HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-80-426 VJ k` erg • • � Application for a P/rmit to Build No. l'IL v;,,,,, PP Fee must acc mmp this application Yarmouth 7.—if 1oQ 7-a 9 -17) TO THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN The undersigned hereby applies for� a permit to build, according to the following specifications: c1 1. Name of Owner 'wiz', Rcjrifctd 1'. Address 'L 4 / (eaf✓Ydi[ —roc. Yet: 2. Name of Architect (if any) 3. Name of Builder j 1 4. Precinct No. 1 Lot No. 3Plan: Name or No. 7 Ae/Z 6 Lar 3 i� 9't 19558" 5. Name of Street dal Ce Afnee ..r GC. ssessoas vuA* i 6. Purpose of Building .9�r eta.,,e/4• 7. Material11Jf0rOf C' L linen t oic 8. Estimated cost of building ) - -. o --1 _ '* i • r/o.— hark q key s�a�� tea /ORLI • 9. Dwelling 408 6 :' ' ,e-no.04.1. Al r cro c✓ 10. Cottage `j Q cz-ri% 11. Heat 1 ... 'T `)\ 12. Basement _+� �•__• 13. Garage I J 14. Store 15. Shop 16. No. of stories 17. Is there to be a Store in the lower storey '(a S 18. Size of Lot. No. of feet front No. of fee?rear No. of feet deep 19. Size of building. No. of feet front No. of feet side No. of feet rear 20. Distance from nearest building: Front ft.; side ft.; side It.; rear 21. Distance back from line or street , from rear lot line , side line IShow by diagram the location of propsed building with relation to d • +.`,from adjoining lo on reverse side. Address.a2cu... ' . 57(.1 /xC /.a1.2 .K• , ' JL'}' C'N y/°'/I•.. '/ t+ `/ • ‘‘'.„1 og ••• Rear of Lot .\\ .It N:na`a% \ e it t'%)14e*VSa '"k11ttR e. `,sem" >>re, a 1 i ;v • .4 .;_.: ,i �� 1 ) •"-t, m.. ata i f Tal}YJ\t1k. i )•.\Altk rf 114 4. 1 1 Q 4_ 16�� `� A x z y GO4 ti y y^4/ t i Frontage of Lot Street "2—of e' C.- r ' - 1` n 1 I PLOT PLAN I } 1 11- SECTION - SEWAGE �� ` s1 ;�, -i,. / _..: I , . . . _ //, ' 1',..c.“.is I � / . ...f Ifl • 1 .. . � "/IIi S/b (:iIT • 1_ _ _ - _ , ./• . .. . - -- _ - 't --- - `, / I''11C/IFI Il. :ct.t 'rl IA i g r 4. , +. . \.I - t.-. / 1 I / ' i 1 .I .1, 1 k _ u fG..," a t1 -- /� TEST HOLE LOG • i)w . . ,, - I ( 1 I 1 1 TEsr BY ¢, F... r'r - _ ; \ r. - TE57 DA _ 1 .. _ _ I ... Jia . ! . -_ I., � '. 1'``r� ' • � , I 1 T.H. w 1 T.H. 2 I • w+ K . ( f - I o f i t 1 i r i ,J� . ,,I. 1 / :._ � ��� 1 , zl cl__F,.), . 1 rl I I . —t �e t 1 Y \ •. , _ . rte..; ; ;_c;p ,.f 7 .1: ,,f_ I NAI R N , II ..:. I. - , - ; t NOTES: (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTF ' 1.DATUM(MSL) L TAKEN FRf1M ''.- - ....... .. ...._.. . ,. .. I 2.MUNICIPAL.WATER......___/s'_. 3.PIPE PITCH:rPER FOOT (-,pH - 4.DESIGN LOADING FOR ALL PRF , ST Ur. / 5.MIN.GROUND COVER OVER AI ._ SEwA ! 1. _. Q ..';il 6.PIPE JOINTS SHALL EL MAUL v...11 R T':., . ... - 7.CONSTRUCTION MENT DETAILS 70 bE 111.1 E..,L,, _ - SITE PLAN STATE ENVIRONMENTAL cool TI1 L1 S v " - _--'— s _ C..0^.1 ( 1 III II .o I, L. 7.7-. . /4641C1 _.. �, . r I0`N Oh -_. .�_.. F5.5. • :,,...] I,I 5.i. ul.'+dL.r 'AH! N( •. .f....(.:: 'fl. _ HEF - - 3 _-. ) Pq:>_`'_ ,.i dawn) cape e',l, incerth PREPARL( , ._• '5.7.., a 235'86 4 I . L,+; ,./ F-. f-esEc/How 50AR14IIF HE AL rH • FEG LFfIU$JRVECl1R CONTOURS IExlsnrvGl �_ ›,.._-..V.7._...... �.7t'/ ✓'..-% , MA _ r ri,:,I (PROPOSED) -O-0 a APPRUVEU ._._ _- __DATk _--__ _ __-____. um�. (/ ....,rw,MA SLC\LI 7/.`',/! , '• DATE 7n-0Z/ C VP N4W Nr r, y ." J .�I5 .;- o y^° io� 3o 0 ta co-4 m m CO r21 y O n z N m c D Q 1- v'+sr'". w /� rn c cc C cn zczornrM a— (A <n-aCCI 3 f m Ili f: i m ay_,. U C x C C y C --` v - _ cC z f - yI. z 1 1 , — i �,�1 ? f r I /+,i 1 rz z x a , ; m t_ z -azmrTrCr T N n m V �- rD ' : a r! D I = . - — m C _ r _ i �.4� r rn P~ D• z',I, r C t �_ll� • 1 kig,, _ _ .. . . __ . • .. , _ . _ . , _ r.. . _ . 7 C. I _ L - - • L / ' e A n1 • Il . r _ t ' , • - " - - °, - �, j h . 1 a i< C f n _I ,: l , I` G ,A _ ; • M I ( r ,. T I r 1 _ Ji l V j h Ik �r. e. • 1 Y } F" f.: I ---...1"1t . w*A A1/4` Application to - 10:19 . rs• O'f .J rY' -w "y T - Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Committee Aralin the Town of Yarmouth for a CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made, in triplicate,for the issuance of a certificate of exemption under Section 6 and 7 of Chapter 470, Acts and Resolves.ot Massachusetts, 1973, as amended for proposed work as described below and on plans,drawings,or photo- graphs accompanying this application. TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY DATE / —2 3 ° ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK -- 41 i - ASSESSORS MAP NO. O,AJJ OWNER (1 Q yI 'jL� ASSESSORS LOT NO. HOME ADDRESS o V C/11�{�1 oiJ . yea/to (?k/ TEL.NO. Soo, AGENT OR CONTRACTOR / ADDRESS TEL.NO. This application is for exemption of proposed exterior construction on the ground that: LS (1) It will not be visible from any way or public place. ❑ (2) It is within a category declared entitled to exemption by Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Commission. (Check applicable box) PROPOSED WORK: Describe and furnish plan of proposed work,showing location on lot,and, if an addition is involved,show- ing location of existing building. Patch— 614/1/CA I �to ge rem7A-6-cubig.;43 or-762% ettia sie SIGNED Space below line for Committee use. can ntractor-Agent r... . Received by H.D.C. The Certificate is hereby - I C. 2„l <<{Jw Date i9 �� `l/ _ Time � 1 � !C Al , By /V f t" Date Approved ❑ - The categories of work entitled to exemption are listed on Disapproved 0 - the back of this form. EXTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES SUITABLE FOR CERTIFICATES OF EXEMPTION FOR RESIDENTIAL USE ONLY FENCES: 1. Post and rail,split,half round or round;natural finish 2. Square rail;white or natural finish 3. Stockade;natural or gray stain finish;not forward of face of main building 4.'Picket;white only (Maximum height of all fences,4 feet/ HEDGES: natural,not to exceed four feet in height DECKS: constructed of wood,on single family dwellings, built after 1900, at first floor level,at the rear only, railings not to exceed 30 inches in height,not over 50%to be visible from a way;natural finish or color • compatible with building involved BREEZEWAYS: enclosure of existing breezeways,consistent with style,material and color of house,excluding sliding glass doors facing street,way or public place FLAGPOLES: on residential property, not over 24 feet high,not less than 20 feet from way,constructed of wood, with natural finish or painted white,or of aluminum,or of fiberglas or metal painted white ARBORS AND TRELLISES: of lightweight,wooden construction, not over nine feet high ROOFS: natural cedar shingles,or asphalt shingles per approved color samples;not over five inches exposure to weather % SIDING: natural cedar shingles,or wooden clapboards-natural or approved color;not over five inches exposure to weather STORM SASH,STORM DOORS,WINDOW SCREENS,SCREEN DOORS,GUTTERS AND LEADERS: permissible if consistent with style,material and color of building LIGHT POST: permissible if consistent with style,material and color of building • s r AIR CONDITIONERS: portable,vii Jow units)t.pide or rear of building r \ STONE WALLS: construction of field or split stone, not exceeding 30 inches in height • r. `. A.i % i w'i• ;:aa OT Me - ."1AhA .A0 u01TaQQ NOTE 1. All prior bulletins hereby superseded. 2. Conditions contained in certificates of appropriateness shall be binding regardless of any exemptions contained herein. BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW t. . ''// APPLICANT: les [� ee if. 11// ) BLDG PERMIT NO: LOCATION OF PROPERTY: T,� regre,G rSrA,7- DATE FILED: - THE FOLLOWING CHECK-OFF SHEET IS DESIGNED TO CLARIFY THE PROCEDURES AN INDIVIDUAL MUST FOLLOW IN ORDER TO OBTAIN A PERMIT TO BUILD OR ALTER A BUILDING. THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL CHECK ON THE FOLLOWING: (A) CONSERVANCY DISTRICTS (B) HISTORICAL DISTRICTS (C) FLOOD PLAINS ZONING, AND WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSISTING:THE APPLICANT THROUGH THE FOLLOWING AGENCIES. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING: A) CHECK ,WITH THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT IN REERE?ICE TO SEPTIC SYSTEMS FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL. B) CHECK WITH CONSERVATION COMMITTEE IF THE LOT BORDERS ON ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS. EXAMPLES: STREAMS, PONDS RIVERS, OCEAN, BAY, 3035, MARSH, ETC. C) CHECK WITH PLANNING BOARD FOR LOT RELEASE. COMMERCIAL BUILDING: A) ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT-FOR PARKING AND DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS, TOPOGRAPHY SITE PLAN REVIEW. B) CONSERVATION COfMITTEE-IF LOT BORDERS ANY TYPE OF WETLANDS. C) PLANNING BOARD- TO SEE IF LOT COMPLIES WITH ZONING BY-LAWS. , D) BOARD OF HEALTH FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS, HEALTH RELATED ACTIVITIES. EXAMPLES: SAUNA BATHS, SWIMMING POOLS, RESTAURANTS, ETC. E) FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR PROPERTY PROTECTION, PERSONAL SAFETY, (SPRINKLERS, SMOKE DNIECTORS). REV 'EO BY: I I G G DEPARTMENT: YES /DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATURE `. _ _ .i E A . ,___ DATE 717/80 S&ERVATTIION CaMITTEE: YES / DOES_NOT:'APPLY✓ SIGNATURE t„_ . tis£. _I , DATE 7/7180 =G BOARD: YES DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATURE C DATE OF HEALTH: YFS�DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATURE £v4 DATE 7/af FIRE DEPARTMENT: YES DOES NOT APPLY SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS: 1 #z) t4D ADDITIop OR. cNANGC TO Ems-mace couuDATlo4. ''` O£ Y9ittAr TOWN OF YARMOUTH } J M an c o � WATER DEPARTMENT TT F .A4L `Z Cs),f*+.o•'g 1, 102 UNION STREET • YARMOUTH PORT, MASS. 02675 WATER COMMISSIONERS THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS MEETS EVERY MONDAY AT 7:30 P.M. AT UNION STREET OFFICE - FREDERICK J. THACHER ROGER G. EDWARDS. JR. THOMAS E. KELLEY - 3 SUPERINTENDENTDate: - - + July 23, 1980 PAUL WILSON - t Name: Philip Greenhow Address: Yarmouthport, Mass, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Please be advised that Town water is available on Lot or Lots # 1` '• , Street Center 1 ae Ghnwn on Assessors Sheet # 126 . V truly yours, Paul A. Wilson. , yyLe Superintendent O ti • 90� 1, . .J i^. __ - S T. 4 i ti+ a? / �/�- L - �` I J / i +.' L-p • i )( 7y