, and additional network capacity to central Yarmouth, particularly to the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School, along Station Avenue,and to the adjacent roads and neighborhoods immediately surrounding each proposed facility. The additional capacity and coverage improvement will in turn offload the network demand on the sectors currently serving these areas, improving the overall system performance within their respective service areas elsewhere in Yarmouth. 17. 1 have concluded that the proposed facilities will satisfy the present coverage and capacity needs that motivated Verizon Wireless to establish a search ring in this vicinity. Any reduction in the proposed antenna configuration and/or equipment would limit optimal performance of these sites,which could diminish each site's effectiveness. 18. Verizon Wireless certifies that the proposed facilities will not cause interference to any lawfully operating emergency communication system, television,telephone or radio, in the surrounding area. The FCC has licensed Verizon Wireless to transmit and receive in the Upper C-Block of the 700 MHz band, B Block of the Cellular (850 MHz)band,the C3,C4, E and F Blocks of the PCS(1900 Ml lz)band,and the A and B Blocks of the AWS (2100 MHz) band of the RF spectrum. As a condition of the FCC licenses, Verizon Wireless is prohibited from interfering with other licensed devices that arc being operated in a lawful manner. Furthermore, no emergency communication system, television, telephone, or radio is licensed to operate on these frequencies, and therefore interference is highly unlikely. 3 19. Pursuant to its Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licenses, Verizon Wireless is required to ensure that all radio equipment operating at the proposed communications facilities and the resulting radio frequency exposure levels are compliant with FCC requirements as well as federal and stale health and safely standards. 20. Providing wireless communication services is a benefit to the residents of Yarmouth, as well as to mobile customers traveling throughout the arca. The proposed facilities are well suited to meet Verizon Wireless' network requirements for the intended arca. The absence of a wireless telecommunications facility at or near these immediate locations will result in the continued existence of inadequate network capacity and coverage gaps in this area. Without the proposed facilities, Verizon Wireless will be unable to provide reliable wireless communication services in this area of Yarmouth; therefore, Verizon Wireless respectfully requests that the Town of Yarmouth act favorably upon the proposed facilities. Signed and sworn under the pains and penalties of perjury 4kgk4 ,2018. Keith Vellante • Radio Frequency(RF)Engineer C Squared Systems, LLC 65 Dartmouth Drive Auburn,NH 03032 4 Yarmouth SC07,SC14- Existing/Approved/Planned 700 MHz&2100 MHz LTE Coverage (Macro Sites) Site Data �` th 2 7 -''" � — tJJP Site:Yarmouth SCO7 t �� "� ! ■ Lat:41-40-33.55 ft ` I 6+ Long:-7041.40.76 �4 ' y ""'r ����. 1 CL:21.0' � • Site:Yarmouth SC14 k �` ' . �• jc IdA Lat:41-40-47.35 � y !y ' lit— Long:-70-13-24.6314 CL:41.0' j 4 . _ � Vi?:: 11:a Plot Information11\ 7J ' �'. 700 MHz&2100 MHz LTE RSRP ' r 700 MHz FCC License: it `' NCI WQJQ689 — yam['',.± Yarmouth SC07,SC14-Existing/Approved/Planned 700 MHz LTE Sector Footprints(Macro Sites) ----- - — - 1 Varmo.th 2 -"wilf \- -)( \ - Wg Site Data . li Mill Pond 1 Follins Pond . wow • Site:Yarmouth SCO7 \\ t• fri .. \ V Lat:41-40-33.55 \ 1 62.2 ft di c \ /Op 11 0 ‘042 Long:-70-11-4036 \ 1 CL:21.0' ilkte Fkcir \ • Site:Yarmouth SC14 Illiallk- t . --- - --,, . .„-----1- • Z _J Lat:41-40-47.35 Long:-70-13-24.63 • P CL: q , p CL:41.0' 4. . , . __. .,_.,) . , Plot Information • .. G. I I . IN,. .. ,. ..____\ 700 MHz LTE • a iv Best Server by RSRP N j Ii‘\ \ \ \A_ --- ---------r.- __ ,--------=----- --_-_-_-____,---- --____----_- FCC License:WQJQ689 pd 11111 ;- J ---- t ,Yarmouth L.----7---,-----------,-------1,--, ------ II____________—_-__:------_,----_,-__- &-W-----P US 1-MY 0 Symbol Kev . Existing Site Alt Iti ,......i. ----='----...- - -- -- --- 1 s7 ft .001 ...., • Approved Site - 1. . I' 40 /6 -- -----_,&:/#00. • Planned Site _, --st, . ,-- am. ......00,0,-..-.-._ 7 .111 • Approved Small Cell .01 1 1 t k L *III .__ _ -, ,------ .T6wn House Rd '1341 11 li • Proposed Small Cell " 1 ,. , Ilki, ,--ii ,,,, isultil,,\ , Sector Footprints , \b - -4 li Yarmouth SC15 1116,7 i'3" / - --\ \ . _ Ya-rmoutt •,1141" ile' , o 1 CD . \ - . \ ) I il t 410 I Surrounding Sectors ) 'P \ GI _ .Yarmouth Repl Beta I* ' A A _Ati 25.5 ft 5- 7--• --4-1 ) _ 4. captolf,--sm .Yarmouth Repl Gamma -. OW \ -O' armoVh(SC117 ina\-1-4.„/ 1 I Yarmouth 2 Beta --------- ; Rd -LiitrOP ii II. Al, ''' 1 /9:-.--Q-----'-'-ul -ri-- ‘0011111110. --] ;'3 CitiOn 2f ,,,. •j" c----- ,' / verizonv \ Slid 11" (, )\ r __ ) , - Noyesct • oer,,,, ,. _ . `. • i \ 13 k am ow . , ' f 44 mei -- - - e . , , 111111 _Art \ i lawaL .11111)41. v. .,. trio yarrnou„6..MA / / • ',V . 1 Yarmouth 11° 8wan4„ iAr '11/411,111. , , tk411155- •5 l ' _..- ,Lt, West Yarmouth , , 4. IV / gm b Dennis , •,,, ile Infli %pa, ...- ... 7,W 11 sz, / '111.5.F.t ilit___ a .4k 0 0-5 41.!•.......is 4 Sout Yarrnouth * / ., ... • _.., , /rUllv / N _41P4110 IN -41kk :-..,::_- >, L __ lotiraMi4Aik.t miiesrito ' . Arv.„5gft \ . -/ Ait.wffaLliw.... -- - Yarmouth SC07,SC14- Existing/Approved/Planned 700 MHz& 2100 MHz LTE Coverage (Macro Sites) I---- 77-7 =_1Earmouth 2 t �— :fie+, _Site Data f I ," " MrU Pond — Folfins�Pcnd _ = II 1 Site:Yarmouth SC07 l ,r _ :- CL 62 - > - .- N:21.0' whte G _ ��, Sit: r :Yarmoulit `-. 4P' - ') CL:41.0' `- 41.-r 1 ` ` cleat 11' ` II •," :Pa Symbol Key /n fie.- .- , �� i a f Ra lop Existing Site ./ t L J. - � J ♦ Approved Site -) ` �+ \� .- _ i 8 - Yarmouth Repl ---:_,--r . , ID. - . i US HWY 8 ./ — Planned Site I".-"'- c±. /� ® Approved Small Cell " .� _.. �= 157 ft - " We � � at • Proposed Small Cell + ` ems Rd Terrain Kev .T pr`s/ I ■ 0 feet I j 80 feet t r' Old Town'HousetRd �Ga ,` I6/141 \ - • 1 ■ 20 feet ■ 100 feet � outhSC15 ' ; ® 40 feet 120 feet 1 �►-- a' 3 Yarmyuth5 1'4 �r` f.: .? q* _t 60 feet 140 feet / •= 114 o 1 t1`i ! 25.5-ft' 1-j 7 41 ft� z-- \ 1� -tale•Smya11 R t� � ,p-t- �.�r` ~-: V�jmn� �_ - �_-T-raP��l 1 `t Rd� Yarmouth SG07 m `ems ` , / to t otrr P : ` _ \s i i,R gtorta1 Ave ,; / 1 \.-------__i_ L -1 a \ \ oes\ \ \ L- \ 'd 121 ft /I f \ 4_ 4 t. ,y, an i . iklifi4 ____ °P ;� *. - ?IR ' d - i oYarmouth 6•MA / -__ . Wa-Ymouth •01- ______i--- r $Udr t �, :> aze ' 45 IN, West Yarmouth : v Olaf-� - slandRd ' j S� l�. ;tea;; rV : ♦ o _ Lt, r x �a� '�� 'iF'iFia .P 1 111.5 ft- 1F" a 1 ( a SouthYa� rmouth ' v w ---- 65ft F \ . 55,ft t �`. I11l1eS_ 1 ._ • C Squared Systems,LLC 65 Dartmouth Drive pSystems Auburn,NH 03032 L (603)644.2800 supponc csquaredsystems.corn Calculated Radio Frequency Emissions Report verizon ' • Yarmouth MA SC14 47 Colbume Path, Yarmouth, MA 02673 August 15,2018 Table of Contents I. Introduction 1 2. FCC Guidelines for Evaluating RF Radiation Exposure Limits 1 3. RF Exposure Prediction Methods 2 4. Antenna Inventory 2 5. Calculation Results 3 6. Conclusion 5 7. Statement of Certification ' 5 Attachment A: Verizon Wireless'Antenna Model Data Sheets and Electrical Patterns 6 Attachment B: References 7 Attachment C: FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE) 8 List of Figures Figure 1: Graph of General Population%MPE vs.Distance 3 Figure 2: Graph of FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE) 9 List of Tables Table 1:Proposed Antenna Configuration 2 Table 2:Maximum Percent of General Population Exposure Values @ 6'/16'AGL 4 Table 3: FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure 8 711SYSteMS 1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to investigate compliance with applicable FCC regulations for the proposed installation of a Verizon Wireless small cell antenna on the replacement utility pole(#838 6)located at 47 Colburne Path in Yarmouth, MA.The coordinates of the utility pole are 41.40-47.35 N,70-13-24.63 W. This report uses the planned antenna configuration for Verizon Wireless to derive the resulting%MPE,once the proposed installation has been completed. 2. FCC Guidelines for Evaluating RF Radiation Exposure Limits In 1985,the FCC established rules to regulate radio frequency(RF)exposure from FCC licensed antenna facilities.In 1996,the FCC updated these rules,which were further amended in August 1997 by OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01.These new rules include Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE)limits for transmitters operating between 300 kHz and 100 GHz.The FCC MPE limits are based upon those recommended by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements(NCRP),developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,Inc.,(IEEE)and adopted by the American National Standards Institute(ANSI). The FCC general population/uncontrolled limits set the maximum exposure to which most people may be subjected. General population/uncontrolled exposures apply in situations in which the general public may be exposed,or in which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. Public exposure to radio frequencies is regulated and enforced in units of milliwatts per square centimeter(mW/cm2).The general population exposure limits for the various frequency ranges are defined in the attached"FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE)"in Attachment C of this report. Higher exposure limits are permitted under the occupational/controlled exposure category,but only for persons who are exposed as a consequence of their employment and who have been made fully aware of the potential for exposure,and they must be able to exercise control over their exposure.General population/uncontrolled limits are five times more stringent than the levels that are acceptable for occupational,or radio frequency trained individuals.Attachment C contains excerpts from OET Bulletin 65 and defines the Maximum Exposure Limit. Finally,it should be noted that the MPE limits adopted by the FCC for both general population/uncontrolled exposure and for occupational/controlled exposure incorporate a substantial margin of safety and have been established to be well below levels generally accepted as having the potential to cause adverse health effects. Yamnuth SCI MA 1 August 15,2018 • %Systems 3. RF Exposure Prediction Methods The emission field calculation results displayed in the following figures were generated using the following formula as outlined in FCC bulletin OET 65: J Power Density= IR x Off Beam Loss gxWhere: _ 111 EIRP=Effective Isotropiic Radiated Power R it. Radial Distance- v`H 2 +172) H=Horizontal Distance from antenna in meters V=Vertical Distance from radiation center of antenna in meters Off Beam Loss is determined by the selected antenna patterns Ground reflection factor of 2.0 These calculations assume that the antennas are operating at 100 percent capacity,that all antenna channels are transmitting simultaneously,and that the radio transmitters are operating at fill power.Obstructions(trees,buildings,etc.) that would normally attenuate the signal are not taken into account.The calculations assume even terrain in the area of study and do not take into account actual terrain elevations which could attenuate the signal.As a result,the predicted signal levels reported below are much higher than the actual signal levels will be from the final installations. • 4. Antenna Inventory Table 1 below outlines Verizon Wireless'proposed antenna configuration for the small cell location.The associated data sheet and antenna patterns for this specific antenna model is included in Attachment A. TX Power at Ant Power Beam Mech. Length Antenna Antenna Location Freq Antenna Gain EIRP Antenna Model Width Tilt ft Centerline Location (MHz) (Watts) (dBi) (Watts) ( ) Height(ft) on Pole 1900 120 9.9 1173 SC14 2100 180 9.9 1759 NH360QM-DG-2XR_0 360 0 3.2 41.0 Top Table 1:Proposed Antenna Configuration'2 'Antenna height is in reference to the Nexius Lease Exhibit,dated November 28,2016. 2 Transmit power assumes 0 dB of cable loss. Yam»uth SC14 MA 2 August 15,2018 %systems 5. Calculation Results The calculated power density results for the proposed antenna configuration are shown in Figure 1 below. For completeness, the calculations for this analysis range from 0 feet (directly below the antennas) to a value of 500 feet (horizontal distance from the antennas)and consider both a 6' individual standing at ground level around the utility pole and also at 10'above ground level,to represent an individual standing on an outdoor 2nd floor deck at a nearby building or home. Please note that%MPE values inside of a neighboring building or home would be substantially lower than the calculated values shown in this report,as these values do not account for building penetration losses. Calculated %MPE vs. Horizontal Distance from Source 2.50% 2.00% A 1.50% F00% i444101 _, 0.50% I , 0.00% 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Horizontal Distance(feet) —Verizon 1900/2100MHz @ 6'AGL —Verizon 1900/2100MHz @ 16'AGL Figure 1:Graph of General Population%MPE vs.Distance The percent of MPE calculations close to the site take into account off beam loss,which is determined from the vertical pattern of the antenna used. Therefore,RF power density levels may increase as the distance from the site increases. At distances of approximately 300'and beyond,one would now be in the main beam of the antenna pattern and off beam loss is no longer considered. Beyond this point,RF levels become calculated solely on distance from the site and the percent of MPE decreases significantly as distance from the site increases. Yarmouth SC14 MA 3 August 15,2018 %systems As stated in Section 3,all calculations assume that the antennas are operating at 100 percent capacity,that all antenna channels are transmitting simultaneously,and that the radio transmitters are operating at full power. Obstructions(trees, buildings etc.)that would normally attenuate the signal are not taken into account. Furthermore,the inclusion of a ground reflection factor of 2.0 effectively assumes that the ground is a perfect reflector and that the reflected wave is of equal magnitude and 100%in-phase with the direct wave at each calculation point. This assumption alone doubles the calculated field strength,which translates into a four-fold increase in calculated power density. As a result,the predicted signal levels are significantly higher than the actual signal levels will be from the final installation at the proposed location. In addition to the other worst-case considerations that were previously mentioned,the power density calculations to each horizontal distance point away from the antennas were completed using a local maximum off beam antenna gain(within 2 degrees of the true mathematical angle)to incorporate a realistic worst-case scenario.The maximum calculated%MPE results for the proposed location are shown in Table 2,which also include the distance that each maximum value occurs from the base of the utility pole. @6'AGL @16'AGL TX Freq. Antenna Distance Distance Location (MHz) Height to the to the Max. Max. (A) Base of %MPE Base of %MPE Antenna Antenna (ft) (B) SC14 1900/2100 41.0 72' 1.17% 51' 2.30% Table 2:Maximum Percent of General Population Exposure Values @ 6'/16'AGE, • • Yamrouth SC14 MA 4 August 15,2018 %Systems 6. Conclusion The above analysis verifies that RF exposure levels from the small cell location will be below the maximum levels as outlined by the FCC in the OET Bulletin 65 Ed.97-01. Using the conservative calculation methods and parameters detailed above,the highest maximum percent of MPE calculated at ground level is 1.17%of the FCC General Population limit and the highest percent of MPE calculated at 10'above ground level is 2.30%of the FCC General Population limit.These maximum percent of MPE values are calculated to occur 72'and 51'away from the SC14, respectively. 7. Statement of Certification I certify to the best of my knowledge that the statements in this report are true and accurate.The calculations follow guidelines set forth in ANSI/IEEE Std.C95.3,ANSUIEEE Std.C95.1 and FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01. August 14.2018 Report Prepared By: Sokol Andoni Date RF Engineer C Squared Systems,LLC Katt% WMG/1/G August 15.2018 Reviewed/Approved By. Keith Vellante Date RF Manager C Squared Systems,LLC Yamnuth SCI4 MA 5 August 15,2018 %systems Attachment A: Verizon Wireless' Antenna Model Data Sheets and Electrical Patterns 1900 MHz LTE w Manufacturer. Commscope Model#: NH360QM-DG-2XR 0 Frequency Band: 1850.1990 MHz Gain: 9.9 dBi - " t" O. Vertical Beamwidth: 10.6° Horizontal Beamwidth: 360° Polarization: *45° » \ Size L x W: 38.7"x 12.0" 1» » » 2100 MHz LTE a 40 Manufacturer. Commscope N Model#: NH360QM-DG-2XR_0 Frequency Band: 1920-2200 MHz Gain: 9.9 dBi Vertical Beamwidth: 10.1° Horizontal Beamwidth: 360° Polarization: *45° »\\ lJ » Size L x W: 38.7"x 12.0" 1» » » Yamnuth SCI MA 6 August 15,2018 %systems Attachment B:References OET Bulletin 65-Edition 97-01 -August 1997 Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering&Technology • JEEE C95.1-2005.IEEE Standard Safety Levels With Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields,3 kHz to 300 GHz IEEE-SA Standards Board SEE C95.3-2002(R2008).IEEE Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computations of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields With Respect to Human Exposure to Such Fields. 100 kHz-300 GHz IEEE-SA Standards Board Yarmouth SCI4 MA 7 August 15,2018 Systems Attachment C: FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE) (A)Limits for OccupationallControlled Exposure3 Frequency Electric Field Magnetic Field Power Density(S) Averaging Time Range Strength(E) Strength(E) (mW/cm') 1E12, 1H12 or S(minutes) • (MHz) (V/m) (A/m) 0.3-3.0 614 1.63 (100)' 6 3.0-30 1842/f 4.89/f (90042)• 6 30-300 61.4 0.163 1.0 6 300-1500 - - f/300 6 1500-100,000 - - 5 6 (B)Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure4 Frequency Electric Field Magnetic Field Power Density(S) Averaging Time Range Strength(E) Strength(E) r i 2 (MHz) (V/m) (Aim) (mW/cm ) �E� , 1H� or S(minutes) 0.3-1.34 614 1.63 (100)• 30 1.34-30 824/f 2.19/f (180/R)' 30 30-300 27.5 0.073 0.2 30 300-1500 - - (/1500 30 1500-100,000 - - 1.0 30 f a.frequency in MHz•Plane-wave equivalent power density Table 3:FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure • r Occupational/controlled limits apply in situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment provided those persons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure.Limits for occupational/controlled exposure also apply in situations when an individual is transient through a location where occupational/controlled limits apply provided he or she is made aware of the potential for exposure. s General population/uncontrolled exposures apply in situations in which the general public may be exposed,or in which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. Yarmouth SCl4 MA 8 August 15,2018 %Systems Plane-wave Equivalent Power Density 1,000 1 I I I i 1 I I I Occupational/Controlled Exposure -- General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure 100- _ 10- � - 5- 0.1 I I I I I I I I I 0.03 0.3 I 3 30 300 13,000 30,000 1300,000 1.34 Frequency(MHz) 1,500 100,000 Figure 2:Graph of FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE) Yamnuth SCI4 MA 9 August 15,2018 • C Squared Systems,LLC %Systems 65 Dartmouth Drive Auburn,NH 03032 (603)644.2800 support@csquaredsystems.com Calculated Radio Frequency Emissions Report verizon'1 . Yarmouth MA SC14 47 Colburne Path,Yarmouth, MA 02673 • August 15,2018 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. FCC Guidelines for Evaluating RF Radiation Exposure Limits 3. RF Exposure Prediction Methods 2 4. Antenna Inventory 2 5. Calculation Results 3 6. Conclusion 5 7. Statement of Certification 5 Attachment A:Verizon Wireless' Antenna Model Data Sheets and Electrical Patterns 6 Attachment II: References 7 Attachment C: FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE) 8 List of Figures Figure 1: Graph of General Population%MPE vs.Distance 3 Figure 2: Graph of FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE) 9 List of Tables Table 1: Proposed Antenna Configuration 2 Table 2: Maximum Percent of General Population Exposure Values @ 6'/16'AGL 4 Table 3: FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure 8 %systems 1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to investigate compliance with applicable FCC regulations for the proposed installation of a Verizon Wireless small cell antenna on the replacement utility pole(#838 6)located at 47 Colburn Path in Yarmouth, MA,The coordinates of the utility pole are N, W. This report uses the planned antenna configuration for Verizon Wireless to derive the resulting%MPE,once the proposed installation has been completed. 2. FCC Guidelines for Evaluating RF Radiation Exposure Limits In 1985,the FCC established rules to regulate radio frequency(RF)exposure from FCC licensed antenna facilities.In 1996,the FCC updated these rules,which were further amended in August 1997 by OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01.These new rules include Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE)limits for transmitters operating between 300 kHz and 100 GHz.The FCC MPE limits are based upon those recommended by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements(NCRP),developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,Inc.,(IEEE)and adopted by the American National Standards Institute(ANSI). The FCC general population/uncontrolled limits set the maximum exposure to which most people may be subjected. General population/uncontrolled exposures apply in situations in which the general public may be exposed,or in which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. Public exposure to radio frequencies is regulated and enforced in units of milliwatts per square centimeter(mW/cm=).The general population exposure limits for the various frequency ranges are defined in the attached"FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE)"in Attachment C of this report. Higher exposure limits are permitted under the occupational/controlled exposure category,but only for persons who are exposed as a consequence of their employment and who have been made fully aware of the potential for exposure,and they must be able to exercise control over their exposure.General population/uncontrolled limits are five times more stringent than the levels that are acceptable for occupational,or radio frequency trained individuals.Attachment C contains excerpts from OET Bulletin 65 and defines the Maximum Exposure Limit. Finally,it should be noted that the MPE limits adopted by the FCC for both general population/uncontrolled exposure and for occupational/controlled exposure incorporate a substantial margin of safety and have been established to be well below levels generally accepted as having the potential to cause adverse health effects. Yarmouth SC14 MA August 15,2018 %systems 3. RF Exposure Prediction Methods The emission field calculation results displayed in the following figures were generated using the following formula as outlined in FCC bulletin OET 65: / l Power Density=l EIRP JxOff Beam Loss Where: EIRP-Effective Isotropic Radiated Power R-Radial Distance- V AH2 +V 2 ) H...Horizontal Distance from antenna in meters V-Vertical Distance from radiation center of antenna in meters Off Beam Loss is determined by the selected antenna patterns Ground reflection factor of 2.0 These calculations assume that the antennas are operating at 100 percent capacity,that all antenna channels are transmitting simultaneously,and that the radio transmitters are operating at full power.Obstructions(trees,buildings,etc.) that would normally attenuate the signal are not taken into account.The calculations assume even terrain in the area of study and do not take into account actual terrain elevations which could attenuate the signal.As a result,the predicted signal levels reported below are much higher than the actual signal levels will be from the final installations. 4. Antenna Inventory Table 1 below outlines Verizon Wireless'proposed antenna configuration for the small cell location.The associated data sheet and antenna patterns for this specific antenna model is included in Attachment A. TX Power at Ant Power Beam Mech. Length Antenna Antenna Location Freq Antenna Gain EIRP Antenna Model Centerline Location (MHz) (Watts) (dB!) (Watts) Width Tilt (ft) Height(ft) an Pole SCI4 - 1900 120 9.9 1173 NH360QM-DO-2XR 0 360 0 3.2 41.0 Top 2100 180 9.9 1759 Table 1:Proposed Antenna Configuration'2 'Antenna height is in reference to the Nexius Lease Exhibit,dated November 28,2016. 2 Transmit power assumes 0 dB of cable loss. Yarmouth SCl4 MA 2 August 15,2018 %systems 5. Calculation Results The calculated power density results for the proposed antenna configuration are shown in Figure 1 below. For completeness, the calculations for this analysis range from 0 feet (directly below the antennas) to a value,of 500 feet (horizontal distance from the antennas)and consider both a 6' individual standing at ground level around the utility pole and also at 10'above round level,to represent an individual standing on an outdoor 2nd floor deck at a nearby building or home. Please note that % MPE values inside of a neighboring building or home would be substantially lower than the calculated values shown in this report,as these values do not account for building penetration losses. Calculated %MPE vs. Horizontal Distance from Source 2,50% 2.00% to a a a 1.50% A 0 1.00% is I P 0.50°h 0.00% 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Horizontal Distance(feet) —Verizon 1900/2100MHz @ 6'AGL —Verizon 1900/2100MHz @ 16'AGL Figure 1:Graph of General Population%MPE vs.Distance The percent of MPE calculations close to the site take into account off beam loss,which is determined from the vertical pattern of the antenna used. Therefore,RF power density levels may increase as the distance from the site increases. At distances of approximately 300'and beyond,one would now be in the main beam of the antenna pattern and off beam loss is no longer considered. Beyond this point,RF levels become calculated solely on distance from the site and the percent of MPE decreases significantly as distance from the site increases. Yarmouth SCI4 MA . 3 August 15,2018 %Systems As stated in Section 3,all calculations assume that the antennas are operating at 100 percent capacity,that all antenna channels are transmitting simultaneously,and that the radio transmitters are operating at full power. Obstructions(trees, buildings etc.)that would normally attenuate the signal are not taken into account. Furthermore,the inclusion of a ground reflection factor of 2.0 effectively assumes that the ground is a perfect reflector and that the reflected wave is of equal magnitude and 100%in-phase with the direct wave at each calculation point. This assumption alone doubles the calculated field strength,which translates into a four-fold increase in calculated power density. As a result,the predicted signal levels are significantly higher than the actual signal levels will be from the final installation at the proposed location. In addition to the other worst-case considerations that were previously mentioned,the power density calculations to each horizontal distance point away from the antennas were completed using a local maximum off beam antenna gain(within t 2 degrees of the true mathematical angle)to incorporate a realistic worst-case scenario.The maximum calculated%MPE results for the proposed location ere shown in Table 2,which also include the distance that each maximum value occurs from the base of the utility pole. ®6'AGL ®16'AGL • TX Freq. Antenna Distance Distance Location Height to the to the (MHz) Max.Base of °/MaPE x. Base of %MPE Antenna Antenna (ft) (tt) SC14 1900/2100 41.0 72' 1.17% 51' 2.30% Table 2:Maximum Percent of General Population Exposure Values®6'/16'AGL • Yarmouth SCl4 MA 4 August 15,2019 %systems 6. Conclusion The above analysis verifies that RF exposure levels from the small cell location will be below the maximum levels as outlined by the FCC in the OET Bulletin 65 Ed.97-01. Using the conservative calculation methods and parameters detailed above,the highest maximum percent of MPE calculated at ground level is 1.17%of the FCC General Population limit and the highest percent of MPE calculated at 10'above ground level is 2.30%of the FCC General Population limit.These maximum percent of MPE values are calculated to occur 72'and 51'away from the SC14, respectively. 7. Statement of Certification I certify to the best of my knowledge that the statements in this report are true and accurate.The calculations follow guidelines set forth in ANSI/IEEE Std.C95.3,ANSI/IEEE Std.C95.1 and FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01. • fa Cif clkJ t August 14.2018 Report Prepared By: Sokol Andoni Date RF Engineer CSquared Systems, -LLC V • August 15.2018 Reviewed/Approved By: Keith Vellante Date RF Manager C Squared Systems,LLC Yanrouth SC14 MA 5 August 15,2018 %Systems Attachment A: Verizon Wireless' Antenna Model Data Sheets and Electrical Patterns 1900 MHz LTE a as a Manufacturer: Commscope Model#: NH360QM-D0-2XR_0 ,■ Frequency Bend: 1850-1990 MHz " Gaily: 9.9 dBi Vertical Beamwidth: 10.6° Horizontal Beamwidth: 360° Polarization: t 45° a a Size L x W: 38.7"x 12.0" la a a 2100 MHz LTE a ,a a Manufacturer: Commscope Model#: NH360QM-D0-2XR 0 Aa a Frequency Band: 1920-2200 MHz Gain: 9.9dBi Vertical Beamwidth: 10.1° Horizontal Beamwidth: 360° Polarization: ±45° Size L x W: 38.7"x 12.0" ,a a a Yarmouth SCI4 MA 6 August 15,2018 %systems Attachment B: References OET Bulletin 65-Edition 97-01 -August 1997 Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering&Technology JEEE C95,1.2005.IEEE Standard Safety Levels With Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Freauencv Electromagnetic Fields.3 kHz to 300 GHz IEEE-SA Standards Board JEER C95,3.2002(R2008).IEEE Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computations of Radio Frequency electromagnetic Fields With Respect to Human Exposure to Such Fields. 100 kHz-300 GHz IEEE-SA Standards Board Yammuth SCI4 MA 7 August 15,2018 ( rSystems Attachment C: FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE) (A)Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure3 Frequency Electric Field Magnetic Field Range Strength(E) Strength(E) Power Density(S) Averaging Time (MHz) (V/m) (A/m) (mW/cm2) 1E12 ,PP or S(minutes) 0.3-3.0 614 1.63 (100)* 6 3.0-30 1842/f 4.89/f (900/P)* 6 30-300 61.4 0.163 1.0 6 300-1500 - - f/300 6 1500-100,000 - - 5 6 (B)Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure' Frequency Electric Field Magnetic Field Range Strength(E) Strength(E) Power Density(S) Averaging Time (MHz) (Vim) (A/m) (mW/cm ) 1E1 ,1H1or S(minutes) 0.3-1.34 614 1.63 (100)* 30 1.34-30 824/f 2.19/f (180/19)* 30 30-300 1 27.5 0.073 0.2 30 300-1500 - - 1/1500 30 • 1500-100,000 - - 1.0 30 1-frequency in MHz*Plane-wave equivalent power density Table 3:FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure • 3 Occupational/controlled limits apply in situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of their employment provided those persons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure.Limits for occupational/controlled exposure also apply in situations when an individual is transient through a location where occupational/controlled limits apply provided he or she is made aware of the potential for exposure. s General population/uncontrolled exposures apply in situations in which the general public may be exposed,or in which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over their exposure. Yarmouth SC I4 MA 8 August 15,2018 %systems Plane-wave Equivalent Power Density 1,000 I I I I I I I I I Occupational/Controlled Exposure ---- General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure 100- r - r 10 - r / - r 1 - r i 0.2— . - 0.1 1 I t 1 1 1 1 t 1 0.03 03 1 3 30 300 13000 30,000 1300,000 1.34 Frequency(MHz) 1,500 100,000 Figure 2:Graph of FCC Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure(MPE) i Yarmouth SCl4 MA 9 August 15,2018 Lamb, Jennifer From: Grylls, Mark <mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us> Sent Wednesday,August 15, 2018 11:25 AM To:. Lamb,Jennifer Cc: Anderson, Peter;Verizon Wireless -Yarmouth MA SCO7 (UP#24/36 @ 210 Station Ave.; LC: 387760; PN:20151250599; PT: BCSRE;SMALL CELL) (15460.108320.McLaneDOCS@ws.mclane.com);Verizon Wireless -Yarmouth MA SC14 (UP#838/6 @ 47 Colburne Path; LC: 387778; PN:20151251306; PT: BCSRE) (15460.108316.McLaneDOCS@ws.mclane.com);Williams, Kathleen Subject: RE: Small Cells-Site Plan Review Site plan review is not required for pole top antennae unless there is ground mounted equipment MARK GRYLLS DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONAL SERVICES/ BUILDING COMMISSIONER TOWN OF YARMOUTH (508) 398-2231 x 1260 • • From:Lamb,Jennifer[mailto:Jennifer.Lamb@MCLANE.com) Sent:Wednesday,August 15, 2018 11:18 AM To:Grylls, Mark<mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us> Cc:Anderson,Peter<PETER.ANDERSON@MCLANE.com>;Verizon Wireless-Yarmouth MA SCO7 (UP#24/36 @ 210 Station Ave.; LC:387760; PN: 20151250599; PT: BCSRE;SMALL CELL) (15460.108320.McLaneDOCS@ws.mclane.com) <15460.108320.McLaneDOCS@ws.mclane.com>;Verizon Wireless-Yarmouth MA 5C14(UP#838/6 @ 47 Colburne Path; LC:387778; PN:20151251306; PT: BCSRE) (15460.108316.McLaneDOCS@ws.mclane.com) <15460.108316.M cLa neDOCS@ws.mcla ne.com> Subject: FW:Small Cells-Site Plan Review • Hi Mark,I was just following up on this email from last week,we are trying to make the 9/27 ZBA hearing, so we have to file by 9/6, but we need to know if you want us to do site plan review first(was waived last time for group of small cells) . I have attached the plans for your convenience. Any questions or concerns please let me know. Thank you Jenn Jennifer A.Lamb Real Estate Paralegal N4cI LANE 900 Elm Street Manchester,NH 03101 MIDDLETON Direct:(603)628-1266 rnoctSsO1*L Assoannors Fax:(603)625-5650 website bio email Manchester,NH Woburn,MA Concord,NH Portsmouth,NH Boston,MA 1 From: Lamb,Jennifer Sent:Wednesday,August 8,2018 7:07 PM To:Grylls, Mark<merylls@varmouth.ma.us> Cc:Anderson, Peter<peter.anderson@mclane.com>;Verizon Wireless-Yarmouth MA SCO7 (UP#24/36 @ 210 Station Ave.; LC: 387760; PN: 20151250599; PT: BCSRE;SMALL CELL) (15460.108320.McLaneDOCS@ws.mclane.com) <15460.108320.McLaneDOCS@ws.mclane.com>;Verizon Wireless-Yarmouth MA SC14(UP#838/6 @ 47 Colburne Path; LC: 387778; PN: 20151251306; PT: BCSRE)(15460.108316.McLaneDOCS@ws.mclane.com) <15460.108316.McLa ne DOCS @ws.mcla ne.com> Subject:Small Cells-Site Plan Review Hi Mark, we have two more small cell sites for Yarmouth and I wanted to send you the plans to review and determine if site plan review would be required or waived. If you need anything further or have any questions please let me know. Thank you for your time and help. Jenn • Jennifer A.Lamb Real Estate Paralegal MCLANE 900 Elm Street Manchester, NH 03101. MIDDLETON Direct:(603)628-1266 PROFESSIONAL ASSOG*tION Fax:(603)625-5650 website I bio s email Manchester,NH Woburn,MA Concord.NH Portsmouth,NH Boston.MA The information contained in this electronic message may be confidential, and the message is for the use of intended recipients only. If you are not an intended recipient, do not disseminate,copy, or disclose this communication or its contents. If you have received this communication in error,please immediately notify me by reply email or McLane Middleton at (603) 625-6464 and permanently delete this communication. If tax or other legal advice is contained in this email,please recognize that it may not reflect the level of analysis that would go into more formal advice or a formal legal opinion. 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