HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-19-3581C� 13 20 Gj p��%9 6b Amount .i permit expires 180 days from `- issue date APPLICATION OFYARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1261 CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: S1 qD r ASSESSOR'S INFORMATION: Map: Parcel: OWNER: CONTRACTOR: A CERTIFIED AS BUILT IS REQUIRED BEFORE FINAL INSPECTION l9(Residential ❑ Commercial Est. Cost of Construction S 50,Ooc) Home Improvement Contractor Lie. # / _ Construction Supervisor Lie, 9c; �q y Workman's Compensation Insurance: (check one) ❑ I am the homeowner ❑ I am the sole proprietor I have Worker's Compensation Insurance Insurance Company Name: a(,OI'�& 4 (V I Worker's Comp. Policy# Tent Duration Siding: # of Squares WORK TO BE PERFORMED (Fire Retardant Certificate attached?) Replacement windows: #, Roofing: # of Squares ( ) Remove existing* (max. 2 layers) Old Kings Highway/Historic Dist. ( ) Replacing like for like *The debris will be disposed of at: Wood Stove Replacement doors: # in Insulation 'o`''oh, h/ An,) RiWoiv I declare under penalties of perjury that the statements herein contained are true and comet to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false answer(s) will bejust cause for denial orgevocagon/of my licensg(*d for prosecution under MG.L. Ch. 268, Section 1. Applicant's Signature: Owners Signature (or attachment) W -r— / Date: I `—I -7 Approved By: Date: IX -13 / /Yes District: \2 Historical District: Yes ❑ No Flood Plain Zone: ❑ Yes C? No Water Resource Protect'' 'In District: Within 100 R of We ands: ❑ Yes f3' No ❑ Yes No GEC 1_772101B �._.. __..._. RUILUING U HY - -- kAw �� The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department oflndustrfalAecidents I Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 1VIO Name www.mass.gov/dia NVorkers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. 6MA / Phone Are you as employer? Check the appropriate box: l.❑ I am a employer with employees (full and/or part-time).* 2.7 I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in any capacity. [No workers' comp. insurance required.] 3. ❑ I am a homeowner doing all work myself. [No workers' comp. insurance required.] t 4. ❑ I am a homeowner and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. I vn1l ensure that all contractors either have workers' compensation insurance or are sole proprietors with no employees. 5. Ell am a general contractor and I have hired the sub -contractors listed on the attached sheet These sub -contractors have employees and have workers' comp. insurance.$ 6. ❑ we are a corporation and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL C. 152, §1(4), and we have no employees. [No workers' comp, insurance required.] Type of project (required): 7. ❑ New construction 8. ❑ Remodeling 9. ❑ Demolition 10 ❑ Building addition 11.❑ Electrical repairs or additions 12. ❑ Plumbing repairs or additions 13. ❑ Roof repairs 14. ❑ Other_ 'Any applicant that checks box #1 must also fill out the section below showing their workers' compensation policy information. t Homeowners who submit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such =Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub-contratrmrs and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub -contactors have employees, they must provide their workers' comp. policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers' compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. A - Insurance Company Policy # or Self -ins. Lic, #:—to �1� 1��1 ��3� )_ Expiration Date:, Job Site Attach a copy of the workers' policy declaration page (showing the policy and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152, §25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the violator. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby fertifyIu, t1:e p ins and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct Official use only. Do not write in this area, to be completed by city or town offieiaL City or Town: Permit/License # Issuin; Authority (circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6. Other Contact Person: Phone Information and Instructions Massachusetts General Laws chapter 152 requires all employers to provide workers' compensation for their employees. t Pursdantto this statute, an employee is defined as "...every person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written." An employer is defined as "an individual, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity, or any two or more of the foregoing engaged in a joint enterprise, and including the legal representatives of a deceased employer, or the receiver or trustee of an individual, partnership, association or other legal entity, employing employees. However the owner of a dwelling house having not more than three apartments and who resides therein, or the occupant of the dwelling house of another who employs persons to do maintenance, construction or repair work on such dwelling house or on the grounds or building appurtenant thereto shall not because of such employment be deemed to be an employer." f MGL chapter 152, §25C(6) also states that "every state or local licensing, a;ency shall withhold the issuance or renewal of a license or permit to operate a business or to cbnstruct buildings in the commonwealth for any applicant who has not produced acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance coverage required." Additionally, MGL chapter 152, §25C(7) states "Neither the commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall enter into any contract for the performance of public work until acceptable evidence of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter have been presented to the contracting authority." Applicants Please fill out the workers' compensation affidavit completely, by checking the boxes that apply to your situation and, if necessary, supply sub -contractors) name(s), address(es) and phone number(s) along with their certificate(s) of insurance. Limited Liability Companies (LLC) or Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) with no employees other than the members or partners, are not required to carry workers' compensation insurance. If an LLC or LLP does have employees, a policy is required. Be advised that this affidavit may be submitted to the Department of Industrial Accidents for confirmation of insurance coverage. Also be sure to sign and date the affidavit. The affidavit should be returned to the city or town that the application for the permit or license is being requested, not the Department of Industrial Accidents. Should you have any questions regarding the law or if you are required to obtain a workers' compensation policy, please call the Department at the number listed below. Self-insured companies should enter their self-insurance license number on the appropriate line. City or Town Officials Please be sure that the affidavit is complete and printed legibly. The Department has provided a space at the bottom of the affidavit for you to fill out in the event the Office of Investigations has to contact you regarding the applicant Please be sure to fill in the permit(license number which will be used as a reference number. In addition, an applicant that must submit multiple permit/license applications in any given year, need only submit one affidavit indicating current policy information (if necessary) and under "Job Site Address" the applicant should write "all locations in (city or town)." A copy of the affidavit that has been officially stamped or marked by the city or town may be provided to the applicant as proof that a valid affidavit is on file for future permits or licenses. A new affidavit must be filled out each year. Where a home owner or citizen is obtaining a license or permit not related to any business or commercial venture (i.e. a dog license or permit to bum leaves etc.) said person is NOT required to complete this affidavit The Department's address, telephone and fax number: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 Tel. # 617-727-4900 ext. 7406 or 1-877-MASSAFE Fax # 617-727-7749 Revised 02-23-15 VAM.mass.gov/dia A.) NEITHER DRIVEWAYS NOR PARKING AREAS ARE ALLOWED OVER SEPTIC SYSTEM UNLESS H-20 COMPONENTS ARE USED. B.) THE DESIGNER WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SYSTEM AS DESIGNED UN- LE55 CONSTRUCTED AS SHOWN. ANY CHANGES SHALL BE APPROVED IN WRITING. C.) CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. DEPTH FROM SURFACE (INCHES) SOIL 501L HORIZON TEXTURE (USDA) 501L COLOR (MUN5ELL) 501L MOTTLING OTHER 0-9 A Loamy Sand I0YR3 2 NONE PERC A 112' 9-48 B Fine Sandy LoamjD_YR5 4 NONE TIMED PERC: 9-G" -5MIN 48-120 1 Fine and I ONE RATE: <2MI IN - W- WATER SERVICE LINE 8J OUTLET PIPES FROM DISTRIBUTION BOX SHALL REMAIN LEVEL FOR AT LEAST ABSORPTION SYSTEM. WATER TEST DISTRIBUTION \ PROPOSED SAS -o- OVERHEAD UTILITY SERVICE 2' BEFORE PITCHING TO SOIL Box To AsSURE EVEN DISTRIBUTION. / 62 Old Hyannl5 Road -U- UNDERGROUND UTILITY SERVICE TI N BOX SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM SUMP OF G" MEASURED BELOW \ x s3s D15TRIBU O 4 BEDROOM DWELL(W Q I I 10 GPD = 440 GPD LEACHING CAPACITY REQU REDS CD 4 BEDROOMS (MAX.) Q I 10 GPD = 440 GPD REQUIRED -d SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY REQUIREI)i Uri DAILY FLOW = 440 GPD Q 200% =550 GAL. REQUIRED co Route 6A SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY PROVIDED, 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK (MIN. ALLOWED) CONSTRUCTION NOTES: LEACHING CAPACITY PROVIDED TEST HOLE 2• EL=GG 2+ Ot-lr-i I) 33 5' X 12 83' X 2 0' LEACHING CHAMBER CAN LEACH: Dennis r'` I :) ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE, TITLE 5, AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. 2.) SEPTIC TANK(5), GREASE TRAP(5), DOSING CHAMBER(5) AND DISTRIBUTION Vt-[(33.5 X 12.83) + (33.5 X 2.0)2 + (12.83 X 2.0)2] X 0.74 GPD/SF=455.10 GPD Pond - 455 GPD>440 GPD REQUIRED NOTE: A GARBAGE DISPOSAL IS NOT PERMITTED WITH THIS DESIGN. LOCUS INSTALLS Route 6 �- 15nn GAI I ON SFPTIC TANK NOT TO SCALE 501L 501L - SOIL 501E OTHER F � Grade LEGEND HORIZON TEXTURE COLOR MOTTLING K19-ldv (USDA) (MUNSELL) -32 PROPOSED CONTOUR A Loam Sand I OYR3 2 NONE X r2s4 EXISTING SPOT GRADE R Fine Sandy Inam I 0 NONE Vt-[(33.5 X 12.83) + (33.5 X 2.0)2 + (12.83 X 2.0)2] X 0.74 GPD/SF=455.10 GPD Pond - 455 GPD>440 GPD REQUIRED NOTE: A GARBAGE DISPOSAL IS NOT PERMITTED WITH THIS DESIGN. LOCUS INSTALLS Route 6 �- 15nn GAI I ON SFPTIC TANK NOT TO SCALE ZONING CLASSIFICATION ZONE R-40 (RE5IDENTIAL) MINIMUM AREA 40,000 S.F. MINIMUM FRONTAGE 150 FEET FRONT YARD SETBACK 30 FEET SIDE YARD SETBACK 20 FEET REAR YARD SETBACK 20 FEET MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 35 FEET MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE 25% PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE PROPOSED DWELLING 2,107 5F± PROPOSED REAR PORCH 220 5F± PROP05EO FRONT STEP 3G SF± PROPOSED POOL 21 G SF± TOTAL 2,579 5F± Budding Area 2,579 SF Lot Area X 100= 48,080 5F X 100= 5.3% RE51DENTIAL BUILDING HEIGHT ZONE R-40 (RESIDENTIAL) MAXIMUM HEIGHT 35 FEET MINIMUM STORIES THREE(3) AVERAGE GRADE * PROPOSED HEIGHT AVERAGE NATURAL GRADE: FRONT: 82.2+83.1 +82.4/3=82.G MAX ALLOWABLE HEIGHT: EL= 35'+82.G= 117.G PROPOSED HEIGHT: BUILDING HEIGHT 25.5 FEET/TOF TO PEAK PROPOSED PEAK: EL=25.5 + 85.0 = 1 10.5 PROPOSED PEAK EL=1 10.5 < EL= 117.G (MAX) BUILDING HEIGHT OKAY i r,.� , o ,o, X 7 ., o \ x79.4 J O I x 75.3 I w; ' Xx 83.2 PLAN II x 83.8 x 79.4 SCALE I °=20' I' \` 1 107.04 (� x 64,3 0 j\\"\\ `> _� a SAVE TREES OILUtility Pole # 101 1/5 1 8 ,error,\, .Nbr ,� �. / �o ' 6,a Yarmouth Health Department '� rs DISTRIBUTION BOX AND o WITHIN THESE AREAS xg O x79.1 / CENTER SAS CHAMBER. � � ' BENCHMARK: � P. �JVEY� SHALL BE BUILT UP \ Top of Concrete Bound TO WITHIN 6" FINISH Parcel 12.4 EL=85.8± (1988 datum) / ame Date GRADE \ Vacant Land I Parcel 12.5 Vacant Land FOUR(4) COVERS TOTAL PVC TEE REQUIRED FLOW PROFI LE. TWO(2): SEPTIC TANK / NOT TO SCALE ; ONE(I) DBOx 24" DIAMETER CONCRETE COVONE(I) SAS ERS / REVISED PLAN, I 1/28/18: NEW HOUSE LOCATION, SAS LOCATION RA15ED TO WITHIN G OF FINISH / TOP OF FOUNDATION GRADE (OR A5 NOTED) AND ADJUSTED WELU5A5 SETBACK TO 150 FEET. EL 85. (SEE NOTE #5) s. REVISED PLAN, 10/29/1,5: NEW HOUSE FOOTPRINT AND HOUSE ? : Pro osed EL= 83.9± Pro o d EL -G5.0± Pro osed EL= GG.O± .• \ LOCATION. �ZN OF 28 ProposedIni "JH 0 F M4 (Si" Min - 36" Max) s`S'9 JOHN ose i e5I encs 63. _ v o c / M c% Jeff Jones, Classic Construction, 65 Cranes Lane, Brewster, MA 02631 �•.' JOHN M. l 2" LAYER OF 1/8" - I/2" STONE 'REILL 80.50 80.25 10" 14" 80.00 � 0 =-: l! :< i i 3/4"- I-1/2"5TONE #v _ OCIVItY N0.48733 51TE SEWAGE D15PO5AL 5Y5TEM DE51GN /G3 0 N 3" G .32 G . '! >'f' NO, 36200 , 54 Old Hyannis Road, Yarmouth, MA 2' DROPFGISTER�O s S GAS BAFFLE G 1.00 FS ��� ►,.� $USN s�o J.M. OTEILLY & ASSOCIATES, INC. USE THREE(3) 5HOREY PRECAST 500 GALLON LEACH CHAMBERS 9.8' '' Professional Engineering &Land Surveying Services Longest Run WITH 4' OF STONE AROUND INSPECTION NOTE: 14' (END VIEW) 500 GALLON _ DB -3 - EL -51,2± BOTTOM TEST HOLE 2 PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER, SYSTEM 1673 Main Street -Route 8A LEACHING CHAMBER NEEDS TO BE COMPLETE INCLUDING BUILDUP FOR COVERS. Q 20 40 GO ews Bos 1773 5EPTIC TANK D -BOX x2.o 33.5'x 12.83' � �� (608 896-8801 Office Brewster, MA 02831 (608)898-8802 Fax H-20 SCALE I "=2O' DATE: SCALE: BY: GHECK: JOB NUMBER: G:WAjob5Vones-ClassicConstruction\54oldhyanms\j5413sds. dwg 316/18 As Noted MTF JMO JMO-8413 j IAMPER FIELD L AT LEAST THREE TOMO THE SEPTIIC TDA K TO THEAFLOW NEISHALL BE 48"UCrin rFviw 1 i IL wCATION '- DATE of TESTING: JUNE 8, 2017 4.} SCHEDULE 40 PVC INLET AND OUTLET TEES SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 6 PERCOLATION RATE: LE55 THAN 2 MIWINCH INC LAYERS. ABOVE THE FLOW LINE OF THE SEPTIC TANK AND SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE WITNESSED BY: DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING PHILIP RENAUD, AGENT, YARMOUTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT ' CENTERLINE OF THE TANK DIRECTLY UNDER THE CLEANOUT MANHOLE. NO WATER ENCOUNTERED 5.) RAISE COVERS OF THE SEPTIC TANK AND DISTRIBUTION BOX WITH PRECAST USE A LOADING RATE OF 0.74 GPD/SF FOR 51ZING OF SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. CONCRETE WATER TIGHT RISERS OVER INLET AND OUTLET TEES TO WITHIN G" OF BOARD OF HEALTH AGENT. - Z PLAN BOOK 30 PAGE 28 DEED BOOK 306 14 PAGE 286 ASSESSORS' MAP 94 PARCEL 13.12 F � Grade LEGEND FINISH GRADE, ORAS APPROVED. BYT HE LOCAL GJ PIPING SHALL CONSIST OF 4" SCHEDULE 40 PVC OR EQUIVALENT, PIPE SHALL ---32 EXISTING CONTOUR BE LAID ON A MINIMUM CONTINUOUS GRADE OF NOT I F55 THAN I %. -32 PROPOSED CONTOUR 7.) DISTRIBUTION LINES FOR 501E ABSORPTION SYSTEM (AS REQUIRED) SHALL BE �� X r2s4 EXISTING SPOT GRADE 4' DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC LAID AT 0.005 FT/FT. LINE SHALL BE CAPPED X 77.0 24x5 PROPOSED SPOT GRADE AT END OR AS NOTED. ! - W- WATER SERVICE LINE 8J OUTLET PIPES FROM DISTRIBUTION BOX SHALL REMAIN LEVEL FOR AT LEAST ABSORPTION SYSTEM. WATER TEST DISTRIBUTION \ PROPOSED SAS -o- OVERHEAD UTILITY SERVICE 2' BEFORE PITCHING TO SOIL Box To AsSURE EVEN DISTRIBUTION. / 62 Old Hyannl5 Road -U- UNDERGROUND UTILITY SERVICE TI N BOX SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM SUMP OF G" MEASURED BELOW \ x s3s D15TRIBU O PER BOH RECORDS - G- GAS SERVICE LINE 9.) THE OUTLET INVERT. \ � / � TEST HOLE/ BORING .LOCATION ATE FOR THE LEACHING FACILITY SHALL CONSIST OF 3/4" TO i o.) BASE AGGREGATE SEPTIC TANK 1- 1/2" DOUBLE WASHED STONE FREE OF IRON, FINES AND DUST AND SHALL BE PROPOSED DISTRIBUTION LINE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE WINDOW � SAVE T ES DB DISTRIBUTION 80X INSTALLED BELOW THE CROWN OF THE SHALL BE COVERED WITH. A 2" 501L ABSORPTION SYSTEM. BASE AGGREGATEx 84.0 WELL\ WITHIN \ HESE AREAS SA5 SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM LAYER OF 1/8" TO 1/2" DOUBLE WASHED STONE FREE OF IRON, FINES AND DUST. ` nN6 / Reserve RESERVED FOR FUTURE x o 1.) VENT SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM WHEN DISTRIBUTION LINES EXCEED 50 FEET; ^ � � ,o \ / � UTILITY POLE WHEN LOCATED EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART UNDER DRIVEWAYS, PARKING AREAS, _ �cn DOSED. Op J / ® CATCH BA51N TURNING AREAS OR OTHER IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL, OR WHEN PRESSURE _.-- 1 t ( F O FIRE HYDRANT 1'2.) 501L ABSORPTION SYSTEM SHALL BE COVERED WITH A MINIMUM OF 9" OF SAND TOPSOIL). t � �, \ �x 61.8 ® CLEAN MEDIUM (EXCLUDING •, I „ SYSTEM / x � x sz, MAXIMUM OF 3G OVER THE TOP OF ALL 84.1 t f i i� 1 -- __.,. DRAINAGE MANHOLE 13.) FIN15H GRADE SHALL BE A COMPONENTS, INCLUDING THE SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, D051NG CHAMBER 81 .29 ,t \ I I O �I` i +1 CONCRETE BOUND, FOUND AND SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. SEPTIC TANKS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER / \ x N V xi6.3 / f ` �? x x63.8 62.2 - - TOP OF BANK of 9". �' 7 11 SA - "'-- � r i 220.06 64 x x LIMIT OF WORK I4.) FROM THE DATE OF INSTALLATION OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM UNTIL � COMPLIANCE, THE PERIMETER OF THE SOIL ABSORP- / f ! / RECEIPT OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMPL r x X2.4 I /`� .� x 641 64.2: -•-�---- FENCE TION SYSTEM SHALL BE STAKED AND FLAGGED TO PREVENT THE USE OF SUCH ! /l x 851 ` x t ! % / �/ j %'�! AREA FOR ALL ACTIVITIES THAT MIGHT DAMAGE THE SYSTEM. / 15J THE BOARD OF HEALTH SHALL REQUIRE INSPECTION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION cv x 631 I %r } ,� Rv AAI Ar_FNT OF THF BOARD OF HEALTH (OR THE DESIGNER IF THIS SYSTEM RE- /// /O 66.5 ;Li%':. x 63.8 6� UP# I S 1 JIG f V / __.. EDGE OF CLEARING ZONING CLASSIFICATION ZONE R-40 (RE5IDENTIAL) MINIMUM AREA 40,000 S.F. MINIMUM FRONTAGE 150 FEET FRONT YARD SETBACK 30 FEET SIDE YARD SETBACK 20 FEET REAR YARD SETBACK 20 FEET MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT 35 FEET MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE 25% PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE PROPOSED DWELLING 2,107 5F± PROPOSED REAR PORCH 220 5F± PROP05EO FRONT STEP 3G SF± PROPOSED POOL 21 G SF± TOTAL 2,579 5F± Budding Area 2,579 SF Lot Area X 100= 48,080 5F X 100= 5.3% RE51DENTIAL BUILDING HEIGHT ZONE R-40 (RESIDENTIAL) MAXIMUM HEIGHT 35 FEET MINIMUM STORIES THREE(3) AVERAGE GRADE * PROPOSED HEIGHT AVERAGE NATURAL GRADE: FRONT: 82.2+83.1 +82.4/3=82.G MAX ALLOWABLE HEIGHT: EL= 35'+82.G= 117.G PROPOSED HEIGHT: BUILDING HEIGHT 25.5 FEET/TOF TO PEAK PROPOSED PEAK: EL=25.5 + 85.0 = 1 10.5 PROPOSED PEAK EL=1 10.5 < EL= 117.G (MAX) BUILDING HEIGHT OKAY i r,.� , o ,o, X 7 ., o \ x79.4 J O I x 75.3 I w; ' Xx 83.2 PLAN II x 83.8 x 79.4 SCALE I °=20' I' \` 1 107.04 (� x 64,3 0 j\\"\\ `> _� a SAVE TREES OILUtility Pole # 101 1/5 1 8 ,error,\, .Nbr ,� �. / �o ' 6,a Yarmouth Health Department '� rs DISTRIBUTION BOX AND o WITHIN THESE AREAS xg O x79.1 / CENTER SAS CHAMBER. � � ' BENCHMARK: � P. �JVEY� SHALL BE BUILT UP \ Top of Concrete Bound TO WITHIN 6" FINISH Parcel 12.4 EL=85.8± (1988 datum) / ame Date GRADE \ Vacant Land I Parcel 12.5 Vacant Land FOUR(4) COVERS TOTAL PVC TEE REQUIRED FLOW PROFI LE. TWO(2): SEPTIC TANK / NOT TO SCALE ; ONE(I) DBOx 24" DIAMETER CONCRETE COVONE(I) SAS ERS / REVISED PLAN, I 1/28/18: NEW HOUSE LOCATION, SAS LOCATION RA15ED TO WITHIN G OF FINISH / TOP OF FOUNDATION GRADE (OR A5 NOTED) AND ADJUSTED WELU5A5 SETBACK TO 150 FEET. EL 85. (SEE NOTE #5) s. REVISED PLAN, 10/29/1,5: NEW HOUSE FOOTPRINT AND HOUSE ? : Pro osed EL= 83.9± Pro o d EL -G5.0± Pro osed EL= GG.O± .• \ LOCATION. �ZN OF 28 ProposedIni "JH 0 F M4 (Si" Min - 36" Max) s`S'9 JOHN ose i e5I encs 63. _ v o c / M c% Jeff Jones, Classic Construction, 65 Cranes Lane, Brewster, MA 02631 �•.' JOHN M. l 2" LAYER OF 1/8" - I/2" STONE 'REILL 80.50 80.25 10" 14" 80.00 � 0 =-: l! :< i i 3/4"- I-1/2"5TONE #v _ OCIVItY N0.48733 51TE SEWAGE D15PO5AL 5Y5TEM DE51GN /G3 0 N 3" G .32 G . '! >'f' NO, 36200 , 54 Old Hyannis Road, Yarmouth, MA 2' DROPFGISTER�O s S GAS BAFFLE G 1.00 FS ��� ►,.� $USN s�o J.M. OTEILLY & ASSOCIATES, INC. USE THREE(3) 5HOREY PRECAST 500 GALLON LEACH CHAMBERS 9.8' '' Professional Engineering &Land Surveying Services Longest Run WITH 4' OF STONE AROUND INSPECTION NOTE: 14' (END VIEW) 500 GALLON _ DB -3 - EL -51,2± BOTTOM TEST HOLE 2 PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER, SYSTEM 1673 Main Street -Route 8A LEACHING CHAMBER NEEDS TO BE COMPLETE INCLUDING BUILDUP FOR COVERS. Q 20 40 GO ews Bos 1773 5EPTIC TANK D -BOX x2.o 33.5'x 12.83' � �� (608 896-8801 Office Brewster, MA 02831 (608)898-8802 Fax H-20 SCALE I "=2O' DATE: SCALE: BY: GHECK: JOB NUMBER: G:WAjob5Vones-ClassicConstruction\54oldhyanms\j5413sds. dwg 316/18 As Noted MTF JMO JMO-8413 j REQUIR A CERTIFIED AS BL!EC BEFORE FINAL Anchor Bolts: 5/8"L Bolts 28" Spacing at building width (27'6" side) 56" Spacing at building legnth & garage 6-12" From End of Sill Plates, 7"min Concrete Embedment Washers: 3"xYx1/4"thk Plate Washers X11° 11 1 9'6" 10" W 3— #5 ® 52" O.C. Harm Steel *Wrap 2' ® Splices fy=40ksi min 2x4" Key #5 ® 7" O.C. =3" fc=3000psi min. Poured Concrete Foundation Wall *Footing To Be Set On Native Undisturbed, Non—Organic Soil or Mechanically Compacted Medium—Coarse Sand v *Compacted in 6" Lifts —91Y6' \ 12' Foundation Wall a \. Garage Walls TOWN OF YARMOUTH REVIEWED FOR BUILDING AND ZONING CODE COMPLI- ANCE. ERRORS OR OMMISSIONS DO NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICANT FROM THE RESPONSIBILITY OF'AS BUILT' COMPLIANCE. �pp DATE: _ BUILDING ORPICIAL DANIEL' P. CROTEAU CIVIL No. 46253 10"x20" Footing w/ 3–k45 rebars 10" Footing Pads w/ 15 reborn ® 1216c i –3" –6Y2" 7'-3y2" –7" ?.5'x2.5' 31x3' 7.5x4' 2.5x2.5' 2.5x2.5' 1 10" Foundation Walls, 1 1 unless otherwise labeled 1 L — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — J –11'-16p- -1 0,–g "— _ 10'-9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `O'j 39'-9" 'v 34'-4136 –73�— otes INDICATES A SIMPSON STHD14RJ FOUNDATION STRAP 14" embedment *Strap Locations per Apex Homes specs. to match' interior framing. 1.) Anchor Bolts: 5/8"L Bolts @ 28" & 56"max spacing (see detail) & 6-12" from end of sill plates, 7"min Concrete embedment Washers: 3"x3"x1/4"thk plate washers 2.) Foundation Footings: 20"X10" Poured Concrete, fc=2500psi min Column Footings: 10" w/#5 rebar at 12"max spacing. 3.) Foundation Walls: 10"thick for 9' basement, 8" for garage. Poured Concrete, fc=3000psi min. Install continuous horiz. rebars as shown. Lap splice length: 24". 4.) SIMPSON Strong Tie—Holdowns: STHD14RJ to be Installed per - manufacturer specs, 1.4"min embedment. 5.) Garage Slab: 4"thick Poured Concrete, fc=3500psi, 6x6-10guage WWF. 6.) Window locations determined by general contractor. Window area to be min 2% of basement floor area.