HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-1997 - green cards & cert mail recptsU.S. Postal Service* CERTIFIED MAIL- RECEIPT (Dotn9sda ,ldt OnU; tlo tnsutenc€ Cowge Provlded)f Em EOIT! l. )Ceniliod F66EE Rslum Fec€lpl Fo€E GndoBemonr F€qui€d) Fleslricted oeliwry F6e(Endorsemsni Soauired)EI LNEm O6JB Tolal PGtag€ & Fess 05 M/ ru En- IEI.ftAY BEA&I FL 3446 r0.49$ t3.30 t?.?a t0.00 $ 16.49 For dellvery lnlo.matlon vlall ou, xrabalta al ww{.uap3.com@ ( P ac-.U S city, state, zlP+4 +[;t;C n c eir6i,'r'i1.a-,hb_ €t- 3-j,,1 PS Form 3800, Augusl2006 See Beverse ior lnstruclions Cedilied Mail Provides: . Amailing receiplt A uniqu€ id€ntli€r for your mailpiece. A record olUelivery kepl by the PoslalService lor two years lmportanl EemlnateB:r Certilied Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Maib or Priority Mailc,r Cerlilied Mailis /,gtavailable for ary Cass of inlemational mail- i NO INSUBANCE COVEFAGE lS PBOVIDED with Certilied Mail. For valuables, please consider lnsured or Regislered Mail. a For an add(ionallee, a Return Becept may be tequesled lo provtde prool of delivery. To oblain B€lurn Receiptservice, please comprete and anach a Retum R€ceipl (PS Form 3811) lo rhe arlicle and add applrcable postaqe ro cover lhefee. Endorse marlpr€ce "Relurn Recerpt Bequesled" To rec6,ve a lee waiver lor a dup[care return receipl. a USPS@poshark on your Cenrlied l\rail receipt isrequreo. r For an addllcMal tee, del'very may b€ reslricted to the addrossee or addressee's alrtrcdtbal+gent- Advls€ the clerk or mark lhe marlpiece wilh lheeodotsemenl'Raslricted Delivery".r lf a postmark on rhe Cedrl:ed Ma,l recerot is desrred, olease oresent th€ artFcleat lhe posl oflice lor postmarking. lfa posharl on ria Cenilied fi,iailreceipl is not needed, detach and atfrx labet wilh postage and mait. IiIP0ETAIT: Savs this receipl and presenl il when mating an inquiry. PS Fom 3aO0, Augusr 2006 (Peeee) PSN 7530-02-000-9047 U.S. Postal Service'u benrtneo MAIL, REcEIPT (Doat€s/t/c tHtA y; rb hlp,t,,er€ @vwe P,ovLb.t)m --orru €rJ Lr) E Err)Em rurlEI n-. 06J8 Conned Fe€tlE 8etum 8.c6ipi F€€E {Endoemnl Bequicd) Beshcled Oelivsry Fee(EndoEem6nl R6quied) Total PGtag€ & Fa6s / cr' ts( $ r0,49$ tJ.30 t?. ?0 t0.00 6 16.4e For deltvery la*orma{on vlall our wrbdL et www.usps.com@ 6t- ./t\r^.J +r {b -fr ,' 1zr, r" J stb:;a'):in. S r:'b..csJ.. il-L-..v PS Form 3800, Auqusr 2006 Se€ Eeverse lo. lnslruclions YffiI{IIIH IS 01664 Certilied Mail Provides:r A mailing receiplr A unique idontifier for ygur mailpiecer A record of delivery kept by the Postal Seryice lor two years lmportant Reminaters: -1., r ,1 l i' r Certilied Mail may ONLY be combined wilh First,Class [,4aib or Priority Mailolr Certifigd Mail is nol available for any class of inlernational mail. r NO INSURANCE COVERAGE lS PROVIDED wiih Cerlilied lvlail. Forvaluables, please corlsider Insured orSeqislered Mail.r For an addilionallce. a Belurn Receipt may be teqJested lo provide prool ofdel.very To obtain Belurn Receipt servEe, please compere and atEch a Relum Rece,pl (PS form 3a11\ lo rhe arricle and add appiicibre poslage ro cover thefee. Endo.se ma lp'ece "Reiufl Receiol ReqLested'. To rece,ve a lee wa,verlora dupl,caie relurn recerpl. a USPSo po6rm6rk on your Cer'l ed ]\,4ail rece,pt istequred.r For an addrUonal .,€re, delvery may be reslncled to the addressee oraddressee's aulhoE2ed alenr. Advjge lh€ cle.k or marn the maitp ece w,h lhoendorsemenl' Re sl ricled De I ive ry" -r li a ooshark on lho Cerl,l ed [,4arl receiol rs desired. olease Dresent the adi-clear ihe posr oflice lo, posrrnrr\nq. tla poshark on the Certitied Maitreceipt,s not needed. delach a1d a{tr tabelw.lh poslaqe and mail, IMP0RTAtIT: Save lhis tecei0l and present il wheD making an inquiry. PS Fom 3800, August 20!6 (Eeverse) PSN 753&02-000-9047 I B. Received by ( Printed Name)+4/ SENOER: ooMPLETE THls sECTtoN I Complete items 1,2, and 3. Also complete item 4 it Restricted Dolivery ls desir€d.a Print your nams and address on the reverse so that wo can relurn the card to you.I Attach this card to tho back of the mailpiece, or on the rront if space permits. 1. Article Addrcssod to: C. Dat6 of Crelivery D. b ddtutry 6ddr6s diffursn tENn itern 1? E Yes ll YES, enter delivery acd€ss below: E No x trl Ag6nt El AddrBss€e PtP'?.^l 4ouL-l!,t.. q*6 LLtt 3. Sorvlc€ Typ6 Gl.€fifred Mall El Reglste.€d E R6tum Flscslpt for Merchar|dls€ O lnsuBd Mail tr C.O.D. 4. Reslricted DdivoM (Elra Fee)E Yes ;"3. Arttc!d!!'{!ba{d te ttansfet fion s€,yl@ &.IGI f$tri Ef:so oooa Bobl, s6hl ForFr?g;lttrbrqf Xfi 99n.r tr: fl fl l6tlc R€tum R€c€rpt t 02595-02-l\il-1 54O COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY dNrIED STATES PosrAL SERVToE ' Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box ' HAMLYN CONSULTING 690 Thousand Oaks Drive Brewster, MA 02631 ililil Firslclass Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 rl itilii'iiii,ii,iiitii,il11il,;ii,ii;riiiiiii,iiiii,li,iiii,!;iri COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DEL'VERYSENDER: COMPLETE THrs SEC7rO^, r C,omplete ltems 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 It Restricted Oelivery ls deslred.I Print your name and address on the reverse so thal we can rctum the card to you.r Attach this card to the back oI the mailpiece, or on tho frcnt il space permlts. 1. Articl6 Addressed to: Dat6 of Delivery address diffsEnt from item YES,delivery address bolowi E No 4. Restricted DellveM 6rha Fee)El Yes ?006 8150 UUES e0al 1t71 A. Signature E Agent E Addressee o.b It :\&.n \n Coxrg;\'r*']q d6Qo"d.oaks i< Qre.,-gIOa r HA 026 31 2. Artlclo Number (tdtsldlon s€'yk5 ld!€,l) 3. *vlc€ Type $Certinea Urll O E(Dr€ss Ma[p negisteEd E Rotum B@lpt ior M€rdlandb€ E lhs'rred Mail tr O.O.D. PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domostlc Retum Becelpt 8-twT 102595.02-M-1540 ]A - UNtrEo STATES PosrAL SERV|CE ' Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box ' YAmnmffinrclYarnuilrlmf So'rhYnutXA@tl 1ilil First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 ,i,i'il1li1i1iii11,i;i,,111l,fli1,llll11,lrl1f ,,111li,1;rlf i,,i,1 r Complete items 1,2, and 3. Also complete item 4 it Re6tricl€d Delivery ls desired.r Print your namg and addrBs on th6 reverse so that we can return the card to you.! Attach thls card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front i, space permits. 1. Article Addressed to:D. b deli[* addc dlfi€rsrt tdn ltrn 1? E Y€s n^V5tPi,r"lo"W".v "oot*" t"L" E No ,su .!. ,j tr Ao6nt E Addrcss€o c. oate ot oelivery l&- I \ e dt?,J tt"'*,"''" Assi,. I-c <8 Ct-V.ko.,se- LJ.ne r-/a-1b.^d .7YYqU Ot11b 3. S€.vb€ Typ6@furi6!t Mail tr RegbteGd E R€t m Rec€lpt fo{ Merchandise E lnsw€d Mail O C.O-D. 4. ResHctod D€liveq, (Exta Fee)E Yos 2. Artclo Number Oanstet tom *t\rb hbt ?01e 3D s0 0800 5 PS Form 381 1, Feoruarya.rw Oomostic Retum R$aibt q18 l03B 102595-O2.l,lr5r^ SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPL'fE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY _-1 UNIEo STATES PosrAL SERV|oE ililil First4lass Mail Postage & Fess Pald USPS P€mit No. G-10 ' Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box ' ilAitlt ti col{EULTtNGffD Thouaand Oaks DriveBlurbr; MA 02631 l,i,,lllhtllilt,r,lrlllt,lll,,,ll1llll'111,1111,,','l'l"lrrl,rr r Complet€ items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 it Rednded Oelivery ls deslred.! Print your nams and addr€ss on tho reverse so that we can retum the card to you.r Attach thls cad to tho back of the mailpiece, or on the tront if space pormits. 1. Article Addressed to €.n: t4 ;1e \1$ \,. 'rft,-il. t{'".J .)kr^,.'...4,6 o241 a-z)'12- 4. Restrlct6d Delivery? (E{ra Feo)E Yes x B, 2 El Aoent E AddrEs-see C. Date ol Dollvery D. ls d€livdy eddrEs dHe.vn fiofn lt€rn 1 ? EI Yas I YES, enter d€livery address bsiow: E No 3. S€rvico Typ€gd,ofi€d Mal tr R€glst€r€d Cl lnsuEd irail Mail tr Rem Recelpt tor Merchsndha tr c.o.D. SENDER: GoMPLETE THls sEcTloN COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY 2. Articlo Numb€r (fiamerfton sa,rtrr trlry) ?01,e lD50 n0DE 5'118 a5?D PS Form 381 1, February 2OO4 Dornestc Retum Rec€tpt lq2sss{e-r,}1s4o Uurreo Snre$ii$i[S]vrce "iri,f{.'i}A:i ?3 JLJN.14 ililil First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No, G-10 ' Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box ' Sfi:I"mt"-'"tlllfr,u&r, UA 02631 iili,t,litl,lllii,lihrt,ji,,i,i,i,il,l,iii,ii,iii,til,thi,t,lii bv( SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY r Complete items '1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 f Restricted Dellvery ls desi€d.r Print your name and address on the reverse so that w6 can return the cad to you.r Attach this card to the back ol the mallpl€ca, or on the lront if space pormfts. A Signature Agont E Addr€ssee C. Date of Deliv€ry 'I . Micle AddEss6d to: S o-,ulr.t-s ' 6t A.clo(r PJ. vJo (cs{{, g1 ob-1lb- L-ltb O. ls delivery difierern from lf YES, €ntar delivery address b€low: 3. SeMc€ Typ€ El-6ertified Malltr R6glst6r€d El Retum Rocelpt ror E lnsuEd Malt El c.o.D. Mechandis€ 4. R€strlcied DeliveM (Etla Fee)E Yes 1? E Y€s ENo 2. Artcle Numb€ ttansfet fton ?0],e l05D 0000 5q58 a18? PS Form 381 1 , February 2oo4 Domestic R6tum R€c€ipt 1 02595-02-l+1540 <. UNIED STATES PosrAL SERVToE . Sender: Please print your name, address, aod ZIP+4 in this box ' r{AuLYl{ cot{suLTit{G 690 Thousand Oaks Drive BnanEr, MA 026,31 ilill l Flrstclass Mail Postage & Fe€s Pald USPS P€rmit No. G-10 . -.. .. .. ... {A, 1lr;1lru1lllil;il;ll,lllpfl 'i.i,,1,,jiri1i1,;iiii1i1i'ii|,,,11i r Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 if Resticted Delivsry ls deslred.r P.lnt your namg and addEss on the r€verse so that we can retum the cad to you.I Attach this qad to th6 back of the mailpiece, or on the ftont if spac€ permits. 1. Articls Addressed to:C^aYP";lal /1 ?u-{"'.soNl b.-lce Je gG "*l---r*.-,!l' OZ-t-eu Y COMPLETA THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY c. D. b delivery addrass dlff€rEfit from 17 il YES, 6rt6r d€livery 6ddrE6s b€low:DNo 3. S€rvlce IYpe El.o€rufi€d Mail Mall El Reglst€rEd E Retum Rocslpl lor M€rchardis€ E lcsur€d Mall E C.O.D. 4. Restrlcted D€liveM (Eita Foe)E Yes 2. Arthb Numb€r- gnnstrtron s€,lc€ taO ?nIa 385B 00ED 5q16 ecl'l PS Form 3811, Feuruary zoo+Domestlc Retum Recolpt 10259t@-i/r-'t 540 SENDER: CoMPLETE TH,S SEcTtoN UNITED STATES PoSTAL SERVICE . Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box ' HATILYX COI{SULTI]{G 690 Thousand Oaks DriwEwEr. UA 92631 Flrst4lass Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Psrmlt No. G-10 1i jij'!! i! tj, ;i i,i.i, 1! " i i 1 i ii' t i t i : ! i, ; ;t y !t;iiitiil,llitiii! ililil x SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLE|E THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ! Complete items '1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 i, R€sfic'ted Deliwry is dssitBd.r Print )/our name and address on tie r9verse so that we can return the card to you.r Attach thls cad to thg back of the mailplece, or on the front it space permits. O. ls deliv6ry addrcss different lfYES, ont6r delivery 1',? 1- Atlcle Addrrss€d to: Ge -*t rl YKI-n n' d ^-1 -tr< - I z r /Yfa-6{ 1a t^l+r< -r ec' 3o .r{f, gc'-' *w.-r{l.''fA 'J 6yut,4 ?G 3. Servic€ Type fCertfied Mail E Exprcss E Reglst€rEd O Rotum Receipt lor Merchandise E lnsuled Mail El c.o.D. 4. Restfictod DeliveM (EYla Fee)E Yes 2, Articlo Number (raasletlom servlca ?E1a lE50 00u0 5q1B 3E0? , PS Form 381 1, February 2004 Domestlc Retum Roceipt r 02595{2-M-1540 Urreo Stnrrs PosrAL SERVTCE lililt Flrst-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G10 o Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box' HATILYII CONSULTI}'O 690 Thousand Oaks Drive Brarer, uA 02631 x j/E Ag6nt E Addr€ss€e B. Received by f Pr,irted Nalre, D. ls delivery addrBss difl€!€nt llom item 1? ll YES, enter delivery address below:trNo Ssvlql Typ6 E+&ffidMtdt tr ReglsB€d E lrEursd Mail tr Retum RGipr tor r,tercfiandbo tr c.o.D. 3. tr Mail SENDER: oOMPLETE THIS sECTtoN CAMPLZTE THIS SECTION ON OELIVEBY r Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restric'ted Delivery ls deslred.I Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you.r Attach this card to the back of the majlpiece, or on the iont it space permits. '1. Article Addr€ss€d to: ?1.r, cl ?r..retl ]:.0I rr-y L,11, \.1er.{ i>E' '\'s. f'4 Cl Z!'?o-Otr-76 4. Rest ict6d oeliv€Iy? (Edra Fe€)E Yes 5'.r18 lEel, n Rec€lpt 10259H2-l+15.1O I c. oatdot oetir/arv I b/z//ft UNIED STATES PoSTAL SERV|CE ililil First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permlt No. G-10 t ' Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box . IllttlYil coNsuLflNG E nJ I housand oaks Driver,tlFtsr MA 02631 fi il f i,i fl , n, ti llil il i y il tti, t,u,i il t t ii,, i,lt ltlt,i