HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-80-406 migpr r y'� No. 6/0.6 �\t $ °( ppli ation for a Permit to Build 1 .� Z, L'1 8 �7{ , Fee must accompany this applic on // �J * ,0\ ttU!! Yarmouth /--r / 19..V` ' p, it \ 7'.-z1° TO THE BOAR I OF v L EN The undersigne. ere applies for a permit to build, acc ding to the following specifications: foec.lcf 0, 31ac/< /it_ 180X .51? 1. Name of Owner AID. A_ Co//&f tc Address S peirYf.S /Pa9S_ 02440 2. Name of Architect (if any) A/A. / 3. Name of Builder Sc.l) 4. Precinct No. Q Lot No. r/j'r Plan: Name or No. . it_ CCL 5. Name of Stree? By G;{t;I c. 6A / 6: Purpose of Building A lo'/1, u 7 Material tOoecsat 115-1e° 8. Estimated cost of building *6 0 co repo"a�:o fl Jo. CC). B )' ,_ - 9. Dwelling k p.c.co 10. Cottage CC 11. Heat AoA �.--- tirtai 12. Basement NO i7-9. Q O 13. Garage ex:5+;n,3 a Cac pos+ 14. Store pm 15. Shop /U/A. 16. No. of stories o1 17. Is there to be a Store in the lower storey N C 18. Size of Lot. No. of feet front /a tit _ No. of feet rear ...../75-t No: of feet deep ../OD 19. Size of building. No. of feet front .a.V No. of feet side Ql.C. No. of feet rear 525/ 20. Distance from nearest building: Front ....a.00 ft.; side a.0 ft.; side /SO ft.; rear go 21. Distance back front line or street from rear lot line 64 , side line Show by diagram the location �off propsed building with relation to distances f joining lots, • re,• e side. (S1-4-f /).-44". -- Name .. .... .. .. / ,5..< Address i • . _ .- . ..- „ Street Name - _ . . /7 .1 . - — ..- . : . - • -U • r • - 0 Left Side Depth of Lot . . • -_ - ,- -a : .1 . . r... ....cm 4 7a. , -- - . . - • i- • •. .... _ ... , — — . .. •''-al - - - - . cn '113 ' 4 el , ...- , . — .... c, P:l - . 4.- ,---•' t -• ' it — — . --) • , - - z ct .-, _ a, , 0 r 0 -.. , 0 r ../ . i 0 . -.. , . . . . . . f . . r • - . i , - . 1 Is ,, . , • . i 5 _ 1 t• . 0-t.: • . • t . , . • ; _ I . . - , ' ......... ... . . L .. < Y I .. .. ' • -,- 2. • 1 ,e i .: 1. . L--' - ,•) .— .. — I • _....••• . • id . ....... .SS .e. .. . . • , . Right Side Depth of Lot -- , V ... _ 1 _ • ; :I --- .. a .... .c .1 . _ . .. Street Name -- _ '-2 T---7 a _,... ..• „ - . _ -- - --- : . -:.• ' a x 0 { I x , x - • 1 A . 1 . MI t 0 a 57beP -i-25'=—a: , �,C z. A `,-Fk ,4•1 1t �Q 0 HJ n { � IXC!!/.�Xs �) � � � � • 414 • L._ 2.1i ., . , . .. .. . , . 4, •*111 , 4,± /3,1 _ . 11 Arse. 99 7 , -'i , i 1 3 S7de ; . L0 7' S ,l�a ,. e t v Q x X !aurcu�y6 ` A2EA Q 0 x a' onad/ �p�l • i '1,1 e.%` l t 4 GAR Ryer {. y ` , �' t_ /i SESSo,eS aige° hr. I v G '41 x Peiecec • C-4 I G V , dace 6 9 s , Q Q ti P, 99 • I £0T4 ,.- • •"0 ir • ntea 7/cotd- Ate - -' . �,� a.k * /1/fil j. 231:40i>6z nztne-At r i it 1 tejir . fiffP" Ise- tet/act . 1 I,? . 41.0 • • e.., mop q. **sure GO Sim P.9u o.4 Gq,€)D 3��, /.v 10714 /f1 t,e 2 ker /Yc.�7iv/7• GGC C� �/ jni.cniA3&IC::,"0 . /��Q/ ENG�. /¢�_ I/�•' 346 LONG POND DRIVE • � q / NJ1-47)._,e-07{22Q �� soma YARMOUTH,MASS. f y 02664 • • L' _ • TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF APPEALS Filed with Town Clerk: JUN 6 i'` ; Hearing Date May. 8, 1980 Petitioner: Gerald G. Shuck Petition No. 1664 Box 549 South Dennis, Mass. • Alan A. Collette Box 512 South Dennis, Mass . at 27 Briar Circle, • South Yarmouth, Mass. DECISION The petitioner requested permit to: allow: 1) Variance to rear yard setback 2) Special permit to put apartment over a shop in existing building Property located at 27 Briar Circle, South Yarmouth, Mass. and shown on assessors' map #15-C4 Members of the Board of Appeals present: Sherman;.;0man:;;Sullivan, George and Renkainen It appearing that notice of said hearing has been given by sending notice thereof to the petitioner and all those owners of property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby and that public notice of such hearing having be given by publication in the Cape Cod Times on April 23, 1980 and April 30, 1980, the hearing was opened and held on the date first above written. The following appeared in favor of the petition: Letter - Gerard Hefferman, Alan Collette, James J. Carroll (Representing abuttors) Edward Carroll; Mary Shipley (abuttor) The following appeared in opposition: Letter - Harold Wiebezahl Margaret and Hugh Kilmartin • Reason for decision: This is a well established neighborhood of year- ' round and seasonal homes. There is commercial property within a very short distance and in fact, this property abutts a motel. The area has several cottage colonies. The petitioner seeks two reliefs - 1) a variance from the setback requirements - speaking of it, the Board found that the variance is to the side which abutts the above referred to motel, the building in violation is years old, having been built by the previous owner. The petitioners had no way of ascertaining the violation when they bought the property. To make the petitioners conform would be a hardship, both by loss of space which they bought in good faith or by out of pocket expense for either re-location or removal. The building in_question. .if left as is, will not be detrimental to the neighborhood because of reasons previously stated, and further, because it is not a new precedent setting injection into the neighborhood. Its extension does not derogate from the intent of the by-law which is to assure asethetic standards and safety, features. It id -situated •such' that ': • 4 F- -2- Gerald G. Shuck and Alan A. Collette its location does not put other buildings in danger and it is far enough back on the lot so as not to be offensive to the neighborhood. As regards the shape of this lot, there is some disagreement as to whether this is one lot or two; the assessors' map show it as one; a plan recorded shows it as two. The Board views it as two buildable lots; so as such, the shape makes it impossible to maintain this dwelling as is. The Board is going to impose the restriction and hereby does, that the second lot (southerly one) be joined to the northerly lot from now and in future, so- that the lots are now one and no singular, buildable lot now exists. As to request for special permit to complete construction and maintain an apartment over the "shop", we find that no additional nuisance, hazard or congestion will result. As previously stated, the area is well established and has mixed uses. Provisions of Special Permit are: there is to be a new septic system which will service this apartment. The fire escape for this apartment is to come down the south side of the building. Members of the Board voting: David Oman, Morris Johnson, Herbert Renkainen, Judy Sullivan, Thomas George. All voted in favor. Therefore, the petition for variance, approval or special permit is granted. And we authorize a variance, and/or special permit as requested, with the above stated imposed restriction. No permit issued until 20 days from date of filing decision with Town Clerk. ROBERT W. SHERMAN Clerk • • w • es+;. . . - ' ,; .,.. - _ .. _ 24712:f.. • 0: . ( �P:�• :.::: 'PI ICANT: -• : ',.2 i ' .• i.:, - - BLDG PERMIT NO: )CATION OF''PROPERTY: - 7: . / a;,� I'A; :-' ( JLE-et .FILED: • - THE FOLLOWING CHECK-OFF SHEET ISwDESIGNED TO CLARIFY THE -PROCEDURES AN'?NDIVIDUAL. - '.f-t 1ST FOLLOW IN' ORDER TO OBTAIN_ A PERMIT TO BUILD OR ALTER A'•BUILDING. " THE BUILDING.-....11:1-1...../..2„..... :PARTMENT'WILL' CHECK.ON .THE; FOLLOWING:_e (A) CONSERVANCY DISTRICTS, (B):•t HISTORICAL C• > .t, 'STRICTS • (C) 'FLOOD PLAINS-'ZONING, AND WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING THE=-_S.'::- :ti. PLICAtT( THROUGH•THE FOLIOWIN_G _AGENCIES. - : - - ''" : c..-. •` • rte., • RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: - _ _ - - - • - A) . CHECK WITH THE HEALTH DEPARTMEN? I.N. REFERENCE TO SEPTIC SYSTEMS FOR SEWAGE • ! •n:. .. DISPOSAL':- ,.- _ ----I..-- .:.._•• '_ _,• ._ __ _ __• -7:1', . :-:•.. .• - ., . B) .CHECK WITH CONSERVATION COMMITTEE IF THE LOT BORDERS ON ANY TYPE. OF� WETLANDS.. '1;5. EXAMPLES:. STREAMS, PONDS, _RIVERS,:OCEAN, .BAY, BOGS, MARSH,. ETC: '- :•,•-:_ C) CHECK-WITH PLANNING BOARD'FOR.10T`RELEASE ;, _ _ _-_ :.SC COMMERCIAL-BUILDING: :-_• _ - _ _ -.-..= :.; _ -':- _ _ - %?. :- - - - - _ • .. _ A). ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT-FOR.PARKING AND DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS,. T_ OPOGz PHY SITE - - '";.- PLAN REVIEW..` -.> _4.5-:i; .;; ;c _ 1: - - 112 B) ,: CONSERVATION COMMITTEE--IF LOT BORDERS ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS. . - - . : - C) . PLANNING BOARD-TO_SEEIF LOT_ COMPLIES WITH ZONING BY-LAWS. D) BOARD OF. HEALTH-FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS, HEALTH RELATED ACTIVITIES. . ' EXAMPLES: ' SAUNA BATHS, =SWIMMING POOLS, RESTAURANTS, ETC.: ' _• _ . • "E) FIRE DEPARTMENT-(OR • PROPERTY PROTECTION, PERSONAL SAFETY, (SPRINKLERS, SMOKE• ^: DETECTORS) „ :!i•� _ - :- -;z. - eq.!_ _ _ C'. •- _ _ '•-o-•• . •_ C--s -ice - ),-.:.--.;z-71:•-•.:-±'_ - __^.;i -;--4:: EWEDDIED BYrt::::..;.‘.:.-t - _ ~~ `-'-_ - • _ _ ___ -..- J• -='= • _ �. '`d: . - ':}moi-_ _-- Y Ems.'- - _ f :-_- - yt - E GINEERING DEPARTMENT:•` YES 1f DOES NOT APPLY - SIGNATURE, , z'. DATi ONSERVATION COMMITTEE ,YESi--.DOES 'NOT APPLY'-_' SIGNATURE-: `"-'J :; -- _ t DATE- 3 .- -. ,,i/kA BBRRD: I":YES `t- DOES:NOT'APPLY: -•SIGNATURE_ '-:: :- :') ==`'i=•=-DATE-' •- s: + BOARD OF HEALTH: . ' YES_s'iDOES NOT APPLY •_SIGNATURE-� lr j DATEI .' t - - =, F AR NT:. • .. . • T7T: , NOT APPLY_SIGNATLP �jeflar ` ' • - DATFL; $4; ENT=: •• • .. . :z '. ? : .7 : ..n '. .. ::: e' •rc -. a _ _:� >;_-- - - _ 41. �f' •�/yam .y/'�-r• .. '� 'c:`?.:.' •' .' 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