HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Determination (2) Y : .. TOWN OF YARMOUTH RECEIVED o"`oi--4ftw BUILDING DEPARTMCNT peire 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, AMA 02664NOV 06 2018 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-0836 ‘e ,M... , f,;:s r7U!CDING DEPARTMENT LY ZONING DETERMINATION FOR BUSINESS CERTIFICATE APPLICATION The purpose of this form is to determine whether your business complies with the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw. The applicant shall complete the top section of this form and file it with the Building Department/Board of Health. ' Once the Building Department/Board of Health has made a determination, it will be forwarded to the Town Clerk. The Building Department will render a determination based on the following factors:(a) The business/use, activity,(b) The zoning district in which the business is to be located. Allowed uses are based on Zoning Bylaw Table 202.5 and(c) Previous or new zoning relicffront the Zoning Board of Appeals Date Au. 4 9,3 or Applicant's contact number`7 L(_ (O-83,$' Business Address Se? Com.ova n..) LAI octlt6� ftv e. .-:7--� Sc. yeo- ,vt.oU` k,f1fk%.. G .to 6N Name of Ap,Plicant . . t I . - DBA `' ier < I-1o4,12 TA/troy ' Me S MC , Mailing Address 9 Q, boc' l A 3 Ses. ye; 4. ninon Ma, 09. fact{ Description of Business Activity K it C Ii Q AJ S e lo a:ttit it)d fit5/ NaarS TJ\'.at-toy- work . M r-' 57vg,,iia — - obsZ ' Li01Joi.yes- 5.Micer,c' The applicant acknowledges that a determination will be made by the Building Department based on the information provided on this date and._any.changes in the business use and/or activity will require additional approval. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of the Business Certificate and/or appropriate Zoning Enforcement,should it be determined that the changes are non-compliant. Applicant's Signatures CL Date t)�C�4QO/r BUILDING/HEALTHYDEPARTMENT DETERMINATION / (office use only) Approved Commentsr:l/ C-5 APO 1.014y l i? 97Z.C.4-s.., OP e6v/elikeen1 if AtCCty€0 Disapproved Reason for Disapproval Building Off® Signature �� soir —` Date ,1 4 'rl TOWN OF YARMOUTH BUILDING DEPARTMENT x APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION OF NON-APPLICABILITY (eirleCtikl, Zr �gle� ,,:z AQUIFER PROTECTION BYLAW §406.5.1.1 Applicant/Business Name: e 1 air k 1-16,14. Zm pia 0 efrf e.te: pie u tot P.,d 1 6 Property Owner: P o Property location: S r e-c�MHoeu t.32.c M Unit# 5 Map&Lot# a, /et 0At*ant Mme. Proposed Use: SToeJ e I. Has applicant has fully complied with the Submittal Requirements of§406.5.2 ? (Attach copy of Hazardous Materials List) 2. Does the proposed use meet all of the Design and Operation requirements of§406.5.7,_ 3. Are the chemicals, pesticides, fuels and other potentially toxic or hazardous materials used or stored at the site, or produced by the proposed use, in qualities not greater than those commonly associated with normal household use, 4. Does the proposed use meet all of the objectives and water quality criteria of the bylaw: The above applicant hereby acknowledges that the Building Inspector may require the applicant to submit the matter to the Health Agent or Board of Health,and may require the applicant to demonstrate that he/she has received a favorable report from the Health Agent or Board of Health. The Determination,if made,shall apply only to the individual applicant and proposed use and shall automatically expire upon any change of use or transfer of ownership of the business. There shall be no appeal from an unfavorable Determination of any such application,nor from a failure to act, except for filing by the applicant for a Special Permit from the Board of Appeals as otherwise provided herein. �� 11 - 6^ rte licant Date -- -- 1 - - Q 4r\/ CA Print ?dame e - • RMINATIO. • The Building Inspector, based upon a review of this application and information suppl ed by th •; •.r cant, .- .r determines that the proposed use satisfies the requirements of§406.5.1.1 and that e Ap•- nee of .ply for a Special Permit under§406..5,p Gp�` 6`�a`'' S}Z Building I i Date Health gent Date Form must be filed with the Town Clerk and copies of this form must be sent to the following departments(as listed in §406.5.4); Water,Engineering,Fire,Health,Planning,Conservation,Board of Appeals. Aquifer Protection District Waiver 05/08 a. or r. TO: Commercial Applicants in the APD i g FROM: Yarmouth Health Department SUBJECT: Hazardous Materials As part of the application process for a Board of Appeals hearing or Determination of Non-Applicability, please complete this form and return it with your application. For further information concerning hazardous materials regulations,contact the Health Department Office. In the conduct of your present and/or proposed business, do you store, use, generate any of the following types of products? Please check all which apply and list quantittea. Antifreeze,Engine& Radiator Flushes X Motor Oil 'V Hydraulic,Brake,Automatic Trans.Fluid X Gasoline/Fuels -! Grease,Lubricants V4 Degreaser/Cleaners < Floor/Driveway Degreaser Battery Acid J_ Rustproofing/Undercoating x Vehicle Detergents X Vehicle Waxes,Polishes X, Asphalt, Tar, Sealers X Paint, Varnishes, Stains,Dyes, Thinners CC. Wood Preservatives ?C- Dry CDry Cleaning Solvents, Carbon Tetrachloride >< Floor/Fumiture Strippers ›C Other Cleaning Solvents X Rock salt, Road salt )C Drain, Toilet, Cesspool Cleaners X Refrigerants_ — X Bug& Tar Removers _ . _ X Photo chemicals >C.- Printing CPrinting Inks&Dyes Pool Chlorine 7 Pesticides, Insecticides,Herbicides g Rodenticide, Fungicides ><- Nitrate Nitrate Fertilizer ) Jewelry Cleaner )( Leather Dyes X PCB=s Electroplating Sludges /� Others (List) x Applicant Signature: cAt.y ,k_ Date: t I — (0— IC HEALTAPDDETER I 0-99