HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineered Plan - 2018NEW t, ; t 0VR i ASSESSORS MAP : -" 1��\_ ,'TEST'' I-1QLC L S ' hislnllttlion shall cotnt:,� wills Title V mttl 'I'otvn of � !" j Nord of PARCEL t - //� _..- SOIL : EVALU OR . V12 �• ��tf� 11601111 Regulalions. till i t I septic FL ZONE: t 2 The installer sltali verify the location of u I es, sewer lover s and sep c Ll_ -- WITHESs;::.:j A �• ' DATE t:. .. i 3 components prior to installation and selling base elevations REFERENCE : � ..�_ ! ) All gravity septic piping to be 4 Inch Sch 40 PVC at 1/8" per toot. 'the first pERI OLAj I , I;ACE . .� 7 IN►tvu� t NO li:et out of the d-box to the leaching shall be level. - --- ;. --- — -� --- lit .: 4, :' : �t 4) "t hls plan is not to be utilized I'or property line detertnhintion nor any other TI1-2 ptlrpose.other than the proposed system I» siallalion. �� t 5) All septic cotnponents must tneet'['Hle V specifications. . 60 �. 6) Parking shall not be constructed over II10 septic components. 7) lthe property Is bounded by property corners and property lines.. I 'fife property owner shall review design considerations to approve of rota[ 5. design. [low and nitinbei ofbedroottts to be considered for design. Iseceilit t i of payment for the plan and installation based on tite plan shall be dm eeed LOCATION MAP , . , l I. approval of Ilia design [low by the owner; G 9) [ he existing leaching or cesspools shall be pumped rind tilled wish material l i er'Tiile V abandonment procedures. Those ilhin Ilse no posed SAS shall 5 h p w i t be retttove'd along with conianunated soil and replaced whit clean sand per -5: Kj Title V specs. rom water line. S v l 10) System cotnponents to be 10 feet fewer lines crossing the l 0 W water line shall be sleeved with 4 Inch SCI 140 PVC with ends grouted if H V, I i appllcnble: The proposed SAS is being installed below Ilttr water service l line.•'I'Ite line is to be sleeved as aforementioned and trtahttnined in place. i SEPT I C S 1 S T�IYI '. D E S I �N 1 t) If A garbage grinder eidsis it Is to be retttoved and is the responsibility of the to ensure quell;::►, ; owner 12)7lte installer is to take cntttion In excavation around the gns line lr'smi, ' i I 'FLOW EST i MATE _ hxists. ��� ' 13)Tae installer shall verify.1h location quantity and elevation of the sewer q Y \pEDROOMS , AT �� , GAIN/DAY/BEDROOM -Gfi� GAL/DAY + (foes exiting the dwelihtg'prior to the installation. (11 I Q,�l 1 l4)This plan is represattiative only that a system can fit on a property meeting -vl IC TAiiIC T _ i. i Title V requirements. .GAUDAY x '2 DAYS MY��}j� : QAL USE' IDDO GALLON'.•SEPV0 °TAFAA NK C�Y��I ►t^�L� % ttFd/as 14 hr Qy' VA�yVID . _ �' � � I v -8 � � �� �t) �oo� • to,Z k �t%�_ MASON X �'' 11 - J�Z �A `� Na. tose�a y ' .E SYSTEM SECT ON ioD t 11 SITE AND SEWAGE PLAN LOCAT I ONE` arrgtouth I�eatth Department �J T �PR F PREPARED FOR : CA� V,� VkA, ci�N,5;r, Date 1+larrre , SCALE: It>i zo —T DAV I D W* -.030NIM DATE DBC ENV I (i0NMEN rAL DES I GNS rAsT' SA DWI I -I t MA DATE IICAl.T11 Ao tIT 1 Sao 1 U 34 77