HomeMy WebLinkAboutG-11-763 MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DO GASFITTING (Print or Type) G:I I /MIMI& ,Mass. Date 574' 20 f/ Permit 4.l( — 74, 3 Building Location �j y agog/ SI r Owner's Name /7k� �lly Owner Tel# Sob—NY-6611- Type of Occupancy Ado do,`` M New 0 Renovation 0 Replacement Plan Submitted: Yes lo No FI RES • e‘tt G / h F 4'10' w J w c4 y o En Q y 14F • 9 l CE. z o m ZQ °m v, n o 0 0 0 i- z W FZ-- z 0 64 N V O > a l- yk-,-, H till oCC— c a 3 0lo a ° a o >I. al 0.. --1Q4 FAT, o SUB-BSMT BASEMENT I 1ST FLOOR R E G I ' 2ND FLOOR _ 3RD FLOOR MA? 05 2011 . - 4'"FLOOR , .. - - - 5"FLOOR - , .. "' BUI-DING L EP. __ B.' • 7TH FLOOR - . r. 8'"Ft.00R • • -,R n Installing Company Name isry. 15 TWG -.- Check one: Certificate Addressall2 f'li1d—Tec/.' Oni/t - 7.(Corporation 1762. 0 War VOsempal, MA '02473 ❑Partnership • Business Telephone# 5-01?"—775-- 1303 ❑ Firm/Co. . Name of Licensed Plumber or Gas Fitter FRANK. W: Roder7CK - INSURANCE COVERAGE: I have a current liability Insurance policy or Its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL Ch.142. YesNo ❑ If you have ACecked •Les,please indicate the type coverage by checking the appropriate box. A liability Insurance policy 7(.. Other type of Indemnity 0! _Bond ❑ - OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not have the Insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Mass.General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. - Check one:' - . . -. Owner 0 Agent a Signature of Owner or Owner's Agent -. , - ,-'- -_. - - • --' ' I I hereby certify that all of the details and information I have submitted(or entered)in above application are true and accurate to the best of my i-- knowledge and that all plumbing work and Installations performed under the permit Issued for this application,will be in compliance with all I , .eL� rovisi.n• • 'e s- husetts'State Gad Code and Chapter 142 ofthe:GeneralL s.-'/I,,, r 1 ! 1 1 �I v ,! .Type ___I.,L Signature of Licensed Plumber or GaslFitter-. I I — BY i\ Yf1t� �ire�}� -I T e of License � I-.. 1 . Ln " W.--mat 'v,yy�; •.._ +- _. Title e ••G_as fitter 1 779„ -�' �nrMaster , License Number - - Cityrrown 1 • . Hyman _ • APPROVED(OFFICE SE ONLY)