HomeMy WebLinkAboutG-12-040 • .* a MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DO GASFITTING (Print or Type) f• .,-dr-----1 Yylf{f,/7 ffT'(l ,Mass. Date/7 7l 10 /./ Permit#GI2 -O'T'/ e _=- 13 • _ y • Building Location /7 72E1, Owner's Name ////e( ��C r tb-k*.. • Owner Teti/ 5-0S 70 d-57 Type of Occupancy 5y/ New 0 Renovation 0 Replacement Plan Submitted: Yes ❑ No 0FIXTURES / G ,(,\--0 I ILI ddiJflVflL ma co 0 . 0 U 85 > . 58o E SUB-BSMT C , BASEMENT 1^FLOOR I j Cv[1 V.1; {G •M 2ND FLOOR 3RD FLOOR II JU_ w 2 2011 4T"FLOOR 5T"FLOOR RI LONG )EF T 6T"FLOOR ,.•B• 7T"FLOOR , 8T"FLOOR ) Installing Company//o� Name E /'U//7s/L)/() Ju 71 Checkckone: Certificate Address 0 giFeg�OO (3€(sit / / ih poration 2261 CSi Y/�Lzfl;141/2 /f <? c;u/ CI Partnership Business Telephone# �!P �'f Y- �'"?/ 77/3 ,/, 0 Firm/Co. Name of Licensed Plumber or Gas Fitter v 71 ?fl/1_e/) g •1.A.117)51)1/_J INSURANCE CO RAGE: I have a erre lability insurance policy or Its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL Ch.142. Yes No o • If you have checked X22,please tate the type coverage by checking the appropriate box. A liability Insurance policy Other type of Indemnity o Bond 0 OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not have the Insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Mass.General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. Check o•-: Owe •ge• •, ' Signature of Owner or Owner's Agent I hereby certify that all of the details and information I have submitted(or entered)In --•ve applicati Ore tru: and a 'urate to - •;• of my knowledge and that all plumbing work and installations performed under the permit Issued o , "A. natio be compile th all ertinent provisions of the Massachusetts State Gas Code and Chapter 142 of the General Law By Type of License: •'Plumber ignature of L tensed Plumber or Gas Fitter Title •'Gas fitter � � ✓•fvlaster License Number City/Town •'Journeyman APPROVED(OFFICE USE ONLY)