HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemorandum on Demolition 10-04-2018 YAF;5174 TOWN OF YARMOUTH
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Telephone(508)398-2231 Ext.1292 Fax(508)398-0836
TO: Mark Grylls,Building Commissioner
FROM: Beth Vozella,Yarmouth Historical Commission Office Administrator
DATE: October 4, 2018
SUBJECT: 256 Old Main St,South Yarmouth-Demolition Request
At its regular meeting on Thursday, October 4, 2018, the Yarmouth Historical Commission with a
quorum present, discussed the proposed full demolition of the old gas station building located at 256 Old
Main St., S Yarmouth.
The Commission voted unanimously in their decision that this building does not hold enough significance
to warrant a demolition delay. Therefore, the Commission agreed that the full demolition of this building
should be allowed to move forward as proposed.
Cc: YHC File;Mark Manning/Starchy LLC
Q • ) ! `teTJEW . Permit# $
. Il y% DAmount
��""�"`��ccm a SEP 2 0 20 i8
c Permit expires 180 days from
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EXPRESS BUILDING PE ':' "="""""• " • ION I
Yarmouth Building Department BU7LDIN• bl .:;:;R::-i MENT
1146 Route 28 By: ;,�_`_
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
(508) 398-2231 Ext. 1261
CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: 6 01:b (M A 1 kl SI 1 5 (3 NeAttuviCti
ASSESSOR'S INFORMATION: SOL/SD Map: 6!�/s�C� Parcel: 0C,0 2.,,s--2.,,s-- P:SU! ' b p
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OWNER NA�G' ; ►-1-� \ ?RESENT �ESS )2- 1 s tM.tk�V� ) �It t� 0 6(r,L/
❑Residential ❑Commercial Est Cost of Construction$
Home Improvement Contractor Lie.4 Construction Supervisor Lie.#
Workman's Compensation Insurance: (check one)
0 I am the homeowner 0 I am the sole proprietor ❑ I have Worker's Compensation Insurance
Insurance Company Name: Worker's Comp.Policy#
Tent Duration (Fire Retardant Certificate attached?) Wood Stove
Siding: # of Squares Replacement windows:# RepIacement doors: #
Roofing: #of Squares ( )Remove existing* (max.2 Iayers) Insulation
Old Kings Highway/Historic Dist. ( )Replacing like for like Pool fencing
.1 .r--1°4-1 r?o,,...i ^-
*The debris will be disposed of at
Location of Facility
I declare under penalties of perjury that the statements herein contained are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false answer(s)
will be just cause for denial or revocation my F ense and for prosecution under M.G.L.Ch.268,Section 1.
Applicant's Sib ature: - . be Date: 9—X --IE
Owners Signature(or attachment) ..<111./1 g Date:
c?-do --1
Approved By: Date:
Building Official(or designee) EMAIL ADDRESS:
Zoning District: _
Historical District: ❑ Yes 0 No Flood Plain Zone: 0 Yes 0 No
Water Resource Protection District: Within 100 ft.of Wetlands:
0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes 0 No
f .� 1146 Roltl'E 28, SOU"I'I I YARMOUI H. MASSAC1l)51115 02(64-4451
,.. fix,2' l cicphcm:(5(18) ;98-2_' l I:\t.1292 I a\ (508)398-0836
SEP 2 0 2038
To be submitted to the YHC along with Demolition Permit Application
Date of Application: ?r-30- / Demolition: (circle one): Partial or Total
Building Address: X66 0G0 niA() Sr
Assessor's Map# 6C40--- Parcel # e= :•.c2OS. Year built: 14 1 D
Rea on Building is Considered Historic (check all that apply):
_Over 75 Years Old
/Located in the South Yarmouth/Bass River National Register Historic District
Listed on National Register of Historic Places
Resource for historic listings: Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System: www.mhc-macris.net
Property Owner: 51"weevc,i, L LCC ( Vv\Pre K (/lya w Vk)I M60A6 le
Address: 120 t c)--,o Li r2
City/Town: .t; u_ouvrik State: Vilikc Zip Code: OD-44, Y
Phone#: G VS?) S IS46 6 Cell#
Email: (r otir'k CJ Y1rn cy:( a ,l.,t.rl.c, c o
Signature: c .Q Date: 9• -I $
City/Town: State: Zip Code:
Phone#: Cell#
Signature: Date:
Reason for demolition request:
1-0-e "Psi' 6 F >Ne iCL ar4. 't Z.& [.tlet ka vii d (c..6 {.67
5t % 1e Rc-_vA:a b ktiiniv2.-
Proposed reuse of property:
S,„ Q •'cc.w4 t\j &Owv2.-
Description of structure to be demolished: i
Q @ s4 �. �c- w & u C"c ' 'e Slit co vtl a444f k (c�t/t 141 4'
Q>ni JJ+t
Please include with application:
• Color photographs of all sides of the structure being proposed for demolition
• Map showing location of property
• History of the building/property (if known)
Updated 9/017
SEP 2 0 2018 9/24/i
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MACRIS Details Page 1 of 1
• ,
Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System
For more information about this page and how to use it.click here
Inventory No: YAR.610 — ems,' toe M
Historic Name: Speedway Gas Station
Common Name: Digital Photo
Not Yet
Address: 256 Old Main St Available
City/Town: Yarmouth
Village/Neighborhood: South Yarmouth Village; Bass River
Local No: H
There is no form for this
Year Constructed: 1918 resource. Information can be
Architect(s): found on the YAR.H form
and/or the appropriate area
Architectural Style(s): forms listed below.
Use(s): Gas Station or Service Station
Significance: Architecture;Commerce;Transportation
Area(s): YAR H:South Yarmouth-Bass River Historic District
Designation(s): Nat'l Register District(05/29/1990)
Building Material(s):
New Search Previous
http://mhc-macris.net/Details.aspx?Mhcld=YAR.610 9/20/2018
f • •
NPs Rom 10.64)0 OMB No. rua4-0018
(Raw &eti)
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Registration x=�urm
This kiwi s for use in nominating or requesting determinations of eligibility for individual properties or districts. See instructions in Guidelines
for Cornprur,r,g National Register Forms (National Register Bulletin 16).Complete each item by marking"x" in the appropriate box or by entering
the requested information.If an keit'does not apply to the property being documented,enter"NIA"for"not applicable."For functions,styles,materials,
and areas of significance, enter only the categories and subcategories listed in the instructions. For additional space use continuation sneers
(Form 10.900a).Type all entries.
1. Name of Property
historic name South Yarmouth/Bass River Historic District (preferred)
other nameslsite number Southside
2. Location
street& number Mu t t i p l e–See District. Data Sheet N/% I not for publication
city,town Yarmouth N/A[]vicinity _.._.--. ---___-_--.---.
state Massachusetts code MA county tiarnst abI e code 001 zip code 02664
3. Classification
Ownership of Property Category of Property Number of Resources within Property
private [7 building(s) Contributing Noncontributing
[J public-local al district 321 92 buildings
[_i public-State ❑site 4 1 sites
public-Federal ❑structure 9 2 structures
Ti object 0 0 objects
334 95 Total
Name of related multiple property listing: Number of contributing resources previously
N/A listed in the National Register _.11 _.
4. State/Federal Agency Certification
As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, I hereby certify that this
[x]nomination[_l request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the
National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural arid professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60.
In my opini'Ii. the property 1ptueLs��does not meet the National Register criteria. ❑See continuation sheet
.t _._ l a. r2L,_ -L . tii.R 6 ti \TIC/
Signature of certifying official tixecutive Dir.cct , Massachusetts Historical Dat Commission;
Stale Historic Preservation Officer
State or Federal agency and bureau
In my opinion, the property❑meets[ ]does not meet the National Register criteria. n See continuation sheet
Signature of commenting or other official Date
State or Federal agency and bureau
5. National Park Service Certification
I, hereby, certify that this property is:
Li entered in the National Register.
0 See continuation sheet. _
redetermined eligible for the National
Register. [J See continuation sheet. . _.. _.
n determined not eligible for the
National Register. __.
❑removed from the National Register.
❑other, (explain:)-
—Signature of the Keeper Date of Action
NPS Form 10-004. OMB APanw'NO 1024- IN
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Continuation Sheet
South Yarmouth/Bass River Historic District,
Section number Page Yarmouth, Massachsuetts
area. Some district dwellings with important associations from the period
include the Henry Thacher House, 10 Pleasant Street (ca. 1800; 1/53-U-9), where
• poet/novelist Conrad Aiken resided from 1919-1929, and the House of Seven
Chimneys, 256 Pleasant Street (1904; #327), which was the home of Charles
Henry Davis, an important regional and national leader.
Many of the late 19th and early 20th century dwellings within the district,
especially those on Main Street, are more suburban than resort-related. The
pair of bungalows with their shared garage at 232 and 234 Main Street are good
examples (1922; #45-A-1 and 2). Two important early modern period structures
within the district that reflect the early impact of the automobile are the
Speedway Gas Station, 256 Main Street (1918; #45-B-4), and Hamblin's Garage,
206 Main Street (1924; 1145-A-10). The latter is constructed of rusticated
concrete blocks produced at the David Frank Sears cement works that stood at
the rear of the lot; many period house foundations are also constructed of
these blocks.
The majority of contributing buildings within the district date from the
prosperous years of the early- to mid 19th century, when the maritime economy
was in full swing. These traditional Cape Cod cottages and fashionable Greek
Revival style dwellings form the backbone of the district's historic
architectural character. Supplemented by a scattering of dwellings in the
earlier Colonial and Federal period styles, as well as the later Gothic
Revival, Italianate, Queen Anne, and Craftsman styles, and punctuated by the
presence of several imposing institutional structures, the district provides a
well-rounded glimpse into the past.
Since World War II, Cape Cod has experienced rapid growth as a
retirement/resort community. This trend, which is engulfing the traditional
historic landscape, is clearly visible in the immediate surroundings of the
district. To the north are densely developed residential neighborhoods
characterized mainly by reproduction Capes. The interior lots between Main
and Pleasant Streets have been developed in a similar manner, and now create a
barrier between the maritime-related buildings of Main Street and the
resort-related buildings of Pleasant Street. To the west, upgrading of Main
Street as State Route 28 in the 1930s has generated endless commercialism and
strip development. The South Yarmouth/Bass River Historic District, spared by
a bypass in Route 28, remains as an oasis, reminding us of the unique Cape Cod
character that initially attracted tourism to the area.
South Yarmouth/Bass River Historic District
Yarmouth, Massachusetts
45-H-1 Capt. F.A. Crowell House 243 Main St. ca. 1890 C Queen Anne 1B 408
barn, watertower c,c 1B, 1S
-5-B-1.3 House 246 Main St. 1905 C Victorian hybrid lB
45-B-3 Standish Opera House 250 Main St. ca. 1875 C Italianate/Queen Anne lB 460
45-11-5 Searsport 251 Main St. 1959 NC Repro. Cape 1B
45-B-4 Speedway Gas Station 256 Main St. 1918 Commercial lB
45-11-4 Capt. Nelson Crowell Hse. 259 Main Sr. ca. 1850 C Greek Revival 1B 462
45-8-6 Elisha Taylor House 260 Main St. ca. 1865 C Half Cape 1B 461
shed c 1B
45-H-6 House 261 Main St. ca. 1810 C Federal 18 46'
barn, studio, outhouse c,c,c 38
45-8-7 Capt. Allen Baker House 264 Main St. ca. 1360 C Greek Revival lB 464
barn c 1B
45-C-3 Capt. Edwin E. Baker Hse. 269 Main St. ca. 1865 C Greek Revival 18 465
barn/gar. c 1B
45-E-1 Dr. Appolos Pratt House 270 Main St. ca. 1840 C Greek Revival 1B 46E
barn/shed c 1B
Page 10 of 26
RcpoM L /
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0rL1ISS�0� '� /
()) "nonWealtb.to
i.s included in the
National Register of Historic Places
as part of the
The National Register, established under the
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, is the official list of the
Nation's cultural resources worthy of preservation.
bS od M C
F;O.R :'.•' B - BUILDING '"`1 ' 't.-crrr?"t In Area no. Form no.
Office of the Secretary, State House;-Boston
- - - - - - - - - -' 1. T o win a 5 G a 0 a ax,
Name eS(2'ea-4aial ebh•+d.Stiah.r..-
Present use �Iqa, _,t� 4- cti,,, SAY�.�.2 . Photo (3x3" or 3x5")
Staple to left side of form 3944 •• 7 2gi.
Photo number
9 _ Present owner Tda 4=,C7- 0 1•., AN
3. Description:
- - - - - - - - - - Style
4. Map. Draw sketch of building locationso k Architect
in relation to nearest cross streets and
other buildings. Indicate north. Ndde - Exterior wall fabric 51,4i
L Outbuildings (describe) C
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Other features
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6. Recorded by
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!) Date
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7. Original owner (if known)
Original use
Subsequent uses (if any) and dates
E. Themes (check as many as applicable)
Aboriginal Conservation Recreation
Agricultural Education Religion
Architectural Exploration/ Science/
The Arts settlement invention
Commerce Industry Social/
Communication Military humanitarian
Community development Political Transportation
9. Historical significance (include explanation of themes checked above)
---4/6/,,8/i. !i I i / p 5:31SIS ),,p6Q..j yr c 05 i 1 81; IN / riii 2
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10. B1b11og: aphy and/or references (such as local histories, deeds, assessor's records,
early maps, etc. )
Vozella, Beth
From: Vozella, Beth
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 10:16 AM
To: Beverly Bachand; Duncan Oliver(oliver02675@comcast.net); Frederick C. Fries (phredfl 1
@verizon.net);Jack Duggan (bayviewcapecod@comcast.net);Julie Mockabee
(julie@vanguardmovingservices.com); Kathe Hyslop
Subject: RE: 256 Old Main St.- Full Demolition Request- TIME SENSITIVE
It is looking like the best day/time for a site visit at 256 Old Main St would be.on Tuesday, Oct 2nd at 1:30pm. Ple se let me
know your availability and if we get four for a quorum I will prepare and sedd out an agenda. +/ c'(
"I-13 ,-scam
Thank you, vl�c h�
4/31) -c' bev-N
From:Vozella, Beth
Sent:Thursday, September 20, 2018 4:04 PM
To: Beverly Bachand <bachandbeverly@yahoo.com>; Duncan Oliver(oliver02675@comcast.net)<oliver02675@comcast.net>;
Frederick C. Fries (phredfll@verizon.net) <phredfll@verizon.net>;Jack Duggan (bayviewcapecod@comcast.net)
<bayviewcapecod@comcast.net>; Julie Mockabee (julie@vanguardmovingservices.com)<julie@vanguardmovingservices.com>;
Kathe Hyslop<kathe.hyslop@gmail.com>
Cc: Greene, Karen <KGreene@yarmouth.ma.us>; Grylls, Mark<mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us>
Subject: 256 Old Main St.- Full Demolition Request-TIME SENSITIVE
Importance: High
Hi everyone-
Today the Building Department received an application for a Demolition Permit to fully demolish the building located at 256 Old
Main St. This property is subject to the requirements of Chapter 92. HISTORIC PROPERTIES of the Yarmouth Town By laws for
the following reasons:
• Approx.year built 1918
• Is listed as a contributing structure in the SY/BR Historic District
Today starts the Demo Delay process which means that a "significant" determination needs to be made within 10 business days
or by Thursday, October 4,2018.
Attached are the following items for your review:
• Demolition Delay Procedure Flowchart
• Building Permit Application including: Notice of Intent to Demolish an Historic Building
• Assessors Property Card
• Assessors Property Map
• Incomplete Form B (from Room C files)
• MACRIS Information
An added note: I confirmed that this property is currently zoned as residential, so any other intended use would need to go to
the Zoning Board of Appeals. Being that this building was formally a gas station,the owner is having trouble selling it as a
residential property. He is stuck paying taxes on an unusable building and has decided to move forward with demolition with
the hopes of a sale. He is very aware that a demo delay of up to 180 days may be imposed.
The owner is available to accommodate a site visit, during the following dates/times.
• Thursday, 9/27, late afternoon (I am not available)
• Friday, 9/28, anytime (I am not available)
• Monday, 10/1 prior to 11:30
• Tuesday, 10/2, anytime
Please let me know your availability. Based on your responses, I will formally schedule and post a site visit with quorum.
Thank you,
Beth Vorella
Office Administrator
Yarmouth OKH Committee/Historical Commission
Town of Yarmouth
1146 Route 28,South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4451
Tel: 508-398-2231 X 1292
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